Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Oct 1906, p. 1

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ý- andWAUKEGMNWEKY -SUN.___ vol. XV.. N'(). !. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, (>CT( >WR A12, 1¶lO&- sPagî's $1.50o PER. VEAR IN« ADVANCE.. NIAS VtRy- BLJSY DAY -Hie Ire sd IHeTend- deri, Reonsiraten AHOL;LD. KERP AWAY PRfOM JOHNtguIRo liicuiuse ire was tiuîsptiasi'd altihe' noti'e and vîtîgar exîrici-cstiîiîaccoin- panying an argumenut avir a seat lit s bita un the retor niritu-oui a bal gante,"(lti War Horse- Keisey." of Viaucanda. otirera-ise tilti Brinchton, aalidloto the cr'owd aboaut hiqi anti Janded four mentr lit e hospitai, a-hile ta-aothers are a-alkin.t aon crutchn-c. tRecently tire WaLucontia licuedicts piayedth ie Jîîinsburg base hall teanI. Joirnshburg ta somc-ewberu hî'ar Fox Lakq4 -A a-cik ago a mnîate a paunti et cfi1tir * eue in.i tunshîrg tna coulest wltir iwî others andtitieti. as a resuut. Thingai are aiway%.happenlng ln Johshi g '7 Dillked te Noise. Kelsey and the reat iif the Waut- ciîudans a-iracomîiri e i'W'aucia Benedicl' team "tgrted ironie afthr thte gante. I1hwaaslaie ttunday alter- Iaondt ail ai tire party are saidtu t bave feit jaytîd and et liea ith tire worîti. Titat lta ail i'xcept one, fis îîanîî tu a 'lter Waeiti anti he la accuiiii baviug tulen tire seat of ahi' Ray Kimberle'yi the bus tinta-as con- V veying lire hall playeme home. 'Te ta-t exciranged remarks ihat are said la have rîvaliedth ie Itallaji skies ln bluenuse andthie Ire ai the 'Oid Hase", arase. Be lis a famions hase bail player. but ire caui iandie bri itia u li ter waym, 100. The vulgar expressions tirai the otaier players iatted about. caught an tire 1, or muffeti. lu marne instances biut tire "Olti Ho&" home plate andi ir finally raded Inmb thre ntime gang. of .playere and ririppedth ie autfit, Itla sed. Four t e i. 4esptal. Tire Injureti men are: WALTEIR WAECLTI; ankie apraineti antd face suvura1 y eut. - 'MARTIN T MN@en sandi face pountidto a tuip. RAT KIMBERLCY: knocked out but Dowrecovereti. atili a bit lamne, but manages ta wlg- glu aiong. One titer mari te still lu buti. ahile enotirer lat uslng a pair ai ertitches a-iitt icir la aavigate lte mimets of Wanconda. Tire injureti men itadto tbirecarrieti home b>' an emergency corps. Ylhs otirere, wr itatiinot corne itir- tri tirerange ai thee llying lisefth i ie expert base bailiat.. fiedt hward Wau- cda pll menl and created a pente hy telllng how tirey irat met anti es- "tcapud an autfit of crcus wid animale. MORIE RAILROAD .DOPE GIVEN OUI Eliun Courieur Se* New Fields Openet-is of EspocialI nlerest 10 Mothodist so Paper Says. Saya tire Elgin Couier: Tire Icorpiorationuoi tire Nantir Shore & Western Aailwaa andtihie announcement tirati h ouit be a con-, necting ling letreen Ehgn anti Ev- austan Tutestia> praveti a surprise ta business men asti traction compan>' representatives. According to anc of the officiais of a local traction nom- pan>', tire projecieti roat ilti have fartirer reachiîîg effeta tran an>' ef- fort ln several years tn traction cir- chus. One of thte direct effenla ai tire praj- unt ta tire staientent matie ioda> tirai a spur ai tire Elgin, Joliet & Easertt Ue frant Spaulding ta virtually as- suret, andt ta stupa lnt iis directioni nîlI be akeit tefiaitel>' clbin a fer weeks. WilI Traverse New Field. Tire fine froun Evansion nil cross Banoyer, Sciraurnburg, Elk Grave, MaIne ant ilNles ta-nsips o!Cook count>'. Tiis a-i open up a terrîtr>' ireretafoce Inaccesible b>' rail. Noue ai tire aldermen an cii>' of- fiais is a-are o! an effort ai tire aur roati tq seenile entrace inte tWI to>' The>' daim tai no atvances have been mate foc terminal rigitis. A feature luteresting to Metitis direct communication traitirhe prai- ecut hune nIlfumnisir ta Desphalues, a-hure tire annual camp meeting la helti. Wltir tire a-itcrah lo! Elgini fram tire Rockfort district o! tire confer- ence, anti ils affliation a-itirte Jo- let district, tire camp meeting ai Ep- nortis Grove no longer te lu Elgin'e oul>dlylslon of tire conference. li le probable nontiraitirhe route nIll toucir Arlingtou Religirs b>' a spur, anti ir>' tetcing ait arcnia>' houcir ah Park Rige, Despaines anti Grdve Point. Entrance ho Elgin a-tII bu matie fro thtie east cloue ho rhuee tire propoet Chicago & Elgin hune nUll enther. May,. ha Doon teaEvautton. For terminai facîllties at Evaumbun it ta siateu tirat a long tîroiecteti city lhne. extendiuîg east and waest tirrougir that ctiy may ire utilizeti. This wuîuld give the neca company entranci' and exit on a toi] basis, witiraut the neces- siiy for a figitt for a frantchise for street priviiegp.s. 1 Anîther feaiîîre of the propaseti ,11,e wli ire th.ease a-th whIich WIau- kegsn and other nortir ahone îsut.t can lie reaciled. Corn Crop Sig One. Anîcrican farinera are- begnnitîg tire harveat of tire ,est cr>p oaicrn ever lirotilcet lu thiéiscoutntry. Fa- varable a-eatirer and generai conti geoas jîjai rtght for tire cr01> ln moat Sectionîs have been productive of a crop tirai lotir ta qîantittyandîl iaty iras never beion' been erlualeti. 0w- ig ta tire aiiundance af inhecornt thîts year any ai whlcit a-ulti aeem fit for gooti seeti, farinera ln general nmay be tnclined tea 6me a'cereles» rî'gardtng tire selection ai aeed corni tiari usuel. A great propiartion ot tria criiplt lte kint of corn tiraitiiuordtnary yeara woulti ir regardeti as good seed. but, tirt dues net leasen tire ada- tage ai Securing a better generai ciass of secd cocu tris y-ear-tiran Il iras t'vir belote been poasstble ta secuire. Sucir favorable oprtuuily te saccore a au- perler clansaof seed coca tile a-iote countcy avec iras seidoin hecu affeceti and Il aitouldi iretaken advantage ai anti the Seéd gtVen tire hI a f care tirat expenience and« the' science of iranditng seed crn have taugirt. Mare effort at educatng farmers ln, tire Kelecttng and irantuing ai seedi crn have been put forth tire Isat ta-o or tirree yeare tiran ever before lntritie histrry a! tire country, and tirere ta no teliing te just waa extent tite ce- néarkable crops ai tire last ta-a yeau-s have resulteti froint tis cami)ign af Beed caca educatlon. Crtain ill a tiraitirhe renlt iras beuit gresi; but tire a-rk iras only just been a-el started. Nature seents te have becît triful] sympatir>'a-t>tire effort tire lasnta-no years. and every advantage siroulti bu takeh of beur aid. for yeacs are coming a-heu conditions wIll bu les favorable. McdOMID GUS *UAIMUM FIN4E Man Arvested- t Diamoatd Lake for Crinme Agnifes Nature 'eOmofie Lîmit-Musl Pe>' Fine of 0200- Gene Wilmngton Free Once More. Eugetue Wlmingtou la a free matn again. He iras epent muaitofai itîmre tri >iiL turtng tire paît year, but ts unof reagaîn te do a-iai ire ciooses. Wilmington iras #een lu tire couuty joti for soute time untier a trauscripi fer lacoeaY, but tire grand jury faund It flot a true bill and ire a-astits- mtssed. . home lime before tire Marchr term of tire grand jury, Wlitngtanwasa arreeteti ou a charge ai ptty larceny. He a-as lu tire jai a long time irefore tire iermu and tire grand jucy faurdItil a true bil. He pleadeti gitt'belote Judge Donneily antisaa ie had serveti no long a urne anti as fie a-as oi gooti characier. ire aas sentenced oui>' onu day lu jai. Bie fauli a-as drink. Be canies of gooti famtly ai Graylake antila is th- ont cepcpacir except an very minre- quent drunka. niren ire steals whistky, notiring else. Be pramtsed Juîdge Donuely neyer te tauc i again anti a-as dtsmissed a-tI tire ligiri sentence. Some ttme ago ire aas acresieti for larcen>' and ireldti10tire grand jury. Hanever, thitje ti asa fundt iat Il aas netai atruc bmliianti ie la free. McDonald Feelingiesa. John McDonald, tire mari convicteti of s'aci a hetiaous crime et Dtamonti Lake nome tinte ago, Tirursday pleati guilty taelire charge before Judge Dounel>' anti aas ineti $200 and corn- mandedtetatire court>' jail untill t aas pald. The fine asa the maximou that could ire charget ln iis case. McDonalti, as ite stooti belore tire court, sitoaed noriasgne of cealtzlng tire extent oa ieiscrime, flac titt ie show any feeling a-heu iis sentence a-as surved. He a-allred irack ta bist seat anti started eiatttng as noiiring hati happeîued. He la a yaung felloa- and a-ould neai ie taken for one a-ir woîîld do tire crime ire tid. NEW NORTHWESTERN ORPOT. Tire Chicaga & Northwestern hras annonnced that At wiil erect a flua depot ln Cifcago fronti -ng- on M adîsfon B trdt tirat' will'excel ail otirer struc- tures of tire klnd. a TO SUBSCRIBER8. Subacribers wili teks notice i that this paper EVERY TOME It comaes la labeled with a YELLOW SLIP upon, the UPPER LEFT 1.HAN O, corner of thre FRONT PAGE. Thia yeilow label leaa STATEMENT 0F VOUR ACCOUNT and a g lance @~ tell you MOW VIfSTAN7 Thotevwho owe the INDEPEN- DENT for subscription Cen saaui[ figure out .JUST HOW THEY STAND. If you are flot peut ln edciace you May knowl tat PAYMENT 18 DUE. THIS, PAPIER la 81.50 pur yeae-uo EVERYBOOY. I __________ COMMENT,- ON =Rý1EING of YOUNG; Little Evidence for Grand jury Wan Nou-Isdictnent Min. carriage cf Justice TitSTIIIONY PRESENTEI> VFRT INCO->NlSSIENI rliiugh what MWaukugaii -1uftiie ai%(] iiffictals are distios3(ii.i -t lnag-machance of jukitice. iiln Young, of Aîtloch, was tast a-et freeti of the charge ofiiiuiir-dertng liisj soi], James Yoiung, andittîeurned iii iis haime a m'nflîtInocenîttri tire eyesc of the laa-.1' "VYi icn îpack u iiî owa- aIld"'Il ironie" salitSheriy Pua-i tI.entertîigJ tir e cli of the alipeî'îniîrderer Thursday imorning. 1i siauid have tii-ii ri-id long agi>." said tire maaîrtitsri. nifnifest- ing noa rarticutar jM-ai aî tihiiis frtedoin. Tireaire left. Daughter Saved Hîrn. The grand Jury fatiedti ti -lîrîa true bill againat Young ouu the mur-l der charge. Said States Attornev Fiannîsa hea he aas seen iater, 'Tire grand Jury a-as of tire opnion tluat ttîe P i-Lne irefore Iti aas neai aucir as ta warrant holding Young on tire charge ai mur- tien. l'ie case la endeti as fec as this grand jury hta cncerneti.". ht ta learneti,iroa-ener. that Yaiag's ti9ughter a-as tire means (iff rîeuing hmm. Wiinesses caile eta-ri' lie ta-o tiaugiriers. tire irreti mari. Otto Cal- las. ire acigirbar taea-hase hanse Young lied' ater tire killiuîg anti ite a-as captureti. ahase name ta Hunier. attendiag physiciansanadt apeciators. $tory' Told by Girl. Tire taugirier a-rose iustimonylire- fore tire grand jury tusaaid lx) have brougrt 'Youngiîsf reedoin toiti a star>' sait ta bu tiruecil>'contrar>' ta tirai riricirsiretold ai tire Iquesi, a-heu sire seemedtetabave turnuti against. thre nlimant. Tire killiuug of'irer brother James a-as an sirldent. sire tlId tire grand jury itu hem t«Uhmon>', It. Is uepoted. James. tire son, aseairont ta tike tire istier, sire la eprted' t19 have saId, and tire fatiter ras a-orkiýg ai a Cottoanul aitir a kie. Théi sou fuît againet thre fater sud the kaufe pene- trateai his vitale accitiuntally. sire la saidtet have laid tire grand jury. In tire Inquestit waas elateti ira Toung senior had throa-n tire kulfe ai tire prosib'ate formn of tire ded man. In the grand jury Mom, 1h le nild, tirai tire cut ou tireIlips of tire dead man a-as ascribudtiet a probable mre. Evidence Not Shown. AltitaughIt la alleged titat ment- bers of tire grand jury asketi for Constable Hoover, a-ira iad Toung ln charge, anti for varIons otiter rit- nesses - tiey ieumet Iimpoctant, ihcy wre not 'producuti, it lu satd. andthie knife useti lutire allegeti crime. la- getirer rt tiere mvolver tiraiTYoung ta eald ta have gonu for. atirougir lu tire roou, a-cru flot produceti on de- manti. h la etate. ta tire SUN. Taunga a-icoculdti ltteâiiiy by Ia-.i ht ta sald ttiofficece a-ho matie tire armesi a-ere net even suirpounauti. Jury Ha H Md Tîme. 1 The jury iratia tint eoft tcaa-n a-heu tire maiter ase put up ta 1h. Five votes, itLe saiti. aere taken.1 Tire firt one a-as 16 againsi anti 7 fom a trubil, andthie nexi four wree 17 againat anti 6 for a true btll. Tire majority a-on oui andtihie truc bill a-s nlt returneti. Court la Adjourned. Court iras ntiaurnedti tl later tai tire montir, rien tire trial season a-iIl open ln carneat. Jîttge Donnelly leit on ire 10:10. Bufore tire court affaira rere endeti. toa-ever, John MeDonalti, accuseti of a crime againat nature at DtamautiE lake. pluati guilty anti ecelveti a fine ai $200 anti coes, a-iicir ie muai payî bufore Mesese or satisfy tire court tirat ire eaunaitpay. Hugo Engle. af Libertyville. a-as gîven tirty tisys on a plea of guilty for pet>' laceuy. arina Docs Gooti Work. Forty-elgiri trime blls a-ece vai et ont of seventy-eigiri cases tirai came irefare tire grand jury anti ai ta-cve pisonoe ~ In the count>' 4allifvu aer-1n Indictuti anti seven freeti. Evituncu before Coroner Taylar, at tire inquesi avrec James Taung's bodiy, establihdiln tire publie mind tire gulIt ofni Wlliam Youing, fattien of tire Young man. At tirai unme ture scemeti no douhi but a crime had been committîeti. anti failuce ai tire gcanti jucy ta Iitc Toung in hart fac tire public ta un- derstand wben.evideace before tire coroner ta c naliereti . Tire SeN'iras a transcrîpi o! tirai evidence, anti lia âtory <of tire affatr as puiblisirdet itire trne- a-as iraseti upon tesiimony bu- fore tire coronem's jury. Different Before Grand Jury. Hqa-evem, uvitience aken buiomu tire côrouer caunnol bu useti lu'tire grand jury monin, and If if tnesaes a fea- montha ago teetifi 'Iiii u-ethiutîg audî hefare tire grand iii s' iiiither, il woîîtd account lii 'ra iih efior différence taln r iîîtfi ltIhe caser as between Il - in milntutic. Necessar>' Evidesce Presenteti. States Attornie' I tiilla lu rn-utc 1,, pîubtlicatton o! rm i litîii pifflsiines. sential ta tire cai-' irirui ,eii for' lu th'grand Jurym.'ui i il lit flot îup- I îear and tirai tire i?-'liiti theillii wasa no, tn eîei-.tti'iiî 't'uînStable 14o'. a%%,sn nhua 'lid foîr ang even if hi i raf fi-(il i te-siî mony a-as fna propoi oil l hi i-i. ilence. 1-te rssnotil, -h ill tting. hic î,nly fonction wras P nir-Yîîi î'ugta-o hours afterrarrt aind *,I iii iîitilîn adission of git<î'i' film l.îîIt dr e cliitances of titi' o> ' iîîa i-ver tld the jury ffi l c it-i îof thi' Iîoîsu a-hure it arii'l Nul a sn glp a-tnesa was Ccil- lm iiw% jiirî It Wal.s siwn the lliii,- Ic iîlililleittt the nman andi a-iy sciv t he tulle? Theit- aas no eiun ilr'iii"tit yVoilli irat a revolver a i uîîotf thi tilliîîg. AIl the evidence aitiismws î,î iucthati Youg iad.4 itr" i- e- ile of tire arreat, sud lii.i? cas înutlsî' Oficers a-ho made- the i-rresl ciii' not wilnesses of th e,îîî i lutlir tesimoriy tberefbr" î,l il>it pi ,'n't- cd ta tire grsàd lui'.1 -There would ili'fui s- tiî'i-îîa chance on eartir t Iiii l iîtîîî-à Petit jury with ell r tifine 11Me grand jury. Tire li.fitiic as estai1 ttsired and tire quùe-lui i can as tii a-hetirer malilius uîr iiriiteîilat. The jur-y decideti fronu 'i i' jr'iuî- It a-as acciduta' Evîdence Before Coroner. 0f course thereirilii'ni-iiî-fre thi-, grand Juryrnen wtt! hývfi e iciioc'i only ais individuel tetifi-s lltiil front time te thune. buit Ilal il c'ac at. ta gtiter different fniiiîî esinîouy tic fore the cofoee'sjîît c ishi- conclu.- sion of trois a-ho folloe iitlie case fclosesi. Tire SUNS bfîîufui eviieîîe befoce tire coroner aitIhe tiiuea-as qs follona: Wlfe's Testimon>'. Tire firsi nitnesc exanutuîet cas Mr$. Toung. She testtiedthtiitaie anti Mr. Toung were quarreling anti tirai her tatigitterad gooe la tire barn anti calleti the son, James. He came ta, tire irîuse andtihie fatir itat steppeàti oth ie porcci. Heasaketiatawaas tire matter ndu sire bold hm. Tiren ire stepput oit tire porcir anti tii lhs efather b iretit not wast hun la alk se ta lita motirer. Sire netuinnedti t fouae anti tidti ac ear chat tire>'sat4. Sire 55w Younig raiae iris irant i cth tire cocoanut andt irugirt ire hreelit. altirougir airetidti utsec hitn. Br sons llp asarcii.1 Sire tit i ot si-c-tire siabilng. W~heîî Toung came ulula house asi rtiedti l hoîdt tie tior suit but coulti fot. Ilather M'ehuiîlo t eiro n d ni a-hile titere tire suii came ta door andt sait, *'Oh, ma,lire cabitat me.' He badi is iruictiagainat iis tii-ash anti blooti aas riniîung tiaan iis face. Moirer saiti, Is t ipossible?" Juet then Younuig came tramt lieut- rout anti aie suif t.'Oh.- yauîiav-e stabiret hlm." 'u'iuiug tookthtirel'- volver he h d iilitirandtianti point- ing it at i ir"aiit. "You keeli st.' L.eavlng lire buie' aire foîîntili-r son lu tire orcluutuf anti ielpeti carry hlm It thie huiuse. Sire laci sa- Young gatng ni)ti h-rond. Mca. Young it-a teatifiedth iai Young mad ses c'u.îîtimes tirreatenicî tire boy, once f4) shoot hit. Daughter Emma Corroborates. Emmca Yoîug. ai dater "sf tire deait man, ras nexi xiiuînedi. Sire tett- bled thc saine asunmotter. -Snc'thie fatirer antiteul uuuurreliag ant sac faiher hraa- cou',uîztuîut ai sait. Bld ual sce latinstab hhlm. Huart father lu-il moirer la keep still. Dti noi spaîuîut tabrother alter ire a-as stflibe<i. Sire tati ieard ien inther say ire iait truck ber mother but dii flot ever ee hiî. Bati iearti hem ftier titreaten er brother a -a a od b>' brother tiat iis fathur tati cluicet hlm nith ir uici- iark ln Marcir. Had. seen father quacrel a-tir -mottier aud'son id tatiu. te utako 1 noiirer'a pari. Fuif ler- alnaye ttantè(t quarrels. 1i 81ater Olive Cafled Him. Olive Toung tesilieti that sire hati calleti hem bratirer anti that sire secri uirem querreliitg oiitire parci. Sire tilt not se tiresiuîhing. Hat heant fatirur tirreateu tol stat iber brother. Chtarles Harguodt a nigitior, testi- fied tirailte md ci-en James Young hytng In tie re- arn anti hat tels-j phonet for a don u. Mîreti Mans Testimon>'. Otto Gallas, 'tira iiret man, tien tesilfiet. He a-as utiitie ba riren Olive calheti hec bratirer. Ru stooti at 'tbarn tor anti waicied. Sa>' Youg uirrancocoanut ai ibIs -son. ý-duct'iue James stairbei. flan -(coutunueti (1) WALLIOP fOR THE BLIND PIIGS ,Many Bill" Huturne (à Againsi l<epers f-N u iuanceulu Lake Resort Region CAMi'AIGN WILL CLOSE ILACIS lFOR Aid. TINML Report ofi he' Grand Jury. Tii lthe tlonirabI hie(lanlînil. tfîîîu iictir ut saili t'iitîi 'Ve. the granid jiry. for lbc iiii ' teri tîe"hv î'eptîut 1110 u r fîfîîîuî thai a-e have cuiuieei ,înrf1 ulic, grand juror r hUt lreceni terni; tiraIa-e tiave f i r-citcal id-il' , ciii ses-cii arssanud tfei'ec'ih retuilmiiii tire court tiîrty-scviii i c iii ifti %Vvfurhrrpr htNehv urinel lwer tient jiai ii' uic i,, ils coniiitin anuuIt nqiii ni-lauic ii tir> treatîuuent iif tie re ilsiiuinrs. Vifitil tirati ire jail là; cleauî aînd wcc ii .îî-' for; 'that tierleoiÇîiiî'c iii ti 1h betii-tfiicari- anth tat nueco f ti- fiNs a-tth uetereîucr ta jaisandi ate-cf)' lirtaîliens are betng vt<lateîl 1 List of Indicîrnente. t'outeseilarbli'. îuîtîîîuic ig liiIuur.$200tbai Ottoî Muuîrtcke, mal niai tii i ai ifi:ii suicu. l,$21a) halal. . Mtrs. L. E. Pope,. uualutaiuiîg a uîîu- sanre. $200 blI. ('harles Vergan anid Michael Sftop- uîîga. tsu'ceny. $30o1 hall. .ohni Zelenki, iarceiî,. Johi Vat-ara. lancen% Stepheu Si th anti obrîint Miii'uiey Ohrglary, $1,10ihall. Steî,heu, 8 mith candiRobher t io- cane>'. $1,060 hlal., Josephr Martluiltîs. areiiy$2ýIui bail. George Dtelcîîs saitJohnîîPoellet tarceny, $201) bail. John Hart. cellinlîiq uor ta uuiou's. $200 batl. James Halîtin. matntatntîîg a uni-l sauce, $200 bail. Rtobert Boehintuatuîtaiîulîg a nuit sauce, $200 irai. Etirard Jones atllas Bd Jones. keeti- loîg open a tippling irouse on Sutnday, 1200 bail. George F. Conrati, keeplîîg s tlp- pltug irouse open on Sunta>', $200 bai. Frank McCabe, lareen>'. JonDeVine, selling liqîtar to mi- nore, $200 bail. . Albert tSmith.,keepl'ug open àa Up- Pllug irause on ttuntiay, $200 bail. Johnr Hart, heeping apen a iipîltngj house ou Sunda>', $200 bail. William J. Wulch, keeptng opeq a tippling houo' Sua>'. $200 irait. Frrank Weinnott, keepirig open a ttîîpling bouse on Sunda>'. $200 bail. Eda-ard Welcit, keepiug open a tlp pling brouse an Sunda>'. $200 bail,.p' Harry Dunnell, ntatntaialng a nul- sauce, $200hat. John Devine sud John Gocbirnger. keeplug open a. tiîîpliug bouse ai,1 Sunday. Etiaard W'elcir, keeping gamingt hause, $200 hall. John Flanuigan. keeping open titt pling itouse on Sabbatit. $200 bail. John Heury', maintaining a nuisance. $200 bail. Fred J. Deutsche, mahntaialng a nîul- calice. $200 bail. John McDonalti, a crinie agaluisi a cuItd. Pluati guitt> andti iseti $200 anti sent ta count>' jati uit] pati. Kajfper Mecger. assauli wlth intent la cape. $2,000 bail. John Zelinckt, lacceuy. mJohn Flantigaa, selling iltqion ti andi thha4 wa., th,- tact hpard of hec.1 ThereIs ca iii c1iiiwi i ciiiection with the ii.iîcs ii( Ou ii oiig wi'niaîi, wi ucc c riiwi-ight tii the ticore tiat ciii'han s iiirîî citicide. Whiii ,,: i Ijisjj c-a rtil)li tuis Countryî' fronii t , iiiîiiahi hoWtt a 4wî-ethticui iii hinci h., 'ialiiiiti- 'ouiîg nman haîlt uiiiiîii-i t liijiii 'hri lit Atiiira wlttii n n few wi-.-kc. On tact eatiii'day shi-ii-ilv-Ja h-lier fronti frieids Ilii Deiiiarik. mci g itiat f1w > îîîîg mi a li ta-l .ltii'iiii c ig thiiowîî front a Iorse. ~ Ail arr'aingments han lti' îîjît' tior tiî- ýoing tuait tii conteî- i)i liistli cait lui andî the girl were to have heen' iiiai'iieii iNiivi-ntiir.'lThe-girl lhait i)cî? i.ty for the pasi mauîth prebuar- ii î tihe, wediîg andl hal it iei- io go> to New' York ,to îuîeet hi-r nwî'i hi-art. Afier cli' ei-t soitt ihi- tettîr ;tc rail bel iarie the yoihîg worniai hati ni> rela tives of fîieîîds -Ili Kî'iîî, sha mr cilleis fil the uetghhorhiiod andu tie-r fri iî-ds lit Bristol can nttaîcouiiî fuor tirr iîited absence. ît vniÇar'e stiti ut li Btrisît huiîîs. erury effort is hutîîg uuaîfi, tit il sanie t sace of t he gin.,ý l'lt tiilli fairthie effort has hieu l.1 %ai)) BLACI<SMIIII IS PICKED UP. DEAD Faunti Calitin - Death in Weeds ait Rear Of Shop-Bruise Gave Raise 1 ta Cry of Murder-Was Heavy t Drin ker. Tireatore, otensylse Ted. Metager. a-as fautti deadtiutatire eetis backri:o iis bhackeiîith shop ai Nortir Chicago ai 8 Sautrday b tirtiree boys,..Gus- aie GeirI, Joe Flanagan anti Peterc Delatoski.à Youag Gehla-as tire firaitanfut tire brody anti ie calle the tire lter ta-oa-hot ai once noifiedthtie police. Tire ru- mains rere takun at once la tire Lac-d son & Coinrad morgue anti Coroner Taylor summoueti. Tire laqiunta-ii bu belit laie tris afiernoon or tis a.ev enlng anti a-lprobabl> restui lua verdict <of teath r ioutalCcdolmanti exposure, itla repofrteti. Métzgur kepta blacksmtth sirop ai State and Broadwray'antibatl a guner- aH>' goond ciraucter. aitirougir h ls snit tiraI ire trsk a bit. [ t le mupi> poseit tiraiirease irtoxicaiet aset algih anti aeuttbo sleep lu tire reet back o! tire sirop, nr tire ielt hune Yards, a-hure the wuede are hall. Be iras no, famly. A brother keep'el blacksntrirop111)ai Lake lForest. Vhtilents an lement o! mysiery ' tu tire case la tire tact tiraibite deati man irat a black eye. Tuals endsa suspicion o! ioul play ta, the case, but tire fouIl play' titon>' ta not generaîll'0 crediutut. f PURE !OOD LAWS AfrECT FARMERS To ShiP s Veai le Chicago Farmers n Must Gel Permit'From Washington- Proper Credenlial$, Necesaery or Shipmenî a-oill be Refsesd. mrineW$20dai. JsWtaaniPî Agents et' various shlpplug. polis K Aiiavhchu,ma a niah st8chiefl'n soiur te go CAUCS DrA-H rau, keeping atiptpltng irouse open onitl' it ta general>' underatot, uti- Suîtiy, $200 bail. tiouîbtetily a-aîk a irartsirip ta -man>' Eighteen Yser Olti Millirurai Boyî li' AJhui Batletè andtiBernu ait ight, farmm'ers- Tire goverumuént lu uts cent. juacet Thraee .eeks Ago. Succumbe Sunday; $200 bail. pahgn' forhure iîtats iras ln hlistn- t uisMnnii sDirect Eda-artiHuowanti, taiutainiig a litl- billity taý inspeci aIlil tcats .sitippeti Cause. calice,' $200 bail. framntirhe varions tto'naantis af amali 'B1anc>' Denen. matntatntuîg a nlt- stations t rcougiraut tire counrt>' de- ktcked ii tire huati a manti ago b>' alice, $200 bail. iea ehd4 acnth h-ahosStraCrsinJ.CW Tireotiote Olsen. nîaiîttnuuîg a nul-vsenmeia tlaigtrap-aoreStud>ChîlnJ.hl- tance.,$200 bail, puresttpon their hanar. tiausan, ai Milîburi, DLI. aget 18. tiet E. E. Sumniers, msiîîtatiig a nu A n tire tuture riren a farmer airipe as tire resuli oi menlngitis iolowtii satne, $200 bail. a caîf ire tuet shosw a piermit frolh on thre injun>'. Fecti Schulîtz, mnlîutaiuîing a îîîuî- tire govecnmunt alhoa-iîg hlm ta make Ciriattanaon lîvetia-it ils bt'other. sance, $200 bail. sîuni shipaient. To overcome tire oti- Cirnis Cirristianson ai' Mihîburu and - ReiniroldtiMuencit, naintatutng s jectionit a hnr ouît nenampan>' lte orked as a sertc tirut mai. Ou Iha nutisance, $200 bail. ticînys iradtihe fariner ta get a speclal 121h ai Septemirer irea-as ktcked by a- Geo. Jackson anti William Jackson,. permît for each atiîpment, tire scireme matidenett animai antis teep moud utalntalaing a nuisance. $200 hall. fagnrlpri a enpr nlce vrbseetesuiblS eo. Koutir, mai'ntaining a nuinsance, a ees eni rsbef e-tf0tt vcirseetr kl ea- $200 bath. - fecteai. fractured ti e tirephiung a-s"ae.- E. Hiosiciter, nîahatatiig a nul.uî-Before acerercan ahtp ire muai q6sar>'. -pume 4 20 bail. secure train Wasinugtonu. s.certltlcate -ÎA Oleago aurgean,-performee-ttwg-- Hugo Bugle, harceny>, piead gulil>'oa! cilîmi'it. Tisrltîimit la bintiiug operatioui oi renon-tng tire bite <if 1k. anti senteuceti to 3t0, daysalut couttt>sad befane it catttbc obtaluedth ie lrlieu 'skîull tirai presset agalost tire ~lail and.- ta pay casta o! p1oceedtng. farmer muait lrarnisth iat ire nilI nat boys brain anti untili latel> tire pitie.t Josepîh Hîken. ascauli ritir deathy stithi meat ofa! y> kind, eittier alite ar titi ruhI, reapau. tiressedti tira i iseaseti tutan>' a-a>'. Tao or tirre ays mWo meulrgltio Tislappaîîîîhea il sorts aifnueai, iii- set in andtihie boy ras dooneuiHMe Girl May Be Suicide, chîuttug catile. aireep, sa-tue ami goaia. aied Saturtia>' momnhng. '.Tire rerile Efforts are beiig nmade t int cd ore as a-eh as poultry, o! tire jury sumimoned b>' 0neoige. tiace of Amnelta Jencen,. ia Datîlir girl Onîce a permît tais siieti no otirer Taylor a-as teabir resnlUing frousa, 19 3-ars ot age. a-o iredaaipeared niet tic securet fan a terir ofo! ne kick of a torse Sepeutber12. yîar, but farmera fmuai accure tire Ahttire Laren & Conrat roome, %li- fain the tarit of Bristol on ]Ist S'u11- îpermit~ befoce tire>'arata-loeti ap- urtia> evening, tire verdict on 00 day andtihie frlties ioftire girl feai meut, Express ageuts anti agents ai deati o!flire laie Les MetqWev OW that sireiras commîîhted suicide. Tire aipplutg; points are bld responsiblu tuirtir !alowlng on alcoholism uMd ëft- young woman rati come ta tris court- anti muet refuse -ta, take shlpments Voilure.. -Tire tead -11%Ws t tu-y frant Denmark huas thîaî a rmlpirth ram tirasurira are uot armedti hiwaère present to'recilujm tire ago anti iati been inaklag hec home the signet gavernment stamp. Cou- One ra(ti not »wentire b1eehoëM a-til a Dardait faml>' acar tire village pons.are furniaheti anti onu tara iroa, siyears. One bira 11 hî.kI o! Brieton. On lest Sundgy evenlng tire purmit a-lji accompan>' eacir amp- ai Lake Noret eMd tb*q: tire girl ieft tire bouse, statlng tirat ment ta showtiraitirhe agent iras ru- 1uuss ip Chiiru., 1Iw i4 sire ras gotng to citrcir lu Bristol celvetilit upon tire propur condtioas. tirheialns. SAY QUAYVIE PAID EOR i;ecfé'tàrv af Refîîrni Leaigue i.1 ' To kti u', Ith.edhioney te o litivte Liqotor CARRY THE **LOADel IN lt riulht to detect sin b canaing aioer c'te smin inthe dicoîvery? .Thot ta the quiestion that lthe grand jury nien and rnany of their triendo ln whom they-are aiteged ta hïave con- fiîied are askig. There is aat oId caytuîg that two wrongs do neot make a right and the Jury men are wondering if it dose neot appuîilu iithe cases of tire indiet- Cetstaagainst.niaof the cýounty 'liquor dealers. They do nlot defend those indlcted,, I t th. do say tiiat tire evldenoe xatInÏXim Was'colleeted in l.a Way that miakes li-.imoet as bout as thre offeuse af those indicted. Their stand cornes tram the in- vestigations of the jury when eÈcam, ining several student detectives of Nortiwestern tiiverèiîy Who, Itlel claimed, stated tbat Bev. Thonffl Quayle. of the North Shore law and' Order League, itad petdt them te drInk ln slonns that evidence migbt be securedegainst them. 0f courst It a-as tln order te suppiy evidence that~ would stop the sale, but la l rigirt, many are saytng, ta have boys under age. actually drink 'liquor tpeat. they may supply evidence' Ditrlng the session of tire grand jury the followtng questions are Mid* on good authorty ta have been acked one of the student detectives by a grand iurymq: "Bld Yeu do this work and coilect titi evidence?" "Yes," 'the Yaung man replied, "I. did.1" "'Weil, la tis ail you do?" "No, 1 arn a atudent at Northwent- uru Milttary Academy."- "WhY dld rou do tht.?'" *"I wa pad for It.1" "Who polo you?", "Wity, Mr. Quayle pald me. J sup- pose lit ras iismoney.11 "Bld you drink ln ai] tiress pillce. actually recelve litnoir and driuk il-' "Yes."1 "'Who Dait'for the drinks?" ,,.Mr. Quayle gave me thre nwny." "Well,»" nid thre luryman, "aji 1 coan say le You muet have been druak." ýWell, 1 could carry. it.", said thre Young mari. Thre conversation leaked out afte the Jury bitddimbauded andi ha. êLuied'muct taik. People have nmn> ofi thern ieeN dumbiounded by th facto that have ireen ibrouilât tllUot and rnany ofthem condeu m everaiy the way the evidence ras gathe'ed., They say it la rrong te menti youa mnen fito saloons and aveu IlS>' tireîn te drink, peritaps lue3tililug the taitte In them, and havlng theru drink un much that tbey remarked, l'Wall. 1' qouid' carry lt." Tirey are asklng, «Ilu il net a8smUn- fui ta get thre evidence ln tble ray as, It.i ta ts el the tiquor?-

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