and AUKEGÂ ý&N WýfflKCL Y SU -VOL.XV. NO. 8. LIBEETYVLLE, LAKE, COLTNTY, -ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, O.CTOBER 18, 1908-10 Pages $1.~0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. - F- ort' Sheis'au OB1cer'Allegro dhaàmotalActa on Part of Wtfe sud beeStalera liEN ÂXE NAMED AS CO-BRSON DENT A coucerted attempt vas madee lu Chicago sud Wauitegan asot voek te hush the scandais that bave greaul out of the marital troubles ot the tvo Shannon sistens. eue the divoncod vile of Samuel W. Allen, former board of traIe braiter. vIs a igbtiug for the Posession ot ber 12-yearoud son, sud the ater lb. vite cf Mai. L, P. Davisou, . U. .A.. ietired. Wbo hmBlied s ui t ton divorce agaiîîst ber The cross bil l ied by mai. avison egUInst bis vIf. ls the c4use of tise et- Iort ai ecrecy lu Waukegan. lu il temajor, Ieeldes uauslug George 8. licReynolde, attacka bis vîtes Ivo dimtIloneeof vbem la 3rs. Allen. éallogg that bis llighland Park hou of, vas.mae s rendezvoua for theus sud their men fiends vhile ho vas n the Philippine Ilanads. and that tise1 earastalug there vas the shame of the1 vilage. 130y Sat Saci tol Toven Hii. le Juîdgo Gbbons, court, Iu Chicago, yesterday, ail evideuce agalut Nrg. Allen vas-ruiedoan sd the question ofu whether the boy. Angus. should go back tut he l'avenHill schaol ln Hill- aid1e, Wis., train vhich ho had bocu va. DIeveli by bis tather. vas settled at- lmrmatively by the court. The boy vs. sent bockitot the achoci. Judge 01i> bons coostrulug tbe atien of Ibe hcY's tatien as. an attaci oun te achool. vbici ta .conductei by two atera o! Jenlclu Loyd Jones, pastor of Ail Boule, church. Allen'. attorneys retallated hy fil log notic, of aa appoal snd a Ntrie palou" ambeasfor l.soie c1.&o et the01115 laiter the «r, aull*g s tb. reamn.lîrs. Ales relatione yl John Roberts, the veaitby pack- e!, sud hon action.s wi other mou. The boy vas lakenon ltathe judgo'm chaMbenu sud s.ked about thse letton he bai vrtten tu hie father cancan- IMg abuged Immoral thingo that had comte obs notice lu the scheol. He misi ho bai vnlttee ItL -Do yau vant tu live witb your moàther?" Jutige Gibbons asked thse boy. "No,' asaer Angus. hauging is bead. "I think aise oly wants me la malte trouble for my tather. "Dure sobelova you?" "Yes. I suppose ebe does. But If the loved me much. why sould she nen avay tram father" ,Wby did yaur mothon rnisavay?- * asked the judge. "Ib dan't ituovw,"said the boy. -Thene w as no trouble until M. Itobets came. lie spoued il Il.'» Thé bearlng lu Iis caae viii ho continued Iis usorning. Refereuce le made lu Mai. David- non, cross blîl-ta hs ie îes istens ln tis vay: e t"Carolyn Dairlaau bas tva sutera sud my bouses t Higisland Park aud Fort Sheridan bave been madle ren- dezvoua for tbom aud other vousen ansd their mou triends. DrlukIng par- ties sud carousala have bon, houlu the preoeuce o! the children. ' One o! the sîsters bas&itept compauy vlIb a maniod mmn sud ber tather sud mther bave condoued it.Timian keope an establisitment ln Chicago whvero ilum is ltorfilves vitIs ber fat- or sud mothen sud la supported by this min. Thbs married min speedi - -- Uee or four nîgitea a eeb aI Ibis ssten'm hous Ieavlng bisaove vite and cildra aà horn.", Agalut bis vIte Uic major oays: Caralyn Davîson bas boon guilty cf.habItual drueonnesa for a long lima pat- "n the menth et Octer, '904, ai Hghand Park, sud et divers limes pier to taI date slle bad Imprapet relations vith ne. George 8. Mcfoy node. r 'e Jue, 1903,- sitovsm fonud vlh an anmy eflicer, wboseo amo la un- knovn. sud on Ibhis occasion 1h07 via- Itod 1ev dive.sud l'orta le the city of Chicago, aesees thebe rosorts bo 1«e ianoterions Pfnlbrgdouce ball on Tety.ecnd tt-cet. "lCas-lyo, Davison bommadhosdiOeff to the excessive use o f ltozlcatieg Il r: quere, and hegan ber othor practicea ummedlately aller. my dsparture ter thc faret a u1900. sud abo soqored such a talle for shxr>ag drink that t kopt on haàd le thé houa e in gi Uand Park 1Ilre quanlies etf vine and lUquire, sud wvusaocutoed to use tisento 0au excessive doge.,not cuir, et home but le the cty.- "She freqilontly moent the cblldre, te the drug store ln Hghland Park to purchale whisky, sud permitted moul te visît ber vbiie 1 vas absent. The actaeoft iezesmen vîtIs my vite vero shameful sud dlsgraeeful, sud maeY coemlitted ln the presence of the chu- dren. A smart set, whlch sho gath- ered at the bouse, lidilged ln fre- quant ,nlgbt drinking carousals, sud *be bocame me accustemosi te the use of lntoxicating liquors that ehe con- stantly. bail a stale 'whisky breatb.' '«le May or Jue. 1902, Carolyn De- vison, at the boune lu Fort Sheridan. danced on a table, holding ber skiris abeve ber kuees." Mai. Davison ls seeking only theg custody et hlm four cilidren. ln thei bill vblcb Mns. Brau lied against 1 hlm Wh aleged cruelty. drunkennesl and gambing. I The Davlson case viiili e til-ed lu November unIes. there are further ' dlays.e Rev. p ariaoe viii Aid Citizen&- te Organize Law and Order Leaguer Independent of Lake ShoroOrgani- zation-luitial Meeting viii ho Nesi Saiurday.m A couI im out for the .citizenu. oai itrield to, galber ut the l're@byteniaii q-hurt-l t that pisee ta organizo a l.Aw and Order Longue for the -îrrertion of aileged vice ssid to ibauriali uuhauopered in that illage. Rev. Parb me, the parsan wba dui tiiielgm t Higiiwood, togeilier with ltevr .%A.A. Planeiusîlle. ofai Hgiîwad, viii asidrees the meting. Tiie mee ting le tu ho uext Saturday nigbt, Oct. 20 ai 8i o1ceocla p. m. The calil ruesta al auxiounsfor good citzoushiî* ui Ef their fe-ilow men ta lhe primsent. CHKIAffO AUTOIST TAKfI PV ARDN W. P. Pélbm, of (ak Park. vltb a party of automobiliste learned ta bhis sorraw Bonday that tbe coutry jus- tics bnow ne fesa' of the men wbo rush tbolr benk vagous tbrougb the country highvays and byvays sud dis- obey the rural lava. He also learned that there , l such a thlng as a lav governlng buntlug vithout a lceuse- Relylng upou the.speed of is msa- chine te bear hlm tu safety ho abat: anLkllled. lit la alieged, a gray aquir- roi on the baubs of Grass Laike. Ho was 'thon about t fiee bsck ta hlm Chicago haunts. But Gaine Wardeu Biugham gui, vise sud haled hlm be- fore Justice Fitch. af Grayalake. and betore Ile. knew vhat the fusa vas ail about toond immelt fined $25 sud oste sud the squlrrel cofscsted. Ho lett shartiy ater for Chicaga ta thIuk tbe, matter aver sud phiioso- phito on the tharny îalways af the uuwary. ENDL!ESS. PRAYER LETTERS RECCIVED Many Libertyvilie People Recipients of Anonymous Missives Contaiuiug s Wriiieu Prayer-Are Told'te Con- tinue Chaiu on Pain et corne Dead -Misfortune-Wonk of Fanatic. Lîbertyville postal officials are lu- vestbgatiug the eudless prayer sys- temnthat han peuetrated ail of the vil. lages sud cities ofIlîlinois, Including Wbaskegas. L4bertyviîle people eue day 18st vook caied aI thoîr local pool offlice to fid lbIters le tnge. bsudvrltlug sud ce opeelng thea ound them te coetaie su eccentric prayer. a nsqueolt titýt tley write ulue duplicatos sud mail thein, a promise of groat joy sud a Ibroat cf dire hanse. The prayor la as. felovu: plore Thee'; oh, Etorusi Go&. ta bave mercy on aIl MinulUd. Keop us train sin tbrough they preclous blood sud taite us te ho vitb Titre eternAibY. Amen."1 This prayer vas sent by Biebop Lawrence, recommeudiug I:tot be re- vvitte and sent ta nine dîffreet pen- sons. R Ho w ii l aay lvlI ho a*bcted by sous., Mifortone. One pence vho paid no attention te t met vils a dreadtul accident. Ho vho yull rewrite tiis prayer for nlue daysansumod *ý te nine persona, comincil gon the day Iis le vs- iceivod sud seedlug eely eue a day, vibi on or aller te pleUi day expert- Oiece a great Jcy. At ,eruaalem. dur. 1Ing the lioly Feast. t va., ald, "H.e vba vibI rewrite thus prayer vilI ho dellvot'ed tram 0ail =aIlty."' Pli» do net break Uic chaln. LIVED IN LAKE COUNTY 66 VEARS James Gallagiser Paeses Away on Farm Where Me vas Bor-Pareuts Were Eariieei of Setters-Faihen of Tweive Chidreuï. Jamses Gallagber, vlio resîdefliou the- homestead ou vhlcbhoievas born, uorîhvest of the Five Points, noar Norh Chicago, <bed at 6 Saturday mornng October 13. M. Galaghor vas 66 yoars nid sud vas born ou the farin lu1 1849, mAking l bis litelong iplace ot nreidLiuce. The tuerai vas. beid at10 oclacit Monday moruing tram the North Chicago church. Tise ]ate Mr. Galagber beaves a vite and tveive children, ton boys and tva girls. TIIREATENS SUIT l'OR 816G-DAMAGES Jamee Liwler Arrested For Larceuy May Turu Tables on Atorney Who Svore eut Warrant-"y& ho viii as. 010,000 for Fas. Imprisoumout. Attorney R. W. Churchill, eof!Graes- Isker, sud Gog--Hende.- lt-clienlet the sane place, are thrsatnod wvtU sui fer $10»~0 for taisle imprisoumieet ansi detama3icn et characten, tbo ye- suit ta a sesattoual suit er sme preperty vhicb James IUtwller, vho hrbegm the suftfis sald te have taken. Hile arrest vas ce the charge o! lar- eey ce a warrant svorn eut by At- toýruey Churchillî. Ilvas lb. .outCome of an sttempt on the part ot Hedee, it Je clalesi. te- collect veuit for bis teri oprated the pat season by Lit viler. Hendee clama mnouey due hlm for faim relit. To sScurse bieho vied on godsansd obsîtela oft Livler, servtng a dîstresa warrant. Itlai cbarged that aftto Ibis lvilfer re- moed certain gonds. Ignoring the warrant. >1 t vas because oethbis refusaI te roclognise the varrant I asene tbat suother chastglng hlm vitb th more serouu offenue wvss avreout. 'Ibe teatter vae brought beore Jus- tics Fi tScb of Grayslake, recentiy but on a change of venue ait the ire. *quest of twller, Attorney Leopold SâItoll, for the. detendant. arguefi the caebdoro Justice Moore, an Avoli fss-mer-Justico. htkr. ltwiier was, exonerated in the oye. ofthte 1&w. The decision wap the resuit of & techlnicaiitY iu part. it beiug. cialflod Ilat the first warrant wvs mprfferly imade 'mit aud that it uained ut vbich wa onOt due. It wau ch&rWelby the detendant's at- torney thgt; Churchili and Hendee had not cempiiefi vith the lav lu other minor detalle. TII R GETS 1 <STIRRfD", Independent Did the Job- Wauconda's "Somn&mbulist' Octs Shock on Findimg Semething Oping in the Comnwnitr-Wili the Awakening Corne? SWAYER IS TIE lO Gazette Pittuadere Avoasnd Ilu Valu Effort* to square liendea buai ai. LOONS LInE 'TUBECRY OP TUB DROWNING MAN. The editor la lu receipt of a haif dozen replies lu anaver tg the article lu SaturdayA*lghts Gazette. and re- terrlug ta the Swayer-H-indee ilit- irai conteat. Not havlng space ta pub- llah each Individuel effort vo glean frem the combination sîîch para- graphs as aeem te us mast Pertlueîît, the tollowing article belng the rtsut: The Gazette again salled forth lu its issue of Saturday evenlug vlth se ho. joi 0tn,l * i.Y ttisle ire nu.-ws becuse ho viii agalu give the votera ïsuatehosi righttfrouî iti,-n is notw-' itit: kiéde visether or net ho or is <opliet- tot ia hsing or-r till.d tthet. a-t I nt, Abert 1L. Heidee. shah ho the that it vs. lç-.1 Iir îth or Aîe next catinty dent, a question vblch Leader beig Pvou-,-d rtîi itI4 l..larzr'- they han alneady deefaed aI the pnb- possit>ly saine qIî l, r Iiiîl-dit tD int ti- maries on Augusî the fauntb by uoanly tailt future kit i ,.iîîî,l-Il kj( anti 200, majavity. The ratera vent forth "'gosh" orsëometIîîtîe e- r ceai ali ai;l on that. day determiued tu rout tram nuîgbty tu, mnie . ---t this office thia mais lendee snd bal ______ _____ I Ieir success not lW4il folîed by a Get your cards îuinted by the IN- $60.000 carruPt pnlnsary la, , hich DEPENDENT. no one questions, not evon Mn. Heu- des, nar bis organ thie Gazette, la the case. It voîîid nat hav.. heen noces- iary for James L Swayer ta again an- Over te thse demandaofotan infuriated people lu ail sections af the caunty to aliov thein the priliege' ta decide this question and at the saie neiem and lu the same voice couvey ta Ibis expensive body at Sîsringiield boy great la their dlsapprovai of tbis measure. The blstory of Ibis la. le famillisr SocIety Cbrged Witb Rua- nlng a »Ar Witha.z the NeccearyLcee EVIDBNCB TAKEN WARRANT FOR BROWN Horace E. Wells, fonmerly of Ivan- hoc, MI., sud R. H. $tripe, ot Wauke- gan, vIli vithin a veek avear out warranta againet'-Jamés Brown. of. Libertyvîlle, allegoj ta have been the lceper of tb.. bar t Libertyvilie dur- iîîg the field useot cauductod by en- clety peopsle Saturday at the mlle 'trirci and ta issue subpoenas agaiust every man kuavu ta have taiton a drink athIle bar,,on tihe day mon- 'tioned. Messrs. Stnîpo sud %%elle »rougist thé mater to thse attention S> tate's Attorney Hanua sud Asisaist Slite's Ataorney Mihior today anîd the war- rants viii follov vithin thse week. The change la titat champagne ansd ther Ilquars ve-*e sld under the grand stand <uring the fieid day. Thse tva reformera, wha are lra- etding Ini*a fearicas amti iiidiaý' couraged usanisen, are acting, Inde- peudeutly of lise Lakte CauntY Law sud Onder League aîîd derlare their intention af prasecutiug every of- fender higis or iov. Tisewarannt aganst Jamnes Brao, of lilbertyvilie. aliegod ta have rn the liquor concession ai the Liberty- vile mile track for the benoît 0of the ,charity field meet lat Saturday, waa senved Tuesday and Brown vas btaught ta Waul.egau la face tIhe charge ot Illegal sale aof lntoxicatiug Ilquors. lu a briet Interview recontly R. H. Strlpe, who la headlug the new aud mson aggresve refarinmaya.e stated 1ha1 whilo the Lakte County Lav sud Order League vaaonet directly con- nectoed vltb the proet iove, be vas asaMnrofet be baelting ot tise Lague. North *hoôrs MM * tMhlago sacioty people who taok champagne, cock- taill ansd nsixed' drinks lu the buffet alloged te bave hoon operated by Brown under the mile tract grand stand yl ho subpaenaed as vituosues *and hîI hob compeliod tq Appear lu court lu testlmany. It la believed that this viii have a healthful prevontivo Influence. James Brown la a saloonkeepor lu Uhoertyville and a popular msn bu the village. Hua arrest la a surprise. 1 That "For Good of the Party ""Plea. jConstent witis a achemne iaugurated te divert iu every way possible tise tcreasiug Republican support which le being pi#dged te James t., Svayer, direct piussry RepublIcmu candidate fur couuty cierkth ie Gazette, Mn.,i4eudee'e organ, arrauged vils a Waukegaii attorney te writeoau article te sepear f1ia in thse Antiocis Noe and in tarp bc "cliitped" by thse Gazette snd proseutod its readrsa se tise opniou of the Atioch editon. Itlei thus suppomod to carr additkeeaslforce, iu tisat if publiised asetihe Gezette edltcr'm effort. 'tvouid adm.ttediy availlittl1e or uoihiug lu Mn. Hendee'e Interest. Thse artiele iin question apposned as par arraugemeut lu Saturdsy ulit'. azette. coupcuoueiy preminout sud properly embeliihed vith haavy hdlinese. THE ARGUMENT. Tise Washington *tract attorney preperi hie opy canot uiiy, ofetiug a "for lhe good of the psnty"l, in@ et argument snd eonteAaé Iug. lu short: Nous other thon GovennorDucan la te biame for tise "reitten- neoothtie primàýy law,t sud tisaI men nov supportiug M. Svsyer are knowu admire* tftise goveruor. houce te bismne for lise ad- mittediy unjuet conditions visicis gave te Mn. Mondes tise conven- tion nominationi. Second. Tisot party loyelty sud plincipIesor&anaacriliced by thone Repubiicans wvio, support Mn . Ivayen. - Tise wrlter sise pro- poudesa question: "Wisat la Mn. Swayen's piattonnfill"Thot letise crux ofthtie visle article, tisougis cieveniy Intenvoven vil atire polnted Govennon Denoen'a vay. REPUDiATES DENEEN. SUPPORT. We takeit lMn. Hendee lia* repudlated tise support o! tise very coneiderable numbe rat original sud prenant day Deneen meu lu hie camp. and as M. Svayer, tisougis net s "*Deneen man" can net figure whene tise governoe rfiends are not vortisy and desirable, tisough i dîlering vilShisin luopinion asebetveen leadere of tiese tate Repubitan onganîzation, ise can but vlew witis satiefa<(lcn tise astute Mr. l-endeels lateat move. MR. SWAYER'S PLATFORM. First. Mr. Swayen la most itereated lu tise enactusent ot ieg- llaton whicli vili pnocure ton tise votera direct primany chisc of candidates. and visicis accounts ton tise isemdlg, Direct Pnlmary Re- publican. unden wiich iie narre yul appean ou tise ballot te be voted Novemben 6. He is THE DIRECT PRIMARV CHOICE OF THE REPUS- LICANS 0F LAKE COUNTY, defeatiug Mr. Mendee fairly sud by s declded majoity. Tisat la granted even by tise. Meudee men.- We wiii grant. M. Meudes le lu ne wayto blame for tise incongruitles ef a primary 15v visicis deteated the direct primary on people& nominee and made hlm thes convention nominee, but is ha any thse botter Aepulican lu couequence on Mn. Swaeontisele«s? la tiere à panly principie tisaI le net as weli senved by tise election of one ne tise otiser, unle il bce Issaue Mn. Svayen moka psrmouut lu Lakte couuty et tiis time, by hie candidacy-direct primary chisc ot candidates., To ditingulai s a between Republican candidates, one tise peo- pie's, tise othen lhe delegate cisece, by soutiug "boiter", le an lu- suit to tise intelligeuce-cf Republicana. Mn.-eudoea long tenure of office eccouutod fer bi* defeat et lise pimarlea. and lise advsntage isa galned under e freàk prlmany law sud thicis isehimuseit condamue, resultiug lu hie appaqilngase lise egular pary neminee, lu ne ¶et streugfhone hie position vilS Intelligent sud dieceruinq Republicane. REPU19LICANS SUPPORT SWAYER.- Amoug tise hureda of Republicene aupporliug Mr. Sweyen, are mon viso have fer ysemr beon promînout lu tise Party coummis, mom- ber of thtie Repubican Central CommIttao, officec Isodens vhoeé Re- publicanieni neyer has been quetlonod, mou vils minde efthtio owu anud wvio coueid5'-l>Ma t--f-upportlInq Ut. ayen r yaebm-ae lng lise parlys intorm" They argue tise chisofema i- jorlty of tise votoft of tise Party as demoustrated et Use prlmarlee and la more entitied te. lis upport than la Mr. Mondes. Tisey ap- prociale tise principi. iuvoived and lit vsa at tselinsolicitation Mn. Swéyen cooeutte1 continue lu tise contaet aftunwlnnuinut the primeriez and Mr. Heudéea' nomination lu tise convention.. lusl about lise mut forfiible expression of disapproval efthtie nov pimsry lew oudemded by &Il factions cf thit Party would bo thie electien ofthtie candidat. chosen by tise people and wisomm ex- pneseed wiilva. defested by tlsq "Joker" appounied te tise mmoue at lime of Its pamago visicis provided fon convention nominat Ions. A vote tor Mr. Svsyen viii ho an expression agaluat bSeiumm, trickery.nyudMaiupulation by msachino politicies. one glaAfu at la ombarmingly apparent lu ail this argument. Tise veéy provision lu the primary lav muet coudemned aud reapen- cible for Ite undaeirabiiity, lB TiHE ONE WMICM SAVED MR. MENDIE. Ail smendmeutm uggeted conlemplata doing avsy vls conventions aud elopplin# et lise primarlou. Tist a .tise emedy M. Hoendee,@ evu f iendm euggsel, aud yet vlth.tisat rui~e. ppilg MR. SWAYER l8 UNQUESTIONABLY TiHE ONLV NOMINE0F HIS PARTY. i . 1 ýý '. ý ý ;r ý 1 ýi -1 f . wbich waa' repealed called the prima- ries for April 4 andi contaiued a clause which e;pllciti3t stLd when any can- didate recelved 'aibaority of, the votes asat at the ssld primarY election that this decision- should be i fnal sud the candidate receiving saine bo the nomiuee of the party be vas chosen from. aud wouid not necessitate hi$ going before the convention. This vas practicaliy wbat the voter@ of this country detuandesi sud which laid finaiiy heen accornpilshed. but lu -the traiug of thi.s s-called new iav long atter this caxupaigu vas ln prog- reas tIis very important 1A eliimnated sûr, the innocent-'vôters were again thrown tupon the uîercy of thte conventions ta barter sud trade svay their uîajority selections. Nov, becaus.. there l onue. who with the people wax tailed by this body and thlis saad new law aud dares to come forward sud aller himself up te yen. the votera of the caunty, vo eau not help but feel that cle l doing hi. duty. This so-called unuigued article whicli appeared ln the Gazette on Saturday Pvepiug aud which. like ail other artilces that have appeared there relative te Iis Svayer sud Hendee coutraversy that aiways ap- pear, not mind you as comiug tram the Gazette, but wliat 9omêbody eise sald, vaEF full of misleading quota- tiens tramn atart ta finish. The liesding alone wouid Indicate Ihat the vriter had no right vhatever ta even malte mention of his naine when lie asl<s vhat the platform of James L, ivayer really la. **Does he (Continues on page 4> Dr. and Mrs. Hackiey viho hav Sean Wedded Five and Fifty Famiiy reunion in Cebratlon of Even--Chiidren and Orandchildren vers proeut. Dr. and Mr@. L. E. Hackiey, oi Liberty- ville, on 'Tuesday ai this week celebrstesi their tfity ltth weddiug auniveraary at their homie on Schooi treet. The evejnt wa@ in tihe nature af a family reunion tht-jr tour ehîldren sud seven grand- ehildreu beiug proseut. Oa.e @ou, E. C. Bnckley, je a jeweler an West Lake street: Chicaga; suother M. T. Hackiey, i@ a druggist iu Ibat city while a third, W. L. flackiey bas been a druggit i Liberty villefor severai yearm. 4lue .iuughiter, mies bila Hackiey, lires St hoiëe At the time of their marriage. Dr. aud .Mrs. Hackley taak their wedding trip over the aid .Mivaukoe-Waukesha lino tram Waukesli5 ta Miwaukee, St that time Il being the only the stal e of Wisconsin. PrOm the pioneer days untli ho retired. Dr. Hsckley practlsod lu Kenosha. where he had a veli estabiished drug busi- nress. DOWW CONVEYS DtDS TO tIAT!LY Raeiver Now Fuiiy iu Charge of Zion Affaire-Formai Traneferrala are ai Last Made-Grauger toc la Out. Late Isat Friday deeds vere flied couveying ail of Zion Clty's effeets to Receivor John C. Hately nt Chicago, acording to an order lesued out of Judge Kenosaw M. Landis' Chicago court lu Beptember. The deesis are dated lu September. One coeveys ail of the Zion.prop- erty froin Dowie ta Hately sud the o& or ffom-'i&ngër-to $IV5ly Al viii ho recalled. convoyanco vas made by Voliva to Oranger sud the chain ls nov couipleted secording ta the court order. Receiver Hately ie nov the most important mai lunZMon snd lu view of recent developmeets oseeas deterinin- ed te open Zion il( the vorld and free it frm~ the tyrannie oigarcby that bas prevaliesi for almost a decade. Thu>mnove churches are permltted outrance sud even foreigu businessea not before creditesi wlth ZMon are lu opera5to. . The most startling report of receet das la that Evangelint Parhami le ralslng money for a tabernacle vblcb ho yull be permltted te builfi. The tvo deods flIed! peclfy no amount. but an bofore loft 811 th* property, movablo and laImovabie. In Micn Cty. You vaut te try or vant eolumna. BLAZE NT LAKE BLUM)'i Four flouses end lmi*anetu" le Cinde:r au Reenit ef thse Mystergona lire NEIGMBORIf4G TOWNÎ GIVE ASSISTANCB' Lake Bluff was Frld y thrtud- with. nnthilatlon by fine Preetd only by a voary amali vol.- unteer fine department, 1% found tuait ln à holilemecondition u Lke Bluff, Laité Foet, Waulupub' snd Norths Chicage fire dopemeqm fougist thse fous wlth thse ameitae*: of Lake Foreet Coilege studentw. ,Six buildings worm dà*lseyed and the. tom viii agrogate 120A000whtle- oue Man, 8. A. West, Msy lue, hi* ~t.p8~~-'t tysestusoriginutartli go,# the kitclien of- Bluff Lèdgm, ±1he..ofý botel lu the village of LaIte Blqff~, gained sird b esdvay aver thé voien-- teer lire departinnt of the village thia moruing that the village vas threat- enesi vith total destruction. Building that burnesi vore:- BLUFF ILODGE; a anhtl o eue by S. A. West; a total bs; valued et, 18,00; covered by lnutrauce. EMIL NELSON; resideuce, qvalued. at' $2 '000. THI(EE HO USES Ôvuod by Dr, Parithorsansd valoed -kt $6,600. Stanted lu Kitcesu The ire is supposed te bave startdý lu the kitchen or Bluff Lodge. vbems the coek vas frYieg doogbnnts. It is, suppomesi that the bot grosse lnt sud startesi the tire that ceesumed the, bostelry. In a short turne the botel vos.a mass of roarlng flame tram vbicb ltç few gueulea ad the oveers. Mr. u Mrm West, rusbod vitb criem of asm. Mr. West. vîtneoes s51mb. inohffeS ce rusbleg back loto the 1ho1W 1-l, remue possible valuablea. MM vM' had great dbffculty le boci* ba bsck sudwvs. et lest abflgod to luS dim ont of thse buralng biNIe, vblch vas resdy te topple hâte, Hie ucaminluo 0 tUO flaine lhllpoeêbd4 10 a ngbr'1.0 ~1 Witbers. of Lao e Mur, J*~S Ho ceuld not bh o nn vbe reporter called and bis codlpfl stated te b. serions but rdt cri~~ The laine. vere cmuktd the three Psgk.ormtbaums enthe Nelumsboume by sapru la"d $paru if daine frot hebuthai.- Only the fuMnture v otosmoe fron &Dy of le b.laes, lte voietut aire departeSot finding Ilseif unabl to copo vtth tb. conlagration, iwb"o had tbe village terrorisat tlte pros pect ot being vtped off the naap. Iu the Parkbuat bouses lived the familles of Louis Mllér; M. tavmr0& the city marabal. snd M. Morris, steward et the Onvenela Club ai Labo Forent. The village seau called fer a8881* auce frein surreunding taves and among others Waukogsu sud LA»* Forest respoeded. Waukegsns departinont bai lest roamhed the outrance te the village: vheu it- vas inet sud turned hac bY Mayor Ôullock. It 4as muid; on th* grounds that uotbing could lit doue.. Tweuty-livo Lakte Forest sludentP came ram the college te aid -tu.** tire lightîng. Thoy wve tneteeede. The houss, aIL of vblch wegf bureed te thoir fouedations, are vWU- ln a radius oft tree or four bundred fooet f te.otel. Waukegau peoplo nated vltb Par- tuhoratian a pillar of anioke th;t heufg lu the sky ta the sostb. belveen 14 oclock sud néon Ibis MOrnîns.t arase train the smoking ruina cf 90 lire. The geueral outianateof e Uip"' placed It a£ 117,0M, for the OM sot coveresi by lesurmisce. A bouse tvo blocks avaY tr0ou lii ruins caugbt dire tram the quart but oxtiuguisbod afttr groat damago »A boon doue to Uic motf. t 110109 habited by a fam17iysinué WiIM*K1 Correoted kt" Table A Partialye orel table cet t loosses as. ileve: Bluff Lodge botei sud cat. ...$4,4 Thmeccottages .............'4 Total .................... AIl o! the buildingS vds 19111t ail veros nrrO1utWe IMmtM' boel vas burned but ý «* 1.1 tram thc prlv*MdwgUgl Theve vedX, nolung lie mcorchod but netfhasXia rec. ae LsgmCul off Aes adIr"adlinbee ovp ersme& kg e c# frclgb trist Goi v s es ui M man, ll tas to esveM u*S ýn ý àl' 1 = $1.50 PER YEAR IX ADVANM '