Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Oct 1906, p. 5

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Thé appetite getii frisky and the.ques- tion of eating i. one whlch demandà attentIoi". If your foodl§tUif are bought at the TRMGS MARKET tbe inner wat I peadlh~ mot wlio1euoKPé and'nouriahing of foods. S PROPRi~tffl LIBERTYVILLE r8ýkRKBT and GROCERY prCm-Sthe uhoeeUysnve _Wiiicbever you pr. AndrewIus LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. A Sewing Machine La a holisehold lecesitY. We se"11t'le N!W ROYAL hall beariîîg four antd six drawer machines. WV aistu handie the QUIEEN maîîufacturediby the New Royal Coampany. Our [irites on al - machines are RIGIIT and range~ fromi $ 14.75 cîp. Let uB sllow yots wlat iîaduîe.îîîerts we eau offer. SMITH, & DAVIS TIBA AND COFFEE LEADERS LIb9rtYvIlle, MI. on Là 18 6 4 6 î à4 é éa Ci mav.d to Lake eanntY tu the. apin O B. C. yoag aMdl fauily aremaiolng Tis ils uai 1U swthaut mail from ali.sdlie titis week btiith Keru buse on Fini tii--esai ayV Wdnesday owiug ta aine ebidren, six bos and tisa'. girl.. @tiet..the. wreck et Morton Grove whielà fully six of wbom are .1111 living. Tii.. are Miàs Vela Shepherd. of Berlin, Wl.., blocked the lrau on the. main fine. Th@s Thoana J. aud Engama, af Waukegasa; bas beau vlstiug tiie pagt w.ek et th, evenîug mail Wastlie tiret one ubrougb. Mrs. J. Allison, of Leiistion; William W. lîleFbsIle. sg ud[etGla ~The.diacontlane of anotiier train liq;and Mrq. W. D.'-Griffith, oa i lpel, mnnouu8010111d by-ae officiai.(i0 bI ot, "Fan h ivéo h eÇb Çicg.vsîdt. Ieonfamilles Miwaukee & St. Paul mraod.TeBII omsteaBd FtaComptonLee.. on ii ber. overSunday ~train wblebhaves for Chicago at 7».26 ihaeeaatomtLscuny 11ev Burh, wo wa pasar i Li er-dlly «DI mai su alter Moaday net and i, Bealde. bis wile and pelerai grand- tyville ait the I. E. churil »orne tone "0trinleavlu Chicago ai 5:10 and cbldren a brother hanl Uic,. Biterl years ago, dled lent lu Clilarnia. rmblng UhesrtyviIlieait 6.,04 will maite survive hlm., iteleet trip 8aturdaé Mr».Adamn 'it.. reeutiy underweni iie put on fagaî n lutiie prau3g acrding Be rstired frotte bie occupation of au opeailon in t*9. lrelbyteriaii tu the plain, of the aompany. farmiug in 1905 removing to Librtt-. dapt nCi cagoandle epote. tio Ms. (Jblds aof Wiluette wili bo at tbe villelotirnes pent hie declnlugdy. don iéybv odce.o j rul home 0oa ssGertrude LAVcock on Park Re vrais a klnd and lovlflg Md.~ Ifou av re ties a e r ftroed puneve7mauda. aflernoouw* -efatiser, a gond nelghbor. bonorsd eail se.wlek's one tblrd off of regular picplslehiapin 4-2 etdbyalub asuiun for tua usoks more. - --- disal Wedn.sday Ot. 17 et 10 o'cloiê JL.ugeof MUlUbutu, ban noved speefallMate. .Tii. fanerai won beld Uaturday *t i.b ýtiuagiehouasosaDlvl.ion atreet. Beiswick's .Çastacli. and eyegias io'ciock fr0.» tbe latshe la.,of ti "M.dass nd lvilat lhh bis fainily. seul be. cottîie for ibenexi two ueka 4deceeased. Bonis] vas lu the Dimo*i P mae h. lutai hom lu$>.is Lake oem.téry. Mn. L. B. Haaby sud MW. Editis Warren are delagattea for the. local ebapter of tbe Kaeru Star tu the soiouuon Kellusy. tblirty-oscond &ausai convamioun luPro- Solomon KeIlLey; wbo died Tueed4y gr«s. tuis wesk at Springfield. Abot niglit Oetober 16 at flas homeu in " 1.00 eluâts reetthemetig.villaige, vas bhnotu iOsago county, N. ~ b Hi Lusk ha. been laid op for severalOn beg#gllà ici rlyo laay2,125fecuewete da lwthia spraianed rnb. Hi vuent oui O. tlaIofreulr rMswtayadJsfiaand l25 185. l e cae ineLt l o tb e bock porelato get1tthe marning fier.FEvery dyeeî 4desass1'Badey e2is.l sttedluLae supply of milk sud lippeid dasu ithe tiirdlaya. I ouutirwbere lbe ha. ever @Ince made lie stops. HlidI goilug tu suesar off ou falli ---houte aud fiae oentered bis intieret. in the. future. Hunters In.vade 'County lOu Jeanu"r 16, 1865 be vas united lu * lalph Siutherlaud, of Walltreet, Coli., Squlrrela are runerous thiai vear marringe tu Helen A. Monroe sebo, died nephew -cf Mv. George Vowler. viitici an over Laklcea -an' d the huniersDe2, 85langmwbochd ut the Volerhome laat wefk. iluring his visi t th#;viaiity lhe un. marrled Lirehauglug ave' al theu i rom every a daughter, Mn.. Chais. McC<ruicksho *tu Milas Upton. of Chicago.,lMr. Sutlin.--Bheltered spot. 's tilt here la finie asemrred aud remoyed ta loua land li. known hbte.and aibPalsatnecordug ta the g. aie Iowa.h idsotta en g evu whale cbas relatives. No large hagm a nereprtd eas hubd aad aivoe ulrmaou. ain Lhrtyillelidild haves baud suda due perhaptuthe -fort that ton many good ou.too. That w, bave the nuncieus are huting. eva-ra, tree aheltering al He wus uîarried,$o. L@ A Tlasyer (>1 u agauas u o tht kud esa eanvihi agunatîoue kud. Febuary 20, 1874, sud tu this union no ilo<waîltait wekEat the. republican rslly Huuoiers by the score are comntig ldren wer. hum. H. e wââloft siola. i uen a haf s dozen of the, local boys out tram Ciicago and fram ta- north in bis old age by tiae death of hi, vite fauidhel taie moie for the. occasion. rdatMtht 93 iW]y eau But smne one boost s ltti.? ahane tavus ta get thelr gaine buggs hidi.orcarre a ar 03 Ibtlefilled in Laske courity and' the repart.;lin. Kelsey was brougi ap ou afati The. lleldday helld ait tilae Lirtyv i a that auythlug from'abine Jay up'and contiuued tu foiiow ibis gecupatioti T 1rotting ÂAssociatlain track- recentl.y at')84ine h am aLietail Inetted $2,500O for carsit)y acrrdiug ta pays the penalty. ý ni 84we ocm oLbryil tilt- repart of theii.oaiiitees wbic hal Musbroanis are .ceivlig mach at-I ta, Jassi tihe remainder ai hi@ dey. lu thei otincatl baud Titis fl alal tu go ta- tention. Parties couic onatt ram Chi-'quiet. lia- asa nuo!greatitegrity, 1wards a fond for the. building oais honme caga via the Chicago & Milwaukee croc ta lhie faia-ud.. the. possessor of a for pour eclllavea. Electrlc Ratlroad f'ouiîanY'5 laonthbut of eairgy aand a nelgiahor W-ho as lant fo*~t the irat ai the tjvîtl north car sud canmp at Tracadeli. ever reualy toaldi~ hi. fellose man li lime Latagui. lecture acourse etertaiumet. whi-h aria-re on neat Mondavy Otc. 2j. JunctIan, in Lake Bluffutil moro-(of trouble. Solouion Keloey va. s mn ficktsiîal ot sesson Ing, sleeping lu ch.eastation autil dasen aang meu. Tii. funeral was Friday ut tcesud get yaîav a.atsreserved. Tii. vie» tey salît forth wlth their bas- 10:30 fronas the late home vitin iterment tounse tits yeav give promite ai belug kets. unuully well atteuaded. "ea on sale at Masr1ai rcepiny uer uthe. Avon ceuaeter3-. Chiag - apr.Satavdsy [Boru, ous about Lake Bluff. severki famoas Card of Thanlis. gave a9gti la i nji. uSbeds belug lu tise iclity. and In some W. wiah ta iiauk osa' ileudli sud gavreetriwa -ek uCagi iti manuer this bas been tlpped off ta choir for tbeir kindne.. shawun aslduriug totes ine ai Arma Nagel, Liberty- tise Chicagoass ho range the = fa îts lcn. sddsi iar eoe v-i. MrNagel Walalsalai tu bave b0eu territory betweecn Lakt, Bluff aud the. Ibusband ditier. eut and bruised bu aesd hea. Deaplalues river near Ilbertivlfl, Ms t.DvstAi AiL. __ H e w. remaved ta the. home ai a f rien a ttualsm fth iintLcd i injurles tnut beiug serionsaenougb gatu rl a mI te wot s fnet us- A Cari of Thasake. F neaesitaàt ILI@bOin1g taLken to a bosapital. corm u ard.. *Tise acident oacunre i a-, aouth loîind Noutha shore resialents ai thie atita. We wsi.btauaiuI u rinahe. G Lincoln avenue c*r. cratie elemeut don bigla hup botssuaneasd ail seho aslted afr0 bi C. W. TayllatIit wa-.k nîtase a desi saterProat m the li. ides luoar reint t eaitrube * hici bas basin under wsy for @omne tinae cool of tise dasen m" for the musis-tbetbaJlaar.TjuFii. slebby fhle1urhased a gracery tore tornof ! heir native hestis.- luEllutBir g mmditbcarge. Hi. Later lu the day. near unon. partie- Notice of Private Baie. suai daughter, Ethel, are ulauly on SundayU, th$ Chicaga muais- Seing about tg remove frram Lberty- already lu Elgin audMmK. Tavlaîr a-i ilfettled.. Taylor anda fanily have their ny backitu th ie dCiy eth bas- iios oirt .Park avenue au Friday fau4 - lived inLihertyville frrtue pst twelve kets laden heavlii. octv,20 n te chais ,yeare sud hare 'anY f' riendsa%%-ho ill 2_tables,_____________ *regret thoir departure. Jr.r*ure, 2 raga. sideboar4 hbok- D.H .îaîant haerrdeutint. Offile. ëëaýil" range, kilibt~e teiis and *Fred Jocehheini. aur hasitliaag baker. over pa.ttaath.c. Ubertsville. Phoe 91 aia*-of ter articles. W-ho liselnîlenys îrovelî- ituaaali alite ta 50-t! Mius. C. W. T.a'*aauac. opportruties vii open a restaurant luintr eaaunectaisa vthlo is bakery on Mogday NOTICE nt wiib Chef Thaodar tiraupt. lcrîi- îaett5yodnewoapers Ordinance No. 182 formerly liaad chef ini Berliti aud Paris for saa- aut 1 l- l iU TOffice a-hua-b An Ordlaneaaa-pjpruving the plut ai hoeteirieselichage M. Jochlta-illu aud cauî la- uc- 1 fi)r uug etca. Johbu Woolritlga's subdiavision oaipari aI Chefi (roiliaît proualsea- is e ila-tofii lot ourteau of Sch-ool Trustem nuis- caokiuganud nervices aind andotiatte(IIlYdivision ai se-titan qixtee inlutowsnhip ,the restaurant a ll ba- a treduit ta tiie l-~ ortY-taur aurth ratage eleven aast oi tiie village. Sîjea-al arrantgemientis vt-li lie thirai prinvipl m aeridiau. matde tai serve aitar dances sud pariesi. When aaammunicabialg wiih he , Siut. 1. lB it ordaiued bythe Pnaiident recutx ldg-tbse-a-aI INDEPENDENT aailfflimes BE audJBlaof iTrustees oi the Village Traiuaen have ipetvlde eea VERV CAREFUL ta se. tisaI ofi4brivvjlle titat John Woolridga's a.aaip~laintt agaist tatory peopale uud yu AEAD AOES sbivso en ato o oren t >thers tvlîthave gatten lutot ththabit yu A N DRS saaiianbigapr i o are aifvulkitîg dosneni railroad frona t e appeari plainly upan lise com- suhatal trustaý-es subadivisions af section de-;ot .Ai Italîsu sa fae daym ugo wss.munication. A number of urnes sixceen, townshaip fort.y-iour Barth, .im-k las a freigbt car uuakiag a fllyiag recently caquesis fr change,&f raauga ela-ven amt ai the thiral principal avit-It kuatîetiaddress and even REMIT- meidiausutctrbed a. follow8: lBegiu- wthandikd dowu larel.y estal- TANCES have carne ta tiis 'niug aitue point ai intersection aof the it aitb lis flue. Tire. tiaates, tte brake.- ffie unsigned. Always gave I eaaterly hua- atf 2ad Street and tie aasuaeay -vilan a sor tita ttetlite former address uhen askiug tai narthêrly in. f aitsîd lot 14 wieih hcbeti farceal ta puat ouathte Itutabrukea on s44 etoqel ln h ta, kil-pfraitiruaaing tîtwn igirls a-lia have four addraschsngedi. poita t 947 -t erof lot12oftatici a-,en. a-akiug oaathtIrack ti fassît -s ert- flt1 isi their setrk. ibis leaa trelese ha bit antid X -lTraes tîbliaofi tec Rhold e I lmheter o g a outherly alog the eastenîx fie litile fartiner atati lac .,i tan tatall t tet604fett h otel t-hantesa- thuî s sase t efaw mainutespnoperty line aitheChliaago. Niilvauked- walk. (i~ijjjj 1H[IIIL k81.l'tul railraat, raîaniug choe clîarismminu eaterly, soutiacrly-tinal eaoterlv altirai The situa- iver1 ueaal-r tii. tusaieatcst of flII îi-, :iL saai property liait-ofaitha-e hcgt tlal utsdy igh ho ths ernioncta ae Cta tt e reste e c Mlwankee & St. Paul railroad t)ai fatlaesal ligsaht a ab odmi eta SeTete I ultan Çu. point ilu asitiliupna- u tar eaaidegrea-. isaidtîite unique lu itsaarrangemeut. It CisarlesA.Takaca, Manager; 206l1fist fron tt-e utrthwuet corner ait wansgiven before 5a -lt)»dedciipatîaend - lo__ti l lait-It17, 1'. 1Frank NNriglt. taid wass aievesfroaat avrY s-atipdatiut. ~itiig heaaee tacrtîs -es The lroîram couisted tftte reliroalue- S URAOTBI th astaogiicut-î liifal-yta tlan of fauioug paiuttis tlivingfilgaîreos sald haE 2th 1= 1--ltîsk 17, a-tl. 3115 -f aetta1it aartray.ýiuag tua-varlouslitai-tg. Youtng jIENRV WODRULJ!F 1eautherl.y nighc-ef-wav hie oa il t-,.ataiti [saies touk th lnatot idauale a-hile l ,a a hoe agi aivci(- t ch.eaakraadvs îPatadl iaae, un ivliroual, rasnîg tlaeaaî-tiirtli Ovt-r tu-as hund etia-tiiaiiaatiwaas "BROWN OF UÀRVARD a-emterly saug taidaauptherha riglat-uf- used iluthia- a-tanud tilta- bîiakgrasutida VIway in.etticthé-atrt h a-niafita areetuit vlir-h sitva-l emnsda-ti il etis avare Ou iginial C(u't sud pro dutctioanut lo t» fourteen, raaaniuag tua-uta-a- aasterly - i,.- awark ait JohnauCnakar. A muut i diret frotarecard-breakuigriasit-'ais jung tii, nortîtfilleaif sali]lait fiaittaeu - jargrtu a-cîaapaia- cte1aaarita aal Na'wVatr, otleicgai. ta ibs lsa-. utfIagianiig, .tai-ptingr a aery a.ajoysale evettiug a-as iiaetitii, Pr*ia ee%. :.,,,:)0, 75j 1.(X) aiat-0u tberefnaîuucertainaic-s mti auircis mîuari%,-haattemdl. Th Ii. aly tina-- tiseavan deaiiguateai as aitt haittg laît-ldedi bac-k ta cihe ntentainaaa-ustwaxs.the-lack Sc V d1f9D Zth l ativiu 1n ailthli- plat i t lti-i-tf Ilue asaing fshaiow-of!ili size and Frank Sardam and Walter Liuday- Sue. 2. Tiie Pna-sialtaaitofth.- Villaîge m .t i i l'wai-ahtt- esnsgeceinati-a fa Libertyville and tlis Village . tlerk tif - the rogam. ineent he eailn'agros Pmniii.i .al ad village are liiara-lay directeil tai digit tue pograti. of.niugthe approval snd u-ae. uaaaaa- al it A M U C M N SM ABEL J S . plat tereonat nsd a ulix tul.i-village e ul i ANNIJNCE ENTSBARRISON and H WAR tieretea. ,,,,,aday morotAl at thse Metaudist IN ' i Suc. 3. Thec at-eptaii,a utI tpprovul i charcLaJ.. Ire vieb.a short serinu ubv 'of asialplat a- lu no visy toaffect tiit> i tise poster (in lntercestrn, Payr." The District Leader 1 rigbte f ai salvillage acquit-etItuder s The servit-e viiir iiipu musca paynciuaeddedfrothohyWluedg -administration ai the LordtsSu9usr.A nli-aag hsii mscltlimarnydedIox IbiWull nF.sron a! 7:80 vii bhoeutiV a-liha ?maon aud selle of the village ai Lihertyville, The ertidated Seprember 22ai. 1905 aud -' Tise Great HighsesY." Epvantb' Book atîuuala-andl lyrnaby Jas. E. ree lu intic Recarder'a Office. afLakte mý eets et 6:45 sud viliicousidor Bôsard. a-aorn ofaI"Uaipire." Couuly, Illnois, flaBooîk 1 561ni Deeds, atAunni pdd F ieu ipe? .Stnsugéls aLand ai Nad.' aud "Thie Time, thse pg afa valcame ai ail Ibese serviras. Place and tha, Girl." Paffod7c.2" slt qi(ý-I9ig Buoead, Oct. #y Ch11u0-5 Irbe.Chri slaen iuts. iiibold îit I~i u~abSaiyOou-O --Approved. 0vt. 22. 190(l, sialuar reklimetimrngtait& ii.Jyoe Tre iMost aglOIffltlynouat.ed Pullllieai. Oct. 261, 1906. 'T We are selllng Some mighty -good good s this fal and Trade is on the'boom, Are you going to be il' On it! In quality and" pies We ean't be beat LtbetjvII10 Phono 2e Ulinola LAKE CO. ,NATIONAIL.On liecaus.. r-onsldering the faët thst l05 Per* eut. fbeWT5bubme racted (in pâlpr., it would b. dangerouoi for me t a ttempt'todo.-ç olame or buffiness witla.the actual mlopey. ~INMESPA ittuttaofaithse a'el aa g.r!'-IBrad.uad i la- Robi nsonaa, Norton & Ca., ai La îsisylle K . They are veny heavy aIlmitai lKený»., out Yen laong a ist ea- i ad fu Ui i a i teaiet, guuaranteed b nI t at-a ri u. Tics.apods avilI vear likIe iron Tueslianuts retail uîuil.yeti$2.75, av tuaim ot lests [anal they are eelllng very fil a l t l g i t i a r m iL i ne h t o o h . - - f or I p e s aeur.] vi algetcth- fi ~THE l'FAIR ont at il. Kentj M LlBERTYVll~LE, ILLINOIS - Mare absoflog th tbrtlliflg veld Bank De"l. Iaé' iso Ifflse.f ra mmanmm&nt Owc a seAY-10od9 bis Il , , 1 at v»ew LFIjLT> TRE, F er<Ij 'ý , ý 1 , 44;_ C F Wau P AWu,~le5 Pres F. B Kuaat,

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