on the Punlpkin The appetite geté frisky and the quetu- tion of eatlng la one which denapida attention. If your foodstuI!S are bought at the TRMGS MARKET the inner want la appeased wth the Mnost whîolesome and nouirishlnig of food@.' J, ELI TRIw GOS PIIOPRIETOR LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and -IOCERY Wlnter 15 CQ~i$~ig But we are on deck with a good line of winter goodB consisting of Mats and Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Rubbers, Overshoes and reit Lined Shoes Uriderwear Childrens Fleece Lined I 5c and tup Ladies Cotton and wool - . 25c andl up Meniff Cotton and Wool Fleeced 37Vic and up Ladies Vesta, double front and back, fleeçe huied .!So5c SMITHI & DAVIS TEA AND COFFEE LEADERS Libertyville, Ill. hffl one ai telibent ancienMEn 10"Wca pkw V N rcpou"ie it ths Prent tine. Hein taie ----prmet g upervsor tram inte wship of~ LibertViile and bau served ms chairnia f 0t the board of oupervlsors and board of Boran, Mou3dt Nov. 29, tauMr. and UmIs Stela Itaibare who vaâ talion revlie. re. H 0. ardne.,& on.,quite litIlet, onda eveiag li. "sborty" bas aîway. he aggresimbie Mm. H. O. Gn Dmonsard. Poite.anahmesonbir Mms, Timon..Ellia returnsd Weduesday Charle Smih imov iag tins &e to la Demoal olitise aduever onu tram Wiscousin wbere o bas tasen thes home of kk tacher, on MiwaukehgI ueatlwhuiilsvu i tehaWIcx ereota avenue, traoCo avenue. . out aller a public office whlch libois the lie ouI i reuivrrîi reet Chester Croker aud Phil Proi. amtrust hig fellow enu mposlunhlm. He tarondofybld lver. oubame ulll atst oti~boat lu la out for the votes snd leaa»kiug hig Fred tlrleb"am, of Rackforal, who preparation for thie witer seesou. friede to once more indorse hlm t thie 1 oetly perebu e h.sies Wrght mi"s Amy TOaer kiao las been speud- Pulls. ________ fim through ithe Dymnad & Austin lug some tee d&Y@ viotug t the mal meate egeny intende wintering bis Clevland bome and callung ou triends Wire 8usd faSor OCC0.0 . famally ln-Llbenilvilbe. *orhem .returued tu Mfl(enrY. 1 Anitem lu the BacMford BepichllC -'Bhonty" noter, candidate for the Tii e ai nierai reformera aeainst sates that Preideut P. B. WIne. of coiileuekshlp on the democratle James Brava aof thie village charging thie Square Deal Xining Cmpay, 'ln ticket bâtibellgue ish iIm i hlm ita'i havbn a old tqurhil e ederendant of a $"MeOOpéesuel aet fôgitr"=ornai a ki.ldg bi. rcateuld liaI at the crack hmbas dmaesut hueu uitbe fràlud far theïrt sppaui:virion continai andinh due ta -board si uit n, thechbars utheen$ Lee Wbiluts reeveuleg ulicely front Friday of ibis vesi lit Waukgau. edaDnvrth chrsbl$ eimie bIOIbs . .IO, O.,09) ~~m in bis arn. Thoms hm home corsiderabie comment NsoColo. Whue painting aust#y pment used lu tbseiietit 1ev(is owing ota h.e colorluuuftea pa ei t i ed an almibras- pecedil oear arivai o e ftalst noa Mr. Wre luves at Uhbertyvllle. 1U.. skminlu-w rWt a* forail, ime serons wblcb cilias Maeday morul n Utlhea and lent spriug had occasion to I1a5U9 resulie, er. hua quantitise. I.erds kept hy a UAbse a numaier of circuler lettees lua ale H1on. D. E. Gibbonmuotlty iais tvll sshwua i elnedeaym er ta charges chat Mr. Myera maie* for re-k"l to tlata Islsituîe th.esm u ncomparsou 'iltaithe pu lu a maniana paper whlch la allege4 was iu tovu Tussday Mcaug on is couple of yomWe et et. Lest yser tes frindeaudhISrecption bems1h very fient iuovappmW iD I)eemlier 1 and tvato haie bean edlted b>' hlm. I lattrlg b lfora u. h. emcracs yeams ago onf Deprnhar 2. This maies Mr. Wlre atteuded the AmertcSf ,ai tthie src is rlsae, sTbe ue ta More tia month b "hdof sebedule. MiuluZ Congres st Denver a 1ev tu returu hlm ta ch office h.e ba on )wesiILiertyvillie bas earned a nov distiuc- daYà aga ead fit vas then that ho vwu illedi durlng is tenues. tion. Lust Suuda's Chieo Triuns server summans. S. . Yaau McforLudenN. ., ~clu its aagauzie section publshed a toitliMe le la Rocktord today. at the. 8. J You eth bsforLdd aN. D.hmise $e tory viii' several illutrations of square Osai meeting and viien seeu efee wierh. tb his adhMily W V inffe's ,amoue "bouse baunted yaRpbi ersntv al efta maierho futreborne. Mn. xpet wth love.", ýTbe lie reforred ta ln the b elhl ersnaîe el 1tu airebisfutue hme. r. ouug RB. J lcectabornoe whieh bus heen the that the case vas for allegeal defanma- bus owned a quarterseetion lunlDakota 'q elsi onaî-s oa to tcaatr for about four Yeats. 'Tiehe glon * soer d-t h ardyhbs0u promislug aWgrluturàl etion aud the 5 'CI the st-WiistL uaii le esystharedy liýte, ias eiar- plctuahd Bilaof the fatilv whS have __ - __ àee ri i.Jds ute4sro oîîn * frln t c h. faore 'Wltorave ciinent l intev illage' bre Wh.re ail vwhere the suit vas ffled that it vili kowu tbendihemuel&aretso Weit eow beIl o uces.Mm Yug l leave c.idvdasae i>wl nw. neyer corne tu trial. for lar uew homesl inte near future. Taie fort chat th. aa«neke(l riglit train __________ Tbecefttadg.femefefiflhlvai t iMorton Greva- mia the i. Pauli Iasfl the.-jale of ic toa nother but a few doore veek was largely ijaeded ývltlî live stock jMlire J. J. Janîlson lien been vîstn ,,gId hy rnli a en te have gvna1br@n r aiou iiun 4away ie a bit of gmaius practimealin thi 5sa rn mpt lca l ie o oD. aioa iîu Village ch. tiret 0of ch. week. Th.e rou 1liup i a lcalbutcberng buci- irs . .B. Allen, cf Arliugton Heights, iudividual vbo preia-ted hument as a "ss The Cate ar more or leg vall d[r.Bunten lest Satunday. jobierofdog, ffeed m.W. 1.Duleninjured in tais emaslaup and on.e ta-er Thev spenittwe mouche of' ch. pbt a str ofiuge preMm.îW.y forDisalrwZfoud taie ne'ac day a mile and a wiîer ou the vest coast ail Florida. a ering lfy pcents She frthek a ail hall frornth. Wrck. havig dregoed ryieas ersue tti ch.am iiao audpurhasd i. l a bai lrmnelfail thst distance ou three legs. Liberyil a rermntdsth boe nimarls sand uecoved i.laha tl-l Th. animial udiltlaad ther streugtb anld Ceflity Suiiday echool convention lu lonrrgto Mi. J. F. onltend recnrneb vcouwmmeseta lîtht au%" person wbo Woukegau Tbursday aud Friday oftalnt it, Offler Hetiegee waîa told of th. aPProaehed. film aud %vos kill.d as an wuek b>' ten delegates. Mr. Everett, o1 matter lait wie ch. man vlio ii.oti- aet of n.comslty and hunianit>' tu eud Highland Park, waser-elected preeldent. sated the deal le known uo arret bas ia iufferlug. There is s rumor about that a local 1 meeu gîadb as th transaction u gs o Erneet E. Betta-. îropîrietaîr of ch. fin vill ereat a brick business blockinl small. lovever, if you are offeedý a liSdiîuken"i.l, Vas i tiaWua WedUieepy th. soutb part uftcltlieiusesm district dog a t a cut race price it yull h. veil ta earebiag for-ma ciitable location f or iu tihe nr future. Negotiatloud bave insiet apon eeeiug a bllI of sale. building lrssdlng and loardinx kenels îbeu o onr a couplelr0f pieces of pnopet. for doge . R. ili ale«) in couue4iou The bloekinletai aaaîtsiî a store roona Couductar Mitchell, aol trai 22, ch. boardl cat. Themiradutry cerried ou'b>' sud offI"e. fant pasenger vhich collideal vitai a M. Bette leauodd one sud in far h.-The Waukegan cul-district cf ch freiglit et itoudout tet vsek on Monday youd ch.epermeatal tag slela pot egevi oiiseua mernin gave bie tesimony concernlug lîsen doîug ti work for vears snd bas a tanveurion ut Wanklegau on ch. afcer. the accdent to Coroner Taylor and thie veil etabïlishsdbusiness anaong th. ichi nonudenigtNv.1.Tsi- coreuene lur, at Dr. Taylor'e otfie. >iety peopleofnhcgonH.n u a-nl d evh. c ofNpvers 0T hiakes in- Froua big tatemnents itappeared tlatth.eOus co acquirs trouaoeetg)atwo acres of Betn.Nrt Ciag, okbe. accden cold ot osebly have resulted lteud user ibis village aud if h. suceedi Hlghvroo, Lake Bluff, and Lîbertyvlfme. as ch.iistake of ou.neman sd hardI>'W,,iii, tOume t4k~e@tep@ ta intal big even vicIa th. negligee of ueo. Lu th. uove, adutry.. A cet sud dea boardi! Rev. Lawler vas Wiled upon Wds trst place ch. taver mea ehould bave boue vîlIliec aaîîetiiug uewta chie dy ta uuits lui iarm M.Jon» refused to let ch. mail soulli from, village. H Asa 0 olOyes anZd isElsbsi Warreutonunutil.after the switch vbleh Rtudyeoig r n r.A àt 1Wruý»beo vas foundapensieeied. ,I1t was %be Stna'evurM i sdM l r. andhuisMm.a!Waaa iefm u 4a tf P.-Àna balma'. business tu smstiKby ceebrated their eightb wedding Mr. ud m. Wlam w. Mr.hMnue, in it vas clomed sud ch. engineer ahould auiver y nvicîug a few îriendetin the Melolofthroe. n. ar as baveeen te "st p lals eicmuaith.c heir guesefor ch. svening lunhonanl h.epo' iceF..WlunLýs bave lienup. e nc tbi scunb0 aeocain rgasv îcivscmpan>' aofGva>'lake sud in a Progésie cie raminutrougman of thet village. th. vrsck canuot lie blamed ta oes »fs dznwamy otte amsi a aroch.n of HoweadMaeson. individuel. ae npber cf apprapriate Prisseve lu ch initial numben of th. seasona dbgiuteId ta the lueo' o f four lecture course Rnder ch.e auspiceho W. thT. il.dvf uass$ aothe hom Epwotb LguqWallace Bcuceeveniug v a ierded If t cou-TeW..T.Uir Maettehm bur>', aslstei by Louise Morgan Ame usdetar Hoyard epg Part t1vo of lias of Mmisea itasa. Tussday, Nov. 189 bur M Mia eEloygav neveu p cousin -muie arnd suppe t 2:0. A repart tram the tate cou- wbo atteudsd spei y aihti he oriées tom railrodlits and other reMi- just, coost5y preedent. ft of thlte âeries. Nt gbut jmisl5e isifron taie men prosent., Mr. CeeliAid socety wailI Meit ea could bh>jueti iveu for Mr. AmsIari'KirbaIo lea pueu si couuefor in th. 1h. bomne of lMr. Erusst BownFu g r a n i i n d ed t o , n ia mm y s k e t c h e s lu b is i îfe a r e a s g e n we l e n t e r t a i r s a i d n s 2 t e e t a i , s e v c f t e s . P " e d b t o e d N o v . 2 . French dlisct. sud cule mi>'lie par' lisat conld veilI isi for. Thmir Sfun Mise Emmeit ch. opt4c" ien ii oamo dortils. Tva thiage aretube regi5tted Iovlg and summy d sistosshein jus@yentreat the home ofMm~. Baissa- conernîng ch.evening the i'cirnene a cleai title tca' iit of &>'for bery Seturday Nov. 3. [Do not ueglet of ch. veasther prevetug me lamger nin>'years of rarrW apu n eJ yn f heM -cuc atteudauce sud th. bumar.ad uusihtiY Iîims theuia friemsnda oyt he geud youTheyes.mA eppearailce of ch. tage and che vfle uOSs cf chia eit o' tiibm.. gine l'h LdabysaisAd0 h e. cBaunch contrasting su ducîdedi>' vita che beauti. gtiblas nat rmvnitheirth.m of . the hou a aker>teles o fhetr m Theunluch rakeofch pternoon Nv ,luc.oGieo i flcostumes ofttheiencoma'. Pi s rI evielarve a vorld reuevued North Shorecompan>' lu th. Kaiser number cf ch. course viri e a lecture b>' fat trai ba le sdbI ilontra'eeIo IDr. Herbet ou Frida>' Nov. 16. heIn frinid. in clair ovu home in a5 The relar business meeting oftch. Whu eue panses ta cousider char ý,ab,,în- goui.ine >"Twentletli Cetury Liiaatad' LadiesAid sodety of taiebM. E. church daît suppl>' of bigla clans radn lif tyle vîi lie elal at ch. home oetUmseElle evarysor t h ba S cle ayantri liet I.' ck'e an>' day but Wredui-s Parke-r Tueeday aiterneon Nv l it ies arpriais ch. circulacicu y u d $ttarîda>' and get yeîîr eyee nickel bleed-and-thaudern navl hme teetel f reronle third off for t-n aavs. Au Explenation. .ameug the youtb 01 the country. mroa a au1 cticial vîrk. lEWCl t, ienat axaggeratlng lu chie ast studio. My alvertiemeait 0t a stock reductioaî ta say that au huaidreil copines are D.. aî-îbgrdtitOlesale cia count cf a prospective viit ta sold iu Libertyville eseny week sud a Dvrp Hî.Libertyv ni Pl fe my parents lu (lerman>, soîinev esOM dealehr ha-m pottlong. aaLobetayvdlthatPlie 1. fta have given mnct o9 My custoiners ch,.e believeal lie could dispose oftwtice tbat__________________ impression chat 1 intenal to oeil ont mY number if!lh. iucreased hie craler. The- store and remain lii the nid coaiftry time @peut lu reading this dope is far__________________ Their expreesiene of regret have i %verme than vanted sud chie saime effort depi>'gratifviug t me. But 1 sa glai to permise e better grade of rmadling QlI fTlTIIf tonBY chat tiiere le noecaues for thora, ma % maier u s iecure a ÔIjR* SEUL tiffE 1f 1Ihiave îîct ch. least intention cf leavlug sud veulal fit ch. instinct of th. grovlng ietvle bosfrùgher walks of lié. Parente central state Theatre Ge. 1Lece Duning uy.abseneol twoemouthe and upy o sous ch. nickel novel habit Charles A.Takaca, Managr hall my siester wyul tend tO tbe scre 'h@sere h ot odsou ldnager 1 vrtb ch. aquistance of a comptent lark,% draatic measures to enadiaate tus evl :l1= frtmn h mltoa it wonld ssem a tastae et gond madling FRIDAY, NOM EIF 1Zd ptroni echt lias alwasys Issu giveai igt o elgteth ncklta an.. Yours ltsspectfully. iatta-r ogi a caeti ickl Sam S. anda Les Shubert, lui-., oSar MAX KoHNFaai Preprietor cf 'Ple Fuir,1 novel far tu taie mar. ch. partiîiilarly dro11 comediia LeryleI. A viitor lu Libertyville %vbo atteuded LbryilII tuuertainment giveiabore reently DI ! Y*GN staed lte th shw tath.laad never E D If yBGNZO ILHAIG ln uaIie isexperleuce issu s bouse lu the ehborabte, slstrltylug ud eu- Work of securnuza Jury te try chie i crowdei b>' youug people sul utlenl>' tertaînlng musialcmedy suit lirouglit by Thomas Itunalle. ot devoid of che senso dunceuctn T EA L . @ ~GRL Laits, litI. tu have the vilI ait Mie. tien %as drawan to ch. tact that mn Te A Lad teJane Liii. which lequeathed valualle iyoutbe cf ch. village whutled, uePo C$-ý) 35, 50,75, 1.00 sud 1.50 property te John Alexander Dowie, L icÏauaaped thein fet ad sudcaed on la g :eauie Pandemnouniich. gruater part - s ý et aolde. vas legun lunJîdge Hon- etthe eveniug the vlîile they instituteai SaNî y ovm ük ore'"s court ln Chicago Weduesday. It a @maillskirnailch efta.t bY producing la slitlPAbc heIInentin tu harg rubber bneadpeanstly' ohootlug .ROWLAN & CLIFFORD i.sdfaethinnin acrg P - c h. quiet suai deeent -portion, efthle Atiacutiaaethe engagement of the nat- ta onG plhrcnprivt Iaudience lu ch.e es aud esar witli pae beXuseimitratr otiiers ta induco Mrs. ULII. ho died lu r ads. Agaiîaiutchie CeinteîyAsee- l-yoi chrclr tta 10, to clliber moue>' to Davis. it. con hausar suonli ruIler badse si Mr. Willum. V. Moog Mrs. LIII was Ruudles elter. fon the Sme purpcse ti bave 5usld a ha uprt]lveccpi1unloPD coursth 0ugtslute ot has eng. We cere ver>' e:- lu the blgbly enceesfuilayIs>'r Dy 1rssvo>'aked ,M'bat@ tus malter THETa lt lBs Pitb ie rtyvil? The tact thst -tTIhearet- ayalI l iîil aî irep o! second groctia ickory is liglt and th. parente indulgent may have soinothlug tg do vicli the inexcusable Oyfan srlîtîve theavag condition of mlfire. 1pi> Mi- hld.ofWiuetewll .et Au acter thet juas buu cmiîr T We are .oellng& Some mighty good goodua this fail and Trade is qn thé booin Are you going to be in on itf in quality and prices We c.i't**e béat Ubert~vUte cOum LAK,. ECO. phone 29 filuols NATIONAL I ~{ $65,oeo.oo Why 1 BatIk MYgNM*nCY voime. of huiasse wittb i acualmorney. DRESSINQSAOI leugthy description of this big bargain. Suflice it to tell you we havei bought eight dozen samples of Elderdown Scques,, Babies Cloaks and Bath Robes at THi . FAi 50C LiSnT'i- ILUI Eveu'y m, cou vlth ea i .150 ch. adv»ahegs c* bookiespat. , »I o eure*amielw * TO Tou. O*Mu lb1%m youi bush openiou. iti 501 \1~ 0F UBW~ttW ou