INENN and WAUK&M WEKYSUN LIBERTYVILLIE, LAKE COUNTY, tLLINOIJ$, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, [906-16 Pagtus fr t. -Louis, viere ho bade good- 9. oIrttgt ets- ie tl byte to old memorles when be shook $ 0und uocgtta t essm ed w T ItIscnl teband of Franki James, Runalaron esayrad:"hsctI flnalIy look up wtb John Alexander H l F fDdl ty and lis prssent cnilitlon la nfot Dovie and landéd ln Lake county. a lt vessel lu whlch Ii,îîary or store Runals was the avant courler for QfP AI Ilk ltended for humit<, An the oautlaw gang,.lhe ays. lu the days C A .S - g A W eilen the pop of tbe Wticester other ta ta be useil rals a, folluws: ralsed the cry "The Jamesi boys are -Do not remnove ibis îr cndenined, 4»« W» H..d, An'e 4 Seti oolg"iluevery Mssouri lowu. He JOU..34,111Il ltierson Breaks This cati lu iotdettlli'l -,iliaccountcnil la Sw .r t udlied by vms the negro lad sent ahi-ad to sapy GCrîîu,îd fur l'slall lwelIlngr rusty and iumanlialîî -iillon. A IPrdwml 0 bug$ja., out the land viten a robbery vas to .o ix illOnalre'e Loue e au lnu iIs condition vcit ntlie prul) b.e commtted, lheo autostea aSUN re-__ porter, and shareit hls duties wîit erly cleaned snd mueti to Iii- used for BAS BAD C3KCKEIZRD three other iiegro lads who Joned te To liE THE VIkiîT the toage or carrylm' nof îîîlîk In, CAVRKCZ IN KENtOSliA maraUdng Jameses for fun. IN WHOLB COUNTY tendeci for human food il' îsiuins *.Thase imes are nov pait" lehieoienfo______ at ctann £ros W.Mea, aKonshaciek re. ald wtb a gih.q -We weut muni- idlng cois elma avenue.,Ienoba, was Ruels la full of hulîsît bolesatitotracta. il atte nbyatho et lins. ____ tmdicted by the foiorai granurylUIn luih recelved In te course of bis dîme ntasIlatte y hs n VrNmy Laenis, outaI chagaoud- navel exsteuce and one oye la nearly toucit vith tho wark, for a mansion i play imroer loion hreof b e-gae for one. vblch vlth litsoutlyiug buildings vin MAN AND WIlf E jug ied Staer malstter a ov luth The old fllow la now ekling ont a oust upvard of $90.000. Work vas BA PT A IE Me * gndlng trial and îî la probable lving und.nlng ad sollne 'ua aîî tall . ecase wili be taken nol before o0 pper. begun sud groun__bro8n .mtrdm juflLadi I te edra jur B e la flot at kl the desîerute figure for the coutry manfusianfatho mili-Schoolmallter nm'Bristnl Jsie auIeluth fdemljortluthat one wOuld expeCt 10 meet and iiofi&re, wbo blloves lu the equaIltyý Vicihu cof Wralh-Mysery in ObtM wo ithîn the neLt few day. I dl lui ps x fmnPudig o xBadr t"e chage@ hrought asliait Mead by vîlientmlk roadllie atuthliaps t OPaf o. audng cf EsBarerb teli dioMetcaIs t la alieged t eat breuea. hlim eassit la 1bt Tho recenUy purchaliod Ptemn Schoonhovera. ament improper jettera, 1or't.- -, __ i e Ia wltb hli. flaviles about three miles ouh of, ntI lattraoras noh.Theînain b' otiti J bertyville ou "miliinaires lan,' as Teacher Wright,.(il Culi-gc. wlio Obr6_ jttra. FAas not dIai to farora avotdheodillwaukee' reodes ovor the detiiiiîl', of the1 gradeury.a-D MArothed armr< bavesialbeied ;country achool locatedl ti alit,. ortit Mead waz &rreed et (;ra.Nolake;IENRAGravenue 'file main street of, central1 ur I atigo twnhpws bea mnt ben aîg n he lc i nd H O S Lake couty, owing ta the groat num-'unable ta toach O. al'e. ba nd Jury n wblin hcas tin. .ber af wealthy Chîcagoans who bave suit of the mvre bouathi- tîil(.i e lieg bas becn eenalderalîe lu titi-Tien Coies Belonging ta d, J. Rous, located thoroon during the pat few ai tbe bande' et a Mi. Si'huuuicover public eye lu Kenaha durîng the last' of Rockefeller KilIed snd Three yeara sund bis vufe last Su l ia> tîirîîugý femontho on asecotînt. ccl te uti Wounded-"Old' Reevea. Eccenlric Mr. Pattersons homo vili bo rgb ome ) hîiî'lt Itt tin cbsgono epe l; ' 0 cScb huover farce. blit I'i'icly te tshna o has l oii îî o atiu>td ci Rodent af Village on Rampàtge. >pressed paviug brick aud wlll obuilt moyeit to More coUvetii li I1iarers at show te xeeoîlynowo Kenuit .me1 -anoher tarmi, viere li, aus ii-allu mtod l gnerllyreai-ed s Iple-on a pattern especially designed forbibraat Saiil trnn miued.buthlmaituilns 0 lte i) Euraged heraiîsebis fonces wvesthe eccentrie young mllonaire. ThebisbeakathoScon SheaIti'ii ;t amoi mn ero5buthiatiuonsedtu tahe - u- deithesudJohn Itaîtue.of Roekd'ea mouitese g prnouicei tht le wr idow andJoh Roise ofRocelerboume vîll ho 37x90 feet and the harnt aemanded an audi nce;ih lisir late arrested at oni! tme and sont 1tti- nadi înrtîed bis own catile luto bordr.voItt -ul îiîi1o county 1811 to serve a t1.-linnle Iloîiug tasînri'. 'Old Reovox >051?'- 27x5Obut the wavi of hnshn em vbat , hooiti ni lii thon i id1 Jlulhe escatieci f rîîinte oiiials uiid'dav looik dowîu lus îweuty-two rifle and outlay of Urne and rmainoy wvBl temwaobeoedfing.r n veut ta hlm home but lItibas îajiîred uand situfive nofte Ranse cows. k1mk e t neo ne ae-t o o dEr n The farmerm it- wh!: iti-n ashort tîme luter andc sisel ýt ntul lus ing itc<i sud iatally wouudiug tite. 't bornes lu thte central west. I he tic ad, wtiti nnithinanoui sentence, lm alleged. After ho bi tSirieulhi-i sntceiilui t oiîse rësldes on the west aide of Tite tory of Joseph Medîll Patter- îitced luto it. il ilii'cC i 1 Jlhi red adt ni iffoirtic ha vil Rcei' -.onutheleI;atîitie 'rîîad. son la a long une. butl aummed Into a itageansd boue were aiIl titat hlm mnt to oie or te tate tulîtu %-iihile lt iauceni-tric vidower few words, Ih may ibc sald that boru t' mwau. it of bas inoi tinaîîî o Ii, tiana for the Inîsanie, alecgltici t hi,,; wlt a striaifarm., la a uiighbor, ilos cýFuitsyatne u-lwtirdelebsalgt ras vas metal V ii la. au. îd, lnt wî-i l-e~ cnce vas dovu. h le sald nllos osulul tedc o- a ardosbsal-îiwoia j h va exmin-eli Ii. -iiuî; <-cîti wtenRoue nlilled hlmttat ho was lege. graduated. bocame a reosrter, Sehoonitover w&# ptiiiiler $5Oî the doctarm retîîrneî làaverdict filig 1goltuciIoi luru bis cows ont. Sgo ts' entl red palitîcs. made limes 100 but. -llUCnn hlm natt masic'. ioeiver. they! R-evc-s woild lI-ëtIi-r gct te fenqtel, uctr bis finonda the graftera, gui tlii d recojumoudedthtiaMead bi' sent lu Nothilg vas dni- 1tote barriets it-ii o.wt.M R E ? W L thse omes for t- fieble mludc'd .At R<îîse îîîrnpîî oni thi rcaie,. iio cf this aud begau jlayiîîn oog tt A R!? W L tha tie t ws itix)s.ibe o hveReeve Il allegA ob aed nobis rmillionaire chuma. lie tIred ofaEiO T HN hlm rocel'sed aetlite home and lho wam te-t for saagitter. tis and inluthe belief that the world la aliowesi ta go wtbout restreint. leabadpopston a ntot-o1* loft Kenosha a ew days jectine r r ntt ' 1George Adeunt, of G raystake, Saya va ltas a Bocialiet. lHe la lgo!" 4" e"t-: ii uasiîealOe g vent tao rayalalce to lîve vîit soute PRÉ S. UARLAN l b auesdlaulg -Gr m ndý4eMiappOvritnifl relatIves titire as dturiutui hlreai- octd deeply i h as n mtsn Gr a ne iapeeso dem _atGraë h iec rote tlt-lm. IN 1U FAREWELL' his reportoraîsî ozîrIenýce tb urtito' leiandsich ofM« segthabitîsara Tiethe cause of Sociaiis itrougi thte:i A nrttent Isslue' ofte Laite Coutil accounitablo for bis actions aud te ievers Conneciion Wth Lake Forest umediuîm af prînters bile ludepoudent sîiutidtal lu vas le- vîlI prohally go lirato eur and nake Cllege in Final Addres 1 Student ported thiat Miss. Manicol ut dMNr. au effort ta secure bisi release and ady-Had Held Posl Five Yeats. GeorglAdam.Scale Dylua Oui.bee bave hlm commlitted-t 1 sutie hone. otni aeDin u. uniet lu mai' u:go several waek- vhere ho yl reciivi' profi-r alen- L.ake Forest, I., Nov. iii.-TIis Thte cotllîy seule %u'uiîclîbas de- pribi' ta tthe publication, Thte iteni cvi- tIon for bits allint- Mead la bulsîin onu Presîdi-ot Richard Maynaril liai' ;uistaied Ili- inal'ls u1I'las ud atden cam e ah Is a is rpîltt se 10 Mr 25 yers of agedi- a-I f ias mudlni leIn preacitd it bs farewell 1tti-etti uiniîtîlliles for a îîîîîîîiter ii of ulu 10ohlm. Ho niatain the foiiowiug stale- hie life lu Kentisha. MomiOthlinte uidents lu a irowdeut chapte-taî islilt ioiiscltr-sl l et ho asî-nîlo>d ica nesenerh> Prof.Iliarlan bas resigneit. as littt- slfdt' t'lîi i at.v"tttepoih I- 1 si to1su> li-t ii>-mauy r iletts. drug stores. it. Iecarise be vas ual îîernuclti'il 0tritfat I vte roa ito are offerinit î'nîîîratulatious, uv- jgo ahiad sud do certain thînga by tite' il> Ibat evi'ry vestige of It yl bave ,g ta ibhe reluist t' mv narriagein e ~~i ANY ZIONITES direc.ilnîibody of titi groat i'tuctioin li-llude by next yesr, -accordlng Miss Maulcoîni. li lîlshet last week ini ai îtstlcîton ba i- ua ieati fo:0oProf. C. il. Alwcjl. cir Noli.w - ite Independent iiiiltbehy are a ]ltile WORKIELSEWHI!RE ive ,yearsi. fo.0 ntne vttbi!iîlve-r.stv. 'What la kittincite se lrenturo anîl u ]lave Iludclai l Iii- bas t-none hthe ll over again. plans are for te future andthlit- cl'e us itutiisay" saliProif. Al alt"R îul Surrounding Towus Giae Emplayri#lrcoaeo lsir a )1y il is iulialy sinie i ,'îiiili uo-;fuiiEE. ADANIS. To Small Army of Workert Who tionceit hîs sîiccessitr. W I- îlii-Tt ueuii td ies Lu einHoly City. Tt --la eesutmîgtiiilt ce'ntt lu gooc i t :. Outram> ulLe Lise hetaeu te late president sud titi correspocndeulntsi\- liiit teie ueîuîî studont body, particularly over hazîng,1 T agMl an..iile rn -isiincl e Titre-e- lîitîuli ct 1il cufîî itîoîu Ct ont(- ifite stuîieus tefcsin,, 10 sic iT a ikCn mlae ruuN aior ii auî iclgusuia'îoiicire lituinli;lit tihahzlug sagreement veeles ao Tt'iitc uu 'iitisuuit u ef iotll-t'cî rc- i îîi ivn ut ofiiilit, r own cctnmut hitei i. ti a i; i cvOiidence andîl tceltet cuingr i bol,- h viticOne butndreit metuhors qf te Cli- ldoitC a aloî t e si ins. &oweî -i ii George dont i lui. itî uKe-nusitl. \Va'uuct ati t ciii o trisîiyleuyi't coferehice Ilu thefte li l'uio i pavr mlk icr Ilial il'lie la married s m n i licleve iitciiint eti-ruohblorilig ch-a i.Citliee t catned hibe iarewell. ' li",gaveus;c- lcclp-ciid iatlwIIylgal -tli hb iicc;n I h etti> li) nul iii î,atsidti 'f cu l tîi. îor __tgsad__________ w ii-ib hoetbn c If te>-arc-lin ail(, tii acrlu. ji-t' itusi lu' licet sn canstat li ne irom te agaiti at ancli ru", as the lrtt(,litnls îîoeds hi- coitnt ith, bltutel>'cîoîgitPreachera Convene tari iaithenthtue occaiont demanda. may agree niait lit ' taie. to eat andci I -dinl iii a îplace iCi Sat i ils>aiuthtii-Prisiyterlan cliîrCli - alec-p. Tlucrî la noIlhiltîi s-. atîdRe. t 1 nuîui.Foresit, heri- vus a ntabîilei ceIv rIlately bats udunltîti 15 lu tit-h snilcu luîitr uiIyetl etuu reulsmWltii ofa'iiii'.,:tersîand latîteir plaInts w hv e"prayer and cuniereuce. us la lhe cits- alit wt illi.ittom eacit yîar umonuugte îaalirs cilf lterestiuîotîî-y fur s yi-ur sud a hall Aboutî 100 dilegales arrivedet !i O:O T E g d o l tack bho îald lit plt. Sitec as luitanddet10 thesascrattuettof te L" that If ite bat eloumil 10 eiiittlil Supper vas adminieieret after v'hle B ch va Illta ie oîlieiic frlte speclal sessions hegan. Dr. luait- I L ri3A A J IIftI L A orne tîme. Oters relate paralliîi - eil of Minneapoli condtiee. UT 0 F stances. ____________ Many teave te City. 1 Colonies cf Zîollitti hve Nain WOMEN I IV L TBf SOWERS" founded ta te numiter of2.000 moleIN IVT A O T lafuEcnepcueLbr obv iun te folovitg jplaces: FG A FO T Ithwmptm , «eav Canada. lthe gnmng ci a love affair whicb C"9111 Girl Wanted ta Go to Cuba and ent two men ta Arcsa nd turned e .gli.out inluthb.mail mrprlssng vmy. The Ka.nsas. Because Moîher Objecled Th trela men ecame gond frie ndssd the Coorado. Somstiig Diug iunl-ighwod- voma-weil, vs ointtel, iyen a&R Uultd Sttes Acheas-Mater Settled lu Court. about itthpcause that mght detracti Iudlrectly tlw Unted States goverti- - tt ss reaifreadlngitI. met bas relleved thte dîiress of C this number aud- vîll relleve N Iot-srad Mlle Nafe, oi meana of the homestead act, oif tii Hlghvaad vlsbod 10 go ta Cub it ît B uit you kwdiM: Whc yu tbey telle sévantage ta taite up dlaIms Mr. aud lMts. Cîuli. vio ive 'tiext ~ ~ -h la mle vaste places ai thte country snd rda thieNasudsasentlt a hoglh lfe auev bopiIng ta i'ecolîp Flay ogIrls motiter sud Mns. nma yu cm i xect thio tiseir dsslpaied fItntunea lu uew CrulI came tagether lu a btttte rayai, lands. Indicationa onibch bobth bear. cMtPm Ms. Nfeeas te uonem.itaiMrs. The ellor In<ld -.-h Ibat remarka- IL mli ari-esteit for chokiluglber and MCMBER OFJAMIES tuie iearlng tait itîsco lit JustIcof akig GAN 13~ ZONWeis'court trioletibis utornlng, vlth GANG 1,11M ION esîtltit at ?.rs. Cmull vas llnod teoharater. more reami - - iteavlly sud nov titreatena an arrest y est in lte flesh. Bagniup fite Naies. iumtiottibla Lendn,'t.e mois. JO Colored Boy Who Once Was Acive lu 0Tbe Naies snd the Crlls have iîved ewAte oheJnlsfAi Depredmtipns of Fsarnua Outlawes ide by aide lu Hlghvood for smrne W h mt03iig da Nov Aged Rag-picker in White time lu peace sud amîty. . Al vent ltmlles belU, hlding lb. roUder in Dose ,t~. elI unti CrulI annunncd that ho vaa' 1 M lutS lbthe m Ili< damons- - p it. rdered ta Cuba. vhen Miss Millite 111811i erebâblid. Cbyui*hlad. Oid sud feeblo, Zyrus '1ilunais, Jû Noie sMid that mie wouid like tau0' Dhuoeted bt Parbar Zion Cty, but nualofitlu.Ia anc1ai vithbthe iamlly. - the last remalnîng urvvors of.- the, ler manier oilected, lit la said. , aR~ IA hmes'Doy" gng. the cMtlaw ig M lra. Cruii came ovor ta ot hghIIIIJAE5~M ' Ibtinieod MsSonri lmmodiateiy 1w farce If necOsaty, his reprtii~" Uttar tii. Civil -War. Ruaissarte@ the tlb. Iv e nailhUa -IIIO ýfh 4 1PO in , 1 olni vusFrmniJames. vise la royal. litr. Crli sais e. M s« Xi" -u*,la .basre cta thetor at b>'th lci t la sflogd u cii DOWI EITE ,,ASSAULTS A CILD Say#-u, --The Dest1 Maet lHave Beets lu Me" mse eRacounts Crime te justiffl HELD ON $5.001) BAIL SC<)IIEI) FORDEGENERATE nI sourcst->ittcl iall hav'c-tic séin yiti l h oi aII ty jil), hera-lt1l oher s-ou l have I 1o betiilliwttir] îu o>. rîuo n1a iii li' oictittiili p 09< - Tile i ti uilt as uiv oa 'cVlith Ibis atiu'rlug lejict îiiu tlst Saîucrdty istiIceWiliami F. \i-us hond love, tic lthe grandtJu>li titi' sten if$ uil VtiI lovucci. il ZîonCtu ilty. wlc it uirigecl s 12 ycar culîl girl. Maitul.1. \W'iliamis, icing thI lui- u ter liait culf' îAist. "-Pli-us. ic jn klelitoc-' uigcc'cl Hoa'ard. lthg t-a'iitliaurtligtiiliseyc S. lth-ei iys (ifla dutei-rate. 'Tis f; la i pcin sti -lc-i-e uîuî atuil tlue couiru ar- i-Ni ruaiport'" res1ioniiild lte juitl ci- gri uilt oi lu it- uifflci-r. cil Howatrdi uawa> lin lis ci-lIugaite, W'illiaisu 0w-ii li- ctf-cotîli-vici tont rager (if i2-year-uld Mauid WiiIliaiii l'ils su uy nd'ut liti îf theîgirli tul]l it ailthei Ileiriuvcltlutcl etuits. agre-u vit tire'iy uaidthe tltmia- as ces Sicteul lu> the wîîuds ofl luis owumntîtb. fils aile 111,iit a ullicucteconitl Inu hi- sauysthai lie n'ciceti the girl, altu was stayitcg aiit lthe amlty fluiuet bourd. Ici sîltuulnt ltibis de-r-nlstIi hii s'itm. Dtitulis titi- se sit0iing thuit cu prlnt titeni aoîtltlue t0 coîmmit ait- otiter crime unit eveth ie valu of lthe police station must bave sliîiideret te boss lthe tle chai lthe sligt, ignorant 12 >esr-olit girl toIt atnt ihut ioward 'cunftrmeit. Arrested ait AI* Work. The story caine ta iigut ouîy vitoî tliegir]loi t e ber fabhierrecenily. Hie retidrtedte th ie ZIon aiiîhoritlei antdlthey conimuntcastdaitu State's Attoruey Hatîna. viteni Assistant Stule's Attorney Miller Iok lthe alate's came suit latter asutingitci acre hruuigbt10 Wtiuitegau. Officer Hickasaeth Ie arrosl ut 1the Cou-n Protuîcla Relinluci Comiuaîc> pulantl. 1 Howard. 1 i'e> cati- doi aiccc iin .N>tlutiiiii '( n cit -sîuude d itle ollicir viith me- H oa-artudtt tltori shittpale. Luter lunlte cîmrt moun.,alueti ie w'îs taket a-b>' h butcîîîuîubnil i lin-h cîlmrw, i', teacit'"Thte devil must have beten lume." Tlat is lius otti> ixli 1îu ationî. le 1l :18 setîrs <uni and a biiuuauc ffuictnber of lthe Zioti eliirclitIiigucu , 1-tanding anîd lterc'ireJîOi'ievs sIl iii i ilit t'the clevil" ispirc-d ti ee In. Excites indignation. Officci s of thte la- andii ii iessi- itouî'ull'oward's tiaket diitiliii titi i 'toryait h arcuy concetîlet liilii linai. Ail lîsatîui iis iuhe-iineas mue-(ut the a-oral ltai liai cicr tuluetu place iii Laitecoîitl>-andtagrve ltai th(, iaw tocs nett puitisi tsifficleilliy. Howard bas a viiitt, cduone'lilu. Doclor is Fined. Dir. Fit ch. aa îuuuuuc terstlidt ut Tviu Latem. vas fOet $100 In ut Chi- cago caurt Iast veoit. Tue dtonr sas exhilbltiug bIs plaît ofr îial cul - tutre ta a select assembîy. uslug a girl ai sîxteen garbet lit uaihiîig except a plan, vitetu telil boteuoi hlm. Fine Vioattors Springfield, Nov. 16. Cotvcicus fas volations o!fti' Illitncia gaineu'luiS; bave iteen reparti- to 0Siate Gaui' Commisalcuer John A.. Wbeeler lit tttc- past veet as fouhuas: For Huntlng Witcout Liceruse. Titos. WaIker, Rensliav, Arthurîî Reumitav. Rensbav. andt Lon Broadi- vay, Edityville. Patio couulY; Fred Parnell, Danville. Vermillon coulnt>; William Mail, Shelton, Iroqoios count>'; Tauey Nordillo, Metrcse Ptark. sud James Nenueee. Chicago. Cool( connty; Cîvoro Florînitu. Highlande Park, Lake couttl eacit fluet $25 and conse. lKllng Qusîl OutIoai Samman. Bd4 Raina aud Clanit Hartweil. Ma- rieni. Willlmmon cauuiy; Jahe Milles, Sîint, Wayne conuty: eacit fined $125 Kllîng.BoSeauBlrde. je" no1'olavs. iron. Wilitanon cctnuily: fluet $lîu uit tlenio.Tey, %lailsoni) SET ; JIov ii. tînd coats. Killung a Piteasant. F R C U tialer Ta> loi. Satîdti> k, .'ui'xaiiiu t co)iti, vas conînlîteul In cotl>'juil iic oui îiu'iaîl li a>'uient c il le ofn!$50i. Trespase. itîard of supervigos.à Brnuce- Fishtem, Sbe(iîuu' C (mre, Waukeguu 10Deteri c'ble- ctn t>. ias filuedil$11)e'andutul beUiEcIsI Boni cos. j- Shartage in Chickens. BIG SEC '~1~ ~ MecS ai ~utlua '~ la ~ U MITY A su-cris shîîrlagn- orichilciii-u'.andi I I ei-ev-as a sîeicll meeting ai the othr eut u th etiesdurng heBoardl à Suhjervisaras Sturday tr of te nov pure foot lava, la lte fai-a ,i callet for purp.of ai ilf boun of îîroduuce nuen vito pack itoîsultry ic nilolteecounty clerk, cnîunty treasarer local cîtît sîcrage bouses. utan suerîuteuient ai scitools, and ta WiIb bite packilîg seatioîî ucly a fn-w. appnt a conîuuittee ta a.prove sanie veekea off, wulry caiet-s aie airaIt tuo a lion filît. go ounlte nitrkeelfor tiiullîny until ('lent Heitecurosit lte statuto cav- iboey leow liti vere they are "aI'. inth iattater of liacleuicicciena thaýt 'riiug tite mitter sud vhlc provlba have itolt een dravu. In sevel _tiîut thte sieriff's bond shall ho $10,- cities te titie footd oiiaotesnii to ho .approved 1hy lte ludjo o! bave nuli-i hial ail îouîtary 'mult l lci Itc'counul>caurt, heure te aupervî-' draaîuandtulvc-litieul licio1e1gu ot') li uloracin. jura batnobhlng ta taoviitthe lbond Puciesand d eale-rs déclaré'ltat uic Ihat offleer. ie tic-s' i, lui- cI no f te liisiieiu'Th0e lerii'ansuit roasairor's bonds il suc-h rotlig i e-utircn-d. At ires-'tute set îcy lte upervîmon luaua eut chicketîs aie lacitet ite hetu uuîîkîuîtuandilthelui'tsla nrga tu lfiamotînt t hoy deem sufficlent. 1%e intlact. WIliti-t it->arc-t tu-inut o0f seitoal 'uperlntentenii-s hiuîtitIsstlpm stiirtge lte "itutnuta" w-ur'nernved.ul.lalet hy Iav ta ho $12000 and as Tite te-ahi-rsau>tIi la la tlii' uuuîiî us- sîie nivtod cif teuiiithe linimlitlt îuch miore as lte aîtîervisitrs nay gosoulshape. Ilfte aluu luii rcleiticousider necessary. lu saidthlie air ail culer ait(] lte ptuî Mr. Hendee expîtiluet that asat yoar lry la mire to stucîlI. ibodws$000actnyce Produce ic-ut Su>yte-y Sîutîîcîy vîlî i odvs$000a on> uuut tacktvieluiu i c stb-y nîuu i te tint ibaiestes ho gave bond o- ricit of losînut 75 ter cent of i ilcr li-$5000 as ort aioite conty court. vetmeîît. Thee iicr,,înty 5asIii Iili iiior a total ai $15,000. pinutl as lessoet d tîhe tetusut for 1Spr' o amod ioe h liouiltr>-und it ilessas tfavorable rn i ntrlo ayoi î,e b, la oate ut un cari>' dte 'iiry 1evMr. Hendee's baud ho lncreased 'to tords ail lie' tai-t lit tot-ag'. $15000 as county dent .j2.prvImor - 'Applueton ameuddit. mV41-g ithe bond CaIlle Bring Big Maney. be saine as last yesr, or $10.000. The Wui. Hlbiltî& couutuiy solt8. )mc-niment vas last andi the arigigal Hlseiunîuu i-uv iai nc itîiti sale hotu moian carrcIt tîpan raIl cal, Vhursa- In tlarruutouuu ic It Il as nnanlmonmiy voted ta place lriutgbt $98 atnt auther brotugiti$76. T'hu stocklesoid t Ileuy-slx lu unom- te caiîty treasurers bond ait $30,- ber) vas exceîîtionally fitte. snd the 000, ganms as beretoiore. Bouides tIbIs, above prîces viii convitîce auy seic %Iî! r. Amnes wvîl b equired toi gge.a ltaitbey muet batie beenvarthIL t H. M. Haviey purcitaseit the $98 baud ni $150.00o te, 1200.004-*mbut cav antd Ji e thne $76 ane. sprîng ta the stale. as securtty it«Il _____________ tâte ttseL Thu>e le aise a bond et COLTir LTs Ami) $2.000) reqlilred o! hlm as.supeZyjSmo of asseaâmmots. MAN IS INIURED mr. slmpmou vill give a bond ot $12.000, thAl amount belng the lent Frank Mitchell. ot Prairie Vev. Gels the law , rIusî~i. Becomea Unmanageable and Runsk jta Tree.c Pri'îuk NItilcil - uni luaire V i-w e-sivt-il uia -run fa Insl ,o il t1wii i n It uli-c- h- ciii iiui Il c-tii lu apî.-i il itut uitiieaIchl 'Tle ig %%i iii tiii i mriiist a ts- iii tIi,- si'iiillun %Ons u-c %il. m i i ii VcS i iiwism r iig îî tlh thlui t'uniiu ui1 li N saHm uiuith i l iu'illV tii I lu,- gr.)inil. li.C . ' IL. ciIiuni i - nul i.l rty'n ll. sen th,',iuu tI nu iii uieii uuuiýlhii. t il nn i, liilii hioIii' i i oi'i-l tii N! SLEEP WHIO SOUGIT KENOSIA' The Awfuî Wrtck an the B. & O* Claimeit Tiat Numiter Who Had Purchaseit Ticket$ for City Jusl Ove,-lte Stale Lino. Muri- imen alto bhad cîctuin i cutuîAis- t t ii Iiluucuuîe cil izetus iof Ki-tiia are iuonv sliepIig li granves lnuini- ituliowot grount itear tlitutIle vil- i ie- of Woidvile. Init.. and It la prob- ablle titte ldeutty u(i sonlieof tem ahIltue-ies lie l.toat. tunt il Thursday tite Aciariauts litKeuuuubiui dhoîed agaînul loeethat itoue' ciitu-mr fuleuds a hut eeîî cautbas victima ai the terrie rsilvay disaster <n lte Balîttre & Ohiou sond. huit a cilliciil sttemuient isattoillasI icîgiti iy te B. & 0. Railîvty Compuîany aboya ltaI ulue aifte meii vitcmoet euti liat heeu titcitedet b Kenosha. Tite final reptort ofi the ufficîis cf te com- pny on thte dîsasier aboya thai 1f1>ý- nitto people vere kitl titîand niy a i.--a-ofitheni vene Itentitliet. Ail oi the ulenovit teunilituclarrîvedîl i Hnropean counties luriug the laut veele tndt tiey haitstamtdfrîîm Ni-w Yort ou the lit fateitrtiain andclItIvas îIpossîie t lgve utuy furtior tueuns or Identîfication suie ttc farlttal tinrthbbctîcktsiteit b>'thtîcotu- duucbom of the train tulue eudt licKi-o- ,hau, Vis.-Kc-nosha Neva. Thte Illinois Central tint ciher rail- roata titat go titronugi tilhermi11,1-1- .upplylua enangb cura la laite case oft the enarmaus apple crepti iaitla ho- lng lratucet ity taItînîccîiapple country. At every l1111e satioln six1 or sevesi carloade are seul ont each day aud gioit apples can ho bougbt fôr aImait naîhIng. The crap la at î,nusually largo one even far sotheru Illinois. WeIding .tatiU.ry 40»4eKaI Ib INDUPUINDUNT es la Coirqtel.-1 Odvardm. Mller, Raymond mand Lamsi caustitute theto mmlttee toapprove lte bondasviien nIosi. Lamey. Horenherger aud Gibbs uaite op te commltteo ta settle vils Couuty Treasarer Price upan hbasj-e llrenueuui. Somne suggestions. ýSuinpervîsar Appleton stegealei tbtat un tue interînuIl vawulit ho vel fer thte boardl to luvestîgate thte adtvia- bilty of allowlug dlents andt jndgea' ut the recent electlan twa days' pay s0 tit at 5te December meeting Intoliî gi-ci actioun cotîlit ho taken. He sait Ihîs iItu bIs tonshtithie jiudgosansd cIents vorited sîxiec itours sant ho hli ievet were cutîbleit ta tva inateait ofi ite daLcus psy. Be thougbt the noard shoulit alhîltaI.os $6 tao ach une ai Ils uext meeting, Insleait ai $3 -ne, aunttint fixeit by lav. ter day. Wmnî Sigu Scandaý Citairnian Robertson uggesled niai îî votulîl ho vol tor the board taciI attention oairmat commîssioners Ilîmoîug-huitit e ccinty 10 te tavmak- Ing lb their dut>' ta place andt maiu- tain aigu poals ai ail cross roasis. Hie tîrguje t liat te lav Io Ignored lu z about If nat every townsip sud foit tne ccnnîqsalaners aitonlit hourged t l actilon. Batlh suggestions vere dIscusmed t a lengtit. andt finally the board md. Cirne tol meet Decomber Il. Thteprospect ai a mvero cuail im' lue tis vînter la helti aut hi the Americati Shîppora' AssocItIlon lai a blitletiti Isaucityesterjlay. The dân- gos le dite. the bnlletin doclares. to lte siartageofc ms "Titere are not eoungb coal carsf» sspîuly te proent domd," itlel stateit. "Thonianda of box cari ail lelug useit for e"m. 'Fls, bave isei, fixedopn for "an sd even stoek e*t$ bave geen stripped and 'chak' lao mnate tem tightienaugit.Th mateuisftu 10 takn cars .1t t»eft bitsneu showhelb srlous iu~ that confronte tise rosds.» liat only vili nie people s4m~r fq colt shouôlilth1.e threstenaed*' lue came, but the circulari@m,- tifacturefa vhbo, . aexo esm" h6avy lom a. '1 qWW bt* e, lIe T* L 0 .$1.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCE. 4 ýr y-