mati bmw "'i =- *. ey à.1 ~is.aIiu.Asilit ( a John L. v, w a ébuiug,ai ui -ie oyal a nO-orpmrte Sl la coo*l flic butea#«vttauçir iter- sets la tat setios, altbougbshore t r ay aet*o vho are" ot ln- to, ieuaila the(iqqior traile. Those ~~ga~4itrig aoorporsted ~Sa, )wiSS mm1S t huget il- mm@&% igne <h.e 60ievent Pro Ao" o a il w theush, 0, --q av and lmOs ier e.. hieh la detalnite itsb» onut iliue Uoela tu &me «Coty asudla muahiag - atuaim"hmr. tat lier m Mtbe alloidtomi. f tby Meas hUai goeau uais w*tem i pur- km- o t tie Irais The. diatret ~ etipudoeei tobe lnoeporaad la duaernd masbotin coupous of tie vout % gf the otb- USa or 0 ae 10 lie. s ortiveni Iof seton 2. M"% huiuo't.U% of setion 4 ie muboms ieoSmm lion4 the 4 et ~ge mmumhe. g lo n u«4, ,e jjfljoc t*e vet of ac"s #, a the oust j% gCa c- lm* ditrit lies la thé ulivase mortwoot omer og lie oueui. It la m-r g! e runIsb a u vut09 09 tiahe eultste lm ua. teii tuygiurhlamiae.. lte hbe eallei, ff umrpesmisiVium et J« Zab&ej , nh.e ama leuimates lta" %Pms té mmm5,7puom a diotrit -Ya1»bà inwustei m.aVougIse f Ih env Dm lui. ti «MMs m.a$l% bua ni lm tisa M lsiaataat Mimot lau b"usa tiiry logolvotois.The. pouSion ni h. lsà#beMtur h *Mfty iarn els u h. bu. ee*e ai that une* l a Un 4us. -4 asSisa ma.tbmm .anditgle l w mw &MW v io rtwxgua tales tua MÉrnai Ast li»e aemot ue.ub pommiée lving la lie Ohisto eaket l#e soorçpslq pwt uIlw ph "W psu te b A ad bpi«orge W. Mappole-sud followimamarabot etgty Mmeau of ai0<vonrsin "w to ba local votais eg lie ilobftt Raopraausiu »0ieptioemla M. torney Clair.C.QNivaris. vile1 unamtit tgla4tAp!m oqv4umW.1 Wstqe,. "'hq 694. q"04 eq i l gjpp Mg afin t PI q #t j hopul h.ore lmar. lie was (ieura1 Muta .<liai bregion. suW spp.red1 for the pOUetises sacraisr quale, og the leagne, va somn bu orttmm bit a SUN reporter.«U ta lW vamdi Oriaar ;Jooesgue ghg hi. paton'" ho vasj "4 113puetad M'th lir' "TON 4Wqggtu Ab lm #hmg k~ ~ ~~e - Wa esus ynn W ts*lite digirWat$or tisir bais "Wu gàou bu l5, mm t le ti#lQayl ~"0qsiby Mlom. 4-in ïet . rogam for tbe Frionis SetBlonde Chorus 1% wmabip Sunday achoal I liht se is Egaed èOIathe int Baptisi eytats clim No*.ember 25 ai Penh@ld- i.......cngrgasn. NGAGED ALL RIGN? BUT BHrf trim aferçnist: 19r. * M OT TO THE SIONEB" MI h1*atevim. leader.______ aimo, lb r. w. 1q---. n-misHouston luàs esutiful om ý tatfi>4,eîuiDr. -.C Buowho went on .the., Stage Pros frayer .... ....Rev. ml. W. CIideuter AwlRemcue the Persblug ... ........ Cungregation Radiation ...s.. ise eBrentogi jog LayaI Temperance Legion ..% ...n . ....Lorenlunslcy 8iLilltn. .Ivy (jerry and Jeût Hayez Solo, Dane ID b. a Daniel...... Ruelat VIlEtDenbln, Leura Draper, Mary liowers. I .efidn........ ari }L.0sou sweisailos. ........... Alia Vedder .........Franchi Bray Reitation. ........ Elizabeth West1 Reclatlu . . . ..Ruth Rfynolds Graves Trio . . . ace Sbou.>. Mtha Vetl4er, Vers Vedder.- 1hm. minute talks by' pastors on 100.1."thagsv. an. tbankfel for becase iiey are brusing alcabol's power." Par Temperanve instruction ln Pub- lice Scholg..Rlev. C. W. Thoanon lereaslg tala abstiuce seui4. ment amog employes, busi- ness men, e,.1ev. John 0. Brigge Pur vicoeles over saloons... ......... ev. E. M. Tacher Mor roint amy gal ve ,.ab .tenuvOM . f.T. M. IDnlabothm cem water o«g.........I.. . ---Loyal TemperanceLuglon Wby @WB i» i Fpis..... ...... ........ x . W. IL TrIuuuM (IOMlagSan, Amelea. .Coaglregation Beaeiton. CITYINS. Yesterdgy la thecoeenty court lu the ce of W. P. liasse againsi ithe Syi of Wauklegsa. the.Jury returned a verilel* n affl o theii.ltr. The. ~e Wa oes h. apeutof spoews dimi.nut 1No. îlô, or tbt covarnu tee layai of, s cerent valk ai; the, Colmr oéAil;a Roek aiaV s a4 t. .t,«- are*& àffled aru at bishlmproperty bi boo eut down to make a grade lti51W5ulW t.e level ai T-ii. cas, vas barfought vith Clivl k5~ e Home in Chcao-le Arn. bîtioIe. Ton.. And nov tis .la a baek wallop for on D. Cupid, Oounty Clenk Hendees chef aide la getting id of marriage Ileense blanks. Friendm of Mien Jessie Hauton, chorus girl la The Unipire, vhlcb Uayed ei th Schwartzs om. veeki aglo. deuy tuat aie la enfaged tô Tom Penhold, wardîbe manand "Tu- apecior Perinsl' InLi tile Johmny .offes undmy aigu.4 luni ihat'enough to moiee the îîd le go4 blid Up the bow and teck away the. arro*e In preparation for a tnlp ta iii, tall grau?' Whal tii. Pnends Say. 551.1 one of Miss Houston's frienda Ibis mornlng, In. "It la not irue la my opinion that Jesie la. engagedlu Mr. Penhold. "Whlle 1 myseif do flot correspond with. ber. antier of ber Waukegan frieflis doe, sud 1 îalked vlth tuis lady yenierday, 18b. mye that Jessie la engaged, but at ID Peuld, altbougli she May lie aequslnted vith hlm. as bstari' ont ont withliLUttle Johnny Joues. "(X course. v. eau ont poailvely deny the atry in vew o! vhat Mr. P.nbold told you. but Ige are aimait oortin that you have Miss Houston engaged te, the wrè,ng man." Oharming snd Blonde le B$ho. mis" Houston la a Chicago girl, as wer. the twa Wauk.gan frisu. is. e slways bai an ambition for the stage aud bas bai more than a light raeas-4 are of eces. Thun lua Ltte Jobuny Joues,1 George Caban himeif told lier to keep on vorleg asnba"das $he vasq sud the "wOWliMM 4&Y eome te, Mia. Hou b ebsrming singer «d à a cetilous vorker. Miss Housto aienIa abeautiful _iU wl Pune ersons on the daeuase and ou. of tictmont important mar- D'faym Vl. v.FOvis éP. U-4 545*lmofthue yean la ta occur ou D&. repasesa N j Amoi Ssmer 12. vc is.MIae va Spaiding hoglt luasa Md t tu%é ý PriS and Mv. Vincent Russell Boynton Vmst beneftted and the. assenamenut are ta0h.enmiai ln marriage. Bth 1IcSId be-pid. are snsng Waukegan's bei kuovu Ciy Mtoeney PergSo n »S4and mtpipflpulàrYoug people. Ibis motqM« fat t# valk WoIIg4 eTbey are ta b. maried La the. 1*4 assopItU ashebeaihen pornitiel BaPtlat church ut 6 lu the evening bw *4d poopIe vilii h.ahi. to traverse h.11ev, J. (U. Bnlggs. o*eog viiW $ 004 tggr letslil g d Miss f rie ls the daugiter or lMr. twqro t» peivsad lira. H. P. Prie. fdes belng] _______________on. of the mnat poplar, she is on. LS T .EUT DEAD. oftbth faireet Young ladies of the city. Albert 9. Ebent. veli kpovn ta She l ail, Mmbeoet he liaptisi It. tait keovnugrilts of Chicago ièveM yeans. She ia valli kov lau bd apharmicisi af vide repuiatilq, socii anq iomusical .îrcles. She la a 40à, ïàao#qa "'qqpJe4ltl g Za413abeof the 14gb seboal. * e Ln b' I§Pltal. ' «n. Sbert Wuali, SoYnton le a u-lsng hsea b..- ~vsuuo. ýaj 4 Qq,< Anthi. city. H.e litI Dr. iF. C. PaMWX, ap« opMe w culago vibbliis Kulgit. He la tie son of lins. G. H. parfeta beea àyeari aid. Alter tii. BOYnton, formerly of Waekegau. nov lkrC bus - iglo Usai y ears a drug o! Penasylvaua, a"d a gradua. a! store *t Sale sud Tvelfttb sreets, s!- Wsnkegaî> hlgiho001and Rush Med- ierr- i1ýiaoîugto Polk sireet. H.e al College o! Chicago. p5 rt.ue 8as amanutacturlng 1The news a! the,éoaul'i< nar-iage dk4 Ma ason of, the argan- la not unexw~çted4,'It a bd.heend of a ls.rg of the Chlcago Colleg« o! P.hqç .1149 U.4 pnajjytu " s tio hat tagmt Mnao. va aW1âfe~, 61 *.410 ~han UuMies rIe. Ingtle i.higli 4p 4 f. » a%80for av*arun. eti- 1sbopl su4 Mn. » U't#n4 vas studyit Raft 'lkb'bhaclst for sasolier ilutue 4q of o 3r. L*gt. puivsatrot. .ofq4o Q1utj4ttiITe twoIý&tsia à#Warasort ime 51a4a ~~acp a sa u-it @l , ver.e ngage, alieug Il vas not ta i ftwAm ioWm aa umpoelegi mnoianced for imie lime. Laten .Mla 4sggl3fpg l. z «, fflPres vWas paiunated sud bas beau P~ lt lfbolSI emeUe vrq &v&Y roin Wattegsii uehof a!the in od -5a»d g «lsw, ise, -*letanlcg lu Wshigton, D. C., fa ~ I' 0lut. edet Jm"ua 1. 5Md 04010"1&i. sevow 00*8 r. 1bynton stteadae lemedicel Mr~~.r~,,be asçig ~ntis uoomiet& Nov ortiy ttéhlm grad- 1 IL uatIon sadmis lMaaft M ddSwe Ppaqe- utlA& thi voulus bàas en% ua su ftuu roussae. o! evasi iY""a 1131us lie ga~u.~ Aa. tPayYu to Td Long way in oui te TflE PEeFECT -HFTTING, IME ELEGANT t OOKING, THE SPLENDID WEARING. CLOTHES FAMOUS THROUGHOUT LAKE COUNTY, AS MOST EVERYBODY WEARS THIEM AN IMMENSE LINE TOSELECT FROM. SUITS * .- TO PCOATS Cuivirght 9o6Iy F H-art Schaffher & Marx OVERCOATS .e$I0 to $10 t-$ $Io to$8 an -d- F ATHER-ýS, j YOU SAVE THE PRICE 0F A DAYS WORK (AND WE REFUNI) YOUR CAR FARE)1 BOY",~ ANI) YOUNU MEN'S CLOTHÉS, SUITS AND OVERCOATS. LONG PANT SUITS AGES 13 TO 21 VEARS 05.00 la 417.00, KNEE PANT SUI AGES.210O17VEBARS$3L$5 YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS ÂGES ýr5 TO 21- YEASM . 01,BOY'S OVERCOATS AGES 2 TO 17 YEARS$3e$0 121-123 N. GENUSWI S Waukegaa, 1M NO-DQWUS FORWWJEI. SET STATE àn extension of thi e lau'are deci- Sion quot(ed by the Journal wouid meem t10 lply b 2be Christian sel- entiots aid te Davie. W~hite the verbiage of the . tommr does neotli clade a fiarmal exOreism o! the evil spirit, k t iract arnounte te the same thlng wri.- r the term mortal mmnd. héi defeudant ln State vu. Duxbsm C*ant of Genal Sessions oa!11aW vare. lruu nded ibat on. Rachel A. Ftzgerald was possessed of an evil spiit which caumed her ulckeu. and that lie alone posessed the. power ta hler lediseane. The lndictment (From Wednesday's Sut.) Thebetln.g plant la Ibis mOrIDJg hliag inhtale& la the. uev Strong building ou North Gen'sSee Street. Attorney E. J. Heydecker le! t lent ulgit for a ivo veeks trip ta Kansas on business. R. O. Samson reporteithe Fox Lake Incorporation case ibis mornlng sund afteruaau n the count>. court. ,A heavy fog drifted over the laIte thls moMi'ag aB m euin" ud Ildu The fol; bore gave wavulng Iasta us- tilI h lifted sllghtly. Slxty-flve la the agle limît for jury service and tItis tact la a good daàim for a Jur or ton a challenger, an at- torney states. Mr. aud Mrs. Perley inimons are F01RMER WAUKEGAU WOMAN THfREE DJUOS INIERRED HERE TODAY VISITM Tl Tbree preaciiers visitad tii. Mns Theresa Rush died ln Chicago, gan Police statiOn tus 0<» November 18, idunday. and toilay tÉ They wer. ail deï! and d b. remans rried ereforIntMen in Nevertheless the poÏoeifU " reminsarrvedh"r fo Ineitentlethat they deliveredd àteeted *vu,7 the. fsnlY plat lai the Waukegan son'în the station beveen tâtela cemetery. The lueral wam held in of 6 ibris morning sand 12 Dodu. Chicago yesterday. On of the deaf and dumb 4oUb The laie Mr&. Rush vas a aister-in- lalked on *"Going tu Hell as Reffl4 1 Posuible." Another'a topie vsb' law to Officer William J. O'Neill, of Easy RoadI o Ruin, or T-baba the Wankegan police force and yl he 1to Tpe. h uirmt~p recalied hy alilas Miss Guber. 0of And the preachers ver. a 1oit W.aulcegan. Her husband dled eigbt of rot gui whuskey sud two E years ego. tipped cigarettes. The deceased was a sister tu lFrankli Guber. of Warrenion. Mrs. W. J. A LONG WAY. Nell o Wakegn.Arthur liCher, Yonr. money goes a long vqgi of libertyville and Edvard Ober o! household furuishlngs et Wbje. Portland, Ore. n iture Co.. "the.big store." STRONO PL£A FOR DIRECT PRIMARY. moites il ai offense for prettending to oav at boume in a flitai love the Fox And, o! course, the Amnerican vot- state oui o! lis boSeSi taleIS.lit l il..- art of vltcicrslt. con. & Wirbs store on South (ienesee er today slîould be mucli mon, nean- leaat picasant ta bope tltiW. luratloît, 1trtune t4IUng or deallng s*t. lý y a seft-goverubng citizen tthen lis citizen cornes a litie doser Aql.*« wit ai . ie eoseo!tas lpl J. Stein, o! Chicago, la now participation n the. gaverUsst. %tintte uýt t proieci papie n certain the, piano tuner vith te llrm of I.. J.faervs Foluiataim ii bis country sud bis state, ha vil grades of lte runi beng Imosed o Yeoman. He vas fortuerly viih the polilca lIt a people gels lest as in that goveruimentetouetblug a by pensori. pretenuiiug to pasiessa a Bteîevay Cotapan yin Chicago. , mucb liberty as itl l« intelligence iit tan su oppontuniyto ng« et ba pover tIai tiey do not have. Pn Mr, sud Mns. Takam and Mrs. Cul- exercise, and the forme of govern- without glvlug honest reteu, . nons affit-d vi i dsease otten givel man vere lu the ciy lent nîght ta sec tuent of s ffptl-the arnount o! about ail, hl ha reasanable to'puçm credit tu, iraons via dlafim ta ha Mansiled ai the Grand Opera 1-ouse, liberty bts iaws and constitutions aurseives iliat. vhen tueeosqu possessedif supernateral povens. and sud Mn. Takaca la tinklng perlously dlaim for t-bas notblng ta de vitIt lever of our prenant conveti ' this iav le destgned ta prateci such 0f1Iiokiug Mansfield for Waakegan. bbe liberty Il really bas. W. have t1cm ut pollusics laremov.i Ul M peepie froin iImposture. Th tt Saturday evenlng. ln thielr gym- heen ,buildIng a scbool bouse eveny simpler ferma of direct pagrU0Ië 'ntruaced tai Il the jury delleved nssum. ithe Cais von their tiraitItour ln ibis countrny for many years in the vital affaire o! party afpl tram thel t ilmon>. liai the ijetend- gPlieOf Indoor hall. deteatingth le -so aOur Orators tell us-aud If ibose meut la given ta every c»"sIs sut did i nake pretes. hat b. alone 41aroons hy a score o! 9 to 3. Kng ichool bouses do flot give us lutelli- ve wyul ail se. the direct rnlU&É bail the power to remove tiies evul sud Thonipson ver, the batiery for gence.ta viden our libertine and eu- tveeu oer elvlo paver Md sprite and cure iaciel A. Fitzgerald thle Cuba; White and Crabiree for lange our participation ln thIs gov- thîngla wblch ve viii ma" m 111 of hou slcktesa by.rgason o bis bnfue- the Maroons. eriiut esould stop building aud no simply, ami uhai va * euces over thes. spirite, lis verdict Mayon Bullock and party shot 1eolboss And cotrantlse, It abuse olir power; tuaI va -P flbald b.gult7y. 'ft10verdict naturuabutlyIva duckF tramn the sout.b ;lier 'those vho vould stop tis movenient tbrov oer votes lu the ian ed vas guity-Nevwl Albsny Mlediay>eeerdsî. There are larg a i'ae on, o! the people tovard sctual sel!-gov- kuovu evîls; tuai ve VMi H*arald. lie pier today and jitigbuîngronî lb- rnment deire ta moike any neal maved no easiy by d noud of shotsfilred A!,pre msi be lieadvay. ihey vîlI not devotelibella- ihatOuer aense & ontrea e.amsiUbeg dose. selîves ta hiriug lobbyisis and schah- maie mesober andi km MI On sccoent of the Iigb vigisltbIs diung nevapapers. andc alling the Until Olie nenathn Sbraces ver. uecegry lu people Socaliste; ibey vihI stnaighi- sa&ndma.4 d, md11 psg. -lange plate glass vindova vay begîn 10 bure achool bouses. For tItair party csstdldta ý ot lie Globe Department Store nexi the paver o! ,the people conestram b>. direct vol., bis ta bthe. "an entrance. The métaI rira the achool bouse, and probablyle ia ilolan %viii wlsioa So! the*mWindows vas eprus. paver of thc peuple 'vhee bey et unake tha peopM, Wste - '- ea!.la s laits on 8prhni mreet, uer contrai of this govftaenet tuaI.For ithe »or& ti !the 1ortbveatern dapaitot-'thoin ihey nqýw have' l vidai the evenu haugu b ho. *êttdb~heusra0 hviiiséhl atn utg ruisir, inetes clorai vision o! the p'aI&S.For re- ta the niilem o! hW MIfoey sg" a vsteb S Chtu tafot lu depti for su breaa!ofsponsiblllty alvays quiekema thesens. uthuge . ha je . itý y, Joies yards. Water Ios st, uc ellng dowvu of duiy lun men. and h 'msy quicken acept intim US -5I~ ~ uthei.Our seas. ittuai every dIlUea wM, of 1»9 4 c ycaciknov that b..,la teallng MM l oue buwb trmtereo people Wvi e .ebesti or.t. 1- or-th 0