Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Nov 1906, p. 1

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~&~U IN and WAUKEGANWEEKLY' SUN __ VOL XV. NO. 9 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY,, NOVEMBER 30, 1'06-8' Pagesi $1.50O PER YEAR IN A1>VANCE. Derfrttended Orphauu Taken laIly Zm.FaseHyt- Praave té Be-la pyi'@suaalC plm Ton FUMIcR HÂHms TIse ismîie. ai H. K. and E. L Fvi'y vers et haut freedt f-rn a haunt- lq dnead ef death and dsSt'tctiomiby fb» hoitoP sIi> Tu.sday maricIe Un écalof thtie Lake Bluff OrPhae' ope upon Pearl Newmnan, 13 yens clé and s pyramanîme. Suneewuuliy tai-tiig oneartirate CsOW thesloas ai twanty toua af -' bqSnnty anti unsuccespliiliY trying bélr hand t a nther that voilit hava uwe*ear ytht',, resiterice of flie PuseTuesday, ha Newmnngirl. in h a eraitf coufaimiet the crimlies~ 1t '@Mdi anti va raturndd wvheince m mieu. pever more lti'ihaiis ici n' joy the comiorta of a good home anti S«e love of Iris-ada. Queser Itreait In Girh. Pearl Newman vas a eol'f ram tue lAe BlfifiOriphanage ly F. I.. Ferr-y let Mai-ch.Pretty. aliglit. apiiet. abesdii not t-i-m passe ofai aUrt of evlsnd shows-t no tiuapasi- ils. ttaainesoy untIl lest Sundar. vben the qucertieakit n.ber nature deloped lu ail its fui-y anti she ho- am ber cae-r as'-a pyronianise of thevonut ai-tiir c'a-r knovî in lake maby. PiFîmt Fire Osatrous Onea. lt w»s Rey. Oi-in Boyce af Wauka- Msa. pestai-of tha Bt'ntan anti North * - esgoMethadisi diurches. who yul Mr-. Ferry discoveredti he tirai Ilie liii Buntiay. The Ferrys, botb @Mim Smlereside i hle anc bouse, and N"v. Boyce vavisiing citer Suutiay sêol vhen ha sa Sinmes laaplng frein tht- bay barrants anti gave tht' 'lb. i-o geineti rEnat beativayanti the Sion departinent vas calot out, OUgbtnfi-cm 5 Sunday aibernoon eaw 3 Monday morning, vben the dgva hereideti the teatb o! tbe Nos. Hadilht Dol been for tht' Zon deartment ths Ferry residence anti lia outcilidings vouiti aIl hava gant' UV lu miche. As lbtvas tvanty tous ai valuahle bey, veno burned. lut the baircka versasett. And ail tus (ins i va.unudi-ameti thMa sslip of e girl bati developedt(ha aWrit of michief or ibat ber ci'azed liNile hinti vas evan tht-n plotiing almother conflagration. Next FIre a Fallure. Tusaday thaer.evmau girl leftthIle j. boas. that shlterat her anti the friands vba lad hbi- anti tucited bar talo bat aacb nlght anti aniaring lis vooti shedi dumpeti kerasene oansoin. beavy Si-avoot andi touchati a match te IR. This tidti uallin. n0 she vent toaa pila of shavinga lu tha tool sheti, et ths anti ai a rov ai buildings, anti ap- pied a match ta thain. Thar spi-ang up fiindaines aniagain the vhola tamnils-ant isitaproprir vara ln dan- ger. Pitiarti Ferry ibis tîme dscoverai he ireS-oanti put I ot Then a confession vas foi-ced frain the girl anti aie vas saut ta tht' oiphsnaga, pi-aven unaiortiy. la the Girl Crazed? "I think t lai Pearl muai le ont af b eur Min&" sait Mr. Ferry.,Si., ibis bmouning. "I do nt knov vwhethar ah. lkad us or nat, but ab a bben vibh as mince Mai-ch anti va ver. ghving ber a gonti haine,1 do not kuov vbei piomp(ad the tarting o! the i-as, but mie confassei thai aheh ati tai'tad thein.'l The Forrym rasite on North Sheri- dam road vithin tus lImits ai Zian Cacissa te taMm'..Ferry. The Newman girl, itievelopa, made confession ta Mrs. Ferry, senbir, - molding ont In the face ai accusa- tions matie againit her by others In the family and ti smdur nphalding bar I'- nnocence lu the face ai ovei-vheling evidence, abe vas Sinally taken on the cars for Laike Bluff. On the vay davu he maintaînati e -,stohiituîr al vaulti bartly have beau deemeu otissible lu oua of bhraeaun- til ai lest ithe orpbanage cama inta s.igbi. "I am sarry that 1 vilI bave tau(al viiet yeu bave done.'" sait hi-s. "I am 11sary that id tthi.'lIaited out ths girl, andi oi or tva quirit quoes nbroughi ouit'tb. fart ihat as vas Indeedthe l i-a bug. Fine Discovoeet by Accident. Uitiai-tiFerry tisovered ils sac' en frepurelY by . accident, ville PWWngthe oolhouse. Seeiug the -isoe andtane comIns oui, he 1*mldte .tari thetthie place vasi lu danger and et once luroci-edeil ti give battit', putting olut the' tire ou.- aided. Girl May Have Mord "Strea,."- Pearl Newman, the girl tire(titîg ahi th-eet'trmes la allegéri Ioi liait- icdt rta but-n up.the iîtiidlit,- otit t ain of H. K. Peri-y, hiait a uot ulir streai, lu ber nature ihat ras) have itoun bauded dîîw firont atîie t'-mie ai, cator. WVhIo tîtit sitakiiîg, tht- Ferrys assoit <bat shre was nul a naugbiy rhlld, ilwy vert' îîiligr-d tii take hi-t'front acitool licatuseo tf hîr propenîutty for nîtachipt anîd clii haut given ii tIi- t roubles beforo i li-t'tinn. wben tihrelisailléger!Ito have ittled ood ti lb-ý shied andti qeiiv'r.'i twith Lkerona'î- ith tht' hurlapo! iofîaving a fire. The- F'rrarit-liaslitail t (1,',tinto s itozen tir. s ail tolti aritîl tîtsiiipur siitidha afire hoodooî OLD MAN WEDS AirAGt0uOf7à Love Stull as Brisk as in the Springtimne of Mis Life-Bride but 45. WiilliaiuKit k. ofti Wthroîi Harbior, niay ho rath.-r nId. older tban vas Jutige i-ibbard whon lbe was refuser! jury service, btitnevertheiessalie is young ln spirit. Mr. Kirk has won tht' lo-e ofai lady, Mrs. Fuller. aise of Wiutbrap Hiarbor, and tasmoon ta niarry lbar. Mns. Fuller lm 45 years oId and bet bushafidtu, he ta 75. Mr. Kirk la an aid settler of Win- uiirop Harbor andi le knawn to every rasidant there. Hia vif. bai liveti lu the village about tva yeari. Batb neye been marid befara, the groom'. wife tiyiug a year ago, and Mirs. Fui- ters huibandti tvayears ega. Churches Secede. The Boston and Cleveland contin- gents aI ths Zion chiîrch, consisting in 2W0and more msmbers. have ré- belled agaînsit te authortty cf' Da.le and Voliva and completely seve-ed coinnections with the church. Mare ilian ibis. R. N. Bouk, ane af the Cleveland leaders, bis writtan a letter' tn the ZMan cburcb besaiin wbicb be bases the separation on the tollowlng twa groundis: Roen No. i. Tbe Cleveland contingent retuses ta recoguize Braiefield and Speicher as buabopa or avaria-crs. taisai- legedI t desIgnates as crîminals. Reàsa No. 2. It regards the rule of the present beatis of tht' cburch sa subversive of the lava of the landi.- Withdrawal Complote. Accordiug ta the' letter. wblch the $UEN vili present in entirety as soon au It la available, tha separation of (lhe two colonies fronm lb. mother churci at Zion lo final aud complete. ln fîct the latter atates that Voliva need fnot vîsit Cleveland agie, as he intended, as hi wtll do hlm net the toast bit of good. 1 Eider Christie represents the Bos- ton lnterests, vhicb il loa tàted feel the ane tavard Voliva and tbe church that be ta building up. Another Miracle Repcried. Satnrdsy a team af bai-ses bt-long- ing ta Fariner Madison, vho residas near Wintbrop Harbor, i-an away. The buggy vas amashed, the story rîune, and Madison vas tbrawn oui and cruibod ia that be 'w»s left hy the roadaide for deati. Friands caried ltt tht' North- western depot ln the village and thance ha vas renùavat haine. There bis injuries wei-e sdjudgeti sucb as ta cause deatb. It la said. vben Bunday ait 4 or 5 a inember ai the Apostoiic Faiti nramer! LeRoy and a Dacon Holmes ai theane sect vislted the mIni-ad man. r White Holmes prayed LeRoy laid au the banda and tha twa ieft Madisan ala lawalk. vhite Monday be vas seeni about the streets of ZMan as usual, a Waukegan man bein.- the vit- nas. The MZon cammuniy lmaut pi-asent havariug betvcen a chaire af czar or machine rula. Wlth Davie ihey bad a czar. WLtb Valiva tbey bld fair ta have a machine, -an aligarchy. s the proposition af the Australian la ta k ai-m a counceil ai tvelve tea atvisa. bhinseif ta retain th.e paver af ulti- mate veto. Tied matter viii ha decldad tinally > aturtiay avaning. e You rea the INDEPENDENT vaut e onmn. Ba do 15,000 others. Thotile sWhy !bbccolumuis a o apopular. JUD( GE 1 UPTON PASSES Aged Jurhi expire.. Sudieuly et "an Wauakean Huant llatiirdîv Morniair CARRER BRILLIANT (fNE ONCE VBI<Y PROMINENT After au lmas ai about <brue wreks. Jutige Chai-k W. Uptan. at 11 a'ciock Saturday moi-uing, dieti at bis home ln Waukagan. Daath vas due ta a carbuncla that proveti to giest a drain oauthe aga enfeelet systein ai the jurlst. Altbaugb ut vas seau that tii. jistga vas inkiug, bu daath came sutitinîs- anti Waukegan vas shockat as the neya vas apreat i bout the city et noon tlina. Thi~-l.U'tan vas a retîreti jurlît af the circuit anti appelate courts anti hem beeu living quletly ut bome for mtueur ris. Ha cama ta Weukegan lu 1860. Ha vas a lav paitnai- afbbthe ta Henry W. Blnd- gat anti the tva enjoyati tha main lav business of Laite anti MrHaury counnUes for yeaai-. He vas Isater electati statesesnatar andt servet Inlathat capacity. 1h. vas aima ouai-ard by biug alectadtu t the conititutianal coinmittoe anti bing ane of tht' men wba revisat the' <'n- stitul ion ai tht' state ofIlilinois. . Afior servtng as tate senatar ho vas electedti tathe' lehch ai the cir-- cuit court anti soiv-od as itîriat of tht' sevanteentb judicial circuit. embrac- Ing the cotinties oif aite. McHenry. Boone anti Winuelago. for tventy rears. Aiter this he vas jutige ai the ap. pellate court of tht' second disitrict, convening et Ottawa. Latiaile couuty. He' rtiradt ieuty yeai's egoansd bas *Ince livedati tbishome at the corner of Genaseea streat and Grand avenue. The lote Jutge voulti bave beau 84 yeas-s ad lu Jauuary. Ha ho surviveti ly a vldov anti several chiltren. Clark Warren Uptan vas born ai Monipelier. Vt., ou Jauuary, 28, 1823; vas aducabti inu tha public sahooaii Monipelier Acadamy, raid 1ev viii Luicins B. Peck in Vermout, vas adi- iitiai to the bar lu Mai-ch, 1843. anti lagan practica lu Barre. Vt. Ha vas a school teaibar for a number or years. Ha came ta Lakte county, Ill., ln 1850. anti foi-mati a co-partnarship1 vitu the Iste Hetnry W. Blotigeti, vbicb continueQ nunit Mr'. Biotigat vus appointai United States district jutige iln 1870. Jutige Upion vas sevai-al limes mayar af Wankegan, anti lu 1874 vas electedti tatht' siate sanate ofai ltnis for tic aigbtb district. Dni-iug bis terrn as senatar . ha vas appolntet cbuirman ai the' commission ta i- vise tht' atatutea of Illinois, vbirb vas commcnceti ln 1874 and completed inl 1876. tn June. 1877. ha vas eletet itatge ai tht' circuit court ai tht' ii- dictcilcii-cuiti ai vicb Lake catînty then format a part. He servet as circuit jutiga for (venty yeaais. Dur- iug bia service as circuit jutige ha vas appointati bY tht' suprama court as ana au tht' justices aof the appellate court, lni vhich lie servot as jutiga for a number ai years. Ht' vas a tauncli Republican iroin the organizarion ai tbt arty, and iraminent ln its rouncila. Ha vas a delagate ta tht' Rapublican national convention iln Philadelphia lu 1872. Ha vas mariled in Bailin, Vi., lu 1849. ta Han-lietSharman, vbo diat inh 1888. There vera boru aiftha mer- riaga fiva chltiren: Etivard B. Uptan anti William C. Upton, botb nov prom- tuant attorne'ys of tht' Illinois bar; Eva Upion, Mai-y Uptan anti Harriet Sherman Uptan, nov BMr. Richard B. Barntum. Resohulianas yBan Ass'n, Monday mornhng. in tht' circuit coui-i ronin, tht' Bar Association met ta adapt apprapriate action on tht' daath ai tht' lata Jutige Uptan. A commit- ft'e ai ana membai- froaeach ai tht' savan cunutias thai canstituted the aid tvalftb judicial district. Lake, Mc- Hanry, Bone, Kune, DuPage. Ken- dal1 anti Deaslb, vas appaintadti t re- part et the Daramban tai-m ai court. The association votadtu t attend tht' fueraI ai tbe Jutiga ln a body anti a avariai commuttes af tbe prsildeni, avice prosident, secretary andtrotte.f ni-siof aieuss aaotlu as appohieti ta malle finlailrraungumetits friat- tandIng. 'rwo nuiidred. itt-tilttg inthet-iLki' Coiuly lBai- sud thtýh-elunejittigeati f the circuit, Jutiges Frot. Wrighîtîtnd Donneliy, honored ibslii tînioi-.v (f ilit' latit- .1udge Clark \'-'r;î'- t t'ituiî ,ý ait tî'ieitg fng e raIi . '-,r ýs hi-lit tti,- roalience 'iuesday a. tttinnat -, Roi'. Samnuel Wjllts hidtioui rut- iiotîîueid the funerat'-eruitt.ontîtlupa- shzlng the tîseflc ii- if titi-ette juitînatanti the ahisti tiIltof futta ihat eonstantly aboitît- a-lt t hiti. Maney froin ont ut ti itîl-i DIESO! V L IIm AY MOW Thoas Hogan, of Russell, Victim of Acciden-oealh Cames Whila Doing Ferm Charie. Ruis-il wua bai-ku-i lo ~nday vmoirî i'ig te) ioîti i 1 the ,ttit, ii i-uttIi. akeiieut iii Thomna iiiiuan, uni- oitthN- .-veniug i- went to t hil'u-1utt. ifwsi eu.toin. teli(do hise eioi-'1,th.. fît,- iu ut bis wuirk hlie iii,l i-titpi ti e ue mota- aud lit sonti- iikuiiî%-n maunier t-il olriktug hie heati upotit a h la-iuta buggy standing upliti th.- lbuia<nn lor. 0 He wus m'outred i.insu-loua iy thi- inîpitet t othe faIt andîti tui-Jbut a lew bours dyling tho sante, nigit tt ablt nine- o'clock. lHs havi-aaan aged tather,0 tour ilittrs and tva brotthers.V STABBINC IN RACINE. t A tiance bal tiglut at Racine early Monday marnlig, ln whieh ont' of tht' combatauba tècelvod fatal stab [vounda, va foivtdby tht' arreit af tva Young 01011111in Chtcago. The prisoners are Joaéph H. Rad, a talor. 726 Loomfis ut"esansd Joseph Paters. 100 West Ninoetb tsi-cet, employeti as an elevear cieratai- by the En- toi-prise Peit Cnpany, Peoria and Van Bureau i-s ets. The quarrel. lwbich arase over rival claistodancos vtth esois o! ther girls, vis renewed when the danca andeti et 2 'clack. lu the confiicto that folaed Edvarti Penow, l19 vaars aid, wau talledtiiree turnes lu the abdomen. Paiera et i-st matie streunaus de- niaI, but Sinally aduitteti having et- tended the. daure sud gava the' naie of is colupantian. Requisition papera vilii e ackad totiay nie«i the prison-t ara consent ta go ta Racine vithout tham.r BUT 3 M!RCIAMTS. or 960 REMAIN1 Big Changes hava Occurred in eLait 46 Years-Veteran Tradesaen in Soliloqus-. W. P. Yeoman. veteran marchant, nov rei-at-d excelît for bis ixterests in a manufartary o!maotai-s for autocars. took a mental attrvey of Waukegan lia morning, going lack ta Jauuaryt 15, 1860, and fountd tbat afiil theM ti-adasinuof thai day, oniy (hi-ce bc-È aide's bimself are sttîl living anti in business. Mi-. Yeoman started lu tht' jevelry buaisbei-e in 1860 on the day men- tianatd. His people' i-t'ided bare, but et ti-st ha vent to Chicago, then 'Little Foit aud starteti up. Later, ha came biei-a, an h a hocucontlnuoualy ln the levai-y traite unil-cain the tînt' of!i bisru-mant. Anti af thaenuotchanti ai the pros- peroni littia tovt vhan be ti-etst îtrt- eti. but (hi-e. ai-e itft, Tbay are: S. S. GREENLEAF, vba StIlI oper-1 ates a sboe store on Wasbington1 streat. D. L. BREWS'I R, vha ittl on anti iuni a harneas shap o au Wing- tan sueeu. . M. ABBOTT. a-ha stili i-uns a gi-o- cary stars ou North Genasea treet, the' senior paitner ln theti-m af Ah- boit & Muinaie. Mi-. Yeoman bas halt tha tvin pissa-1 i-es of aeoing the' city gi-av ut anti aiding ln lis grovth.1 Anthar remarkabia fart'la that of ail the men vbo erarteti buildings an the eut aida o! North Genasea street. baiveen Wesbiugton anti Madison streets, auly one,. Phil Bi-and, Si-, le living. Byvron SpyderStilli Living ilyron Bmyder. i t'e ightealiîyear uit ixey who lent vît-lu tttenpteij (ocommlîit uuielde et the boitte (VJ bis smatr, %fis. Win. Backy et Avîtiti entreilsastili alive aitîtit ta hougît tilil n-caver. * Owillg tu the- sMali asp ir tiha calibraei-f tihe rifl- ha usidthea ii-mourhaafrtrain tha vount infftteà was îot sufcient ta cause Imniediate dibth anti ho la nov un the ou teil attoultimae sreeaovei7.i MAMMA1 SPANKS BRIDEI W.i. fu1MIs llir BUilu-nfu n PersuIti Of 1 ô i'eat>l Od 1auzhler WVho Elopeti VO:TIIFIL HUSBANI> DLIS ISMAVIEI Su iti jttgî'î shuise ft-'tiffhi i hciti-hItti a tiroinieuit yoting il t lu-ty utaut(iift),ertild. achioveti adu tional lîrcui nutîce Satut'iay'bî'tn isl hi-li'e, wlwtt h btîi lui ie i tttîut. froi-tt a Stuuthay cut ul . ), s atutki-tu fuittIt in - her mtuer ttndlaitktîîl. ' light aivuti tha- cîuîug I4ueti tutu frito nt t bu tir t i'atItnu- ).i i h1, lIa pls- iti t 1 -lia - Young Mra. tliigle3 Ns tiin lit k- il tisant- >3âtb. a hiotli lut -àçýr' 1It'and Itufil that if ho t-utert'itit l- a trd i lie h raluin îi(lg wotîltihi' ' ttain Iitiiît - a'od tnn i hi' rond, whistliwn;ou uut i'iitttu ii l s-t e. tub- wscEtei-i Ltnvand atut at a only 17.i-iars Atl. Shtu.' satsinu uday- schiot awit h li- ,'(uiuger sister anti ber hiothtr. 1 a-as ibere <bat she ii-st tisobeyet ber moiher. Insteati ai bringing the' chiltireu homie as she vas toidtotadot, Ethel met Marin atnd vent wth hlm ita MhîvauikecŽ. viere thay wert' nariàh'. -Qitgl-y suggaated that they (-aîlin stale ulbon bia mather-tn-lav andti tby madie efforts lints tiliecii Statut' (gay. Thoy gai as fai- as thtk front îiorrb, anti stoot there baud lu haut vhen Mri-. Lynch discerned them. "Goot aiternoniî, mamma,' salit Ethel, blthaîr. "Gooti aiternoon, mther," sait Mai-- tin Quigiar, at tht'sonmene ima mling giaclausly andt exlautiing the good righl baud o!fllovsbip. Mu's. Lynch axtandet hoih hantsaet once. tiba vaut for ths happy bride- groom anti cheset i hm hto the roet. <'i. h afle i* gîtacaid ! PO RTS the eoitt Inlt iflh and i h. - tlttance OUTW I ta readily hatidletl liing th., coldie u I il la to ail apianc ', ivnaiil( 1L il; taken oi:oti -bcrare iaarn an- mîttt. The <attie ct-avili. ThetRfefouîî à' îrTriéel cl Stop why. argues the' lai-ner, ta ot tlie T.rk,,yAbhout ut NseU Iped l îîgo< one? As far as hiea But la Folici tell t he i4i-cla1Qitaste tui theI' lk other than produnerd under Ille in STATE LUNE TOI) CLOSE etrce of Ilt itei r aitîs, andi mottoft 1)1DS 'AIEN ACRMS ail thei feedtng of malt gives Itl'ra ru, er il chance for' profit. Sîeîetary Tom Quiayle. of the Lake l'hîtisaiids of peîtioîî are tirinkinau. olntty ta and Order League, met vi1th a determined setback at the mnillk ptioducei tw the feeduig tf malt nantis of Lake county sports Bunday daïly. litindi-i'us of cans of malt- after-îoon at Russell. vhen efforts t. pîtoduci-ti mtIk titlly Pnter 'hicago t olt a tîirkey shoot were frmstratet ituritîg t he winter withoutt ii'sl b y tîiaciug the livi- birds over tii. Wl.- Yet eveî'y tow anti thon the itîtpeci econsat state Uine and %hooting At ni-s ttti a lutile tuti- chati la*off' tbem. andi rîttdentu Ir ai otnce, Jalwý tî the' Huntera charge that the efforts et' hiaiie r lt iat. C tonstable Murray were directeid and- tnispired ity the' forth shore reformser, - which made their determlnat"Ina t Want Vengence on Professor. hold the shoot as advertised Sfimlday L.akIe -t'i rolît-ge la exîsectinig tu the more sure, aitbough the 0porý l ix st o *î titte lin witthi n a ,.hor' tIhIbinuone. thtu- lsa atl or utsovoral contier- -Mutilate the Live Bird.. elirs NNIi,ihl Ie att.lentýs ihae heid. The hirds. turkeys. are fasteued oh ih l'ell)trîiî'waa iii tir-ange o îe toi. of heer barrels and sab at,,. kinti of ia harails'yett ificetive, unû'one vho dravs binod by the mutila- lien joie 11 oe o th proessrs. tion of the' turkey gettlng the foWl. ila tohe lutiorinth'itr and About fiftY lartipated in the shoot. ta e laied the îarîifrntiihstory nd .vhich was on the' Melvilie IlAê ta ol iicdIî th' ltierntstuoua.Alcock brathers vere asivertlsed An liowvvr, he lias a habit of mailng the promtotarsansd ail efforts to lt- embarrassaing stalements about the due the substitution of targeta met different iuia Itnlhts classes. Never with rebuif. a îurod goea by but what somes un- Ruse ta Outwlt Conetable. foi-tunate attident la bell uit for ridi- To ontwit C~onstable Mun'y.under cule ta the cdans. hie vary noie and to pi-oyant aay Von- Not a student uis escaped, girls aus ible atep that ha might talue, the well aa boys, aud nov ibey swear yen- birds vara piaeed ovor the Wleeuhaý geancç. For this reasont several meet- Uine, Wbere he couid not get At tb*M Ingsbav ben hldbut as pet naoand the participants In the shîot' Inga ave een eldtook their turna et the. turkes tnp gond plan has been thnught of. the~ Melville rad, sbooting tram 1M)- A Icuit desporate course han bean noie Imb WlsomuItn. .ecidad upon. A number of the stu- One of thoin mye ho kne'ws Q11110 dents Iutend ta stuffu mince pie and dirbtel the efforts of the eoa.tAbht see if they cen flot dreainout somes au Quayle la lnevu to bave '4gi.â fieudish 10ke te, aven the scores. Russell before taes hoot .and ta hava confsrSd W"tth o ola. P YT LID ON Tt lis eP gsaOt OU.I l"afyj*t BIDRAI'L ils shrrbym ifl M b There aie 'attempleti ta pull bis bai- eîn fTrciOcumdOus ant othnihtbui-y i.irigt .i Fow by Ch~ance Gare.. tob. mi tt' nighou-hod.Stoppsd-Waukegan ls Agaiti Ratui'ning ta thea hutshing bride, sita Pracsice. ni-nedtbtat feuaietlay over ber knee tut epplilet the back ai a hei urin, A bas lie live îii-t raffe or shot Thi-ougb ber saobs tha bride kept Tislahael.word af the reailawe tclllng bar mathcr ibat site vas mer.- andi ai-tai-farces wbicbx hava combineti riet eut that nabotir bat au business lu su agraement tu pi'osecubs boîtera a apanit ber, ai such raffles or shoota the !ollovlng "'That'Ill e ail right," heu' mothar force belng ari-syst againsi lieux: assredhe asshecotIniedth phs- 1-The Ratait Merchauts' AssoeIa- Ica]sulc tr xas e niuit hepy-tion, wvicb arguas <bat tht' raffles Iraicultre xencsespaI (ha t-ada lu bouider mvi for the Wbt'u sic bat camplatati then sha Ilitchai- anti the gracar. pust Ethel lu .a-4.oom anti lociteti b 2-Tht' Humant' Sociaty. vblrh dons door. Ethel Kpent har time valkiug nat lika cruahty dispiared tovardthe round the rornanti standing au tht' lve luu'da offered traphias. wîndov. 1-Mayru'Bullocit andtih(e cir po' Her yotîng huabatît stand hit<haelice, vîo st'c only gambllng lu tlie rondvay whtstliug, btut <bat vas al vheets of tartine, card gainas anti the gnd Itdid hailiter de'vicrte<oraffle thea il-ta. tht' oot dithlm.4-Rev. Di-. Quayia anti the Lake Tht' Lynches Issane a stutemouit lu Counir Law snd Order Leagtue, aa wbhch liey sait that ther vouldt ty ta ustial. have tie mariage aunullet ami the Sait Seei-etai-y Armstrongt' <is groundti iat lie yauug brida vas un-.nîorning:- dier aga anti that abc didn't know vhat -I bave sean foîi-taen craies ni sha vas doing anyvay. ' irds frain Chicag6 conalguedta t Wau- _______________kagan saloonitoapers ut the fraight yards ibis moruiug. CHICAGO REFUSES "The' saloonkeepens buy sitinur itorit, not the lest clas oi turkeys, MILK FROM MALT geesa anti chirtens. for ht'ii- sports. Tliay ramfe (hemt off hy mens afput- Cold Weathar SuarIs Farmers ta Feon-duc veheelî. the puddles ta vblch they ing Wat Grains and Chicago Heali aall et outr-ageons pi-mes, or liy menus Board Raises Annuai Cry, f airi- gainaes, gambling gaines. "Tic iv. fovl raffles ai- ae menace Lak contyfarersareagaula thet iadeoaf tht' gi-cer andtihle Lakacotntyfarersai- agin utcher anti ve aa goiug ta put a feeling tie - ffects of lie Chicago stop ta thein. Thar madtieamialves boanrd ai health anti feeders ai mat faIt In local t-ada enmairi, injuring are once more inter the ban of Iliose i materialir, andti eryl la prose- vho vaicit over the lacteal pt'atimt cutedti iis ram'. aentint On Thursaarof "Mayor-Bullocit bas declanati that last yack thlrty-flyt' cana oa i nhitert' bu' yl stop al raffas af tha in a refusai atimttiance ln thea dur anti conte ta hae attention anti las lainaid sent burt as cocîdamneat the ~Gur.i-- ai-taia athe polira, vbila Humana ne- fmi-mers vbo îîroduced tht' prou- AgentRaberts has ala setati tha lis vît! pi'oscutealal Instances ai cruelty uct. ta tht' bu-ta, vhlcli.1 amsIn formeti, As colt veather approaches oaci at-t'y tht- streets lu fragments aitar rear va hear ai tht' healtb tapai-t sann ofaithe raMeic. menti routiemntug mut proulucati Is-"I siali set' Becrrtary Quayle, ai tht' tie fecdung ai malt. Farinera main- North Shore Lav anti Ordar 't.eugua, tain. howver, ibat tht' mlk hn of a nu anra anti get hlm ta comin nin tht' nîch quaaily ant Int up ta standard liva bird abopots oui lu lie coanty, vhli cocmea froin maît-fet ravi. vhich ai-e a tii-ret vioatuion ai 1ev TheyInsst hatthefeeingaganstalsa, anti va vtll cean up li ai theat' Tbayiuait thl tt' felin mg lntltegai devies vhirh serve no pui-- titia kitntiofai mu taInurely imaginai-y poat'but ta Injure the tratiaof ai m- anti unralleti foi-. kegati pravisianera. The fart tiet other feetis are oxrt's- "Wrrantswyul ht' avor ut r u sImtelr higi bas matie i neceîaary for al apermiors ai tunkay, goose on lie fermer ta aîhstitîute e feati cieav- chictan raffles anti Justice shape yl ai-, roi productiva of nuIt, foi' those bla etapopen înobliat vo cen got ver- he bas beau ug ln past rears. ranis ou the spot aa sUm ue ai the Malt, lia -vot graina firnlheb rev- eveniug vishla the polilce iapaitinnt ories, semaata ho taklng (ha place ai yl lia ai oui- service,' the accusiomet fendis.Tme fermera Cayo10kieY LO LAU geuoi-slly agi-es thatIlitla su Ideal ra 1 enlii i ookth -YLL- £1 The trick vas ta draw hlsçL tThon theMmnWho hati turne< t l trick gai ile bird. OtATU I ?W<M' le Crotind Beneath Car* WitaM Att6hnpting tg' Make CoupiU- Was About toWsd-Company Con- sured by Coreos.'.Jiury. itlobert Bobo-rda, a brekenin luti» enipioy of th i.wnunu entral, wsa crumhîshv a gravai train ati Antioeh fi an î'ariy bmur lest Thursdoymo-l 1meeting immediâto desti ,The sociente oecurred at the junaction of i vha' a unown ao the *"wiluiot éwiteh" nparibe 9 ilage of Antiocb. The coroner'» jury ec.-honred itheramg- rond company for baving a dueele feîîuPiing Ou a car iii use and for aMllop eniployem to vork mare uhan tive thoure ae a strètehl e ppsaring lantà î'oursa ofithbelnquiry thet the yonng mm hat bm-en et vork nmaie timan th auo' besr of bîiure the law tta forth. Rb hody vaq louiid batwean the laderaa4 the i-at car oi the' train vbich ws * ying i uuPan the asWing anti fi-olpevliuds- sfound upen the grounti hi thea sbaof blond and lacerated tlesh lb was thaoos ai tlesimt twîî crs pausoetioversrbisody. It le lwlev-d ha attemptadIoi tut@&; au îîutormatic coupling by bond alleit iiad talled tii vork anti vas tew bonabbth tecars.nHawan twpuity4no yeara of agm-andi w55 tu,0 hav bp* marriet inl th- cour»e of a tow doy,. Bis home vas Fon du lac. TAKE OFFIC£S lI-EN. 0n the tiret Mouday hInflommbew, Fthe' Dacember terra of the eairoucm opens anti an the. saine day the àEi*y eietad caunty oScars ýt9X4 theia' chairs for the openin g' aln., SHOT WHITIÉ SWAN. Tbursday 'et %igDoatilrlv&roM iPatter chut a la rwblte avec, witgo measureti alnost six ft #M tlp te Up. The. ian hlarely v arounti haro anti but fair bava be rabat. A meeting of the fanum 3couuty wiil be eM te tWankeganSaug, , a lathe egb tarl Prim an Lýl' T ai cil ti ai t( ri tc ai Ir p dl ri w rc il 'w h 9 d c a ri u y n 1:1.di

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