Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Nov 1906, p. 4

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»Y - ~~~~tha suppot t thsie ste admitnistre-mi ht r b s ohdbv r JltW '~ ~, < 1f.3t e11a nt the 1I-.olfto ntai Lbeattme. 114.*1tion ln bis candidacy for the spbakei,- tieneelV u apliorf. Other Chicago Ps- ________________________slip ofthte lower bouse of the legisla- pers -accepW4ti s tact *sa%-&fore- -*'t BIIOT* ~ s.e 5KL. sVEatigsuoaàr matac turc. Borne of the newspapers flot gene conclusion a.nd mêlons ltera are se 4q.'vlml axaatmme soOWN N'tOTt.iendly to thp governor have Intima- nseaueexpected. developrtnts, the - ted tient the admlnistratleu's ad mîglit corinez peakersbip contest will fur- 190.tnt go to the for-met- speaker. The îïlsh lttIe sensation. RDANOVEMBER 30, 1906.__ TMg CONVICT-MIS FAMILY-LAW. ILLWJOURNALISM. l lie urged tat convicts muet net tamlly la turne-a offlie another lI yelo ounis ave I covered thot nune ot the mone tl be kept telle, thant they muet earo tears. elo oras Iga- mlssing. iýxC4It a antall package of $1.- their living. that the people should The stata takes the tinte. the eorn- ~oeOtutMayo Scmltsut on wîîit iwent t Sttu by express. jfnt be taxed to feed and clothe aie luesof the one te itzelf, laavlnig the ý"co hait stolen 'l.0000<)M front toh bw thîs werld Io gven to î1)î aarof crimineals, and au forth. and other te starve. Thre mother dier ef ' fit tnd, and tirt be bal bOet and how tile yellow tien papers do, lot. au forth, despair. The boys grow est thievas. ljeedforthethet, avenowdis prve pontheoriina nithos! Let us see how this worka., The The girls grew nie harlots. The law staie atteste a yoîttîx fellow. who. ]et lis vlndicated. The taxpayer la pro- ues say. ln a di-unken quarre! blas tected. The criminal classes are re- THÉ UNION BARBER. e tabbed a comnont. lie la hîtrrlad îdeniahied. la itneut damniable? Doses pck McConuqeant1 a barber. cee- a sbarè aud 10 ît-ntée for, aîalr-,away te prison. Fie la brought Into ntthe a ociety #ib tolarates sucb lad it a h woud jota ilie regular et. i absolutel> tetused te worlicoUrt, tried and contieîteti. Ha la monstrosîtias deserve ail the evila Dy, so ha enlisted and tais trans- beause lie would bie cutlng the union sent to prisont for ilie years, or for lt entails upon ltselt? The itate bas red te the barihlnteolumtbus, rates. lu vain te coinitnattdng ot- tan yeatli.oor for- life. AHl the table no rlgbt teo i4e tht man'a labor trous 10, Etng a barber, b tais detalled icer called bleu bete Film aied reprl- e yotng wlfe and halit dozan lttle bis talte and cildree and give ibem iltve is olIta olderi Evry andd Iîtt fo bi obtlncy «a hilîdren are left wtbout their naturpl nu equlvaleet. It aboule! pueisb the sbavhifllwiifedtlr.a wealy.bld hîniblenorhisOtoka oatHetprotector ad support.'l'bey hlde gullty. fnt the Innocent. Every dol- #Fer tenantbe z l wc *weý odbe we leto i et e a corner cf the court ruem. TheY lar tient la dlvorted le thia way tram à have bis atetocb t, ev nl a.ten "ohrolg ear the latayera yawp. They lîsten the inatutrel needa of the helpless te ,b&rb« e ai baf thle proceeda. and tiens tacre walved. Jack couldn't sea ý te verdict. The case la closeit the uses of the.public, la base bleuet thera are only two barbera. ibey t. atndiso, belig trte te bis prieciplea, 1'Th yotîeg tather la bundled off lit moitey that abould and dces carry eadcil on the work andea caes- lie la now tl i tcguardhbuse and bis; one direction le chaîna. Tbe yùoutg wlth it tbe cures of God. eoser $40 a weekc. But Jack la a fellow barbet, whe lae nt(se acrupu-, jeu barber and tabac lie learned lou, la maklttg $90 a week sied la en-,- SOLUTION OF DIVORCE QUESTION. jA thie regtlatletla were a nickel cours glug Jack te standttirin. *e~ clerks ami bar docket for the ut the homekeeper ls a statnding october terni of court lias llsted canididate for the. divorce court, The Young man tah ba gruau up n'ltb- IL.LINOIS GROWSRICHER. fotyf eacltis for divorce. This is tt respcnalblliiy, who lias wastad __ urus trotu at cotimtes recelvai haereacliati The burd is beliîdtd altî paflllug, a record of wlilch Lake lits yotth and paneti lils nanhood .... d uard evqalalt liwr iI ear because uft iet great county lias no ressort ta be prend, adte btoidle an itidsselute habita la att- sw sa grand total of $1.0.13,441,227 tncerti-nty whielcl lis axitei as te ralses the. questiotn aith i'very srert-cthier. The minlters nito are aalî- ai taevaluaieti of or roperty osseasetilis legal rgit tatiisses ite capital ou it5etided Itersoit, tat are tac coit- ng iii. taI#to pravent 'divorce andi il tac o oter itn fancis copor.,log tao aud abat tla the soluîtion,.retîl'ess narriage bave Ilîcîr resptutii- by. local bodiai. Lasi year the grand tc !oie iat riciecrtr-Sîmlar couditions lu eveiy couîrt it bullit uthose cases, ttîany ut ahont total.,wais$1001,U,674. Eigbty-elgt tiens andthettdealre o! Corporationti the tata aecouati- tut'agitationt tavuir have lieeh of thaîr lock atndiiuitier "«J« O shen' an increesre of _$27.968,- Commtitc Lewis of Chicago ta be.heard .Iug remadjai Iagtlatlott. their spiritual supervisiont. Tlhu' par- ffl overltat year, tMniea11t ut..,=-*. ,mi ,t.t,..., 1,r,!li.g tu te asseosu. The .truo..set lotinof the ttatrlttgt.enta are imoell e -a1o»ile t'itîrtii, cf -aîroa pIupeisanîd divorce quesîltinles aitît the tîegligettce and nilialien khiîînesb Swtlus thare la a decrease of $2,- mentto alod rpr homea more than wthlî thîe legisla- titat tniis chîltiren for- tle rilesi of 0S,5S7 the net increosa for the att- ,Thc riglitI ta assseSus tha capital turea. Itlah mot-e a mtter for eîIuca- lite. (Iood fathars *usu-413, trhu goott tire state beng $2.302.551. stock nofnmercantile corptorationts av iltinandi trainintîiitnutfletislatiîîu. chllieut andi gond itaîthr sutaýjIy -Te the teregeintg total et $1033.441. lng lîceit nîhelti by a receiti decîscit Thie girl. tabac early edîtcatiatt bas prouîti-gond tises. ilie proltihi $I'tmes~beia~theasïablirnenta ofthe asulirente court andtirte ontinot ittttgoîîed ou theliteireet, whiosP sel- tienthe question of titatriztgi-aud di- by te bqýr of quatzaiontrefre f Atorny Giieal tead th e Caiittnesbas beau gratifierd ai titi'ex-vere seern a torest llttr ipoute t b>- he ard t euaisatin bfereo! ttotteyGeteratStet.the ;,,!p ietnsetif lier lprentîs antdi talat' titî early traininîg of the. hdivîdîtl thaît thZar adtotal tepen whlch the alte Pta! stock cromntlteî- <sai wîirk otaration for ntarrîage bas lackedî i iilt the Ian-. Editcaîî- titi legllate, tg4% rate for 1906 tallibe basai can hîl part of iha taski. ncqîîslnîance ailt tht. oimottftlt iles la the nmotta foribbthe itîi DO YOU 'NEEP VOUR NEIGHBOA?" FARMER BOY AND THE STOCK SHOW. I'hese la a bit et Itallin phllcOPhy a ganulue "icai," andits icle la tîtat -'îtlutorttîtioual Lire St.ock-i,.Istt-itii-titriît-tJl y ioel'tl'î.,,î.î jtrtidî-.. 5* ay: "ec leerry anyeaa f a n'ont ad. ,sitiitl, is tuti iititatiou foriun tliig itutuThýiqr.' 4 t i lî ltaI tîîîttr. tles *&um "neInee o eas0Thetast ati. la usefuilnlitconaction 1:tand yotng ti-i uit-uns boy s i.te lii lit raIt it i' suî-î-t'is jitsi Ii ~py nada ls neglibe.' tltb thha "neiglîbor ceeti" for the rua- aunit mIonts ttpitt. his tif i'ouiit ilei. i:tîatI t tîhtas 1h-mitîlîty ou The humblet pet-oU le totaitmay sou tiot ycu douieut kuteawhich ut!ple -eevtrn m rfminlrl»n4crltgt hcbv !u»etel te you-atltost "Once It your nlghbora votu ueed-which une iexhaitoras %-IlItuy eotiriusittis s ititlt-ti itltr si t'e!s" may ha equlppodtutereeàer ycu theI tebtteaui neetd rytiuL-ltisI And thia truth untierles andi ex- une service dtierd-whick oeaMray 1oI took'r and titi' ott- ta tethe 119- tîtexi-jtttattttiof ai iediitg èto-k. and Lit mu =ch o the iasaillda tvertia otan the Alladdi'a Lomp needeti te bPeclItteti ty the renuits ofthe bcExIbi ehtîtultid iitti, yards aitte sain, tintie notadas. toa etît asmsueayour tertunea-wblch one a mmysition ila thei-young man irît itiaxtteiitalteru- tlîittts o fîts t ttiîîalî uf aiI « plnied nvdy.loto t i e able to bey thé thing you mont ta uî-îi.yfl. yeara aifaai'. 1ht lsauitgr adesan. wi lu inti- ardntany cte.. leti by mua taho have taIt tht cee-I toeili. or tu saoit tu yoîî thsaittapiratioitu flic boy of sixteen witt îiw-it la iy. H Iii- lcd compare tte liesa yeaIms"-bave lapitis andt eut thlng yau ntot need to bey,.a<s t-ttîgl îe itîesiaxtliaîîdsn-iî rt i OW4 «doe he ir egborsl" Se that. once lu every tan yer- i- ut1.lkigt bn ttln w -liigadorwlyda i nJ 1%eahbor nti" may ha vert- gurtlvely speakeg-anui cnce le os mntlhuîîk ot tent, and te tîte yoceg own oncelusifison as t hereoîll>- utl 1% na M*otentes andi folîlea et men every tan days. actually-evary man juan i twetitt-ilve Wautoi ismclbogie type Ot animal@, andi than bueaitould II bd woaae-bt it Isaesally a vlvîd, needa te une taen'act ada. iag tu du tite' nork ofthîe aonld it ishanta andi bread thia tipe-not until the o greot index ot future developiiett. îîcxt exposition year, -but perastetly. Il te modem studio@inlebreading modifyingit ouly as future duveloinamnts DENATUR.IZINQ ALCONOL. toSecno usaytbiung ibet' show'that th. indiemba. 'Ça lait-e laatittis. indice.- la <st-niant'there ara 70,000 tarin whlch the sti. larady for taefrmer. elti Magliai adagle. tat a bord itliehatiens ara le sheuld rIit the interna,.1 stlbl. a.nan tlent Very veratif. Ne n'y go ailsd anti distîlî untîl excelent mi haeaaiaîîlislad by otte tional avery yeor, making bis changes 1 ég.aqaatl . . illl. of Con. the tank l aîl. Then ha informa the granadather, iu net truc, W. nota keota lotaIy usconditions change.neaver1 aMUitü,wae assItai e acomms- Permintabho ln te bey the mcobl tronm thutaiht we iteeti i. airaor six gpliera- retil tI t confoision ut bis liard. offr e talsiam revenue te terme- bleu, after which ha notifias the gîr- ilof tbraaditg lit a constanit typa anti bis tinte. M te iles lnier taicli the trou, ruiment. and an inspecter comtsamdý CRIME SHOWS. kobaIls*n' tet into affect. spenlt remevea thie seul, muasures theOn' i se~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ me.teuny.seilgtltetoftetn.atcolcaie Chicago people at-e arousati agoînat'glass entter sud broke inte a jen'elry ftter.. sud gives the tollon'ng se- revenue. If the termer tamts te de- the champ shows tbot make crime ai- attiré. A baît-dosen beys. comîng tramt then'e-k doa: atue Ua acehl o Ut ispt au turing te the yeueg. Tnee la a neuve- a lyncling show, n'aie preparing te biM OC hou'h s cano: aur healchlonte pt ment to put eut ot Insinusthe "the- string up an Inoffense ltta nagre Tibgm- lnoane0uty le that t-e- ne sein le apreeence ot the Inspecter. otera', len'blich notenlous criminals boy wben neiglibors lnterterei. PetitI% l'h tillil hava to e leMade letahen tea aouel of tax talîl lha r ara reprasantilasi mabres. NotIlag con lie solS ln taver of sucb gai-.tala sar wblcb laledes à tank turna te hile. But generally the The "shw', objectaS te princhually entertaliments. Thir ýwheIe affect bM cmu ha iocked tith a govemmt fatmers oeilI Irough, île gret central ara moving pictuines. aen'ieig traitn anti Influence laeliasing. Thay ought ack aMd seaied n'ilh a goverement ellleg agencias, ahîch tienture at a rebliies, lynchînga, safe-lilowlng, 'te lia tipeti out cf avery city in the mll. T'he ulali teri distilleries de centrai pint atitiln large quantifies.,'"black banti" conspiracles ant i al mon- landl. pot gaeate ail the year round.' Thay anti collect the. raba tronthIe gcv. uer cf violence anti liociabai. EverY, Beys' lIves are ahaped 10 tlalr pprte là the tinter taben tae fariner ereo u consiérable audis. Tîtua day attr scîcul heurs these places Ideals. Thte boys Idoal la tu bis M leimeure te do aqmiethng otiler tan the geverent agents are noh re. itare cron'di tlh littIa boys anti girls course le ita abat tae comptiezltgo Ieramiht fatrnitaork. The fermer bas qurai te spe anaty appreclable tilneutitil Ita la tha .avanlng. île slip t saS.. If. h lie trua anti ai my ce ft-u. am en Inpecer Net long agoi teeont boys ln my staady. itie course talîl ha tralght; If A) give the geverent thIit dY& s n n otad n npco >lecho aecn-eirvles"sy ilatn rtteeaIb lp bgce a" te the imt e hatslso lie- calt cover a large terriory. ?iean-ebotw cridevlrs"ayaIlieutftthewl eaip On te Opermie bs sutl. sotea urne wte the coutrra, seîîîîtg agaîîcy paye achool principal. "W'hen I sakée*iltent arecli. ms-lug the UtrtY dmya an Inspecter the formîera uttaebusut fbecerage JWhy thay corriati tacpona. tîte baya The average boy Idealizea laroiant masialex ati ook îl at11 venalcool îtt reute fo ai t ot l'deanataared thaltbahy waîîtaltu hobhaaboyeaail ting caise. But If ha learna mm«elog ad ]okethestifi ve aloho an reute fo al tht l d- brave like thteres thliedIttiseau te look for It only le brutality and Wnuea that it la clam, andt ten uaturati. Ila a gond systolesuitdile ln the picturea le île 5-cent theaters." crime le la decelveti laie acceptlng s Slockh anti seuletae tank. aftta t-nerty exîtansive to flic govertent. The affect ot these shows onth Ie cary apuronts article. The mnd anti chîltiran la demorallaîng. Many ut the. seul. as n'ih as the body, grotas sc- THANKSGiVING. cîilitren have becorna se lad as to e ii crdllug tc tat utitouts upion. Anti (Frote Montiay's Dally $un.t j Incorrigible. Tn'o achool boys atter poisons ara as disastrous te the one Thle aext teast ulien the prograitnose Ibt country atitîtro nul have to seelug a herglmry show obtaineti a as t10 bie oter. sit'baisivlgand attr that coen alyat bornte andti ark. Minsiers ot .ittwii lit.,Jvc ine 19t hÉî tuiiaià» Istats. W a tt's oer e n'a the gospe iaî wt.have t., .,ivtt i- '-~V QLIVA voîc Is IrotAinddesiaant malgnî g slves 10 thir Blocks anti cant prmncvie i rtstUiâ inn ilus-me the NewYseir, n'Ipe outthîe tp and dotan île country on haîf traadIddigVlvl oiy o cause il coitaati alinmply thcetaurds te happy- Nevembet- la alinet yer 1906 tail pasInto istory satt T M, hîhflh netic nudadli,.o.iwi le. la a shot ime tae tail ha axtraordiuary ear f presparlty. ENa. *yansetno," ant i mghi ha usai ehlitI fer tha bluebird andTita-Jet ns anJey taetalter, fer the lInt, 1aHwi ol oHaePse erule înioc ia ha n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n sglgUanlltmtteylo'tlgnaktt aî agn ni d Influence Slppng Awsy nuoteceti upoît abîcline discussionu t_ the bu& os tealuettmaplles the comnuasauteit li brntg a tuca Frntm Hlm nas tDitiWit as olicacil. A amiEcontingent out eh. 'ie ct-opa have beou e gundant, croît et mosqutues anti bugst it- Dotialshereutt a adeti te, thc excite- uselas bava genle te suit averr- filet us tith malatia andi worry Our mecnt by occainal abouta ot "Gîve t y. ' TIte gilublcan are happy ln oula. We have every reason bc con-,î LEAVES AUDIENCE MIMSELF ta lîtît, Pîier." "That's rigbt, PIper: WiAg boutec the Deumocta, andteUtaetnt eut-slves. Sentt Goessea sireet IN UNPLEASANT OORF. stick Il mb ohlm." Obeatlsmehappy le baicg boatan. te pattai. Tocuiteaiboi tae ciwter -Voliva attempledti t ubdute a Don'- ýsbm, -tey n'ara as much itrait of lut i pari et the cima. A hait doien Ov-seVoiauZou('lyttwllIetaeclihmatrtrb o- lao iolr ste Repeblimnuimen bava alraatiy volunleered hO nu)i Into aw veritabla 'hornat'a nesi lait ec- ltîg acn'as *'only a id." but ha tama cf "ag tur ent galu. Ioder fr . Mayor. Attorneys Weims, Van ening wtable attemptei le makte a tieCaIe repeatediy Iy a mou eamea4 roat ien'ofiînea. no min Deusea. Stearni. Millet-. Petsens ant'ispeech le bbc tabernacle ot Sxteenil Stuart, wt al amt h n'icfaîr te asic wory WiTh.Fe prssant la auent. etie<tkar aret-lhiikng-bttt pet-baps street anti Michiga avenue, Chicago, for signatures upen cardla chat din't marnai gae tight Sacrelartîs la a lttle praclous. Why. undat- Ignering cite chargeis bha linuateti show the ressor tfon the signatures tr lass s pigo; la the Unted taesa clrcumstinces spulti any ori- halet Stiday aginit Overacar W. F. i anti upee a question tat bidn't boe Lt~ua=n 04 taeolden troam nanr' ctizee la discouragai. Thora us IPiper anti endeavering te lentrench'discuswâti. He iold thé general orer- ,t. visuels eoIl ciuS randi a lght ttu t indota ur t ho, geetle bîiniît fer lita ln the lgt ion ton- i smer îlot la cotultneut put hlm out et lus-m es gaMadOs »roue. resder. Bt-ca up. anti coesîier lien'erly occcuploi by Dotale. 1i île curcI.- m cu gttlmg »Iabet. Tisa mach n'orse off you anti the ity Three siemeests bran' île meeting! The Meeting n'as dhsmosaei by Vol- 0< bsi pusemIgIt e.into an uproar. et rahallien agolit ira titI a satemant luit le bail te Shlm.. Ovesar Piper demane-e a catch a train l-foeontit>'. but ho luft. '~v dslotoy, cWjh ldgo Tols, ~beaicu batora btsa people on ta islaaudieunlua stange mené, net ms1aud mory, t .-rth sg m U o Y chart-eagaînut hlm, and n'as turneifavorable te him. 91 Purityc Zion City, Nov. 26, 1906. TrOO aSHOqRT TE OAY. Mr. Edîtor: 'There's jusl eue thîng dlsttrltt' me Dear Sr.-Havîng usefl brewer'ai This glad Thankagivin' day. food for rllch cowas. ultose tank was - An' ailnty mnrce-noy. ubi dally ln a totan, (TrIeg) near It seema tea me the dsY's tac, short ahîcli1 I lved, wtbout one word, oft By 'bout six taelîs or se toieplaînt us regards quallty or tan- Fer me te Psy the debit W thenka tieasant tante, I tblnk It my duty te, Thet 1 ment surely uwe! Iform ycîtas a aort of cont radiction Cho &.Batlý.......... .o a iltatemeet le Satttrday's BSUN. 've plodded threugh tha possîn' Fancy àSen.........- -..... e But te keap the mllk %p te standard moaths Pion 004Miaiabo ...... îuality It la naca7sary ta mlx a uItile Wtb bleslin's lcadad dotai, iBotion M .c......a.a,....... hop teed. Bre ars' graIns,.enta and A-hidle' bitternesa at beart liberty- omiblauatlos, par pound ..-.»C albuge I fani by experlance the Ab' wearln' ot a frotan, Te. i.. at best milk prcdîtcet- ktîcwe for cotas. A-nakln' of mysaîf bellave ChoIce. 8.. Japs. owrth rie.'su wçs or sows. I kept thlrty cuws and Thet 1 tasaboe oppressed, F&#iICy S. D, )&a"ni Oit9,M& .-.... bil a carload delîvered làte dpot tramn Wbe really 1, more tiraitmuet maet, Oeyion an h Breakfa sptia........a Ntampo*brewery. otmieofI Have by the bord beeu blessed. Teji ymenS or Gupowder - .. SOS on the rat Menday of evary rntb. Foflawsa 0o" t of mmquality.. .5 v. a nand bMslV reeued tti es f rustltîg Iis talîl do mrne good ln u lrpad my assata ln a buncli N. Y. FULL CREAM 014115E !%8 destroylug a faise notice, 1isur, air. An' ibeughithemn mlgbty émail, Fanev CadfelU s niguwem.r lb .. f Trîtly >ours, *Buttahan 1 taire tbam one bY oua Q eauconTablé Bvrup ............ & JIOSEPH W'OODMAN. 1 acarce con euni îbem ail. q. a N. o. bloînams10 AUt'. whan I look<about an' sea Qiiole Seeded RaIsi,, pound.pkg .... 83C Auction Isale. Tha thînga thetatloters lack Tbasibgivitig elaaedCurrants. pkv,IU Potilai Cet-ual, large pkg .......... à& Oit accouent of movîng tu ('anada 1 Thet 1î,oaes-waal, 1 declare.. Ompe Nets, 2 pigata------------....38< wll salI ahîuble ouction. oti the 1 strîke tire other track! Pettjohe'. Breakfast Foo)d. pt.rpkg. lac John Melville foai, cru the' Milwasu- RaIstn Breakfast Foud lpar périr.-.14e kep road, 1 % mlle wast et C. & M. BAkKERS CHOCOLATE. coite. .07 R. R., one 2lt street. Zion City, stud The tltings we'd Mius If t-we wr. BAKERS COCO^ 0.2 lb. con ..22e 41,j mlles sotheaui of Russel, Frîday, cal led 1'ancr Héait lioe.; Ib@a.... ... zf Déeamber 7, 1906, comménclng at 10 oprwtithn-ahe New Navy liso sper 1........ se o'clock sharp, the folîowloig property. "o.rttlltIlum-htel-t4h.ll Pop Cforn per Il,. ... k-... to-tit: 15 rnlch cotas, aprîngars aud Aret- iings for whtirh au ahîîîld .4î-' Bon, k lld()ai, . ... . l milliers, of tahicli 9 are 4 yaar oid thatika tii-oulatadml ltw t'ui liapt-elbîs..lit helfers; 5 ateera, t yeara ulti: iliIter. - N'iiîî staîin heuarts thia da' rit&laîiît- olut. 1kpkg k .. & 2 y e a r s o ld ; 1 i lb e lfe r . 1 0 m u e llis ; 1 A * tt h r e t e t S t c l i o qardi e i i iiila r m p i e a yeurling hlter: 1 Sota andi 8 pige; A'f- iui i ht tkt tc1uprui tirlî.sp- -o . 0 sorrel mare lit tuaI by Sir Davidi. 13 Accordn it ihis lplaîn. ttiard 0 yeurs old. aclahi 1200 ita i stîcklug, %%'lit ii ,the day bal! long "tîough 1 lb tau Saîrnti ............- .e weight 2o Ib.. I block tam etftriv- TttIr bîtmin's anl to geais. Plut 13UlCaitp per rail .. . . o-egit 12 1 151a erCitern icr rihur e * e Cnenflila -r t 0 Ing mtares. welght about 951) its.: 1-Athr . tuirdui-;î Yti-Igt-.Ultitt Asmotnt tt,î1îîa.i-stec stee ciwheel itrk wagonî: 1 set ncar- 2 lb riearly litre lea ....'. é 2 lbeau $West Corn.... .......... o nia tire n-i cia for saine;- 1 heavy 2d Maie oet liiai. Vieuy et lA. *0 '3'i b con iiaked Beania....... .. 0 spring inilli agoît 1 liglit ntlk lu hettu irut 'tiot Lke Vouai. wagon; 1 aîtrl*e,%>:1 mat btuggy; 1 setSairah à.s. tk'ît va Abotasder llael.ett. S Ilitcati Plim kng ..... ....... .e aork arnes: iaatyle brces: i .Fltward8I il Bili, Lau!î a lb cmjIii Egg lai........ ....... 10. grlud aicîte: t1liayrack;: 1 Deer ' l ît R tabla.. *tdiatleMdà ea, E5w.ard lb eou Extra oitv..»*ýý cont bîntîci -1tAve-rycotrnt panî~t lien.Ttt-rega D. Siketit. erite Package F-ite 'TableSait --------..ý O uîerlyeew taitltt-titt piot-r' lîî'lliduali liavktt, Ni-hIcM. j'ou. n0BrsLiox liont... . ... nearly ne; 1 sprlnatootht.iot-a -as Ezauinx oft,!tlaetit cîltitvator: 2 nalkitg etttîvators:.1 i ll suntit-s'a-ni iof Warr.'e0. E lis. - Creatilaitndry Stii ......4f spdng 1 tîîtlr:Iwooilî-it drag;:1, Soirs cr wen t*ebtptiajîl.' t'itySot.10ît ... 4111 Columtbus gangi pictn, Itplanter; 1 ue.ioe-rsit ati ant eaeatile abora Wool Soap----------- M teeti cuter nnd Star etîtti ihiasher le tht.billî f <tî,îapl-lttdcmLrird. 1 tat' aîts'ic iii'nil * vSortit ....4§c taili 0 i. ! crrer Il n opt or Putblc oaohhla barebi ulventat ut, Hast Luiiîplfirr-h liniiblL, la-r lb .. c der:.3 I teiLî anielîlnug I or.tlrtue or a ti-e. c f f ale sud eatnterei 'ouedmi!poaieG- i, tarr .....rt- . Sc der;1 fed Mil ad betiug 1 nliklateabovo, eitid eau»SU le id Court, Perfection byoet -n...... e tank: 1 tank heaier: 1 fanuitg Milîl;1.teunuderalac. t'uIMserlie-a c 600 buolela el eu-sehdns tr Ét sslel (1toitd i, i nT=1 day lb.E xtra mi roug'A nion inita-r 1Kt,' 1 600bithes danaee ois 0 îtael îîudvrteemh.'r.A. ID. irae t our' Perfection luîng partInttlle .......l4 s'ed bsrlay; quantît y of potatues. cor- of on* o\A-ickteibfpersa ornsali doit as! 3 Ibou WeingSoda ... ...........c rots, vinegar ana barrels: 1 cîsklng!tugtaId eteCortgunm range; Itao<id 5iid couil ieaer : qîan Loueseuad sate of IllilangIl esul it iS---------------.. ........7c îlîy et furniture; 16 acres of curtlu section tt t-ciebîgliat bidiler fer e tirs Rising Si tn' 't4.t----- U aliccl. Free Ilunchi ai iooiî. Terme itonaleua casrte p-mises te-ut"M i uSovIdh.......c 0f al.-Srn et$1 ati îner as,,Let Niiiab-r on- ipnifBock .M ber ' %tbmt)0 Matm a t -ai-............oc of Sle.-urn of 10 nd udercash; nxtc.u tlati xeàay'. second addliion teý5 dogo-n ClotîtesPies ...... ........Se over $10 oe year's tîme St 6l'per cent tte Towentuf Littie Fort 'Dnu. cii of Sun Lamp Ohimfsys, àach - ....._f leterest 'W'in lia gîven on goed bai'.' uýs% -la thte unir of Lakî sd lsta auIe noies. Property te lie settleti for1 Datait Novpmbpr s, ltu. E. E. E L L W OR T I hetore rdntîtval. One lier cent off for Semen W. <'01.11.IPecati Monter tu cash. 6icai -4 i UbbivIlels10e E. fi. PEDRICK. Pt-îtî. UEO. VOGEL, Auctionear. T e 2 t e t r JAS. A. REEVES. filent. Auction sale.Th a t fWn ur Having decidad te, quît fariingl1 iBelai public anction, on the E Brnsdon fata ri tDruce'a Lake, C s t r cember 6. commeacieg at 1 o'clocIu sharp, Ille tollewieg articles: 3 yeux old blscki mark. 1300 Ibo., 7 year old black mare, 1200 Ibo., 1 year eid black Stock of winter Suite and colt, cbesteut mare and colt by sida, Overcoata bau arrlved. We've mlcb cota, 4 yearling helfers, 1 sheep, ecotfrn qtiantltY cern le crib, Stock oferov $ca fo 5 to $16.150 stick cern fodder, eew Vrecl wagon Suit@ from $7. 50 to $16. and box, truck taagon and bay rack., tank taagon, poeanmd abli, sinlel ______ carriageanad pole, nota John Deare sulky .lota, John Dean. stubible plet, ~ ~ i~ akt John Deere eod plota, pulvériser, Sweaters adgn akt sulky cultîvator, tan foot soeder, Wool lined coats taalking cultlvator, nata set bobs, set Lioather and Corduroy ef bobs tôt buggy, bey mre, Deering rnower, corn sheller, grind atone, @lu- Reversibie Coats, Mackinawl, Ile barne»s, two-aet taork \barnaas, st iMla I-ol ut drlvtng barnasa,4 mink cana. , MMlhayl-ol at repe, ptlleys sud' car. 240-l6. scales, iCowflieif'King Hor@es' 'oves caîdron kattle, talter tank, rocklngj Hutchins & Potter Lrs chair, wood heaier, 3 kltchers chaira eaby buggy. nearly cen', lettege. 40 (iloves and a fine lUne of roda new wtaven tire, lices, pitcbforks Meli's-and Boyst' Winter Clps rand other articles tue nurnarotîs toa ifo ca . .mention. Al gouds nmuet lha etled Ufr afi for belte removal. AIl sumoaourlet $10, cash, aIl sema 01er 110, une year E." l.1.Iauer at 6 per cent on goed bankable notas. E aVsW . CIIEr IIL8It J, L. SHEPHERLO, Pi'op. Shnc ok Gurnee. Il,.: cac lc F. M'. CLOW, Clark. Auction. Tuesdoy, Decembar 4, ai Wlsene' I fatm. near Yorkbouse Cherch, on MII-1 tasukee resi. 4 mlles northtaest of Waukegoe. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. 4 herses. watght 1200 te 1400 Ihat., 1 yearling Belgian mare colt,' 31 cuitas, frseh anti couInn le, 1 spring colt, i yearlilng Jersey beiter. 1 set. beauy tonk bat-ees, 1 mllk wagon, 1 singi. buggy, 1 boy rakte, 10 test. 1 non' Dueru bey leader, 1 Koystoneaboy leader, ne*', 1 cern- planter wth check rata, I petatp tiiggar. 2 dise basratas, 12 anti 14 Inc, 1 sulky pIon'.. 50 chicliens.' 1paît-wtle turkeym. 1 bot taiter Incuhator anti broodar, aise z48, 1 12..4nerl galvanîzedtitmer tank, 1 u'ootien taater tank, 1 MeCrmick mewer. Cen', 1 hay rack. 2 rldileg cultivatre, 1I ln'olg cultîvaton. 1 batrata. 1 J. p)eere n'alkiug pIon'. 1701 ft. ot loy repe, 6 milk cana. 1 mllk coolet-, ilpait- bob aliga, 1irond] scraper, 1 Radiant Home eaîtiog coal stoye, i large dresser and, other et- ticles tee oumereus to mention. .Imuchai nna. Term-Seins oft $10 anti undur, cash; sueaxeadleg $10 one yaars time. all. hagiTen naP- proved hakaîle notes, beaffng 7 pst cent intoregt; 2 par cent discount on - cash on aniountserevr $10. AUl gondis muet lie settleti for befffe ramerai. O. P. PWM$RSON anti R. iAfflY. W. M. WILI(OT, Auctioneer. Adise t» a the paper wstUta ceh-I ceIito. Ativertis e tu teINDe- Pe»4DNT. I A Ladies' (Jo!d Watch, A Oent's GoId Watch Gnus the number of beanis ini the bottie in the lindow of WilIIltjckley, Druggisi One gnoe with oaecbe bot tie of Twehve llor Cooh uo Nooe Botter F ew Are, qu4 -j- 9-1 Il

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