Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Nov 1906, p. 6

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j 1' Jiîst to îuake thmngs interestilig for the Thankr-givmig Ressor, jvit.wiII give everyotie, bringing ini the. oupoîl below a rtbate on-ouir saleîîidl linos of Man's Siîits a.nd Overcoats. W. bave flot gîvet awauy'a chetip turk-my but give yoei the. cash benefit On te thiec (ISyls above înentioned we will- refund to everyone $I.ÇO iii catIl on the purchas. of a Miu's Suit or Overcoat, no- inatter the prîce. Cut' ibis out âmd bring with youe topI ut YU'Sun-lthe~ . s"» et Mmes op .aé41 _FII C > î 6 1Hat. Scisaffer 5 at For Boys and Young Mmn It would neyer do to leave the Boys sUd YouIng MIen ont So on the above da 11 il refixnd_.$1.00 on evervi long peut't youncg men'ts Overcoat and 50e o very Boys Kuee faut Suit or Boys overcoat. Don« t forgqet this Coupon. Don' -.bris heu inosslaater»daa4 ect the rebate. You wil am getlt.,GoodforDec. 1, 3, "d 4 M«pe Everybodyvin Lake CoIY buys, shoes aM Yager's. Y~Tii. Great Store 121 - 123 North Waul(egan, 111. Genesee St. Saves Ail Wasted- Wlth Other Stove.- For liard Coal, Soft Coal or Lignite Tise otofgsa burning hard12 al 1 shoWn by openrng the magazine cover of an ordinary buse buonr hen tC e oxygea SUpSlied fials the eutire stove with, flaming gas. Coe's. Hot Blast stove burns this gos lunisard coal'Mh111, in ordinary stoves, escapes, ou account of their leaky con- smtoco, causing great waste and eudangeriug healtis and life wben it escapes juto tise rooms. lia.tise ordiuary magazine bard coal stove, three-fourths bf tise coal is partially consumed in the mgagazine. whgre it gives off niseat, as it is not in contact witis the radiating surface. Tht ont- - bati of tise coal in tise fire pot miust be kept at a white heat combustion to throw the heat into the rools, tius causng great w ate. Cole's-Original Hot Blaset TIse combustion cisamnier and the magazine arec mbsned in tis stove and tbe Coeubustion Is PerIsut. Tise stove 15 filed to thse top of the iuside cast itou lining, This large body of bard coal la burned under perfect control by means ofa the abso- lutely airtight construction of the stove giug perfect cou- trol over tise drafts. Tht coal is kept at a sow, «oomilal dserry red combustioni sud as the hast la in direct conate witis every square inchsof tise sesfi%-e steel rad"aig r face. auithbetisa aradiated juto tihe romsu viere iii ane aMi t bkanketed in and sent up tise cimney. tli oemi at Clos m"idCshueitolburne48 hurs, wWle nt aWb> bug it la cam oi M" la . 2 te I5houri Sold Under a Positive Ouarante îW. Oa QtS. C.lVs oigieal N t ht »eame boisrd Sdo Worbeating a givec pe ntisau y hbus nyu .tals ie umme ating surface. NorjuireS attenMo ouly mornung and migbt with isat MMo. WmUrMoins daty isd night-. No uo piugg tes endanger Mife. ,Tise hast waçted p tise ehluuey ~. wtb otiser tov svi t Ve. Burns Any Fuel-Saves H Coe's Hot Biat la not ouly s perfect'ibard coea stove, but is generally recogniseit as the mot econoas- liedsud deonest smit coal stave nmade. Sot coal îz bail r md a $3.0on of soft coal or a $2.00 ton 01 slxk M=ht do th workof $9.o wotsof brd ol, es oWudr oolor wood wthont auy chngeof futures. S.I.n*lfk Construction- *U L outo eheo6mot, by «uset Its ume ~~~msueas1t. lae patudt M uWdrd aftvu.tie A ,a"w u do ts giaaust les t*aédmr ofut "ansd tbe dtor ur dos _Ws akdht o li isi iensftSCokas OrIgiOn Hot BUMItbu is r U04MI IMM"d" yd Mtiat h .o ov statdfstuus.ThseW&rd.4 *CWàCS WU be Pm as th fui dmo f evwy Cole s MW ne&i.,MUme gemmise wiotil. fer Sl Hé, I. B.;EG£Rp Libertgile Tienosas sârepotcreant t There w<bal i rCveoFacrto muada atr-teu svc e u enoaha inea lu ic arr a s b ai!ac gaf îttra.nî-heap resoahal, cir gaoblers l pcok n E it<sso d<atoa ! i iîce cd j va tic ijoorelosfoure Plcsri edwa the otritoun Foarsorn tcdecentt. Te Bud Garage. S E .riotd. ormerly ovuer propl'in of> t he North Chicagoi I bar yards, aill build s garagc for toimobuta.on, Sheridan> roadi twashilgtoii street. uaxt tha Gable. Tic building w iii hea nlargeonue, jlarges>liratiecicty for Ciaeiturposq Ibiuinp aiti,,cars, and l ilît acc0t? daeuiaîy. Pans for tie structure haie1 drasu I> %fArnod viii ha vice th','etWal.ega u ltsi Anlini tihe reatty ettects or tisa .Jadgé- .ti are tie Wstîkegan i, #(s,.ad ai Gaeifsee street sud G a-ua'ti-twegt, acres ou the ahori' at L.ake Bluff, norti o! Mrs, rand'is Crahtree Dalry. and a fail 12itioatres aàl of! vbîc 1a cOus tî vaied at *00 Carl Atrb.ury sud bride.ue j %tle Itaugit. have returned fri bohaeymoot, doViS Oiate. Mr.1 <I-ury 1las'hils 14 pont la tic Pi( drug store toilly- ISurveycir (, . L.Persans, rt C'ity Atorney P. b. Persans, as charge o! tie C.;., Q vork. la Ing Waulo'gan relatives for a few <hat vitîl incînde Tisaukagivinx- 3grat Streeter sud. daughler Zda.uT ofUtAILMtOtavellua.. hal torta inuaCotlrnia. a lier. haveeen visiting viti lits. à an's daugisten. Uts. Chârines aF Tiée Gazette Maaday et iength ,xpoced thse tact thal Broncha Bastdr' CompanIy tit1 bere last v05k leared but 4 WbsCatasbioe.. Il vas Che CM trom wvih islueGazette "Potl a blak o! sotte for Itlady p Mosyb#_ <.. onlrlbuted tise 4.00' th.e SRA ta tulIa elve subsea a sslritCOcnttri op s vmes -Md ae - a.r Le- eut Sif4w. ouatW ald, m fflornaY fromii~ 'Usanta Work for maay. sald accdent."- UUUU1 IU DT IY LUIU 13 Work la progrOOSifli 9o vel bu t1ic The abova verdict Vms et D)U IU ? , la » ,addto ns e t h u e Corn t'raductâ relan ' Monaar by the. coronor'. ju y t îng plant u thi. Cty that the. nov o th,00net portiqus, or raClisi'the 01<1 portions l kUIOt I ONE ROUTED YAW M r mtu .vi pn~ttsvn,'Nrth Chicago, fOundaye Id , nîans tisat thereViliI b. jobs treeotN 1o ewe 0 and 600 more men 1ing. V&s1s11 IPP$rOf0fot W&ter On- ien-lna Wukegsu, vlsleh la a goand tilng Tiietestlmn o f the. mtOfMolk. iDUa't Vot Ini in Etelisit for the stocing of 01<1 Wslegali.: thie car, John Jobonson. and. tOoçar; WIIBli 5 ES 5 _______Iaggerty. of Deerfiold, vWho, "as 1, ê la*i reust,s, lr oWas lb. OlosI. li g unthe.front pltfoi'n visen Diuluth, MJUu.-1The onanta asylon The. sontiivaat aide bas ba hoosd ocOdilit iihip5ed, OiliiiOd tl& er Duluth by niombers et0f lis.ln bo- aay a Viiote lan *olmopoaed dent. Tbelr testlmonY aogrped tribe began the othur day, sud bau giosta, and residonti 0fr prOltiliOlce VOS substantiated by that of the. udêý lass coaticun evr aine. Tea bElaS sd otherVise ama once more sleeping ductor. Rlober't H. LYons, vho. vas b a v e berau ho t la D ulu th and omis VW u t h e. zi nnip o ! th e co nsie n cee él eor, aid e t hse c a r . - boptured olive., lu ddtiPs t9 tviiere betore theY k1<150sat Viot 'Te cr, No. 28, VwS running~ U5Y51O bures have beau »M. ,but wert heur Cis*y vould awken to hear fot- t nias minutes pet . Beforre é6k.ý *ib »the tc noted. or asoeded le Stepo land otiier strange nois et un. îng tiie patorm use 0to0s ln a l t e & C a lt i s o n m P e t * & hd i o y i io u r s . l w h i W i t e a n ou sis u a n k ap ota d e0 d M d ou ve ctieatll W o m en b av e b e en a frsld tw lin g e r bo nen ils V h istlthed la tteu plaved ln co- o! h-" d.Oun0Imm<"7 ln tieir homaes atonead manY. wvile 'pend* Au n<>oneVSO h It four bem s vure killed sun ouaathertuesaevS1t shlgt aetelstu- rt he< tiese peed Vas îu tiares. It la beleedthat soveralbos phoned their husaida topbé sure and1 creuset! again. bave b eau shot lu the eti lim ite n te hom e eariy as tisey teared a u d n y a f g r r n o t o b iy tint ave mot beau reported. Visitations Sue niy a thefigur e r a ho t n et User steaks may b. had lu 1 ' rak froalutieVt.HVa orke buteher smiaa, thougis the supplyk;>~ HoVever, comiplaintetand allater- th-,tstatin plattorni and camse ont'*# j«t coins antîrely.froni animal@Isl1udloge <11<1 ngond and thewVile dIs- eth, diells and V55 not seen ntItl he ou Isefrot lVuSo! oo ~g. tlctVasî'pidly belng turued lto p ad reacised the' uoutii-bound traok. lug, but fromt the outry round sprituallt camp vian necaurag- He stepped tramuiil directiy 1nfrot et about ulT he boar Invasion thiecoeus eni vetureti forth on a 111001- i yooar buase peclty interegtinh lgbt night and disovered vihaie c i.mtrmnrvro i lu Duluthi for the reoson that the moi ghasts are made of. carrent and put ou, the brakeo.; but mals are touai deeper Imbth ti. so-Camiping behlud a buthaitIlis front v*as unable ta stopli te car.- dence section thanusalt. taprevlouï yard, haevialted atiently. Haeigets TheOman VOs hit sud veul andin- aqsOOmonUt rto!the beas ver. kltted ni'juafta,- il anyway, en hat 1 Ils, the car. Aliter mruilaabout 100 test ln Lakeside snbunb. but tisey bave <te wheu liha atarted ta) watt sud h(ý'rartiier, a car laugttî sud two-tbulrtlu4 become utterly ferles ad stroît rlghl dîd not baya te watt long, as; ats.ll the car toppad. The man had bees thr ugb Ch.reade ce ectons itny reglltd ghosts.wailk ai themidl gt t stacu whe n the eca -vas aimout thlrty- o f! h C h e ur tth at have be eau Milla, oa nd j m u r. .!fi iie eet fro nt hl M . several that have been kied, Ver. is. "-claît.clti.ciap." The tesiny alto sho.ed lat tise covered rieur the state normlal sebondIl was a fearEtninueoait dfrountîhîwgl W uldlag lunCls ity testee.h.adlilit vas tburpilîîg as weeti rlhe annual bear hmnta la Duluth The blond oft<lie titener cangealed 1 ligits lit the stationi. usualy begn &bout this time. as maud hie haut! dcv <oe is hup iockel.j Neyer bas a more i<upld, or un- - lhe cage thus year, sud it lit euPPosed Neurer sud inearer. N(xw tie souil j wiliig ituesa beau calied than As- Cht heanmas ane l ts cty;okshape. ton Cudek, aviner ot a building la I by folto in g up t hse ravin "s hat e d il w a a bor e. 1 w îi h a sa ln t u is t ta ed eta t hu e cor- Irem the foreat tao (ib. hod o! LeItE -i'fuwa T i gha.t po ic eman) T T tte n h a d it r sr e s Saperlor whitele n search of berres. Tie ani- uer o hrenhadVcoyrne Wtlo berrles of several rbî upssabad otaH-e buitbeen wlth Wigglns lu tisema- frmal aviay. He asserts that tiserf- are wbich b'trti have a fondiiesa, grov î- bu sud hitd been aaka'd to slcools- la rofsio abutDulti.Tii vidfour stras aor> the sotibweat aide1 in pofuion iliant uluh. Te wldt ,,dpany thllithome, but ?ciaiiedhe had - raitberres ansd bineberries are gonesd links wlîy tiey are fl(t restralnitrfs. but.t e ueao'e;ate >ysn, t th ey abouttldie. rfsd ubrr. :dbothers sobedbY oe.t uIn i tcstlnsoiîy he repeatcdiy cos- d byothrs raie br,! Married Thankagvng Day. tradicted iimal sud denied makisa <Frot Weuesdy'5 un a a statealtnt a minute atter doing ». , frn ThinkagiviiS Daty. Malry NI' .1> as evideuît ha vas not teilat-5 i Msamn ansd Sain Peamck are to bhajvihat ha kuew sax)%" 1ti "latter an, united uin marriage bY Father < lac h- as dtscbarged. 9 fhar e ac l l law a dishe T rom and, t A M uch Sought Property. W e ' t har e r e e i wtt k u o v i s f r <o n t a asdl* of friegîd. <Front Wednasday'e Sua.> Th é bride la;lb.- dailghitel (a i M ' More deals Tor the abtalng o! tic' J ames McGown, Of Ccitteraa treet. Shp tend under tiecbilt betweea Mal5,, bas bec,, a poyeii et thc ,,Velie! axàd Cyton stractta tire being rpok* fsetory sud laonue o! tie model bouge-i ed sud thie dIne front a digeesot vives that are develpd tisera, source Chai anay that hall b i noa' liait > envatop e fsctory snd came hen' ith the North Aiore Fuel & SUPPIY 610101k ias it tram Miwaukee. He lRaa memlter puy),tint la da-sîrouti oT localiti a r ioft<ha Cuba Atietic Club aîi.-- cd ard a-re. eof wlth lisafoot hall teuatulaitYvear 'ln Th'ie coml.any bas branches l l ewd 18 ouT of te cib'iai~î s,t.>olir aimat ailtIof.Tthe narth shore Cavu sui ueîubers. ila a,îxloua, It la reported, to locale la,ý aid- - Watktagri. Tha colnpany in hémdel acre THE CITIZENa ITAVP TUItYED HUNT a et o on irl ,.t, (ti rlffitb, of Lake Forent. cto (Front aNVeaeday's Sart.) It I. rpoutEd that.onue o! the la"d ries, for vilh bears have a llkiag. L.a,-evarin, alatber, blrîtalit i12 ,ovaiers lit <haý district vas approached These are stîlI on the bush.. suad are;îu>t trat ieaî.dt<c 1-r1 tat .cl athaProposition ta sun louait lu tbe ravîncle ment oued 'IeSaei A bear gatiiers and eas.bleberrlc5Saaie ,-l(' lotaford. of c,,îslimtiott it landmii lae ompatty. .tCé- arud b gîving thie bushl a sveep toward bis The yo.î,ot lady buil <.-i Ili incniu<- <ta.. ils 11,111 Iamis ni îom, umiercoa- hatut- moutii vlthiibs psy. Many berries April. ion.' rai, are vagted tu tuis manner. aud s bie She mais (la(-daugter (;? Nrs. Kw,' lier con ilder s the m u lberrY, or s a ntal!ber-* ts ,rd t> an d w ?s 1 , tr s ()Ici ou W auk gan s D eerfield D eb ste. .a r , s, om etbl<g cho ce ie l s m ore I aref l In b is m etb dâ . W h eu lie4. 15sf. S e <av s be ies <j. ctre fu a bICt th d . W b n h fn a otisir. tsi.. <tothers. M 't.1 u it i.11 aii 'gao ttlas ,"s alchance at III - t a bu cis et! t ane,.. be care fatly takea Il a a n t o i' ta1 ai t d a c- f betw eeu b th s a n s d e s e the terries 1be l,. r onut D - ii l to wnîs ip hbig a sciso d . ,utn- off. A number o! tise anIm ais thai. Miss. liotford voulîl ha1îk- grad iua> in sî.ealtg r the co ti;g debate ba- bave beau kiiled vere mamaticube. ed frota <ha hlgh acho lt ltus Y "'ar. Cveen tic two Belsont. beau A story hou reacbed Duluth 1trom the lbut was orced ou accotant oftlber lanor 1'Watt sud sce." vas Cie advicte mcld country ot a woman vibo bida unique ibeath <o droi t ia sat March and gîihl in hy the loal student, havi- besexperlence vtisa bear Iataly. Bsewas sous, tata,'111 litî lied. She a W55Cir. onvsth erotoui uad, ainen mîes on ot Gtbe most estimable ynîss>g' ta-, Itl saintru hat Decrllald bas omse frous thee cty. Oh. vauengaged tla ber ýdias ofthe tiaitysud vas iuiiversal thhug giuatlyinye,> iiavorsdttl. elaCe kitchena puttlag up rasplierrles vbeu popalar. Hi-r deati lit a particutariyl the tact liatelle la uaed ta havini bsar u Ch huat porii, ad ac. lterschilastlc andin lutrutis ail unis- tone alsu appeared onte'c ocisdoe of dellates, the a-igiaud Park uchoot rand sud actai as If he vis. deterutlned ta IbseC aprint; a younîger daugliter (i ut gdbts vr ekadz ,l t e enter th e hou me. The do et' vas open, th e sa ine faniliY ,iled a lla r a long wbavin g a bae a c ubv cry v eoi s sud r butt orgauiea clubevidonteepa ba Dao u-~ br a ceador icsils debaters la gond condition. ni at Pels rgv i.vr &crbut -Ta match <Is Waukegan, boveat sev-Awep villa hie psy to ns boy nsucb Popular Young People Wed. believes ln thie ustural abillty of ally, resistance it vould offer, sud tare a t\'dnesdau' afteraooa ot 2:30 \Mi,.. vio ilI gao to Malte up thse local qW Isole la it. Encoutaged by thia h. wu Lalu Cannersansd W. E. Stafrordj batiai teair. - about te couneain u en Mrs. Lar- vere uuited lantuarriage by Fat berl Inl Mr. FItis, Highland Park bas ons, Mien ý ir îpe !bt oe uof tic st rangeat speakers ou the. notth mi thifae àTip er olebot w at leGavin et te Charcb 0f Cie tmnnacu- ssr u hi eall ul lo ,onta laitfac. Te bar owld wth ainlaite Conception on County street. soe hlm el teag lash. spesicina >tter- sied fLsd.,Me bid beau sttractead by t The lf fra hr hn m .ati n.trucacen ie bpis ontry lone. amai o! tIsecooking barties. Te etfrasoth Y ol nteu c cetofhecuar t ltse lartest bear timtsaIau en 11.1the : 'ciotk train sud ret,,ruing v'l l vîth it excélieut tanguage ouanl viu *hot by Tl. J. Griffith, an employa atart hoaakepug-îvery ia the onue vion WaukefflbS àe o! a deparbet sore, bo baggetl O The bride latie daugter of Charles mostto ear. Mr. PhilliDe sd tvo-pound ms i gbtenth a e.Conners, o! Norths County street- 5h. Joues a e huila strong and tatië a<t ln ue. *Buad fflrli streetu, a tashlOu- la a quiet. comeiy young lady, sud tel speakers sud give Mr. FItte tue 1>40 vigit- aMI* port o! thé, City. The. animal wuSîmmcuseîy popular viti aIt vin knnw, of support as b. deserves- Ar dava provilng abouit thea premises o! A. U4 ber. The. groom ta emptayed lu tic 1 The. local studenta; are vorkflur Wuamer. sud vws observed by Gri! ornie. of the .&nercau Steel sud Wire hard day nd uigbt lu preparatioi f W fitiimaC ten 'olock eOC ulhb- The maoun Comspany and Ie one of!h tibent lîked ,tic finat local debate vilch Witt comt4 MineswVoS laIing brtightly sud It Vos tîgil men 0.tihe mille. 1 aff near the mlddte of December. ~ aough for uccarote shootlng._______ iv e r e T i. uc t d a it s o !t ise b ea rs t h aï < bey bave lavaded Dulutha. Vas oneus Lasesa 26 sud Pension Papers. gtteut' itrolîsi dovn a m Ibo ImmîientSOuse03 Monday. on tse attrenesof NVar c-i 'rance. Me eBonder motig. Siiortiv bafore lieu, Louis urabel, of Wadsviortit, touti 47y1lât dois drOve A beat Mt o apÙse contaiuhrtg $25 and pension Lake Cotant" nee ý ý thé ig<ie ttvbu& e!t< the I >ntapaprs. t Io iid ti ki.i s M w h u à bl e a ie s r b is pocicet v as p lck ed or fropi bisbeadltea o! b* sxé nt he dos not kuovi. He vas l aIn W ueça played 41,attln l isIiSStI@rot -CavaTaesday. Thse case vas 'et c e n k ts , ' M~ e b e n r b fl f o rt tis e c o ut h e p ol c e lapouf I r ,m Md Cbist maIhod o! blitsvsn s e te aleplc.weelg Son, With Lâe lisromou sabat bleu.aftêt bolving ruaal

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