U51TY¶MLLf NOVELTY MIg. CO MISION FURNITURE COLONIAÈS, Bulýit to Order Brnng Vour Paper Cuts or Select [rom Catalogue Store and Office Fixtures Kitchen CabinetA-S«e Sampie in tcath's Store tigh Grade Cabinet Work J. BAYMAN PIIONE 363 Prompt, Delivery Low Prics1 glanaV J 'V li V V - - HARNESS - - S I O P ai tnit , ' ctotd iatri tl,- - i i ni. - ira . FilE . Tigirs !uidittg on irigte att--tt. Tir i-s. tu ia tut t ans tîttt oi î,îlctîtau' rinl t lione iatiili,he tti'. iivt-t'i.ia trial. 1 SLICIT TOUR TRADE AND ASI( TDAT YOU iIVEME A TRIAL O.1. LUCE loinois1 You Must l'ee lied Co<mb. the' weil halaîît'td ration t) niuskt' vttr lîeîtt Lay Eggs Our reed Stock is Complete AU Kinds of Coal EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER Co. ED)WIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r BLANKETS Three 25-pouod pails of ACME STOCK FOOD for $ 5. OO j1Ilarness and. Horse Goods of ail Descriptions CHAS. H. KAISER - Libertyville.* . Illinois -- -- ---O.. . ------N----.. for Job Printing placed with us wiIl be iromptly the and correctly executed. Rush jobti our dolight td very _______________________ did FRMDjOClhlIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Town Ordors A«%d Sfi1ppng rd Telephuno No. 46 . Lltiertyvil'te Exchtange BAKER, end CONFECTIONER Liobertgviile - IIioo.s MOTELS AN[) RETA^LkAb SUPPLIED.t Wl DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN [dg.t t 1oIS i ile A~ « e?- Tite seoer*.-mouVa cerner.- 'ru fi - .té= teA ~- rite. au It dutitul motu nodded a senti-ta- wsat on la tue tous Of vîîiî'e wlicbelhe It rit. acqîtieseenceeg and disap- lad neyer qulte fathtiel1-iiîlf cyt- sel îde;'ful thing. shlerry:- liittierveil îHe w'ated for lier vt'i'lict, lai an Meredlîith for his owt î etllera- -We will ot o ite arepîted ta 'îîftl.v: "-e vIl!ilate lbt' rtier alterna- ' rattei lierle utilJack reltrt:i. Itu', îhntever It te." bhit hen tiey net off ln searcit uf re' Site glanced ui> hait Iiý-ly tteneatli vi ment. Tie son seemeil ta lciuo%*lier tashue. anîd lie feu liatIlia diffi- go berenitoots hi-lIer titon the failler. letîy ,'otîd affrîgbt i tutu m ls wity." leho -"lrOtbIlle "Tli'otlier ta generaltl utttu*ëd ta nil rvatury. tli very dlM0Uult." hoe>aiit. "il uleau'4- qti JIitii Meredîi tîudli e oit alood aîlt" lence looktng arouod tIent. Fi- "Why?-"'lx telr eyes met. *"Be<-aiîtîe t am a dp'îlîî mnny fa- lt, lyou lu earnesl witl tht gir tht-r for everylling. Wî'uliitld ot th Lsir John abruptly., ma-ny wîtaouît bis cotis ..i'ittx un, replled Jack. He was $m!! i t1-t' e au sulrélyzgît ti.lubtivoenl id you thlnk tiiere loa ichanfce of -'ltpropoiîse dolng witttmtt il." a imrylng you-unleas, of cotirse, i Do vitu know wînt 1 'lilke 3Ou di trIng better turne up?" ' 1to î>h" ai'sad. vîith îîlight sPalleiut Itb ait due madesty. I do." i ad onI' tf tîrose audd(i'i t"cusInto ib, john'a band waz et bts moal .aballowtàtesa 4wlitch hot ti. l(:ris! 10 Ilîke iu to Up bis tuillsix f.Oeît wo and ,Wbatr',u dliard et his son. vbose syeSa 11"Apolitilt-itu." lave! wllb hi. uwnu. BT5eY Ws? "¶lien 14i sînl b i ti 41 t, ho w, repeentltves of thelr sebool. ansivemed. vîi hloveritt.ttuttîi ILs. î td vint do y8u propose ma.rmyllig;"That %uimtld lie very îl-e; aititd. w ? it, 1 understand, bas aboutand lie astiles elle n t -tgin ti h undret! a year. t respeçt Yenulînilil uere tloi euître;l- rt. u!Ilti îr icib to suspect auj foolîsî nottons lit,.re e lna a cottage.".Y llDia e lllTwladh ri Meredith nmade no meply. Ho9 tlkel of politlcs befotil .i.iîliied entlmely itependeut lapont bis fa* care'r for litoseit. TIî'- titi iiuuied o ln n circle wbere Pollli'- tuttil t. uiticluuns p ,fcourse'" sald Sir John. 'beni helli a tiret place. nacl-ir,-utujved hi you wtt! ho a lerouet. snd there Ialove tie glemour of atîndit utretn1 be enougli ta Itve ouIlIke a sen- bohetntanltm wai flot ri'tkowtu'l. an et- n. Tati Lied letter toit VAsstraction.il le tbat. site may flot know ItL I "IIU." lie Iad. *-1t:tiltlîttiweit-p are so Innocent. But i am na I ng'."f yet. and 1 thaIntake etipectal ." otIcr.fiteaîutttI 115 utt'lm'"0f v-ourse.",lie veut tita. i îîîîst go Il Vt te us tr iittjciu?" tuttuired eway. 'Ibat Is the only %%iay ti ý Lt lon I ý îMedith afler a 11111e itause. lu polittcs lu Ibese tIty '. t1îîîugt go n ol.jget 1<, tht'grl"awavan d get a epecti1tinuI tîtt kîow y poil %%'blttigutiit'more about suIe ntctintr> ttiii tu ny mltiidi î,ît'fî'r 'lii t titrrv a a - ther Dionand vleti I c i ttck i tiof tietrt.'tmuest kéep Itilecountry ut et iri'tthe h le;art't relnlt'd .jack. wctîl a sus- eye tif lte ltfilgent ti*îliîkîtiln I n 'if Ilîîîîit at- ci utIiisu. '"Ido who rt'ads ilie lalfpe:ii. i patiu~ier. 1 t-t'. ll" itt'. ii ili'-:tise surety 'Bat vu,, muet fDot tii t s<ilo it tý ay ii*t.îtiti-. Yti uouldtl D at iîlsweetly.t >ti"r %%va î.rit ltt]tc-'be tr î i'fic. t,' coutld ntpi, t lint ltenougi "Africa«!'litar ibei-st.,t sotitil iti î'î- 0 Ve'. estlng." Il dIti-- . u',-conutng couttlry.tîî1 ; lj',: ,3 enIî' u tîîkek lut.-lt i h l i %Ntii i lotti quir- uiotey ouItlii'r,'. at it i- t t liqu-' sanct irttig" tîttt-r- ti tii the yituug tty at Ipresent." 7 sIt ', i l it ii. I '1 sha l itever ap. "'Il donul like Ir . i -k' -lit' sud Àit a Ittirovitt ol iii ittiltI titrry." "At once. Ii tIi-1cutintla a tdt ount admîtit iltl.'gaadiy. itlta he-r iidoulite,«' tline* ,îiî't'îI?" vemy promptty: tii ltî,tlpetr liefor, lthe ,ttro iiaîîîtri.iî iîtt tttitiie. cil- onlookers bave itii-i" uteM'tuuid 'tlott t',!i tIsI itifii!i. ;tiàîtuiitely. IItlnhappening. Vlil-tlliey liegîn tiian- ri utîtig i l itéite , for derstand. tlbe tgiît ta ititertît- i' ley 'If " cennot help Il. t1tîti wrile lt Lady. rttt ttu oetl t ;' iContourne, If sou i t tir' rîtii lit" lne titI tttled.l.oking "No.1 i ll tl lt- k.t" should lie vît-y gtnad ta ies Buolie- lade lietitoooly, and tîtuse dIiotg 'ta. Il 1aititi excellent tlilng thingsa tthlaers ay~ were îtiiy siid., otev " butibey are DtnulsI llt-li lîoile. il hto wtt ked lelnmrely away. CHAi'TEII 111. CHAI"IEiiI ACK hl tiau tpolnttnent vil& INis stately ttî'îinuolttnit the sec-1 NilIltcenlt'liyue ait i liait atil ond flooir of lt'i- 1utttest baluse lu lthe itext nor,îtng-an bour whetl Rumeset quare'.%Ir. Thomnas Os- ltidy é7onrne migit reason. A card-tbe ecetitrie Osî-rd-tny, t oe tixiteer li lie absent et the perliap«. e-dyltig. kIy meteting uf t, tuc-tey. Tliomas Osearîllihaitwrltte,îi the fin- k we,ît tutu the trit Jweler'i esl listory of at tiîtet People tuat ie Kaî and tondit a plein dia- lied ever.been 1teied : and It: bits teen id rintg. rTon lie wa-lked on ta keep decmeed that lie ivo w-rites a fitne is- aîtpointment o 1h lis affianced. tory end peints atinlte plîttîre l'an oliardly lie tao ece'trit-. Our bin-,ess, lse Mllityeut ('bynt was wattiflg Ioweu't,. dule tut lie iluhlit e of lmi uvitth t atitre ut matdenty -his hlturlan t i lt'ewhil,àtentain, tîga of wbtchlte dte'reel ntovellat gratve wlseacroi; fruintheîle t ( etîd) ydetaîts a setectioti. Wit Jackt lad stiaken theiit- lada oser a tev reih etrth'etl ruom e tiwasbouit lefare ve n ina,îlimvinîglurons udIng liuar the wiudow, holditng ou a four-pester.. illtîîîng for tlie hou- lite ceurlatu wltb one band and sandthti ime te itîttitter of taiis rtcing. liasyly. fer lisi advenl. frtnglng the roof -if il. lunliold cou- liaI struck lier ai once vas listsrladictbon oftthlite trîîcal opinion, tse lity. anîd hie lititt have se lte nurse vas. liowevet*. lopeful. Wliether p la her eye.o. for loiendlatly tis î'omtomtlug coîtîlt ion ut mind arloue .tned te iletîsaul lit reekiesa fmom long experteti' u f the vers of e wlich the wor<t of Londton so- doclors or trom, ait .ît-quired pbtlospby tyad lî'nmned la a"soalte vîli lisIi n1la etour place tî u iure. But thaï: e. Sitie îaw lhe dinmoud ring and er opinton vas sîîîîere la not la b. ii upun It îl itte iteautîtul ente- doniled. Sllhllad., sanmalter ot tact. s aroused lîy those emati atones l ol atepnbiie evn h f enaille treait, tut aeldd n ttIeptitimlangl. nm lu ecogtiae lier own linger villi- te golden itoop. t as at tIIs înuwct-vlits sls j ll ib tis uew.iureat vorld-tbat A sh Y our tîected tu teillitem ot bis dîfferene th listafller. and wbeu une vaîka uugli a maze of mttrenlltles nothlug se. lIe detalled the e soy ords liehd used. and to Millltcent Cbytî did nul Pound lkc tareal quarrel osyu1taeAe' ýhai miglil affect tvo liveî la their If ho tlsyuI uk yr rend. îî vras uni: Important; lit Cherry Pectoral for your not coic Into lier lie, for aIttat severe cough or bronchîi Ben tuew t e ko ntit ir trouble, thon take if. If be has 'nd Pu." sad Jack Meredith. finish- anythi ng botter, thon take thai. bils atomy, l"ve have legu adly- But WC know what he viii amy; bdt aUtmotrrtnlmîit for doctors have used tiis ,t ilî uviti taail iglot iu a day or, coughmtrediclne over W years. ,.witt il not? t hal st ertous.î , hv s 1 Ls'.Ctelmlt. o eald. tissu cotdi. . . i~d te,,t, .îta t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~r an fel.ltasitiu.Milcti. tii teh o w,id toi-ait )14 GUY OOMerd. Durlng lte luit feety-elglit bours Guy ocati lid millde the ileclalon that lit thouit M11lîleent 'byne ivouldflot b. rt baiIng, anud lnt the' bush of the ret houtie be wa8 lptidt.rlng over tbis ew featurelJn bisit ence. Like ait elsrt te tien, he was îîlaiilvman- t' sport that hoe, liliha.!tinlitbt iglt hlm lue rtly ,,tîîî itbsii n nrve t vapticly noire t li,, hiot t neudo, tlm the ludoor Matnitiitt' t titûon- Ilis thoughui r'anit Ihatve tutm, là U- irblng. for prt'iiuîtly los t'yes îIosed ni Fei apuîeare,1 te i lie tnlurting. If Swatts leep. Il W>1.ýthei litglt tîncon- onfinetis of the ti îi':fer a mouund Qiimali bt waî-tktig it--'î, olil qenre ve henndI t cîtît'iu,l liiîti lin ltft bii %hes catîtiottiey.Itfiv:' lte satald of lthrotiglt bis tashus t ity Oscatrd saw llter sta,îdltg î.)i the lieartlirug ltbln two yardstinI t ini. There was omethlng strange. -.eniftliiiig unnatu- Ia] onl tttig.t ahit the' ruove- 'uts; of the tniithtîtmade tGuty keep l<ti the im~mîltte le îîlctné mittles iveré ' ti rid in ta irtî,î. and e **eutt',it riie Otîcird' ivas 'ii ,tytug he labtels ivitti a fv%-ertslihaste.<tOie )ttth-t tthie t titore I %vo labîelst: lte taller otne. of lîrili:, tt or,, ige icior lt the 'woril -Poiiston" ln mtiliig Implivlii. lie took ibis ui tîîI slovrly em, tht' iork. Il o tit ii iîti îît'î for 'tîalge ît ItaIn ant, îvf-r)Nrougit 'adhtlilî,-i:t lie îiotred 'soute trtea ieellui nu cglas,. carefîtîl., iticas- Then t i y t lst'îrtlsqI i,iig t)tand ,'eebed 11,the ttiî:tway frum hlm. trf>iiitg lte -il'tei toto lte lire, t-lîti lltt redl tp. Qtti-k atiti itght, the .ii lu tv:1 ailt he sut, titans llps. le enqe liî'îî vtly 1,1Il tini;,î. ivllthpowerful tiis, Guty mtized bts arin. thutitd wtith nlii. anid!ftr .a ittuitet Iietre wae i 'nîtly 'trcgt' wiltei it' ptgett bmo if ii' îtîisoit lllled lthe aios- tut,'..%t ltant <ttv fet!l hack on iart; itrtîîett lis faîher eheverty. antd titsy aI> rolletuikthile fluor. Thl iteinalttn stili grIpîteil the htte, but lie -iîlîl tint getl t lu lis ies. Re pureit tonte of thée stuaff uer lise eÙ's tuee. but l'îrttiiiîtely mlss,,l lis eyes. lieyi striggtt'l on lte fluor lat.,le dlm gît. manttng atid gattîîltg. btt sjepk- ig tii vorîl. 'The strengtlt oftlthe eider ana wti iiîiatlural-tfrigliîeued the votunier anîd strutiger uoinmi litit. At latit (»iiy Oscamil getlbite kuee on tis fatler's ttek. anditI t Ilite wrTitt itck îtntttlla-v;,', <crced telu tlgo hie boi] nieitilie httîe. "Gel liai-k lueled!- sat lihe son Ttuoîa'i scaire! sitîltt'ily uhîiînged lis tat cs. titi uied itii,! umlged ta bis iv,, ottfîrinz. , tic! te'gedI hii tetagive inii the tuti te. lb'it- riggetlitrrniee lte fltor titi lits, kiwee",£3 Uflt a yeaîm onîtls knees tue<Guy Ostl. ibwtt ituted Ibat iitî,t'y tî'a tise,'lit' k iieî ltt lie wouid 'titi' leùîî "it thte runiptt lti îeets. Guiyptthilîngs stratglit lun asimple, ittitliki' w't. 'The tloe-ttîm's lnstrttc- tioit were qutte cletîr. If taur aigu of *u.iitudtiiin tir niteital iinrest mninfeet- et Itself lie sleeping draft contatlt- ed tn ta timeil toitte on lie mantet- Fora tausacal lhere s-stt4 aicdilislmaggIe. place vas te le adnituistelerdai once, or lte t'unuenc'es would b a tal. But Thuomas Oscart! refused he take Il. Hc seemied deterkitîed ta kilt himself. Tha soti standod us'-btm and tmled tIats, îpersuasion, pliayers. and ail te wiile tasse as iilu is ieart the, knovieulge thaI uriiese lis fatiter could ta madle ta sleep lie reputed tiret, thoaand a yesr votîttl te hI efotose the nîurîinig. Adjuditioni Notice. Pll uit' Neilie e4. tietetfut- ltui itit t lit'. t-amrli' x-uirtian Iofil-ti wî nu Lake tItiiity. ai a it-tIhe--ift-lulib -itt"n ai liteCort Hittite tg, Waiký«' Itt. ill Coutî. on tii, lirel Mitnutui of Jantury nit. Iqs)7 sien st!a tnd ' -adI ýýIIu.u iavltigîtlittiis asist iati e-ttine renottflet! and "M"tAd o PS" t tMme te .Nald àAIIs. LS%% Aiea. Exi-auor Wankegan. lit. Nov. ta. ise. Tht, INDEPENDENT ta vorti more ta yeu Ibam $1.50,thc aulecrîption prîce per ysam. Dur WANT ADB. are paying others. &m' tiuey paytug TOUt? Lake t' unty Tittt'& TruetGo. Abotracls of T ttlé.Titles (,uaranteedl liai n'Templo fdg. aueg A11 bes 1he weathes' Save$ lime Protocts te home few cents the dayp Win Kirk tlu(iIl Il ,k 1t ar. in ai'e BIettyîî tai lu, t9Ain tît tlii, w linrtme1 wd..................... .... l ke Countyj Kk tii,.leîiirK T'rîtesl hm L iî' ITelephones Utf-ieviu'e Reeîlilui1. :;I ii i 111 aremiiSl't, ttî lt 11f- -Cannect with Chicago F,1 EtAioel tnvp iii.. .tu tilt',t Also yeur frienda L M Pelerbuî, & nf to l to t'heval!tr part Ik 2 tilt(i ,MeKava 2ndu add Wauloi- gîaie -d ................. ..... . 13Mi 0tlt Esînte of aî- îarceltt Lake Countg Telepkon eC. intintu-) ho F E t'amcetts pat t t245 Larke' Fiiret,eed i2t00i110 Oilfce: Kiiht Bok F H lItice&nf lto Carne ULbertgville - oi Ititenlireit Ils 4. 7, ad l;Idiît '2 Ltîke Ltluffpletgbt&s wd-. 00Oh F W Ce)tnnish & wftho Uarmie - t)d,-ntt.îit tt Ilîlk 2 Llo.ki BIlufflieiglito wd I.(.... ......rb...,00 c'uri..'iljd'ntureil et at tf if-l .)I I[ ~ I ti t tk I and tt-s Ilii t; itk 2Lite Ittiti Higlits -AIL KINDS- ite)1tu ....................... subdît iio J i liti A Ilixetî & wf ti Fred-- - Blletr 17 atcr'tte ntît tf ilitageotf Lilierlyvle %%el... I1Titit t i0 Eîî-tluck. SilailV Nocît Suli 1 Good Grades at Fair Pricebe, tit lutk, Mari4t- ittuà tttt.. . subdivisioîn j liat, ie G lttîtkîtin luG i Mlulînril tiuuli125fi t It1 lek t; l gliutil l'a tkParle tii DOORS, Wl NDOWS, MOULD- .iot'ilttt tli a]g tt ttuINGS, BRICK, LIME. ALPHA Sootit ln'aai it I siedtPORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER 33ttt, :t l2 r- tesbb 1,k 4PP.D>JNTL..T ttili-ls iîlilh igiiucîiud -tic n PPEttîi IL , T-, Sllt-att Il i',ik- tie, Alfiert i; M~ til t h i -Il iIli iront tlle (il tl titl .1 vt't%%-mt (if Ilautj C I m .a-k Sut %Wauki-gîîtt n td.............-:t (0h i G. M.S 3 H.UT1 CK. err ' k& ili) .:izti .Libertville, 111. Graitlin t part i 3izaleîWest -!t.4 si- 22 lti--tli'd tait e _____________ ,Nturibby 54 ft msîtlifront i out Wasîhingtonii St.. just wS nd A fi[ Je-ffersntuAvue Waukegatt J WI cuintniing & t l ie OR TIEN DAYS Il 7 Cuununge tuttile liglh- land Park w ...il ......... 570 MH. ebieati Tille & Trust Co to EChia igarit Il .....1 350 00StoverPipé Enatwe( E ltttnii>le& wuit li SC lV-It i' l2 u le ;Wnike- gatHighttatndswd ............ 301) 66 John ttKit,'î'ie îd du t ti8 Ihttbk Andeîrsonitte2lts in 18 iilge t t Lice, tleld uuul........ i 1 i0> tii ii Kuihîer lu (i E Uiurci-lt Il1 t ltk 12 C1F W rigtit«s I Carniage Jaito-Btack-35e 1 ili tt^tyvilt- wd .......... til:1010Wiue '40c Carmine 45c Ikill it,,i gilîltt o ils 162 j., La .keiFore-sIt iltu 6 t..tttttittîGlass lat eut pjnxes fi-it-it ('ahir lei Thtiitaw 81.--tu' iiot 1-tt l, it d of art 81'J-îci~iaï .t luiîî.-_ l;ttîîrîIls12 îîîd 11 iltv ; Nliul-îî12tt i-ilt 1lîttk gai D Al ad . . ... ik... 21 Dé A. tOti ...... .d ....... ...t.t..-..... tant....... 2100 00 !i i-titI t i dg tîî tut ofth an dlî tutu :18ks-------------suittiîvisiti Ieelp atnitîspleric atr etc F R C-nîitiltate (et incormporationuAR Il., Paddoc'k & ol b joseph Wtttie lit in sa-t>, mec24 West .1titiocli lwp nd------------l... ot)n 60lEV 4NS J 'r Buker & se!et aIlu (lCes, Klintti part nurlth % sec 12 %%tett Anltiotwt-p o-d-..... t. o50 tioof ai Klnds .Niultaa't lclory lu Bea,-.u- îuid Margaret Viekeriîiaa 40 acres litswt ase 30 P> h1, W w'ytîiîoff. & wl tt 8 E wlth Mi-tiavicklt loteiîk 4 C F' wd.- ......... ....... ......Thoroughness Ni p Iid(iitet-ont& usI lu Mite Raduns3k!I 13 blk 1l Wamh- AND hurn Spritngs wd-----------.... :140 i(Mt W 1, Kennedy to J W Farrell liant lt 4 h!k 4 M'Kay'e ip 'e add Waukegen rd---------..... 500 0i0 E A Cuttîmittgs & uuI ta Clama WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Il Olutt Il 29t Ctuins & Cus lNoth A ~ve add Wauke- gan îid------------------......... 20> lxt Llbetvile. u Notice. Opposite St. Pau#l Fretl epot Binglihum!efit my Ied atid hourd slti,. ont jlntt cause ur provocation. 1 yl nul lie respouiqstle fur any dehîta suie nay coltltc't. STEPIIEN S.Hoài. Our WANT COLUMN cuvers a mul- titude of vanîs. Notice of lucreas. of Capital stock. Pubielonette»Io labemelîy given liat at a steitîat MetIn« or te itoskhotdem rsfte Lakoe (lountF Toue pboue liiuîisur, an hlnois (Jutorattni, e tiiali tthe ceof tht, t'I.mtis*n Liaetyit'ltlm l s enulte St-t dur -il Wbveuilsr. A. 1). t19Mi. tsuanit t nettee ly malluianmdt!pubilsallonas r.qired ny 1mW lie tulîuWibg 1reslalonWs alovled by tlite akboaîîir8 utsaIt! Oorpo.. ration t. tbotirut and! Mer.' uat elevole.. nt.creni't iy te stock ut salît Cor os ltitni t-In l lver iof te adoption o l'sî rmeplttttôt t& d tig tert'fiît. t.eleiI uni liii itiplloi-k oet lia eiirpitratltdn hm t f'.iteu ron t i&q.u thle An-t fermteêrnttilmtsbtrebysiventat a ,f ilîit uttie lDuacrpt o afltcaptalîs atoek vi'rlIl br thse Id&Vtt Of tht, Prtl tîut ,u-îtu irsrtttîttîasd under lie"sa ?fai tîSu <kit ritou bite beenfiltsd luthIe M-ft. tiluinulttuuM ta.5tf thie tateof 1liltanîs andt ltIa lîke antfilulias homo Iiut lt-rrm.utordt u tb iM oooif tbmlie riiuer tut Dseds utoIfth Ctr ofLabo tn the SîmIe '- t.,it- taftîil otut of Lake heIna tIi' 9t ýunIr wlterte inrtcipal bilns of saab Lait. ('utnisTolupht.ne tItunpmo B'- J PLtacia CUtLASK. Pretident. Att - P.B. LovrtiauL lertrâry. BEN. B. MILl.B Atouney. ,:Âdjudicatotî. PublIaieNotice lm e oby julvon liaI lhe ebaLriber doluiîtrtor ofutthe Matate of Cidît P. Simpson dpeased wtt! attend lteA county court o! Lak-t Caunti at a isrm tacreoi lu bh o hudon aI ibe(teur; lBouse la veukora, n. Id ItVonflt. onfthiefitstvon. day ot Januaty noîl. tisa sen and. wiors sIl pet-oa. avinu Wtrlaas smi i itEstate are nalîfiet! st! roques tedtprsolets taet l ai onrfor silîtdication. Bsusse W. coot. Pullie Aditltratot sud Adagnistraht of sl tEMMAl. Waakegan it.. Navember o. lm0. 1-4 F. BMIRSTOW *ANUFACTUR(N 0F Mau'ble and Gradle CemetoetyWork of Eve'yý . Description3. C.irrespondence bolicited 126 GeneseeSt McKINL!V RING -BON :AND SPAVIN CURE Some bhlp ring huoes end The trentnteut wetglvO 10a thorougli and lattig em',. yon don't have to iay by. the horge.4 A trial wltl eUbvbi YOU that we have "olWbM $O , bave liem lookhmg ý.