Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Dec 1906, p. 1

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-e Sand WA UKEGAN WEKYSUN_ VOL. XV. No. 10. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, I)ECEM BER 7, 1906-10 Pagt* $1. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. SMOOTII SWINDLE r WORKED' Villaut.o -Wbsefblen" Bmîsed I - 1Strangers Who sAre f £.ace smtotiaemeaa LEPT VICTIUS HAPPY t IN QUICI< GETAWAV A itumltsr of iiberlyviiht' t.istfrs men are grastiy ituzaie eti ars littia ps'olam vhich bas beai tliIfil)tota thons vitiin te past few 'lays. They are gaiug gantly aroittati vtpering tse sch other thinga that tnun I lîke titis: "Were you sklnneti? Waa 1 sinueti' Ant idtit fhaettie alaw gel iclne?"'f Tisera litan tinderctrrent tif feelinge that some' vwise men front te ast or fron Chicago or, front sont.' tther fat Mistant point bave *"doàe - tunmt taa tuIS' ane of Lhem ara pltting uit a b1iNdU that lbey vera "vise" titen-1 »Imele, Othera oiffesthat tbay1 vasa easy . Oaa man vîtîtgave te9 iifoath strangers a check for.$30 1 ilsappat psyment on If ibrougit hft buker sud lha alone appears ta hae .qtblng ouI t of livho ittmpet up igaiuit the' mea vho are aliegadtot have coûse, seau, touched anti de- pit. Thte men charget viîh vorkine suuioolhgane enterai tisa villagea fetsdays ago vllh semplas of clolh la tae boit, Tisey vare just gras. -enougistu ha admired If nthin,- more for thoir methots. They van t ta see iavyers, tactors and busiue'i.; apon, visa beleva thay "knov." 'bey vevy traukly tbld bouteey.bati beau ilventeir atsitor'i naone. Thay evéentit vho bat givon them hbu auso. When ha belongadtot a lodge tIe7 are naid to have been reaay vitit "N# "grip" sund tebava maie tisat- sellves varm vils good illovship. Mar ail lts. pramiB»nries, bey - otSbo thay bat a amai quatlty et&il& ws hlcb bat been "sntuggled a tront Canada" -or iat beau once a part of an exhibit ai the St. Louis «'pouition by a toreiga country vhich vwu tusposing af tisa goods aitaslogs te order 10 sava iaying duty ta re- tunItru i lathe coîutry leuvisicisit te- lotagas. AL other places they ara ai- legot ta hava ba t <'itr talas al more or lesPlausible. Une very îtrîînienl Libertyville msan is sait lu) hav'e purchaset six suite of clolteaîon te miggled tram Canaa Ides. lunitata gaîtarsi round-ip a! tise prttfîslonal mnen of tise village tu-as matie.'the>' lracîle- aliy al botîglt. The enuai via siîited fthe test weri- îîî-tsuasise Tbeyutti plausible andtisuootit. Itifact Iofîte tlite salut- -- Tue> soit gond, ats bigh as $4 ler yart. which. uelipti takents ta sman wito hit een lonîgit tise dry gouta lîtigsttiiSsanti whitî eoîîiteretisan x p1r. ot-noutîct'tl If vetrth 60 ct-ts ter yard., Thisten-tbere 5,ere tva of tteitu - ,tayeti lit tavut a day. Wbeu tlîay leit They bail sautraIlîundrat tolai-s which farmerîs Itelotigeti only ta lite villages wiaast mn.t Andi the beauty> a! the vhola tiing a i4tatIf ilyl be batti. even f ttafigi t ty are troutglit face ta face ivitite(' propostioni. ta atake tenttrouible'. rTe gantanat oIt oue anti bas bei-n worket long. Thay inîply caine ta a mn,make a pice'ulun titatr cousatodlty andi seil. The man, wilb vbonî tbay deal is free to laietehIe gontis or leava titans atone. Il voulti ba bard ta clansail amang the avintiles, il la clatiet, Ibongi tise ganaral affect upan lthe purseao!&te btiyars ln sait ttî li lise saiea Tis a seetue bas, beauvliaely vork- et ail avec the countiry at limas, Some o! tisa goonds soit 1s iairly vear- able. It viii stand tise -"itînn test" given vrai gratis 10 prove Its ganulnaness. But titan is nol cotton goods cbentlcaliy Iraparedt tiese tisys ta stand the mutsiigîteslat nf titis kind? MIORAL-.Dont lia>-faIt for tîtoat- clatis just Iscause a strangar cames aioug andtehlls yatt thal yaiî neet Il. FigitI Againal Ica Ca, Claatîtte htalonsg îstîsa afilutcen- tinttruckt tattichange lis ovuerslit v-l If a vilat litn')l it. leam,.lhait fou-- 1 tu i tut luifsi'ttlltt hsaul il luitlt h, ut la"i otL.uhî"tuuu- îîsY iRII hiti itt Iii iM t' K i liiil i,îeiit Ici- l'uiiutur , ig toi.ifai iti .Jtt' gIt itul tiaf ll' .-uiltit thkat f rom laying a swltch track on the north bank of Taylor Lake. In 1896 the papars state Dooittle's father lessed the rigbt tb lay a track ta the lake and the arection of an Ice- nof;tp (v lhr ,U4James Griffith. of Chicago. The track and lehosesvre used for some time and were inally abandoaed. The tracks rusted and the ties rotted, Doolttlinras, until this year when ha subdivided the- praperty and threw them away. Now ha states the Knickerbocker pteople have- possession of the leage snd have staked out a track which they intead Iaylng. lie la asltlng In- Juacîloîtsgainist thoa. WAUCONDA OIL ON TeiI!BOOM Nunda Hald iSe.s Promise of Millitnî for lnvssor-Says Sean. Veine are Hidden in Bosom of Lar- May be. Haeres your chance te maka à lion or two. An eU boom la on ai Wauconda. and wa're close eoough ta get lu on the grou)4 dot,.-. Mr. Shar man wss over to 'Crysial Lake f rom thal village tast week, and declared that seven veins of ail bai been lo- cated on is farm hy a Chicago man with s machinetat lcfaiiibly detects où. Mr. Sherman was aniions te se- cure an option on scfieof 0. M. Hale's land, whlch la itao Iu theoail hll. Mr. Sherman wants ta lteresti the cîtizens sud siuk some aIl wells,1 "nd whte ha wou't promise ta make n ':.lallers of ns ait, ha bss falth tttgod fow of aIt cap ha gacured (1 t a lands near the river bottota. Ail who waut stock please spaak Up. -Nanda Herald. AT!4T5-Rfl'A INNER .John Epps le s Hoearty Eater-Gon- suffls a Tu.ole1 oënd Turkeg amd Four Pound Duck as an Appetizer Before ho ines. John iEppe, a colored mnider em- ployedl by the American fikein & I'ouudry Company nl Lakeside, ls the champion turkey eater of Racina andI doublons of te country. Just as a meana of! aotertainlng a numbar of bis. friends and demonstratiag the gas- tronomtec ,"opcnsities of a real gond fee4er John offered ta devour a twenty-pound turkey at ona sittiug and do the whole thing within an hour. Aldt-riiiat Henîry Caries saloon on Sixteenttl street was selecteli as the iplacfe for the gorge pnd at Il o'clock Thanksgiving mornbig the negro sat dava ttt thea monste?ý -d and began his task. With seversi minutas to spart' ha arose fron thetatable aborti' liafori' noon, lîavlng doue avay witît .-uery not sel tif meet, anti consitmed lu the meactime soma tozati glassea tf haer anti four Trouît anti ,err>-a. Ta stili futitet' isîtlariis attri. butes in the eatlîîg hue he cotsaîna a four-îîîund tuck sitarti> aflerv-art anti the -iuetfbotne vheî-e vitb n nutuhar a! talant-t friands a regtîiar Tbanksgivinîe tutu, t vas arraliettlit at 4 o'cioek. Tisa tigeartuiprs-oIfluhe s-ioi affair, bowvvat, lies inth fluact taI rEppa veut tut vti-rkte tîxt îîortîiîg. MYSTERY CLOLJDS DEATII Wiîîkean iîîokkaaper Dia, At Hne lunsi'.r i'unstaicen Whis.h Puzzle Coroner TiIIUGHT Il> RAVE TAKEN 0VBiÉ 6>0818OF CUILOIIAL (From Mautsys Sun.) Mystariaus circumstancas surrount the daath of Ftloyd Chaoey. vho re- isided at 131 Stewart avenue. Strauge aud hait hystarîcal actlons allageti of Mrs. ChaaeY.tae cOming tbree of ltir limes a day of câble ta the doar of the reaidauca vitit Par' cols, taetact that ltera have beau ut) lgista in lte resideuce'for tlnutisys. the tact liet appareutly Ihere hava beau no tires, ail the»a tinga may bava ta ha cansidered. 14-4 .ipnpy Dis AIons? Sistntii'jase cauli utan sd voulti cal romain aone luntaebouse. Di re. Chsney vas aken just hatore miduight toa.a local butai. Shea ap- paared greatly excitet and could uat ba calmai. Atter retiriug la ber zoom esle te- clared that she usut hava a stimulant or aibe ouit have narrvonsProstra- tion. Noue va s iva'n bar and ater a tlime sha dosei off. But before Ibis, at 12 luta agit, Dr. tourlay reacisethlit resideuce on Stewart avenue anti tount Chaney deati. Thea Larson & Cora amabtl- lance ramovadthtie remains at 12:30 anti tiey ara nov at lise morgue. Staady. Faithfui Worker. Cu'til tvu vaeks ago, vben ha re- signet, Chaney vss thse bookkeeper at the Hein-Orustain Company store. visera ha bears the reputation of hav- iog beau a fathtul. Itelligent vork- er. Chauay bas beau calllug the firm upl day afler day aud assuring tIsant tIsat ou tisa ext tay 'lha vanld bhati vork. Ne nover appeared, hovaver, snt thîs ntorning bis death taok place. Thara ver,. no ehiltren, Thera is a brother, a coffetdesler, lu Evans- ton, Chanay capta front the.firm ot Kolit & Taich, of Chîcago, ta Waukegau, ostenslhly for bis heallis, Ha vas au expert bookkeaper sud accounlaut, Woird Circumaiancas lMere. Naigisbora ta tite Cisaueys assart that for tan ticys no onuehas beau, at-au abautIlite httuue. Iu that ti- il bas nasar been lit ttp anti . amoke bas caine front the cltiniuess. ilowever, ive anti six tintes a day, il cab v-nuIt dri'.- uitanti ataîupts moattîbi ha nle to tiilit-ar îtysteriotts Itartcela. Di. Gourîty. us-itît ussutmuonedtla tht- bouse last niglitt, aîly ta futlte tuaitttest, saidtlotay in regart- theli natter titst ha hati nof seef the mati outîi lest nigitî. I firet kîtwav atouit htni last Tires- duiy e"atiiig,-ite sait, 'utheii- vas lîitigitî ta tie ti-seet iu front o! ni> office lu a osit. Nrs. Chant),carin i-t ta ttî> office anti ashaîl me toi a ni- native as >Mr. 'haney, ahi- sîtat viwa lut ait llittoxîcat et cttndillt ution adsi- visheti ta qtuie t Moi. "Site sait heha litijutIb-în tifs- adtitance fa te bospitl s lecatuse, thhe bosîullal ltas no place for tainiiu cane ofl itloxîî'terj j,'î rotta, .ant i Iti. a rientItatdmit i n ,titètlu -dt - dt in er todsy. vas as t range one. Mr. Choney, *IPe stat-ed' had long beau subjeet tu ittsotnnia andilltiane ghts Weuld not sieep Itîtl aloîg Jin the morning. Lest nlght ah.'- aî<l h,' etîtltinul sîaap andi abolit tIl îîeocli hecame hîîngry. She aro't itl i t t dîu- staîrs t0 gelit t;t-itt.Ha took a notion he waiîttî I-stüt and, tu please bita, eslederiueii gel a car- niage and coume î!î,n town. aven though it iwas late. Sha accordlugly wsi-lit dowsutars ta get ready/and ha sit, tu 0 ress. Ha tiuut hava Just gol Iii, tuderclothes on, sha statas, andi rit-n have fallan back on th e i. Thlnking hie was a long linme la gett ug ready ehleî-alad 1tuhlm, bu-. receivad no anzwî'î. She tL.arefora vent te bis in iuaiti saw hlm stretchad acrois lte lied. She tliought1 ha hi faioted andi gently> shook hlm. but toendithlm dea(] andi 80 esliad the police andi Dr. Goliriay. Dr. Gour- iay taok heiN ta a hot-i. Shte ra nov slaying ait the Hotai Schwartz. Mrs. Chaney Ex*tans. rTe mysteiaus apitearanée of the Chauey hanse iln.the absence af liras1 or lights. vas axpainad laie thîs al. tarnoanby Mrs. Chaney te u SUN 1-e.' porter.1 "Mr. Chaqey kept niewwith hlm ail1 the tIme." eahe sttatid. -I cou Id uat leave tha mon but few fîmes. There1 vere no ligitt or lires. 1 caulti net1 &et, tiose ta buld lham. 1 suffored -mach as 1 have Just recavered fromte Case of ptomana poisoaing mysoîf, tram ib Ibuearly died. i gel il tram drinklug usllk. "Yeo, packages caille ta me froin tifferent placs. They cotaluati foodl and mediclua. 1iliait no chance te cook iysaîf. 1 bought my foodi ready cooketid sd dil seat te me, thats ail." Mid Bien 111 Long Time. t In reply to a question asklng abolit bier vieiltet Dr. Oourlay lest Tuesday. she staled, . Ho vas Ill. Ha was to weak te teks, a stimulant but had int haV'e sametbting te keep hlm alive. Ha vasl Dot lntbxicat cd; do net. far heaven's sake. put thal tu the papier. «'Ur Citaney hati heen 111 for a'long1 tino. He lbied tvMIMtrouble san heari trouble andi lately ha hast oom- pîsined ofaf motharlng sensatians. Ve really camne here tram Chicago ou ac. caollt of bis health andtiehabsouid hava a vacation whau ha came blut titi ne. Not an Overdose.. "*Ha toak peticiue anti samathlug te keop him alive, hae vas lu sncb a waakeued condition. it vas uothiag lie coulti have takea an ovardose of tal voulti cause bis daath."' Mrs. Cbaaey lookadtirtled as she talkati andtifri îi'entty sigbati. As the- reporter rose fu go she sald,.-Il la dc- tressing hcln to talk abolitli ai il have beau so , t rvotis ail day.' At 9 Monda' evanlng. Coronier Taylor ant ibis Jury started work lu determinate ialisa of the daatb of Floyd Chanci. Ir., wha diati mysteri- ouslY la bis homue an Stewart avattît Sunday evenin 1At Il o'clock. afler ail testin>î hati tean takii and tbe Jureras la confessei theinteivas as mac-i a lues te know t, cause as betora, tbey ; aut intoan fi-w minutas, secret sP,ý s.Jinsd then adjouirneti until 8 .O'ClOclu Ibis t'oit ning for an autopsy. The avidaîtet last avaning ail tseeaîed goand andi traigbt, but it l dii ual go farercotuli and the real cause o t the destin of t ne mavas uknown at the close afte session. Mlany liau 'gatiserot ta liat-u t10thae videuce tatd the Morgue vas tfillet. Chaney Went On fipreas. MNis. Chaîta'u vas placet on thei stand andti atllier story of te dptea fealng gooti antidîaparent]t s- riiîtijured -Sa site hltibu utiht hit fît niý ar-Ii I t on.î 0 laet- 4) b> bis tramndaus feet. A ituntti, iettc.- ant 1gave lber atone bromides. , vas to b" cutite-tthe nitIday If he if lierbi tttersbae îe~i n- as litaitai nîglît. As i1seas flot A HABIT TIIAT porltid, butl Ettîs' feat lateuts thealt caliat I sftîpoaed litev-as ail right uait- R L YP V by a Mile, litIlest nlght, viten i vas callet ulit RtLY P Y Tise aha- hiîîg t11at .cait ututs taitlghtithe isebuse. viserae nfquîlaliîug il vas ait offet Finde Chaney Already Deati, Oua of te Few Good Habit$,'A Habit onu teliant of a loîcailuttper to dritnkt-Site at callat iitp Night Desk Sait-r That Turne Yau Wealth, ls the tva qutarts a! wbisueY lu attit our, tut geaaîîîHickts anti akat for an officar, abit of Taking Advantaga of IN- nto oneit. taihuhit itn, feai tg aa lita eh He sonut Offican (O'Neiall amîd bie, fiat- DEPENDENT Want AMe. -kouItidota titriclk andialleuturiamîtfi~lu ge ia n atet.calati me. I fouaist] tais t0es. b~~~~it strelcitetiacroas tite bcd colt ryuraigthWn duun 'Mrs. Chiaîey hall taIt nie vitît saelle ttis psar eaa-Iiî ciel? 'Uulass -îtîîame Htoward Case Again. gaI tae maticinea litaihaas intoxi votu ara nissKiîtg ua part tif tae palier tbuat Speciai Pension ('antntsslatter Failits Iatati. She statedti hat vlacînt tity it, v-liptiSay t ii rentd. If yau viii fol- ni- teDepatntanfth- ie Interlor ls livat in Chicagto lite tiltte s4nte lltae -lumtîluaai'@I>' 3ou vilinau totay a a ont lAite takiag the delta- tiing anti bat bean lai tlise bit of amtanYchIaut, tiaal raftitle pur. sillons o! D. Frank Howard aud hie gttîne latoxicatat ior a long inte" ehases. if yoiatu ifonise Ihecolutan 3-u vite lu tite. nattar o! alîowing Mm. What Cabmnan Say*. fintt iti makai. a ist profitable mati- Ituvaiti iaI ofber Cabtiien Welcit. vio bas hauled th Ie ittîn for te lisl,îttl uof 3-aur gottlsm SaisitI (Wesley)Hoad <f flircoutîtia la bis cabseveraltîrntes. vututîttAutb'iing y3-titi tdesina ttt)aoilIl ay li itusanda îîî-ýot. 'Ihe itusbandUttls esy huit littIe, îtîîeîetittieint.%us tt -ttuntît. at Elgin. 'I neyer noticet anlythiitî tiitîuual,' î tt uitt,îuyiull---- Tise v-anas attornuey' opea ta haie statid. "Titey-haver utitetIli î rIf if 3-ia i tarît u> -l -i ,.r : prove bytvhltadeposilians of Mr. sutdv-hile wltb me." 'Ias'ýil ur att tlltil,)t M- 1îvs tutît Mns. Howardt ltIHoward recognizat Hae admitte ii nktg calle vititpan-qleao atodbgyI- 1tii lise niarriage licee atelr lise tintacela, visicbhaesalai haetrot ail a ut yuhaetavv -- ii,ît lie mow claînts la bave abtaînat a tii- Place, thte nante o! vhicbha vie tî4 ii fl i ' làuad satisîtuÀ-- ýorc li Elin ina tht le bs s ua t.ll.dbNelther ddtlha kîov taetitry- tnatht-il u . our taes, Ihi, illi-geitdil 'f'î-van liveti vils Acting ('bleft 'yrnel la is nteeat-ulalsa tigt u ulia. i-t ev <ntiéts la Iir hii' 1) Fittuiki 44)w;fl t .l asontu île Illtht-» p greatl aatgau. 'nasa voto ry vent tiintti-t î> resiîueuî >&Iii tltiti-, . tut11 Il "f-tlî:îi rt. l t.','aî uri i anceîii gettaraît>- cotreet ltae htit.t tutus a i e )a t iltauutij. i.s:tiai, t i isSt S tep ii o'ie of tisoa test' habite titat psy. -'IJO KNf y ISýsInbetieve Mr. Hockney'a stury fuily co1,letety anti that R, Mati Me- Cornsick ,of whont he renteti hi& Lake BACK ITII lufffarms, believes in him a* mucis ~if EIRD TALE liat ha has refusedti t rent tise places W EIR TAL for twlee the ra nt, vitile cine Wauke- 'GIANT ICE IOS L l,isk.' lisàlr Mun Wlit i sgp. of ineans have offered ta adiac îîCna.,Iîryto1o* paared Unds' Suispclous Hockney money ta go attead i wt Ic aisi~ilHsc 0,0 en Cireumnatanceu RMturnai 1once,"' 0f couffloec Wabt 1 Hockney Will Square Self. 1118 RT01<Y LIKE iIMEAM 1 I-1ani gaing back to the MtCoiniiek NELSON MORRIS & CO. FRO.Ni ARAB 1 AN NIITS farrii,' stateti Hockney, "andi thered I lis PIIeM BBHIN» wouK - wIll I ork ttîl aveu y dollar la îîaid Tuesday. Octuber 23, George Hock- 1.will square utyseif andi iitenttita do' ati tiîs We-n aig'a ty ney, of Lake Bluff, -came to Waukegan ithe ightithing . ienharkable ns tny arMi't- 11011w tiea@ unylage anned by at 1 ln the afternoon and goîng to the sMor, la it lsIt tîband iai cou- "taI î Mis & Ceeona,te mammouth Securlty Savinga Bank drew out 87EKI eeallng nothlng" Ci ugtt pant irai ut Fox andso in large bil and started for Warren- Coatrary ta getteral- halle!. lHocktney las. t wveaii wîl ejffloanlen. carpaites. ton Grave ta psy off a mortgage cf bais as yet recalved no finaicîl ahi andi grutiers tIwirk. The sra boms $1.600 ta Joseph Libal. front, bis peuple lht Englanti snd wif viii caiea orty-îW« o loois »d viii Hockney neyer arrived iat Warren- hurrow to start agalu, . tisih spuca for 400,000 tosus aofklm. ton. "Ha returnadt ta ind lbis lilace. -,p to il,, pjr.snl lima tisebig Ku"-. . He says ltat afler teaving lte ban': strippeti as by woluas," sald Attorney .-rtîo,'karrop-tntîau ci irhomme' et ouaiý ha entered one of the saloons batween litearas la commnent, 'andt ii; bas 10Le bas»le.-n te iargsaîin j'big CoUMt7, Gente and County etreets, on the start alilos-ar again. 1, wlish ta state 'l'4.Roundtti ake huunubo bat bu t may north aide of Washington, drsnk two that only the LitaI mortgsga vas dtue r,,,ttà, alici t tietis ,'a@lV the lotise gl»asof beer, AND KNEW No for settieentai the othars belug due yet in oîieratiIoit in tlbî&vicinlly obus - lbà, MORE UNTIL HE WAS M'ALF WAY aler. Thare ls anothar Ipolin: ikal ntitgalitde tof ltae praptomet i te ua&# ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN did not hase Hockney arrestecd 'asÎat tiX fm~Lk.eraih' 'eli,'l ON THiE WAV TO THE HOME OF portet. Hockny alela is wife sud t)wtng ltti' laIs-bwaseaitise saêsa HI& CHILOHOOD IN ENGLANO. ashe lid Lilsai wht-re ha es Thai's tii.' uildinb 'Aiii hW.plat up with ail Attorney A. K. Stearna axpressea t ha vay Il: vat." pits.ibilt' -ptetd anit veryî.arîitter lilla bali in thse story as dosi R. Hall Dos Nt Know Where Me Went. iau liii' nPit.IPd aill t i-warh. Tbb McCormick of Chicago, Hockney's . Aithough questianad cloisaly, Hock- ittitis,. iii 190 up witb mu$brSumjikr former londiord. iey' uainiainedi that ha did ual know gnibt oiearly iiiJancar itii bpo - vbra ha: Vent aftar the tva beero, tai havei m'Otiplet*d. E-aery elort M, iJachanged in uauy tatail o!fltersona]5whel -her lha rada on steant or frelghtlalamat ishave tlis, estiné bniilag'io aîumarattce. vlth the exception of a cars, or cars at ail, itow ha fait or tig 5îinter aninlu&W prohbMq tWIi vorried look, due ta ite condition la vbat citias or villages ha vent te.iît.pat.y willI eutc3t n l*taduwise., 11« vhlch he fiuds lis affaira, George through. what ha people ha met. 'Te shouidt hisiot ha dune a taqutbr o t*t H-ockney, tha mlssiug Lake Buff arin, anIY thing lha couid state vas that ha tadividuinelroua» sncb holdlut im- vas I'rlday iaterviewad la the bauglit bis steamer ticket lu billave îbrng Ilk. 1000M Oua a 0ile, ,Wii .emily pr-esenca of Attorney A. K. Stearos. namae. as far as hae knew. Hae is l ci i who rapresants is Interesta, andti bd not mention hll advenlure ta any oe~Thea ils.fur tIlsiet tîuldiag Mow~ loa aSUN reporter lis, trangest and on board theabhast ou hicb hi e ea crs- uisa amis.Aof a dmdS% orotr ap toast fascinating tale af a lapse of e. thea actian, ana of the Hamburg 1 the sitea"4 tUJUIm of i umhai'eéas identlty thal Waîtkegan andi perhapa American line, the name of vbieh ha Iwillhax, imd in le a ais.wtt the state of Illinois bas avar kuowu, says ha does nui know. Story of Mis isappsirsnce. "I vas in a dazed condtion," ha CR M ' SUN reatars ara acquaintat vith says simply, "I dau't knaw vhat 1 tilt the facts lu the case, anti It vas the ,,cept that 1imiak. up lanraid ocean SUN that first expressaedthelb.blle! ta knov that 1 bat na business thare titat Hockney vaulti ha fouailutu n- andonoumy.arrivail.inglnand, lfer a tant vhre idee ho as.stay at Peterborough, cabiat my vite, At 1 on tisa aftaruaon of Octobarjsud cama home on thenazes t ubut N.ov OLIIseka et ?b 0- &" t 23. Tuesday. Hockoey came tu a _u aa tha SsiI beiug fIlet so that i Soult Have lew Uutes'o kagan. A marîgage on stock hald by1 coudt cal gel passage.-, Upon Thet 'DJla** "'..'."ba '.'i"ma 'ir n v,0 a'v.. i tiul"ak p"n at n dua anti ha came horseincaav, mooay fil atter tise libal martgage vas over. OUTON NOwOVri frram bis bankar, the Securlty SavIngs nua anti ha knev Il vas '00 use ta Wava VuleY POPULIR Sauk.vllh hlchta ps it~ cable, 1He dit ual kuov the ihape lu- i That ha trev $754 front the Se- which bis tarm and fantiiy vare1' (Io aud'sDJYIht. curity SavIngs Bank lu lIarge tilla is placet. -1'rotay coucty pu0cW$i are ' XW ail that la knowovu at b oe. Titis Mad Mis Manly 81111. main Ut tsreotcfb*.> the bsnik attastalt thie police. "Yas, 1 bat ny money ail rigbt," he akn th la reoeetbd, Long Searcit for tlockney. sait, "ail excapt about $250. I otelrme of office analf gettiasg tingi lalo Waednestny. teottext day, jart'ly knîv Wisera Ihat veut, My itea vas, saefrMna huts g'- tvelve itaurs afler Hockney vas grati-, yole know,, ta psy Libai balf of thtat lectat offlcers t aite lsefir posta for,, tf vas admitttchat lhe had disait- inorîgageansd vsiîta ocollacI more, fouhreîurigoiesae pearai. -HaietaIt me before thse mortgage 1ThEAGralrN.g offisters e 1 ate Ha uever liai t-aciteti\Vaireîiiu v-as draw-ttno01IcoulaitosilImy ecal subi-n-hi- vas sitliîiased tu itave goîfîî deIaas long as 1 left eanougto tcl~ea ee by Elvin Griffu, vho hbetd Foui play vas feaieti. Thte voods antilils obligation, 80 flt sala vas no ana term tu lise office of shoriti* i'- swatîtls tatwaaît 'atîkegait anti the crime, t cous tb thia une. bilg esit'ltatenaituj. Reporlsand tI 'hiat more titan enougit on tut -L.C. PRICE; ha la sucoded hi l,,scriluiions w eu:e setat ta thet citicua. iw-e la clear ail obligatiotns If tishea rrFe ms' College stitteTts ut Laikre 1Forest cou-. ftff bst beau piopaerly handleti. et as bie assistant for tise fest term, 1, ttir .tseacli 'by slîlfaie> ngu caîlefor FRANK N. GAGGIN: T. Arthur Anti ail telita ltut'Met. ltcknE 1 umanten beaf atlita LitaaIsie." lai' poniltecityseraoet tuaintaine-d that li-r hatand wIiîtîll Att ornay Stearus, !ot sebaois eleet. notand(,uti mo lavehe unrovd- Ipeta the,'tinteofthe flaiuteî-vî , George N. Powell bas mate a popu.- cil for. aietie litic uticlatfoithivdeulttHockney bat seetino "one, lhasait 'lliai'sherlfHe isavtdly knove sand v-ut. chtî itlus uleur bodye woult fie usiti thtisaxcapitaon O! Mrs, i-ocknay, v-al ikeet Ithis. the eut of bis tarie. ftnnel. Robe-rt Pater, his father-in-lav, R. Mr. Prlesamatea agootfcalcr AcinlgitChIef T>iruali, ot!llie \\att. hall &tcCiniulek, v'ha v-II nack < IttîtHabase pertarmet bis atulles &as& lagan ttotice itie- arl ' Ngava t11) tlitand tbis autîrney, IMr, Stearus. lfIitaly vîthoît prajutilca or tavorit, i-hase, laicause îtf îauîaîîie i sideuice No atitampt Iii hamatie ta rrestliset eut retires wvtUthtisacounfiene bhoc Hockney- iall sappe'nîed ho the te slîtakeapar vito purpaaely trtig-lanti respect af ail viso have, bst aurait t! allageti uobligations annott- geaittiahear, or ta Irai-e t he a nt'sbi nesa vtb ishl. tut Io miote thaut Is apîparent assailli. faaeuMr. Gaggin 1- anotiser visa ho, Hockney us Heard Fram. 'Tise vital tact, Jetulte optinion of ail. iuqde gond, Ha muet be given a"d3 Thn h eti. ailn talutte vas'gotte, and i tataihe viii say anti "niaisa goai" toi' videavake.anti advancet d IBéson tht' liîne <aya (if ss-îmttrlitati cxpirii efais bligslltotsrepalring bis fr-achool management andibsaIntrdit- iioclini'> vas tiatudifiant. There aet.5sai iteradti thelta int. by tae et nauy mpravetantsat tis-èire, ot twoatnistacistht as Liai~ mI:s csa ln of clarcttmstaes lt)ha fount at t he opOning a! bils t- cabiecti tae Eiîglishitolice 'te, art-esti icisar came tb the attttîon oi-theaarafl anti ve >i-thionghl-out adiplea laina. Hockne i-riiltsaif sas fchat piletuf Lake cottuly. trellon, lia la an ieducalor of ata""é cablit itbs vîfa ttitli-uuas sauf- Navar ln a Trance. lîtg anti bas a future beforeail. Pî-tel-bbroîtgh, Etuglutii. %viti -; l la rastiansa a to eqttery pttlat y At,, Wisau Sieriff Powell amals onat of, peuplte. abtat lut' wus cuiui1 i totney Stearna, Hockney statad lta.t. lite hie bousýe andtheb other olbi setîli- -, had neyer fieenla I auce so-r at is tatting of tise couaty aO""t lte textesleattîei . ele a ( ject la meutlai llies, £ts. or spî'lls of ficers viii ho as folkiev.: biat a abscontitl unconscitiisntess, anti coulai littttin- DEWITT L JONES, cOunty istiga What Mockue es itstantillts raetintaxperlauce. ABR EDR oit tvî Ntiw, nast i-tii;itituI li g tIf iii, lie apîearat liiinotrtal hpait h ibis ABR EDZ »y0- la vhat i-ickaas - utiseif: iîîornltg anti gave iso sigleîof<ifteittg EiNIN J. GRIPPIN. sboiff 'A 1t-Ilafi tutikiiti nte daty atîbjec Ioblpses iii- Itentît>-. FRED M. AMES, aonoty treasuror abt 1 il: itls ' . u, ti>st' v lie Ha vas ciosely quteatiotued m v lititit T. ARTHUIR SIMPOON, crisaltyà* i-il d "I etltte a in k ctownvalis tot'y. iîeritendntsîofsciihi a Ileeleu leSv--JdeJushnsevda o*.ý t si tatu' tfLIVE TURKEY SHOOTS ILLEGAL, tir vl rsluUs a iiil iiil wogase f l'hie Illinoîis Htîtîaneî i-ocii-t> lias tie-- l'rtî , sbasC chlît hat thea sitolttg af ttîrkeys as laitis Office, 'tt muet have hieu tdrugged," Intertan igets contesv-lîtitt tti-eîîrosîuîbtîou nnrfu r.osxela jethei .tlua ()tnattohi> f the antI-bird altottg iuîv of 190.5. Ils siseriff entilles bhlm te natteti. Yester~~~day, Prerieliut tJohnt t. Siti-tatllrîa 'î,Aa uv ievs "'bats lte biatt 1 taitw," contitîtuet rie r mskoi ý Hockney la bis 1Etitlsh l scut.'lusrci ail elte agî'tfs tf te 80- litetreîtstîrar's office and wIi tidtt lro'v ite1 iisae if: i <-lI> lty t elsvigilatît uh for atîybisnessadaminlsitrativia. 'Mrt was oin outl 1ivoe ai) hll aluuctoiig ot ifttis sort, ndthetii-viols- sou bas$tmade a retenat ecroasatise Atlantîrit nthe fit,.usa tans otufeflIav v-lihi'itOsofte. the Nortit *chenal ln W" Englanti," You rend the INDEPENDENT vaut vilI halte adyattiiiip o "i1 want te say," Attorney S armesrubaeiet. 80 ta 15,000 olisers, That la ity ta brgt'iag tise - lied statet eïrilrnth esir'titat' sciy ,ea clumn Io no papular. dard of 151W Le!ll,ýA'ý. il di al lit p F 8 il c ci bý ol Mid 11 JLýFjL«:d l' iq 1

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