Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Dec 1906, p. 5

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=AHRfi LVEX t'0. y Ktherina Gio'i .eye, and 4 I*tle boee restaurant1 b1 ~ iaughlng i Whosnunte (j glapplifs cnhier on aboulders e proprietorà takig c a and eeisy i "elic UNIT coiXeO." session thinga, as they Ver. Weil used te the wayneof! liace. iihabby andi lit kept moat thé-uîl ooked, but their faces wý -brlght and t6eîr lips were bubbil withIltti. anatches ot aeng, creri lng evldentiy trou hearis fullioet g ety. At on. table ln a corser ust a m aPart frein the crowd and cieariyc lvlouIs 1o th i fs i te ptc.bis ey engerlY vatcbiugtiraitthîe dock a theu thte door. Once or Ic ire hesta ed and hait rose fre. iNe chair as ou onue entereul, scauning a face cloue] Ouly te alnk - back viti a long siigb. 'vais Oveelminutes cof 7 o'clock. --S IBLi't cofisg," ho thoughl. and he bis chin fai heavlly Inte i. Pl wielle Le tried te galber bis titougli At lest, hait cousclous of nome oi &PProac-hlng. Le iooked up and teunt girl standing there. ber baud cz strî'tched. "I arn laie" s he sald hi iedly. "hlave 1 kept yen valtix long*f' "Ypia, but It des't malter. Notit maltera nov diat Ion are ber.."' R aid warmly, teking ber baud In ho ye." lie drew ont ber chair ai seatei bLingieit opposite. Both Wei Bilent fur n moment vbile diey looke Sieadiiy loto cai olLees eyes.T' eler rose siowly lu the girl's cheek andl she turneal away. "lt la almostIlike nid timea, flsn' tl sic asked, wltii a nîtrvens lttle laugir "Il<c' ail th est of lte eld tirai roiied Into one." Le salal. "Heaven bey 1 have vanted te h. back, Joyce! -W. are bote growing toc old te I sentimentl. .Jack. 1 Vantut 701te t mue ail about Parie ani yenr sueu I read about yeu nd si as very prop te ho an old trieni o edditingulé cd Young American artiat, Mn. Jeb Hfamilton seawell."1 They ver. Iulcrrupted by lte vall er, an old triend of the Ive. Wbo bei ed and acraped an u Ist. numbero thaïes Lefore diey couli stopbine. 'Tu nigbt ve are to bave ail the tblngs w, used te Prelcnd ve iliu't like becaus, lie figiÜres Ver. tee, ste.p for cur ln comnes, with a few efthle more familia thinga Ilrows ln for &id laeg syne he said, ocannlng tic menu card Joyce nodded ber bead andi sulisi, aut Uic order Vas fiiaiiy gives attera long conferenre ot the. dine. Wben the Vaiter brouglit die disne rte table was beaped with littie diobe Ch Carving Po Shears Br Table NickelSPl sc wJ *sueh~ *pict' aiTvEiNmmM Avu TxE Osv&" ot ail sorts, moes las tiey couli pon- Bibiy have enten If tbey bad becusa,. Iug up for dhitseue meal durlng ail te time et tisir separallon. Iu rsalty tiiey vers bath ttoc exclîed te be met- gu'y, ami their tengues Vent so faut thaItiers vas Urnee niy for apasinodie dipa loto the varions isites. Wheu lie dInner tapened off te coffe. ami cie.,, ovever, hhey both feul mb a i. lencr..ThcamclIgitîci a lgar lu the l easy vay tiey ver. naed le amiý sai between liufs, IIvant te tel1 yon a stony, Mile. Joyce, If >yenu vil i lten." "II ahal h. mont happy," sic sai vidi nssum.d gayely. "But be urn 40 mak. Il end vellI1icu'l hie mmd 4 atories on Christmans cge."1 i 'II %Ihall do my bulnet te nkoiet M>- ed unbappilY, but IhatlWint fer me t- j' -mY. Weil, lier., m 8: lo the time fi' &Il kinda of motiier and Holiday Ltj W M. r I! W HEN Sanly comts é' scgots down through HThe bol. tha'à la tki tit hmnav gus An' heP. eut haro, 1 bit, bel brIn Whoie iots oetotysa&n, sVeryhutg That lutile girls like boast. bonIt youa a.The. Mae" et lesAt onght te-bave beenvry ridi,à;possesser ort stasy mausions aUd aI ltaI smort ef tblug, If vbe bad bad ber deserts, but, Iruth te tell, botit cf thorm Ver. vcry, very poor -w peer thnt thte maiden uaed te Wear fyd akirts and cracked ahoes soin- 1111M, tbougb aellanftgiieand pre- tendcd as <11<1 It for fun, and thie art- Igt waa ano Peer tbat-well, ho Vas poorer thau any really respectable pa. sO ever waa befere. The two lived -1. neut door -liiorsblgb up tun te ta anme cheap- boarding bouse lu a busy 'a little clty calied New York. For surne plan enfatiiomable rinaeb.maides look w«a pity on the artist and uaed te help hlm rte, eut of bis domeatie dMeuties and try $*y, te Patch up his moral nageand tears folk, aS 'el. Bbc was bie goed augel and tred made the. day eofstruging worth a"d whle for tbe atupid artiot Bbc used men te write wonderf ni atortegà-much too ons wenderfui te b. appqwscated hy the thte eartiiy editeras se baU toe ubmlt theni Sas te. In spite cf thelr peverty, tiiey used sed, te bave good- times together. ltote two. the. Wheu tinge grew very somber tbey man <a'ouid belp each other jeer at fortune. and Ther., was a lItte restaurant wliere A m thcy would bave jely dManière wlen- <>5- ever the artiat aeld a sketch or two. cf Carl, tie kseper eoftiie restaurant waa If titeir frlend and aervedl thezi 500<1 dia-' tse ers sealoned wltb sage PbuloplY. Of l'The day dawned whes the artiat Lad vre an oppôrtnnlty te, go abroad asd tu tdy JSg bis art under the great mautera-the 'w- thItng Le bai losged fer ail bilIt. 127- *When thte chance came, bowever, It seemed a amali ting cempared te the Dan hmot eh- L> There Vas ind, cneugh fer betit art- te go. o eepre- Nue ferred te stay air, and maire a Lit- It *# home for She berln lte buvy, let beurtiesa rity. thi But for once ta. lb.miden vas :ue , e oid and un- B yilding, tellisg hlm that ase r- didn't care lut enougii for bim ü te &bare bis bighomne. Site sent te THE ERE IiÇi'KS hlm away witi t RUPTES BYTTUE et WAITEP. a heavier beart than lie bad I ever had betore. Hie vent te Paris, er. wbere Le pllrhed deep into work te aid try to ferget the maiden, but tlioughlag Ile, or ber would creep ln ln spite cf s, hlmseif, asd sometimes ber image, a laugbing. bauntlsg image, wonid steal la between hlm and ieiscanvas, and *tien Le wouid have te give up *werk fer tuat day. it vas no use. s, He wonld go eut on the streeta and ?" M alk and valk and walk, trying te be Wonder If the. malden'a anever was il final, caling up litIle scenes ert tieir a. dayrs logetiier, ronjuring np ber lookit Pd te a"sef ifsLe uld flot agate rend la ber h- cyes and fisd semething titere titat h. bu wanted. Hie vrole ber long letters te11- ing ber a greal many tiltnitat ver. t- Dot alwaYs kind. Soeaof the lelters w- bq sent acres the. eean te ber; others r tore uP and tried te forget But t- ler. vers osly tire lettera freux ber re Is ail the tour yeuru be vas gene, and ed ae they ail came on Christ-asev.. Long Vu n* srediy Jettera ther ver., Just Dite the liti Rr chats. tiey uaed te bave, but viti ne d ign of the. hhlsg h. Vanted ber te 0VI d- write above ail else Tiie stpid arlist Wl kit vasked se bard thatbh. oOuld hardl eld a elp vinning soe .sbadewy aucce insllu ail that lime. Titere vas a pîcture or hae r, twe ln the. sale; bis iselruclors grewv i 0-nruraging; tiers vas a lise nov and rigi tien in tic papers, ailofet Vb puffed abr bien up mlgbtly beeaus. h. valnlyais boped they Wighit maire nmre difference thi witb the Mait.IL the, 'Wbeni four ysars hmd liased the IE artthtit ho bWimght returs te bis val home hi New York and atairt hie werk ý thers.He teid hfimslt oer a"d over P agala tha b. vau gQing hbeete ,the (MI] Méïds], aW bs eatbeat absurdly Sh h-Iteailyae t tbought efthde change th. yeam Wxight bave made, ef trangemniet tbey Wight bave breugiit DurIng the. lnme b. bad been away site bad vrijten maeij stortes and bail final- ljy cenvlnceld the. editers et hheir verti. '. sav ber saul n Ithecontentaeto a number of magazines. The 01<1 day. Ver. cbanged. B. vould ne longer lad bar ithe. cheap iioarding bouse. If site sent hlm avay dire. years before, site probabiy b.d almost forgotten bina lahit UIis Urne, but ti.he tougit etrtthe Christmas lettone spurred bien te write ta ber andtellber.of Illereturn. fHe veuld reacit New Yenk di. day hefor* M_. Chrislrna, theannlversary cf bsis av- % lngi. Weuld site meet hnr Ibat evenlng "air at hait Past 6 la the. utIle restaurant? woiç Se vould vait for ber at their saine table lte corser, sud lti.7 veuld talkfoui oier clii Urnes. Tii. artiat srrived l.i or New> York en Ithe day h. expected, and te 1 ail atternebwaadered about, waitt- a litg fOr the heur oft their engagement mlgl Yet hallt dredlog lt tear ah. sbeuld brini Det cornte. But the SM falry wavcd te ci ber wand fer hum tii. lime, for the i. masideu, reaily came, and eale ia juiltithefit1 sani-,dear, sve.t maiden as inudtee01<1 trou dais, U«thle abby ciotitesare, .- Jevcl placci by nev, vel eut thînga, and " hure la a quiet air et prosperlyabout h«r. Bie look@ juat a UttIeoeier, per. foolt "ha . Bei tte yes are a tide more har 'etnbut tbey are te sanie tender, Bye. plenideysrellecting a big, saeet -WU sn. The tvo talked ever mazy et thina. but ail lbe tint. tbq"rMtIa* mt, dIl gsarcbed the maien'. eyatp »» I*he g -ié as loylng viitt be-r spoon. sic look- duit t binea niru,,rt, andl ber eyesI I 1 i rre shining. 'i oint te go back a h z m s c Ile and change yor tory m. 1 Ig md w PPertsnItY le go abroati and study. L'i.LQ Vbecs h. bold lie niaihes about tic han aiOffered te give It up for By JAMES ARTlHUJR er il V115 the baQst tding site ever Rd to do lu ber lite te refuse tic sac- REl Christmnas spirit in about the Ie, but sh. bai Borne amali sens.etoronly ting traded lu on Dec. 24 brit, ssii ah.nwa thies.uturs un Wall sireet, and tie broitera nosdvenu meanto bs fuureso bave a celebration eacb yenr L rebuffed hlm and madite deolte that iiteraiiy jars things joecs. Theit. a ug aiic knew bis itead dictalci, taures eft liiccremesny vary, but the ougi bis feoltsii, generous ieart led hersepiny dose not. The brokerg let in te offer Uic odier. Hie tiiought It off lte tension and have a gooii lime as bard for hlm, perhape, but he itad generalîy. Tii. festivities hegin at ris, viti ai lis diversions, and the socs acd somnetîmes tast fer several mr et bils ev Verk, vwhite sic bad heure. The gaierles fli eariy, mostij, dy the lonely senne cf bis abseuce. vlth vive. andsdaeediearts et lb. te useti te baunt the Places wiere members on Uiche r. Tii. Stock Ex- thcy bai becs change la Ilberally draped vîi green together, and and rcd. The. Seveudi ilegimeet band - c semtimes lie Is on band and as tiechairman sounda days dragg.d the gong begins playiug "Tic Star so that oniy Spnnglcd Banner" or soe, otiier pstnl- lie Iboughl of otlc air. Soniuies an elaborate pro- the miillstone gramme lu arranged, made up et min- ahe venul have strel nce, ceeu songa, remie taika and b"ees te hlm If asilar performances. But viatever sbebad acceiled lie especial for. cf lie cntertalnment to bis lilasn rept lie bulls and bears cenduct liemeelves ber fro. deing lu mure lie same vay. Tbey niake soe.desperate Roee owl. Bats are smasb.d; baga thlng. Then et confetti are thrown et the ladies lu hiiere came ils lie gailery, vbo lu turc empty the letters begging contents over lieeitenis and sieuldens ber for cse ofethe shouttng brokers ieiow. lis, lu returs, If lier. happen tbe o elw memier aE USDTOai nwvr and hat vas tiey are "lnltiatcd" ani are carnied )NI FM e IL. hebardent bal- about the o ue la a3-elllng procession ti' et ail. Sithe tte music cf ILe band. On one sncb wbt il teadly fer tire. iayis me- occasIon an amateur football gante e bvon. Sic knew If siie vrole Ivas piayed In tLe great chaminho f hi.a iter letters weuld keep ber the Stock Exchange. Afterward the ils mimd and diat care lme ai, membera lunduiget I n n cakewalk for gh car.lcay say sometbing te an Immense forty pousd cake, wblch g il. back sooner thau beonoglet vas tcmptingiy displayed on the chair- came. il vas han snet tu yleld te mans baireny. One stald old financier et ber heart pleaded for, but sie piayed dhe plane, anotier atrurnrnci on thle ceuid de bis icat verk eut off a guitar, ile lie yonuger brokers cut i tiougbts et ber sud -lien"- pigeon Vings about lie -fleur. lu eider ,c paused. y.ars a Christmas Irce gratei dite .nd tien?" due mse said quickly. Stock ERxcitnge celebralns, ail sorts b.e thouglit perbape b. mîgil bave et comte prent@ Vere bandel* id itimnelf tàha . anleii temarry 'aithe cannival cntied np Ly ev* vileelrcummo drew thair li eting Jekes on *verYhcly ci»c. se go emeiy l tter. Nov tint h. 0f Necenl «er.titis fermai observance ceelu es M eit ic enrd a" i e id"ybu i«« abandonci. New ing 9th00 Wm h. venwo vei l .11» oremony lsaainply a arnaîllediticu imate. u0i veu8sJean Wis t htdo*ciniuin, a so t rez 6ei 1«ti heut t " 'Àe- TbleeI1,0aUon 4ofIleYsr viiigiv .57'M the mu, baste hIeftgley ancsideï t ies*.» 0",itae. efrottes Cbats aIl abc.. usqsOI&meysu eIj aWaU,*Mt t S*inates bc- T L ai ranos trasfome& Freo h*somewber. ap- peared a band sud began playing '%Ir- erybody Works but t'atber," and ail thte brokera bowled in chorus. A repe wa6 stretcbed aeronsalhe roc., BMd vie- ltors crowded linth ie open space ont- aide. Pada of palier and cverytiing ela. that was boose were gatbered up and burled tbrongb the air, bats were uaed au missiles, great sbowers of col- ored paper Ver. thrown ber.é and tbere, and tb. dia wos greater thon it lis oves la a pente. liezens cf Young men form. cd circles about eider men ln the. game of '*bullit Ithering." At thus moment appcared a great puah bail, six fcct ln diameter, whlch n'as sent splsnisg aeronsa the floor, ouly te ho hurled back again, bowling 0,cr men inl ilgbL To and fre Vent tie great rubher apian,wvile lie aitouting reached. a plIte o vu nout tiie band. Fsaily uam brouer vas boited on tte h al. Wjteb promptiy vas kicksd ont trois Onaer bim. But. tbougb bis legs Ver, hi the air, he wa kept fnom failinsand again scgalne bis test. Than lie bail ves rolied ta- yard lte high plattemrm etUihebair- maue, vbn anctiier effort vas mads te vblrl Il ontt fram under lie irtikora test Leapiug, be caught au edge of the piattermsueambi.d ever th. rail- iog ami gravely siook banda vihthlb voebe abami dignifled preaidlng ot- firer. The Miarlous ceremeny Vas wound up by a collection helng taken for tic messengor boys and 'ttendants. vili mounted ti lcusanis etofici- IMn Wbatever new uctiodae tplylg bora. yull ho Introduced Inhi hihlance eircles for -the Christmnas eve festvi- lien Ibis year, Itlah certain Ibal themini vie make and Vreek fortunes vili ut- joy licisasves. lm RE M l Dy F'RANK FL SWEET JLYà au55. à a B u t v s l d b y wd g"a ma An min h i, 'Livojatious. OmIy a msange, "hdw '&Mn.& Thai to e i < kf mbe au ed Wlem . Le.tederim& buo bouer hL.. m, * Il fn&X u h mm.da ,am e bb i i. TWO TENDER WAC-oeoe IItIU Vian palndam wdWre. iLim of.5ph Frein clcLbxe8, anesc«6"ed&asad Whsr e c aad «u.s ci dm au W-49 66aih* ywxk haanmi bot. -IPNY a 1 y a Basje la MMu qm e ofs. Bdi ai Wh.s mia@w, Wish fîssdoWs et. è» L"s ÀI.Lod D*s A rm1Bu Cd4 ibteoaClar' mù&ak u.à& TIhe Dy ARIHLUM J B W I [cp"ngbt, lm5,by "Arrl F â i'. ibis T. i hfflQ r» b TUM COOIM iALTO. ae.m«i.16Id m.M h lq , And dms ga d ad m sequi A1ays - mcisidnà> OY44 o im .,ibs mibi "Paymmlaà&é pe'ésE*a 'm M7, ps-u. dm-q%~ li5I à. va7 i*9as" -%-.d usé dm a i vmgbi Am" boom som as "Osemps Ai. vuissi h. Golq bsg& h T ES sopmA H . ws a pmm dm 0-i qff rd M» a ime bu a sl,.hui e. iu maj vha A m " 'L s ood ad E h. qu oi& . recth Rab pava mtier»»i» oosesi n I s n ti o e a n T n s » 11 nIthee = hig tinmiUs, Suton d « Ed ussd =É'vii, A pare cf S8« à baisafer Me- Thur Papas. toi lmtcen0 as W» t Oo 1 yuz.d bi5'-mow. deSIltuiit 1 tioi't va5,t vuv>' usoar bbat 2 Iujun boài B avàii th MIff AM Dnarrasmati1 et t lime POP guis thm 5boeWb wum Air. Andi i POVOIVU04 t1viii Kamg à SkSir len MlleJeerna .jUm Anti 1 liaI lieds a rs5 B»av a play viti Mtis Md Puas. tbaB' Oh, y5S-I eroly Pl==u large- I vanta I Cannas Msai, o e Ui brurg à Jins>ymuh&M ayuo R naybe Bigge-1 4..'t bans 1 cft iams Kmnas viW a liem ?hat' jouI mnitu ahm 1he doe verm Andime, "DoWt piay md FO6 m Tin.a"abi. '~~.~ AN' lherc'ii bc doUs with dresses new *5 An' eyes that open big an' blue Wheri they it up-an' cry an' sin& When Santy cornes.. AN' be'll ftih muta an- candy. ton, S An' rats that. wbert peu oqueM'cm. meur. My brother Bob hbcmays, $ »".s Headli1k. to sit round lisdilng, "0 »nYs- "l'Il tell pou whnit-Id de. illiai lump eut us' boller 'fleol' When Sanny comas."1 ... 'H somethi anti sa bon difr Fanc~ ot&, gl boxes, f Fan hagti. si Embr fancy b Fane: lienif varlo babies, earti. l Iadder, -banks ai Nut Come have ai

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