JEN' )ENi -e an AUKEGA,_,N WEEKLY SUN VOL XV. NO. 12. LIÉERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, DECICMBERA 21, 1906-12jI'ageS ý4i yb. -r 6ip I LArb12 119 à "X rffj-y ,Ct11MTIE SAMETWNG ÀRAFT!N 0 T.IER COUNTU ES CAZE1TE TI4WARTED I SUAZEN l ng ravelation from onîy casual laves- ATTEMPT AT OVER CHARGE !tigatioO of bils presentai b> tire Ga- ATTACCS bMEN WHO SAVE O ' nette. Tri couwrv MOMEY. liant vbat il conte Lakte county for record boks for tire county clrk'. office sud tbe amouit lira sanie books Uoveatlas i Gneri Ateuptl0feaouire purcirase<i for froi n ay of tira Overeharge Miay bMean UPlreavsi score of irîank bookc concerna in Chi- CL And a New.r Systom ail AlongE the cago, would te Inlereetlug Informa- Lno, lion. This la but ana Item ot many -wblch certain board membere vautA Tbvarted lu a braZen atteinPt tu Iinvestlgataed, sud virich out hoard an muclet Lae county tai payera to the member la rigt nov Invesigntlng. L& *xtant of many huodred dollars. the. It 1s lie SUNS opinion tint Lake vil, Gazette. managers Saturdày ight couty canuire savedl many lirousand 0f venti Ibeir- spleen luauan open attacit dollars eacir gear lu printlug sud o( vqS Supervisor Miller and covart etatloneny isupplies, bleuit forma. rec- sapa at thre entira board. 1 ord brookts and other publisers' prod- mi, For yesrs tire Gazette ba a d tal 1ut necassary In conduct of tire coun- S th. pu4ltl crib. Tirousands of dollars tyesbanunta. of lire tui payerai moue>' bsve teen This la net an Ie assertion, but la dis dvertod 10tirte Gazettes coffers based upon Information viiieh ir e- ls tbrough vaymnt lof exhoriitant pint- Ing asseinbled. irel 11 ills mua. mliet ireir meeting letlsu( week tire supervisera iecided lu caîl FnIt> years suîrpoted iry tire money rue a hall. lotlire ipeuple of Lakte couruty,. rt laru lP 11 Pire irundned and fflv dollars was'thîe drag net sla ighteriiug about tire :Gazelle, and a tiroroughI nvestigation evt b>' unanliona'vole prurued froin tire!Into ils attemîted grair from tire pub Wi (laste's bis. wiicifor tire tiret' Ilic tleasury ou a prnuing bill, ta- ur montra recding aggregnled. as near 1gelber vith a ncareful vatch over Ita Nu na tire SUN cari ascertan, amenat bille lu tira future, lis promieed tire e $2.40é. tax payere. Fadas About One Item. If thone s l'ho officiai investigation.,'t The mits' mst otorouoattept1he SUN will iteep the peope of Laitefoi Tir Smtir msI otoloi atauptcounty infomed on the mater sud 1 t ffleace Laite count>' vas lunlire pre- safeguerd tiroir solation of a bil for $1,2W..82 for liait Century a Ponsioner. printing ballots lu tir asIit couirl> For a hralf century a penelonerou, olecllon. Tire raguier ballots. wo- tira county. depending for île suppot1tu mense ballots sud publieîolcy baI- ou lire ciril>'of lira office irolders t %v, -lots aggragatad 60,000. trIs includina I ias supporteu. tire Gazette aI lasi Ifaces a criis in luiessubidlzed iis #11 specimen ballots ai veil. tory, and le tirerefore figiting bor. Supervîsor biller, of tire prlîrtln -l'le SUN'S exposa of Ivo nigrts pr comiittee, aud whirch committu 'o. raveaiing auntempted holdup tu auditsa&l prlntlng bils. vas dom -uor on $ 700 on lire part of tire pub- fprmnei by thre seemîng exhorbitaut îlic getter. iras created a sensation m chare. o saiaf blosai as o teirat vilii ot dowu. and people ai N chare. o sllsy irinslf s 1 liat aiiegan and Laite county are de- In lusineesOfitheo dam ire submltlad mandlng liratirhe Gazette maite good tire regauir ballot to lire Waukegan lu better ghape tiran b>' tegging tire i, Prnting Company and aiked for au question ail did lait lgil. D etimste. Tireir bld vas 88 par Ibon- Wbat cilixens Say. u snd. On tire imalIen ballots they Sald on. veli knovu citizen. 'I a.' t] iactimatei $6 per tbouaaad. lu othrn ays tirougirl that Laite county iid oi wi the 37.000 reguuar bail<rs as otirer business concerne. and ad- n iris.vertlsedl for bids on vont that il voU iamouf te,0 $296 and tire 2,W ihd m maullenr ballots 10 $115, or a total ofA -'iaI leatia i l nd do. and If tk $411. Yet tire Gazette attempted 10 tire gazette brai beau 'irandad' thinge hi charge tire couty $1.20982, just for ail these years, ai I amn pretty cer- c $70.812 more than auy pintlng estair- tain It irai, il ls a ihime tiratirhew Iliahent in Laite count>' vould beiree-pratice stopped. "~The people of Lake count>' are neal 'liateto1 do tire vonk to. Tire au- supportlng a nevspapen. LetailaStireSf pervisors, iry unanlunous vota, cet tire newspapers sud prntlng concerna e tei bill10 88$. called open for bide aid let lire lovasi j Another Allempted Gnsb. bldaer reclve tire vont.' In addition, tira Gazette presanted Gittts an Institution. a bil for publication of lira ballot In la tire Gazelle a county Institution, t' Isse, f $78.For publication of somatiig 1tire supportad by thiren- lx on. ssue of 178.pie anor.l a anewapaper? ieie thly ie saine ballot in a sin- That lt le au iustitution te be Ill gisIsue tire Waucouda Leader pr - forcai dovu tire tirroate of tire people isnted a bil of $74. Tira supervIsons la evidenced by ils bîstor>', viicir le et tire Gazeles bill to $74. lirat of dravîug île support from itir ar Supervisors_ Aromsd. pockts oft tienpeoiple villy utl>'. 0 And ltha tra gent part of It la thla: Il vas Iis alarming condition tint Forr mre yssrs lhe people haveu lei 10 iuvetigation of otirrItems lu refusedl te have anything 10 do withb tire Gazettebuis. Oua blani tefonmthea Gazette or wfrat It has iad lo Sey, t vas submtled tu tire Wnuitegan as la proven 'b>' ta @mailiaubacrlption -i Pr'lnUng Company for au estimate. liaI. ( Thot concer sgraed te print 3,000 of What tie Gazette Bill11 . thre forms for $9.76. Tire Gazette Nevertireless, tira paper tirat people ehared 30;Thi Ite th suer-do net rend lu great numrne.tire cirrge $1- Ts Iem iresupr-paper tiratla tire recoguized meiume visoseul 10 816. For printing tire flire machina politicianu.tire siaiya court docitets tire Gazette attempted toreigir advertiser sud tire minuitir t0o vorcirarge sometiing lite $40. and an axi 0grnd, atthlast meeting of tiratItem vs. cul, tire board of supervisere of Lakte court-E Wioi. Board Repudiatea. ty put lu a i or wonie for ires Tire Gazette epresets tint Super- montia footi ng up to $2,400. vIsorbMiller la alloue espousiile for rlu otirr oris, Laite count', wviîci rpudiatas tire Gazette ai a public the prunnig' îl bille recalvad, and moutirpieca, nevartirelase supports tire tiraI irelo acluatad hy a dasire te gel Gazete tirrougir thre iroud outs" given iven" because of their unsuccaseful it iry polîlîclane. atteupt b>' mirapreseutallou teotlu- Wtcifuins Sifeguards. duce tira prtllg commttea te avard Hovaven, tirevalcirfuluese of urei- rtirsu tire contract for publication 0f bers of tire count>' board savai $550 thre sulienvsora'- proceedlugs. At tire 1tirte count>', tis belng tire anrount lireGazette bil vas airaded ou bide #,tme tire coutraet vas unavaniedaud snpild iy aIrer prtnting concerne. ibrougir falure of tire cmmtee te notabl>' tia Waukegan Prlnting Coin- *eet for tire pnrlroie. Tire Sultirs pan>.1 Sllei upon tvo members sud by mis- Tire SUN'S revelatory article of 5ev- *preaaeniloof h tacts secured oral inys ince. ias amousai consterna- St4ein couient t0 publiir tire proceed. tion In the nenki of tire people viro > llie When ho Iearned of.tire trregu- do h. "handilg aut" lu tire vay of ~itg o! th action. ~ GIbb5 gon rpnng and It Is sale 10 sa>' boty ofte hate. brt 0Gaibbs gisat anotirer iteupt '.111 ual soon ire ti#rd" te Gutte ot t go bo aie on h. public treasur>'. '*t1 the vorir. A meeting vas then Il thm ale suci an attempt thre SUN = di mitire cnract ]et te the In- wil tll of .1Itlul 41. d7*i.u5t viricirpaper publisirai 1h. Investgaion Certain. -rjb"n and presetedil s mil tb 4 genral investigation on tire part î- U supervisonsTire G"Mete altoof !the0coiit bord incertain. Ima>' taire ln Il Unes connectai vith the #i'Uoffl theipaotiringe and Pmors spndng othepeuplies oneyiand I tbon the lniepeuient's. viricir wu tirata remit vitirarsung Laite cours- AS miut Ulm uer. tire support for a aieet l i ai neyer do$a COUset$111150. respectai may ire anticlpated. 'ýke Gaettes miavere lait veet Tire supervisons are arouasi sud e« $1160. b> unanimous vote of tire may ire countai ou 10 probe tire mal- ~eitre hoard of supervisora, anddtu. tan tu tire bottom. to buis vieir couse befora tire wTiry are servants of tire people and muetpas cloe sruti>',a ne1vii fot stand idly ry 10 e. tire Ires.- boar Mut pso louscrtin, are-ur>' lootai 40 support a nevelpaper Mnvih icir'11mare 14k. county tax tlrt la ru agint tire bet lterests P- eire maoy iunrsi dollars eci r o!tir. sovarelgn people, tire peuple gear. viro eleet train tu office Presagea Other Inquiny. - 8eU'e members have for soins tîmo The INDEPENDENT ra sending out lL b. aatatlng a tiroroughIr lquîry bi*80 deiinquenl arbscribens. W. ~ lir vwill bring to public attention are a"king tiraI subscriptiona ire paid because we nesd thr. money. Heip ,abZoO.e.jut as flagrant a se. prae- make us happy. ttO h>' 1h.heGazette publiahonrs A______ achi a moveuireut. vicir la ttieipapge o!t is papeý. 11L tefl tobeaetene. bTtie atund- on viron your suirecrîplion la du. V0MAN ATTEMPTS, ,SWINDLE rien te Obtla. moy Prom Lake Commty National Banks by Palme Pretens. LAIMED TO BB WIFE OF RENEY STOLZIRAN A arysterioum vomas reoently madel nattempt to obtain money irom the ak. County National banit, of Liberty, le, repreeenting irerseif 10 b. lire vifs 1Henry Stolzeran and preatiug an 1er calling for paginent ta ber 0f lna> on depooit 1t bp creditof bar. tolzinair Henry' Stolzinan, i ill iiie remeirered, rappeared som monthsaega in a very eeuiiar manner. Bis fanril> have not eard [rom i hm @Ince the day ha ddenly bacante m'rasng. Semlierncrwa mde for hlm aItirhe turne and thre )eie- aines iner vis dnaggr'd. For a lime env effort was urade to locale bmu but vitirout eucees. Be lef t considrnbile une>' un deposît lu tire Laite Ehurty Çaoual bauk and tis vas tiruugirt a -culirntlirrng to, do if ire han left tire .nutry andul l'] 1tu abaliftîrrt .omiblY ui play iabaf alien hIn. Ill disajupeararice las i îunll. Sirica uu-rr tireabas ireen abealuteiy 1o0cv *ý Iris whlrr-n-rruutesud no urne appr-ared r) r-luan thireuuaterniulu miilirae tratiur< unan urived litire village last veel. Plan Was Cieven On. At tire Laite CUunuy National barritsee prsante'] an urrden for tire nroney and bold a pitiful tala. Sire va.iris wlf iee 4id, and in lIaI moningannived frn ew Yorkit vîreeMui. Staîuran vas clu-k r a iroupital and at tire point of deatir. He ira' been out of funda, sire eaid. for tre peet tire. montre and vas lu dira aessil>'. Sire begged aud impioned irat sireire gîven tire moue>' tint va. on daposit and] vitIr a. obail>' needed. Tire banit rha&reputation of cane lu the protection of ita uepoaltorsannd befone tire noue>' was, paid ouItirhe asihier visee'] 10mate aureat sire ras wirat se. epresented irereeli tuire. Sliras as e']for proper identification. ire wae toI'] ta have lire relatives o! ber rusiand voucir for ber but dacline']gay- ing tirat sire itue noue of tire irnband's relatives banc. Mn. Sloizmuan's signa- tune vas boite']up lu tira leasof tira baut sud tire naine on tire onder was fouud t1, biranitfongan>'. Was Adveniureas. Tire mimriog Mn. Stoîzinan's braier aund motrer w~ere 101d of tire presenca of tire voman lu tovunand bookad ban ip lu hopes of gaing some trce o sun. Sire vas senu upon lire streel and to enter tira poat office. Bene sire calli.' aiorane mail but it vas not lu tire naine rat«s prevloualy ohtalned. AUl IhO rallraad lunes Of th(, tate, however, agree to thre f$llo%'tug: p.ate of on. tare plus 50 cents, ex- cept virere tare aurd one-third niakeS les., fr001 pointslnnIllinois to SPriDg- field and returo rexcursion tickets, to be god on Decambptr 2 and 26, good to returu leaving Springfield until and lnciudiog Decemibtr t. 1906., Tickets ta be imited for gotng passage coin- menciog date of sale- and for con- tînuotis passage ln each direction. Lines of Centrai Passengar Asso- ciation wili not require cartificatas Of Identification ase eretofore. E. C. ROSSETER. R. R. Sacretary. Ciaras Ex. Curur. DRINK< CLAIMS VET ANOTIEfR Train nt Rondout Grinds Down'a Anoiher of Those Failen of The i Curse of Drini-Was Friendlesa I and Aone. Drink claimed airott.ei'victin Salur n day igt vire. Janru-, Savaga, a la- iroren, vs. tilleiru itir.' tuacits <uftire St. Paul railroad at Ruuduut. liavaga irad left a sainitirer sur drururitau. ta be hardi>' ablea bval,-, a lIttite allert 10. Soma lIme laten i1w- as fouud by railîoni employas IL. lut'de-ad on tire St. Paul tracits. betwrucotith rucksta a! tire alectrlc roadi suot tire St. Pault stationr. Miro Savaga va. ru.chu-eire écame fron le ual t nejr u. lt- bad worked aI tire round bouse' t Roudouit and et tire Amour estate, but irad ual vont- ed for about Ivo monulls. Saturds>' nigrt ire was around tira saloon lu Rondout beggiuug drinks fronmenire tue-v. Ha maal>' ieft tire saloon iront. It is likely tiraIire ta>' dovu vti iis iraad ou tiratract as ire vas hrwn and oui>' hie reai wurns.ired.' A coromnes jury ant ounlire body1 Sunia>' monning and nelurned a verdict o! deat iiIle inloxicated b>'1 jury, on tire Si. Paul rairoad. Tira verdict exonenated tire raîlroaul froun ail irlame. Sgvaga mad sai tirtat ireirail a brother lu Chicago. Seancir rbaso9 fan taîlad tb locate hlm. Pnrham Again Sua>'. Cirarles F. Pariai aud tire dtscip- les ofthtie sellcfalthrmavemeul are uratînt' îeparattone for an ou- eiaugirt on Voliva sud tir. circirtira l)ovle feund.'d thnt la axpeclai ta maieta tiage hum lu tire cit> of tire vite dove. haine lieutenants drore staites and erected a modern aide shrov laul wire.e het lproposea 10aodnct re rivale iuslaad o o rlding treIr meet- ing. lu sluîffy Itivate ibouses nesiitir- erto. Tira Paramies nov dlaim be- ADD 1000 ACRiES 1 SCIIOOL Report Siau il Thet thre Preent site of JÎ17 Aces la burt Starter of oient station IT 18 SAIII STATION W1LL HAVE 6,000 MEN la thre United States 10 add over a .iousand acres te ils resenvation for tha naval training station et North Cicago? TiraI it ta comprises tire irtrden of '. report tint wus current on lire rireeta tia veoit. Tirat tire report le wltirout founda- lion ilalire stateinent 'of Commandant Rosm, coming tirrougir ana otis staff. At tire soaUlme, il, muet te con- caded liaI vera lireCUitei States abrout te purcirase mniealand lire laet tima it vouli do o unliire la admit it, as tire admission would cause a feanful nise iilirte pu-ice o!'land lu tire rîigiri i re adared Impossible. Nsed Saud 1 ire Apparent. Tire ueed for moue lanrd leaSalu tat ira apparent. The navqI training station oxpecla to house 6,000mon on 117 acrea,,irird- ly"snotagi for 2,000, to asy nothing of tie lange number. At Font Sheridan lisrs have nover been aboya 2M000men 51 s lime sud thes Fort Sheridan reservalion con- tains 2,500 acres and possibiy' nions witi necent expansions mot ysî coin- pisted because of dsiay ln condamne- lion pnoceedings. Tiruse ranped ton moraland ai tira naval trninga cirool site le apprntl as no ana for a marnant tinis tirat 117 acres yul tata cane of tire 6.0(00 men viro are expeclad ta ie renained for tire United States uavy ut tire scirool Southr o! Nortir Cicago. May Doisay the Punchs.. Howver. viie tire necessit>' la mot doubîed, funds ma>' net nov te avait- aile and tir anccumuiatbotiof land mn>' take yaars, théO presant site serv- rli;g for tire erection of tire buildings tsud for tire nucleus of tire great In- stitution lirat tire* gvermient plans for Laite counlY. I. WonIc Slows Oown. At present construction vont at tire sile in at a stindistill. Tire foun2dations ot some of tire aibuildings have beau slarted but tire vaîls are uot yet up ami operationi are confinai te prepanation for au earl>' atart naît spning. -Tire Bdvanis Brothrers' No. I dredgE la atilI at vont on tireirarber and viii continue ai long as itlal possible Ic do se. Tire firsl enlistinent of men for th( aciraol yull probail>' te about 2,20( men. SCIIOOL SWINDL!, 1. S B!ING SMTLED Warranta Given b>' Dinectors cf Country Sciroola b Smootir Swindien Are Seing Paid-Treas- urea have no Alternative. of talina. Ieen 500 alnd 800 rolouera.i of Solza.Tire Volvane ma>' demnani o f Re- 0f ail tire notes givexi ir> Laite county4 Fron Iis ireva idntiiedas u eiver Hately tiraItirhe tout ire laten scirool dinrctors te a ciever manipulaton adrentureeu d Il la believed sire neyer dovu as.ti l sai to btu i violation about a year and a iraif ngo lien. aveu knew the man for viroursire posai o! tira ]case viricir providas that ira remalu but tirnea unpaid nItirhe present1 as vule. ShOire eaid tu have n record building or otir structure sIralire ime, il is said, sud tirepe, given by 1 sud il lenlirougirt sha gained -'tnowlredgaenectai for otirer than esidatiil pur- directon. of Libertyviliesecliols wil ire of tiredepoitlt b>' Sherzian tirraugitposes. paid intire nean future. Tira #tory' ias rearing tire nevapapers aI h tire reo lbepbqhdsvrtie.Iwl hii sudden disappearance. Tiraîrit n I en ulled eea lma tvi supposai sire made caraful plans for TI CASES THAT ire remerubare'] a inu01 unusual1 sîrpania a a rape moran. jreset. RE N C URTpersuaeiveoasa sl'] tIre vanlous direetors iugirearul! as u la , rawomentha i@nut nR I O RT i dstricts tirrougirout tire count>' an faieren, g ié ie the ra ak -suppulie@. lu almrst aven>' case ire clearing out irefore eaugirt. Cnnr va Carr, Fox Laite Divorcs Suit receithe]onshlutreafoureraifvanranta Scireme Failed. Provos Sensaticnai-Summnny of uotr yetvsrpIaere fsio Tire plans would have vorke'] nîniglit Otirer Maliens.for payae t eewsmtpoe ira' tire baut afficiais bit but tirheheure b n >' castetirera was iathep&oun vas nippe'] iu tirabu']. Tireavae Oua of tire nrst seesatioual divorce lnd te wartrt ere ta Ira>' tbeam ut beau a nimber of attampts 10 oitin it ale tiraIiras camae up lunliracount>'sdl.wratyeesl atr ia monyouden taIse pretense frointhlirel a long tture vas ireani b>' Juige National irank t a Libeni>uvilia or ta- in05>'Dennlly luniis ciainere Tuesda>' at- privais iIndividuase. Later tire gnodu Late Count>' National birn th ie pont temnoon. Tira caseevas tnat of Fan>' arrived and wen. pronounceircansse. but noue have suceeded. Sine !te final Cnmm va. J. w. Cnmr, cf Fx Laite, and The virole liig vas alred an a avindis, sat an a aprivais concert itiras enjoged tira decre. va. won hby ns. Car. n e h arnabdbe od tire distinction aifiraving neyer iai a Thsacharges ver. drukermnssdgllr arnaia reusu ,extreme and npeata oruel>'. Ait lu. innocent thbrd parties and il vas con- s ion Itéesîf-or a patron lirotuirjonction vas given ir>' mnge Donnell>', ceitlre>'muet ire pald. ,Inueeral forger>' an misnspnuenlallon and iravirrg restralung 'Cartrou slllog is canon theireetors ondrdersraruer aeiuired nearlg a bal million dollars àIri pr nsd personal effecla atI F o v hodpyet n hehnb deposits. Lokeozon Septemir8. 1 inrl aiatsdII rsb. Tirs mystenlous vouan made iber 801h paries o! th. suit ire vsîî don but novr presen bosomeribroughtî tuovu lu the counti sud tlireuoae bis 10bear and the Paymeuts, tloire escape main LibertyviUle belontre heandea amusedi mnch Interest. vhiair have fmot been pald, '.11ire of thlaw v er. upon )fr an d tira 'the case of Slsnibor va. tire War-&tlde oc.l h ye fteli attemptl Iciil>' va. a lallure. uer Sugar Refinlng Couàpai> a atlda oc.I lrwusoftr a Parent Knows Location. beard In tira circuit court Tuesday. tir. ichool treasuren le pne.uted a Iu a receol Interview, moreover, lire CocIçe, Pope & Pope and Orvia & Bd- vnltten onder wviebi muet ho honorei. eIder Stoîsman. fther ofthteuman ards reprasent Stambeg. A. lit. Tire oni>' dLqli-t wiici posaiirly vii virodiîsappeared a year ago, la allege Stearna ta cotînsel for thers ugar e- mot bave to av tthre vannantla tle Bush te bave atei tiraIiis soit la locatai biner>',bo.Tiswratws aeoti lu Minunesota or Northr Dakota, vont- Monda>' vas a bus>' day and man>'eiol isvrrn a aeotl îng en a fam. cases ver. iispoeed cf. Among thri a mn rwicb ylot mate itlegal. Thrun It seema certain tirat thisvo-er.: Franit Nicirolas, lirinking ire vas dlréec inuvir clalîad Stolzman'a moite>' Patrickt H. ODonnell vs. Riran 8. top signai tire orden but Inter found tlbq, vas a confidepce operatan and haidBruces. Settiai ir>'aglesment. ho vas flot dînecton at aIl. Uoder lire maie adalibrate ntempît tobunco Huer Coote ve. Juinu F. Bldinger. msprieeo ia r s cro lhs iaut. Robet G. Evans vs. Sarair Cssvali. director ire iai ruugt suppiesU. The Tesien MuI Py Mre. Dlsmld. v.A .Fat ~~ paper wvasbougit bul MaIb ail pmairabil. Teahes MetPayMoe. Jas. A. Salmon va.t.î. F ontita.iyw rie. Count>' Superlnîeudant of Sciroole Demumr austaiired and lesre girannTie sirarper worite' sevenal dais sud Simpson iras recelvai the folloviug te ameud.arnct"W u ealudee communication relative 10 tire Sprlng- Chicago, Milvaukee & North Sire san rstcendu svnlb rd field meeting of scircol teacirs: Ralroi Compan>' vs. Jane Kirk, et of dollars, Almetaven>' district vire Ovina 1cr leglation iuring lthe pait CoHhlndPart vs. C HIlWiraietasaare7.0 n elvd o.>'ar >ear trat seriouaîy affects passenger Hall, 3u4>' vaîvei. Court o i variamnt for4 *47.50 ud ln a bugofirt traffie. v.e aiflot aile- 10 eecnre lie, fendant guilîl>'and gavnfe of O!$10. et ll ilelf i brpoi lo lma b.ttl ieOn.Treol recourse thre di-tricts will l i.ele 11 coma brick upo)n the.' * for rniase of fonds. 1_________ Institute Dale*Changed. The Lake counly farmera' institute circuit for January 8-12 tht. yaar bras been changed and th. naine of An- lioch subotttedl for thea second day's session instead of Zlen City, maklng tb. sciredule Grayelake 8-9, Antiocir 10-11,j Ralph W. ChIittenden le the Lake county director and E. P. Blanchard i. the local sacralary. W. P. Hulland le presidant. Thea program viiibcIsseeud soon. MARMID IFOR A MALl' cENTURYý Mr. and bina. Thomas J1. Renehan. of Round Lake. Calabrais. 501h Wedding Anniversâry or, Thanks- govlng Day. Tis la thre llftleth or golden aont- vereary of tire vedding of -Ar. and Mr$. Thomas J. Renehan. of Round Laka, Laike county. 111. The day vas calebrated ou Tiranks- givtng, November 29. Mr, and Reireian were united ln Marriage et Richrmond, McHenry couuty, Ill., Novamber 29, 1856, iry thre Rev. O'Have. Mr. Renehan vas barn in Canada lu 1830 and came ta Lakte rcauuty with hie faethar lu 1836. set- tliug .at tira preut location of tira famlly un thre south binitoftRound Laite. He hae resided tirere avec sinca, except that ln 1851 ire vent lu California by ox train. tailng six montirs ta maita tirattip. Ha came backIt n 1862 iry tire vater roule, crosslng thre isthmus of Pan- tama and tire GuiL[ of Maxico. Mn, Ranairanes maidan naine val Joiranua Sutan and sire wvsbarn iv Iraland lu 1836, comlug 10 Lakte coun ty la 1848. Lauding lu Waukegan shi cama. ln a salitng vassel and toob Ieleven veeks ta make the trip. Thera ara six chlldren, four ot vhon dare living: Jason W.Wlim E George P. and Catherina. Thera arq four grand children ln tire famiiy o William B. Renêhan. is There vere fifty pueste aetbte cela bratlon a*4 the. I»us. vas riecoratei iry Manglof et ,Chricago. A goldei vreath witr the dates 1836-1906 cccv 'epied tire oenter. of thre table. and wii lIve ta celebrate tiroir dia moud veddipig. They are extremeý wail knovn and iroioved old people. The Gazettes Fate Stor>'. lu conuection vihtlie Gazette'. score iread Monda>', vich leai one 10 bolIestiat a terrible disaster had occurred et tirs iospilal, but whîch turoed out 10 ire a veollngr of épile upon baies Beli for mcl telîlog what Preai'den5 Ruina Siruva>'. Of tire irspilal association, Tuesda>' sald sire irad no nigir te.. ienasMairie L.ook, simIen cf tirs Young man vira vas meollonai ln tire article, gave tirs follovlng tu a SUN reporter:, Miss Leok said: "I don't vaut tu an>' suything about Il. 1 vs. exaggen- sti let night. I1irad mucir ratirer Il irai neyer been printod. It neyer ougirt tu have bheu printed. It vs. an accidentliraI la lîkel>' 10 iappeit an> place anti viile il vas serious, tire boy la ail rigirt boy. "Tire nurses ere doiog eerylhing tire>' cauton hlm. Tira>'have given hlm tire regt of treatmenl. Ha viii ire houa ln about a veet nov.. 1 ai sonr>' anytirtng vas publisirai about MORTGAGrS 0ON ZiON ARE DUE Aitty. Bonj. Parmaies. of Wauitegan, Gela Statement from Rocivar iiately-Sig Deficit le Shcwn, Iu counection vitir rnrions daims ire broldo against ZMon City', Attorney' Ben. p siéae iraireceirsi from Recelver Hately a letter statlng tira plan theo rocelver la 10 Ir>' lu pa>'iog off tire dlaims against ZMon and a dsIatbed 11.1 of tire resourcos soi Ilabililes of the The lotter satathal al] daims. toi irenecoglized, mueItho flai b>' Marcir 15, 1907.1 Il aien telle or a plan vheroby lui! hrolding ami accourus againsiath 111i are to be lnmned ovin tu 1he neoulver sud ho vili rodéeltheu aeelng that eachrgels a airare equal bhi. deaIm., Then tire>' vil bava a vu& 'ce in tire ispcaing of hir edams. The plan éan MalIsfon- a comulltueeof! iv. oi th. dlaim houons 10 -asslat tiere ne ceiver. The letton states tiraI 1h. plan viii ot ire tried unlee76 per centt of tircse holding daimas agalntthelirety jobn the ruovemen. Il alsostale$ that anythlng doue inuetire done quicrl>, ai thore are several mort gagne tiraI are about 1tuftl de and boliers o! them in il gel first choies. Tire Ilat of assami Ilabilltle shov a delicil of "342.013-44. The asolaamount to $2,869,782.60 and the .llabiiItila 10 $6,321,794-04- 1Tire INDEPENDENT le sendingou bille 0odsinqueftt aubscibiers. We areoaiklrirtaI errbscriptiona ieha Id bacause we need lthe mono>'. 411P Maite us irappy.- W.iing tallenor dont aM thte DoeNUI<UDT meala corrélat VOLIVA sec et bq ti il ci ti il A MfVt 1 1 1 . . - - - - ý -.- Ml A 1 1 ,9ll8 Bousee af Gode But U*%4tsý Of Evil spiliteCMSdh8. Chicago Ps'eck0mu ION LEAI)BRS IN ]RANK IBEDITTZURuSUT Chicago cirureiras ver. rlel*mreitê Gena1 Oversqer Voliva Of th e Xr tlÎnnrcaiirolic AposlollC cirurch, *ho reached in ZMon temple, SuXtis»Üý traet and Miciîgan avenlue. Sý day. to te "wbito sePulceors. sa ail tire uncleao devils of bell 1111W irode." He further aasertei Iba ,scores of Ciîcago mintstem bMO sold thaîr Christ for les$ ti t tiv< riecas of silver--the Priceof JurI» socariots tresehery." »iris sermon vas the prelude tO si neeting of ZMontisat vhich V@Ule' prastded. Tire cause for It vwlu tn schlsm occasioneti by thre reinovai C )versaer Piper. vho bas bad ob#90, of thea Cicago branci'of the chnrek. Mir. PipeW a aY Of irisOock WitM him and 'Pfted a. -hurch at Tiret$ sevenIr street and Indiana avenai. where ha hald servfeýs lait nigrt Dring tira course ofthtie VOUIS meeting heasnnounced tirat hO vomiE -saparate tiraeireeP trOUX tire 90&W aud asked ail tih osevro enu aia by. hlm 10 ris. Tire number 01 saheap" as couoted by tb. oliors. vil 2a7. Thare ver. about 100 utb." ý"She.p' and "G«ota"P~sa Foliovlng onut tihe biblical eaMPW tha "îireap" ver. asked te taireUN rigirt baud side of the tabernacle oMW tira -goals', ver. moyed 10tirte lef Carde ver. passei arooni l"ô tire present gave thir iBnues Mad 94 dresses. Fron tires. s.t sa "eW rd of Ciîcago members ut. 10 .bu1O Wiin ire pepffl; m a4it» W yOff seer Volîva, itete ezoUuu", the Piper tolbwiig. "Let Zion railF." MWbaVaiiVw1 Chricago needc ai W5esMo that tire devivil w rMoo1"m. tire tieves lu Cblceff v#b;e a"* gi entirek r you'd bave 40 halnd s1qam tentlartes. BUoxe et th"*tbnmuW cirurches conSeniay." --- It vas thon b' save hwMiâ"lb& Cicagocirureirea Mdi mWW1À tollowed it up vitir a 4qqi*b - Vh. p -sirs .10 arn "ELvery 0one! of n Mwhobs that oatir iralse a the. $1 annooooe4. anrkt iltir tanguai ho torm out andtir 17bai.. 4ý tvo. E'very secret socIty l a ~44 for tire devil, and i la tirore hl* v tartes go 10 basheu .0 plots."- Turng on theo folioe*?&air cr tOverzeer Piper.,lhe said: "I bave 1bu vatchlng you nd rithers MaMOU bal vho baven't, encira s ef. lIA Msat tirere '.11k ,' sOàus o n tb4- ba aW». yn oulda't maire 'ém lit a $20 jold, pee. Wh.f as th08 ons, Ien Itou hlm. ý b W- vldov or several orphans iU10fi Preiois Pipers OevrftSL tMr. Piper vas classait w9b Mi Dowlo. 801h, ecciding 116'WOUdI vor. silir hata and tir'I vve.u dresses. "004 viài iumble Ibis W. IL Ptffl propiresieil Volîva, "ani brins M dovo 10tirahe at Bell R haCW get any kuni of a irat, a'ie t r wil1 long evan for a calico dt*Mk" Voliva made no ai~euIoteAmr a sertes of charges xmae *agalMal i by Mar. Piper, but delari the tu e ith Piper vas that iehasunot ft fui1 ionM, yet '.1.104 a gpuâtue elovance tran $200 a montir. e Piper Oontvslcts, Volva. i. inhi. sermon. Mr. Piper teqab elightly os the OTUSe~ roundlng isremovi a u oaffing: "If thore a i M mlne » ILnla I amn content ta 10;et r do IL 'Tbèeola onu thlns 1 proposa.104 irovever," hire eplalaed. ""dn4*W te gn et aiiavita praoint g *ý 1- is @%atemlests repzatgg O- V i s e dlaims 1halet-pà,e et e a Dnnir ilffe'4 e ted,11L viandowu te e In that eozaaho «M )flease lirhe ebufel japnottir& ýseventh aties m iIga virere mgseriues ae » Mati o! ires areunqtS0 Monday Rbcari vhilom Pr'siiet aiIa09 rlege, Icoir the 19:84 trW ý college tovu f0rWPWSf virer.e hi Mbis .ustice madia, nu l hh rd f tur e a re uis d b a b fi 1. a $1.50 PER YEAR IN AI)VAIÎUE. - Vj