corne in and THÉ! MOIJNTED G AND Thre finest Meat Di Ever Showni LI BERTYVI LL J. ELI TRI4 Now UIs the lime tk Your CHIRISTMAS PRES Watches, Clockd Diamonds,Jewelrq, SUI ~If you inake upt you nt buy sornething' in the jeu line corne in and look over stock and get îny priees bt going anywhere else. A. JJUSS, Jew, LIBIERT VVILLE ASt]SI aa Chi Headquarte Ucoate Creanis 4L onuels IIM *ien Mixeti Candy li nel Cream Candyj (erm4s a Po NIITH & Di TEA ANI) COFFEE LE1 Libetyvlîî, 111. LAKE VOUNTY INDEPENENTr, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 19065 ib oa tm f I rs o Libertgville Readers imo IlePiked Uo Iere endi There <MEATS cee Finest andi ___ - _ Grcery GROCERIES * atro. Iny îî.'xT 'rîii'aa tore If youuw ajit WauL'.gîîitti aiîr Sunîin ithe and ý.. orhes nmadle, ",îail atLew il"lugg'e i r,r iijp. He, Normuan (irove, <i f luffîîli. N. Y, selle thiet. City IJo't yolu * vioitef with Jobn Crî,ker nuilt ainily Mi'.. L. Z, 'roiîicanil mon Freld. uft ov-er Snda. [ache,»petut the flsti il ie week witb Forget it * J. .3. Portfoustbim w îvek JUS d irelative» berm. family't, him e uîwhomne but ra eitlY John Crokiran, 1 tuuîlilvart'-iDow'fr î'olmplctcd u N orth Street. settled iu the \Ne'cSmtl, Nialm wilîl be r Him for Chrstmas * Tihe ilane o lt thlectowli hall w us srvd nt uli outr. **lightly ttsindod l tlit Thuroday niglît Thte Iil.ertyNille y(Outhý o% iaiae wy Candiies anti Nuts ispIa~j owing to the extreine bad weathier. >i ,rio,,l rie u ui tth ei Soteoidwiu aritti- ouast es Benj.i. H.Miller wili return Friolr t he Iitr oitm * Wasington tbe la.t of the week for the- ' raok Herrngton wl"î lia. been for 1M.B. Colb Mecntl holidays afte'r whicb hi wi leave %vlîlehIl s evpral tnttli. in Minnesota iy M ratl his fatnily. bas returned to titis villagre fier ta vinit of Kan. ,hae en viaitiug witb ber relative.. Tbe R5ev. Vat, de Ervel:,.tî wcek uuîived1 LEthe Trîîp familles, of ti place andi le llti une of lbhe Piîkertîuî boums on LIBERTYVILLE I LLI NOIS zo tDwnn(roe Se. <md treet wbeme lie i iiîiw s.'tlied___________________ The.INEPENDELT la eendlng out aîîi * blle 10 delinquent subscrib&rs. We A iii'.e pair of opecîtaiuîcs w il akc it The Ralroaders. aSre. akng lhtafsublerriptions be paid fine l'bristulad piiésenî lteeWiîk bas ilbe...e wneed the moniey. HoUp jugt mabat vou Want. TaIt tulii iaboi t M ..lîy l p euta opeefllv zi s * mae shappy. it. oit likýtlltK'ii tudio, î2 h. wekz G I S Thkeo. l by oeuud al. uka utmulttiîîî ae Engineer James Les lia. tlu ille 'war oy lboksu»Stinî rturhden lskiiai ontiera lt i<la L. av mck with a tend cold and! bas b.'co taitig tli'ar ")je rîîuseln o] av o t iii aed ehiiiuiukrl tiuuh tl ta lay off the point few days . Ii Iat tley4b e llftwith M.A .MUtrilaoy îrt arly01the ittl, îirnaiile u.Jni aiu ut te gu ufiue.thmm. hasbeen in Lubertyville the puit .<.î emîl The oubeiînliaer~ie îrnig ot ili. cuîirtel tai li qourdaye caring for ber îlaugbîer, Mrie. hluig, * . . . . . . . . îîienevervfOne Cristmas goods and ytîu prominelit uit îi M pol rff. ~San Flurris vlfitiloiyu vwïset)maean Msskrh 8hý. rctlI M.Wbbarrben@quit.. ilanNe a s,nl ('hrisrims purihases at te l s ut, iiitid ini iiîrriage tîîîî ciimg wekreiioveidto Ifs.ertyville. Silai will tee1, iTie oriatiiental Chrstmas couies, Congriaftulations. boue for lier son, Chiare@ Warren..W ho . cakes unduîtbîr delicatrlem;will pliai.'te fltte lie l4tlioditt il -a s brakiug on No. 3lM. ilîlîdren. lust dru1î ta ndfaie theinm imý a iitîî Il Fireitian (GeorgesLusk lias lKieu laid lii Lait aeithile lilier ri'jeuflislii'd a vie. upori Christmlias eI i 1 tIi a lire> ,o eelyithabî illilnifet, liuîîî iw-r t i tells puliisled in tbeo h li grai tenîîd I 'rustiastlle firthl.i lii, ii >tl lj,i vi.rt I il taIleîîîî*scîenleci vears 'If thie fiindav sitiîiils. . (las. Wilmuit~e thral.eiian 1wliiwas Bu~1Tfii Impr ua 011 fiiiuila slîîrt 'l'h' Si biidly iîjured sose waecke ato lit tIie Bu go. h opmtl , o uut,c niashr lblglîltriiar lil.ii e ý t rwiig liîdonutNa revk and wa. lter__etorted tiiiîe;wo %'idr:wh iu~îte' o îIte lIiîîijlîd. ieivi nd îlwas di isclargedfhotu the îe e lr thnliresiii' clies ait-] l'Il fi ii lii V' iierJ3 ie '<liilit it,Ibis t ae lits lateri wu 01nstat bask <liii' iui ontic bas a ciotîis olietlceîud nugoi iiiiaitiuî,tiîIrîi1 hîr apENTSt iti lIenloie u. 01 rou e ili léit] aIl Tite I rakemn aitho waus ciiîîg i ltiti- Wn uINbitîîume %-ilf l.iî tii< lie41 i i .îb a i tue litn, îIf tlict' ioiti'er xFplosioti 1iiTSincruoriin publishîng the,' reporl t ofHiglite'in the Dolear future a lil'ii' lie jliasonnae weell aguîmner (ilcîviea anif Wli( Treasuri r Pt. rkliirst. if lite Lai' ('niîuy liien <IIffî.reil a position Iail %i IîIIctlwi'lî îirarulîîusly escaped ait it bis lit e i.uiw Agrieulturiul aietviatîîînluit a'eel. îîado ytwNrhSoe(teloeu ftIý1(iitl eypclalrte onin'Iteilli ati'fiifersuold- insteîîd 1 1ti' n Sbe ailîiliifuiiîloti'itpta.Vrhiuirite vl(- t lie buste hen a otkiiiglii forli-11-o nl liadt efféels hifteIim thle aillent tIi the triit'r titakiog tie-ti' bu wordo efeiioeCr 1 iilit.ii'lanîterihit.Thpre waus rio Mr ani MNm. Churl- "Siilih i if Tii,'cungcélion ut treightlu riteifhnes ver ar îrîîe'rty soll iheuî'e ltîatî3' aireaI a lose !aritt, liti., Fast weel. li'iugit ther rudifting out of Chicagou ge"nerai at lai îîîî'rv~nî li,' îîeaîrî ut te eLakesîdu l'enetery..'ulrs fiîliîtl i 1dues 'notl ui totube lte cly oue, id ~ ~ ~ ~ oiaelet toD .I atî e'iudntlgatarlative îîf the Ausîtnaul <l"iîrnP attecte-il. (Oliday lait week ln the weryatioThurwday nigli tuaI lits siter, Mies faHe r ue îa mýln:jl enty ttllesLit'îweit Elgin and Frankliii wlyEdnMartin, bîut nineteeîi years ut ag.' Hir3Ntce b, isli.î'îS~ttiri'ltîetiu utfthe local anid the Or my liaul tientî afteiniion bilen utreidentl3y killed lworkiig i hie Macaroiifiitoiv uni-leuit gi.tI inivision, over six ltundred freîglît rny utD ait levalor accident whiite îoing lier W'i kîiuwîtlere waae îiariieil on cars ar siilitYtcki'd at one tutu and efre('irîetnuag shoppîing iti Milwaukee Mije. Wednesdîiyto s Miss Bessi, Fairtcril've at 1îrery siding lie iliaiîlhit distance wns4 jufMartin toriskuîîwn belrs lîaviîîg vuitedtIlie home o!1li'iride's s it'r, ,lr. .John! fille. ai h tit îîî ti'îfliter bb"iiler. Tite Nuusin at Tite'- îvill ile in, Avondîîtor runiing htwe,'u LiL*'rt>- acc-ident n'as diot o a minieaki un titi, Kenosha wlîere Mu. Nunue4nlias wuL. ville and Chicago waourumîeed lte other part of the operator ift(hi elevator Tite regular eleoction oif ifflcerte iii the. day tii have î.rseute<fInoFinitt a ticket relel. a bu. unise.l lu the lever of n nia"î'uge, local [Bin Hl'ldge held 'l'îisdty îiglil ýIlated liSifil. The i'ardboard permnitIlu I r@ea lt,' elevatur su'tîdiuw iti n the:resulled l inte ilecîlon t'o ,,ffis,. if litsride linolte coiipanys trainsliait mfrngde tio rous whili h, ha]d followýiing î*'rsns for th- ensuing veau eIvIdeialy belen knockiug about for a ntodl Tiîc accident le a v,'ry ooad ('bief, Pull Pfeifter: Teac liii, Mrs. È. H. lcuade belote finally pre.infid. The one and the ac<îaitancois ot Mis- ltriuwii; Jîtige, C . f. xei erib. u)Ilnwitthe b.puu'ch a.ked tlie aged Mal~rtin. irende duriiîg ber fuîieif vieitl-." HubbfIitu KpeereiiTritîiise. A. M. 'aller lGermian it o leld il lion'long hohial îîîuî h regret ltir tntiiely fat.Cpltin. John Ayre's; Guilde. Clarti hald il and he answî'ru'd. "t). a couple tuf Lîiertyvilleiti ut. ar s u lîîîde Elningîr enitil. rs An îikî îîîts uyc' iiuual prehiaratiiui for Citet'ii. The <,uarîl. W. C'. Triggs. Etgineer Bo otit antd Fireusaî Ivens iiirciaitts have ai lfaid] îîî Ieîîcliît Si'îilly NI--ait ti5 lita'eek liadi liii)'mo a wreeýk slight wreek at the Ada ___________1____ huesiftChristmais pgiîid vîîbit'te %vil] gîîod forun'»f0 liai,\î' tet ighi ,,,, strict cromeing luit Friiay and were ýuaopl,'iigng îtîîi sefîl premeuts. The iiuriu's rlîicedl:iu bis lîuîds for winterinc u .osiulbtaewrdelhm.hadyskîu.MrS'ftwstke W indîmas if ail the stiotes are tustieftillyv tendilfor lui'ît siason s trainingt Oie i5 ot. opri utatr dsn oe lie rntd îîîî siiîîîfin sat hlceoh î liI iIii a h kuwîiaîîî îiroiiiing itîu' eaa. ien akif alayfi ill 'al tehd iusiî Aîdalli. lof vht ilie 'il ngîn li W.iîn lrime ut Ilo' leriing from flîe sakuig lie-,recelved. ,aitlefoud Ad Drain Ikrte lsliegingtoiW. . li*,of acti. itr'othbcwreck iti enteing the yards tîtrgnin. f yîmu w iehi lu euaL tif b ic h uitilis tb1liglit illvîh l( le Chismalarcam lîintat ighit. î'îîîîn agreiit future abil.. i i,. itter e titIisaine, train hall anoîhier oligbt wreck ('hîrctnîi îîrvrtsie A xtelhi', dîl'iihing an express var abic Noas h.e fouîtla lallyItiiti the lihîpîrîiicnn aihîrî','Yiir îîld ul 1113 I. inging tu WIl%.H o a nul noaiigtb store., of Chictago. Mlieui voit puribasi ltKnigbt,îof ('hicago, 'ie.'i'iary otfli utt, unl noaiigtb îîfyoîur local merchant you are îat'ked Aiiiri'an Trettiug iî"'oitîtiîiît. Tlue l'y bis repitation. Your satimfmt'ion im tuîîy bas mîalea tria1 ifle of 2:1 iPs oi 'hie-f lleîitges ba4 [iueu'î îitlle liih A L bihintieranoue îtioliis,,elgartfigaiuut it liaif Inile- trîuu'k:W:lIunila:h. us'1- l l daye :th :cra rlat k i youde"ti.1 frnt aongthe ramig fr lerli"' iroup. of he ptros. ou illfint h ha a Te eecton et ffi oý s f to, astei'îi We have lranîed pîtures wbieb are the, li hapeoe theseîbigge ean,oeMoîday e%*oing. Tfi, oflelers elected lucries tieat Chicago hrices. At BEaWl'K's ineviedet rae@er. ile i ndare as fonflows: Wortîiy Maîron., jjMI' tuioii 11-2 t radeiaat home'. Lance Hanby; Worîîîî'Patron, tir'. E. The udnel reko h os e aoîu@eeaivee a'houhave inthle hat H. Smith; Aseol aMtron, Mrs.Fred ude@ alfe h e t te ui fis coDttacted the htabit Of aigîe'tiag Crokîr; Cinductreste. Miss N"ittie Smtit; ly a ud h ktn It lk toumake Iheir parchase. ut groeerles iintil Asois odcr"s r very hile and mitey have lakin alvoi a lew' niions.. befors. e.t.bey aeefthd ice. atfed mtte asberatetichfy teeped tmo Gridley; Secretary, Mrs. Gelo Bond; aeut h vi ann hîinthe urushtie uru tler oduteTrea.urer, Mus. John 'Austin. After the .1 meliaitical Christmas tree wlîicb e- inebans ti rid th orer ownatelection oit oilure na"reat feed" 'a. Voles and emit@ a solt chitue lm afeature aOnet lfiait h ave oc. ruTuleserved hy the Diiie and thon ur omfheutthe dispialy la lb. aldu'of t fhe M.* megant as uemureeung oralimec coroner ha@, ilt been i'alled 1 t uîpit i B.Colby Mercantile compaoy. mecato'aemoead @m t b.eth remsaille of ayolu. aho partuct i J. E. Trigg sa for hi@ holiday r s'eut un lruedtuo eccotumodas. eveyoaith sati. ianetdsha htl ibudoubt until lbey fouad tliemielve. makiag d'miverles la ail directions and et ail Robrt C. Uiggias. aller an abseent'. of thei inet soeel *howa in Litertyville. iagly Fbnd condition of lb. roads %bey agetuintS i'ettirn ho Ibhis village monoted.i flod the s'ork very liard and lth' cost ut and showr Jaauary 1 s'ill have charge of Jay B. Morse ahi opent ut gents fun eh. w __ sieppeave fiwaya outh'e tnc uy'tw yard admadu' il n@e i the :trcetlns uu:whdeox the arcant me an ageedto air am nerl mnagr. r. iggmelia. building about Feb. 1. Mn. Morsoe is sM buttwodelvelieseaci dy, ne n te I t grmai may yar@ofexpemience1 known and s'il) undoubs.duy s'ork Dita motigad h te n h leQ b nb usns n @oltd ee. gond trade. We ws'lebhime sucees. Tb@ ornng dlivrie vril lavethe e h@ agrea may fiend amnf hi Lest Sîînday night Saut Flukle. lii the stores at 7 - ' 1" anduthe lieatertooî îder reideats s'ho s'iII rom. trhlm lusêtsut lb.heAnti'Saloon Leitie dl e t : t .clue. Ondereahlcîttgte ibbsittte iro d sdaa uion meeting outhei mahtestoreslitier srven tinte deid, as lb.. Higgiori@u ."7, otb e se willi ieieru ltIham fn.p wSX ei W ign baurlthd Preshyteian aaud Meftodiot congrega- tîn ndtolos.ressived atter 3 P. îit. charge 'a utier aniulfestdbusiness ai thoalue M. Eehnrle o h e Mn. itIei wl o edeivered matithe Ioluîwing Atioct. fHe s'iIl bring flums amuîy fiers an atoadse l i*lbf' heh ýOii.There ailb. abmolute.,v n inth,..near future. bgeade so po0'luthu'îeree<f dvainf rnnalite prograin a. ail havi The dug poisnel' continues@ u.,lilcl option bh 'hi ilmic lopeid oLu :I(]t epect the e,'hedttfi ani depredlatiolos and le takiugfileadimbglllrugî .tliec.otîuîngsessioni ut bel u.duliglit la kiling the pe t fliae varions l. egcatot.Tii iurul1,n'as aIlI The 1'a onet give itontIti bouseivufuaniIl nu unve laiucoasider bis filled, mîn ulinonllt tut fi'jr feilai. 4evîningc ot Friulay and,,Saturday ut lest dog ente. Sînce theu poisonlag ut sek waa a stcee tfrous eviry stanid- "Butipos"th litetiaaîot outhlb. (iata Wbatcviiles ve'y utaar tii heiug a point. Bof b eveniige lte concert was sînhuice a littie uver a n,'ek ego sevemal romanu n uihttu utSfra giveintu i lu fed bou an ad an apprecia animais have recelveul hoicoaed foodu. in Waukegau s'beîu tillila Pitl8tr, ut' tiIî.. îdienîics. Titei îîont ut arrangiîg 1The white Ituftîsedou bu'hînginr lu M. 1). thile Place. %V80 unitl te)f0Mise Minai,' C ~ ~partie-ir>ntsh"i f nIl. s ulong andl arduuuu1Butterfield suo,'ceeded i gef liag the drug hore. Mise Houdn hIa tuletiii i tbi tlîî cviuert anîl hue nehteteals ut ti1uhen ae lined ut les.pndîinaryal omthin.ut aOth e E NgIindJ'ector iune. as the exci'liutu'y bars ont. ad tiie) tu lss 1tllatnt'Ttiidvfîalcotnn lîta iîîî','a. m r fesei mntlion aay of titose ivho toukt 'lîe ho is a usonu-maitia i tt ulIeBbje.'t hl hem i'e ur six llr îu ii i u~~ o.,'N ~ part îîould bo' dig injustice tii thlu' et dtîg hioing eboîîld bu'c augittand I i'uitflui tih rîupiietour tif1h iu'ia f )und mf~ est. Ti( i'aIulî lia. caretuîhy nianaged I îînised. HeielstfouId)%uml luttscftî au'teith holebt i aiti uî i zoo traite. aîîd morneu'uitthe' effett tur ueyiund theI unhuood ltii b.givin living rounuilit Our "lihiy"litas alwtays tiit elaol tend ilu oexpicfaliuîne uitthos ho Ns'îi a lneecu(l te îilh g,'. ulutriîîîîsm i tu1 tDowld'ntluié-'lis guI I1 perf<îimnnie. Tire. ingiug wacasmoet riiigvoiuir iturue lut i e franiedoaI i iliadinla tt.' iii uild mI haukt uthis iid iholu' îery gîîuî Liburlyville surpriuing IFSi~W IC ' itant)îuî uuîIdn S te e fu.* ite "sîstei:n l'î iirut uî îa i iersef it a'îbtiti umben tif ralfini' i'iooseefrotte10-2 ida.. Tit,et fisna'î'irtin.lWatt* voires ele e'eet ] lu in uiiouiug foritî'. W. E. 1'uThé . mî tChist c% llets oiWt< th cain iet i uarete rs. h egan. Ti ti ug coîliu'îi'i'iih r e miii lab.. u'u'ci Tue,uînenuleuland -_____________________ rairdttrt"iuate bih il,'f rece~'tivte i'Zsorty nîpi'uihiution<ttiu igare and Laundry adtt'trînî ud auidienc' e mlid lite double (lu.arttte utTabacco Office ANUCM Nr eievZ Le.Ed McCormict,liiai'kfau'iT 1 1! kruVed litinoî,Iff soueing. uutaîuacti..on i I HackIej Christmas Goods A Christmas presvîît for pa A (Christmnas prteseîît for ma A Christnia.; preseiît for sister *A Christmnas preeent for sorne one ~e1se's ister A Christmtas present for brother. A Christmas present for moie one else's brother -A-Christrnas îresent for Uth lre Ir y's Drag Store CHIRISTMAS PRESENTS, COnsisting of Mens Neck lies, Scaris WaYs Mufflers, Sweaters, Suspenders Mens Slippers. Me ndtiBops caps Gloes anti Mitens. A fine fine of CigmrsPut up 25 in a box at the Twentieth Century Cash Store E.W. PARKIIURsT SCIANCK BLOCK LIBERTVYILLE . .DrioiNu, Pre.. C. P. WRuIHT, (Caihw (FiA. WIGHT, Vice Presl. F. S. K»:itt, Asat. Camhier LAKEf CO. NATIONAL BANK< CAPITAL 6er5,000.00' SURPLUS f A. G. SHWERMAN C L. GALLWAY CI FI WRIGHT DIRECTORS FL C. wun mIE G. A. VRGW 1fm owlocated ini the new itou. inaJJ EL) Triaggabuilding o Spau treet. Tht, @hop tortueont as good work as eau b. don. iin thet. lis..tiot u atrial. SOLICIT TOURTRAIE AND ASI( TIAT YOI41VE NE A TUIR Prestois BugJ Yoursat 0. 1. LUCE Libertyvide* lifinoîs