ftheTEItê Sp. f 'I athuéw4oe Fît. I t Tise StrEpo Thm- * Incse lngsatin linefi. IbesIam Sojutrol ofJ Miel? and Surf- Iluefi *itil knte, satin. Wot $26. T.Z,............. .798 extrsPe itAsuse es: FIcSad-. abftful VruE, Worths $12, le tiis swa ...... t............ JâP.ý . ttlnch Ilow AmP M9 LàwIq .aezon- deLoti. frpo, inbbeSwIthtwo largo baiset ............................... fet of brown Imltation, sable,. mlnk and ermite aIi3 Mam at fto matc, Worth,810.00. For thle Xmas sale, mst .. ..........Ax lianispu derk browa elicla seaf, trlmmed w'en lk mnts. veil Worth *$4 8*fi5Xmmsmie at . ......... lloi* ftiMB -W.htod$ymntwl l a)~~y App<4àg alo, tair. 5 i voowno9êter 010 sma' WBOtbimo5 ter -hi tla ~ .. .....A.................... Ote O Nomêlle rs t Pi. .... jetit, ~~o3bUfogaea.......... O~~MM ins»m«esl. for thMmli........... WSSyour Stlb hie Mo«*0 Pe, dons thé lavai cf w. unooln,#e. 1th"ve vUi. là 4 beI~4ra posi e~p4utta -lo p torieo> pihestbphat,5 I~IEt fEI ~ h E04uegt £v Ut LAd' l b wmetisc" lae ANIE}4 U fC1~~1)PÔIl U BEBT AT TEE LOWRoir PRCE SEM.~ BE l"R RXEM- PLITIED TRAN IN OUR HOLIDAY ERWG81F USE- FUL T«IMeS. WIIILE TRIB Is PREALLY THE BEGIN- INQl 0F OOLD WEATHÎR WBR RAVI *RKED-ALL OUR «OAK8ê?iD SUITS ATTHB ORitàNA .RV ULBAR 1 NO MALB PRICES., Women's faut ilacic, macoofoot andi1 eav'y lee-ce llned. reatlar 25C valus, g for tuis Xmas mie '......... ~men'a vool and fiece lined, oiScvls for tbIs Xmas sale at .. ................................., Wonîen'a fine eaimere or lisIe thread boa%, reguilar 60e values, for this 6ximas sale ..................... 2 Chldren's fine beavy rIbbed fleece lined, don-. Ille knees, good 25e values, for tlsis Xmias sale................ Chlildien's fine cathmere bonse, or heavy tiomc fo Iii Is Xmaarsale5, for ted. wort sal Wowens sand CIlîdrens bhose,fCeesedorfe Specital for Xmas sale .............Si We iii poiivekly mol carry qeyova bal.- la oe4èr *téelf1w Up ovsi> bal, vo viUoges. aitolur dm"und mitulrsbats Tiabuilo $1000 .Wi BU o . t l OOfis............. ..... Eeaàdý t Wear "&a, corne wol th upté....o....... - .........o Kid Glovea for X mosaet 1 . fl-utiasd ........ ....... Oulto Ladi' I&Worat té sa O , l .. .. ....... .o.l ......... ,. 'e-e....-. - ; se~êon~ ~--"' -' tichool. pXeasp for girls froift 8 ho 14 ?ots, lth varions, colora of fané ty hecis.IMMsvS air ligdpanal of cloo f 'cmtag'gsIw finlaiui *thtibrai; bli i iat, On boti u9411& f«y timlm'Xmam sale...............7W patu on front of valet, tw. ,eoz plmi bacI, nbàtly trlmmed titis ici iuldb Iniou slé;Edwàéd i ut plalted akiria.TW.iy e fMoy bioke plad materisis lu 10$ yfn àX" sale......... h.lse' tâiamePetér Tiompmeonue~f its" up tM 14,, Ruade lu fine gli vool serge, bIne or r bovn, gVfMted okirt. siorth up to $6.00, f or, t1i mea maie, *Corset.~Oe trfonmed wlth toichon lacsii r for thieýXmsm so... .............. C HamadeoeusvWWty cf 80 a and Porlua Chifflls .Wrist bffa, ln MIIfeetIt O seaým sale............... ieullB t4ia age, Worth LO W. pet" ln tM e lufi eOop te $S.0W ThoiAlotiy W NSKWil $TNI 1 ouicoretàaiànlg1l Opabled W,1* àt£môst foirableat4pe. 'it 'l ttioiq vlot a e t l'ý u1nA M*1pmffl on q lait ïb ighini * eons utnl i u1¼t laSBiivaS*d hublusilithibtb waicms '1,0 Oesfy ~mtNuÀ Wmlt- CL tt Jossoe Dau, frot, owlla Mm R_ u.lmmedI vti folie ai valencom.e Loe ac.. .......... lAol offiii'dt Wai$,pJ- Oompare.t, VUit Ue ,'ulr SMO obleihu Çll.atltphow»o &-]Wb P-4 th eate avue as0q, ~ l1,l 0ueýmai vé box p taoo F« uw at....... 100w~~ ~~ 7.1010. O S4*l81k mseeve, tltdCMl, au osmes, at oul.............. vMi braita h»ls l a bbroldery 411I Qur 04.50 g4élfy 1%aifeta kWaista, litbj~i~ vhÏte, for ta xmamumae in........................ - -~ I*v os, Dé. 15. isofot la thié hlotetr b"tlere bec. ss11 Huta t Lirelintfure or . elt elkal ~eId"ture cof tliùe ami tiohn spproàelsAltd t itatesi of the UIIIonL c poratlotsor soclety clet urei tep ti t ln nkgt TIRS total vote cuol ii fflil01p 1 l(o.-nO viibe tIït ot f trie ot it loaPexpeted thk1 !W«ks' before tfeie '< Ilbt e ~ Fquob infer e mntL a tleiets la tRie lediai tecleetioner of ti ticketc.vers but pe*e 000818 s et lspt»lt au tie Mutthi ela, Meat the mImneiu vitllo«t dont d a bf nsaormtee. "rehe a ,Uotesmys,i, Iels - Premed thce emvltim 1 *t$ 5 ouw Win lhI ýb bi eoapvaPe ,fur tlka New Y* Lieo ISu1'i mtes' thesebm c oqed a staulement la iW Ad r4obil t èCdm my es.~I 114j k: - *51 ~w w HOLlU,ý.,,>AY SUIT SALE b 1 oviib. feussé sose Odiy styhii mdatsoetv all.Th" ossbsus'l atust grey MlktirOsawd ciseko r sstwV lin l ht, % U tîit *Pd lomo ba*keSsotm. ilnciuéed 4n' tua lot are $allôoMmre MisOmsandiuloeue Wts. Th* ÇbJeafflt a.!iUln the cadre 100 lot la v orth oltS81.. Tie labejo.0ire mnioiciNovolty )Mixturea s, meil U ulbea 'qiseels l eppradmi jtrs ~Lu.mdluo ther popglw fabrica. MteX iei 'p l ý loi 'wL *~" 3.98 .ô.,, I ~rf - *iRnp - .ILSO ~ -i