Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jan 1907, p. 11

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Y. JANUA Wïarters for AUl Kiads of Sapplims iLeather Work am Wouao Pluish i toek of tampenl e-îod Ifor hurnnrg for Buring ..................... 02.001 ~1rStaurped Postal Crds. .05 pjgne stion o! Boxes 8.... 6s 4rated Boxes for Xma»...... , .. .........82 2.60 and 9.00 UA.YOUJNG Ubertuigie. MI. Hgoussfor ret in al liate i lb. ily. Criai' i truriget le Pick of, the Panhandie @,u ieaito ri.ti1- 4*W sà acho1ofir -nat atritl Obu-rît eota lebar-r'jont lIlu'e anestet] amit ~IMmuatunrng u,Irlrnîîpirtja'tunîn, as gid. l40h1 -t'nura lrsir 0bav ,' jistt br' tatinon ltrrnrr 2t0 iitygn ,)tl igt' l î I tîr $M-thuit h esop reetla am tîncue r'î,nrîrirtotl ktb arv imhrigration gîing lùn- 0- ooail ftueline e-il serve tg)a-1r S-ite t pslandbttiivor- ialoninîii dî mtnea. Excursilon#s i je.1t ud rd utf catît tloituh Mo mu ntellintc ~1uclamc, airouter .'r'ei trIe-k lbari Mr..............$7to $10 alot or' Alfal ris e$10 tho $îIr N«Wues lande . #3 150"Oto $7 n.pries are fur ilimeuiaté us. Il e'i:o*odtnove quncki ' aad se- dr.santge ritfte crMue i nwte cceatsHotel ah ltirtyvllie la ýjwotl rasaoabiehermsinquire 'of u. ý"uond -and Austin - -Llhertyville, Ili. - Dealars in rBAIRSTOW MlAN UFACTURER or w:be and Granite ,Monumenis' etei'y Work of Ever), 1Description bolicit ed1 Genesee St Wankegan jTELEPONE Deon*$tire wealhmr "aV«. of"t -Preêaca i whome Swcents the dag Comau , - Tdephoîesà tedt wilb Chcago îyarr Mnrde heph0one Co.. By NENRY UTOftMERRIMAN acu ir f"T"e sowre.' "UdeW sfq. V Coprlght. 1oge. b7 H1ARPUR C.'ROTNERSj Ikcarcely bai the -ot sppae a The lnfecttd were t'arrir'd le a me the reund of the river befua'e the raij5laimi) mepart aparl rand guarderi. and broke. The thouader craebed out lu thua ,ork wHq uxcuted airnost entirely 5bulru reports. antd the men ceased by tire lhrpr' 1rîglistixren. alded b y a rowing sa nti rrrid down lui te ew urllvei wlrrrboit had the rijacase. canoe. But lurniovo krrew that b& Fior thrPte <aya tbe'rr'men welt rabout htnd lm li bac, left a greter danger. With 11iltr 1lve.4 lterally lu tbelr bande, amalipox hati laid lis eaud ou the' camp teudiiig te 1it<k, cheerlitg the de4poftd- et Monar. ent. frigliteilig thet owards Irilo Rme il la mtlli salit ou tbe <gowe river aerntlaur'e of self respect sud dilnty. tirat nu mun traveloa lîke V~,ictor Dur-'Aduri hmtredysweea novo Cetal ttla hatln weny-mventley never took aru organized meal or hours frouo lie time Lt' le! t Meula un tteroartlr. ruao et oei the' uorung or tue great Kalunir lie pro-e- t*rîrtrai turs osf ret oerph, sertIer! hînîseifbefore Muoiricie 'orrdon adCeadrs oehrt la his office t te fuctory ut. Loatigo. tiret teir4rt or! tunniooti whrre rîlaulo 'liiyouu b t boulte toightr7"zandi setrvanrt etducatr'd maiasuicoin- askcd I>uruiovo, gently puirig amide r'li oslier init énd<quai Itfore theit tehomptabî' -idcanter. '1 have got Muicor. a lot of work to do toalay, but 1I aboulti 4 wiîg ta the jro!ipttie't with whici lfle to rua iluaii uec you titis etnîng." mf'trsures'aiben .otken for lîoing '*'Ys.tcoins-atald o't he uffctorl thé terrileio lekcrîsdli Pigiovo ttii,k bis if-ad snd looke i flot tsprt'at. Iniail dlevonir ugit were tiown ii isli% vriiik'ti suriidraggied tricket. tantdio.ft irrse tIril ilî'Iwiltin eiothlfig. lbréé titytî. TIle eriltnh rP-ovPed, "Wo'-1ýL'il I lenrî you a biork cat. l'ut e-r ortll;lil rrîiait Nisala. Seve'tî tcloek aarp' il was otîly 0r1 the' tveigof r. be IIi inOva itrrrie'rtaway with o gieam thli4A d'e' î Lw .and titi i;3fritta of excîitertrot i Inis dark o>'o. timtr'1<taitz, of the future. rhi'-rbail Mlauric-e i orwlor i ul tot rstrume bis work ut oit..., iiÎ? mat for moine tîme litî irumtiîing wittrlits tligrîtrr on the "Il1 I r-tii oh gel lie-r tu ocivil to-Y ; 4 J huii."lie i-CCt'414 1-naloul. "11'Ilgel Ato tliiu lutr 'aY.-t.' At 7-i trior k Ltrrnovoauirpeared at te Gordotrîi'lrç,ue. le huai managgoti 1 borrow a (riras suit ui wore un orchi luaIri% hutittiirrle. It waxs probahiy te tiraI tit.di-t Joc-elyn had seu hlm la tiis garb of r'ivilization, whiùb la nt the sanie tintie tire ioit ltoctrtnitrg aiid the' twist t rylirg vsrir'ty of 4,ostunie taft 10 iersibie umen lu î1rte44 das. A drae 4uiý fiais a nin out sor ir' ltion iy- îIit .x--r Ira-ob. l- tî'yn was civil ;.) ber recr'ption; ion-t-oa. iiti.-r, thon Maurice Gordlon liad hied rf>r. ilte aetued almnot glati lu ce trri tntîtvî. rati evinced <uite a kinrily itereg'luai lm iatuùveiifll5. r-r uo-ro ttri),IX(il4rlthis lu the dresic suit. white NMaîriro conclurledthat bis oit .. viou iiq ts troiviî out before dînuer bait falileriu fruit! ni grourid. At dhtner Victor Lirnovo was quite - chartaed wttts te -lu«ereet ltuely_ took lu the oxpedîtion, of wbich, ho gav-e l 10 be muler'tood. he wu te chief. So il so was Maurice. because Durnovo's t" ident admiration of Jue' lyn Bomemwbat overcurnebis naturel -~ secrt'cy of! aLracter. ..<t' " "Wel." Rsud Maurice, wben Joc elyu bail lot t ibeua, "I supposy.e youll h. a milliftraîre ln about six moutblla" *lits Ix 5'ioiith OU? yo-dowtt aS'tL i Ile getliy pumbed the' wlae toward fuit Of W" hlmn ai the sainetlime. Dururovo Lat never left Durrov's house antion not ci. pt for fort" hbonrs. , The' excite« Ibis tird day tbey fonad ime to dite ment of!litsa escape f rom the piague rid. - logthr. tik Oadse lu. dien camp had scareely suhaidert. Te "oyuîiikZOcrdakdb gilter of lice cliver ou the talbe. te iy 'sheu lhey were left aioue teasmollie ahaded cautiles. te subîle seualiy "that Durovo apolted wbut wa he of reflueeneuland rlalutinesa appealoti tuatterN" tohbistrot biooded nature,.lHe was a "1arnafrald tat 1 have lot the Utile off is feet perbape.L He tontelite alilgtest doubit of It." replet Jack decaniter and iput ilt tulthevost use lilgbtly. ho coutil bave' .rototed. Guy oscard gave a cotemptuons lBt "Xot go so000 as that,"ho .aid; "but Ule langb wbich bud a deeper luisit lin la ime-ltu lime." I it anhe coulti have put Ittu ords. "Lucky beggarr' muttered Mfaurice "Vmph!" ho grunteti. "Itlei rathel Gordon. wîit a lttho sigb. diusbn . osalti. afler a paris..I 111 don't miad teliig you," sait tDur- 1hate deating wtb cowardn&" novo, wltb a autiden confidence begot. -And I witit foola. For everydai tort of madeirtt,Ibat IV@'s smacIne- urnegve me a coward by preferoucee that's what il la. 1 cau't tell you "Yes, there lu somelblug nlutat more." 5till, i'd lbrow up te wbole tit "'Simiscîne," repeated Gordon, fnuger- 1j ir- lag the te-m of bt@ wiueglass aud look- "Bo voulti 1." salti Jack, turuin lag ai lmi keely betweeu te candie, shurpty lu i chair. "if"- shadea. "Yes%. 'tou've always beeu on Oscard aungbed curUly and walted. lis track. baveu't youn" .-"If," coutinuiei Jack, 1t coutld. But "lu six montha your go-downs viii 1 Rani more or froc bitunai lugo onu mu bo fulo! Il-my smiaciue. my atm' Sncb chances as tis do not luro tr lacine." evcry day. 1 cannuot afford to lt lg *'ýty Love, I1vîit I1 bal a band inl l" b' . Trutir la. I bold-soorn e wtc Yiaurice Gordon pusbed te decater shall ho usmelesa--that I wouiti mat( agaiu-gentiy, almost ilurreptitiously. mouey 10 keep ber lu titat state of lift "And n0 yoUi may. om. day. You wberein ber gotfabers, etc.. hnr itlp me anuril eip you-thut In my paceri ber; anti mae Ihat mouey1 tIcket. Reclprocty - reclproclly. mjr muât.» deanstMaurice." "That'a about my ao, 100o," salti Gri "Yes, but how' Oscard, gomewhat lndletltttly, owlug "Ca't tel] you nov, but I1viii lu b lthe tact ltat ho habltually amoketia good ime-lu mY ivn lime. Corne, tlilck teoimed i pe. leVa Join te lady-oehl Ha, bai"ý But ett lis moment tesrvant * ** 90 l, For that Dona lte utitra. d atI fBu Durnovo's deparluro frM -lsia Z* Meredith antiOscard learnent o ro eacb otiter. These Ibree day. vire e0d severe alt asaucoulti vU elihofoun& j for courage, bumanlty, tend-- ou la one hl*' abat'uii loyalty, were by turn a cuistforth br ctrýcumstance. 8'nuflpox rages la AfrtmO um - ymes Hait Vlgd. as lit ragea nowhem e euhla titosod"& I 18 laa fg ula sap.mdd Thte natives flghit lor boy botr ltusm qulhyduom beoe'.anRanclent andi tieIlydtreocis tue. Il vas nothiag nov ltet, s4a"t bo SS hsd, it wouiti have heen eaay enoîgitfor The th.s e *sclpbeomo .atafacion titat lte presenc of tbm rde Jac aand on litroer ta ti o»1 liteamamn as ve a sfrackeng~ta,. U MPIPleetP AO 4, k907 ratta w litrehlm.murmurttg soot'lblng ",Je itl 'm glati o! Ibat. It giveo us 'Iasuppola.l a faill day-a nov. But about glvlng filum n eg up. Whtle tbey "Ts"Guy pauseti and frluide nl hugo Vîit-l u rnovo stretcheiotîot bais Duruo-ro malleoelleo!f tiose bidiloua effot inally Conquering tijîl t cilura- legsand t'tille itinse!! titilte lit be'-maakswht-il «rît' re A Iotor li lty wilh vas ahllest au aîilictiolite lubtt Io,-eIý i i ot nt Idowu. Oiu lte ltrougir ift'e itir ea dderr ru-sh o! hlmi. ITte reason I guvc(rire other vontniry. ire reuraîneit standig lier- vt-m shutue anti self vorllreult. Tht' ,lgb, t 10you aililal cihat rt, reroo salltt-llv rad"ll .iiiry. 1velry thIng flit Iw-asr pprtirîiot tri-t was trouest enough. but 1 LI, - trrroilit-r. -NItîtîite gîoe Iw-ayN' ho iirîriretl. 1 /ovJ ~ > Iwrt te10 le iow for a tew- 11o11111, 7gtut01 --w-11,'1 -et'1t 1 aise -rn-nt te maie fttt. Ii r i tilis i vtîtt ii it i rt rl.- lit ltoiltorrr ftrîî' gooti ait etgagei te le rra-th. nit I lirgîl ttttdîrrgi- mair 1te .' d ibuc ~ i "b fudaltaI1 amn tint go Wtt-I Off î5I:",ttrie-iw.ttit'd tiriri g 1-l."t Itf is IpII.alnî.s't. il wi IIIIII n-t, nt.r thoîîgbt tgras.Ireotple lotî itie tra«t i rnu 'tri-,1.0y. ri'îreo!h.iaiwi. alitailti have ltree tîtQl.rstttrtl rl r'ar '- tr. i it, ltdi. r ktrv' "rlrîî ',tt ri-o r ibistir' -tii-il %wh-ttrle guv'tror dlod, ht in lri that li llieil.tti'tn w.' ltt"lit' itet' rtl poopo kuv ba o! ny tiltiira han I iii';iitk'Imti l it rit rt1r.lorry sur- 'lXwt lia-r r-got il iiît'r't -ilic tioliiritiY -I ;risi'N% rit-h itti;tie liii rto--Ilrttrille titi- -. "'tI t' lait il vei'r 'i fir for "Titry ivalably (Io,"' tilaJiack tonotttr.It r aiy. llitii rtg-it l ti11wrr' t i- t "It is lr'ely two tliousrril it11-78tIt xlt\ 1 ri.lrittt!îirg di(-t luit ai tila iy Ilit itg.9)il cor seir er' ,i t it iti 1 ttle or alto bas been brouglit uritt - tnelbrrrg It'I- ttuh îttttr Il!, %tir-.itt. 'oorothiittî Iitilt.-Ii;t tittle it'r." botter thon liraI." u[tlrraiir-rtkr - ttti '1-r, '«4 Dttttr itiovoin hal lrt' r :irrtofrr -whItpf1 "Unr!T'bey. mnostly ire..Mi ne bus t irçii'.' %% .iî ft.,- 'it ntfi ti rtearr' rlrt.Il t i nIdw-a-n t Iiatîk. Ifles'ol- lt et--îI irtrrgbt u t milj Iliig oter li, t- ttfit w e ha, i.'Inl .y i*all riolhingi t b -nr riTte huitrlita- 8, tht, t, îiîat too. That la the ,i,i-st of IL'"* NIair I-- lit -ntii rit' iki-o ot'rt i ei l ti tienr rf qtiler sl oie p is '-l"1t'iieve luiplicitlY ilit t-. scrtme"w it igra titde,' ahi- - sf îtrtrotw-t ll saitiî).4card. "t una centain fact titat 'To doif tcars. ii! i-,Ys. h bastt-t i-t'a 'Yotr n t othoafraid lu cones the lite n who eau mpply pure-"iniacitt to bii 't1t'ti.ilrircr trltii I bai-k rîou-" Jack Meredtith w-ont 011 D h-ro oil ane Ifornictit foril.-ou i caëlu til.i t lia i o put hirniemitta strange nelirinoiit o!rruety. ri Ilevi' tilal: Duraqi'o ktroli-u w ir'rItls lu it. ltu iil lt lit)ry iiu t-omr to get bIrrila itls Ovriei tryol 1.gnoIiîtg lu quantlîlem." loto itiltsil-n t"w rIltt-Il 4ar ,: i-ti tbecnelili o y "I11 -.;iginot ebue-fi l ilwtttirl il Atl) ittir. lit-' o uldit - lr tcidi i tiit lui ittit) i uit'otifileo zlttiril iirttW-ioy-k Ibis lu t %ii-i-ci-re us la lte mottorn 'l'atLla fiie.t"' ' 'rtîr eliie taker'ir itu Durnovo à- the lietrr eay. or iooklng at iil." tur- lîr' rosaî- tttruir ii,. at-rt a titi li ti-al wttsr l ut 'tsiridl o. [r mort-i .Jack 'rellectiVeiY.- When 1 iy crorasei itt- rolitt )i t u' ,rf.wlrr';e ,"To-t" first mttbita te manth .tlititie W55sItsilordal'.ttiilrilw n. i,rier '1.4l ia'l. '.11riglît; 4 o-ti t tiying. and for te tme iItrIY lie- n ii i.i- i -inra ai rt-iî-h'outt alniltht' ir'itrri t un11. ltliiterattly ent, gler-e ihatlho vm asonent. Srairre mon bati k rfil itîtid ri liit t i, toîr l'bhtikfi-t tilic burrgrî tiri- i are tiouict e-bon tbey fi1lnueehl. hat iii lt-Iirtr iiiig -rwhit, witr Thero ttr , tie !rie'rtîtslîlîra velire lte ie Thstr- -r-ras wo U ttie doubtii ir ru>' md whitr'it. w rrr ru irki, ilie- 'kîrt o!f- iit'rt-oir're las itric sit'sed i i iicb ab- n that t w-nt toto the thiîngitt Ionce'."' ber rlr---s i. -lttltî-r -itiilottefic i'seirte n ity ge'rmtinalrtir. Jrcl'y n Gor- 1 "-f! un vlii go on w-ilh il Ivii lotrtittfi,, tt li, ft-î'tdotirîtin Jl-k hutirtit 1-91 iq i acrtint- stand i.y you," suiti Osceril -tontly. ' .%rli I ii I i-h r-lir Iin tit hi' ier-inti'--; ty i'v ri i s fn-riuls. There lu "tll righl. i thiuk -rit t tit iogelterjLeh ti.~er 1 ;, trr-tki- re ttrrttînu t'rnirtl ttio' tirirgs. fotr lthere lu iare as gocti as uny huilit -- isanere is ]tlt'1wtt-P l1 ; ut I - t i i rt w tt.y n0 gaitiligirgtr-lte rutirf il(' ~tx i oit thiIs toast, te putit l rî.fly" a goi ti, '--ii.itrtn itatttt tr- i llre -t- i:t, tliti i-vî 0lt D itr il te euuuittg mient - lrk M-as ova--tt. i rti- it t tt11.îtilirt 14 --ril li(. Lorriofo!the alparnt'tly ntdtatlttg rt--i 'tl b8 'tiî'- -t ' ~-liii t-itrhititetl w ii- icîtîtîl ti , ttr l-Titero las o o 'uitif -o -v h lieho tili t--il fto bis gtit' ttitt i ' or îîtrît t-îtt. w ri t) ktîiii, ',Irg il t i tt tIrttlaritrom ts us eouipzrttt. for ho spotie k t * tir and 'o rrn'rl iîît tct it i! irîi tiot nul: r'rîy, -11 it. t ilth i îti o rîrîîîr !ail nulle --iu libttoul rirrt I hicb 1rist- %,ihoto îî-r t h.- I ii' iik of îuîs rire tthiittt- I la i it y fltttiI. Mus sriitî t t aglittbi-s t I. trîr' '-tl itiii tirt 0 'itit 'titi.' ,1t n- -tlt i. - it it l-.ilttrid "I r a---nvyoeu ha-r- e r'atid. - - - - îi i -t-r rr.rltîr t aeli ait' i l ttt crt if Otii itg yttli in- 1hharllt-r r-a disagnecîtrt r rît tir ii i- l, l«',fl "aller.~ lî-ri;oelîrgittth lilli e ranci r o!bis whilt.îî-îî-îîs.- lu J .ott'lvii rr-iit-tria'redtl taitetrilirle. r s w r s m tfn i! l-rp ied l e-a-r-. tirîtîtîle cr-t ot. Sheut' ,'îr-ît it-tn r i iti titiand Afriea bas Oscard !<r a loue whieh 5'-lrIt r- he'slte 1au r 'î11l e w ro ttit -lr'ex lalentefor- plyfibi t firesorxetîijg'u ilttt te ekI o-r-oy lc hace vr. Itl ii toire t.ftit- trentalriphioto. - suiit for hi@ requironti-rî t-. 5 -ébtir- ri'titr. îaîti n il witiaboutmyoga-ttrîaril'Jua 'Nk u ii re" tlérr utlsairong tîii i it oro!tmincir Thon ahtsitersetfronti )tor scat. andi, rr'collrtions, sl wert 'u delilhrately. I'i - iikuOe-cntriitn h illlr ri h'i05.t'tl dItnot l'l i'siresat r, "ibat huw Il wnto, buaItfileydid i i it Il off sninltheidleofb rn. togetîter. Sho vau* tori) lr-iti, lruw fat-d lauti e. itti t atnîîttglerrntu irt beri ïo kîîow lbl' rlsksay-ouare runlng torl it sbnd o ic'VS. loto. Evcrt lunltre short tirne thut imaginé-i'lprottlygIl-ariun do -lIlit)t mi ,rchîri, NiIl hasrt rido eith 1Maurice andl1tbar-e boeufboire we ehave e-bal tIdie ikr's e-lrt itIi rt i su dolu' nie"4ti: -"ilrut lknoira- leianned teto rcaltheelumule o! western takes fithtroble." Ifia abut orlMartri- ostuiles@ ar- Atrica we- lttî upter respect. We bave "'Notl w tIrhimé, I thina. SIl'id tu rarrîWfcortratuttI tory litho about hit$ kuow-tî aoinaoy peuploe-Who have nuc- be hrlirer t trun on gils r i-iint-t,-ir'tur- nird"cmei" t t-eal..-tr-i -rtîy. 'holet frle tell >orr.JoceiYn-vell, 'Tes, but 1 do frthmean 1e do Ibal. - - :tîrro' iîmi Ithon, Mirs tortlor. if ytou prefer Il- n atas -y rurtvo'--batoshah] e oeil -ilt'. 1 bave nit.r IiiiOnce ltut y-otî eill kîuoeotore abouet one of lt?-lof uerr'e la a greatutaegriard. ;)ri t- 1 r. yrrmrkaov. 1îmunt gl- lts linu'..n frlenîlrn tefore y-ou have lie viii ftot rua foieany danger." pot' lr'it.î!kuow me agii if Iteaawe-fintuhte ti eA.. l. r- ut hMaade, "No. buthe irm4t n nintoigr_ oi,' li t~cka ti- rdtr mort' or legs in mry poweor nov anti It t a second time, Mie-Gordon. %l(i .t eaktosiitrdudrestaeith you- INt t! vo knue- It. Osearti mouhlonei 1tI h redr'itof utfryr'mport ti-r'fobteir- AIttis mntntt ashadow dankeneti a dnienre ho vringDurnuvu's neck. 1 vatin. iIte fiaoo of lte verandsanad au Instant am afraid ho e-I do Ih one uft iesfe Tboy paunart. Il Is' vnundrtui bositer Jack Mereditht e-lked quiehiy la days." naear ee msy sland te the hrnk and by lh ire-ntbov. "The mîsako thtaï:moat people make," look fan seay beyond thLe chillon. Tour "Enter. young ruan," holie sad drarnat- 1te girl vent on more llgbly, "le a aflereardti tey reait'îtrleredtibs con- Icully.-. " it -ndow-ceuter." tvaut of care. You cannotbh otua cars. be vornatiouî. ardIin lu t'ible Ihat Jack il a"i t-morry," lih o vttou lna a iffes'- fui. you knov, la Arrien." teMeredilt condered ftittîr hal Instinct ont touete 1J.ocelYnt, "tu t-orne in ttis "I am canotai; 1[bave reason ho ho." lb e-se ihat matie hit itrhnge the filre- uaetrrrnffours uy-. but tht' servant Sire e-sa ooklag ah hlm eteadily. ber a tion of their tougbrs. tuiti tioe thl ty-out ereoi thlie vrauda bIne eyes searcbing bis. ie "If It la rrgreeuble o t bcrt,"hoaad, "J wilt i)trrno o. artt"- "Yes?" siee id siovly, and tera tthtk ilI w-ou bo'rt- forineslu go [le turrrot tow-urd the bal! hreed. vere a thoî'janti questions laulte yard. t- duw e-n10l.ango ntd g-riily Inlîmate to parrine. "Il:e-ould lie very foollsh tor' me te ,e Darne-r-ofthit we aioti l hoglati ô! bis "And Durnovr Igia theîona1 Iwant," ho othene-ill"ite nId. i ara engageti te aervices." wctgbing eut-lt e-tnttho h tarrnie-i. anti 1 came ont bore ta, "Ceruiui-."Duruovosq right brînt vas lu bis jack- toako bbe w'hrevltbal. This expediItion be By 7 O'cloi'k it,- i-NI moroinig the et pocicot. Selrg Merodit's proterat Islaiat expelllon lu ceek lte viere- -kcanoie w-sasn'dy. wr lbili s aarlhy salrutatior,.IIre slow iy vlthdree- Il and t e'ltta" rowes lunti j lt-'-.Thbete-o Eng- aitok banda. *"Tes." eale nid, r"and titorefore yon if. lintuen beakfastedl fogetter and' thon The flash of! batreti vas shil lu lnbsmusnianthomore caretul thari any oute an vaiketi dova te tht' litîring stage-aide ores e-heu Jack Meredîit turuod upon eise. beanse, yen see, youn lite lu by ide. hlm e-It aggravatIng coat'teily. The suraelbing vbicb dutes flot blong te er"Take cure of yonrsr-lf." caîi Oscard pleaaanl, bal! cynical glaneoe-aaderad yett, but w-itt e-lcb you are trucleti. Y .1 grafly as Jacka steppeti loto te ctenue. front Durauvos durit face very dolit. men if Ibere la anytltiug dangerous le "-Ail iglil. erately dovatebisa Jacket pocitet, h.erdoue lot soine une aise do It. What Ly "And ri 'ng batok Itrrove, vith YI " vitere bhe stock o! a revoivr-en as Ifl- l inele ? Wbut la ber namorli e Jack Meredithtb lorke'l rp vîit a peroctliy conceaiei. t"lier nme hla Millcent-MllUcoat lt, vague enflie. "We wece gettlng aurioous about Chyne" ,g t Iratman," lho saiti lightly, "in golag you," bo expltiiuo, "seelng fltIyeri "And-wlrah f0 she lio? tthe plaeau if 1I htt t ta drag hlm did tlonteoreack. Of course, vo lie leatroti batik and, finholocklng lt gtitene ty the scruff o!fté tecIt." knev that yon vere capable o! lakirîg fingera, slmn'ched is anme out with ra____cre of yourseit." bi.te paims o! bis bauds outeard. a CIIAPTER II . He was atll lottking lunocenlly ah habit ut lis webeanked a question It Tls possiblie r'votr luioango te bavetihe tlltaie jar'ltpock-et.anti Dur- aeerlirg consideratlon. W. aIlting. but thte ct-utser muet h. novo. folovirre tho directionofo! iis "Site lu o! mediluma eigh.lier bain ap prparedto face, orcu enlte mîdat glance. hustiiy Ibrut tbhand fieto 1lubrovu. tien vonet eaemy admits, I 90 t1tofrbis red orthe ha untiteonlht "But onei curtnover tuell it a hollovo. thul she la prelby. Of course hl)tha th exrch ofthesticist cou- teaver n liurctr'like titis e-bat a 1ana couvinoi ot it.", ke ntyin ny the pat f te-wrlddaymoyhntg fot. Itovever, 1 ani '"Of course." replledi Jocelya sboadiy. fe migit behoa Ieterablo Iatinlme. glad te flrl yoitlotrking so vony fit," That ls as t wsioulti ho. Anti I have ve Durn tIhe three raya tollaving bis V'ictor Durnovo gave ai) aekwrard no doubt Ihat you andi ber e-oratl ens., Sarrivai Victor Durno-ro A duigedi, ne- lttie latugli, oxtrentoly- coLsclOns O!fbthe my are hotb qlte nlght"' cordlag te bis I*bts. riithlie deubtiai falory coîhes. Spleasure mentloneri. lit' pnrchaced et "oh. yes. 'ni ait nlgit," ho sali. * "IPERXi 39 bte bet faclony thebe lo't clultes oh-.e-as golng te oaurlttis evenlng." R ImetX a rXieGodnLi lte une ae calleai bot, a houn. cbledy flush eloviy fading frora ber face. mulabieose0fh)rt. affecteti anti aupporteti by mip cap. Titere are corne vomea e-ho become Rrn ntherd. "Smaaupoxl tains.lie aponhtt-reely ot Iatoey that sutden]Y lmeuritlul, ne t y lte giory of t ragtld n 1lie Ogoe rve e-si aot hies ari imagie lioti lmifta o be ibeflfialthiougblt, nultby lihe exalta- he-tiihm TéEgui xoi bMOZ ngte lre ut a gentlema neH t ion uf a iotty vîrtue,bub by te more ten la striciten dtiava e-lit 1.The rode round on a bb'ed htangO ta eau on practicai boutau fluait. Jack Meredîit,libres leaders are dea&&" hIe trionda. anti on lire aflagn o f te weehoo boibs ayantfrointDuraovo's. Mauri'ce Cordon huit not Iavaitifour slxlh day tie aligittet f rou "hl quati- giancing et Jocelyrr, suddeuly hecana yoqrs en filee-St AfrtancasI u inysd ti t he gale e!tlte GrdoW ' hm- iavare outheb.prononce uf aauouul valu. He outoo lmfor e-bah t e-as saov oman. vorlt. But if ho hait acquireti sheptli- n À féie- minute@ later Jcbicarnue The criais vas peint anti, If Jack cient hohait lent bis narve. lHs put loto the drae-lag recul, e-h oe w -- ayIt, su aieoetiti Jocolyn. Sheabout anti salled bac teb Loango. -wuiing~vitt a rass ta eh*- Ie- shah the Ilpertiurbahie gore- Ie-ondes," ho malterati us hoe-db-k Spa vuy nom uaaiabsautento Englalima l u rottra h.each tl bo lmoMie ltaI he burt, someahoe- rthe, 7rm mninee heEglha alcu me afhenon-"i e-ondes' If Dannovoe li l pontil rai e eWhlm dy. tofa-s'l Vai h te emore passionahe West l mn hm' lMg ova levait Wbe ho set "Wsen ondaiean lte simple. doe-nrlghlt act Ihatlamugbe. t joeblynas.e' f»rSalosn aoty, holaca ladre lq(rttwingr nmthor a anta And hoe-wsa cousclous of a ray et - -pgunoti auiombt.lho no raiceti volse, au Ihcbitlg flugersbhlle lD bis mlud. Hoe-as aàbai Site apiraroittoi ho rather IgLadtoi no flash o! iery eyes. hearteti man la hlm vuy, tlia.Maurlon, me luf."Tes," bho nid; "ltaIei suitIme Cordon Of LOangO, bbat ho ould DMe "j titoaghl," ceosait, '"tit:Fou lutilapleatiudly. Wo viliitravel togetitos." dioguise ftr mieili teimple tact gete hack ti teexpeditm?» lie turned bu Jouelyn. thah bite death t aiVictor Durmev "Not vititont ecomlng ho ay gooinry. "j I eur youn brother luavay?" vworld ho a distinct convenlence maia lisaasweed."I lunu îleiy" .Tes. fr ae- t-ss._ ie_ he gneetiesra- i reis! asggestIon oft persorti t1itrrity ".Heilor' èeimedth Ie prapritr tir te decariler. .nTou iontk a bit 0h1»y. IrVe henrtt you've got ritialipox ~ut k 'itnhave t.l'vc jnus! ]it--rîrd Ilt reo Jt'ctrril !1,Mur lhh o" "N'es, rand tire tool w-an*-n to go bueir Ioiî;ir I ittrit) un ort hin on lthe r r-tu-lt tI4-Iocioci." N -t tînt-e Gordon 80 dotIti -- u tit out foc hrmýInif a zIamq of shprry cati I duaiik iltbortgbrfulty. i"Do y-ou krw. I)urrovo." ho mcsiii 1 t'itpli t Iit-Al, I 1hnrvc ry dottbtel about tMere'dilthbiotg iafoot." 'ii-'l'wit ia derisive laugit. Nlaurir-e ftnorlttir ooke'rl ven bis uhoulden te seeth IaI lthe door wryns sul. "TYou'Il bave trn te ver>' ei.'ful." -ir @ait. 'ire ucusî slip mirtiglt I ih ul out. Meredlith ha% a quiet way o! looeutg ah one e-hh ullaqtlnm& e.W fluti ont.» "SNot ho." repiletiDuarv«o Eu ly, "osgpecially If 's e ueoO*ia shel succeeti; ee caili - Maurice Gardan made atUtti ment oc' the sitoutietaM au1 to certain unaslnes, bat be49W log. There e-am a pause of «M«~ duralion, authe end sait f '»~t produced a papes' trou lis POO threw tI tova.r Thi'ugh Akmed. I up1iee "Tocs. We eau bldao m*dM teoin oen truie," An evil smlie ilgbtIs op sallow face. Wbeoa ho mutt*I lag. cartaia-Ihlte iuntaads O a vay ltaI matishum lire human talle ewmW W monta easwu ke. -- Gordon, e-bo bai beso bifl~ papen e-Ith ',i$ * «W diiM Il wee saometln us elesa, -b taown lire lubie agiu. " beos" @ anut sa-Iy. '01M net soem ur 10 ty bluck.huai dom whe-. Tbey- kit-ev ne htt ",Lordr' ejaculated DUs'ttaw4 let us bogia the a*» argreoM agala. t itougirt ee th. trade e-smtirera. W.e Jt it, and titenetora the héê- maire buy elelte a-m tea learntuIo!f te PqudrY ",But uppoe Msrsut relterated lMaurie GetoRI4 lamentable heallahlo tiolt I "If Mçredltitdada ontl ilWe- e-une. tor' hm." A certain concssrration, cd arouseti Maurlce Goricueab anti h. glancoti uasuyet. h ..No que kaovm what SMon- heurt o! Africa," "ali Dmuov "W es Ul nat trouble ahi Meredîit wan'h à"i aut» "Whore le ho navr "*Wilh'yorr ster ut ltsé bu Aladys man-.lhat leae-bat 10eIl On bearlns titl tactou bungalow e-it Jqeelya,M*qo. don glanced t the lcaîi 04 eti hoe- itecoalit î«t awOr'OM prisent vists'. Tb*hé î Jsck Meredtilth*'pronmS. ý able ho Ibat diffuslit b ? 1 vo. Tirea -s feeling etP usty anti ilnty in tbe V8 of bis volnes vhct elWsN eully lediM» S p.hée fftt Bat leicas'Dutuov habud to sy tu Cardon e-hdiebeO huit brougit tula 5 rimt, "Louit hpro," ho sali, lima yard andti bmoe-laarn W relIe e h hrtbeau sMoblS 40 cIao sem» ol fg ta bhib thing liaIbausoe' bosau m c0asaI.ç *"Toi." nId Gardon,.-wlth'M Ao"ceriataI case uom le id K'm lte l he ar do lM "- Iha"i CdeM to 1

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