Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jan 1907, p. 7

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1907 We Wisli You a ria ýppy New Year J. ELI TRIGUS .1 s I Repairing W'tî.'c'ic'elîks liîrî- roop3i. s the cateful j attentionî it lt-svrt'c.". Né) îînttier low deli- .catIt or tx ýtis 111 aII *iI n i Otîay lhave yon riay Ir'avr'it to bhr r'jaireduIor eleauk-d with thetilfli aii* ras ce 'tlîat the work wilI br' done lu the îîoigt skilful nianner îoImsible. A. JJUSS, Jeweler LIBErTV VILLE. toI l2 WE MAKE THE FOLLWING PRICES icao Nu. 2 pie penas ....... ...... .................................2 eans No. hatked Ieaus ................................................ 18 lbs.corn uteal ................ ................ ........ e Ibo. pru lm ... ..................1................... 3 ô lb.. baklng soda............... . ...................................ko 17 lbo. waeblng soda ................................................... 25c là packages Graudmasm wabing soda .................................M ý2 lba. Arbuekles Arom e ofice ..............-,.......................... 2k Gi lbm.. oru starih................................................... ..... k 3 two-hh. packages Acliar self-rising breakfat wbet .......... k 1%Ib. smoking .............................................. ......5e *3ut b.n.p iiieye ............. ..... ..................................... 28e (1 bottles iloclilue il ...................................................... .2 1I L. llren't*.rs plain cbocîlate .......................................23c 1 50ec pks'kage Pratt's Horse Focod...............................40e 1 49-lb. iack iios itaur............................................... 90e NUITIi& -DAVIS TEA Ap4U CO9FIE LEADERS LiboetyviIIo,,11I. 555 Ob Local Items 01 Interest to UJbertycve Readers PikdUp Ilere endîThere LT 44444444444444444444~~**44***Q~~ Berman Fick, tir Bans"m, Ill., le visit- lng ut bis borne bi-e, iis week. mis@ Etbel Downs spent set eral davs the pant week in Elgin vliting friends. 1 '.ard W. Davis, of Bernent, DII., speut New Yers day and Wedzesuday with relatives here. Mr. aud Nlrm. Ituckin, of Waukpgadn, weeguestK ..f Mr. and Urs. N.- C. Martin New' Years. Garl Eriekson wil copauy A. L. Hae to>Texan lnu the ooreof a fen' days. He will returu in a qhort rimte. Mr. aud tIrs. John Stratton, of Kansas.lave b.*.u viiting ui the F. H. .1u botrhne and with other friends andl relatives. Miss Balby ( -ton who for the, past year bus made ber homne ai lklaholima City jei îaking a short visit at ber old haine liere. Mr. and Mes. ifacCrystai and daugbter, Elizabeth,. of Chicago, bave been vsiiing tiiruast few days ai tire iW. M. Heath bomne. The Libertyville W. C. T. U. lias soli- seriheil for four lebysioloial jouruals ta hoe used in tihe hlghee grades ai tire ALbertyvillo sehoul an bélps lu the teach- ing of sientille temlperance. Vite leture aud entertaiinent given by lipaffordl, the cartooniâi, at thée1Union church New ' ears igbî was 'fuite weli atten(ledl and an uîterestiriL, evei ta spent by tiose Whob were piesent. Fjieud aoftIrs. L.incolni Lusk tijl l e l,leascd t,, ipar that reov,.riujg nicely fronther rent serions aperatian attiii,.Westide lcsitlt biao is tlioughi she ailsotn bheable tuareturu t'> ber homie Me-. James Swani, of Aîtiotlî, efent i*nidy in Libertyville viitilg relatives u rien . Tlîursday of tbîs week *fie ffntertaiiedNissesfl Iesseund Winifred fYoung. tuby tileason and Maud -Butter. field at lier borneoln Antiacli. The Mvstic Workers will insinli on tbs eveing of Tuesday. .Ian. M, at thie hall over the Smith & l)avis store. Ail resîdont ani vfifitiug members are urgeil to lie presnt. P.fI. Maure, of Grays. lakte will bl ie aer of the installation. IThe Woodman nianueade le au- nuouneedto oceur upon January 1M ibis year. Thîsiosuaannualalfairwitbus and yearly draws a large crowd. And ton a good tine i alwnys bail iy those who attend. Yon bailbetterpian to hethere. George Frishîle sient a few houes ln town Saturday and managoil ta sbake Ibands witb a good nuniher of inonde while bere. He was on a business trip froin bis borne at Batavia, wbere hie represets tir W. T.- Raleigh Medicane Co)., as salesman. Mes. F. E. Clark and daughter. France, Iof Creana; L. W. Fualler andl daughitor, of Irving Park; J. M. Fuller sudl farnily, oi Wauconda and 1Mr. and Mr@. Loufis M Protine andl son. of Racine, srient Snnday n'itlî ileir parepnts, Mr. îand Mrs. %V. .. Fuller. Martin Freebrnwnas takeiî ta tbe Alexian llrotbers bospital ln Clhiag Staurday afternoon wbere he wil b cared for. Physiciens report that ie in in holding bis own thougb, there in. nc hope for hile ultirnate reoevery. He in unable to take any salid food on'ing so ýbe paraly&rd ('audition oa imbitilroat. Chis Hapke andl family are leaving thus week for MHenry wbsre tII,3 will makre their future boni,. Ur. Hapke ba mecured a lurative position as supenin. tendent of the elctrie light plant thone sudl will ai the same trne manage s posperons feed nîlîl rn lu connection. Libertyville in sorry tu have tirera go. A neighboing editor of philosophie tam o!fnind urgsbis readere not tu :udge aman oObrbly b3y the loihes b oirs. He reasons thnely: "The man who go about in siny and ilI- abapelothe îaybs ilh,edtor wbile tbeofelelr witb the, patent leathers, the fit.your.sbape.overcoat and tbe yallor gloves may bo a dehînquent subneriber.' Henry Appley. whsn ho went ta the ban ,nNo' sems morning foundl one of bis born»s, àn animal of value, deadin I ltan tafl. ln sorne mariner durln (the nigbt tire borne bail tbrown =fneland the balter bail caugt about in nomein sncb a manner a@ te &bt off its wnd. The animal for tiis ause gradnally dl.d of suffoation being unable to obtain air. About tbirty niembers af the copetruet tion deparnment 01 ibo C. & M. oi, trie ralway teîîdered Robet Downsa surprise Now Teare aigut when tbs Invaed e h orne in a body bringin blni as a token o! tiieir gond Pwi a fine lether upbolotered rocking char. A ery pleat evenlag vsc «Pet by aiZ The evet was In the *nature 1i a reunion of tire men wbo bat long worked tngeiber lu the building il the lectrle line. Bylveter Deinlein, of Fromont Centre and Miss Josbine Wyngrt.a McUenry. vere unitein lumarniag1la Saturday Dec. 29, ai St. Gregory' churcb, ébleago. Ater tbe ceremoni lhîrefreshmeatâ vere serrer] at til ho01o the groon'.s ister, 14r«. Faot ai Clark aud Byra Mawr ave. VIt happy couple wiiiho ai haone t tiret many trisude after Jan. 6 an Orchai Si., Lhertyville. Mr. Deinlein le in ti employ of the Macaroni factory. ROMANCE WAS NEARLY, A TRAGEDY Brd ornes Close, o neing a Arthur Meoyer la spendiug the buiday i Vdw Btoe Bce vication witb relatives in Chicago. Weddlng la Announeed K. P.'. installation and banquet ta nighi. Waukegan K. Ps' in charge. HOWEVER 66ALL98 WELL Miss Winifred Abel and Mr. Henry TMAT ENDS WBLL."P Heu rlksn, of (Chicgo, client Nov Years as the guesta of Miss Lulu Murray. i A romance n'hich canme very near Riley Penaut n in l TeiM ewhpre lie to belng a tragedy eanig to Ilght a day is luîaklng over the real eNtaté condition., rs He inSsouth vîic viner tu mvestment. ors ago when Jit nas announced that Mis Jula oyes, I Ierbri,111..Daniel Spelîman. af f.itcrty ville, andi and Miss Wienae Genty. ai Chicago. aie' Mise Ella Yo. tof Everett, hald been cpeuding the holiday. itli Mes. M. A. marrled sînce lait Septerulier :,I. The l'rotine. Miss Rassi Zeriger. of Kankake. and "oung peopile It seenis llcîed away May andl Earl. froin Hall Day, are unkuown ta ibeir friniî and relatives speuding their vacation with their anut, ancd nere unîîted iiu wedlack. Mîrs. Horinan Myers.» ~îî. I t t, hep a uannotîncithe 'be Dance ai ths Towvii Hall New Yeare ove under the auspices of the Q et marriage li thel course uf a few days. li n'aq inely attendoil theve belng nearly btut before ii was daote Mr. Sîcelli' seveiîty-fivo couples present. The dance man n'as the vlctlm of the awful acci- %vas ue of the Mont enjaYâblo gven ai: dent n'blch îo nearly rost hin i bs r-.ent date andl the party did nuit break' life. WIile walklng on the railltad uiii unîil llloto the New Year. . rack hetn'een Lbertyville and Rond- (î,;eorgo Lusk venutila sbapits]lin;out, he vas struck lîy a fait assen- Lîccago Wednosday for tr,.atmeut. lie-grtannduse Nherincw e-citly ho bal an ulcerated toalli andgrtanaduse h h'tat r Inter caugi a very lad cld wilîich or paîseiîgers. lefi hy tlhc track hn ai, esetled in the touth. .%4 a resuit the 'alnost dylng condition, santie time glands of bis ueu'k are swcil.n to abîtor-,afterward lie nas faund atcd renîaved mel ize and fbe le in rathc.r serions shape. ta fbe-t%,vllle luan iiiucoctsciouîcccon- Hie frienils hopelho wili have a nearl. dItIan. reio, ,,~*lils voung wife. w ho was flihenccsup. fCrnelius OHern, Seau ccl îin O'llera, IOe o elt lnea uecm liai reigned i@ ispuition tva tic, Cbhiiaga 1cae ahli ine' toc ai pa..tccfliedepartiiient aid bas gone ta to LihertYvilleattd watcied at bIs ýied- fuitipred Oak@. 'leiit,.. %vlîere ie vili!illie, shawing greai dcvation. 'For tai upthestniesuf icI'aiimt order. day, Jil as feared iehi ocild jat re- MIr. 1i Hem liaiexc-ell'Dt qcîppOrtunities cafver, but 3mai13 be giined itrengtlî, inhis work in the ciy but dcIddto le I a nnuiedlt.wol e conm,'a IMnulist fathei'îýitly. He liasIanWeil hnie annalin tuild ît the xl:-lobs o bi friýud. ,gan In an ambulance ta the borne af b Mns. Harvey . llenry.I fCiiago), neU I fisîster. Mrs. Sheridan. aL the Sher- 0knowtn in Liberty ville au(] Lake counbte,l àdiedleari> New' earsuoriiîgatherbiîtie man Hanse, vhiere lbe îmssedib roîîgb in Clcîago the. reult o! il t cake ai para. the convalescent stage. of the brain. Sieo n'a s ui kc.îthe nighit But Il n'as only after lie bath cali- revinsand liveil buta fcw Icurs. tMr. pietely' recovered thaithtIeiYounîg peu- lnry is a Weili knottu flu Sto'k 'coin- Ipie reatbed a Word of the secret mission man andl bas many rietide in thi@ èc ihey beld locked In thelr bresete. TvIcNevler&ty.l ,il>tv Yesterday the marriage n'as annonne- failed ta deliver the chus, thai liîad heen 1 dad Mr. Splîman. Who non' bas a advertised for last iSaturday aigu 'position ai the WIre wonke. brought on'ing ta a falure of a part of ths bis bride tau waukegan, where they maiachiery ofthesapparat us t i vark bave 1,'Illllsîe, retiirnsd wlll give a mlccc' tonigbtf And so, that whlch came so near to (Tbursdayî ai the towntliall. Ail vho bolng a tragedy ends lnckily for aiL paid tu attend SatUrday nîght ylh lbienb todluieehdn >admitted tonlgbtfree. N% cdue@day nigt sud thbrdwoso Ithsaoi a vory 1 huees um.s' «s ve ai!of vldowhood before ber- marringe Grayelake and a gondh .reuin's enter- vas announced. bias. wîtb bier buane tainnmeit in promaisd th,,se who go. now restoreul to ber -lu bis fin Not to lho ontdone C. Il. fi.her a-ton' I trougth. outerefi upoti the honeymoos, dabys axo hrougbt tu tile hINEPENDiENT no rudely ion front ber by the no. office a copy 0! the aId Llbertyville t ruebingepes 2Timu dated Jul. 31, 1884, et wbich Lovexressy , fate have tri tinte Willlanî C. %Iggevois editor andi oe otn u proprleter. Tht papes ailvison theLib- ninpbed. Accident and nilefortuns ertyville lmonle to attood ts adncesat have fall to separate lovera. Benki's an=ltorend C Cter Bras. stack iaiivontimementuila auotilàr prt of e *'sTe t palier. fittellestt ar. Zod iTh,,EDI-55 Rfsjw ONCE j Wisconsin Central)t is oon to ho loi t G l O DDN E and states ibat a Élin, conrets n'slk ll is!OO IN E bolug hnilt la front af ibo Presbyterisun e cbuecb. ià tbe local column i also tels e John Kammer Leaves One of HiI. thata aubelonging tu, Mrs. Peaniman 1 bai heen moved ta the lot jiit sanilî Fine Spbcially Fed Lambs atnd.pen- of the Webi, & Nellis blackemith sbop. dont Office-le Proof of the Success A fîmyn party at thce came ofUr. Bryant. of the System. ai i vauho,. ie alec> nnounnd. A ard- of the long ince gone Fielier Hanse lobnKme- h afDyia appears anil juiccus uheý departed amrii af a în monebants and tradesinen the uaîîîeoaI os' scieutific t seareh in connectian il F. lngnib. harnesi maker. appears. with mtodern and imîîroved niethoîls nf IlNoting is said aof. ccc ii I' retnneaiît, cattle feediiug uam attrakted the atten- C1femi non' jail or Maor Mdac6uffinue tian ai the scientiste Of the pet meer 'or tem. M. Fisher says that when somnene aicrears vith an aIder ICauntrY, sent t .i NOEEI>UNT Office ai ratier bie vili bing lici an oiller One yet. 1 inely dressed lancb. fed acordiug to hit beliefs, lasi week vithi the coin li'ents ic ANNOUNYCEUMTS 'aitbe sesan. The W. C. T. U. n'jli onst at the home Mn. Kamijier lias aur full indorsenieut of Mrs. Julia Kelîs .Jan. M. Subjeci: thaï; bis unaique and radical uettod of l"Our National iicriiage.' Ail are animal feediug ii al hoelàime for ht. -Weloe Our friends about the village learneil of le ~ m esmn oie the prefonce of the lamotiandflocked in I ta on it A numnber0f theunwlîa carried The fint installament of the special 1 home large suices of the delieaey em- asesement for the c-ostruction of the le miver eysteui is uaw duo andl muet h phasîze our.indorsement. e paid la 30 deys, Jauuary 1, '07. Readees oI the 1 DEPENiîENî' are o in L. B. S'uîà scî, Vil. Coletor. n'eil versed intir. Kammer'e eedlug si 1 methails to need a retelling af the @tory. nu speenal Ainmaent Notice. le enaugh te say thai bie bas been The second second inutallunent vitb likftdo the cgreat vigard ai thefliover internest on recelving insteilainonin of the vonld. Luther Burlcauk, anti bas been, In epecial somsemeat for eonstruction of a calleil the "Burhank of te animal vater system le now due and mustilho tpalil lu B30ail Jan. 1, '07. varlil.' Mr. Kammer Ii.V imprnving the - L. Scuuànîtuc. Vil. Colector. 1qnality aI wbat peopile esit trseiy tae a ___________________ that lie "hopie couaequently ta make ________________ the people botter.". We beIieve ble lias M Cigare andl Leundry helied ta iinprovo the editor a little. >9 Tobacco Office ho Dies In Michigan. Ve Word reacbes bers ihat William Udeit. of w5> ~~ O eli knowu la Lake î'nunty, paasei 1 VL I MsJrJ avay ai bis home near Stantot,. Mont- e. celui connty, Mili., on D['. 22. The 01 uerai vwas helli Mouday Dec. 24. t Burial nas ai Ferris Cenitre. Bis friende c? TlaralP ro hein are sorey ta heur the tidingm. ie A Happy Nev Veer t,h 1s in a gond meastîre iiisured by Isylu eir Ordure Taken for Razors "ide a roriiou oIfyoîîr caruluga ang ,p Magazines and Put in Order incarne oIr futture' ocporttînity andl s ho Penioditais Guarantod rainy day. We Olier a lilteral intefft esi icung cortiirate oI delcosit iteresi hearitig savinge acounuts, andl cbeeking accunis ]=*n ',rz>w m adatioii ulcc taevti v i I 1e W tt:K 0I1 71r y baVn i u wlI 1eîu. We solicit ,vour WIbeossrvsd at the Libertyville Methodiat Church by conaidering the \ IS A'T'10 N A LIl A.SK foloin e l.wth relation to the generai subjeet Of "Hiow&Deepen the -Lbert.t ille, Ili. =prI 1 i4"J. L. Tcikc, l'rem, J. 'I. tridlc.u, Uctîler Jan. S-4Sermon byPsstôr-"The Cal of God to Hie Poope. iSPecial Sont evc wt od-8ankey Hymns ail a personal remi-' Adjuidicationi Notice. Dion.o Mr.IMoody by Mn. .Pratt.1 C. N. I5IJIAND, Attonwy. Jan. 7-Trhe'Church Services-J, W. Kern. ulNtIesbrby1vnitus Jan. 8-The Lord'a 05-F. E. Wira. ,.abIlo trteM l' a be. dtivnittetri Jan. 9-Prsysr and Tetilmony Meetings-John-Oroker. '1te AisSe 1 ci Deln Jan. I0-Pr.vate'Study and Devotion, dts onnet, %I!.atterm th ceuito i ious Jan. ll-Sunday School and Pertonal Wort-Fred Folleti. it use Couru lous& e lu Wsnkto e 0 Jan. 8-Sermons by Pasto-'The Powr oftise Gros,.,, ItI oaurt Bouest oisi 04 "I.000 5. andLei fm hon sUd à. l These services vi in oh ,«'LÎ N«« a~t nd the P*Hlmt optwd- î ùt *w cha* -r te w b. !sat sudg =tà 4S WE WISUI YOU THE COMPLIMMPTS Of- TUE SEASON tî iber4ty P. P., Pros. GUO. A. WRIGHT, Vice Fr5. i LAIKE CO. NCTORS,,ý AG. SHYDA C. IL GALLOVAY C. F. VIH i amn nov located l n the nev store la J. BML. lg an Spragao treet, Thls chop tains otasm can ho dons la the etnte. 01v. us a tria. I SOLICR YOIJTRMAU M AS TTTMl O. 1. LU-1E Libertoviile We want to close out as mauy . . WINTER (00 am possible provious to our departui< (auryJurylt. tyi . ýNU - m il ( INEW

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