*uuummu~aaeea a - 1 (Fist Floor) Al oPats that previously sold nu tb $7.00 in sizes runging froin two to sixteon ye«s. This lot contains all of the higli grade maeuial in solid col- ors, Scotch sud plad, eaves, long loose backs and the more reste like effeot for the youngster. January Claaring Sale Pi........... ~,we. ushered in ou ir EIRST GREAT ANNUAL. era, of mndrehandýIsing in Lake County and ried with months of prep@Lration, time, expense aWe this the bargain givMg event of the season. ,r prices and value. Iniventory over finds us with many boken GAINS! BARGAINSI! BARGAINS!!! and la Value. '95aj For the voman Who voul. I f takte a lite 'ler" ln an eruba. sout a tlny ermine tbroater, or stot, ei a 1ev lncheu vide, le just the Ili. This stock la finlabed wlh a tiao la of talaitand ea mail inink beaiL M'1b mut! lu trlmrned witb a group of talla beld la place vlth two. bead Peter Pan Pocketbooks are wery me.- jfui. flicy have littI. places for cois and a place for billa and fold an<, for. len wlth two anape. Tbey are s=aIl and are woru auapended froi the. bat * On. of the. newest concelt of terni. Dnnty la a perfumed cap to ha weri at nlgbt This Mtlle plece ef vanlty la dalnty là the. extreme and la uatWot china allk lu thé. shape of anu0os a b. lourd mob cap ornaipented ln fMent vitlt a rosette of ribiion. It la eavmig UDF- M4j*Chfldmîn Shoes, Patent Leather and ".sypam irsvh duil matt top. and Patent maubetured te retail et $1.25, e~ Sale Prio. ....e.......75c bmo., ases Se, o1 f. They orne in Box and "a.t.a and ViiKid. l'atout and stock tîpu. ýb beaded inid. and out bak stay. A decid- mqSale Price. . 1 «t le eeods of thbe tender fee% of the vearer, à Ook soles. Any pair a bargain »M4v. ai"esifa»s wlflb. rfsaded. Blan lack and colora 39c ýbIM Clotb, lmli bleaiýhcd 4 8 inmes vide. rwd ................19c Ibe llb fanai border, Border WRAPPEJRS' si-Tight Fittnq and Loose llao, var- biJ Vaiue. 'w ie Prim .............9 ~ nealy tammed A broad te elet fomnoue Worth BEAU. BIUN COATS y irimmed oufs and collar $3.95 yý tlimmid ente ad Collar 84.95 17 triimed cula sud collar $2.05 ANI) M111ENS Leather Gloves ada l ttenu* Aý r. Varions ooiort BAFETYPINS Capsheaf Safety Pins, Big Asqortnient Turniover Collars, at.............5 SHOE STRINGS- Str6fngest Made, the pair ... .... c LADIES HoSE ladies' ('ashniere Hose,1 2 pair for... 25C AgamD HAIPINS 150 to the Box, Assorted, at ............5c SILK BELTS Paîîey Plaid Silk, beits .. .. .. .. .ý »:::: LACE COLLARS FBlalk and White -Lac'e Collars, 25e value ....15C LADIES GLOVES Golf and Casliimere (Iloves,1 at .. ...........1WC 0.Ladies' Suits and Fuirs Soed Rh., A big assortment of Black Broad Cloth and Weaves from the best foreigu producers, Coats delivered just before the. Holidays.. Every Coat a $30.W0 value, -orne worth much more.. For Qulck Clearance. $30.00ý COATS NOW...............................................*$18.00, $25.00 COATS NXOW .......1...................................... $15.00 $20.oW OATS NOW............................ .......*$13.W0 $15.00 GOATS NOW..............................................*$10.00 About fifty Coats in Shadow Check Plaids and '-,oteli Weaves, trinîîîed iii braid, buttons and Velvet, niany formerly sold at $15.W. January Clearing Sale Prie ...............................$ ,7 $everal good numbers in Ladies Suits, elaborately trirnmed in braids, buttons aînd Velvet, fashions latest ereations, novelty weaves. Everv.ý one a (lCci<le( bargai n. FOIMER $20.W0 SUITS, Jauuary Clearance Price .............10.95 FORMER $20.00 SUITS, January Clearance Price ........................ $8.75 FURS AND SCARFS Pu= delivered to us late iu the season, at a decided saving.. Mauufactured from pelta taken from the animais at a seamon when the fur la at ita best. A countless num- ber are offered for quick clearing. Blaek Sable Martin Neek Searfs, 46 juches long. A gi value at $5.W. January Clearing Sale .......... AFox Scarf, 60 inches long, thick, long, fur, a cleidA value at $7.50. Jantiary Clearing Sale ........... $2.95 $3.95 - - - - - - - - Brook ià Scarfs, 70 luches long, trimmed with head and tala, $10.00 value. ...... .... January Clearing Sale Price .. ................... ............................ IMNS LANNECL SHITS fligh-Grade, thoroughly scoured, union wool Flannel Shirts, value up to $175 $* January Clearing Sale Price .... 11 An Excellent Flannel Shirt, various colors, worth.. y up to $.1.25. Janflary 4Cleariig Sale priçe .......79c pOUX MAT ar-5rnGý,&M perfumed thrmugiout vltb SocuB btveeu a' tua lilaIg et W dina& To bi worn vlth ilgbt dreff are beîta of voven c Soer titreaduo. Soute look Ilk. slÉMt and othera an e voe f àa la to ha focnd laeu OU OcM d girl Who vanta sornathu, t.lia wlth ber antique; bracelet W* weli to, Inveat fua àvoven gta sh, muet b. efal *0 tuavn a that la lu keeplng. The suit Illjuatrateil la e brovu broadelotb -maivthth touable pour coat. 'Ou o. wai la very graee.l fian tar»uel foqt vltli a faner soUtacha b" mine' kinti of brad trima'lbq wbich la furtiier elabmrtsM Wt Vent. UDIO 050f FAOT8 AND FANÉCit Dtteasa *a-àast V55ssua Singie b avmla esgs I. or jet ams Mri7attrAMte uli et the. aide of the hoee Fr vitb amant fces theF ai.m mm ing than tb. Ornamente thaitlo gorets or bande thet fit reui f of the bair. Comblnâtlena d tinslrlbbou. ma". Mm.a goiim tuftae of rosebudla fastse eta aide of the head, adtiet th&1 Pretty for Young girlis te ot Alilover lace vaua Ud blouses yull ha*vorn. but they t à 1 ý,f ArnaoM aau a-s unew or amart u tii. coor tho suit. Smalt buttons as tlny t4 1 a poncîl of coloreS emamel vlth steel are useti la , M welua nt ssirta. The becuIIar new *ubMe thatJ sU apricot le exeedlngl*'bet l mucii la favor for *sl Tite gowu lu the M l t la crepe de cln. viii.9» le velvet rhbbon sai theg7M coloreS lace over <Ss tu quit. Slmpl4 amti la at the. back. lIbe "W' quarteraieMea0a0 pelaw .lue sklt s.Wo la grofpe ove 1k.» a ib Ilo*er gige e iematerial OSw Paîtoemrwa mn Im Ladies' Underwear (Firet FI-o) A rmediumn wegbt Ladies' Cotton Fleeced Union Suit, knapped fleece frorn good grade of Ses XIland cotton. With taped ueck and ribbed oulfs and anklete. Sizea 4 to 9. This garment seldom "llla at loga istan 65e and most merchants sait more. Jauuary (learing Sale Prie. 39c Ladies' Natural and Crearn WooI Veut and lat.A good 8i value. Clearing Sale Pries 79C Ladies' extra heavy Fleeced Undervear witlî taped meek, ribbed euls aùd ankletu, the non-creep- ing kind, sne quality as the above, only beavier, ail izes in vettand pants. A decideil value. Jan- uýary cilearing Sale Price 18C 'Men 's Heavy Cotton Fleeced Underwear, satin faced front, broad ribbed cuifs. The non- creeping kind. A 50e value. January Clearing Sale Price ........... 39e MEN'S ROSE Very Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hase, mecdium wveight, in Blue, Black and Gray, positively a 15 cent value,lO January Clearing Sale Prie.......... 1 ------------- ý -- ý Il . ---- --------