Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jan 1907, p. 8

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emadt2oo u thainkm ifor 11 oe Actency and ielity. Tii. IA11sCoonty MliiiProduceS Amotation wl lba a meeting 10 th h ool' bom t spauitules Cor- Sers on Friis>re<ening, January 18. .Ç~- - of I iwtuu f he t ti i MIWr le LakeCuMs bv siê.d s vue iet vPlur esKwten.- et tii Entr um. (FroffiWidnUdW$ -SUD.) »J Qige oktUfmplyof H.lain act the lstiof the. ir fllesVoluese a i 'ehool ayotorn anti ba been for Yeahs. ~ .125.RebIlln, ueu I lTho are no tieluite tidings as to ýé.Wr o theR*"'OnlMM ié fais Bsudi old. vetiransi re anilofl- wy , oiwtUB" n lu Wuill4Pimu îy vaiting the. reopenîng of commit- ka obuaty, la.oneftheit. viotimeanIelOl. Ssrlhuke ut Kîngotoe, ja. SPEIIAL TO THEi! IAILY SUN. -i Hi011 bl;@ th.titi. of Landon, Jan. 16.-Tiere le au yet mi t1r2e-»vft 4 k 0 or mnel no etimae of the.leuo f ]Ife at ,~~~afre tutaCioel Kigston, but the camp hompitai a50- estitigo. Iwo,. ithIo-e eutef pi-t Wt milnois immeduaely afier vigt&tion as no legs thait frty niegro 0,-m as entto m» M oldire wve, 1111.6 ler.. ho~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ba ~cuettna i.number of white victime le bthe schSoolf wTii tire tu now confined ta the, arwsrai i atidvwiarves. 1or1rIbis mrluland vasaie t a bout the. matter. '*My opinion la that th ntiepentient te company la aller telaast ie m. aiti. Tbings look thst J Way andi 1 arn icline t tabelleve It *They inay vaut al the, property, b ut Uv belleve that nmre amusement ivUn. WedmoSPU 511) icompany la afier rny landi arounti M» f hbornons. landi Poarth 1ake.» WbMb - -bt sêgatai by A. 1 The Fouler property on the. lalce le hK. 15 inakaemnty are 111e- ideal f61- au anilsmenet resort, and It bS lul uP t0daY aslhe, ln in ver! peobable that onseconcern la PMovérmi oQuiers, ame in- mter It It bas bien mentioneti ev- tu M 1olr plolirty et Baud eral -Urnesas a resort ete ant i Itle x4 . 1 b one oftbe besttlu lke county for the. ~ ~li gies mtanti Mr. Fouler left ,tues morning ta ~StI~ Wsh2h1 deir.thé mel tbe part! et is -tarni, uhere a * U5$ t P'Wty. therougb investigation Ir ttalbe madie. WbeW *ta mmn by -A SUN r..] Who the men are tiiatbleate, meet OItM1AUCE NU. 10&. lg ly th Med te4, bu ,.ba* liar oard anti tee tilubPr for the CooanUte« loua- »140 vois 10S. bide opene ast most of lthe that dau. Tii faIl anti pmaeu 1, 10u, Ma. o000 taler. Tii. boul elulgoat he lan ltti Anti turni laees, 0f Ibis M gave lu al 112.0q building and miii $4.161, andthtii its lest council tiie llbrary boardi Tii. building Io Lauref avenu, bi rlthis Artu C. I wic i Ipai $1, mltuure anti lt s5 893,46., Tire la àtructed anti moi ing lu the state. whlcb cot more hian cont tiie Cty $I,50. The City scley buildial llrary purpose, s ulti te invali 'man'. Club, 10011 anti tirough the' bis secur.6 for t building, modiern style, elegant lu contructiti lu e, wortil. exclusive 893.45, anti ail it $1,500, anti yet Tiiere are about shelvez and ging are valuable booI il îucb lbrarle trsmby fiction Wb day. but/&a y.ar1 ton. Outr yearly rpua14 tb5V, buil&- In um W aieACInI it eôeptod by hU t"e bulMilni om At it me eig Wb Rubiiertirepotd von wus bem um 1Y omieletiAugnat upieti a feu dAo 0f theb Ullg.ex- nd as 81.M46.ail [r. Audrew Crnegle1 )00. Tbe 014 UbrerY fountain9 ie bsfirot lveti a pOi, --- - 11SLDOVU56 OrSU, pubf.le r r.-m e e Ceitiltheti118S bitiut, atet«or rmeter-box or stop City appropriateti, At cool. top eok box. @but off valVe, or meeting, 81,1M) anti ebut'off boaj -yaer upply or servi mode up the. balance pipe,' or amy part tbereol1 for eny permon delefeit anyth slunami rntr b=ox.stop cock box, or chut on ot la 76 test front on *alye box or emilt any sel; tendlng q 100 test deep. 0f ta obstrumet or, Impair the. Intendeli Thomson ofBErok u.of any or the. above mentioseti [bomson.a! BooM- ts, e. itimt thieprmiesion o! the .4&$Oekfrtt ti4, t sii e t een tJXo hseater vorki, or1 sUtie.4~eeforexcet l11deeshr1A1a~O 100 mobuidin, fi- Section 3; No pereon aboli make anti Ce lu t $20,- anY excavation lu any treet for thie s IMa a Ier cli. Purpoee Or lay nwtirpiis, or hep srviCceabli buila- 'vl outwrttia permission frorn thi. D.There are plentY Village clerkati tien only ancb Per Bmoney &adtial is e um as are ulorleedti tperforu1 of Rcklnd Prk auc= vocrk shaldo the smmeau.lhe 0f islaui arkleparticular Pion ta bie employeti shah P ba4 an Olti an- la uhaCM a. houamed lu the permilt.1 C, lis ataptedti l Siction 4. AMl veter mains sM li. md~ ~ ~ , liilbay elaid at a distance o! tweive tet from11 and he lbray bo ,1te.cnera !i dm treets anti shali b. able &id of te Wo laid on th. nortberly site of the MU 1 m;ahin of theO matter, anti andthti. vit.rly Me1 ïbuilding Scommitteior te o! rM &an outh streets mak he. ity e brauti uev amy zcacvet lon uamy street ori ianti' up W date l lnigbvswayl tbl our anti oui-bai! testi 1finish, tborougily »r.a~Laid ater pipe ville the i grounti.rosmnexcet y sptl, very Partclar, anid order of tue l'resdent ant imard of i o! lt books,, $20,- Trustees or their duly autiiorisei bIas bout hei.clYte iagent.1 nmre foîka k. Sectin &Aillie hytiranla ,rectedj aldViae for lthe purpome o!1 ex-1 5.M00volumes on the tinguiehainIe sliiflaz xerafly speaklig tiiey hereby deciareti lie public etydul1 om f fcourse..asi lu ad no perffD o perinseuer tha theitienbeOf!the.lire deprment or stiere la a lot <of lu thi e dmmo! the.autborlty o hlcb luail the go to- delegaleti b? mii Presment anti hence . v iIn ;U Trüsteqacti pnajo hotagu- ~jhydrante or attnp arau appropriation for11« vaher from tie anme, o itay u mFi N co. doue ont ! à i a W-R ferrqle Inuertet ln tii. die lpi. andthetb*ervies pi Me imixes aliclIctai :; ord.r. The VUIlae 00, a Sompletse ofut lis lesnsmberMastm9J n toyrequire to make rotera by plumberu to the iii tetails. lecations for permit$ te ( Ie-~in ~b. sat ltie Of I t iaïî i uexpeu,~~ mT:ia"ion ateria, antice =u wi ater vorts anti. wspb.allovai I o ne fi bc amy peru of ut er, for lI r onn.OUo sn. Mot u 'ulcFyauthoriseil be1t er0faie.pmvovi&.Cov Premdeut asutI V leBoard, ancu ti tnlir gyi Tmprop eus, lu -i ouly afer th. permit bus bien isSImedjudgsl"othe b. upomatnmt land paiti for aà above. uofiyerm telr thromgb m (à) Notice met holoft et the. Of- pipés or bydrante or Un for aMy 011 zoo of the village Clenk hl he plusi- pupomi Ilisatae tlnmulsiIrise il berabot t li dwn ervcepPfipl- supermnntient à aitutaer ta iii1 les lhe day on vilci he vlsbeq theet once tiieconnet Iuckjipuaia ferrule Inserteti. Thaisoetie.mMst ho bytiranta !rom tie mas o malS «Ivmn et or bafore four occl P. M., lige At the. eXpenseof sue propi tue tiasprevlous tthe excavation tors for the. insertion of the ferrule. (13) The valet viii net ho lui, (6) No persan except thi villagie lotoa"am bonne or privaté, servi tapp 1 bcl h prteti uner ypipe, = t upon lie eider or i clsoalucstmepti. et un s u tst or Vilm"e Cark. a or' lusert stop-coda or ahut off valves ountite applicant shah hbave pi or ferrules lerelu. AUl service ecda, bis dues for th*c omt tem; a valves, or ferrules muet ho lnmrhed plumbers aremhltynoiii a et or near the. top o! the stre" etas. tUrnina b thre oo m ir anti aot lu any case aearer than six piper petuon tie ortie, antiP lâchés fromnt hebell o! tb. pipe,;the miaue fthe suporlutendent or i lise off the ooit or valve ta b. lu- Ilag olerk This vole shah sot serteS sial ho upeciffletilu the permit. emouuud te privent any pinscheri (1) It@hall tuethe uty ofhe ltUgater te test pipes, and1 aprlntendeul o!fBtar vorka tea- 'iiprpm ny Pervs sd drc hvrkone.i (14r>',llblaiabpl ru ýLUtW: li ae yhm nifi r ly viiondus, asiC eVila= lu ta rn tareort~t le Vllge oi 9utvely prohttad fcim'-SIlovi the manrlcic i isbr redit to asymo. sMd th..e sta r~fomtimlIvrÏ ntitii.conitIn o0f valtrverbe shah t o on re-wy 'tf valetrome ianlservice. wli wur th M orthewmw t fin N. ~oam~ St' W.*qaa, fiL UNOERMUSLINS Wd t riptushed stocks of undermustins M ait, ils many bran ch es 7his, sale prominses tb e even more attractive là# seeilovy, days than t nvas the pasi fArce dais. Eve y1fisi~g as as/a-esk and daint, as during the opeing days and the variet>' of slyles remains unbroksir -Fm OMT lJOUAIT CLIM 4= 18 OX FULL BLAST, AND TUE ENOItMOUS AGOREQATE 0F SA8 S TOGEMER WITU TUE S*,I0PACTION EXPRESSED BY THOSE WHO HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE 0F TUE REDUCED PRICES $INCE SATUSDAY IIORNING, 39AKÉfS IT £VID)ENT THAT WR HAVE MORE TRAN FUI- FILLED OUR PROMISE TO. GIVi Tgi, PUbILIO BETTER BA1I(OAINSTRAN THEY EVER HAD BEFORE. A GRSÂT NUMBItR 0F GARMENTS RIAVE »EEN SOLD DURINO TUE IPAST THRER DÂTS, BUT WB $TILL HAVE A LARG B MORTMENT LUFT ÏHTUÂT UÛT POSITIVELY 1;9 CLOSED OUT TRIO WEEK. OUR POIUT 18 140T TO OA"Z: OVU-À)84SAON.&iLE GoopwPROM ONE Sumo> Tu ANOTRUR& EIIBR ne - «à" ào iws. 10î* m* 4w s.o mm BpLUT M - ù" MMMICL UP-TO-DATE. TilEt ;" lfl MWIq8ONOR 0w Ety LkW C0NSIDBEDXG T'iMiÏÏ qVALITY'OP XUllRCl4DISE INVOLVE b,D, T-lIE Adr !THÂT TIIESE 1>11018HAVE BIEN REUCP Y lMAF NDINSOZ'ISTABCEBY MR,1 Ia W* BLE. QOiLY FOUR MORE DATS 0F TRIS *GElÂT SALE, AND WE ADV46B TOUR, ZARLY A * CE& M TUDAYxECWOHV nvun'naTa Or Afi -UR WINTEXGffl.O T-99 UEPnItl 4 a A Ij D *lw 'W1-à4 BE LxiuR8 WREI X EIMRTD, WILL »T "M l« i HART DAXOxnu WB ARE OFFPMN(ài At O qM lAkdies'ud Maist' Sk lu ' ~in.laail isuasZe so.Wa, *11e. ai&l ««mt, nguvpsIw410.00 0ta.9Do0M- dw. 5&#Ii ig st drom Skris ,ad4smovimut, r- Al i f o ail 4 0, 3 h 34, I0 a oth MW$e Irg. maoameat lai priou 's.00, 000, 8.,Ùnl A an* hu.eaof1!*(t sa Sata in aa "lof m< ort xot-Cwmathelb.geuffls a filos.of thua german4 t m- l* P jF5 W 5kIP-9f! s................ t81iDkm b. dci« il 115 a- i- 5,8.00 - ýll

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