Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jan 1907, p. 9

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LAKE (JOUNTY INl)EPE!DENT, IPRIDAY. JANIJARY 18, 1907 - ousos for ret inu,,îl prts# oI th.. ity. Cote lu and get Our liât. WE BELL Imnigaed abd uno-irriîtated laudi cof the c l Iiiryn gciîny SouthiemaAlbera. W.e ais'> oliîg irrigated anîd itou lrrlgtod lands lu Texns- Gua le s I uc >iiwant suri.' 'isp Uooely fluce tital n aLu- cout> WO have a lit iof Lttery ville, houa-e and lots for rot or cale. And tee Malte oalmson farmtmîitttgngcm' anid write tire insurancoe. Dymond ana Austin Liliertyviule, 1li. - Dealers ln Red rstateetone uuraoce WE ARE Ileadquarters for Alil Knds o Supiliu. D~YROGRAPI1V China Painting Buint Leather Work kW dWauaa Plush A fine stum-k iof stmiiifiî,Ot -'oi f--t- Oulft for llurning ............20 Sies our iltauqtî sil'tal lards. or, A largo seWetion i.! Pit.î.s.. ,- Fraînea.......... ..... ....-- 3 pWka ....................20c, 30c and 40 Dgeoratoil fBoxe@ ior Xttîtis . -.......... 2, S2.50 and 03-00 D. A. YOUNG .Lbertgvile, Ill. LUMBER -ALL KINDS- Good GIrades ai. Fair Prcs -DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULO- IN08, BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. DRAIN TILE, ETC. G. H. SCMANCh A TEL EPIONE Deflea the wethsr Bave$ ime ProeCts the home AFewcents the daý - Lake Countçj Telephone Connect wilh Chicago Ase your friands Teephome Co WI#b [Edqed Tbols Sy NNRY $ETON MERRIMAN Istus<Wetlhe e eoraras." s55carser.-" freu - Oe ssrslS te An~te." Etc. - Copyrlilht, l894. by HARPIE& t, BROTHERtS answered, witb a UItie laugli. hr CHAPTER Xiv.lei notbfing ta teait for. We are -bth O NE moruug bre mnthe 11er opians, and otnately ee are falrly Guy Oscard drete Up lun.lin velu off." i gylng columjL. ýte wax H.Re s.funlliiug lu i beast pocket sous bacr la Englanil witb and premently hoe rose, cossel the the tiret conslgunient of sîmîaeîne. raon and bandeil ber, quit. tithout iiuming the twelve weseku thta e. aftertbought or self cousclousuoass, a lnd there hall been constant reference pbtograpb lu a MorocCo case. madle to *bis ifittie body of pkked mon. Exilanatiotn was unnecessary. sand andl the leader bail seleted wltb a i Jocelyn Gordon lookeil smluigly upon grv elierttiu a mpromisei well a snillng. riglt yotcng face. i ail antr lu kio veint as hoie.r-viweu ibonetly. is command in - »e cool air of oarly iWhî'ýreup)on tiuy Oscard grunted un- noring. The journey ftromn Meula la utelIIigfIbîl3. the plateau biail oceupleil a bumy two "Mifihcnt." be outil, arter a lîltie monthe. Oscard expccted te rescb 'paume- "Milficent tas ber name." Koalia wth bis Den lu torty ilsys. Mhiet eetdJcln MI Pled l u ineat squarle esecs. uch au lîcontt hat?" could lie camried in paire by a matn of i Itllficent Ubyn.", ordnnry tsîrpngtb. was the crop of' Joceli'n folded the mor&-co case to- sîmiacine. rougbly valuei by Victor getber and iaudod fit back Id hm. Duruovd eti £4000. Ten men coutil "She lu9 very pretty,' she repeated rarry the whole of It. snd tho twenty lowly, au Ifi er uîind Coutld uuly re- cgasemet cloue togtbïtr ou bhe gronnud iproduce-it %its fii-allil.ic of creation. made a lied for (Guy Oscard. UIpon <s-rtiol0ipz1< Iaigrsn thix lîulîrovised couellilbe gr~Vely 'lie ilid not tit dowu agaflu. tend fres- 'trteled tbis bulk cvemy nlgbt a it etly lietalitkbis lî'ave. fee'lingironut tbrougb the Journey lat f'liwel. v5' i(Pd iit jo>eIyn Walas abnut ta falt. It Witteou tius-openlrouuî ltu front Wlfien lie was gallec tie girl sai <ifthe letls that <Guy (Jacard .rewu phls ewearily iown. guick nîarclîiîîg Ponure bl.eore the moun"Mifliecut tlî'Yne.' e> lie wired, liait spung ni>)fn Its fauta-tc tropical Wliat b. ta ta- doncY wy t roiitediftfî Iut. U firgin tfore"Nintljiuig, site euiwered ta fierselfl eet. as lie walkied al.ongthetlicle,.- iiiak- afttîr 1>5 l.. Notliiî. fit is BttMyD l'itî a suggestiounliere.. ullfing on a 1,>iî.îs -an do ntIîinjg.- %houiller rata' tiare, hie iooked stauicl ill s.ît there tlune. as cielie a l be sud sirOng as ;uy etei nigit wfisli t, ail lier lite', ittl lt'e short tropical twli lie. 111. i te. wax iurund go broten liglît tell<s ir the tor'..t. Quite sud- ihit cyebrusss and moustacie stuail out deiîly gîte litrt Itto telars. alfuot blond. tliouicb fitq reality îiîey "Ilt1i3 'Dy itiîe site s.iiîled. ver.' ouiy flroten.Iis cye dld Do liaugo.i r-iciîdiitg tlerwse a; but 1 fiel<11)ta0le sullertig train) lb.' linînsaeau do nothutîg." niti,-,alie liu otiuirs; iltugî'tler, the le- - - l clii 1 theîîîlIl imIl>e lireth îof the Four mtntliiIaetqpîsd sud lbhe excite- <in ii.. wn alî't lwiar taafcý,: ment createldl ilu te SasitworId of -j leîs tliey .11.1 is voi-îpanions. Th. westerni Afri,'a l'y lbhe'irsi dnzzifint as i-roîiaiuiy n--,uîifor i. te tact succe-atofuthelIt.' aei i'e exiiedition lie tibaý,. ta'ig .itiet at tihe. flitierm, maxi gîluta subside. Thei'tlilng ob itý ) t of ' .u>s u is-(byshal t H là ig1sed o a n itiusali ourIe. At llrst the experts dis loe lae itsee rhnf o f iiem belel dand then tliey propbu.'d thai Theicpartera iuîctli-d ta Mereditli witb h aes>' ta a sulien tolérance not nuixe gri-at dlsiilaof utwhilte teeili. usiile thie wlUi anu einitet grudge toward For blcaîmnu.thi.e ataîns ofteiup, steppes. tune wlio badt favored tbhelras-e ou..i onut fthe auks aud ltook liandea. more. Betore iliey bail dlaapîiarec as-evt. theMaurice Gordou wax lu daliy ox edge utIle lb. iaiteu .Jose-phîcamne for- ."No!" teerd ta, say goolîy Ilucsard. "Wliy r M'And fIt fs îmtl-rmood." aii theb..lutt "Because 1 not ottly do not cure fe ter. -that 1 îîsy lu ta your account at you, but t desptse and. distrust you." Lloyd'l*aink yomr sliare of the pro-» "Thon," lie maid. ' I iI lie candi ccciii>"wlth yau. I Intend you te marry me Jlose-ph grIîîned. "Y..., sir; if yon t bas-c ltcidcd It for a long Untie. pileuse; pl.iSiii t's ite551>- atik" amrnoua goina doten on Miy kneos te as] blérelli hw.lked a&fittie mv:y doten you to do I. Thot Is not my way. Bu the oope wth Oscmrd. if you drive nie ta Il I1ss-UI malteYou "Coo()dby, od iiîap!" lie sldilelien, brotlier Maurfice go doten on is knci Ille. partiig <-anie. 'Cood lin-k, sud ailt sud lieg you ta inrry me" that. Hilé eYOu isili find ai1 rigl i 'Il dou't tlilnk thet yeu telul do that bome. lYth fie wtiy." lehouitod atter auswored the girl stcadily. "Wbateve bile.. -gise its- biutul regards to the Gar- youm poweer over Maurice may bl Ifi dons .ît lokigo). mt trang etiauglifor that. Vou ovel AMîI anthie fint Consgnament of raete t." slimîi-ine wias sent froin the plateau te i 'Suppose." lie sald lunsalir, hlsb the Coast. volco. "that 1I1î, semss knoteiedge that Guy 4seard tees one of those decep. bave only ta mtiobn to one or ta tIrP'e"ti sb oniy tdo a feu tbffngaxai people ta malle tbls place too bot fc do iliome few sery wecti. lu forty-three Maurice Gordon. If hie escapeil il days lie di'posited te tweuty preclons tury of tbe natives lbt would ble di ( Casesfln Grdon', go-dotens at Loaffo cuit to kuow tebere bie could go. EuI samd pafid off the portera, of wbom hé blaid would lie tacbot for bin. Tb, boit ot lest one. Thece duties par- WOUldn't have hlm there. I cou] torMeil, lie turned bis @teps toteard the ses to that. Re vould lbe a ruine bungalow. Ho bi retused Gordon'a mati, an outeast, execrated bly ail tl -iniVttion to tiiy tltît hlm outil thue clvllilzed world." neit day. m-bn te coamstfimg steamer *"Wlat Io your kuusledge?" akt tews. expected. To telIlihe truth, hoe Jocelyn in a coldly mensured valce. Was nLot very mucli îreisossesaed tn 'It you telIl bave It. yoîr broaille -Maurce', tavor, sud lbteawuith a Maurfice (lardon, fis a lave traiter!" doubtful maitiat lie turned bis sepu 1Bbc drew black as cle ipmglit hal toteard bthe lttie banco lu the forest ie - tt frotti ""Meunlean suania. S tweeu Loaanga andl the sn. kueir that hoesras Dot beillug the brut "And wss'en dld you leave then>?" Thore ilit lie exteouatlng cîrculi aoirt o .leytî. ater ber risitor bail stance.TI e real Irubli migbt hal explaineil mmlho c as. qulte a dfIfferenb cound, epoken fIn di I lett thon> forty-four days ago," haie frent wordis. tbut there weax enoug y repîlid. of the Irth lfn fit as Vctor Duruoi "Andl were thoy tel?' j place I ftlibefore lber to condoru "Oh, yes," bc repfied. --Yeu knote Maurfice lieore the vorlil. Meredth?" "Note- yul yen marry me?", "Te," abe mutl. "We know Mr. eneril Merdth- "Supposlug." al Jocelyn, "for co The visfiter Iid not speak at once, ______________ and abce lookefi Up at hlm over the -____________ S foyers, wthI grave polîteens.______________ "'Merodth"lheoutail, "le on of the moit reuismkrabl. mon j bave eVer met." tBal, h roilled, with a kiadly Interest. "HowrI "He tg Dot the man I1 t0k lm tfor. sand pleasnt." - ro n h t De Arerev gqngback to-tbm?", 'No, 1I bave tomes'row moning corr by the Portmuso bot. mgo'" F or over six: y years doctord j$ "Inded! - Thon 1 suppm ose w hIRve endorsed Ayer's Cherry wamsh your bauds of Africa fooerr Pectoral for coughis, colds, "Nol itqult I" ho repli&. "I W om ug, rnhutdn erdl Iht 1 voulil bepreparedsi uns rnhii,ên < o g u p ta h m l c a s c f e m o r e a c . «M i llio n . Y o u c n tru s t but ot ohertlse. i ah _e c 1re, Medi cine the besi doctora op. Il le lterstol l th e t p ove . Then <tust ibis ho nex i StIllatne v.bav ben vry uccsa- 11130Y@ti have a bard cough. oMe k"" te. I, hll a ve"d Il 1la...ja. s Monent thut tiieme wiran rm-.î Ini ut trttimna iînluuitcd capaicty for prompt Iblese canoeho seutt hack word thatf ln your fabîricationirmwh <nuit tatiele It-th@bc hosie tries vere witililoet fate you'I- V onî ,t is c'ast ««ItI tiiti1 -'itîo" le roplied. Staninllg lilothetc deys' Inm ar nd t ftilet he mias tortify- yottî w-rd tigmtnst ftle <'nid uitaun flot.- oNiliteni ly Jfaek Mèrelita Marie ing is -amp.te Etîigliii gentlemeni Evot i ictte stlie Eat 3lîla. iThis ne-t s .eîicd ta furalihGUY atury svre trois, wtehiIl itnt.coufid (t> li scartd rend lit aretîmly. Oscard svth foodi for î-onstderalluAho yeti proveolIt Yeu areiti r ai s eli -iuiî seiî îs-cks Itst Maonder; ,thougt, snddlatter gînne space 0f Ifime as a coteard andl traitor! 1l>, >oniluitk jtîerîr tsi'> imaiil4'igo,' lie ititttereil lic calleil Maie. that te îery servants in'Ile stabile ii;lf t" fIisi tst.Shocame. îîîul, staeîilng ta-turc hiniw iuould tellove youn?Du y i îtiinuk that *'îotIuiI g-Y' hle «id,asud wiitrbler lpatiectulldgity t f nîten. te Ii-;dcnt of tlie :mal itMIs ,ii. Inii glier ltî'î s e-iatiiud lino-. ass-sted bis uonuuilctiiii. Site ni-s-r N is torzotten? rlb you tii, til ailan ,(tf<ourseI 1vilgý.- ie -reîlied. ile bouuk lier 0>es off thie Ictor liiilits bond. .' Loaiwýo, ercu toeteboalî-îo-n 1,the loofiail loss-tilletîîl-r fac-u- ss tii nvague Oscard noticoil the pe-rsisti-n-'Y Ofber beacil. i-marcs lbe tact tli:,, yî,.tlire i !n f. 'ii il is quieilt and eili vbo egae at fletfi nie a id rctmeniteîl i ber Ilu Loango not, etise e ,(,tt re btsi s ttlite'sais tîîrî'zlerap-< agai n ttersv.rd. Evi afreid ta go titough a sauis<coî-unrysite ut-ioffilieur guitrel. lerlull cie 'marie."liec mils, -1 have b.îd rathor teoll lbauc'leplateau. i, >ou e r,'rendimi ts t î tu aiti lmil f ' iftiot care, serions mtesfront Mr. Dîtriiova. It îlelîzd to do? You ver.. a.î 'idiet f ie WlVtl .a iritis<îslisiaiumlie wiii nt lv sufi' forrami te stay et Fr, smallpoix once. 'homola fis oîitiitg cao Iafil Slus band ut. ter tîrmt. Tîtere w-as Msala. 'i îmm molltbalte the eIlidren N that rom are afraid ofns,. I jelomit .'inttiiittii Iit i t-rttîii i..l itsm ilan- daisn ta I.o3nmgo. i telil cod two mon 7 kuote that 4 fis, but 1I iji tltd omt.uer swhi(-h si- .>--îIiig wili liii> daten iîtlitoi, sud w-Ilgîve you a g Coisard! flo!teLave the Ilotivi t once, statur... lebler taeMssGardontWb" -ill Se. 10 betoré, oi <all lte stable iîur, tte1iL'Moea er. i< iit1. -1iilI cet yaîm manis mnt Losugi'."j rau ouf, sud neyer date tao«ink ta nie 'thor--il. ti-.. I lai <iiiemmiteî," r. e s."usil che sctty il"tkuot." Ci agaflu!" leïIitrfiuroruîiltlt. If fite- atî nt îtlie Andl site iront Saethe bouge. a( Ile biard hem close e c itîîfow atter "nuid fiolsi uont for four niomths i should The text mornlug brouglit f urther FP hlm as Le wtedolavay fieneatb»y thal lie couil baîd omt for 81IL rumena of approachitg danger . and Il trees. -Tliere lit no mie libe Mert431 la once holeseenicî certaini that thîs nov. musi li Jo-celyn vent out by file- open Win-males iii lis minetittalteo tfiugsbaelbrdtiog Duuv'5fm-J dot, udpreenlyNas îuîîu- gïulu srilsy.' 1cd icmir>trimier mmie bhe river. TitIs tote and pbe, H. vl as eic gitiffis- It iras net vcrrmm-al dutie. atnd âs i lmo fle r,-lirt iras more deflulte. W much l inel teitIt hlmgctf lit-Id hlm- proalby si>v trough L fit.le prots- 1 Thero irere Aralis leadlug the brlhei..t soit ereet sud squted nî-rî' vîoîentîy ahIl kuemm Ilat lio ias as auxias amnd rut utmrther statesi that an or-11r tihan msaa. t uaS'bi.-sid heas berselt. But is very precouce gîtuizi desu-u on Msala WIra nu vas tîmil oif eomforb. il sonieboir tendecul.Autd yebtlihere iras no word hai bar- lioeai w"li n lWgti rouglit àanmge te tieunorali itutos- ftm limrovo; no aigu te suggost that cousidorale dlgnlty of iamnîîîîr. pîr.,ho bail es-en thougb tfseurlng the. Nîala aquatted, on the uttuiîn fleur "Wîieri'e 4 )iiiîi-i't" Oevr se afteut lis housqebooper and theo tot l andi jr.x'esede Wunfoltiat eat. 'rhe suddetiîr- lt sl slrlsstdIaqesi egmoomi lu charge of Maia. This i operstlau took-Pome lime. ~lihithe 1belv ieleluOag. l14 n oirn s only strengtbhcuod card'@ de- d enter coverfingtth5mo tesalt second en-li ,Iey." slié wM-nt un, 'that b lemil coo..' fiurlnatlon lu Rendl Marie cown te theJî relopeofut papier, îkevîse ---ured iy a lbere. îI 1ratlierirîn yt tr mu-te tti uoust. tatu b>- personafiîy smpeintended.t strinig.Fiually the matni rsuced a bu atsid aIngturiss'ulîl lîîagîue 1j hit-I iî-îîartire liefare taltIîg bis seat A %mili note, vhleh mpwai igu* of littK fcoumîI't '1 l .'h-titi'.,' for iecni ris-or voyage. has'jmg lcS ~ ~ .once. *'î'ifiratheer'atraiîîf oukï1îngct Jo- li- 1 T e e ofua lirIst)ei,.taà lpre., t.c This lie lÙijudbL' te Joi-î- l n îith au slf" iecatl el u «i tm-L e i itls 1d'liim.mlnuneeep i ti absurod eair of Importait"--. tclngs4" 9C boutiii kitu-is- that Isaia iras ta ho She openteepalier aloi " I do nt iliii iik"' -lié- refîflilîsl. "tiiit t aa. itii't <1t t To Martee. i t Ma onc-i~iiete woullie et aili exfisi<ttte) sey or dou iile i-itiutgrttttret, the ex- Mr. >iroratuto'iiîiig<o taI b-e nything at iresemit. îente owti'1i<tiîiîi îin-.dtmîe>itta trtbes hase rises simd uîr- tiiiî e -ily Ou.,. bb str <uîîu"ee ut roanditig ftue pateau. h.'i- ii >treluirau yuta thé tplteau. A ,,u ri.r.-lee.-terie viiui tleltîd. F.0.f hi-t-eau once vith iaà ti. a.ireîed litlu." I <a> -itiî-s- titan-lieu ttî, heit> gloomy farce an lue ceaurafine, botil..- mait in- lises rd iisi t.leIti-tltafri-tt s' ii itliff1.on.t ttitiii'l day portat formfirti fonta---a i'. uet bubc - uti, .'init soOuSisbleo <ie u.nue utobrthniuuout ItIt-1vos diision mast pick up a matir as b- i(au.lie. .ae- of >I-rtlitlis iîm-ropos.Itons. Bitibl aîîmîîru-d t tiativ-.' M-linlid booi protel- .e goS anîd on the vay utaeNt il..1ireckon es Do nt uieeai t nuy imore filon you InftOu tlilr licolis lun iltîîie out marei. tha tin ivn baid out f-io-, h.. uouilim do"Il Victor l>urtîovo -ot-cui.tller îîd pris- Ci withui outaide aszIOtanctIi ii n-r that S.oirt hetuî tbt uîlmn cl pcriad we ahali be force-i . i,, -,ter or '4 (>Iomeu fI," repîtoul Jus-li-i'îquiet- Oirt iefoto lcclin vt try ta eutouer way 1xt_itr i uit tiie ly. TItere fis mlie tresi so cotlitllete, sg' a nu-saueie tu si-rd iliat bh o otld ( Isfiliuietu. With a largo. i. ai-cOuld iiterriiess. as thelitatresi of a wouîan came lîtementlfruttI si-i.w-latI nformua- ibent bak ;the tnt... anîd - -î <ish on for utle vio lias. irotîgei l elle otiincvusto e atintratîî-tilfront the hled au the plateau hi' r -1"ifarma. ITii.masu hbeo trwamsied , Ntr.tiernovo loves. At -ut-i litme'ssvuîetî<la doletcapîtive. At tile iiiiitlttyiîlt Drovo it stoce. vherer ho le. ;I-<'-ýr 1i.htu îlemme te gtve fair playr. They moiate unoaccordingîr joltesiOscerd. amitheminuCi dupliteate. sent by two gai cimeîi.-sersaliowant-e." iras lironglit la-fore thlit. lie iras If Who go bytd1reirlrt co.t- Ur Osctd irl iled. hardly irortliy ofthe cnaine. a&i disease When Ju<-.'yn lookesi Iiippes, "Ithtlt 1 sitl go and lok for hlm," mrfieben. 80 nisrabie and hit starvel R breathiosg. NaIn vas I iniiig laotore lie aoid'.- W8as lc.t ber, tuauîtg titit self i.l'rato At dtsk tutu tmîtne u-seimîg lucre vas ..Ask liuiu" saisi Oscard, "whletier he 9. "Who gave Yeu thîe':., a si.iguiar Inidietnt lunte lirroom of kaui g îthatlîcre lie au Englishmuan P '<areaIfiî"le iteamlr holt litu. oamîgo. teit alarge farce ounilie top ut a "Who le mie?" Vîcbor I)urmnvo miiili ere. surroundeil mouttain fîr te the enst." '0,M.I)rooiv i e lan by a teîv trite uitfaitecedents sud Duriivo tranalated, aud the man an-W Bill Il op bis houne-" blosndsi silmr te bis osvtî. Tliey ivere aiere l m-th a salile. lu repiY ta nome r "But tîs letter la for -NIr. I>urmoo!' liaviug a convivfial tne of SI. nul Sie furtlier question tce negro lanucel 'e cr101 Jocelyi, w-hoOe ('-r umade ber c-însultîtion ut whisky iras grestort' aedetelSied niarrative, lu wbib-hDur- x uareaoabiy amgry. ,* iy lias h. than cîiglil ho deemed discreet ln ut ti inova listenesi engerîr. not badift?" a lmate as thal ot Loango. I "le ays." salidt te latter te OscartI, neutre. l heae f Sen h 'thatlime lplateautila lu possession et NaIs carenear sr wtt tiîiralsed gloastunbils liii wheu the or>cu dooriay thec Musais. Il iwas taken tiro monthe V foretilger sud expll.tiory tuîîîui. ras ilarkenesi sud Guy (iscard stand ago. 'The hlacîts tere sel as slaves; 1 s' "Merle telli me." li- nid, *'finitt M. lafore blini. Tic haIt lireeo's.Jaw driop- te tsvo Engliismeti vere lortureil le Meredith scentlira i-iers. Marie give fpoei:lte sli Mas set dais-magaîndetîudbîrtsisbunl" le M.Iummooe Tisorlte. railr tusteagify u tie zinc covereui Oerd nover moveil a muscle. Jocelyn Gordonir.-te the occasion. cotimter. "s l tlehqlosr bu "Can you go;," t-h.- -aid atter a e m- î"I wneuit Y Osi-erd. fIL."11 JhmIfh eqilesr bu .k mnuîs thougbt, "tauiSL. Paul de loande riere iras a littie pause, u oirions 'Qle"rpidluora rqe- utfor mu, aI ouccti ? utn'pie urooaf' qai mn "h e., ihi iI siletnce, and Vfictoir Durnora aloirIy fol- tlonimg. Wbat a îîlbr! But 1 alirayje ~Oliyes"witl -u igh.lois-d t)acard onmt ot the rooni. Iesvhng kucw Ir . I knemm itiras quille iolelesa l «~Aîreadyr .ocelytu<as wrilimg 5sone-that ommîtiouîs slenceIliebild. 41, g "1u ime <ti ler ileavo for Melila touigbt." solil Os- touIliepsed lai." aa eroulyM "Taise this," 511e :ii, 'ttutetele- carl irben tIer tere outside, "and you erliqaadut uavu umdtevu ,rgrapb offie ut St. Valide L.oanls and are comnng w-t i ue." st1 >l facesuti. vfr ieprprto leseui l t off et oi,.- Ilere fis moey. l'il seyen <ursedil frst!" repîleil V>-<fi suýiti (c-ii lmî, btI Tor Yu underatanti? 1 iiil psy >ou viien Dtrnovo. wfitb a courage haro of Irish tiîut'k-mme l go au Il Uic gamm"u I you itug back ii ececpt. If yeu Whisky. 'iaCt ei Dî g n tresane."a mgharoelicou very qim hi iilpsyyYoti Guyr Oîsard Raid uothfing, but Nh '*' rîidluty osc. "e on ro l.emretcheil ontbils rgil baud uuddenly.t iOThotsteareovcnuun. .îseond messen-Ilisla ingera elosesi la the collar of' go on. lesud If I litisiyou trylimg 1 dseai t gem starteil uortluns -'I atter Manrice Vctor Dnrnov's 00.1, aud tapial 1 0- 'lsîîu îb a. Ce ordon wcitim a 1<ii-'r tellIng ifint t0 coloresi selon. of tva races touni l u- i * 0 ff-Coule acl at une-i' Logego. self tcobIy troting the one treet of 'Alsalit aslied nas bbey eaunIlbe,.1i. à g A A t Loango. Thits bîu thtngs fi." Joseph set il Gny Oscard iras dIlunug sono fin "Le' go!" ho gaspoil. .1îioisnuils- îatrslrebela t le t ussell square wsheu a telegrant wau But bbc baud et bis neckltelher raîgtlleuui thet stoi lu front of bis the handeil ta hlm. le openei lfit and refiluquicheil non eotracted. 1When t nd t! oaed at iutck Meredithi. reand: ther reached Stue tiescl the emliarka- Meredili heu s way of performlng St td Mrediith ,tirreu.itd simd lu danse.lion of the ltte army iras galug for- iltmst ut lits tolut outstdo lits tount, snl Ditriaoroetise. Ceuni t one. <ardunuder Maurice (lordlone superOm- wile Joseph made'litîs discuraging en. lu due GORDON. visiomn. Vctor looked i etGordon. He Eru-port lcir as etigito In lu bntonfiagJI lndu ime Guiy «scard laudeil on rellecte'il ven the tnurup card held fIn 1uts wi-ti,"tcut. He mt.dded grsroiy, but C Ne th beach aI Leanufinle had bbc tele- bis blt, ba.hut he was tao sltllfnl te bis iiituutier mstto that ut a manG Ie play Itthll. thoiaftiily reiizc.d bfs position of lm- a t.CHAPTEIt XVI minent danger. Sorne mon are lîke0 T irai neîtrly dark Whbouthetim..lje thl>. Titi-rdie wltiuouî gettlug et ail I coast steamier cectired liy Muie :Fteu tir- Cordoni forftlîe service turu-eSile "Tluere&g mt morec or tire orthres prot uurtumrai mid teanei ' ot 1 tîe <li,-lot tiat I eau put anIr ightrust Iii," v-uittit-d Joseph.iG an"Te trull is.'i)>tîntaiSutak RU jacktMeredfitht <msa putlfing on hlsg eerly npportunttr utsaying ta Oscamq, Ciet. he"that îîîy norve la; uonuger mmi 1tehUsRjI omv w-buat a burrack room mmcbnya work. 1 abould niot t-urc taudertalte Il,. Ie toit llu fntic atumosphere, nsel tht. businessesalotncdespito my reputa- .te speak. before note. eir." tion on the conct. itlafi a irondekfUl j "Ansi mati does Il feel Ilke- la- thlug be closoî te nervos are- llql uired Jack Meredith, llghtly arranglag tei the oilet o fons healtb" bis vatch Chain.a "Wonderful!" acquiesoei Guy Os- Bt oepaîlne iler. B car. elb aIac o lruywhfchomcy teppeil baekvsrd lot the lent and mail. the irony keener. ib'lgttarSOTeeta one "I've beent tanlong ID Ibis couutry." of ansteor, for tis came lu' t o suil ezciaimeil Duruevo. "That'a the fae ot rnany vokea, t.eclang asol clattes'i Uni ul theman îofetvarloi armes., Guy Oscard smolid for aotne mo- 5ir bycre i, aItesl ims ip er servant, respeetfully mufli of monts In silence, thon ho tankr hlmie isplace cr00 aIttiamoment. fr0. Sils lips. Jack Meredilth memly est lotea be- -nhe ouly pity fia," lie saIi judilclly, ii lt 111 alth isbek "that yau ever untlertook 10 lok fus'fast stood gateuchol. Iofean tl te. aclefIofityau more golng 1 te . lh abe im vted Mis. tunk l mieiti lotniretl iiculty amai.." ilWithot jt îter comment ho waîkel appoacidi e lb llorililbil" ot awa an enere loo cnveeiaion blaeba. Berne mmmu eMOIutu back-. awy nî eleelfal cur~'tlm but allteere ame.1 vllh th, emi jila of the steamer. la front iraiked a small. truculent1 'Alrigit, muttered Durnovo be- îooking mien wlth broad shoullergs siMd teecu bis tcelh-"5all riglit. ry Bar- an aggreesiveib"a1 castic. grand gentleman. l'Il ho even 17- IiltOl lliiiIl etoos Meredt% I Rowpubllea1 Real Esta t ransters a~ieuJunîslsdByesssd Lake County Titi.ý & Trust Co. btracta of 'i iti. 'li ci.- uarantej &Aonie Temiple HidliU ýiokegan,lIi. Loris J- i.>*RNgE,&ecy. 7- HMurphy ta Mar % F it 1<>bib 112. .,ýrth4 Chiva.go '.-.. ...... Ot 0,11 Ott& %wi tua î.'tt 10 a<es.litise cor @et'30 Dlter- fi M ts pw l 5 4....... ...... d vil V >kchnVider &k bus Io W fr:( tt ism 29:'10 and 'Il bik .. ", tieid Park wdl ........ (10 rpd Maibson & vi tu Gn.taf Nlainimtr.,tii i t fi ud n 9% t 7 hi. 6 l.tmox@ mal) Waulie. flan wd ........................ 704) 1a) H1M#lIlfr & Wi tu vity o1 wiblie.gaîî 1- part fi1904 Cuttimuzg & t'.u>Nuorth ave addn Waukegan qe..... ....... I1 0t> P Dy moud & wl et ai ta Hl B Eger It 5 Dymonde lot euh Lîiertyvihll wd ......... 400 <0 W, Cunmmingo & wi b oJ P IUne & wi ensterlv 5 Et of westerly 63 Et fIt 7 Com- itinges sbla se 22 eerielil twpvd ........................ 25 00) Irm Loua Oagglùt. t0 Q8 BartlettIt 1blk 2 Har&»n add to AnitWoh wd .......325 00) ina B Bower ta Benjamin Llndquist & K G Poieberg landi adj 1t 8 Broadiepesu«b in sec 34 W Antlch twp leed ............................. 1 0<) lin Woodirldge A&tel et ai tu Poyuette Preobyterlan At'adeniy It Il MLk 27 Wiwhburu Park wd ...1. 225 00 .c wbiyey & lU40L.lar& !P.- i'atlow It in village of Lake Zurich. wd .............-. 10 00) krviutî 1> Wells & hu* tu Oiranît Lust 1125%acs in @eff 22 and 28 Fremont twp wd 1 00> 1a-ot> S.hley & wmtuI (o arv 1.-har 10> ae@ inu w %set- 24 Vernon twpwd........... 500 cl.R bMatbewei 'tate to p A Dutncan 19) ses lu ste M ffe- 24 Vernon twvp deed,,,,, 4<5 44 a-ai. l). & Trust te F )i iî.kftIt ik 26 chiengO Highliand deed................ 310 00> jeu Tliuriwell tu Almon K. .îîa .and Nura L Tlriiltii It 10 bIkR Grave. fiake vi........................ 200 W~ ieago Titie & Trust Co to H S Bleaitfit 40 blk 12 C'ieîagu Highlands deed.... 2150 0 R GEvans &wf toP J Curlev It 10 Evana @ab Bigbwoud ted .............. 270 0 PA Robinson & vi ta Blertha Brand fitin village of (irayoluke ted.............. 155 00 W H Sterrett & wf ItaBHC Bradford ls 7 M and 9 blk 2 Comptons add 131gh - w<îod qc ..................... 200 > LE CBradford & wl toÂA L Leigbty fIto-1 8 and 9 bik 2 Comptons adil Blghwood" wd .......................n...... . 10 00 'incent Jsckson ta J D Jack- sonl fIt in 5W % sec 27 Went .tîîtiotb ted......................I Ct Vinvent J1ekson ta Sarah Faden It ins»w X aee27 w Autloeh twp ed .............. 1 00: Joun Robertsou 88 fIte at Lake Zurich.................. snbdIvlsq" Jatine Gordon ta John Griffith fit 280 Lake- Forst wd............................. 1600 0 Mary L) IBurd Io H F Rogers, fit 14 blk 34 Clâi-agu Sprîng Bîltfffi c........................ 10 .Ea Weemendori et a] tu fikua Naordstand kt 2 (exiýpt w . 13 Et j b1k 42 Labo Bluff ed ............................... i4 'lias N iVileax & wl et al tu~ ElfiaiLindstrum 6 aus lin n % se 14 Vo rone township %v ... ................ .......... 6m00 Jaies H Fair ta David - 3 blé; 1 Kirk »an owell add Waukegla td ......... 0 w Q State of Illinois, County of Lake, Me. ln the Circuit Court of Lake CO0WY% Salome Hotert, v. Mary Shet john'Fuche, otherwise knoten asea%& cafiled John Hecketsweller, Carrne î caner, Ella Johnson, Jua Joh"ý George Flucbs; othartelse kmowm * and cailed George iieck«etUwtls Oscar Fuchs, otberwtse knowri M i 9e called Oscar Hecketusweiler, be Fuchs, otherweise kuoten as and el Albert Hecketoweiler. Mary l=~i othertelse known as anmd cslled 5I5Y lfecketowellfer, and Christian:lr Gen. No. 3192. Public notice fia bereby hlyon t*4 by vîrtue of a decree fsl snd epteredi n the i=v- eIUg cause fIn sait! Court, 1, bte und Mastery fln Cbaneery of "sali will on, .Tuesday bte 2St day et JèW8%J amy, A: D. 1907, an the boer c % o'cloek fIn the atteronoof 0fM d«: et the East Door of tlî* CourtH0111 iu the City of Waulcegn, laID County of Lake and fmate età soei at publie auction tu lte = anmd best bluder for ecashet follef descrlbed promises. to-wtt: The North Halt 01 thea Uaa&W It0 the southeait quarter ef seetlo5 ty-flve (25), lit TowushP (43), North, of angs Ton (U) of the Third Principal Mt$ier*é; the West halt of teuootIwe* ter of te uothweut quartes'0 tion Thirty (30). Ia tOWObeIPi tbreo (48> North. cf RaMis (11) Eaat of the Third rtidam; also, commnilli Kt It" weut corner of sMctiont~'$'~ fin Township fo - . *(4*) of Range BeMena(1 111111t Third Printal eles thenco EBut fry(0 os

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