(ATE; Tht'sAl ,We bave the knd vou vwant at any prie vou %van <o paY Everythinfg in the Hardware lUne Pfwyibliit dons et alil im es Gragslake Hardware Store. lé. r. RIN&IN. Propletor. waom"" Reduçed on St 1 have a f ew stoves eIdl i to dlose out. New lesté tastve at about fflo Pri ces loves. duat 1 wiN I eNchep bee t t. Qu'a frst t cost. Ihv.as c ut tW .pricsen tank beaters. boys wagons &a a mig Mssates and lanteras. Ho B. E EGER LI¶L Bargains Bargains for Everybody for dSe remainder of this week we wifl self everything at cost. Rernerbeo'this sale is limitedl to three dags.onlu. Tk advantacp of this great opportun9ty. bALL ON' US I Iigley &,Carfield Dept. Store Stovesoe. We have a Few Stoves We will sel Low to Close SC.HAN CK.BRC *KEIEP WARM BU Bbu"lone or two@IofISe * WAflM COMmeRtS + Strangs Furniture Stoi .43aslk Ilml F (RAYSLAkË ,.DIEPARTMENT A. M. White seut Tiiuroday lait in F.J. DRUCE, Ediior - Phone Centrai îChicago. Trhing@ Seen and Hoard Pertainlng to(raytlake andf Roeîng House. aVîcnty i.. I * î.- a Mise Bertha Hook wams 5.ei ou our zUuzZzS~Z1 tr-eto re-er.t13. et 0 Il et àppijcaTtOs i su z On à:nd ::s: Mr. Wiikinep3n entertaineil bis brother -froiniCaiforniea in tIihast we.-k. Miss Mari& Wheeism @peut Sunduy jin Mr. Aléo (randy and Mi"s Susi.. Miss Katie Rom.ug spent- S.nday with Chicago Krecbmer ware marri.-d Wenedyrelative@ iu Vol.. Mrs. Sidney lCarfipid lam oule îruproved niorning at Libertyvill.-, St the Catholile. Fo Brown caled lon rymiake people, jutr sveri dys ieklea. ~ rsoa~by Fat-l'rSeaulnjon % ni- Tuesday. alter sebrotheraaI teknemi. rdIl liisé Ethel Kapple @peut Sunîday in man sud Mise Mary Sînilvan.wa bi..s- m.Federson, Mr. Kitchien sud [Dell Chicago. maid. The young , -u;îlî-viiitelakeiSnitii s pent Mnnday et Fox Lake. jMisa Jouie Thayer, of Li-rt-y ill, short wPt.ling tr ietr whjch tii-y wili C. A. iteswick of Liberty viii., was Marshail Atweli transacted businessin Lbertyvilis. Floyd Hlarvey, from D)akota ie spend. I Cicago liondsy. Mr. Young and fàniily have moved t-.o i~acule ut ieeka wjth relatives in The. mornug mail train duq her-sat ChicAgO for thé Wlut.-r Dr. Clark and tbis viî-inity. about 4 a. mi. vas derailedat-Kolze faiuily have ventail the Wanihbiiti ho,,...- Monday murning and did not arrive. t- ated 1)7 tiisiui1FOX LAKE. (irayolake until noon. Tuisod.laying t-e Loi Wicka Who is improviiig very l imon Glilger vas a Chicago v iitor mail carriers neerai boums. m uch la ezpoed home this week. recentl.. Mis. Wr. igley and Mma. Ueo. Strang u rg. IDuilard ln etertsiufing seviral i Obitsuar-y. vlait-ed in Waukegan lionday and Tues- relatives fr0. out of towu t-is week. 1 day. M1.EiaBri-,a akgn Henry ttuinfield. for nîauy years Ia uim mma arvy. o Wakega, l reident of Mouavilie died Jalà. 16 at t-h. Chas. liaeon, mayor of Round Lake, isiting relatf ber-tusm week. huome of hieo son A uguet. Mr. Quinfielid bas orgenised a nmaequartette at iù7e.sLksvblche consistaet îD. S. White, Ms@. Bartbet, of .tntiocii, was th, 1 vas hum July 21, 1823 lu Pmuusi. H. . .RIiiy, Ray Savery and binseif. gueet of ber aister. Mlrs. -A. 1mi-iaveio twa daughtero, Mme. Auguta They rendored soin. fine 'music Wedna.day -Sehmidt, of Kansas, and Mr@. Reka at the Woodnan banquet Toa andeaurims fmetnsMcQueenie. ot St. Louis, sud on.- son.a intlaio-Te" eeig iud lba et f etnsRis wile (lied four years ago. intlain 're~> vn ng. ow h.îdat tbeCongwrqatioiial churchthbe lfast This old gentieman, one a1 Charlie says t-ay viii travel and take in of tha week omnîencing Frlday ngtature's noblemen, vit- hbis estimable the. big towns aucb as Rolins, Bendee, continunng over Suniay. L. asbte a ihlue&ctdwu iigl * ilumevlisaud Round Lake. uSu o w vli lait By. Waltounin tii.service. oui eummuuity. l'h. funeral vas,. eld tiie newi, organired quartette. Se.. . wîîî commae--.- ut 7:30. ait the Lake Villa chureli Saturday andud * Wili tarby bas ret-rned froin Chicago We arinlurgppîf ol venie potal tii.hurlai vas in the. Angolatcemetsry.B *and accepted a position at t-be btelai from ie<g*0fd B. Gofr,.y vbo reports! M m...Mc(ueenie came f rom 8t Louis to bus driver. having a fine tiie 0v-r ii >011 old Eug- attend the fuinral. Mis. O. Waldman, of Chicago. visitEýd land. friendm bhe.Tuewday. lieW ' olfG4,Tl-va, la the gueKt, NIÔH lIto. J. M. Palmer .e çalled Io Cesva Of ber so isI rad ly iSunday eveniug on account of iceusa *monrts and,îîW.at-Mleur jm..t-.. l; . ciagv8rt Mr. an*lirs. John Wiekéo are si.-k ut tanaacted buiness ir,-.r.entiy. Mi) io- u snsi a ag l Lhi ul e @outil of towu.M.1.Octan os@W a lrei att-ended. We- underotaîîd t-at George Floyd Harvey ti-ho hb@a ci-t ti,.lait- OERJ.SOott aud lsîîlly are douaî i.. mov~e t- yeam iii Lincoln, Ni-bm., alled on frieu)d4 Waukgan ber-e t-lus week. Foyd id iookiug veli The Smart Let viii nne.-t- itil John The. mail train was tir,- hoare late and gays b, likea tii. West. Strahan, gaturday .- ing Januamy 26. 1Meuday Iluoruing due.-tt-ol break downy ErnettMeade- speit Saturday and MiPEioMno' îiiîgvt ena hcg ej Suuday at- Kenosha. Ms ft orei stn ihbr erCiao Lui Sa-uray ii- divig bs be unt, Mile M. Lewie B. Horton is on thbe ick liet thie veek. Shome f rouit(rayoaikeil the dark sud Lins Williamson eit--i-taiiied coinfiian y The. Modemn Woodmen iuitiated tiree.r ain George Sheidun fn he ii-mietortune tfrl linuoli and I iiiîkeeSuuday. candidates Saturdav nigbt sud ,thea to drive off the e nd ufthti.e maîll bridge Mrtha mble i ý,t- oneun y Royal Neighboms tvo Tueaday ight. P near Rtobert Ramvey'e pae-and upset. .tim Toodd, of Spring Grove. vsoasuic ie va. thrown lut-o t-be dit-ch aud got- a C. T. Northrop, ot Chi, irag, lint a tew, Antioeh Pnlier Monday.t c-.îid vater bath. lie drove bis teain days of lW4 wvsk wt li bhi. blîot-ber. BoatiSr.adMs smreaa home r.tîining Sunday inoning for bis@ 1Ber .lobnmon va.-a 11i iîg on fri-nde i ltteRon.t m idlia ahee basîîe lh iL foot ubiat-bm..hoursd tos.qaîo e.Alreti--ofieLr twr i cbop out ofthtei frowne ice aud lmud.Alag ireomnaeetwkc 1 Tiie Ariiour le. Co., dit Round Lk rebuildiug tIihe houae.dSt Leon Lake sund the Knii-kerboekem ](eoCce. -aSt GRA GE HU.L vbîci vas îiaitly deâtroyed iyft ire jTayluor'# Lake eornmenced a-oit ou t-b lce Wedneeday moruug. A large force Tiie Stormm Weat-,. r l'lui, niet Satur- Jffl. LabiOu ha.. t-sen u ounI tg. t-li ni aleeu will t...put-on by isili lraiîs aud day vit-hMr@, D,..Mr. ail]lire. t-hi-large liouse ile, naesoon as Cow iniitt-he cu h possibîl. John Thomniaandui , r rrrr d t-le tile. %litir.haii Frirew-b tgi-tn*EaLti-ii business. fortune t., lose tieni r..-1. lr,- Satu-i in Chie.î. Tuemda. day eveuing. H.W. Carter six-ut Suiiday in Ciago. lirs. Wr... Estey i- -. -K. Wtst '1.t- c-unih cure t-t-l ure younr W.- are pleamed t-'i,.-rrsr.W~iti. Hok Iod 2'., boic-rt î. ult-,-.Grayshiikv i-iou t-be gain. hharia'3 Roy Sutipaon oft %iil..-g,,n. vt- di i-n Tiiî.y.r i.... e-en i.ontitie.i t-o lois. thie i-mit-y t-is st-..rý b-d ,eîeml ,iv.. v itbs brd cod. (..... Ch.ase..aad f.:iil..re:ýi th-si. kI Jlohn iLenzen viite.! hie wite Friday liet. e - ____ andîl atur-iay ut- OItt-vaand t,. I h t,.in M ies .. l-z !ýtI . "p îreut- Mi,, -,tl ver> iiil, iipt-î,ivd. Warreufon. ~ I.uu..Grwoo, .o!f Watiki-gai. 511.-tiasi...Est-hem I, idiqite i -74utàda!iut- boirn.I Miss .Irene O'Brin n sunt- Sat-urlai 0Pý The-RriyalPi Nlaè suliav t hnte.Mizah amp o vrt ed Modér BertPloien ofWauegaiý iomthe W'odner.at t - ins mat s Tueda gui-st ftbis pareuteS uniday. jnigit. K.ep iunîî,iud t-be Firemens hall t-o lie Madden Sciiool sut t. Frdayev.-iilg Feiiuary N. ot-tg- i,-" Tbeei vii haGermain Luttin-rn amér.-.eMaid.e -,rV riday PeitiJn 5 blîl next- Sunday t '2o',-l.,-k iu t-he-XIai-int - village hlI.- Mr. andl Mmre. 1iarrîs v.hoiave bu-en This papi-r (barges for oh tuary n- .toppiug tf> r.,onne t-i.ean t-be 0. P. tîces, carda of tanksansd lodge rese- Barron îhot).,'ilI hiave tLii..eek for lUons;. Our space la reserved for Akneas. wter- t-bey ivili me.nd t-he neyae. wintgr. ___à___ Msmixîill Il. -. t--,-l aîî,i% deWei. ir.-in Audiit-agoiener dtly aited t-ie.-part- 0f (raiusiake =Bakr iîtaîlig otier St-t-le installat-ion o! Icamp W.suesday. ..u -cWuea Thes- srberbo p urttema!.n i at the. Woodmetî installation Tue..day -eeing aud ver. encored @0 tmauY imes eu that t1ey %were obliged to aing tbeir prepamed ni-lt ime with lotasof ext-as. Mr§. A. Smjtlîi.. si.-k vit- loug trouble. Heurv Kriîemark transacte.! business ai- Lihrtyville Wedesds.y. onu Tue«IlaN eteang, ,Jan. 22, oc-ur.! t-be installation o' ofliler in t-hi- Mizpah Campj, No. 2m6 of Royal Neighhoms andl ais. t-be installation of officers oft the M. W. . Camp, No. 1341, alter which follow (il a pr.îgraiu, banquet- and a royai goud i teu-for cveybody. About- 1360> WVoidmu. Royal Neighboms sud gui-el.. ver. preu>.-nit- Le it-nies thle installation and ejoy t-be evi-ing which w,...assturIed bly a de. 1,1weleouuen i ra. L.Breatrwiholwd UU te+ istallation ut offiiWi-s. Mm.. E. B. SIhirman act-eu as in.talîîng olhicer sud s@how.-.! îucb eNeutive atilit-y luthie position. The. foliowiîîg ot-iceir were inst-alled: lMar. Louisi-Thom mon,O0.; Mm. Helen Wheleok, V. t); lin. Julia At-wll, Chan.: Mrs. Vioa Kapple, R ; Mi.... -mamcl,î Whceler, Rec.; lira. Lonia Battesiall. Mai.; Mr@. Ameija Wrnkle, i. B.;Mrs. Martha lianicoîni, . .; Mr%. Mary Harvey. Manager. Foliowiug waset-he installation of otficers of t-he M. W. A. Tii. cermrony v-as opene.! by respoilse ut weicorne iy Rev. Walton. Wm. Fanmer. of Waukegau, tien took t-be chair and at-ed as lntaliingr officer. The. ciremony vas a ishart sud impres- sive n.e aud t-hofolowing officers vere imbital..!: Audrew Eflluger, Cauniior; Barry Rih ' dyler E. B.More RaukTe; A A.'A: McMlan,* Cleit, Wtiî. .FKa e sort; J. 8. Murrie, Manager: 'T Dr.J. -iPalmer' Me@"alExaminer: DW GWroyWatciinac; J. P. Shermnan, Butinai. After this ai 'int-etlug pîograoonigtug o! remid- ing, offim »abale sddres y 0«e. 'InWallon. 1<5er,6sU regoyd t-o the ditii* hallwbewaswt uàS»bque K re * amutil) 5~hi e4 t .%- .O Nesteuraut Meals and Lunche Served et alhhur FRESH OYSTERS CIGARS 'andjiCAN DI ES LAI \l'RY OFFICEI Phonle No. 19. MISS-EMMA GERLACHi. Prop. IMY NEW FAI.L AN4D WINTER SAMPLS ARE now on exhibite I WM. D II State 0-of lîinOhi Çou Jan a U B Il ln th'. Circuit Court et Laiw Ja ua ySalome Hoteit,vum r -AT- - John F'uchs, otberwise knowu f»Ï ,aliéd John Hecketaweiler, CaIlw A mânn Bros. H«11l coner,, Ela Johnsoi. JulaJoXd - ROUN~D LAKE and called George Hecketi«* Oscar Fuchs, otherwiae known aum i called Oscar HecketswlIhr, Mibe January 80th 1907 Fuchs, otherwiee known ne and eaUM Music by Chicago Orcetra Abert Hecketsweiler. Mary , uOW othervise ktiown as sud calied Xma Hores are fo etSmih'sLivry Hecketoweler. and Christia Ulu Home caed or t Smtb' Li.ry Geu. No. 3192. Baggage Checked fiee of charge Publie notice 19 hereby givea th Corne out and bave a good tiinl- by virtue of a damre of ade Tickets 75e tiopper Extra and eiitered ln the above mstU= cause ln aald Court, 1, the undevdgui FLOU O)MMiTTrEE Mastery ln Ciiancery of nid Coqý Dr. E. V. Harvey-Round Lake wfl on Tuesday tihe 2fth dV of 3à ary, A. D. 1907, et th fii iet Icf Wm Clevelad-Haiusville o'cboc In lutbe afternoon of MU il4a Jay Larkin-lugleside at the Haut Doop of tieCourt Un" John Dinei-Fremoflt lu the City of Waukegan, is .1J 1 HnryStafied-VloCounty of Lake anld BLte of itn* Benr Stdfied-Vlooeil at public auction to th io AIbeâ' Paddock-otitll and bot bdder for cauh the, tolk1.gl F~redConverse-Weat Freniont dencribed premIams to-wit: Dell Sînith-rRouud Lake The. Northi Mal! of the EHaut b« i the, actheaugt quarter ofseamti,,. t*4 tyfive <M5. lu TownabP ot4 bouse for the. past few daym with au (43) North,. of Range, Ten (10) attack 01 the iagripp. -orf tIeThird Prinoipa meWmate A petition in going ifr.ind t-o have the h'W haffti.otkN riik train louve a ball hour later thon ter of thii uOttIwet qouter t 0- 00w and lenve the- îity in the. summoer tI. Mriity (30), IntWflb*pf ime at two o'cloek instead of one-. jtire 43) North, of NaotoUî= John Hermnn and famuly have <db> Hale%0f O "ithud he, moved boack boe. He je working forjIweat corner cetamatim. thitpmo41 Bninptîî & ihults.IluTownshiip forty-tbrOs (43) of Range HieVen011) > Ssiet GAGES LAM Third Principl X MeWaa thenco HAi« fovty (4q) tiag.- î)e Aid oocigtv wiii aleet at Southi ten » m4 1) îiîe'w'M'Frank Nie3boa» Thum i forty (40) id;theïil diii tor.-non Jan. 31. Quiting to 'e1(10) rodIa ttî ii.plcec don.. iitoro.invited. 4lrs. Nicholît..,!ojhd t, Have you ever notic.dl that the LI.M uL = INDEPENDENT printa the news that Mutory làId M you want btter thon any of itz corn- petîtors. Power of the. Carteof. Thé cartoon te one of thb 10* A DRUNKAR'S WIFE, a drunkards tont educative agenciez a lut»-W mother or sister can cure iiusband. t>-<ay.-Maîbourue R.teiW et so, fier lrother without bis consent, I va he does flot waut to be cured with hie________ consent by administerlng Seberette.> FEED GRNOINO. #AU. aWiý the 20tb century remedy for the liquor W.udaît - and driig habits secretly. Tobacco- 8noms n atuemy, Quit, a guarauteed cure for cigarette,. Crîîshing and ernding lnhaù1 cigar and 1)11e ernokers, ciiswersanad Lob through tw le.ita. Agn "_ onuiffers, eau hbc ueed secretly and non- braud. middlIn ,cocu. cooL-wF secretly.' Ternis nioderate. Tiie Na- cake inpeai, S ngo e'a tional iuetltîîte of Science. 3143-3147 whest andchlekeq teed. etc., etc- Indiana av.. Chicago. 111. Jan-22-lni B . SaacLibortyvifle. I Look -them over JAMNS, TUE TAILOR in GR.AI -.Ihi.-inrî.lit-iio i>, a ft-ctit Main Wlli Leave *0 Buy $oon. t tu: ti~ ziis ::î.ti-i. f wlni.i Winki-gmni- stoîre - ir. Mm.Ahiz. Hein viii soon hiave oun I u biiiwi . li ars li-ase-i i- n.terni a fit-o v,4s' buyling trtIto titi-east. lof .ep %vai Witt)Ole pivli.-.v or. He ilte' hia 1imw hcîvfortnsetores, Ibn i-ver befori-. Moana Big8tep la Ad The establshment ot 0 store means One mûre siap yenir.. r-i-iial, i,lireneilse..at- instead o etoun aseLBfrut viiinov 'posed tartlng of a link BETYET Nlain andWiconsin st-rest- i Kerîn>- ýhavi- tu meet the cerbiued tiimands; the Waukegart f&M Md B E S hna sari Wvii establij h ioother, of Watrkegan udasKnh.alrom : n dte a thr9o Teioner i Coiamî-tor e tesh r -athe paytn age ay î.enoyie o i baeds tam astheol* DEST VIT CouEICure cures cough peuphlei*tire ine at lit t-be cit-y, h-iere for t-be privihi-ge oft trading vit-hi The.Mtory cfethur0 DEST VIT Cou *lts cures colda jrîgrut theI ntersectiont of thi- ivo the Heii..Ornat-olu Companry. Ituevu te aeed CU9 *EST YVET Saom- lia cures that main teriets. and a brli1liant 'futu iiqIlu Mr. Heim'aclosi- bîyiug and! the Helu and uaews IM tivdfsî 'business la propheifed for the. enter. ceuseqint-abilhtylt el ehi hau-bot- aihib u*up nfl l X MIR ~~i riaing Wankegau inen vho vîlI huitdgouda at rates shadlug t-Ie beat- pric«ta ia -1*Qu aMOUfsè F-the. store. oiterod elseviiere have made t-he fini ,Tb k gumh lità -,, Tii.store' viii open next Saturday. jand <hlm very -advantage vili bOem- la esçitlUbÇ%,, - -.Messrs. Hein and! Orniiefu taklug ItorlatIr inoemd by thbe tact ±bat théMu a nd "t V U l turn and turn about lu opératint li. tfaiw ut»w bosy larger quantttlIj ba. M inte..-e5 mail Bargains