211 N. E I lV ,~.V5W -"Wl sale lui sbntIt~ ~*0U a- I e-nemi T I *OAL POLICE 1.4m rip1m la $Wou ugasblîne Lod*:,iUbo Ceester or odocWthi Moa awbui grl Imm tnoWSut s& a Ridutt l Of tbe dgay « bubu5, 1001158 for a et- to »at«l. but b.as' eenaoi pa"y M be1ola lb. WauligU Puautabotais uosmIng ~10 me hsou1 VosboolDs11- ut 18? isl li oeimm leanau is te v iOs,Moraie."'1ire"Ite tas eqt ruasi Joum t-15 Tré vus me le MeorVm.- «u*tOt bogwdesi for feltees mmliia"8ber babma" the cblt &Mesb"al MOvel avalDo oms 1mev tI*»ýa ntesvois. trembles.Ri e tvu Nbu ime ou Oroms o< m dsmew- wbllsbaf. E 1@0t qive.danai la rags( ni *hitmabla. revafla pw t adllioskS.Te coutume VM6 Mm~ inilvWid out am" n bu" cemvu bouc, "la anl My bu us aai. "-Ml Ibave navertmtalI * Es etopp miMpoderelm. ra lime.1 fammbe b li'bautterai mlibat.' » n . meadwolnaexcpt-ai I may drul barl mm loet rImm u@s. vies ulabstuabeffl n Il.m* rev msor.,te au leogt. "laUlq»m, la ttB"? 'Yu? lm Igbol#eà t0moulthle ~bv iu UV"l la or mme Oehu. . lres aimgom 1lr"a fM xvsubu. Mot aomg tiat MY Savette dauit W ue dem&I.bss 4" br oregtéesmot-" fTer neyer tonat.- ho emil fa aea" M 8"u la bu moqta. I bave reltu aChi-cga.but 1 Ob* su te r la Toledo vlE carsfor le,If Itbeve." 0" HM meSsnse. OWby.s, 40e. dS ~oget irul M yoqa lMe ba vilabe .vas alai. TmIsoluat iebaraterVau"ai Mo bcé* -' PmegaIti quesbe.! Mlé » b ieul liaMnovi- ami t fl arpdnues cit an-ie. Met Os ie Memanebull pup liai vu vIiil Mg le ton. hpdsbasmmmen»," b. te Wbleî ama males me slel- - ou a Q~ abStsy mer.. sed Ufer ismirul. und iM éq#vulm ieVarIna trams, U the iff Mt t U7tbo oaeimm IbIs mhg foml itla mthe Oit isil for tice w UMs. ThI" dm b.ovlm put cstis traln for imca *mAl M mavertelisreluis aeau- hi ad a 3JO 'stit 3gUM «bal bs UMO"la sas»Vl mimUs. adU ~u a yeMrsilo,n f0 viSaiIlmo, uougb lyers ai »W o "» " c ea a vza lma tos. - l esSea Io vA U« Oe it Mdt Waibgaa l4ai w- a9 e BT. SOU ~JS ~ . Cuefre nhm~s .mt.ê4~wm e~sq~us~ewbsn psi'ehasem BS51 ta et evet. : i w----w------- --- --------w---- te Febpam iil have a large amount of merchandise to b. l« ' out at this WinterGarmente left to, mingle with our Spring Showings when the latter arjve .àt., ant to make it espeoiy attractive ont entie force of cru- To attain this end the coet price is utterly ignored, a.nd the way we push the We 9 eshave been kept buzy for the paut iv. tisys MA.KT*Ô ]URTHER these goods,.reduoing the price to a ridiculously low figure je a murvel to SYSU lii PRIO DUOTIONB iu the varions lin«, thât muet go *ring this sale most conservative buyers. Corneliere Saturday es early as you cau and Make 70ov no üthe tibargains ws have arraneti for Satnrday and the 'week following will sur- seleotion. The rnost appreciated values for those econiornlly inolined. Puesa mau any ws have ever off ereti bef eue. W. muet carry otit our polcy M t~ o have any plainly marked on .very garment in.,reti ink. x AlCuisi at 5fOc en the $ lie a*»nom ela eMW Ceet Osprtmeat ame 10usd lisméal vili aprvl.Our reputatiafifor lruatworthy dealilI.a ufIlcient suar- antisfeia a@my vmekaow.. The shaep raductionsasn 8manioned beiew macc thii delartmenl aepaeliiy lntea¶no. SI-moi CeaI. la Mixtures ami plain Color- 'È a regular prie 810.00 ...........................if *15.50 Coula, aIl satin Lined. Black and Mixtures- et... ........................................... 7.50 $»».00Coat%, incloding ip.d, Black. Tan and tMxture- .00 Blincer Sati n ed Velvet Collar and Cuffe. et ....10 0 010M 0Cravanette aioa- et . ........................5.00 *1.0Creventta anoau 5 et.....-.......................................... 75 020.00Cravenelte ftalnceats, theII ilgesgrade garment 0 ( of tbls knd Ihat thé mollet proinces..............10 0 SepaatkttOpotidy :rLadle andamMiuuas'Walklag amd ieou hIrte ln large usortment and contalnlng nobby style fuatures ln correct and exclusive desîgna ara lis e oftsred as folowa: On@ Lot of 150 Waliing Okirt- ln mixtures and plain colora, regular poico 13.60 a and 14.00, roducod ta ........................... m,$e95 Ail Wool Panama Sirts- lanlarger valety of alses, reiuced from $5.00 ta ............................... 2 .8 Our 17.50 amid "80 kirt- 50 roduced b .. ................ ..... Tha graataut values over offered ln Higli Grade Sklrta iii b. foumi ln thIs Lot. 's Cots 5o n he Our satire unime fCiOdrens Coa mut le dlap»ofadurlng tale ea Wmwliigo t muchiWteshan I l tef0manufacture ticeplth. Facy ac Cllts sepi.,.......................................... A&l Funs at 50c outhe$ To buy fasiicn*lo Fusa at reduced pricea la the height of good fortune at any 'Ïme, but ta buy them ut exactly on* haif prîce la te muitiply the sattlng -nalderablï.. Every Fur w offer was bougt by us 10 sali nt regular prlcea and Il wouid puy yau la buy now for' next »aaon atI home sale priccu. $1.00 Blackc Scarfs- SO et........................................SO 16.0quirrel Tilrb- at .. . .... . .......... i . . . . .. . . . . . .0 80M Fox Scarf-. 0 et . ................ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 *10.00 Squirrel Mu- 50 142.0 Fox Scarf a-.60 et . ............... . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . 020.00Fur Sets-gmtalvalues«.0 et.......................................... 0U *30.00 Fur Sets-great vluma150 ai.......................................1.0 Ail Chldrens Purs and Sts viii ha sacrlflsd. at thia sale nt your own price ae they Mueti go SUY SATURAYAV gel thoroughiy reilI- hie, altogether desîrmle Fur@, and save much on thoîr contl Ladies' aud Chilàe n's . Rfose 15 Cent values-sale prion. i ' et .... ................................................... 25 cent val uca-sale price, et. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . 15C Flannels 98c Qualty Night SaMep- 59 t.......... .................... ........ $1.60 Ouelity Nght Qun.- c et.... ......................... <J Ofc Tennis Fianinet 811..- .3 nt.. ................................. ..1........1 3 M0 Chilidren'a Heav7 Plannel Nght Gon- ......................... é................ .29c ScCbldren'a Flaqua OISrt- .23e .. .. . .. . ..1.. .. . .. . .. . .... Owc aad cti Lidies' Siits at 50c e,1~ The Manufacturer* actually paid mrefe l, Wf a " i maniilp tia th.ie frwhr A All .eos p t uth The ani1yo rapresantu$1400 on sb*m 1M puid. gamenla arte tretly new and f.m.i andthe styles viliiomiel yeu le.~ satapproval. P.i> Suite, ln mixtures only- $12.00 Suite, ln mixtures and plain color- $13.50 Suite, ln lIge variety of patters- 00.00 Suita, ln high grade material- $2500 Suite, Satin and Taffeta Lined- et ... ............................................... $3000 Suite, exact copy of higheat grade suta- Toeare such good bargaine ln tflsiadêparbmeft tiaI description are dîflicu it.. Came and ace the followlng. Ladies Taffeta 61k liirt- ln luil colors. worth 15.00 and $6.00. et ... ........ ....................... Ladies 511k Skirt- $ 1 j values fram$8.00 ta 110.00, t ........... Its andBaud I~ 75e Selia Black and Colored 51k- at .... ..................................................v WOC laits, ail Coloranm 40le- a t . . . . . . . ..................................... $1.00 ilandbaga, good qualit lSial Lete- at ...*«............................................... 02.00Fin. Lealiar caga- at...............................................i Our offuringu ln Qqise departmnt strsngtheOned an hhaV ar f rai arrivai. or aw and upto.dale garrents, mlii, baya" quOi mel with your approval. Ine Mulin Nigt OCown- ¶ weU vorti $1.50, at ............................... Moulin Oraweru Trlmmad with Lace and Embroidry- Worth 60eaid 75P-ait .................................... V MualilaSkis-la, lrimed mi Lace ami Embroider- aima vti tuclai flouiteea, vel vorth i.0- bIs usie price, . ................................. J Fine MulinSklrto4Lace., Embroidsry T.lmmed- Worth 03.00, t................................. - -------------------- ------------