LAKE C' OINTY INDEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN _ VOL XV. NO. 18. LIBEWRYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, }'RII)AY, FEBRUKRZY 1 0- Pages $1-50O PER YEAR IN ADVANU'E. VOL VIA e e jîîdfo beor ANTICS of "Debt Is a de rmnt to the kIngdorn 61( US DOWN -of CGod," Le said. "There will be no THiE "1 A ND OLJT grattera or ShIloh iffases ln Zian.U AND OUT City;you cau bet on that." U P It was aaid t Zion Cty Saturday- Man Who Uaurped DOWI.'m that bath 'texananad Calitornia were Word Picture of 'One Tbroue 10 1>ciert Zion- ln mind as probable locations for the Wonderfui Meetînic Wil ound Anotlser new community. Thse tact that John nt Omgen Lai G. Speicher won sent ta the Pacifie PUBLICLY STATES coat some Urne ago ta represent the FI NALLY NATIVBS fiE WILL LEAVE 'Jolva forces there ]ends orne color CAST TH ta the Californie. rumor. The social- Mion City la to be deserted by WiI-'lat doctrine han been preached at tFrom Frlday's Da bur Glenn Voliva and ail those over ZMon for some Urne. DTRA O whom he boldo swai John Alexander Dowie was taken . Teflolgacu A nw Zon ltyla10 e fundd.te the tabernacle Sunday, wbere he- . Holy Jumpers's' net A- nw Zon Cty m t be ounedaddreased the few wbo stili dling ta GageS Lake la tbe resul probably op tbe Paciie caaât, andi Dr.; hlm au their leader. He asked for n ouai lvit of a SUN Dowle and hiei creditorg wll be leit ta '$200 wlth wblch ta buy1 a uew carpet tive to the littie count IlgIsI outtbe question of supremacy for bis llbrary, and It *as raiaed, but bouse ln wich the mei bore. because of the fact that the Illrary lsa ln irogreas. Rumors of such lmpending action la the banda ot the recelver lit la not The story la authentie have clrculated lu Zion .City ever mince consldered likely Le will Lbe permitted particular aud le witbcu tatsme. when., fvesper J ohn .Io ( t»pend thse donation as Le wishes. sggerat ion whatever. Spelcber vas ai-nt toi fs ArîgI-ls tr assume charge et the varlous colas- les on the Pacifie -c-atiI. Il vas sajid Sîr-icher was is select the- site tor the ni-w coloiiy. This vas r-pi'atedly deuleul until Sunda>' whern the n- mar vas eanfliuîed îy %'nliva imai-l ai the meeting hi-Id lai Zirîn temrpjle, Slxteeuth aireet andriNileigari aveirne, Chicago. Wilbin a fi-w- w-i-ikv s'riva w-lit go ou a trit, of Inpectiror, visititrg ail tLe cirurchitirrriîandrl î-sr it ofi rr' vbîch jecuignize ini as lt-nirr Thins wil Inchude a tripr înrrthe-Pacifie- coat frouî Se-attle-, Vrai-h.tir Los An- giles. A barittilof t h, iiltllfin li iun fero ir r îtîr hor s in r ir-chriil Iv atuCî libere rif ZioriTn -rî lSixteî--îî I LAIR-COUNTY BOY WRITES FROM NAVY J. L Harris an Torpedo Boat Stock- ton Writes Letter toithe INDEPEN- OENT-Thiuks Horne Beter Place Than Navy for Baya. 'l in lxiii: rstrtis11e w-i-I ru rn1 i i-eilptt ofians it t.r frrrnrrJ. 1I. ilarri", a fonrier N'Vaui-ý,iirris l ie t, iîîs i,% '-ru - uni na i i ' av n i Ic. Illrrin t' il ran sri. ni, tilirriri r hue. li tra. nîrl ml,nnr ii.-n i i nt e nrfrt i- t îrs I t un,lI ut le>hinI I . tlit- ur un-r nîrat'ui l É o t1 t ja .X i r- -lui Iruti. 11 %-t t.r , Iltle a rifflir- stri-et and Michuigan uat-e-ueut. wsl tr uî'nrn-.i n uvinie-lr- n n- Voil ra t-vplatri-d liis tlaira or tire rutl iiila- rnd liii- tv-i hmia foulidiug ruf a Sr- ir i -ui-n t of atîsolte îîirsl i, i lie -i il iii rioi urliu i M.1 communiîliu, slh hi- declarî-d was ilarria je r-ru rrîg h I It-urrtedi.ilrenretq te rîne fronthe- sabei of ZMonu èity. iuinln'lur ibut abrîut 490 .% rds r-- Conrrry ro lis thr'-s i nttr-d i ntr' ie-hgr.-st ltnr-- the same rrom thrne vit-kaagît, O- Ic- tiarrir tinîkm tnifba t xLaké erseer 'saiva siiiki-d tLeguns Lt- Lad i-inut lty'ire's laiu-sitisiiid n itiho m irîe hucruîdit'g-î iv Lis hit tu ente'r the VMtjed lorthîe expasure cf Free Ma- n'.vy &Wsud .wii ,aou heiglu tewbhlsi sonryomand sîtled dovu be an onid- thtinur iire is lic fuu tir esla-tutiae fashloîred hicl mýn' r tire irtiten o! atetrt. eocalisni in religion ang poitica. PRIZE CONTESJr ha Christian Socialist, 15 A SUCCESS "IlI t-l cui." lue sintîîted. 'abutnra clase tof people, sire, Irile tiêre ake no rofirression otf religionî, cone cdoser Boys sud Girls Show intsu d are ta a tirung undî-rsiauding orîtheL- Wril ing Sorne Good Slories of kingom f Gd ton ay ohermen How They Have Earned Money. and wvir-ruoui narbb. fil tire social- lais. h1aia ' a ? tarr sutiatlit aud Tire-Irrrifý> r onteitst îraitre( lY 1 cofes 1 soul notfee i tintef a liais-r 15 rt irug r-uisiuteruî 1h - ieracoîfsa Ifuint1 uutfretut>silt' t ire4nt uiuig he îboy s unitgirls ru loi s entof Godi t Issur. gtobr n -ad i pai-r. W'. inaue aIready i-- "Tir soiatnt a aektug tt Lnugir-ii-il nu urmiitr oetitritasonnie ui about a c-auge lu the exîsîln rder wuit-tuarei'this set-k prblislie-rion page 4 eftilgs. arrd i saîrl l cl yrnîntha uuntir ,- uni,unenîetnt ohfltne ontest. su>' manî vbo doeau't kîrow thta0- i'i'c-hrrrs in thi-publicern-iumnuhsare calisam pciicaly vtwiieli iLis air iing unirîI)ul)ils tri write toneps ceuntry aurd estahhlab a ni-w- rder ofutandlialuy tartr sud mutinereaar thinga vitim teur years Lad beter go inti-r-,steil. Tire nmore ktiers ve receive and faate a liasc iat nîrnang bis tel- tne bitter %viiilbe Le contaIt. Tire- rill loy men.'r." fo uir prizes. A Iitile curiei-au vin n Reterrluig io lire evangelisti, Oui-r- niltir-se -Anl1-idsîr-trcîieliv neer Voliva îîaed the terme tricksters, vorîb tire troubilte. P'arents are urugiiltri aduiye tIr hur.% s bypiioista. leiglit-ut band îertorm- andrigirls tii write. Rendahsre-funly tire ers and uni-miriais. unîlnuinent onu tLe entîrnîi sgaxrot Tire>' are nota ttiir tîan a nbeap Ibisa papi-i grsttiug trlckster, or stelght-of-haud Ierformer-hi- declared. "The vhole COARSUR DANCES tin are lire fruits ulnr-infns anrd TO PLEASE DONVIE h>,pnotiam. ___ "As 1I ld Reuben A. Torrey lu Man Who Long Oefied Apoatie he Melbourne, Ausîrala. severai years Now Hie Demi Frieud-Aged Man ago, I repeat nov that hi- is a trick- Enlertains Weakeued Elijah. ater. While bewvsa there he vas ___ -credited yuLh the conversion ot 10,000 Aged Cark Caarser, once a deflaut suis, sud 1 vas tohd attervard b>' af the uli- of John Alexander D)owié' minîstera thst tire tavu vas vorsi- ai! vhen the tounder o! Zion vas lu the vben Le hi-t thsn befon-, sud Ibat Le LeigLi et is power, Is nov tLe chie! would neyer hi- pérm Itted l o hd su- entertainer of the dethroned sud other union revival service lu tIsat bedrîddeu leader. tovu. n Coarser. vile1 88 years aid, visita 9cm.- "Penches" t Zion. ! Dovie i-ver>' day sud chats vîtir hlm 'Noyndays preaciters vili r-Bort ta trforne trne. But bis ciet mode cf air> means ta gel membens utae the amusiug tIse nid man ls hy dancing. charch. Tbst's vbere Devis veul on Coarser la an adepi ai dancing sud thse tachs. We've gel nome 'penches' ts as ligLi ou bis leet as a young girl, out tisera lunZmon City. Tbey no more Se tLe leader of the religions seet bçlaug toitIse kiugdom o! Gad ibsu s thal formeriy churched Ziautes tor' catâsab totire minerai klugdomi. t dancing la enlertaînel b>' the very bsve't snahyzed tirem yet, Lut vhun I-saure Le so condemni-d. 1 do 1 shah vwear Ihem ou my stick-. Once Dowile' Enemy. pin. Those droues conld ni-ver si-e '. WLeu Dovie irai carne ta Zbon Lie anytblng but Dovle's pramises ta psy Lau fi-Il ou Ceanser, vhalilvas jual tbern 12 per cent. Mont snybody over the sonth bouudary of the cil> could bell-va In ElijaL for 12 per aillv ho lBau Invi-lerate amolsen. cent." .. - You vîlI bave ta stop smoking,' Aller a leugtby effort ta briug commandd Devie, chreer ta îLhe Chicago Moinste ont of 'Wel' t vas Lere a long time hi-fors tis e lliure I uthUe Zon City' pnoji-ct, you, aud I'm gelug to keep ouý amok- pisaabon of s Zion sitiI-meut, tounl ing," replied Coarsen, sud Le dild. Overmer Voliva lssrnched lteau ex Nov bela fongiven b>' bis farmer edon the princîples cf absolute comn. euemy sud Io the chie! source cf MIunism aud the kingdom cf Gali, pheaiure ta thre torsaken sud batrayed Mie dld n.0 amy vhere Il vas ta, be old man vba lives lu the mIdat of eatablahed, but annouced thai lit vhat vms once bis empire. )LY »ERS" se of Their Ka Hi-Id HEU OUT )TE.' unt otftIti leetings at M t a 5lier- representa- ntry achoot iectlngs are c i'n everly iut auy ex. Thr is pr- 1linaccoraueceair h i t s iraral htI ires garber-irîg Irriiry, tr riigirt si-rt a reporteir tri on(- ot the urertlig,5 rufthe - -hlty J nb tira.- hr-I at (Iagt-a 's Cnii-ra achrîrl tbouse, vher i re-ligitonila taîrglit <rnrthe ittiilii r audfit ll' tliui r-i -i r,(t lia tlîî whl vitoîîîuitr i alI- ioutt-ai-h aiglit ndl is <atisi îîKurîri) id iI fu l'lie tatua ruf tht-t-i-r liiilni, vît ili arn- thetatutk tuftht- ieilîr orhiid.we,î' fiîurud li hi r r> litte tii-iulaw ir Thei- iîi'lials vax eltri*i t, and doî i siii lei tri t ndlrnuis st un t thtei Tht-s sirg andraver.u-i The> lburit i- aboiut the- rooni h i- au mati% airinat ed i irîer bliIs, ra tlie>-cry t hein halle- lujaira. Onie iing enthusfisatwvire1 si-ara tbh- usrie ofA. F. Narkstail aarusnrnrr-ces thtat bl-eiras tîcenrLoni six i nears, crit-iltnt at the topliof bis oci, - Jî ais icomlurg Lack t, 1 arn giig ta ihave a good tie Litore Li- Cornes.' Religion Exhilerating One. T'le religîrin ofthe- itoly Junrîers' la first of al gyuîîastisn l itaech- ings.' Membi-rs jirnifabiout, relit- ing tireaves of their penujifi-el I«% ifs ngly imdlu buchez. The alght is grotesque. They ctap bauds and havI. Tire- i no other word tirai cari prorely exptress theti-tbugbt. Then lbey siug tram their bymii Itoobtu. The- lookl-t Is caled -Thet Joy-tlia et of'Crnaan; Buriig HusIh Sîrirrs.* Iiarri d la ramplant. Noise i-r thex hiar-ir t dcviii- of Ibeir sinus, 'ihi-y starrîli and sway>'arrdl liet the% jirurîr ouie mrie. New Convert Learniug. Sfdi->' 'at Worid, tht- cc coîr- r irt. la fast lrarulig. Se far lie is b[tt laîrI>' gotd at îhe *jtiiiiuig business, burt as a "snndder" i- Is a veritalîle îînach. %'liheuri- gels a hntircb that there la souietiig doiug. Le sldes &cross the floor. us lu rings abott the stove, aud iIdly waves is arma. lie was asked if hie filt happty, sud stated that bie vas sud laed cause ta le. Ni-ver etore lu my lite havi- i Lad such reason ta le happyt>, vi-ry happy" i- auswer-d. "But ibis jump- Ing?' i- vas questioued. "daes that niakse you feel etter?' -I dont dro It' lie sald reverenîl>-, Gd mnies nie do t,' fA right country lad was aski-u about Vau't Wooli. He smlled kuow- ingîy aud tapped 'ais torehead. "Wt expeet It of hlm. hlie sald, sud thexi exîîressed the eue word, 'dippy'" l arn goiug ouita preacb the gos- pel,' the couvert snuouuced, as i rubbed a weeka astrbble on bis chin. He-le d evîdentl>' neiglected bis ahav- lng as s r-suIt of bis close attention te LIs uew lite. t None of Them Are Fat. The "Hol>' Jumpers" are thin ai ltesb. Those wbo vltnessed their -marvelous tests at the litIle scol fbouse lu the country,lilgbted wvtt bts 1dim kerasene lampa, do not vonder ai tbeir llmness. They sang and dauced suad perapired. Then tbey sccused tas 2devil of unsuspected uaughtlnessaun f tolli of bis preseuce there at the littîs crosaroada achool. "The devil la bere ,"leue crled. "vse kuov bhe's- bere, ve 'seen' hlm. He's corne to 'glt' biselttile 2 cents vortb t I *fsin.", r, Non-Grammatîcal Eloquence. A member of the baud glorlfied b> tLe occasion cried ont, "He don't vaut yau ta die. He dont vaut yen ta die sud everybody bave a funeral. I vas lu the java of death once aud vas - aleared' to die. V've bad 'pneurnony suad ail them things,' sud knav bits lt ta ta loak death ln the face,' SîmilesLudicrous. "The thinga of ibis ve1d's lîke the êchasin' after asosap buhhle. It's aIl -empty sud Sornetblng's gaita 'buat.' It'a aIl vaniy Sud vexailanof spirit," crled ans exultautly, "Put saîiud ofaf solemulity upon us bere touight," ai li Le ounned about and vined thie sweat [u front a highin at iscr lh fiet.A sirectatar d aff-abeaL DATES. FO R fa dcor, but d lvhat itTI-IE FA5 ba te wailing of a f11ievisionof T E F I lovelness, a member i t hi' hrly oncs. 1ARE SE Y Get t. £njoy ILt. S T i oucan enjay It f11i- aller you get it.' ramne a abrlek. 0tr- dut raot kuow At 31i etiuàg RaId Lat Satur. sîrether il was the religion referred t0 da, thse Fire Veek inb ur the muscular effeci, it îîroduced.& "You are lisble ta iiy up-up," September Selected I cried ane. '0o-o-e, and l'ni golngP ta sorne day too." came the walîful LB88 IMPROVEMItNT answer front another. THIS YEAR TRAN LAST Agilty Counts.-- Agllty Sit ail stages seemeli to The Lake County Agricultural As-p le the tbing efflglt for. Only wben saciatton bas made public tbe days Il îractically exbausted dld tbey relax will. olaIlis far tis comlng sesn- f and then for but the Uime belag. September :1, 4, 5, 6. A meeting of tireI This la laine touighr." said a dis- board was held lu Libertyvîlle on gusted viator, **Y0O olht ta have Saturday and the above dates were been bere luat niglrt.'* Doctors Ae Knocked. agreed upon as a matter of course as *The people of this country ai-e those were the dates glven tire Liber- dn1îed fuîll of morphint-or some other tyville fair In the circuit of whlch itz oîtate," camne the cry. -They are la a meuiber. workiung In harnony v th the. devil. Some plans are made ta Imprave The devil hypnotises xou and sentde the grouinda titis year, tbough notblng yoîr ta a doctor." s0 extensive aisfsat year's improve-, tolÀjs of persons >r,î l.îîow persou- mente lae îlanned. This cominga ail> hae ded ith ii -Lace or pring nomieroîîsshade tri-es will 1)(1 liî-ayen' vre vandrîxî(l here tbey set euit'at thé west end of the grouinds 1 bonught wc chose aur ii ds. Tht- sur, la ninet. i ,,ansd a hall whIle tire cattle ahi-ils will LectC', triiiou miles away i iioubidlaut larged.î a t liîusaud worlds liL.. il, a lu it and fasetyear the $i-d$ tllt e Lu011,( noi, ] *th îe thîns' i " , anal ber îthe cattle were tud ta Lce petirelI startlîîg truth burIn! î:11 uniispecllig Inadequale snd Ihus tht- deicsion fli hi-ada Anid'l tupla- . bur- are lots the step whicb was piainly realized oft fellows bere whoir, ift!ared torlrat lime. gî, ii ed hinina .! ix'ma> no The Association iseriot ready ai Ihib wake -up.' ini omk eadsaee. Hand Methodîsîs a Lemnon. oflme 1plake aor etaoie i îtr.Bt tuni four years i -.i, xiîd a man. ,t t un o h olgfi.Bt li a Laby.- cried \1iV, i ud, 1~- the suredly JI: m'lllb, a big one- sud a i-w uîenrber. lCes A guilun te audiei i lowed signse (it get ing the spell. A lr id i-iutcbed IfARMER ARRESTED ber by the armn and r rsywaiîed. Dont, doult! Ndt i:. it-r tIre lire-1 IO 4 SERIOUS CHARGE . dance"I Then îbey gotafPa 'i lie MethadisîsMo t lu~~~~~~~ fle tye."Teî- ia atrc Barrinigton Girl Charges In in stle '*he,ý ii't tue Man with Illegal Co-habitatien Netirodist 'here, ane lii lites up to 1 wih her Daugher-He Goes ta Jail.a lus doctrine. Tbe . -at-ers e'.eni doî't. Tue lireacher. il, ai" tell stark - starîic is or else r, ' ne Igrorant.1 .,pou rumplain IMs îî u id read >ou wbat Jet,, \'Wesley saysi derson, wiio charges that Le la living but~~~~ iInrotnî batluoen adultery with lber daughter, but forot y boý tMatilda Andersan, Carl Jobnsan, a It Was te L.aulAh. ! farmer living lu Barringtan, vas ta- Bth îe tunnînst îî.îag of the wboleî day brougbt before Justice Van Deu- mretinîg vas wlic, ue or the *J uIO)l, sein by Deputy Sheriff Jeîîks and Con- virs' cointied tIL uNork w i Ir aI 01: statbl- D. L. Pitnam. Moody. t1,Johnson waived examnîatian aud iegît ipand tîreacli lilse was Louud aver ta the granîd jury un- Moody;. ,e ý,ic. 110u> Iii0lii->derr $5o0 bonds. He laeiiow lutthe oui o utîhîv il-rî and yXÏi a gIr." nty ',jail. Hec made no staleuîreut ut -. 'n)iin ou , astvationi 'nu gîth i lîeariîg. sorîrettir îg h Iniw, arIiethirrg i ____________ xouuve iie'er ! v about,- ýsa Lis' ii-rylIoilliill ( ltoquaîisui. j N"a'M~ KER LEASES F R Then Le liai' ii da pictureýI ho aITE PTON P R fiirsaw- tIiii ,1l itien Lx a ratte- suake and i , minutes the- infant Millianiare Rents Estaie of Laie Jurist eutue aook, a.In ki ohepar-!u, with Privilege of Purchase ai End 3lîke a Trm t Unkindly Camparison. Disbeaciauiclikrîe laLata fir. Arthur Mleeker, of Lake Forest, His eares %,1e ik-eied o h lbas leaaed for a year with the privi- aI mud, lege of prrchase, the Judge Upton 'Sin bas a >1î. ger 'hoit 0,y fr f 2 crsoîe1ec a than you thinir it ~las," vas given of20aesothGenBy vaudience ta u ii--oInluits Ppe. Theni road, west of Lake Bluff!. 1the oraror voci-rauing, haIt îîulled offý 'Nvtihthe lease Le Lought att the b is coat, tircîu a chair acrosa bi$ stock, tools, niaciriner>', grain aund "shoulder, urade i raises at a vrsionaryequiprmeul. Tire deal mnuas prac- edeuil aîrd collai,- i. ticarl ' ythe sale of the farur ta which CIMalignant Caues. thîe late jirrist iii LIs alniy days îraed A ferulrrîrre ,,iirber ettliris point lui retire andpintcL hay wheu fatigîrefi e as rioreil tu u s. Sbe threw ber-'-lit the cures of the Lerreb. self atrossa ai up6n lber stomach - The- tptou titace dues rrot adjolu anrd sept untril 0-e bille, cold and' air, alLer Meeker property snd itlel fr08! ed, resoural- l witb bier waits. ýarirouîrccritirat NIr. Meeker will have c Other nreuîhuîi ýýf the gospel spread- 1îte lplace ruri as il lias trien, out con- iîg cr01,5 grrasliît lt Leir teeth and cour- temiplatiirg for the present any ex- verts were eI for. There werti tetîsîve Improvenieut. John Griffith none forthcouîii_.wsteaetwocnurfaelth tirotber Bag1ei an ex-cotton i plker. veas ieaerlb.cîsn'ae L said that loial, th îe ork would Ledec ,fcontiuued aet Lil,,itYvilie when tbe r meetinrgs at Gag,> Iýake vere brougbt, GRAYSLAKE MIAS to a close, BIG FlRE SCARE tFrom M-iiday's Sun.) Rotten apples and efta marked theLe exit of the Mci>' Jamper'. from thre lit. tle country sccot houas ai Gage% Lake ait ulght. Wsgs of the corners Lave hieun gnovlng boistenoosinlutIse meetings and fusIl>' tLe girl pIaulaI quit bie- cause cf their 1ranka "if ve eaun nt have music how can we.get l an ad juiUp about?" thret Jumpens ashed sud lise>'gtew dis-'1 sathsfled.1 No music, no jnuinhhg vas the edict af the discilesiofnitise moat pecuian si-ct Lake county hba eveî' kuevu, The couvents grew "toughb" aI tLe Idea that tbelr g> ations sud clrcum- ambulatious vere ta be unaccomps- u led ou the planrii "Wi- quît," îLes dechared, Iu tIse meeting lasi e lght vaga put peppen an the stive liLsth place of gl metngsd stated lu ta mn draps tram--- - - -- - thaIngs. To tilstIs e Jumpers eOb- Spasme Coma Undieguiaed. etd "O'o<a'a-o',"Camea*vWal vhicb (Cotlnued aon ~s8) Lasi Thurada>' Nighl Barn at Rear of Bixher Market Burns Threateuing hany Buildings for 1h. Time. Grayslake faced vlpbng ont ln fine lait nIgLI vbea a barn bhi-onging ta J. E. Bier vas si-t flammE b>' tramps ,and Lurned 10, the ground. The barn la back cf the Bixher meat markel sud according ta the wiurdwvss bu a poi- herses, a buggy and a wagon, No oee ad been lu tbe barn alune 5 lu the evenlng and the owuers are p)ositive that ne llghts ver- hi-fl irurîriug sa the oniy possible cause for the conflagration la tbe tramp tbeory. Buildings Were Saved. The gond work of the lire depart- nment saved tbe Boehm business block aud ail et the buildings lu thse vicin- Iiy of thre lire and the effeci of their prompt aud decîsîve action vas ta, save the tovu fram Imminent sand deadly xperdl. The barn bass vîli ameunt te $300, parly covered by Inrîraîrce, Jas Sherman, eue o! thefireuîeu, feul from a ladder sud strained, the ligamnts of bis leg. He wtîl recever. PAR11AM ILEES, VET ONCE AGAIN Mion Apostle-Tse Leader cf the Cift cf Tongues Movement Quis City aud is Now in Canada. Charles P. Parbani. hea ofethîe aîîîîtîîllc falîh ioîvenrer, bas for the st-ionîr ti iîr sillec- lits courig 1 Ziori t lî - lied frin lits figlowr-rs. The- svu-niîî fliglit lirok pltace a week- agri andl larhiani v1riîw triCanrada, luitr ti rt-ii ru -it la averr-il Lxthe ilp- ofniloii Cit> - whîî say tir t Par- liaur ti-il îcrae ni>su-rIons ment, 'aid tri le ileî.-îivea. scie r-ad> te aire, aiIru ni uln itiliSqull y nysîcri- oua chrarge. ,Tire Ziori Potli-e kniw nrolhiug of tbis. Tbe Parliarin inetirigg are stili goitig on ii inivat e boirais. A liebrew h-ails tire sertttti-eut. - STAVED Up LATE. Satîrîday tht- Gurîee Wroiteu bad a grand Ilnslatlîîî of offii-rsandurien- tertalumeut tirai lasled rîrtîl 1 trntonk Srnday ruorniug. Abrout 15oî ai lended sud the i-vent w-a-,the laat i-ver hi-Id ln tLe village. The îurograui o! the entertabument Included a short sketch that George Pattersen,, vbo attended, says la lIre Lest Le ev-r saw. ELECTION BRINGS FIGMI AT fOX LAKE Two Tickets appear in FieId aud Interesl is Araused-ncorparation Enables Licensiug cf Drihciug Places. Tuidru>- Tinuraskq t stahie dîs>'Foxj L.ake i-he-la oa nird ofiltristee slndi'tieei-' egattly a village,. At tihe'timîe o! guiiig tri lrenst sui îrlper la îînrubilett oltaja tire rsUit4.ofitire e-tiiiî,Ta-o tic:kets are in teIrdl'an sd turnusiimn to ire f-inihraii eeliîng on i-si-baide tirmuglu tire-iarise for content us net Bo î'iear. Tirîn îmarks thre evuihutiari ofhent sranimrr nînrt into uai nurorpîoratîuuî. Nos- tIer ansd driuukiîg lai-es et tire vieitnity uvilire nîgularh>' licetnned hirt-sd tif ruunig onr tire lnui systniî asin lutIhe liamt, 11 fuct, 'it uvaur trireguinste bhe drink triafiir-mid ni iainlu'tne saloonsn li ue tiieused dt tire iierorrjiation vas bnriniglit abount., i--jin-oixn raîioili ss fnugit ty tire Law anditrdi )îenleagne lu hoiiiu-stînai tir-r-sirnîs toulil Le i-teed entire-ix i tirei-n- unîot uma-cune iienset. THE TICKETS Forr Village Ctrk-Pred W. crh. Fini Village trust'".T~ Johtturitley, Foxi'Lakre, 111. Fraunk Siarviiî, Fox Lake, 111. Josephrb laupti, Fox Lake, 111, Johun Cireil, Fox Lake-, 111. lIent Stanley, Fox Lake, Ili. Tronas Ctollins, Foi Lake, Ili., For Village Cer-Barry Dunuil. For Village troastes- Johnu G. Brown, Fox Lahi-u111. Conversea Marble, Fox Lake, III Otto Muebreke, Fex Lake, 111. Colon H. Otrauder, Fox Lake, 111. Edv. B. &eaU, Fox Lake, 111. Os fo. Msypole, Fox Lake, 111. Dipiherla lunZMon Thene le ans case of diphtherls ln tran tram wuîh ciî aauxfla *paksC Zion City. A Chicago fsmhîy nernoyod mlght have Iigutiid building alter ihene ta escape vaccination sud got building suri vipeli out the village. The tiresea-ima ta Laye atarted lun dipbiberia smoug Ils members. The1 tLé second star>' a! tLeLarnu, vhene quananîlue ln lu offet sud no spnoad4 ha>' was turel li s loft and la beiiev- rît the plague la looki-d for.1 ed ta bave bei-n staried b>'nomne van- dering bobo viro vas sleeping tirr- FUNERAL OF SETTLER. The flamnes bioke ouI ai mîduigbi aud Mouds>', ai Fremont, vas held the si-eelirai si-eub>' Statian Agi-ni Wag- fiîîeral of Mrs. Conrad Dr>'er, the laie ni-r. who gave tLe statut. vldov of Conrad Dryer. Intorment 1 Fine Department Flghta. vas lun Premon ci-melon>',- Mn,, Dry-1 The Grayalaki- lire deparimenî putl ir died lu Michigani last flday. visera up s galîsut strugghe ta save the ahi- Lad hi-en vsilting for saut s tovu, ysar. Surrauudhug propent>' vas drnched - sud saved and al of tirs stock sud BDo onsglng ta Michigan sire llvedal mont of tLe eqnlpnt vas trncvod man>' years aiet emaut. beluz oe tram ihs burrutng barn ,iuclsrdug iwa af the sari>' seitlena. LOVIIESS MARRIAGE A fAILURE John Bazter tof Ilf Dey, Eun" Union of Thirty Yeurs q- Witbont Love WJFE OF'7'7 IÈAUTS FROUM URBAN5D 0F 186 John Baxter, of Haîf Day, 96 >eans old and one of Lake county's irioneers, la cf the opinion that marriage 18aa failure, uniesil la for lave. Tventy- elght years ago be marrled jean. uVirght. He bad neyer seean erunutti she came ta hlm tram aid Scotland. She vas ln thse strict seule of thse word a mailorder vIfe. Years hefore vîtIs a young vite. biie lirai sud oniy lave, John Baiter Came le AnMrlca tram Seotland.lHe vws six weelçs reacing-Lake county frwne-, bis native Llgbiaud.hblîls. Thi W& nearly slxty years aga, lu 1849. TIir. ly yeara later deatir lef t hlm losuely andl torsaken. He was a man ta vbom a famliy vas dear and ln bis bunll. ness.Le betbought hinseif of hie na- tive country. FrIends Are Kind. He wrote bacir ta bis friende bael 11ng hov cnîclY fate irj tnsated b1ig. I-is frieuda ansvered bie letîes, aug- ge4îirîg oni-, Jean Wright, as a llkely Irelpîrînet for blm. John Baxter vaso sad,' He vraie te Jean Wright, ten- log ber that bis bomie vas bers If sbe cared 1e necelu'e Il as sucir, AhI ber hile sire Lsd been a vorn Inurred te irardship sud toi]. Oh. a* aw-ered his letter aud pnomlsed te core te tLe ni-v country, AmerèLs.- Hi- sent Ler meney ta briug ber over, and a porund sterling for jiaclis uioney ou the vay. He met ber upon arrivaI sud nsa4r ber bis vite, This va's lu 1879 'ad - for ivenîy-eight yeans they bave luval tagelber, But thetr union vas .ne Oua et lave, Last Menday, lu thre SevmcU. seventir yesr cf ber lM., ase lae« aud hi- bu advertîsed tIsai le 'wUj Bat hi- accountable tor anY debta isbav May- coutract, Have Orifted Apart Childiessansd Iaveieetbe old couie. bas drifîed spartJaIsn Baxten la te- - day spry as a m-rn man>' yeaa' bit junior, At the ni-ar of LIs aId éirae'- att-ad at Hall3 Day la a pile cf vaod, tuily .tweuty corda, al of whblc ba s# cut sud sîlt h imai-lt. Hia beart ho lîr bisvonk, thougir bru b>' trouble. 'l eau lake tire hi-art oiii cf a tree as qulck as auy mani," ha ssld to a reporter,."Lut my font score yeegg sud six la begînnlng ta te11 upc. me," Can Recahh Sîrange Trhînga. John Baxter eau rernembar vIas there ver- but s 1ev dose. bôoses lu' tLe virole of Lake dOuai>',He ecau se. menu-n vben Iland vas 31.25 aur acte. Hi- came ber-shi-fore thern-wva srail va>' leading- buta Chicago tram %Uha euat sud noue golng cut from l t te tLe West. Hi- r5members vbeu Ibere vas but a spanse selilement or tva 1là Ue couuty. The many papulous villages of tLe rouai>' ioda>', alIve vitirtrad. Iug, ver- vastes, populated by neur save the' lnhahitaiute of tise pralirie. and tbe Wood, tLs vild ublugs, vb#» - hi- irai settled bers, Ftor slxty years John Baxter baa vstcbed the negeseraion ofol urlI. CLlldnen bave bei-n Lorn, have mm. rbed, raiseid chîldrnem, grovu nid g4 dled. But John Baller %M InW Forsaken sud aloueIar past the Aiata4aî years of mma, nw in hedlb. %i, cf bis pavera, Use Ivihilit et alteady àded Sud bis suis selho b>' s loue sud deetted *mod, 14% ing tise coahston perbapa the trne as Le vattor bie fla er te came. John Bazter bas spaut alxty pm neari>' in Amreia, sud for tbt&, BougLI Gîsrnea Ctamaq -, f, Lait Satunday et 1000 *oe*' Bennett, af Grand avenue, cf Frank T. Wovîei', eft ie Shoars Pure Food Ccapmay, th' use crsameny plant. The tion vas $1,80t). Mn. Bennett ivlfa a ocea eider sud teel miiitl the plant tIsaI le paru.o lug la located, m ii u et>', thse eider Si a insiclion. ti D b ti h e d