Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Feb 1907, p. 4

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*ýqMo" lire. 1 Mateir% Residenice Telephone N-. 141, LbertYvilie archân9e. »ab«atté iki PO&tolilce tberif ville. iii. *as Second Claffs Matter àAmen wBBicLY. £0VKa?15150 RoieSé MAU%1 tOWN OUN PPIiCATIIIN - SIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTIY ON ADVANCE fOI M. dUST ..........................._....................................... Ecitor LE STUER B. COLEF'...................................................... .... City Editor FRIDAY. FEBRUAR.N* . 1907. A HERO. _ 'Yýçqu ir as fournd a hero. An waukee. He Os ln doubit as to the "XVofttiéiDbt was nsertedl last week genu Ineneas of -the*ofr. althongli he Lt~it a leeiRton paper, asking for the soya about a year ago Oe dld ave a WWreu 5of Wrank 0. Carrow, who man and woman who were ont n a *VUI, theéIllesof a man soute years row boat. Il tbey wil) preseut hlm r u fitla said] there la $60.000 walt- with $60,000 for bis services, hewlll *tg fer hlm. Carrow, it seema, lo a receive the donation wlth thanka. but batter sud has been fourni n Mii- lie la a littie queer about belleving h. WHY 18 IT? Thé Postolle department clalm; to bence tbey must lho paylng to the rail. hé ÎkËng the railroada s&cents a roads somiewhat lesa titan hail a cent. forbanin ecod dis ailWhy shoulti thîs great goermet- ound gby whose grace the raliroade get their 4 wajmPePrs), yet express companles right ta emineut domalu aud their ex- *1111 do theésutne service for publlsh- ltence becomes poslle-pay the 4M for hail a cent a pound, for a dis- railroada ovef ton times as mucb ai lunfs of 250 miles and. that ta about the.prîvate publishlng corporations tbé average distance second dlais psy for ldentlcslly the anme service? 30a8l1 travels. And the exibrescom- Is' there a limit to the Insatiable iMalfs make a profit of hait a cent greed of the ralîroad lobby at Wash- or tbéy woîld not solicit. the business, ington? WILI. REMEDY NEy ALCOHOL LAW. The compîromise measure permit-. aisl. of North Dakota, wiih other ing the manufacture Of dunatured mremibers, have been active n'gettlug alcohol. which was ar4 . :: -1 1nbsýttute measure tbroughi. the ousecomitte, o"-was ad %ViénIhe original dentured alcobol thé ous comitue n -ayssudbill wass assed It iwas-f6und thiat il insane, carrnes the pîrovision Ihat the practlcally 4efeated the enda for law shal tnt bécjue effective until which It wss; franied,.namely. permit- Oéptember 1, 1908. This was done lu ting fûrnera and other small marn- Orler tau nabié the commissiojier otr actururs to engage lu the distillation Internai revenue to prépare regula- of the flid for the purpoae of nslng it tions for the manufacture of tOla de- for power. IYudér tbe new law, every anrédalcolol byfarmers and üther tarmeri n tecountry, If lhe 50 de- Burke, of South Dakmota, aud Mar- yard. SURE, LET THEM HAVE IT. There wlll ho lntroduced n the siste the vlews of the Chicago pollîlulans legilature lu the near t n. on this subJeet. the proposed consBti- tpréa rffotution seuking tu go asmend tutional amendment seea; tobu salis- the oStfltutlon that a separate prO- fsctory ta ail concerned. sud nuy rus- Mari lau maY ho enacted applicable to lution to that end will undoubledly Chîcago. This,'résolution It IOs al it eet wth the sanction of the dnwn- wll have the goneral support of the state votera. As naniatter of tact, It doWn.stOt members of bth bouses. nînsi bu recognlzed that the coudi- 7%9 sMPrM11 court bas heid that any fions pri-vailing lu Chicago are qute PglM&s7 law to lhé valld muet apply dlfferent front Ihose otalnlng Ou the to ail géctlons of the state allke. The country outslde and It la therefore but 40wu-étate Peuple Of ail Parties are reasouabie that different niethoda of génoafly tD favor Of a direct PluralitY nominations should bu udopted for, the PrmarY, but this plan la vlgOrouslY respýct ve sections of the tate. obect# .10 A by Chicago votera v-bu TOiie s not a donht but iliat fur ilsl that by brlnglng out a large the Cook county politicians Illinois égmber of candidats and thus dlvld- wouIdX today have the rlht klnd of a 1*g Ves. thé ring or machine lu con- prlmary law. and It would bc well tn tr hol Viiihé able ta practicsllW itate let Chicago lîavq one of lia own, and ,4 Ail nornaaton. Although there bas the reat of the tate surh a on1e as It i,- sé b a coasidérablé modification of waîîts. DANCING AND THE COURCH. -Whou Ih cornes in proqpey-oémnet- Massachusetts shau lus-. il.Hs efforts ed uancea, Ro. Wnderick Fdvards, lu thé dancing lOue are meeting witO rsoutr of St. James' church, Mibvan- snccess n Milvauke, even bettér hAebeleve Itmuc beterforthesucceas than tbéy dîdlO n siernsNov kée bélevs hrnnb huerforthéEngland. slthough hé la callO te bave YOoflkteta h "on thé Inaldé look- halO a large dancing clans lu thé tovul ,bgo,e -than on thé outéode lookIng ut Midén, Manss. lu,!Thé parson bai nt 'écu fit ta maté la other vonda. hé hlieves dancing trainsyaag people ta ho couteous. gr&*,"n, tioughttul of each othet'n esStitao,%uii happy, uhile those vha de doMo danme. hé bliévés, are syt- vanMOIl ilightéd. sud drfita oun- derale thinga hocanse théy cau as knov thé satisfaction of dancing. )50 hé is glvlsg thé tilppîng schot- tblehé ual théellghi varsouvenne thé NU lsrnuommtof thé church. Mr. BOyardssys hé dîscovered ail Ibis ulul la bis irai parlsh lu a Co iendamital question, sprinI styles, somwethif yoil, sosnethouog Decided cut in 1 to 12% Trunks. You km compaiasons béiveen church dacing amnd athén attinéctOons. so-called, lu thé cburcb, vhich hé mighi mate vîtbi gond efféct. As thé Washington Tinies snggéas, quadrilles Ou thé lec- ture rooni coullO handly tail tc, raut blghen than church faits and haxaana vhere prisés are votéd ta thé "Mont jiopular,'" for thé latter bavée neyer fallelO, as fan as u ovn, ta remiulni miors than béant aches and bard feel- inga amour thé church toiks thés a liftilme of dancés could bring about. lk over dSe suit M g end summer iq to interests different. boys clothes UpC grs, overcoats includedM iSuit Cases, Telescope U) p0w the Place. am.i PHURST'Si set w[llpaie the h bous 1e atthiséesélion1D5 il leé raies tw $1n sause-ara are said tu ho excellent.' Thé measure wvhghn they are 75. tbe sumiOl hé Sd* useiit througb thé sénate wth a céleri- vanced te $20. ty wlîich Iîîdicates thot sentiment Ou Thlua bai no reterencu to wîîunda ré- iflat body7 was stroiigly n favor of h. ceived lu action or oîlîer dsabîlties 2aid the divisOi otofcoîtgress vOilcItncurred white tînderthie rolors. Ili i-ones tîctore thie propie for élection Os frankly and aVowedbl a tîmnuion for! euury two years ls duscîlieil as not service only-and It woald scem tIi Ihlclta refuseClilsslent ta a mleas- embody thé final word n thils respect, lire whîlhîwlll doubtless have the Sp- go0fta' ss gênerailegislation lasC-liî provai of thousanda of oid soldiers. cérned. ThéeIni-caesed exieniditiri Thé way for Ol, flu tact, was paved by vitb respect ta Miextcai uar vétéranîs, Président Roosevelt wben ie sued la of course a neglgibIe quanitity. his famous "Order No. 78," wbich What It-vIl émoulut to ltn the case of mfade evéry 'rteran wîo badl réécbed union ëoldiera ts n îpart a mattér of a certain age iîenionable on iccount guésswork. Comnîissoinér of Pensions of presumed disabllity, soya the Wavuér estimates that fer the présent Rockford Star. WVhut thé éxsting bOIl Ot vili mdan an lncreased annual dis- dues la to carry tOis pritulIple a littilé bursément of about. tiS,000,OOO. ThÉs furtber by lncreaslng thé paymenti tu implies that approxlmstely $llOO ait bouorabiy discharged vétérans wbo 000 vil hé pallO out on account of sérvéd ln ethér the Mexican var or pensions n thé nuit fiscal year. thé civil war, and who having now Républica may sométimes lie unt- reached the agé of 62, are lnt reelpt of gràtçful, bq~the Uinited ?tateq h1'M et a pension of légsathan 112 per nîônlh, auredi, flot ahowvmI ngratituide 10 thé This fibre Os fixed as thé minimum men wbo enllatéd ta upbold lis na-I standard for penalonéra of this oge. tional lntegrlty. of Our nayb ana girls can write -éd 10 aur Youthfsl Reasclrs: e mest *>.. Cjash rîzs1 OUR OFPBR. ,1 WVe will publiéli the Iprizý-witnng storPesuad reserve îlip îiglm ta plih sncb îîtbers as we nîay wislî. Ail inuait bu plainly sigulet givilig thle îîdilr'au. uftbe writî-r. Prizes. Firai Prize. ................... $83 0 Second Priz-..................... 2 50 Third ?rizs .......................................... 1,00 Fourth Prise..........................................0 WHEN CONTEST WILL CLOSE. This content viOl close Baturday nlghi Feb. 9. Storés recelved alter that time wll fot figure lu thé content. Get your etorles On early, the sariier thé botter. We are tÈia week puhllablng sanie of thé @tories but wll not announce the deciélon QI thé jndes unît) oiir !M49 of(il Pi 5. 140W JUDGES WILL DÉCIDE. Thée.lndges viOllexamine thé original lbiters uritten by t'h ohildren taking lis> o soidération: neatnéesm, cléarneés of thought, orgiaSlity of idçaé3 ÇOUMm:îd of languagé aud thé géhieral appearanee of théeszry. The ose- that l6 tbought to bu the béat from ail stéudpoluta wlll recelvé thé prié. Théjudges viii ho pérmltted to take the age of the vrlter inta con- sidération If they se fit. Highland park Lettèr thé Park calied an Judge Hibliard How 1 Hava Earnsd Money. durnug thé day or two fllovlng hie lu 1904 I cause ta Libertyville Dat By LEWIS &. HUSSARtD. Local Editor. aunouancement as candidate for mayor qité tainé yéars o ad ]bavé dune adi 1 l th coumn o th SU th oterkinda aJjoba as a bo f ny &"gecando. __________________________ Onthecohmusaf té SN té oherThéfV job I etrnà was dlilvér tebe- John Rohéertâa, a vésithy packer, dé>-. But two waîn callulO at bis phané aitîsasagés.loui lve cent.a for memer f te frm f Rbers &home ho osec Mrs. Ulbbard Oit ber (»Tatry anse n I svan't ai isehool. membér ofshéwfin otRoheris &AndO On 1905 1i gai ajob blned oui to Oake, residing st 5530 Eait EndO av-. so oîaecc froni ber sévère Frank Bérringnon on thé nuIti routel énue, vas marrled lu New Yark Bat-,;hospital experience aîîd a bot of men 90t $1.00 a weet, 1 didni sut y véry 1 dîlO BlîClk to Judge about it, as hé ogwtîbmfr a abr ot urday événing ta Mrs. Mary Shannon longs- tiss V ai au job wiî lt. ard r Allen, divoreed 1teo Smel net theni on thé streets. Onu man Suélivees1 50apjoré es-éryug.Hual. Alle, aforeroard of trade oper.- living avay on tOie oiîtskirts pobnéd 501 cents a veet. Kepi ilîsi up une Alle. afre lmtaîîî1)tacongrai.îîate and pîédge bis 7éSt and during vac-atian i hleé Mr. aThear.. erci bspprPope1egl ( Ken 'oilèy hale itibége aud thOn ouit a-té. Th mrrag rujlsseusatlonal, pîr epeI--u e îwHe- 11111(l uie .10 ientésaus îor. AndO liin charges which Mr. Allen ma.du- againt! they are nat odigVel ta ilcetloiiun-,I£ct hlues ns gui 20nd2cetapc. bis w i te ast O ct ber l ut t le circuit' itI candidate. I lrig g L utté î-îîtuty df ir O ew îir e d ftor Jiidge ibr -e-vMîaîiua lr . John Ct'r-u. waitî?d un tablî-s goi court, iîamlîîg Mr. Roberts as -the eHbar evv cl oa as ,lents a iîîurar a u îîîè lneaat isa main who ad broken up bis hontîelit-r fran bis olul t'aiîatiaiî tîoyhood îig psy. Anîd ion iun itliiariing Ouiullîwhlcb saliti tliatiîlii -i lerniom liu la bfort1i4)go ta ,-dbî,i1I Wuuuliît nà-a and tullng af mèny escapadesaWOn tlut. 1 goi fetérîuill. for ialli-si-ms whiehbbis vite and thé paukér figured. etr r hee 5 ilwonnayi îîîîruin Aafltig bu iiaiul thé man- Love lttersaoaise vêe lutroduced ai- 1,wieo h I iwl ( bv.tile 1 briîîg Ubsé Ilut-tlé-y îilt. B-1 ui Thatt i;a ainîst i-tilai itioîîur îot i -il uik la ébteri legéd by Mr. Allen ta bave beén writ- n s-ériey eni-but m teépé aiii taiisn uitlitmî ten by lîls vite taMr. Roberts. lut î-làîî ut iik îo aiilpni AlenDvoed ai urige. Supielvlsor Robertson,. w hlitlus ite,, AuIl-il attii. liMEu:uc. Lus-rt' se. Mr.Oan dlAr.Ale eevorced LaISmmr s dos-i at the nuîl liatlîs lii Midlavla, latsmr. and Mis. rAllenmtedvredo,îîd., and Oie finaeliilfrot heni for. How O Have Earned Money. charges against bis vite until lhé vas ibs1 mwhtcrnci eiis i am ui! twelee yu>are miii] sud the irut 1 i ui.&.Ls -in.fl W_,. i--r .ondge Gibbons ta shaw vhy lie hèd bina hub not sent théir son, Angus P. Allen, 12 cames on. yeérs oId, ta achool, as had héén or- deréd hy thé court, Iu anavering thé Buy a fsrm n f contempi chargés, Mn. Alleun leda WiOO mate Y( bl attacking bis farmer vOté. H: tract. Priceai said hé halO képi itilI heforé lu order ions ticé ta savé thé chîllO. vantes]. For Thé chargea Included affidavita & Souibvesi C, polis, inu. aide by Henry Stovér. a détertive. _ Staver toid of foiiovOng Mes. Allen and Mn. Roberts tb varions placés, namîng thé Auditorium Amies, thé tlisnîarlcHotel. and thé résidence of Mes. U. P. Davison, lu Highland Park, a Blster of Mrs. Allen. Hé teld of ééelng Mes. Allen aud Mn. Rohorts strolIîig along a bluff overbooklng thé laké. thé packer vitb bis armaround Mns. Aléen'a vaOst. Dî. Watson,, the deuilat.baas solfi bis new home dovnU LOdeu avenue, Dean the "Pockei." ta a Mn. Taylor, and nov thé gond dactor la Iooklug about. for a place to put bis vite sud baby fer thé balance of the vitur, Sani eoleaiiéhère scem ta think the Park Os qulte an up-to-daté tovmî, uow that fron i sxty lu séventy-five colés ot thé DAILY S17N are clrcîlstud buere, suîd more ta foîov. The Highland Park Club lotit ve exetéd IlseIftoluthé exteu t fgivlng a tulitary card party, with the club ronnms decorated wîth gage, streamers, etc. Thé clOi Is so bîgh taued that ht restniéts lis reftesbmniuts ta aId goverumeut Java and Cake. this yot, knov ls a prohibition tovui, But thé matron of the club bosysspr on French rails and no thé ladies ré sponsibli- for the iefresbnîentsth otîjur evenlîîg smuîggled lni a few of' those rçlls. The Innovation dld not' cauîse aîîy nîîrur. The- Osote Cluîb held a meeting thu - other aftlriîuaîi, viien birs. FraiîcWs D. Evtc-t, the tornier Oiad of one. pulblc seiool. read a liaisr euttledl "Feieratlon, What h Bringa ta the, liîdivlduît." A liveiy discussion fol- iowed andu theti of cotir-e cnre tué; snd cake. 'lie \*Wiaiaîs Cîtîhi muets this weekl, Tuesday afic-rîîooiî, lo the llbrary nilîuhlîg for n pépét- and discussion, on soime ivc plrictîcai tople. , wéth teaé sud cake of course, bita of musie sud lierbalîs a recitilious or tua. It iigltlie aslgOt éxéggersti<în. ta say tOut 100 prominent ctlîxens of,ý lbL any rheurnatism On the SpIwing ciEmpalgu fémous Texas Pauihandls. vou rich. We own barge sud terjus right. Excur- xnouthly. Gouod Wents rpértîcularsi write, Tuxau aolonficatlon Go., Minnea- 1"4 FARM MACHINI3RV of ail Klnds REPAI RED wlth Thoroughness ANI) Dispatch eut iron thé sèma. thau.11h, thérts brokren vere of steel. This Os a néw pte prcan d mgtus hé een te hé apprélate. Wegnathé ork doue hy this 1,oentegv éiaîto WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Opposite St. Paul Fraiglit Dépot Cigars and Tobacco Laundry 0Q office LEW -LAGG 1Tonsorial Parlor OrdérsTaken for Magaznes and P.rlodicai. Razons Putiln Order Quarantésd brîîthér Janîie vas Ottle. 1haisé e tm hic buggy and keOi lainau quiet lii l.- tite put hbina ta cii-mp. 'ron uufflta duoénré int rkanmiuiid the hanse foran samnîlîs. asdd iei.-Nviiihd pay me fut it. whiét1 i ent tia)chtioi uandugoI report. cardé niamimuisad thaitour everjy**>' -E, gai sie woiîld gise mrie tils-etu,-itoasd foît usery anc huîîndri-d O gutiteh.-gavi teni cents. Laitt ear i raWi-s] es-mt carnl anîid l if tu, peupleexoruiidt ui-i. Tiîcu, sl4éi the cornu vasail gunu- i eut thoatalkta duivu and éoiuiai ta the ra-e tract uicn wvo f ees] liiriém i-thlit. Withî M>'pan>' rig I tuat men arîîîînî tavu and O vouid remt lini out soute-- tinies. h sarnés] mîite a littie niciîluy thut véy. h did nut ites te ho@ m-rn when the baye vere pièying bail. fut 1 lave ta Play bail. lit -eu nthé aniti sasbhot sing batnk andosée ho w mncb t vouid havé b lihrsinm. This 1 dÀl and I él-isusas-éd ai] thé Change h1 ceived ai home. Whon I upIened nibatik net Christmas h found ibat 1 liadtjusi itites dollars. This taugtifimne tihé t ilénut whaî wu earn but vOal vs eave thét count lu titeé. Thé fo1lowiýig Julie a geee litie baiby girl aelletu, ibis )l5 't he and 1 %Peti théien s bre vékts ar vaation Witte ber. - 1 toot thé baby ont On thé tuoritîug and vh-n thé béby lnt 1 beOpe-d tbe lady s-itt, lier vart and weist ou érrandm. I bail a very pOaaant visit 11,~ ~ vlsen fi ti fur home Iahé gave nme MlreILtîlar. luthis %van théeceuond àiu m lréi b e uites Nartif thOp débab intéhis rie tO ieîttet it i-uînluî the bird tnie i NEi.,it.bliiN.uiH-liiemviiie, Ag-15 yu-ane. Hose I Hava Earned Monéy. Abotitué firat tulineyé',Iîvîr t-rnes] usas runuing érrauda. Onîe dmîy a ladly vanted nue te i-aine tend belebler hitigirl cpuItii-r i-s-han. Si, O vêtît ands] vrkéci lite a litl leadeer ail tlsY, thinkuupg i vuuld gui ai létai lsv.-uls is-e m-eta for îîy wurk, wlhiî si-as vorth tilfiyc-u-itm 1Ibtolîght. Wiu-mi1Igat tliîrougi b vas very tir-. Thé lady nus-ut îwt-d uie hîavuuch Mllue oi. iue-, Itit huai ibrap1wa-u (fin uile tut uîîy liandt. lO'ilelitsi-hy inîtni miisc-k I tleChired 1O vulîl uîéen gui iibellelji i oliem uegain. i thlioîgIl n lular i- etOum-i i-cuts tbaîî u>' ytalésuer fiîd gisun lu Ilue- lui' Iiiiouglit 1hliitd mOcèI> iurnes]il. TIiipét seumîtiier atiither uni- ofi<iiir uiiigihiii c tis'ii seif i s uîuipi, k iIerre-s Iaornlit ii m-uncëis n ai. i ore fo.mtt - la,-a %firdays andluiiedtcu ovii un doll bar. Shîril>' aite-r a lady van m-id nil' tusgo 6uni tiiu etlarin andl leip také i-lre tof thle 1-lildreîi. gèthér uggs andi a fév tiliiiga lité tient. 1 woîrtéti for a s]-iliîr îa wtk. i1liave. aime woitél usmi-r plle--efoir theilleiu and èls-èyé apeul iesmoi'nuniy te) a guoui adanaiî.. iiîsBIUN ET-n.. tige 13î yiata, .tntiocfi. 1i1i I vui vat îb esengtiieèn huté How I Havé Earnéd Money. corn. Ilé- andmu> nmn iii At thé fait iaxt yésr h gai a prerninn eut wsaeOin havéniadéltuém uet bvfo for iding My pauy. r aabtbv md h otb lu vacation sud on SaturdayctvawuOd a bing pultry. i havé en haduilkens uf Iat noe ydriving teboread oatMy ouvuron set tour yuare. Wheii was ag néfor pyp , u orsuèimN 1 g raisiug fîaniiry f hall only atés- valgun PéP can sd osanitutothe i flniauihRocks andOBisctWyau- roacdetr u>' si-ilack trbresthé dattes Obut tht-y bayes] gond 1 gui my races ttmnvn >0 hirhne'fi-éd tramm ny féthet- for iating care ut boosth, bimne ycénigof i shui kenw 1 dOdu i lite the Plymoauth wi aend ainganeybuai g he f ilOs,- Rocks anti Wyandottes au ibm- néit year viaadREaID patOz is inthéviter 1. i1tiaugmî t ire ettinga ai BrovwnLit RxmnMi-Axa, ibétyviOé, - os ugm. 1Ohls]bad luet wltbî tOue sud ou>' néised tvaoens andOtva How 1 Havé Earned Mon.y. masoters. 1 rsiiéd about twienty-tive Wbén h van a litle girl about -aven atlier eblukunsibat year but muid muet years ollO vé hadlan oOl horé vho we ofthemi. Thén h gaisnime Spangles] calleil Topoyeyllhé as a ver>' kind uld llambung cthictuos froin a neigbbor. borne. Wé képi a boander and hlm and My faiben talit me a nev hénhoube for papa used to vont Ou tovn. 1 toot thon. Tbé>rlayeds] mwvél thét fthé thiulte vork la thé morsing and wémiîuni spring 1sn oFnéeport for tva alter thén iét nlght wiLshToay. AndO ai tings ai Bamburg eggm and tva théy gava me a ball a dollar a vSea h oLégarn egma. Thé>' hatced Ive and se On that wyv a>'Ieésd àadollar a wéék. nv h1havé about tvéntg Legoorsa and EDITvU P. ERnAîto, WéUkegan. lftee Hanîburg pulit. sud they are illeayéra. 1 halO six tnnkeys ai my ovn bat yi-ak. I bavéenmade <bite a bot How O Have Earned Monéy. af mauey b>' eelllng aquahé. h have about osée budréd pigeons sud thejr I arn thiniéen yenra nid and bas-e am a goal méany squabs for vhieu1b earned moséy la a genêt many vayu. get a good pîîice. <iosi<no RAT. Oné day 1 vas up to my grandmothér'c imn Àk,11 and shé gavé me threé littié ducke. IL1e u tooktilheulhomle sud ralsed ihen. Thée docks 1 képi and Iroiniennée I gaz o1- IHave Earnsd Money. a isv setibng of Sggs. 1 ga$ ixtenn The ihird aifJoly Ih lilpés] ni>' ptioîi little docks vhieb ahîblivéd. AndOwhen 1thme illlOadlhé sid ifIv,,tîd vont flu came sollO theni for vbich 1lgotteund bo hi vuuis] ioi me go ta teun itbî dollars. i then vent ouit of theédumctbeluntheé éttrnoon sud bynoseélire- businessud gai semés chîctens thonn cractrs ton thé F. nrth iof Jul>' chictens bave layed vélO fan thé'fimie of Sag thon 1 vént iith papa and hé gai-e year. Since I got ihéni 1 vould nat lte inue a bail a dollar ta bîîy fire-crécténi§ to part vitO theni. b bavé hadl tbem itb. tva moillte. 1 have gai river thirt>'- Vienu sie mule iInulé Geurge and lhé tivé dosen eggà fron theini n tva gave mn u 1arter. AndlO1ibought in>' nionîh».- For theséegga 1 gai aven ten lire ctéukérs sih thé moue>'papa gare ciplara. TOrse la>'s lant ennimer I1, nué sud 1 sèvéd mn u arter. hs&psd my nelgbbor mmv hîéy. Heé gave 1 HAcRIniT M. Eta sii. Waîuke-gsiî. me thon dollara for ituredèys vont.1 once my futher gave me a shéepherd dog,i whieh I nbo eaitévard ne.maifor! Hove OHave Earnéd Money. lve dollar@. Oue day a uighbar gave'- Tu-n- uni- man>' différent vas éin ue a pair of rabbits. Thèse I képi sud 1s-hicb ta cuirsniaonoi. btntthé uvit soon badl souins yonng rabOuita ibère vere js nmnetly. n six ai theni that liveil and for thé tbreé1'One lé'as O 1uvam!ng-iin pair 1 guet seventy.hlve cemnt@., OncSlI asi Rijésliy former hume. 1 csu- a ,'ant a pair af pigeons that étayed in aur l h il iteWYOf Oýa oars but h did flot maileenunclu ou tiieé W thé lidO ague v ef.Ré vaios 1 d<»B. ltOnat get mure than tvo pteng cabbge. ie as ver>' curioîîs doOléra tan orthé yaung pigeona. Tiseaid intut@ousevh suldé a daifug. O weutg pain bfi me in the vintur timé sud dbid terthé OuMuns sudas1 ci l gui not carne back agéiti. EsaL KAXNE, aven ie ler und-léa r ai buibu l)laiiout î;ti. Said that hé vas gaing and] that I couis] ga ivîti hOen. 'de vent aven sud I How IHsvsEarns Mony. 1 véideec.thé boys vho vérs vorting How Hae EanedMon ibitere quiti- a uhilé sud tluoughit t ni>'- As n cOuld 1 vue alsvéycinstructed seif, -l1 eau do thut.« ..- neyer Ici tatée pay for dtîung wail fas-orli .1 asktes]t boy ta lut me try ta uîroji for thé neigthbera. ptanta. Hé gave mi- tuée cabbugé plants .A uitie aven tva yeaîs agao1bt-camé sd»d ruppeil et feis-and did it set>' veOl. fcluainted with a lad y for wboha1iI ivnt bhuus and iliaugmît about it a oflen vent on errands. S hé teit burt lie- lamug urne. lcondèy uîornîng théeuDean causé i vauld not tètle pay. 80a@he pÏo- tamés for mue ta plant for bieni. 1 uuctly p=uedthat 1 corne ever>' day, allerniagres] to go no i vent. ThéeOsi night Icholand go ta thé grocen>' sud méat îb1vus véry tii-éd hécause i vas oni>' 10 market fuit ber and slls ivould gis-e mesa vears aid. 1 arn nov 131 yeara nid, Thé dîmne ai thé end of thé weék. SOie aiBo @@ecoud day vas lite thé tirai, 1 vorted advlsed me te put ni>'moue>' intoa éfourn dua and une ihall and recéives] bu ,iht Coflees etLt Choicu Santos ..................051 Fancy Santois............ c Fi.. 0W Maracalbo ............900 Mégleasi Java..................20e Bston' Mocha and, Java-------...21le Liberty Oombination, par peund- ...09 Tuis C'halce -. ô. japàn. verth 50C..%? Fancy S. D. siapan, 610e grd SS0 Osylon and India, asope"laat-8..0a BetEnglieh Breakfast.......... SOs YugMson or Gwîp.wder.50eO Formose Oolgîgf of rare qeailty . . .00 W. nés and ifihTv ronrnrnnd thia s N. Y. FULL CRAM CHEESE .tUe Fancy California, prunes, per lb ..Ic Glalon eau Table S'rup--------.... a Quart can Table Syrup. ......... Ià 2-lb. eaut N.0. 1oléase.......... a05 fléédeO Raiinq, rundpKg .......... M Thankmglvlng c ane utrants. pkg.IltI Postum Corai, large pkg......... aie prape Nnts. 2 pkgs ...... ........ f Péttljohn'a Breafaat FoodO. pérphg. il Raaton Breakfast Foond per pkg - ... 1:9 BAKERS OMHOCOLATE, cake. 8 7o BAKER'$ COCOA 1-2 lb. con. 22e Fancl'Hoad Rice 8 Ibo.. .....8 Nw 'avy Beauà poplb-----------.. gbeiedPop Corn pet lb..e SBuit Rolied Oais 7 Ioé---------..28e GranulatedYélaw Cons uI per b . îl Arm &ilammer goda, 10e pkg .....f Sardines n oit pér i-au------------.5«.a Imported Sardine li-r <an .. .l111c 1 li eauSalmn ........ ........ 1e Plut BottIs Catéup per rtan ..:..Izc Moaérh Condenseed hila -r i-an,. 10e yachti-club AMnôni Sout) petrai.-..9 2 lb eau Party June Peuxn.... ...... f2< 2lbc-angweet Catit-------------..bto 3 lb mau Batd Beétiîa........ 00 800b can Puninkino ............ 8 ib eau Egg Pne,-....... ...109 8 ilb eau Extra Toaitue .... 03..<l Package Finé Table Sait ........... St 10 Bars Lenox Soap ........ ..... 33c 10 Cri-arn Lèmîdr Soabte. .. 40c 10 hiépié Cityffoni,----------..40C 6! bars Wob Suap--------------.. af 10 bière Aîîîieî-AuFamilyS-ltiap ...45C tient Lump Starnbî (in but), pet Ilb .. oc< Poaund package Glos-i Starch.......s Perfeciogi leper cau---------...... 9 Extra atnîng .tmu)iaipesr t,îttle. .toc Perfeuctiiîn bluing ier Iîîîtlle.... 10é 3 Ibn Wîuuhiîg soda ............... C &-lîureu-, fs-r mate ......... ....f Sapoli i b-r ie ... ....... . 7c ltimilîg Sun Stove bîiab ........... Sc Asestos Mata, 1-m-11î.................UJ 5 iliuîo Cî ('ltiesil'iris.... . ......n Sun Lamp Chimneys, each....5C E. E. ELLSWORTHI Libertqville, IM. ;>ay $:.75 snd nîv board. And ihat vas the v.ay i -arid îy tiret dollar. O camé borne liud]showe-îl uy surit IlyIlyionsJ. S-e lid nIle toaT it and bue a new suit i liai-- éariàid îan uiniéy différ. éuq wnys émfee thoen but thsat vas thé B'iIin . MîE'îgsî. att. 13years, Lihertyville. How O Havé Earned Monoy. 1 ans a ittie girl cOur un *-ara lad î O live viear thé ity limita o A' aukegan, i. Ouring îuîy Vcation btaet summer I earned mîîuey taking i-are of my annt's baIi.v. for îhibsOe paid nie ten conts a day iuakîng 15 séviuty centi a week. 1 atayéd ise weeks getting threé and one hail dollars. Later in the lail b Liluked threé uni) une thaif bunheia of hickory nuts aud muid tvo bushéela for 610 centsn apiécé. O thon trasled one hall bushél tu a 'lion lace man for thréée yards of lace andl oné doiiy. ris- other buabel e ollO te my innibér for thirty-dve Cent. On nIsy wéy te go skating feast §Satsr- day 1. met îwa Indien looklngforthéir drivlg hore.1ItollO them Wuherslm thé ~ ~ P hoslaiggé.and one of thé ladies gave nie ton cents. If "h dosm Dot WinDaéprise I hopI ii] aslin print. Miy Damne 1 in oE ltOaa, Wankegaa, InI. How I Havé Earned Morley. Whoun1 insaa12 ypars aid lskéd my father if 1 couid plant a leétpolletons n that I coul malle semns monoy. Hé @&Id hé guens] 1 Iconld. go whén it vas tirné te plant thérnibolet me plant aibout %of an acre and ho plante] nbut*a acre. la a short time tbey carné Dp. Then hé sent mhe ont te cultivats bis potastoés but of couîrse 1 always eniti véted miné tirât and bond thonm tous andl in that way théy did well. When it was tilDe teuîig thomsmM father thoîîgbît hé didn't have enougtî for théeviser su ho bauglit my potâa- tees for 5.00. But when vie Ong tissus there wer.- about a Oiaif of theni rotten. Then i belped e-ut thosé that içeré good yet Thé next yeur 1 renti-d un écru of landO of hOtu and îiièutedl i-run ou hand il liappened teOie about thé beat spot on te ii- e-andi 1 gui 24 loxPa from ieb. i Kold tiit» film for $20 and lW hlms have the maoka foi- rent. SaOIn thése différent waYs i bav-e îiéde "%Y uioui'y. i hiave- abouit 40 pigin uiw and Ieeli a feu' silqualisevery week at i25e a pair. Sa iin tiis way 1 niake a litie monésy. Il 1 doit géi rieli pri'ttv sooin 1 wilO have ta seil sny fatiier sonilli-ire rotten patatoes. BENJAMIN IlirlTENTHALER Prairie Vlew. Ili l.F. D 1. No.P2. When communicating wlth thé INDEPEND-ENT et al timan BE VERY CAREFUL ta, asa that your NAME AND ADDRESS appears piainly upon thé com. munication. A number of timés recentiy requésta for changé Of address and even REMiT- TANCES have corné to this office unsigned. AOways givé former addreaa when asklng ta havé your addrs - - - - - - - - iL9UIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN --- ---- 1 1 IV

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