Mdw arci 16. Dr. L. B. Rughos 1h. vced u4l. f traaact. bun l ithe city lbthe ttoth ek Word resche ne that Mie Lors put,ai0Daixlagion, vlited at Harrison le gainiug îteadily t ai -utgbandmahher, M". W. E. .aitede Chicago bospital. oiyad Suady The towu caucuB wlll ho held lu tbe --ou ai, epeuding vllaug"e engine houe. Saturda> aiternoon th oafred 'Ir 21 5 p. n.'foiteprae0 ai îbolyill va aplaemng in nomination the folowing Suft Saturday. . f§ Cer lini ea Ciii lbasreturued te Rng- 1Aseeemoi aveek's vislttthe home of i coîi.vtor ir..L. Cii. i Juticf e0ouce te.m 2 years ta fil! Vas daCamp Ne. 643, M. . vucancy. ai etertalumeiit lu their i Hîgiwuy Conmieooteim 3 years eveiug, Mardi 16. I Dietc No. 1. M0ad 20 conte. J. . ailiaàimiproved the intoror Darnes. of Atiocli, called on ü hils barber @bop-by the addition ai a bars Bnday. Pituer liihtug syten. Batmean. af Waukegan. vas lie Wlît le yaur anever ta thile? Twa a8 ie Grume Mullen Sunday. trains etail tovard oaci otber on eullt wai a Round Lake visiter porallel trucks, tra velIng fran Chicago and Now York reepectively. the lainer bu" E. Jeuks reeuned work at ut the rate of 40 mile. per beui and the ,Waùeg" onda moring.later ai 60. Wbîch will ho neaier ta M LBflcoda>Roeernîug. onChicago vbeu 11w> neet. a.d uredsbaiRee festei, ealed ouTeolocal friendeaof Mire. Dell Trunhuil de heelse Friay 111vi! hogrleved ta earumof ber dealli ut ber home lu CheaoMouduy. Th. ' ifrilefd@ of Mie. M. S. Hil!uerai vas lield ua ukegun Wedues- Atpbglatao kioaw iaI ler condition dey. 1 1 kpraved over last veel. ù Diod, aI ler home lb.. nmile uartb- SWIII.Paois va. nuortunute enougi -veofaiWaucouda, Wedneeday morulng, lob. klcked by a cow let veo und liarebl 3,Mlre. Q.oigeBauer. Oiituary austained a irolen arn u8 reoult. The wîll folav next veel. mpe eýJ!pîagreeeiug iceIy. WIllWlitcomb, of Chcago, epoJt ~ ~-,ifff à1d daugiter Sunda'ýy ut thie home ai bis parente, lMr. Grame, wf4Ilu6vilter@ Monday. and lire. 0. E. Whiteonb of Ibis place. _____________- I MUn. J. L. GieQu liai retuned home bauà ber tripla Bllevue, Iow~a. -The reçital iron Salurday nigit, bwugt out a fml bouse.. The. Deerfield atiletie club will give a dgmnlutbe Hotel Deerfield dance hall gaarday ev8nîng-, ticketsit3 onte, Davd Man, roadmaiter of the St. P. iailroad wain uDoerfield Tueeday. L. R. Matibeus wet au a huila,.. trip ta Bprigfleld Mondai!. -The Amiy club gave a party Tueeday evdii tbe home of Mse elen Curris. à A o«yable time le r. orted. Mim :eu l I... Sett., 1hgeb ingtul ApdL' MmIL .P. Halebion vlited in Wauke- Su ivo dajoli«t week. Q C. C ark, of Brwyn, ]LU., vislted at Mrs. mdMm ILBI. Vat tt$unda A*Cbef itb Chai. Tuhk.e idý I I E.Rubeigr aid famlly viellai J. L. Qinn l oeli a publie auclion, al hie iaueebold furitur. Saturday afteruoon liai. 28. Mir. and Mr». Kickeihocler, of Chimego, v.ieted lu Deerfield Tueeduy. Town caucus vilI b. held lu the town bail Satuiday atteinoan Ma. 16' lir&. oyt, le vltfug relative.«lu Wlmette.. Tbi@ Dtrfleld Sharke would. 1k ta beea r itm &a i lteen .Year old eajus for aturday efiteuoous. Addies Bd Theriien. Deerfied. Ill. DIAEEND LAKE Laýdies Aid viliimot witlb mLeBuSyd.r Tburiday atternoos, liarcb 21. Cari of Thanka. W. viii ta thank lb. friende aid =b boremad the=in for iheir kln id= T la lu Oubereve ment; alto for iliforlofférluge. Mr&. L. C. M"ms a »FAMILY, Labo VM84, i, liarcb12,1»07. Townuhip oamiu msit Aaiutdy. 'qulte a.nmber af canIdat. apm oredtsome ofi *1wan t o 1h.c te ektion ci permmtteb.air. Choir iu.tig Frlay evSiait tO homne of lit. and Mis.Frank Vlph. A flilattendance ofthelb.coir l arn.ely, r.quuted te practice lImiter mult. Mri. Burch vialted wlth a friend la Englewood over Suday. lir. Jensen, 9i Chicago, moved auto the Dean faim IbIs weelk. Mmre Brainerd wh9 hae been very 111 le littl1e botter.- . lantPeterson, of Cbicago, lis reud Edward Boye.'o fiifur tbe ensuing year. lire. Ziegler and ebldren returned bomne Tuesday ofbi week froin a kjw dae visit in Chicago. Mis.Vanlew visited witb ber daugiter Mia DalinluChicago lait Monday. Bay Newton le goîng to Aiberta, Canada, soon wbere bis fatber bas taken up a large tract of land. ivanitu.lai Lm oui m bai juet recovered frorn a snseeatà*Ok aubegrippe.1 Ana Sai 0mld on frileuds in Pala tics Btwrdafluernoon. lire, hnâ smbike bas ieft ber home wliab but Umb isPied dwill lie found1 wltb ber ganaotber, Mii. Ratite, o a li Raopialîpebuacbanged bei place of berdeètoboutemoon Plumb 0w.. aveêiiewbmsmahI will ho pleaeed 10 bave ber faid ber. . Died, la the boeltal. TuesdaY Mai. 5, lire. Marylisble. The funerel wui beld at &h. oua. of ber daughter. Mmre H. Grbe, Paltine. Married st thei homo ln Parle, MO, Feb. 21, Mise lIa Blgge, a former rosi- [dent oi Ibis, plame, tMr. Vrgîl Boyd of Parle. 1 The ladie oi Palatine met Friday ngt .and o lied an Enstern $tar. Bornetweuqfcmrlned. D 9nt You TIik y U cm iget botter reout a fee tfr stock 6001 PU815<EE- W j7E carry the. largest line'of mil feed- and cau VI upply punr wante. Our Red Comb poultry Food will get MORE !GGS than anything you can food end This is the ime to Trg It. WBgrind any Urne you corne; no waiting. Ses ûs for S!ED, CORN and OATS. P. S. Going to uee any roofing thua apring? Big otock now in. We caui do your estimating4 'while you watt. EMMONS-MERCER WUMBR CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r . Vhs.. Hoiee 67bs Offi 47 LoriDETVauL GLoL pARMLTsi dy elK e rîWiiuymtr tacMr. a4dts . Stee angvetd wIil, lit , Mid mms..Ptsd E oîn a m Sada dMindChu. o«PpS. f oari emmai qfatyr, wr theouse i okfele Tiai 1 Cap. and lire. C. M genthilrerlyentr taled i. andolre.P. e&-at berl Fou" dhauy.cçoc un Mr, snd lr. ..Cned ar e ntvne domlclled a. er o mberut ber yoeSr boe. Arîhr,1. t cnin 0f i.aud Mis.her Chas. Vo.. ai Mu p euno.uida. CidrW. ute.C . wSaipreachFimrill lb bndsnsue lu PalrleVlew bav 'ra ,edtaeP.ak u wrka lk liere. J in oM onise a a a1be Funral i; undybo t i o0lac. in. a@ iiam ~~~~,èi, lb-oe'u t2 'l roto Boanf Day churcb 1-,.o Si.a dilert. Md E. kuced ertaluied lut hr.aioritbedand laeiJenneunday Mr*. h. .qaneuin aeting. Preeldînf Ritcder WmScbtelmwoy pea rlday ho" orber1 8p. m. Snudaey mru tMir@ e i h. communi serelaie a. Enee; uday ihola 1 . .a C. J.o luCuaso. pu atr n Suidhy ithi i. HrenbegDr . înlSuuar ainooabn i onesGoe EzzLzz-J Will Kistacliner, oi Chicago, visited iende lu Volo unuday. Job Vanay, of Wet licHenry, made a busin... trip bais lait Satarday. Frank Aman, o! Round Lake. wasInl town siinday. Claude ichardson, of Elgin, vas Mue uit 01 relatives ber. Baturday aid "liAna Compton vas(the guest of her ester lirM.Jennis Coimn nst Boand Lae several daye renliy. lire. Henry Empine, ol[Waucoa*da wai bore Salardav and Buday. Hall ley, lilluols Urt. -anlits. Harey Nicbolis enter- tainent Mr. -Walon -tram Chicgo a Couple a1 day. Ibis W"e. Misea tDwoigosdattendid cleb lhmera u yfareoos. Bd Lu*, of Round Labowthelb.guot ai Mnebore a cýof.ap my at lire. Roary Rgmie fromn Elgin tran- sactedhbuilas. bere ou. day recently. lir. aid Mmlire b iiBarn#ot rmniai ,Waoda»lient suaday wth lir. and W. A, Boslug aid lph Itichardeoü bath ai Round Lako ver. lu towu tunday. lmire veiett Ston. aid cld irom Wauconda @peut Sanday st Chai. Potterle. Harold sailder, o! Fox Lake, le ependina a we.k vitti bis giaudpareuate, Mr. andliMm. C. Babol. Cat .1Thank. W, wlebh ta iz1re.our i snere uhanks 10 nelghbharsanai iendi for tchili milt- aime 10o.einuemuenot deabli ut our husbaid aid fatior. l3se. L&Fuà.rn amd CUIoaBa. LoeMG GROVE Mr. aid lir. Wfll Brockman, of Dlmn ael called ou relatives bais - Mr- antd.'t Chrst Efelet intend to nove vtdQuentlneCoDrnere oon, to- tale poeeeieon of their new home iwhieh they purchaeed reeuntly. lire. L. Keiler le under the ductores eure et preseeii. Thé (loewlller secool le cloe,.d thii weofr on acconnt of ecaret fever prevail- ing aI Long GrOve. Wili Butt olk a trip t1 Lake Zurivh lait w" tThursday. lire.idait Umbldentock hai been con-, giled ta lier b.dince. lait Saturday but le repoited botter ah tlils wriing. Mr. anId lru. John Zimmer'm 11111e mon, Leu la ili wltli earlet lever. Dr. Stark le atteadlng hlm. M. Umhdeniliok returned homo lion the clty bospitai manchIimproved lu beatb. RE brohbeî.in-law Mr. lianiel. o! Chicago, accompauled hlm home. Chai. Goieviller and famlly enter taiu.d campmny fron t oeke!elisr Sun- day. Severai oi Fred Biner'@ iamily vere eonflid t hb ouse.with tb. gvlp tiait w.ek. John Miller went tu work for Mri. Dotuinger near Arliongon Heigti Mii Anaiele meretuined froîKaika- rUO BE Il tallngliae dOghtt, i. Chie tuobe c ndot be wil e st i dey owlng o a auddmu ila11 .B1 tws1op te bae it wlt »t ot lDdiy. u d . h 1at 10 &. m . srvices at 11'%k" 'pe ubere willlbe àa#ood attendance. Mri. sud Mim Luttell are speuding a few dmy@ anthebir entamerborne. Ilite. Charloite Esetab, of Jeooeson Park, àpent a te* dajo visitins relatvs, bore. We badl quit@ an accient ai Prairie Vlew lait Baturda6 v eenn, wh.a two buggies coWidéd. -ÔOe buggy vas tippd ovaer aud b ,_ =u ocuet rown out., One a9 the. Young la1-eburt ber ankle, .e hope nos mrlouely. John Scbroeder epent Suuday with bls parente bore., Cbaa. Ablirecht#pont Suido.> lu chicago. Chas. Fot epet a -fmw deye witli relative& ut Jiolraon Park lest week. Jhrdi ere ofnda andcaUdon fînde. Mi. (laier, o! Wyacodaas n ton Mr a inr o adoduyu& uita ame imbr.a.uo h uitela îubow ut Libre attee Fildhe ,v»euug.owa ietvl Fd eter aiil autStul> i Sandai at Waucon a. Vient & da it rlande ArurpuR,,,îee i.ut 1h, dll 11,1. in,#o Mie j. (oukîjit. putertuined the.* iluINIr aidldlre. decralen, of the eity oie day Iset w,,ek. Mr*. A. Fry osp.nt Tu...dùs ville fi"4leli te îity. (iratudma !dcltridA lins bho,, seriouelY ili the pet iieek. B3. Broadhead le alea on lie il lie8t. lir. aud LIre. Mjîielee , of Fo-îdu lAc. ar ocuylsone aiftir. ifolcomb'i. Mire. A. J. KbRng eot several daye ai Wauconda tu belplu intho e "ol eic k relatives. The LabdiesCemetery Aeeocjaifill o ["amoud Lake, gave adinu rtit Fiidav as b th hoe of Mr. and lire. R. SmIlle her@. A tintat 1e sniewasi aîed. li i..Enima Sllepvlalld relativce@at Palaine a few daye lutI veek. 9 wim RBmse Seols, oaiLake Forest. vi.ited lier parente bore Sanda>. lire. B. Scliaife aid son wore City vWstais Fridas. Gep. Eicim anad Charley Homeyei leuve for Janeeville, WIe., Weduesday l waîl la th. grave] pit.- Fiuk lMeyer, of Chicago, vioited hie mai finde bois. Wl!! Ray and John Hadge, ai Dlamoud Lake, uer. meen Oa urui treete Sendai. E. A. Fiel. ie on the. jurY ut W&uke- The play> -Trouble a!9lMr@. (Giay" given lier. Saturday eeouiug vao seli attended sied eujoyed by ail. AIlikinds ai new meriug dreee 900(18 ab J. 1). Fiukls. Mies Florece Blria,ofibiterty- ville vinited i,.re MoedatY. About tv-lily vouiir sied Id folle frani hore gave a h ir-i -Il Paîl.>&et FaxL River <irov, if, t-o1r o01karry Mqu tte viabis- foi Janeeville, Mrh!,§ iliel. tMr. NI irquette bas beau ruîioî<c the Bruce 1c. touie thieà viuter and nmade muny iriondai ul. teore. On Sanda> inorlig xoccuired the desîlicai Mi. Riiip. Rie denti va. due tx) caintiîiptian. Mr. aud Mr@. Riene ul beeu living bpe.tie past six monde. fie wu ixty.eix yeare aid and louves a vif., daugiter, Ire.m. Jao Dietz and a ione ai Dianiond Lake. Service. ver. bild Saturdu> afteruoon aud intormeut lu Fairield cenletorv. LARMIGTON. MiseDollydis Miseirveut ta Cryotal Lake Tuendsy wlire il,. will epend a weol witi ber aunt, lire. Frey. Mises Mdyrle and Almeda Plagga Naporvîlle over Bunda>. The Buahne cien oitie Ba Ptlet Sua. day ochool gave a prograne lest Mouday oveuiug at the churcli. Lullables aifail nations ver. se;andidnstrumentai moeeasd iscitaionti b> home tlent ware ver mnulnoyed. Tho admiselon vas ton cents snd tbe pioceedit 11. Lastlyada> etgiloccrred the deth of Benur R oeir, ais of 1h. rMIsa tyug mca o1 Our village. Be had laie .ok a long dUne, bas- bis dealb wua tu e Mrs auani. -Be liva a c d Ilfntdaugbtei beldes a bout ai relative- aid Irlende ta, mauru hhie eury depar. Stare.Fnuerai Tbursday. --Newton Plagg. ad WallacoR tilod several sorutsduote 1ab eacert yven hy lice LouagefactorY Ipedet 1&wr SatuOrda> gventag. Roy. P. Buses, of Claicago, filied the pulpit as lb.elieoh umuli lu th. "no a oetaf Be. .A. HRaele lu at unday. Mri. aid Mre.Jamie iqoKay vopI lau Acgaquin Tuendai y teliotrmet'i tiuer vho iractared a hons la bis let let Batutday.. - Mie Lente Romutli wba basbéin11I1 le mScverlug. th Zion ciare la" Sendai a dsltded suctee Bo all itpioon &0& avenlng meinags were Wel attended . FEED GRINDiNO. ALL iCINOS. WOiiOiOySSOiSatualys *-Wi Mdaujig,%n WMn Opening AnnouncementI Fim Saurday, Match 23,,. teand i acludiai.Suu* "y,.Match 29 THE GLOBE ANNOUNCES A SêECIAL SERIES 0F OPENING SALES. THE INITIAL SHOW- ING AND OPENING 0F OUR GORGEOUS ARRAY OF SPRING MEBCUANDISE WILL TAXE PLACE ON THE TWENTY-TEfRD.. AT WHICH TIME INJ.ADDITION4 TO THE MANY EX- CEPTIONAL VALUES AND 1 CARNING CONCEPTIONS OÈPURED POUL YOUR PURCHý&BE AND TO GAZE UPON, FAVORS WILL BE GIVEN TO AL TRHO89ArrzNDING. WATdH FOR THÉ BIG ADVEBTISEXKNT. MUSIC IN THE AFTEIUNOON AND EVENING. Chas. Morrnson C o. l. lir- wàm,ý