ftw uqt. tb mmud t mu et m o& ,ekthat hi "w sieblBitt& T» on bu et a ail vulety Md Wl M"in Tihe i" go bt *a tbèiW .15 £Si,&tl bemepa sMd two hwo t. . ws"vor.M«4 m* c lu Pm" ona, lb da* blu e emltatvW ru dagei utoli. 4bous a a» armv tWUt utc. 41.1 AItrnOu 1te* Sf c'-, W. muslie Il a point te q 110w mc gprseut 10 1.5v. the.store ussi it hla au boomlfi pir, fot fit. For tual refaOu we emplq'inuex- port mu tallor ta mako anSy altez*iUm ' u6eemmry. Tuée. ilanohane fIbtit, 49 &' a ile alteratilsn bd m-de WhIlo 700 wat,.but If .l no . he imfft vii be deiir' e re to your home or mut ta10mouefpromapro- Spoi1.if pou reside ont of the citf. bus~ te mwrue 212 WseIk O.a.s. hI~.st Un viWU Prim U1111e maboul nuits Wftb wllob tbey haroniseas rlOO1 aum w« wves itb tm Iroie&Mte, *ij f1e mvs getermoate be a use gw =«tit b Ims g gL vsBUos MW ieu.vwthe. loue vitalI0 lUa OM»M« «0 eby ulipbludo» mam aht a ban pieu 0fetarm ur te t bis ae a.Molbo11a.e - »«»« tqen m e te tg umenta taetasa PMup te t omeb #geno, Iotitl btavle mai 9 lUp 1W, a»e qut.e t OMP te goase teumai vtvo owm uqtù pw lea£Pr,* 1#,ffle tu d* W-pe b, 2W b *» et lie deuils lweiste i t lli varamer liuk log h m0»4are me ftdahleebie luit n.' a 6140E WRINKL.ES. nosey*%u --ËoImm..PWi uip I hOMP d learlongr u - igM et fermorne ti eli otegmiibu 1tAIM Wc h ,« aummM abus b.ead"igiAMi Mad *ie? dov eld .çotahd i INsie vt. mutr wlthk c *0gf ahiil asseafrsponge i' mai4 ~Jf nprettj plain comàs Worth np't0 6O0..1~ Ext.ra pretty Sheli Combe, set vitb Pret- ty atonies, values3 up D ....... 39eP .mtegoin tedescy f the. £Y555 Amerloan citisen, man or voman, tu'jk "t-iDe eay".lan Badina au, ellt lu te tucreaslng demand for ready» to-vom r = tuifor »MIutaodr«Léaid nfaut.. h rsnggn U la oeyaf a16Idnce.alt.c< the gai' uts voru lylt îiggn erotiou llia U9rgy ypea - re 1 go ut born e. .trqmendous Increale In tite ooUïMmpi of roàdymade oloIbeafor adulte bas beua followed by a cor- t'oepUilà d Ifor cloth ing Ibm eidren sud lie lime neems tu be at IIUIIEflwIIO ailn 01et earing 54spei ii hobougât et the stores andi the vorry ani bohli f elieitng Mm . -"I i nimaking the. garrnenta at home viii bu dose av«aY l t. This storexcella lu provldlsg the very beut resdy- to-vomi lotuing for the yonngotOrà. Mothel's mea" ma re, vorry and rneY by coming boe for evertilug Ibey neeti for lte littie foUts.. Um evD«Ver 1Cilin Very MandimrnoWlIte sud Coloreti UsilBtta. ai~5ses to16, for duou Ma s ae. . ............ ........ & suatad $arle dlIilap of ail kindm 0f Dresses for the. Baster f0 notos, éeo 2 te14, placeti on sale e a ................. $.9 Clilldron'm Ibefers, up te ise i,".ail lRaiIablo colore, 9& fer our er salie ................................o Infte' Ocoala.up b ilae 5,smade up la Fine Novelty Mixtures, U I darkýMd MM elvet colleaS for ca me#r ae........... f1498 «dW» arWt of hislJacketa I &L tail eiatest f utove4 wr * 80wl a o . m ........ .................... 2.8 IT s i «Jl' AWAYSTitE LQW PM TIAT MAKES THE BARBAIN -àT'S W1IAT OU O«T 1OR fic pi*U. »M ooàr-SSIL e NI a M mor la .meoi Il muid ~ii vm e - - omwUâ lis i te buog e t" W te i* tilufe ba 3m em s et ah.g th tve patin et à"e fl, *»*o ft dma - a pmfret 1, ihmi SIL4TI>NWIIL MUêIN PSVt mt4Vs 1 m a eot ifs a a~~~ ~~ ila mebn fhoraS SAt lgmniiedmiln titi. aflttraell@pWtty whl Ie OuAi aHl lias Fmebb au eretei-.5sftpare ltee simelly tunftlng msdee mai patteris, uch as pOi Wttn u'eally approcîsto, kbut tan oewWrit mrdesIlfte l timi, sni sMWbox tyiO, ln m&i the varlous longtha, uinai or lInod. 0111, e wede net miali ta Pa m Moment on these gai-mentefer peu, wo awat peur piesum la e e La1e' AI-Wool Black Broasilotlt Ladies* 50-n. Bprlng Coati, made up Coati, Itaf tight fltted Prince Chap ln bandant» Novelty Mixtures, very baci, vide shouisiers, sstin lineti, à beantifully tallored snd trimmed, cou tiat 14 positivoly sitova every- for Ous' ,weefor 810, Buster sale . .......$ .75 for ur utersal .... $ .98 Ladies',lglt-velght Alt-Wool Coveri Ladies' AiI-WooI Blsack Bsoadloth -Clou, zi-in jacketm, handsamely Jackets. 11usd hbroughout vitit mer trimmai vlitb taloereti self traps nuisuit sateen. an excellentl *7.60 fromu nionîder dovu t his, tri'.' value, 3 lR med et pointa vlth self buttons, humn for our Bater sale .....a back ecnEs. $10 'sont place%, for Ladies' Handsomie I.oose BackI Box Our Coats, made up lu ltest sprlng mix. Bauter sale ............ turea, nmre vith self collas'and smre vlth blscku velvet. This cat la noe offered elsOviiere t leus for our Baster sie....... 2.98 Lades'AllWOO DobleTwisted Tan Covert Tlit.fttlug Jackets, satin 11usd. turned baci eufes, tullored strapa bot bucli and front, a goond value Kt $10, 59 for oui'Bauter' sale...59 Ladies' 24-n. Spring Coats, looaO back, bMsf tigitt Prince Chap or etrell tiglit ftting, THE novelty coat of lte seawni s bçv on State treet at * o olegas han $12. L M *for our Eister sale ...6* Ladies' TightFltttug Covert ýJAckets, very liandsomely talored and linel tltrougbout. 17 garinents, for Our Buster sie .....3098 pistil 6113Fer 9"w W s.r A fiue saomont of Boita i a&l coloresuMd aises, allanaome a lao alk Bellevoutup t p149c .19C Ladies fine ilk Bmita ina lck aud fancycolors, values 10,98c . 49e asoI For huer pau'.for fine vaiste lbuareuteatirlu -DàutY wilite Lavu Wals-.hovtng &a dOrer kuoê 0f otremarlable creations ot uarrsngelt of nuerous mv. of si»asde mot and bel"Wit#i vilcitu10plea mle .pgalteasudbuttonhole ombioldery. sîde plaît- 'ppPopular as our walst section lut at top os1 escitasde ofCwat, coulr sud .' *0ol v are unable 10 raun cuti trimmiedtu 1correspond, sot off vitlt e Xbit vO off ereti sarments that i»d ftaly lace edaing. plalted back, tire- ~e pointe of excellence AS qurter' leuttlt lee. JA laIBisuater exibit. Besios For our Bmuter sale ........' m a i p e r f e c t io n o frfnl, l i i. t h n g ,b Utmool ritical patrons' atlen' Antier EmabroderY Front Lavu Wia lla ff. il standard of vorkmanaip. varted by graduatins CluatOrb of lucha CI-- àbt la an largre and varied tat Il tended to yoke deptil, cluAlisTC f pu tuck-- iee om tho appreciated. but Iliese rew log on each aide ai sitoulder, nev lucked Mos vili suZee 10 give su Iukling of al~v«. collerand ocnEs IrUmutme bi. e. -pond vîit laes edutuE tucued Lmo04 qualitî ville lava, top of valit hock. For uEter al.. *Ith -on7 cy ror lflny titched Beplait-ta 0 gndqutve tý uveIdeaigu bcleti bsei, .7c. lav&-àm ticmluok e amol s itos om ot T~aft, ab *M9 mitmo s lemfro t ii ioP -m of lBue To lhe averfgo voman fmser semma 1 Cali Iwo@*,o Itlt la te deflutte date decreai hti faboUfor brOOkilm" sombre vînter garb andtlut ona Oha- f lthe frubms at baudln ururimt mellion everp concevable pronm«l concentrated., Here wi i ho ound exact roplicas of the Ila jar Paria, Lon"ouasd tev York modae. To tho veU di11 la nou. "ldiageusmbio"to thie uevsuit-"STYLE." Thal lu suit selection. Without Il Do suit. do malter boy nu« terial or the nature eft the trimming. la strictly "a poit" payiug a deftto pries. you oughtto10gel-definite value., mate style ta rnalfe.t In 0cr immense lins.of uita, but1 the. evident ad tangible valu., as lo qualitp f mtn oughtl 10 repreneut. We de sot ubarge for l thl ou real wearing qualitle. 'he style ta ttunvu lu for g~ buy a suit bore your outlay' reprenant» sornetinelug tn il la geuerallp coneeded Ibat Helu-Orustelu Co. suite am e lu buylsg here pou need bave no feur liaI orne i-amb such t s n many stores show, vIii be foiefflofou o. p perfect fAt and oaci suit lhas un lndlvidualltp mu planning w for you. lladsome NevwItou utta l akirta maiende. tsuàfdfit. For our Salter sale thaïos, ilno wtl taletk W rush, ie ~ertms, fer eur' Eales' sle, et Ladies' Haudsome EtounBut#a, latentt shadea. uelodtis onlos, lobaco. ,peu rapy, cut ltned Ibrougiout vitip maun tallorel Jackets. Ivii S oÔVellp bs'ai1d. M r Bd 1 Ladies' Eton or Pony Sut.mil ail lthe nov lit sados, skirta. $20 garments a iii o - For our lister salq Ilighest Art Creations ln Novid nuits moi for $50 lu the cq stores. For our Bater Mimse' Box sud P - yUa as., pialledasit. Or rJ Ladies' sud Misses' 811k t Haudaomo Mixtures sud J For our Baster suie Ladies, and Misses TaMAI fui plain or Bhgured a spring mades. 1 rJ paitlng bhoav pôe, lucked collas'*"aul Uf, rtr Butler mie ,........... Extquidlt madel f Fise Whte PreneixLien gere-A"yke made 'vihtalteruattug rv» 01 Inclini aud lace insertion, trbmnM lon id.. vitih rovs f laem inerion aud loug. unD'a mrous rovs f pin ucing on sacit aideea nianîder. ;h;iut*u*lelngthbieves, cml- las' aud ca sdi.ptilî lrimmed viti tuoling and lace ismerlou. 10 match, oubIre boek luceti.. $L For ans' Buter sale....... This valat la maie of AIl PoDularuotDM"8,1. Materialtriut et Itop viitt ",,rov -of mot Md& t oonsm. taux. un viti lace eina, pwated leoves. Gond vslue. For oui Umater seue.... . Boactitul WbMlLaa wsl at-fi viii slie»rnehiw mioet 15*10 and rslo aoutbroteY, tu»$s 4e a n d lth e n fI M M rnam o i m e l a N f cita@e teelsiand efgel i 4 baelu elio levos, F or ou ir E tr m aie . . . . .. Clever MNbsita leaUtfu Wt Wslt-icur gr. sWe<', in Spits, q wodwwp~ -ý tsi and, MI'