4~bLPAPEU 0f LAIKU OUNT Y maOq.LhOrORddesnOOTlephoe No. 1in. LbertyvUle Exobao8O. sc M Pommes 0g1~11m... àas Second Ci"esatter '0*-l. "wY5ES mr5eU s MKwows os APpLlO5ION. PB« 88.60 PER YEAR OTRW*fLY ON AOVANOE MWu»4V, PLL 12, 1907. CLUAÀNINO IOUT NiISHWOOD'S DIVES. i f or %ie ("ai geOdnecessary to do Justice to perSans wu ti *barIt li a m rtuereport leglUnlate interestet, Conserve. FUr.t oe m Gattas of the. logis- ther. a nefdieul7 long perlad of gruceU bIch içêkl It tii.thmatter of vould Invite additl IÏSvesimota ý*qe 45vz a tno surprime. It In »10oon, whSithon vooldbe umgd 0 toa4enf hei passage of as mii arguaiient agans the guforce-( Mloc bM for theii. Iminutionlment of the lay.t *Iém vithinaawmie san en T"A strong senticient existe atà t P«be irdnand ithe n-v Elgbvo ufluain hiavor or kuihis ouff à" de osthe, iioth siiare, On1 the di vuos ilmonfd by the spe- ~ lii ~or ii.lover bou"e oiai çg00mttea. i Smla nlfleanit tai r ntti, uttosecond red-Ubi oe iostand, for deomeoy in that ab.ldb. .sedsp.edily lii omamuuty a"Stecmed loto ience by méei. tsr et the. caloon escient. Not onely ogdmttee argnu lorohby t»e grat térests of the lUntted siving the dlvekaes tSatsgoenmn t ribeda ad dA oth Obhilu m iO=-sMd, M uthe usysistatil dem aib 0 pOWtuO S *bki Oii fOWtls ~the penclng M be hopassed, b Ut the. el- lo gata.11*1 tiepag' e : of etiisadeof respeetable rée. tu he oriers et Port Ober- dent% of ithe orth shore rçquirez t- ho amdlfl Mry iMiSt a mOkieugo DailNevu. va bave te 0yn aoobmo qIm fl liteuo le104oaie- 41 . Sotetblek ut i .fw tireuMb t et me» o efltt swi4 Dati ssM "l , mi t»os cais3iw "d a hor arcm m elà wreviii hwnàu. 1 If y« ' vus a 1* u- ict a theiusa.oef dm.papas go e hpmo. vitout aomutiilg frok your 0store. 'W ii b. plesosite bave pou Ccm lus., aM ve wSi takcepwam ulu uxplisia< Ouir-austuelconbtrfoar me usmy lche. su4lowitcau b. ueed l intever maount tInt 1»0 i-oseesarp o you. If yau CO aMU igoeisover the couater vo danuaimashow yen vhy tbim papas vii lest "Meyourinute Wb=veeyon vautho m ach .people ef ibis Csenusuay.' Wû. Rd Omp etc. ---------------------:s : m ua --- -- -- -- Il lii bthySiew 1Top, ., euc. "%%-1LUNOIS, Wated! - 1 Want4 Wt WANT TO SIJPPLY VOUR WANT$ AND YOI> WANT VOUR WANTS MJSPPLIrED t ' a>Iuto 4t.edbuge . àIàog Du» *tIotq o Mt and>euwu Staff o Uoostera end Tole Ait 00'A CieagVe Pvqtislv. CORN ORdWitUS A"t.OVKR j-V STATZ TO TAXIR PART. J more t ua Furn mo meibers 01 the. commercial Ascilation et Ceii-a e begma vrIOniifor & Ocern*X$4- 0 sitian to e bieid la Ctcago. At tbat fi Urne mote th" 00.001 Was &O ~ t for thia von. vas Pw declded to voit CI outil thieti et 1907. M Wbb itime rJ the ti-et grest -cor. ePosition- wu'i19 open. Lst veek thé meUbef0tiq'y commercial AsaOoittlo via'bave ibis mattor hoot ai 1i.ait met sud or gâaimd the.National Coan UXPaetlmt. eleothagnom sud oppobUntgco. mutteS,. Tt vus ded M te expn effotpoinc 0»SII. 15W an 5h. 1001 stios a goodly pïipota, of vhWb"i *i11 be pad ceut la irisas., AccOrd tu, preot plans tii. date of the. Ex-] pOnflilantuatroa 0cwbler à tu 19. 1907. Adequte taoiltioi iiiho e ured Wa biilg ttw bal; show. Theb ild-b làg vii b. eaortely .ecorated. but, tbe' outralidMes of the'great show1 vlS b du4tion" culture oft-con ushmehoMe a mad: eu".'adit. a the Mdaire aft the man- &gment ho demoutrate iatit, li pooibie for tbe average coi-raveir to proeueégresteryleldosand botter- a quesi than ïbanetafore. harlng thex paut hou pears the matr o& eed se- loctioâ.hubaso.uworked oui sud t0 bas been sbovn ubat by thi alant.. t1 Sa 0&«Wl possible to tucresse tbe yld1 & trowv o ton hubahespar »so. It4 la. pIsible ho slect eeti property onu vethe graver bas becoMP -famIU VUithe b.propen type of the . tbear- tmg proparly siaped kernelc. poUOse-1 SUg pond germiuatiag qualtiesasd ' ile iviteltî. Thece points Wii b . illmsttad ai tie grou show sud tueî abjet laemg os rpreanted vUI biho Of inestinubée value ta corn growers evenyviiore, i t i hedeire of the. managment ho, dik thie corn xEzilîon - ain- able. ho coru futOsa mthe.Inter»a- louai Sk Expoition Stehtuhe stock era. Tbne Wovog fftils latter ox- position bas beon tuy deniontrated. it Sm even sMier for th* car gravwer ho improve bMs prodnct tbhn t Sm fer ti.- stock maq. Conequentty. the bonod iol.. vili came tu coruntarin- ers tiiramgioui the United Btes tiirougi h he ~of tChlcag&ookbui noum mucon.net ho cmculaffd. The détails for' svardimg prmilume bavo nMt py« heen vorked out, but Sn & gaerai vay are vomi libermi. Cah prises viii ho ofereti sud thon, viii bc no dlisrlbued that every corn sec- tionaoft.e Untod States viii ho - varded, provlded It participateaStu ibis exposiion. There viii ho giveu "te prises, prabably districtý prises; sud certiniy pr-ises for the fermer. the tarmer's vife,,the farmers son, the fariner's dauglter, e. If. for ex- smple, Connecicut grovs gond corn, prises viii ho arrsnged for that sec- titon. l May flot b possible for Co- necticut graones ho compote viii liii. naie or lova lu certain respecte. but t viliiho easily possible ho arrange the premlum lisi 50 tint the Nev En- land grovers viii recelTe a hst coin- penslation for ibis effort. Corne farmers of the United Biniou axe urged ho btter ibis great show nov- jei tbem selet their seed viib tiai Su view. pickng ont, sers tbat are unnfarmly ina, ho type aud vith a bigb parcutage of germnation. Lt tiiom select a tiret daIm place of land, prepare Ih carefutly, plant the corn At jusi the rtgit lime, cultivai. t thon- oegbly, sud ho lm posiion tho select show smapes vbeu tbe time cornes. SBrn>' ocallty sbonld boar ibis Sm mmid sud take s pereoasi Interest Sm eeng ubat the. visions Smibegreat Corn Expoosiion kmow just viat fiai booslty rcati preeni. The exposition viii ho n succens. Thia goos vlubout sayimg, tromiboh tact thst Chicago push aud onorgy Sa beiid the. movement. The men hav- intmgebmexpositon'Su cbrge are'the leaders Su Cblcaga business enter- prisees.. Thoy are tsed ho bandliSu «large propositions. The>' propose ho make tis the grestesttuing ou enrula, tud ibis la thé, same as saylmg ibsi t viii heii grestest thing on eeitb. A the. recent meeing 0f those S- toresteti, the tolluig ogicers ver. elected. Preodent--Edvlu . Conva>', W. -W. KinibAliComtpany. , Vceo Prodmet-U. .Pursusu, com etprovon.l Pasa, Ill.; Prof. P. 0. ffld.n Bte Agrocultural Coiego, S egortary--Curt. M. Treat, 1304 GreS mib"eraing TuannreibHr . WManier, Chi- Me*mbersOf thé,edoUtve board. Su adOiUtothé tiabe. amd, are: ILR Cran datei Cty Bank. M.3. Stari&gCty Jlailtay Co- Q1 . Vagbaai. Vaughane Beed Coin. Walter M. Thoupso, Kelley, Maeas *CO. George letton., Th# -13b. i eq«P IL.MMrt, AxnrMarGrau Ca. 0ièg.,LeQ.tareqa,- Charles A. Sier- ou A Ero. IL C., Iarlow, Chicao commenrcial J. W. sSt Carson, Pire,'Soti Co. loeoph Beachi, Siegel, Coupai &OCa C. . Sa o, Orange udd Patiner. J"mes SSappo, EabIl ed C'. lebo, Mandol. Mandel Eros L. HAM-ny SelBols. Sohvmb a Ca. IL N. Io»a4g ILL ll«, OMp XstenIgt- -je. C. BarlmOvobairman; omt IaLes sBilupeon, sr P..W -C. A. suel, domns;, n'en, John IL WOO4, Offar ' ilman ThampaOO% P*1 liu Harper, t.LSa Tbalu lise-Jospb RaseR. oiif mard Spaldtig.fate- I C. P. Gumiber, Joeph Bel- Vuturee--Wiii J. Davis. George Ado, Chum. B. Kolil. lee, S. T.,Klue. SolIAt, daims. Harry Ambin. George - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - jï - -- Prom DemiS, qiS baait e xcuso rm ber falbers death b"e'«e Mrs. Helen gro*nalms seo iMoq4*y. .arriveit lu'Wsnkogan Ianm Wagton ta me ber tatier be- lore be beaesounabie ta recoguSme Iwoivo ests m go Il. Stusait the aare, X Brôiilgliparents, lived ai Ssmarjý r rther aM MiliCreek 1% e mther, tbe atary gaes. iiad s suéit., pihkMdoui for ber daushior. UieIp over, couid fnot sud vomit DM »-l".uateso, ber affetis outeredos Brovning. saidttih ave ,boe,a Yemg MSilhorn farmer. M rtMarrieasBrownintg. Thie restaIt as that asu uuai CupSd vm ua tho course ot true love 'v" Ito a ufloti tram turbulent waters. 0b. toter isaBage beoming the prèenet -lira. Browning, vith ber tstiist's Sft moi ber mauber's consent, St Smt3oë d Ca ".t-. maher sud dougiter, St Smmhaebeen estranged sud ibis pefadi osedth ie unkhid refudo etýl tuutierhpermit the gIito see, xt. Sgber tbOa-. vo St ls cldluicd Sm ver on>1vof paralysie. Atter th. marrSage the Brownings ve uthole-*state of Washington, nenly 3.000 moiles avay, sud uiiere tiiey baveprosperei. Sa186@@R.tred Parmer. -SaeolSma retired tanner asudsire- puted te be quite vealiby. He sud Mmts Sage bave remsded Su Waukegan for tiiree 7estm .1 Police Cailed Upon. Mouday Mrs. Browning csiied up- ou AusSsMat Claie! of Police Tyrreli ta get ber ho ber fatbrsa bedside. The oilm andi the girl vont ho ibm bous. and flibe ffcor kmocked ai ibe front door. 7h. maiber, besays, opedeti the Inalde, door, but dSd mot open the- term taon ai ail.* He thon vent t he masde door, vblch, after mucla bknocg, she open- md about tour loches sud ialked ibos. Suie retusedti o give ber daughter outrance aen thon. She batil ot Boom ihe girl for iveive ymars, St ta salt. Thieview Sv nteetin lire. Sage, accordlng thoebmofficer, ondered ibm officer and his charge, thm voman vbo bad traveieti 3,000 miles for a seniment, off ibe groend. Nsighbors Sayi. Armed. Nelghlaors say ibat Mrs. Sage la srmed ant tully Iutrencbed se thai she, eau enforce ber nlabis, Wvieb of course are snprème, si.e belng Sm ber awm hous. The pince le ai Boyard aud Ciesi- mmi streets. Open Wesks Engagement. à Wi ever>' senttu t be bouse soid b>' the middle o!f te .oternoon, aitd wSIthem ouscrovded f ram theFLW tsent on ibm main fbo-tho the laut rav Su the gailea-y. WinnlngM broters opeumd their veeks gengagement bore Monda>' nlgbi Su "Along the Moawak." 9 The play vas a typicai melodrama based ou a poîiticai race for elecior to ituerai ndassembiy o! tva rosi- dents of Mohawk san oite situa- tions grovlng ihoreon. The Winnlmigers madie tbeSr nuai bait vIlla their audience sud merely Cl1Imcbed as utile tigiter'tbe boldthley already bave on the Wauicegsu pub)ic. Fnank Wtiniger rçetet bis suc- eess as a Germaitogeim an d bad a mev speclalty atuuf, <bing a comical turc oa aviollu. Kathrym Van Es*, a leadlug lady, vas goad sud plsyed bar part veli. She la a sirong agtress. Banie Mais as F'oggy Knigbt vwu more liait ilve- ]Y' and dld as odeai mlu tho speclal- îles. 1 The rosi ot fthe coupan> ver. ail op tu the WSinaugorstandard sud viii «pravide a veek et goot plays for the amnusement of the Wlakegan- audi- ences. slmpiltj' 11e.0! Au. Irish lavien bas suggdted a r& markably noM sud siple Method af aolaing panuury. He proposes ubaf alI future the mdminlistStou et il# oatb-vltbont wvicbparjary Sm Smpoe. eSble---sisil ho dlspasd t- Punch. Sut-amy e« Rrautiîsn Rivera A sunveY bas bonmnlliorlusd Sptle BI!sillan govramant of hiij 8S'lu, Puru«, Acre a 60Jurti. wvltii oh lect a! Smpntodiugthe navigation lila theu. Theom »ernato e .»proupOot. o! the greci d*muoanu" teif 1h1 recied by tioe Ivr betitg opinai no Su« ayot S g. 140 hhbt KLDALWn OSTEOPJ Kaiser Bmildhig 05.. boum Que. hotu, DL U>VAII 0*. sud Residonie bon boug PO&taamI.I e V. S=i Dt c L GAJ14VAY, mao-trM i to 6ot,8P. M Ltbe 1 rtfhamoh OMM overSit48 Dai ogeimphone 55 Add -~n718 HoUM. Ilto19là ~Ua Md 7to UbertyIls. lii" DE J. L TRYLOL 01ViCu OVna 4. EU. -Wgo Re" ,Sp.m onB , p MePark- Physian end Fox Lake S~r Ingle mM t Phone82 PAUL MC r 1!OENY tT ~W. DENTL1 - aouum-8 to 12 a. m da1lto 5p.ma r DIL GOLM~G DENTIST Hours 8tol12 m.-l ho - v ,VETERIAIT q08l0o0n. FARM MAClI N R%ýY of ail Klndâ DIB A 1RE~ wi Thorou) s AN Star. ~pre&ta ma e partéI wô»mtmhopgb lb, r&UAI IVCOCK CO. jOppete 8Offa F lt-,o or Nom The P!lST 1$SheOMW!T Seed ýOât., , Cl 0u I e SrCrop <wers Dra"n e , Brick Co Cernet Urne ...ALL KINDS Orlf LUM&ER... EýMMONS-MERCER LUMBER CO. EDWIN A. BISHOP, M'g'r Phono Houa. 67bs Office 47 ULM iYVUH ready--distinctiveW style and solid oomfoIUL-rt are pronouncedfutures. It ils' a -shoe "for the ti lwho cares." LWith ow u w. 4ieof Jasts .7m arepreard ~inure ~fa fit1fr every foot" ZOTtI CENTURY. c AS Im S TIOIR E C. W. PAMMIURSI I4~r4~NI INloi"