ia~ p.. flod on miue la bIa hyjuad ae wOM, yof yotr very caMW on e asvsy azoin lsUIIlt pae buIt vs say ao advissil .ncude~iae t. ilt "b.0w i s mketht'ast1Ol i* lui '4M at f, 5,2hW at sicj a850 z30 .25c Anks lugt PstS. lueba$ aI, uokb»leovr*«& nv aek uofldter " 85ct st il 00asd......... * Ext sr aimes ,S d p W. s1w&5R 'tp a'-o i5 têy ol tbMaon a ldfor atout %W"re @ asovpatISiiflents k&MlUnmionU weghlgouda- "~ Ns ae,~U1>0'~~ < ju Ihisiune, villa largovalllee10 %ré hidsa 5;111 u oo Isc f.' k) a......... ~ aI ................. -2U e IîuItk; aima.. Ib-is lins à Ise- agu auM& me ompyhS~-* Unit t gas. gIeu' pq oleg5foflP-Jmet"pmv tg re lwe.'aà 41M s The »-emd sglag"& itayo mmee ba hostsL7< ChUI.B' Uqugv. Spai lc*pgs lail fght-'Wegh& S*s ribbea fsbae ca4e. uihr pal. am~ble ke& il fshioediiIfriM oghl sa" 0shae410 tt. *00%k% how.atTan gogou'mm 0Piek. AiU vool except Iboe hbut*andl 10.5. Plein osc -310" sdtp, asofoo, giead................. RUS. haehor raid, a 8901 5. V, O, a30. asal FANCY EMBROIDfIEED I4OSIERY Agm tl e »MRopp- ~ i. pour ilu flaile. I28 se . .These a«sDot Chfldrow à~o vlefo h moy Light..msé .or hevY Ia&in llak ossor Ou M-PoleVayCotton liper prpair, 1t9T. 2 y& eay o ho te 00 ad ".1.Terrier" ~Black or fan "etssa sgitary gray part vool Vesta 5WCet jcprai,2fr25;-1 erln uiue eiglat woolu nt* g analoe , , '- v e r b, p ars tu 4 A fetb - 'k ý.tk-wë, Iai ndewr '?a ms-4 i for 1the price. > austno'clrAbs ,deVwlght@a.$j to ORSB51'S goodus prev&des ths entire lins of Royal Worcstpt and Kabo acoedal i tona10 good to e Royal Wocestei $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 anti $3.00 Kabo $1.00 and $1.50 04~,4fl3 DA1NTY WAISTS0 W.aeshvn a usai!lrg eet0% f au> bouglt for. y-Tow tLr-b-iedrsr t0Ylou es" huMOs 1.' ,'S$IUO'mm Oh wst ayls 'Of ..ln 10 sye flny'nsn properly eut and....-- ubrll rgis eI a..4.ugd baii*9 s d k r b eil wlth kinsrlolS, bs W sd ,i005 t ~ In f Ug& Zanal staI -e toig ,,godameof tnc.> dfotwt ~- lIS, 5.ad $S-Â number oXvery t1Iinj".Ad b ue a il'sd rntvî 'Z0f im.N'O*Loemstyles Won~n's ir~eUnder sot Parla, 4T=rconsudOGer- ses-, alo Trncaaopen.~dts I*t wmci,~ val - elge jatat aetn aWomens Fine "ri.. . h ê4,s-êof S'u.4 y' dutily karkefl&Sn ,iue of lingerie vaisIs voull ha dlffiguli 10 Illd Ever>' garment bas been aiateal villathe ias îosi ars as 1 qualliy s-dst.yle-. iaiste of lava, sud mnll vill besuailful luoki a udlace trimngsii45 Some ver attraýeeV styles at 98C .A og .50C,sh$1.6 a' $.25, ~o(I~4gth IL LOVES in whfteý b"ac and cooa.Log bWa SILK GkWd goovçm Long, blak le glo vez A vFRY GOOD LINE--PLENTY, 0F THBM o u6 î lt ame uume ieles ~ au5hauewb! goomIto Se mmls In e a Linn * 10 , 12k , 15 4 , & , O ,..2 a t 5can i 5 andp 25cya rd.a Victoria Lawn at 10e and 12le pet rd. ýL Lon t14 9 ni25 e 1>1p«,lan Cwollat 154, 19, 25é;3UCand40cer yard. t4Ip»ook 12k, 15, 1 9e, 25c and 3Ue per yard. Dn' :4 to Sor per yfI t>~esà Geode dots,,stripes, etc., such Batiste, flhSity, J9 ,Wt m u o........ 1 WT.lo ao sut lt. 00e1 ea5yiE5I . ............... 110ogidZM4118W' d04 vie1 lot L Bcaa.iot Sbiock 84- 3MO~ Besch. 1n lotoi Lait ictW. Pq J. W. rete*r8iand vife et ma. to C. 8. J Johuslon, lot la Lake Villa., Q. C., li P. X.Bouot In David tlmlth ots233 sud 24. bbçli 3. XllwreW uh. North Cultm .W- D., 81,100. 1 .TI. P. Crandon and wlh t0 rankx yourjevi~ lot 6, biock 13, W*mhbnrn Spvrimmua W. D., $"0. . Chas.Omitey snd vif. tne C. E. Bai. loier, lot,1 luoet 7?rLeosuub. Northt Chlosan. W. Di, 0460. sfM 1 aChan0enlsP. V. B&' Mol.w lm 14, bcok 12, 81Sluderiln'a 1lo ad&WaIkog. De. 011W. e atte ully and bas. 10 Margaret 01m'»tiey lotO. bboe& 8.O8oiritUIMW. là am-e 14, Grant Tp. W. . CUeusmgTis adTwotC te A.U.IL IHo4gktns. lot 48. binait ILOhiegoW I Iltalad& -Doed, 0*M4 .Natl.f 'L . S.omon <(5d>::' 1. W. and MttinE.alavis. aoct& &t lot 8, and z35512 ,IL . 36.4 M lot0 liee i Mach1,Shrn~umdi>u. Waaua. - W. M .D. *&M aiOn ermae te LUW. a&" Rt. lie B. L la.as 3 B E.144 Mft.I a- 184 .shermaustub. Waufié -Desrpmb I le 84certiftste otr b. -W, IL sunderSe suda"Wtt. to WW.. Buanderille. lots 7 and 8. bloofit . Dtookoïde adM. Wanksgan. MW. 1, Angelot Keefter and vite 10eDOre Seumake. am i S. . 3 a" 4L .ma>. ras soi>. lats Zurich. W. Ub. 11IM- Mjichso aelBysand wvite t'LA.V. Redrnmond. 0 aure.ln s-ca. Md il. MWa Tp, W. D. 01 W. P. AU«. andl vite t. NOtule Allen.& 591' ln.M W.- 4& 1c.11M Warren Tp. Q. C.. $1. ]mls M.. Price and bas. tale «8s- Allen., àacme la N. W. tr. Soc .30 Warren Tp. Q. C.. $300. A. V. Ladmond la KatIotfl HaYes, I 9 mmace lnamc. 7 andl 8 Zia ?p.W. a. uwofnaki andl ville te J1. C. Hilot 18, block l4., Droeer" aUb. North Chicago. W. lit..8326. J, C. Crot and vilta 1101e1177W' I SbbWser. Iract of l1n4 la 8ecm 2&. 35 andl 35. Warren T> ý Q. C.. SI- Wm. W. M. Ne, te C. J. Bituha ava vire, lot 7. biSk I. Nizons *44.L Wsuksgan. W. ftý 110. C omlanWlflas, t ai tu M, TPMU snd C. RockenbaOb, 61 acresiflu@eu- 36, Vernon Tp. W. 1)..$1,M0. J. A. Webhau4t gtu NOtiOBIl8t lot 33, blockansd lott 10 m09 bir k35. ChIZeO sprtug Blu*m. D., 860.1 Chicago Titis a Trust Co. tu A. &i IBaldwin, lut 2, bWok '39. Chieffl Highlands. Des-4. $3-0. OaralaJ. .Sinuetand bus. tg Eua-I B. Weiis. lots il, 12 andl 13, block 3. Norton'sa a«.. Rockefeilee. W. B.. Il- * Chicajp Title & Tust Co..teIW; *Parker, part of north %0 blsch1M I Mears* plat, HigbwnPd. Dees& liS j. (L. Weýdner, Br., and vIl. te 3BU rauta and C. Rockes0 0ac M- IÏare l Sec. Se. Vernon Tp. Dee. $M-0 Tex on Irish sachelar-. yt l a ural> the function of the stalM, te 0encourages tuIler thaus (o p-~afflS4 Idbgh birtb rMt». À hachelOr tex («P, lots ln M&R! countrl5s. If ttat coutI 4.b thought Igo extremfl. a dIffei'5«tlo l ion betvss-n bachelorsans:d mm, Il *famil>'blu thelncome tasi would M least tcni lu that dlrýectiofl.-4"lS Freenaub-8Journal. The Got-Away. *Th- n r ela uot alwaya to the aviS *but i1 ç-,ýýct l'e denied lIat the M" *wlio ge s stnried first bas a ilga 9 Vantaee * SmsIl ConslOatiion. * The manl sho bas signed a3. pnote cau set no consolation from *dscavory that litk marks will a-ItcI 70 yeuirs. IIdienetsaas a eau» Of0f089>sIp.à "Do women gouiP more than na selle an exehangeý They do. 155 2it. An filleman caln hest ayo - 'gossping sevon days out et k ~ eeL~1tii8flUd Iepublicen. * Jamaica Land of Rfil"c. jamaica hboldoa snotable i - MO nMgial bistor>'. t haw varfare f Enili. ITrend* Dy larda. itoale>', Nelson and ,h knew ft wellluntiseir Ilahting an !thé:later lie, bttrlsd ln earth. The b'accezçîrsl masl0t port ot caîl, and brtuczht It ee Vc 5c 5c s dmm lu loduIN -"I r. FW&'% $1.39, *eCond Fi= 1 xyrk.-*. 14.,%eipm k wm strone and cicecdincly