.Plded UP flmee. outOf the udI.argto ugeon pou Iagi~ pet3e.The, nice crisp greeun tlings of spiitue, atwa get to Trinq maetfst je Ee TRIGiGS -- iKingsburu Brand $ 3.00 Kinglmat ---2.50 Waw's . . . 2.00 Chicago Leader 1.50 jKingo, le à -1.00 Wafkndu --- TEA AND Lit ruet helutha. Lyna M. Colby i.nase cdgent for the OILiVertypeseriter. l Do ot b. ai raid ta baud you Ioa" to tIi. Imnpz*NneT. Tiieyamappreclated. Um. Mande Butterfleld aMd grand. mother, Mr4.J. B. Allanson, WCi Mon- day for Waterloo, la.,wsee tbey sel visit for atime. 'M. sud Rra. Boy Bii. lef t Tuoaî noon for Coorado Springs see tii.y& expeci to mabe their home. Mir? and Ms. John Numunen at speNding afew dais wit relatives bue.. r. Nmeenaleempioyed lu tiieo"lmbler automobile factory in KeOO"at The lecture at the Diamospd Lako chureh Friday of tii. seeek ha upon th*e subject: "The Land of tbeIi.ne." Buse meet tbe 680.e ar nt Rociieller. e The. W. C. T. U. sefi mt on ToWda April 28 st tbe home of ira, fBounH Miller. This vil b. a mother's meeting ,and ail are luîlted. Frank 9. Wir. vl.tod Br.cb.nrbdge, Colo., a feu' dais ego roterng the. #ratf ofthewSe.b.leriiowte tii Square Deal eompamy lu doorihlg condition. lieat u inmd tbat neit Saturday at tii. echol boume there seul b. eleted on. echool trust@ to 1111 tIi. vacancy let by L. fIchanelsebo.. era expires tbis aprlug. . Xlare id la moving lulo tii. Protine houm. on Orebard St., eu t ti Pr.sby- teriau cburch. gobeua.been inluei employ oi tii. W. C. Hols li'fg. Co. sud formerly llîed ln NeweYok. A UAbertyvile mmn setam. et. suicide Tuosday nigbt ona the Adarnfi street bridg, Cbcg,seu uuser lu the. Union depot comimitted suicide by ebootlug himmeif lu ti. temple. It le reported tiiere le a chance of nvlug the. partial or of on@ of Joli»u Spoor'.s ey. It wi Ibe remembered b. vas @bot lu tbê eye seth a sla*@bot t the. 'Lbertyvllle mbool a couple weebs &go. Both eyes are badly Ijured. An attorney wssInlu oya Wdnesdar lu3 the lteret of iii.boirs of Framk Rigg wvd on . bilod some tseo Jeas ago lu the vater ditcb viien thi.e art cavadinl upon hlm. Au offort wili b. mad. by relatives ta rocover damages f rom Heey, tii.cotractor. Tii. Libertynlle Crystal S prings Ca. received in une .bîpmet on Wdeeay 153 cases each contaluig six.one gallon em p ý' for refilling. Tbe spring la warbangup very promlsng trade and It ln predic.dIt viiidofar better astii. worth oft tii product becomos buowu. F. B. Upton ha. rentai tb. Dymond & Austin bouse at tb. corner af Fret etrait sud Hurbutt court aud willl won move bis family ber.. H. I. manager of the. new Comprosd Air & Vacuum Cesuing G..Wh .vii '0petnluLabe couuty with Lubert:vvibbe as head. quartere. Tii. show, A Royal Reception, piveu at tii. Uiou church ast 'Thuredd evening va. quit good for a« show staoppiug une ulght iu a towu ai this ise. It vas given by a troupe ut yaung actons sWho are jusi outernug upon a protesional career and under tii.mmm- agement aud direction ai Harvey Orr. 9 Charlie Laycocb won a "seheel-barros het a. the resut of the, election ai Tueodny. At làigià noua and lu broad daylight at a nearby date time ta b. publicly annouuoed Ed fala hta seheeli fim in a seeel-barrose tram tbe Nov. castî, hote] ta the nese depot. Fred Crober, anather laser le ta roll a poanu1 sith i inger tram the Flagg barber @hiop ta the. polt office. Some mouey changed bande on the electieu butas a raie the bettiug va. ligbt. Tii. Nuehka dance at the. ball luit Frldav igt va. vel bttended and a ebuces». The gentlemen tound thein- seves quit. shelveti the ladies tabing the. e = ofme th te ehale afi ansd cbolgthir partuer. for the. dane. Tii. sensation ot the ,vening va. a I'dark valtz" viierrin the, lighte moet accommodatlngly vent out leaving even the, musician, lu the. darb. It took the ladies ta thiub af It. P. E. Mareb, Neal Brrtdbey sud Fred Allman ver.e alled ta Roeford lion- day ta testlty lu the suit brônght by C. . Kimlu, osener oifleolfaet, 2089, for damages agalust the United Btates express couapauy. Belfat seho trottai a sensational race t thei.tlut year aainst Solo.n Gratien ava. lnuui whn traiumen made a "fllylug sviteh"I durnug transit i uuing tii. car off tue track anud hall vay throughk a briek building. Belisit va. valuedat $,000 sud suit va. for recovry ai $1,999. Li;bertyvilie no longer bas night com- munication by tel.graph vith ouflsld plt.Ater ,lght o'clocb If Yeu vanS ra sndU& a tehegramu jon ca't "a'.ail This csty neof the boat on th.vIsto lin. 01 the. Ciicàgo, Mlvaukee & SBu Paul talley ilu-cofihparleon vith ita sit. vhich furnishes mncb more sl hbuila..t tbth road than many ilu 'Sud ities af msuy turnst& popnlio bas beeu forgtten a. far a. th.' tehe àaph c"p0 n go e . are off tbè map eud. e bect.Little o.. b.., burg et it tel.graph servie and vo don t. Iteauonl We vaut te kmow* W. art plessed ta sunnou&to thi village sud community tint our oe bgiochool nov renjoysa aguedted wlo, tin iilbrin stTe Ih woliution le" LEADERS- NnpreSi s RMhl coins. moat seoth, son., to Mr. sudo Dr. 0. A. Lybt i0 Bufilo, N. Y., vends a=hot:le gea thîs vem elSb hi. brohe,= lp14tl j'r.d Vl hou b...very ick at hie home norit c»uv for some day. put mud in roovoting le sly. Mre. Loui a le moviug ber tumni- tort lu the . Mff boua, formsriy occupI.d kbv Mn.Woalridge. lMr. s»d1 lire. Rosres s*W imabe It tbeir home for the. marner. Thmirae'o..81 vot etait et. egetion Ttmo,. If every candidate elacteh voter a cigarou election ieevn1524 @mobkapu cent. acb&seouMticast the. candidates The. Tblrd Qumrterly Couference of the. Mthodint o*anl was held Thunudy afteraoon ttd*y) Preeiding Eider Cady from EaustOwsa.presenta»d sa. usua onditb*nortch affaire lu blgbly comasadable *ap.Re epobe an- couragngby sd complimuente theii pastor MW curhm worbcre upon the. quarter'. aebl5ieiuets statisties on Bird. T ii tteIaiioratary of natura isW tory ha. lstely lissued a bullotiu un- der theltiti. "An Ornithological Cross-i Section of Uluois ln Autumu,» wint- tou by is i ductor. S. A. Fonbes. lit gives thee blute aud numbers o! birds tunt by -tvo expert observer. Mr.1 A. O. Gros. andi Mr. H. A. Ray, lu crouelng te st"te on foot lu SeptoM- ber andi Qoobo? tramt the lndia 1 lin, to a no, -on the. Missisippi river, The data of tii.., observations are so tbaulateti aud diecussed as ta ifremu; aeeompteesummary of theto- t fl popultioof a trip60ftest vide anti 192ailes long. amountiug ta about 6% square miles lu total aRs anti tabo u a sample cros. section of contria Imni. Fotydght Iauudred birds vere founti on tht. sampleserlp, tseo-thrds ot th.= nSagt sparrove. andi about one.siziii of tie remainder crase blact- birds. Tii. next moat abondant aile- cle oss eteseatioselarks, crase, cose- bIrd.. hooned, larks and1 mourulag dovees, rsnging lu the order usmeti tam about 10 par cent ta 6 per cent of the wviolo number of native hirtis seen ou the trip. Ninety-tbree lUndil of hirdu vote Idontllled ln ail, but 80 per cent of thte Individuals belouget ta flfteen of thie epecies. Thcse fi!- teen spc.. taken togetiier uumb.red 1,728 bird. ta the square mile, seule the other .eventY Eight specîes um- bered lu ail only 130 lu the. square mile. Statistîcal observations of tuis de. acription. vhlch began lait August. sell be contlntued tbrough an outîre Copiee of this paper may be obtain- ed by thase interested by addresslng the direetor of the State LaboratarY at Unbana, Ill. Methodit Services. 1The second .-vening of the serie,. ou "Tih. Voyage of [M.' viiltabe up the. tapie ot -Storm aud Tsmpest." The, choir ha. prepared epecia music, the sermon wiliLwb. to thse point, sud Mn. E. W. Colby will read. Visitons will b. velcome. NOTICE. Anybodv cauglit huutlug or .haotiu on th@. Michael %Volf arm illiib. fluai. 29-2 [LYRUI 1YTUUULmuD John geon H urt et LUIirtyviII. Wl. Mill Victlm of Untortunate Tisia of Accident.sand Misfortunes. Monday afteruion, at Laibettyvillloat iWre NidI John leason ufered aM accident vhlch viiilua&il probabulty caus blmtu km the Wlâit 09 one ofhi issu Wblesorthlng aitih. .pooling mmachIne rung ire upon a $pool a loa, med 0f vire strucb hlm lu the. papi 09f on.of hs.yoetearing the .loIy substance of tb.ey o sothat local phyelilans darai mot treat It. Sq va. tabon u Chcago toà p.clles sebo vil endeavor to sav ait lhast parti gt of the eye thougho IM bop.. are held out. Mn. lesson ha. during the peut two yeare been the. victim of a sens. 0of misortufs.. A rouple 0f jOr fmg o h bilirg brobsu lu thie graî,i pit the fracture belmg su bai tint b. va. laid op formany sesebe. Upon hi@ recovery ho. va.taken MI vltb typboid fever sud wa. .icb for a long time. A few uoths later b.oblà to undergo su operation for tuor upos the. hp sud nov a. the, reenîtof algt a1 au eye. wbat the. pu" asar. ' Local Coorado papou. pnblshed l tii. ,kinty,)f the. Square Dos] Mlimg&t Devlopm.ut Co's.. proertles lunhter lest wooe'. ssuun.@p.ab -asfollos .of the. etvmpêny.e 15 nom»esta n. front an tientie source tint the. management of th$ Sur elcompany at FrWso iutestds t.=sibsy np.to.date -machla. drils la the nt future, goa that 150 fet of tunnel cau b.drllod per month lu- stad of 40 as at preeut. WbUls youmpur th"n may companleo. tuie l,. youug corporation ha maklmg fin progrée ansd su excelleut showlug, and reporew 7 bave eut everal leude lu thi i M lnt.opfht tunnel wic le nov la 482 lut.The. Journal legat ta note the. Square Osi.doservet oUccou-Bes'yU 00. (ffl.) J.rua Frak E. Wire, prulidsntof tii. Square Del et Friso, acomà g by Mr. A. M. Johinson, 0i111 a"W si, ast ii Bulletin aud otiier Mids SulalCk- ;rg a fl2ig cail Mondai. stsrit bistai Square Daproportion a 'Frisco. Boti gentlemen voeé ethU#. astie over tii.outloob. Thor exhlbiti a number of sanapw .ot ore vhe lch10h Ti.Bulletin underotande from mcnlelm an autiiority than tii. presideutlifet vicepr..id.ut aud suporsnteudst ci aulnes, 0f the, Square Deal conpiv nt Friso, that tbey expect 0tom modern beavy machine dril asa. won au tii. 4tristhotaiti.grouud. lir. P.B. Atwood, Orst vie-proldent of Rocblord, Ili., vt.itod tii. property two keebo e and Mr. Frank E. Wr., preudeu, ha. jnst beau haro ou a tour of Inspection, sud both of tii... gentlemen giQPrOu. theumeives a ablygrtifled at the. outlook, and s»y th. rSqare Dl)1. hi elMiht shape Ousunclally. They ex et to more vlgoroualy prosecute deveiop- met seork lu the. future than ber.to- fore. While the Suare b.iCompany le ouly a year sd a ba l ni, il bam muade a very cediab1 ecrd, and tIse Bulletinu h gladtm e. t aat Young cmpay dolug so vlb. W OltendaiOur hertiest congratulations, -Breckenridgc Buletmn. NOIrCE TO HORSE BRERDERS. 1 welîl travel my tva fiue .tallOlu. Veillant, a Percheron, and McKialey, a Clydesdsle. Both pure bred and mech volghs uearly a ton. Yon vili do Weil to see tiiem If lter.stod. Terms ras souable. U. J. locnm, P. O. RuMuf, Ili., Faria one mile weet of Rose- crans.. 8-St 1 VIS A - A 18155Shouidnt This Interest You. It es s=rpriug tact tint lu evon go It should be a fit reproomWttiveof putprspro 1 udit.lllgent a coxnuunity busme..wiichmeneii. bshgrdo u- aocuttere are mauy persons tistie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h bbd ia. .wi ave no Ubank meount. "c knd.Thas th kid w d& lu the past feu' monthe w. have ~., ECELLNT AOOBT op.ued account. vith about twohmn- Au ICEUNT A1111CIR29M dre.d nese cuetomere. They will tell you OF TYPEC, 0009 #UMM AI th.y vould nearly sa soon go hack to TYPOGRAPECIL A1IU!S living lu a log houge au touh. e ithout Our services. Tii... rcprr.cut Our enais. b deLUgI you ar not the. regniar ptronl of a ths~mii*..y.,bauk corne lu sud lt us tell you the. the. blnd o rntn h V W 7 ,Manytsînge ecau do for jon. Tiie pet... ae ragbt ut lbsq lIY ti Muetai3!E" thi uVrlble mise. S 911111100,LUbetyvilie: 11. Estim, -Your Bousm beaned [rom Top to Bottom Without renM4vahufraiture bg our, Patent sgstemn et Compressed Air end Vacuum. Leave oHrs *for Estimates for Cleaoing with Uùoond & Austin Libertgville u - IMOl Countu (*muni Ceesg Cofsn, r' Ib Une of : AC Tants,' Chfldren's a n, Ladies' Oxfords an We Algo Carry the. L--Douglas Brand: (lents'pFootwear Prices Ranglig fSj I F P. Oneoun, Pus. h. I'~ PLP.Dywo, o i~ 0.0A . uvice Pro. LAKE O.N P. &. rio MOAL . AG. SCHWEIMAP C. GALLOAY PAUL MacCUffIN C. . VIGH m IIÂRNESS -.m - 1 agin" owlocatadinlutii. nese store hi J. EIL ?riggs building ou Sprague stress. Ths %hop tumn ont ms good vorb au cau b. doun uthe. state. Give us a tria. ISOLICITYOUIYTR n SAlà T TOeuJMI l ÀN O. la LUCE Libertuie i bý 01Ào Saxooty. No ytry llim#oWêtn the advamc. 198pe WWMT.~I. 4m butoo r C IVslac% OU lN«bt% bIla U intand Iwavywo* A#e a 81w pkwm so!flntAppliqus and Spâ laces as ins.m« and new style f mboId have you suwtitos hand embroldiO 4 w' brought dlong from Geimnany? IlyU Lun. UB!RTY VILLE ILLNOIS .1 ~1 .50 New Line Stiff and Soft Ilats for Boys- and Men Il- SMITH. ti u tc dg 8 tg A el b li ri 0 fi 0 0b e b t t 1 ce "ý to'.