~' 50s, lt laIL 8.B.1Séec. 4.Ume IL à cvàmbwandwtt. tu Aus ý>ÏA otÎ0 uit-aid. Noig c 4L 14lA«dr. . te W. 0. -Piaae l'Mx I lts 4 a - 5,b&ock 2. Harder'i »b.a Lake U04tc W. -il, $920. U *dv ;Li~ r., ta J.,N. luanton, wpesAag~ . blk $920.er CW KWtq M Q Lee, lots Io Z* and 2t. bloek 3, Labe> Bluff. W. D., cencty lerk ta chas. Phillipa. lot 9. bbm a i"dlt 34, block 10, Deerfleld Uand lot "À," Elu Par» sub. Port a. ai Deos. W. J.toul.I, Oandwet<uiJ Tý 'I. Jt 38,C5 y . vueg -W CbeoÀCo Ttie & Trust Co. tu A. Cý Thomecai,*est 590% .block 26, and OMaSi 50fi. wet 050% tt. sotb 180 -IL blook 25. aloo block 26, Mears Plat 1llghwooi. Deed. $2.617.888. E.L. Carfield and wtte tu Nicholaq Wlate, lot l.n village of Grayelake. W Nchoas Wbte te Mary 1. Carfeli lot tu village ef Grayslake. W..D.. #L 3J. Holcomb and wIo tu E. £ Tait, lots 1, , 3.,>J>k 1. Itockefefler W. D., $l,0.'1 liari'let Saseen to Aima B. Les, loo 23 and 24, block 3 Laeo Bluff. W. D., -EMiwari Hart. and wlio ttJu ited States. lots 15 a"i le, bbock 1. Prall'i 1%. Sherian suh. 'W. P.. 855140. ]IL H. Berlmg and wlie ta Peter Oi. an. lWt18, bhock 51. Washbumrt W. D., 5tub. VbÈbp Titi. & Trust Co. tu G. W, la Rue, lkW 1, blSk 8 5. bflgolil laits. D«& Mo-, ft A.*0'and mivift inEviacéli4w %hurh, Prarie Vtew. SM&s1- a"-I î b"sct .Kamw tub. Prairie v"m W. Pl.$0. Q B b& *tBD. ElianiwttW-m lot i rst adi.. W.shngton ParI W. $7..;. L. 41.. ant i wt ttaI.L fdImiep lot14. bleck ,Barlett's mu*, I a [Tb d vifa teo . mo J- uum f Gai rald 411, W"" W C. upt sa m itf. bto m rna are«. t on saut i. Talrview gl JO*not* of Maiman ut, Waultega W.D. # m ê J. 1. mtum end Woute B,:4. Maaey. mtberly 80 tLt.lot 2% Mont 14 xaige MuPra. W. 11..81.0m~ P. q maMue tt r- C. .uatai .Mo Mwitm. uoslh %3kt lot, blook is Xcàûa sad, Waukegan. W. D. C. BÀCOu nd i ifs té Roll& 4 ktavllg orAutlock I NIui&tt. u091 eysla 1G raiy & a Howenl's Mti W. D., '0" M«b Io *1 ot; 1. village 0 Oçq IUkL.Oonaly~c. *. .~*n & klt. S., M CoontCý,vm at 25C &d~ OmtCoret oersiai. te ram au =adllet aly f sheer cegbric % . m e l .. ..... have neyer made, any atteinp aow other to msume., kmett of, tradinig.here lie . ath e Mady o f these célimezmodela are Itoasthat weré e lad i nluthe remt esle ila shus depart.t. Sou. cÉ thme hâbt.e -jma f riO uusae, aboolutely Doue of them i a» defective -iu a way that you tiouûcalledso the faet, 1IMbt. au' of aVelu. up to * An ie@ia1y ttta5V* fatére in our~ ~ etit uiltey..10la a magil- cent ou , rtimient of sagmer baté tual wm1 ,ppeslto the lacet eooaomioal lue 'Won sas hee Who. aremors libe ral lsbthi e Mstaingo. Ail sr* dantily tlmu.d la a manme that i. hou toPlsa.nwa As espeolal usoatment oltailoreEi bats.,&aIl ibm noer abspos-4) se srdyatim s & ÎÏ&Ya.... a recognlzed fact,1 r h"issapparent ctual value for thei EREDWTTH> . niai orne et ibm île. eloth, S il. gclnWa....... st bc f the beat, "h eLhewhue., IN~ VIW. n n u~m * s mvitb~wIbm r Paumas HomepunsTweed$ obehapladasd :rpiaide, luin eton and belotespa akt sud the manish lootkingtrebto ot&tway, semitigtittlag back efeot, ail arefullatin lined. Tbe shirt. corne lin thé*mew full plaed style effeotis inclllug the -aod clusSer styles and thom, vltb ire £ovins plaS.front thii = ad ruse.. y?". ohoice cf shes ham iugly', slogant suite As Osr , sale neMs the Crowdi Our Rmnant Sale continues to koid the crowds. We have gone through our ttie dry'goo da tock- and Ocked out the dress and short leigs of silks that 'vote ka over (rom Our recet big à&l sale. To add fuel té, e (arne we have inulde remnants of l)resa Goods, Linens Toweling, Prints, Lawns, India Linons adlai fact every short lerigth (rom our entire stock, includlng pieces up to twelve yards ci cloth, ail are placed on sale at about one-haif thm actual value. Suib t. Bt p1-Teué *lmt corne in Paname@, Voiles, Tweeds sud Novelty weave. in rich shud.. of seÈ brown, oofee oolored taUa blues, blachu, checks, striptes.am other oomb'<nticna, aILîMi the full plaited model eifeots, rnny are trimmed with bralds, buttons and straps, many of thein cf the. Most exclusive drsigu sud of values up ta 410.00. Your unressrved ohoie of thia maluitlceut aasortment at Boys' elegautly talored suite mes«. ing in aise fromin 2j50 17 yeke. Tih. sise raamgfrom si ta 9 osme, vith kalakerbooker tromuers amd Norfolk, Ruuulax, Peter Pau and BaiSer Brovn. oats. zThom' frorn 9 to 17 y.ars orne viti kniOq.: bookers and the. regulation Norfolk ami double breasisi style.. Tii... suite. min Tweds,oheviote, Homespucosilagraye, chofs aMd fa"oymixture, lnoluded al is 0"ou of the. buet aH-yoo blue serge sali. ever ofrsd s t th. prias. Youa ohoioe f ron t us entire sleotm of values of actuel ,worrtb, up ta 61.00'. sasurday and Mo $3.9 TWO BIG WAIST SPECIALS7 LADIES WAISTS 89c L ADIS'WMSTS $ 1.48 Made of shme white lawn, made in the Madç of the fineut quality of sheer, very latest styles, wtth Lace and insertion dalnty lawn, many wt udo f ronIt and tucked fronts. This accortment in- and -back yokes wlth lace and buaetion cludes valusu to $ 1.48, your choice fronts, ail the sea»Ws newest models, "ro ab = i ifet styles, Saturday long an dwsht leeves OnsaeSt and Monday, while theyLu & ur4ay and Monday $14 ~pSWVOO~SrUOce nd As 0. W.Coubli Md vite to Evelp Cobb. B. 140 M W.lot1, Lake Pr «dempo ttie sMOTrust co.ita43 Enter. lots Oai 7, block 9. Cblo&O ."t02iaaDes&. 100- Wb»maiOvua amd bas. tu C' P. Johw0, sUC. lots 17 and 18, block 2. Cnmmlg & (»as$sdi. tu Wankegsn. W. D'. Wbm. wuinfn50asn agcUe ta lar- JaA.Richardson, lot 5, bI ck 2, Wlll. mlagsou's snb. Round Lake. W. D., ,1ao. MmeS.Dvi. and iflt M. W. Ha*tchklas. lot 27, block 4, Zion <Clty. The Boy Who FOUi Down. 4t Auburt, lualiavarla, tbey ha"i moMueaurtoua laws and ardln 'ce&. AU AMean faiully frorn WlSCOnsln vere atopeiug there last Derember,ý and- que af the son., a boy 13 yearsý c&, allpped on the lcy sldewaik on. «Y~. Ne. vsat oece arrested sud& taitec ltccourt ou the tharge that b. bad timlIndovu to make troulé for ofliar folk*. It Was heli that whou: the boy leil dow« a number cf People, s tewed 50 me. If bo bad been burt, Am it».S à te shaplceeW rbefore r vhtte doorb. bai talon toit bumllt Mètai ver thé. clrcuîutance. Ala,. Umfit b. trlghtenei a horne..> Also, thma j "' a pWlian camne UVho couli * mt taIk 'Gergian ta hlm. The. case 'W*@ 51154 la court, and the. boy vbt <"Il dowu $ostesl of Stanng Up WU' 'r 0Usod by Hep. A" s sau *7 lhope.Never man b01Usd ie la** Or repeuted that ho bai %opo& fbe piaue lâ tbat vul deul bffls la 454 bain eaoub. flop4s Utrburt 5~eegvryetl. eferai v8tl'" 4t; aay ittUalvye Oumegtbeus 50 th. Perfarmoance of 4.51, gives courage. ma echars the 42$vAi00eat. Hope fi the fwostt atl vueils tu the. uulverse.'"-.Qomge Mac. O OW Objection t. a - ý NU M Othât".. - THE RUDDY-CHEEKED ENGLISHMAN BUT TE PACE FOR THE WORLD 0FP WALK- FERU. ENGLAND WAS KNOWN AS TE-'NATION 0F PEDESTRIANS," BUT BY 0 OMPARISON, THE ROBUST AMERICAN 0F TODAY I8 & WHIRLWIND 0F ENERGY. THE GROUND HE (JOVERS IN A GIVEN TIME AMAZES THE WORLD. TO STAND TEE STRESS 0F RIS EVERLASTING ACTIVITY, 'TEE QUALITY 0F HIS SHOES MUST GREAT- LY EXCEKD ORDINARY SHOEMAKIII0 STANDARDS. A.MERIWAN GENTLEMAN" SFI0ES,6 THE FAVORITES WITH A MILLION DESCRIMINETING AMERI- CANS, NOT ALONE BECAUSE THEY AfRE E ASY IN ACTION AND POSSESS STURDY ENDURANCE. BUT ARE 'MADE ON LINES APPROPRIATE FOR CORRECT DRESS. "THEY POSSESS TEE CH1ARACTER 0F THE MA&N." 6moreau 81105 313,k M3- gu~ ~..Isl MA5555., SI&eryDêys or the Feet are Over! Any oiie incorporating their feet i a pair of our Amtrkcan Lady or Anarkan G.utleman shoes have flot only established a lasing and insçparble (rlendahip between-our shoes and their feet but have for the future elimlnated ail further foot trouble. American Lady Shees iu'high or Iow cuts in patent, and vici kid with patent or stock tlps, in ail the newer latîs.Theàe shoes are of a value that sell elsewhere up 9o 4.00 and $5.00, al .....................J Vid Md 4and Paternt ColtSkia Shees se $2,50 Amerlcac nlemaShoes luhigli or low eut, lu patent, vici kid or caif skiu, in the snappy, stylish, as weli as the more couservative lasts, iu aetual value worth j4.00 and $500, at ..U305 Ladies' 5km..s at$L39 These sboes corne lu light and heavy soles, med iumn d. Th is includes an assortmnent of vici kid ehoes that la soid dh bela apaetcotadkid ekin lmahr, aywll. by nt shoedeuiers ut $1.75. Theseshoe core ne lace, dul mt opsanf f achrater of actual * gr blucher styles, tbey are very mtroug and weli lf .....U.. 3.0,or rie . 1 . ..... 4U made. 8atur4(ay ad Monday od, ..... Pesmt COUlt d aid<1SkaOxfords se$25 These ohoes corne lu light and Iîeavy soles, mediumi and high heel il Patent colt and kid skia leather, many wlth duil watt toýps sud cf a cliaritrte.r )f actuai O &, m-orth up to #U50, our price................ 50 j Sale of Shees at $195 Vic! kid shoe in lace, button, bal or Mucher style, light orheu.v ufiea1, rany with dul iatt upperu.. iBlas that hav bstoIreso' at.42.50, to clear ont -a.bràkmý asoýt- Chiltretis àS os t 69C« Tlieitehoes range lu size froîîî4 to Slîctv< ip.wege'!ieeI and corne in lace or button styles, ini patpnt leatlier anu vlci kid, ma:y are actual 01.00 vaines,69 ,.-atrdy ndMnnday oniy,.......... Childna1sS.$1235, Tiiese ahàoea ringe inslWe frrn1.2 to 2 and corne ln vici kid itndpatent colt, lu lace, buttonu ndbluehier style, EMuY 81406 155