puiewhipe, tie topes wion be )Olooking for " umgFratreYamu * Gr-fflE E. STrRAMIG * ritire Deer nd i er m ebiUJ.rtake HAV ÂVN prbad the entire stock of meor- chadisie of IIek CarlIeld, w. wlmh to anoune etheit pattons aMd tÔ anl Itetetd that we are bore and vil appreciate a fair sbmr of their patronage. W. vil bave au ims eutfriy neow stock of d ry goodmi, up-to-date, and at pries that will suit leu. Our- stock of gro- ceriea ls complets and unezceliod by none. Watch for Our pw"a3 later. Whitmnore& Carà* ad SUCCESSORS 1TO -~ ~ f lily& Carfieid BAIN AND STOUGIiTON. WAGONS We iHave them Farm Trucks Teamlng Trucks Farm Wagons Light Wagons *nd Ier PUWDsIIM MpMSOS VIdctf IL 3. J.Ef Md ilvisue ma. ard bai aesepdsPosli "Bd Clihgo. be 1b.viiMove bsve Ig Wfor Spsldfo g spor g u 01 ScQMGraylakePharmwacy J. y, Biier aid wviviîted at Wanke- a nd"», s At tbeSvan. school tiiere va- qut. a bit ai exitaient aven ochoal direetanav lire. Karnest, 1fr.. Dfm.i anidn.'te Dmaltiwvr. in the race. lMr. DOOlitti wo n o a t v i h e se . t Louis Oarvood. of We»kegai, spent P eunday aid Monda i v ie li.parents, be vaM Sacompei$d by a frlend. Richard GeOsM aè aIiI are ont ta theu' beantitai sumumer haine autGage Lobke for tii. msa. LThe a haspent a greater part ai tii. viter badi Mmre. . M. ita.b vléted at Chicagoi tram frlday ati SotardaY. Mfr. anderua aid vils, a1WaucOnda, cmlled i nfrleudm beM onDay. ai od er.s won anfr Lwis aid invii.0.taCinothsweek vbere teyvii le It thli rn.. Me.WaL Ks sple idimIsePearli Kapewes c gavimsitaresturday. I esardoy evening James Marrie wvas olsctd wàool dirctar tbe oiily Opposi- tion beng E. B. Nesille the rturnlng diretar. Tiiore voie28votes 1r. Nevilse stting 4 sud 1fr. Marrie 19. At Hisoflle there va. a grest desl of ,iclt.ment exenclmed overschool eletion. Roujid labcain witb Oea. Richrd- mon vbo non gaint Jasa i enehai tii. retirlal diretor. There vere 65 votes out RlBkandmau vlning ont byone vote. Round Laite antd thein c=daes Came la a banch. Allýren inesyile connted tii.. aver tbey vent Oat ta hait voe, thsy exhaut.ed th tavu ma then came ot one shy. There lea reprt ot that thon vers some traitons C. L. Lindemai a eglter9d pharu. oetbas ancptod a puitin s the CrayalsaePharrnacy. Ham y O.ry accompied by Mimaes1 Flrenco aid RnbyÎ.mth ,Wsted at Wawnida Suiday. Simon StaN ffel t MBeary, traisced businew mi erïio7iday. Min Nom Bulter vislted aut Waukegan Suadai. wm. Whitniore aid family ver gueste of Idre. E. Witemore Suny. Ealpb aid Louis Bradvav. 0f1 1gb land Park, vlsltod their graidpare bers Saida.v. ik~ auid =1 Om. A. à aid famlly vii1 tb@W lit tpi m horn eat Fox Labo Mll * eSt, ci Prairie Viev, cWied 00a aid troib"g.uday.1 Dr. Mrqsà av~0d vite spent Sunday et liebbru atGamLake. Geoige w oad f Eianstoo. I in th guetteofa J, T. Morritiand other olativil. NosmilpoliW. uboae who have aoedl thm Oc. letm again. Ormysiabo Tii. aev boidUlog actory hbas.tarted ad Je doicg &5gond busiiness. r. W. R*bas i vihes ta announce t bie jenov Imed ln the. Bnell hlnck aud le pzeW5èré ta do ail kinds of p& hag n âi , buggy.toPd etc. à- ne5 O » ta order aiwork Mondor 0023101g ti r. C. C. Wbltmore r"e i 4 meve a1 the death ai his vile vUs bas bffl nthe. vest for the. = t -v a T n s. try in g t a reg ain b e r besiti. Tin ava cme as a greai sur- prie ne Oblt fMoSly'hber son clement - ----v__ vomi sber statlng ibat @e w»a toesg i better. W. e rel reffettbit" U duty of chronlcllg CouaiT (ler I lende a thei.gaeof hialm ie , li ma B. J.- W Ielock tt 0.f Wm. Reuele tranaa.ted busime1W Cblcmga TuesdY. la obkci th scarcity of teachers, Mr. mp» owcounty superlntiendent a le l lamsly dus ta the. emali := ;i*_are paid for tencers. Equaleoi inoeluany other lin. atof *0bo t @lbil ett.r paid sidhe belle,.. tbat ibis condition bas vrougbt the nemcty of gond coapetsnt tenclen, Keb«&RS pndup theirnov store os VbWmey street tus week. Tii. gentlemen bave put inea nice dlean ap.So. date stock vb" htheY viii contlaualiY idd to. WeeeMO your attention ta tUeir ainouoeebmt la another colmi. Lyzm AtvOU wha bas beon ongagsd, ai t"e phoignphîc staff an the Americatba aocpted a more lucrative poultia lvithitbe Chrouieie. E,. Bl. Sherma visited ai Shermerville Banday. Wm. Edvardm te out trom Waukegan Bropailrlg @l tar. which lie âne recontiy reated ta bl ore & Carfield. Tii. etarevhcl tbolirrn nDow occaplos viii be remodeled aud r.atced later on, It le sup- Sposd, ta Kuber and item. LOUIS J, YEOMNAN THE PIANO M*N Iieavy and Light W agons henoAaavo ha. eesn lck with eub Cati and Look Themn Over lakont 'ait ire. . B. Rioanad cbldroit, ai Bine 'É R E lea L,inlethe gust ai ber parent.,, aiteaà 1r ad 1fr.. T. Gerlach. iug or nho manaal B. Atveii s"nt -evendl dais Edwin R ()$visîiitgbis son. lu Chicago t'Ocoitti. raystlal Ii< The Wo Cl'sun i viiimeet viti Bt S BAC - M..s Rd damanext Mondal evenlng. a Run Arthur Cook and vii., of Ournee, vore )dr. and fjbtVIIQ 1ÎIU*guesU t stheo Maicla home Saidai. wedding Adams Wednésd ___________________________ fRdlAY THE! 131h. Thesare pleasant E.Ne, and fax, 9lis Restaawaot ihssl OR~jR~ESES c.C à&--I-Mau§ h Deo gou led gea bIme eed .t SOMe n9w hams or "ome tieig repaire. l gis ever ore gais must be now. CoMtul0e MWeen pdcesright LbIt IfCHAS . M KAISER Ilni - ~ .s.~tiko elepiiotie Na. 46 Y5RroJUIPIWf5J" -Libtyvgiis RîcabilO SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKE~R __________ and CQNtftCIOfR1 Tro out of rown OrderstsiJs.tUvflje "9 -- And TondIt g fi#r#PPU et 1 t hurs FRESH QYSTEý cIGJAiZS ànd CANDIES LAUXDET O)IF.CPI - phone No. 19. tesou ýmm' chas. on bisE Wm. Hamry pait W Marq the bam misSe NliA GERL-ACII. Prop. fted them te yann stock. Grays- rm acy. NT-The building at the corner of id siuséer street for enter dvell. op. E. B. Sherman, Oralake- 1)Canlyle. ai Chicaglo, va. in e Wednenda'. 1fr. Carlylinla sierman and opende may ofis ls witlî hie friend Oea. Benoba ad Lake danlng te nommer. ud Mrt. Ed Adam@ attended the g of Ir. Ada.'. brother Geo. and %lione Johnson at Chicago loay eveiig., ends ot E. B. Shermnan gave bain lie party Taenday evening in if bit birtbday. Ail report a very it eveflint. j. Ballard i. vlsiting hermomthe ionstil. gvell transacted business la Col t., the laeS of. tiisweek. peitr1 Kapple entertained Il ohuo club Weduesdai evealng. 1 Marrili bhi reaed bis ulmco man tram tho Corn Excisa 01 Chicago, lba viicmave i here ia the asar future. ,it Harris ad vite retuned irei ath Tnesday aid viii apend th er t G<ray&se 8Kuebker bad a allgbt operatio ,m m ondayl nChicaga. kPester entetialud bis consl VPanavaiki f Londn, Eng. tl reek. rquis Shaffer sid AI Gavery tookl s hal gamin ObicOga HaSrda ie tt IU . Lb BssY (sang Dallel i ottier spen Sonder vit reltves at AntiociL ba ri to m ik le ço m in Ba&d are verýy mucb improved tii The larmor are, bnsy tîliing the. soif and cowng thuir grain.- Ev.rybody la giad to see Dr. Lewin able tu ride oas àain,-. 'IR. moMrri. vram in jau.viie tihe ire of lb. week.1 Mfr. and lMme JohnCrawford udayed st hotol Edwards.1 1fr. and lire. Chai.e pent afle- days in liwiàiee. john Faullier bat a 'rory valuais borne fast Wedn.eday. Seholmeein vae Dot lawloi tined ul lh au e~c ove votes ver. ceut, Mmr. Melville, MW and DeS Melville M r. and- ..m WifeMelville e&ii tii. ueral of Maie Achen Monday. 1fr. Gardner has moved ta the. NeveUl fara. ur barber, Bert Eddy, bau quit tihe biunad gone 50 Waukegii. c. c. AÂms aelectsd directr s t the echol al metngSaturday .veuing. wii O'Nuaihpped a carload of stock ta tii. city M onday. J.- B. Keller has last comeloted a fine Dow colonial porcb tinfront Of hie resldence. Miu Ena Kappie in spending the week at Labo Villa. Mfr. age bas tus w.ek connected hie noer telephone ta the. farmers lias. airs eo.. H awkiuh, ofiUbertYville, &Wsted ber uoteýr,-M. Win 0'Nea lutas on Saîday April 14 Mise ildred DelderdU., af Grson Be", Wie., and 1Mr. prmak Taylor vers united In marriage la Wmnbegan. Mfr. and lire. Taylor wiII ame thelr home ln a skega. Mfr. Md ire. R. W.Bearu aid son cme ont Irmm.Osk Park Wednesda aMd *111 pend a 1ev days utthL, entamer home bau. John Clark tormesly alibi. plie. bui' retarisod f om i ammd le galng to Tii buié,ei rua abotel ai [roe Ib ibis smmer vblM in «0go ~ xii. Ethel Mcalre hb bons om am wlth ber groadmother, lire. Wmi. Ea HmSylomdl -of Lambo Corners, for a fev dayo who la hm-. Warren aMd qut. dek. 1 aieosit atbw dir wiu& lire. SNeuonr ha.go»e 50 tie. ity for Clre.FrthasaL., a lev days..M rth u&t Mm. a lir.R.Wheaton and lut week. mour.a heaiasn, are vw eta the Oea. Woad, of Lake Foré^ paoag. M .Wheatoiiad ayparent@, 1Ur. aid Mmlire. Woo vilu " miy eek. 1Ur. Osidw wais t tu- W 1fr. and Mi.. L L, oo meeaeenter- UOdenoba maoutig talaisig ibetgonu ad faInhY. hg macitimo tOvott ta ber dauglbiszoï lireW. Tbom Jr. wu led anrday afihi Md Round Lakoebelag eiate d pri pie ~ . Westvot" and grandeon majorigy of one vote. Warren vent ta Obheego Fridai ta vimt_______ ber daughtsr, Xlia. t»--vit ernig Sunday. . RIGT( Mime C. B. Dater îStarned home lait ScairaiC week trom Oak Park and E,5iitafl. u"nda b fCu Mise Lacy Trotter retuvned Fild*y Mum OSma Torgier ai tram Evaiston. Up.elled on finonde ber. S lie. Wedgs retanned tram Nobrueaba -cmin Daehr, af Whb" aid uisted lu North Chicago l ibu rv'mreaie er eee dangbter for a short tir. . eaiv@br y Ia. arah Tover epetTbudi:g=aid W"&k 'FrldayilaWaabegai aid et t e W. inGertrude Brandt, . Buatera Star Thavaday eeln. mt op t iides wvii James Donner aid Dr. Jaiskon vent ta ChiagolaitW L -daî. lirDBoum er « F IUPad M vent to te liositai fur tresiment 197r*and Loi. spet n rstumnhng lMonday. k m aChicago. Um eEdlth VanAl*tine vlsited tfraio e'Ginle va.ua a Frideytili Saaday vith Mies Patch, <of SnnidAY. Ru.mi r. aid Mm. Wayhad The 'l mospv aje Miled an ftrde hm e SUYi P ."da and btA'l c id W i O g i John Barro w ,e h ob " 1 gal:eversLoui BnocvayP. 1. ejj, u<>w ba"e ï r nd Lloyd Wle ooaovi ni batsM Dr. licilIgaliaid vaWmaoil C. E. taplc Foreign Minsions "Christ lu thse Continent of Asia." lea. 49: 8.18. Vivien Donner, leader. Thorda May 2 la the chancIspeor. Supler v ho served by the neittouarin lh. alphabet. De sur. aid corne thus Invitation ia extendod ta aillWho con came. L-LONG LSR Miartin Staitait le baving a nev bouse aid bars boultoer tibthe aid vIi mois vien ste wark lau OnlohMed sha hbu rented the. botel. John Austin a d faniiy opect ta Nichl u Wie wva aviitoai a Mei ove tu Tauboga inl the nier future. larm-hbSndui. 1 r. and lir@. ChariescCbure aid Wi Hcker atteaded a party at Tam )abî viited vith Wiii lMcClure and M qW sat GagesLaite Satarday nlgbt. mîly Tae5day. Relpb Wlsan r.tnrned ta his buomea 4 Atty Dady, of Waabegan, va. at Zonda, Wl. Satorday aler spondin& amiw over Sunday. ev veebe vitb bis uter, lMr@. Age" mine Isabe& Patter, vho ubas beennHiana. ailng a course lu nuring at tIse l ms Gilbert a d vif. oi Libety iie eman-Amenkan bospital le aS boas vlalted at Guy Houka atadaY. tir a fev daye.. John Ceveland vlmted frends st Pot mi nomber of the. friends and scbool- Laitestation Banday. ties f Leigh Vincent met st bis home 1fines lez James retuned te ber hon» Friday eveilivl.uIg hlm a pleaant srprise. Aigl tiras. prmset Mbaua at Spnlng Orovo Sondai. njoyable lime. R. L. Dovua and vifs spent Batgrdoy ' t. E. ta p le for April 28, Foreign and Sunday ae W. Whîte's. Missions, Christ la the. continent of idre. Will Snyden and son Inwlu, af tAla, Isa. 49: 8-13. Lake Villa vislted ber mothor aid The. seool çhildren viii Observe Arbor brotbers hon. llunday. ad Bird day Frlday, APril 26. Min L>ra Huson visited aS E.IL ev*. land»suaday aiteroon. ltgchomi Nogra aAam . sapt, Simpson visited our sebool Acnlt aRySanr ae u the May Amenimlcel Mailtw MW, Mir. and lire. Bwanuon viited a ev veltint negro, tu Atanta le A. F. dais afti us vok ln Chicago. nHaorih iaoperitethe iargt barbe? lire. Barastabie,. ot Chicago, vlsîted 811P la, the clty. Kolibe prodent at vitu ber daagbiter, Uns. Champony lest a negro Inuance Campany (let veek. which Shere am re n athé clty) aid h 1fr. and lire. Arthuor impson and hu. r.le som e flity dm111 daagbter Hlen. oft aukegan, ,ilet ai mie, if course., $eélever. WUson'a Wedneoday._______ inMa.BDrdgn visited at Freezer'@ NOTICE. MairaeWilson le vîsîsiag lu 1 vieh ta ainnounce that 1 have soitS Chicago. my Intle n uthe . fm, Warren & Horea,1 Chic g o .R o kefelie r,. a d tua ti n hIe future the lira. Esty la nov living with hon business wiii be couducted iy Eward J. daaghten, lira. Hook. Horeu vho assumes ail det.aiMd TaYlor vlslted in Waukeftfln Monday.lr.AnlWoeya<lrsCriielO5blte' JoNLrWaE. or WADSVORTH. lire Jackson sud Dlle Chant W'aakegan, visited ah John Rh.a day thia weeb. :e Mfr. and lire. N. Bravans"eutm day witb relatives b@e. a T.BDdendiike.-d ailyhave ta 'he la aw nsoath oi wad w c Min-.P. Madea le on lbe sick l arn miss. ara5lreter and Mr. F th. W.ukaaetset Bunday at the. Oit JmsBartiettpirrbsed a ft hanse lest week. lu, Mrn. and lirs. Beu Gilimare eute the tompaity froni Lake Villa Bundià Frank Luxi8l stayViig with bis1 lit PlesanqtPrairie. la. Repaire are being ma&dq él- Sehiosser itouse. Mfr. and >1 iutend taklng possession 0aiit 00 C. A. Eêydecker ha. commen the fouadatiait of bis nov store. sid B. Sponeaburg bas retumied1 »M, trip ta Canada. The Ti.Porion chidreit vho ha toOvery elck are on lhe gain. Att Gtna ii iBls' &I treugtb andaalty 3 vb17. sun ldteate Mn.Résa dîrector. Oea. .Uilng aur-Wevblgb-W v. vwili 005bae anl oa meeting aiof campanT lu b« Mas oae wednes- emoved oiât. Fin, of Waddel un 5* sel. 'lu Mis -J bel. Jaq lii I. t- Fellavs bhan n to v» J As. tmoth n adp O leDur. ke.hetaiMmhl thloeir n o eImOIa viol. Thoir torBS boese occupealby Dr. OlScte a6l Landve oresChutuga vW =P tnec-ay. A nalysis No. 24,569 by Norial Record 2:141 Bay stalion, l6 h" mihl "Sanifcnt amd a homs peat b.auty and rtl lieae F.« .YIK 1 ai eet weatt ofLOWi rem on tii sIsRbdod 'Cotot cre. Do1 a 1 r m h eT O s u a =$C IBU U S. E. W . PA R » aveheiÇ Suba<ilvO hltba kenotice J. a. MOI thai ibis WOYrl&«IN t M. 1B. MUI comé 1 14bl * ayC" SMITH la& --iSLUP onthle U"« RLEJ" HI0corner of lia FIRONT 1 have pai us~ 8-TAlrtUEP4 OF oUR 2000a sabbo ie A =OQUNT and a aasme îi l u il seaien. bolmàtte oit 'o@ 40W VoU STAND, . M*rd-Tbo WhoowetheINDEPIZN- W5tY~~~~ cn- IY ADIfyuare *et - U.PAYM£CTu0 DE. TII PA 'u ~~ l LO pr yer