'i halo I 1 hie I1A5k7 <S tiio p liaI bis M lIN vV@iE 0F LA=OW OVER WOMAN. &*W as Bl ta Haveoses ~ ea9.Murphy, of Wood- wteis, pamus Wfer e 0 Woodteck ce clioir sean- ls ta an end lu Lue circuit court »Ucasaflday alternoo. Bd& CWblia, chargel viLi eig u- a umms Clarm D. Mupy rees' ife o! Prty W. Mrphy, bodatocis.pleade gullty sud vum ho Lue state prison for s Jour- ft titan a score o! prinnt Pen- 0 Woodatock,.~imemberaofttise lapisI c tci ere,- lu vuicli Il schormater sud vbere Mutrpy sang, camte tu lXenonha 111f, but CoMhlîn vas unvilutg Mo» evufeue ltroducod and bdi ty. eIMupliy vas tried betore a eh ceacil and la Dov avaitng ime Tii. voussu, viela faiS- btabm ootnthin mislufor Wgs?,'l eanty us lormesly Lie C.$aPoyia>, a son or tise "W ijoe a ilue>' !Chilcago, î bbd taI aMlla lubliashome W 1w te il»iv. na buru et W a vaU CeukIbL -Conkiln *,*IN ad -angbter livint at 0»,«en ly Noad- OMSV»a siuliat tisentummer IlK of C~ eua pmet5fTvl ,a M0OtOber, tv a Iyl aller ý Xquy b"bMafgrstedasdil- -b tr bar hisOandaon grende X auia>' bal *el s cross- ibkbis vifte agreune tut or icotal>' f lte vlthrew tue MIL The. *Bfl tegb, »MAiciet WuamTlce D ie'cud, ,mey ifa im upiyvas Nias ~ s arnClmetod S. ous Isesel aore frin»asIa i~Wth urpy eeed n avu etNrpi tek lir Wolob *Mt s eatu b au. o lie »d sw otC uhlu mvetvas 51po lane vinid a h"sod M Mthy the gvoa ofgrui BHaanl but L betvthneeiSot 11.81 adrne risf eceeer br Ie Isb to cbler tht cloatn lStmm -lat te more serios le 1 sda. Krplyiy nédlCODM sl a ,»rp", wbeobcarged CmUbln.vitli broteaklg*P bis bome, thieael hlm vu, permowa violence la the. court rom riday sud a gusrd uas con- vinallUykuÇ O ver the men te prevent a clah. tla sdtâtai;thtei.district attoriiey vii l ot seek a warrant for tii. arraut o! mms. urphy. Former Wauklgn Boy Gains Mention in Dqpatches Regardlng Suli. marins Tests. Nwv Ton, April 13-Beginnlng on April30 and conthiniigfor a couple of vauku, Ivo subinarine bouts, top- rettetlng dilferent types o! uader- vater croit, viii content off Nevport fer the M8,00,000thnt lias icou&P- propriatel by the goverinont for tbuilding nov sulimarlnes. neiUnited State ubuarine bor il choose Uive% rmaltethe but shoivnginthe coing content. Tii. firt marine flotlia; consisting Of the. Porpolmo. Olirk sud Plonger, Commlanlol I>y Ueut. Charies P. Nol- sou, viiiliebuon biad to give aid la came ot accident. Thé Pllctrlc Boat Company, vlilci lia absorbe the. BolaI Torpedo mOomp", y, liienter as ia chamn- pion the. Octopus, a sulimarin o0f tihe nev fsmillsr Holianl type. The con- testlng -boat *viiihle i.Lake, lu vliilch Fred Brown Whitneyof eWV/u- kegan ia Interoted. designed by lmon Laké. Tii. COMIng try-ot la te hae tior- IOUILi.'The bouts viiishiov their eapeel. tiiei qicknu etBt lving, tir tablltY te attanansd te maintatin tdepià under vater, theur radius of mc- tic, sd suy GIet fine pointa their lnveufMs bii lnktiey bave. l'FUN dCOS T M' A ME Or0f$20 .Sta0le Scarlowskl Got Jovialand Sat Him Wlfe; Trial resulisin Fine aud cents.. t StaisseuScauv caes ionte ou 1Mrtel street ltoulcated 1I naisy nsI*t anldemaulebis mpper cf is vifs. ne sud vouas rftm&i.the, Usai .151mB lu su uueealy ma=e«, 'M at.Set«o»se affuha lieutber a:iawuily se 1thaï si i rfobeli ,a the ieahe', rrYtng ber hbitu Sowmlwskvas ftdeln88 ud coat 'bY, MaIsbtale O9e. H-epol su& v eut homne. K. regardai fthe viiol iItIerana job., la spîte cr a stem't Ireprimasulteb eliave ltuithefuture. WIi.re Power Plant yl BO. "X the Chicag & iNlvwakee Moe.- ttrio Rafroad Company locates lie tpover plant lu W&UkegaaIt viiilieh ou tii. Dow sud Kirk property.- 1TIs la Lie statoment o! a rosd of- h09" bere tai&y. lie fortiier statod that the. pover .Plnttdéal liore las net iy uy Mannar of anoans at an end, an important su- noun11cemont, snd tlat It voul b. fan- 'laebelboteorail. Negrosin LaiteCounty. gays the North Chicago Times: Tuer. are qut I& nuinliaso! ne- grous belng colonzed on a large tarin a 1ev ilue veat o! Tventy-ueconl street sudft la rurnorel tisat IL la su attempt of Lie ovuer gr a large tract te drive ot a vite fariner vie vonil nt saili 10 hlm. The large tract surrounde Lie -inu 'e ud nt sUalidultrouble Ji.looke for. Fem.nnewsted vIls par Saatk*g Hotu ne anltresta1307 Wb* T.lOhi te"leu .so taitWue "CAU.ED» HMMSECAUsI INE WAS BRUTAL TO HORSP. Asealiant Aiagal te Have KcIel M Prostate Vitlm la the Face - sdBcd>'Many Times. Because b. reprirnandedl George Lazzaroni fot cruelly beatlng ils lironee day last veol, Tracy ickts, sou of OMeecr Clarence Miche, vas Saturlay night Lie viein of au at- tack thLe Italîa.,- 1 Tlinrsday Hilcktssud Tomn Gavigan! ver. dInvîng sup Marlon street an a gas compan>' vagon vies Lazzaroni pase thonsvîiha hersie sud vagon belonging to bis fins. As he passed lie beat Lie lhorse and Hicks called te hltint stop. ' He ropiel vwiti a torrent a! abuse. mias vas Thursday.' Seau For Reprlmand. Satnrday evenlng Hickts says lie ssv Lue Italtaaiistanding lu front of Lue fruit store at Maison and Gene- se stret. "Corn ee. 1 vial ta peak viti yen' i.he saallege te bave al. "V/liat do yen vaut?" asked La- saroul. *1 vanttfo kuow viat yen called me Thuralay," sald Hcks. . I an Instant, Hickts aleges, Laz- garoul f01101 lin vlth a terrifie liai sud a fiesce souffle vas- on. Gettiug Hcks ou Lie dout lnmlde the store, Lasaârona la aleged to. have kichel bin about Lue body', ln Lue liack ef Lue ueck at the buse o! Lue brain and finaly ln Lue lbridge o! Lue nome t Groveing above the protrat. young insu, Lihe Itallan la alleged ta have pled hlialulof hlm halr et sud to av a.attemptal te bite hliln lutLe face. It la silegel LiaI lie Iid bite bilnebndt t~ iu aseveral places. Hcks ldured lis Dector, Spectators vlo Utiregoto tho THE 4 ceeMai17mpmrtel tii. combat- ants end Hicks vas hnrried to Dr. Kulglit'moffice, vhre lie recelved treatmeut for bis nurnerous amal In- jures. Ho la able to lie about nov. I*ssaroul vas arrested aud yless- ed on bail and Mouday et 9 bis bear- lng -a begua.. Offtcer Hichu, fatiier ot the boy vie- I-arase Lmaolnluperson. It la chre in nte officer on the scene made no attempt to make the errent. Scenéeaet the. Trial. This momIng when the caue was calle before Police Magistrat. Hope on a ctY charge of! assuLd af- tray, IASssrnl'm attorney, E. V. Or-1 vis, tnuit a change of venue to Justice Weas' court, viieretiere wvote mre xcltlng passages, tiie defendant'o relatives breaklng ln and miakng comn- mont@ until tiiey liad limon reprimend- ed mveral times. 'i'lero vas elmomre trouble lu se- curing a Jury, b ut one vas finsily ob- talue& and the. trial proceedel. Tiiee vera-Sany vitnesse sm;d thie accounts VareLAl aehowed, hov-1 ««a, tht Lassaroni liaI struck thie Cllef Bmw Pigit- la -t» *courseof the. testimour. t via levelopel that ChIii!f tpolio. 1sw*uubout hm bal sue ii fgt. Ho mai. mW arreta. Lst9r hladel tiie ombetmatu sgattng spert, leadlng moua» &wuby ta*se ank L.aroel Duawa a Flne. Tii. vhola lMMtervas flnmiy Te- ferru4 ta the. jur, vbieb returued a v.idict cfglity sgslue t Laronl sud Mu..M hlM $20 sud coets or over 880 as a penalty. Ciy Attorney Persons prouected the. case. Luson,, Suown, Voror&4 sa~hc Uig Ooll.rsAprive sitiIrs ahiprnntà of thé 8.ason. Waukegaa prt te to r«Uoeuoca anofiser IWUvlatiia cf ti."« uevhog tie LAU1e, VUIii SMOtoMs f bail Do* ospoay. je -ff oovgxS e soi 10. lN rmt n u weuBlin 2lOP £*p.u" WIthb'tue airivi o!rtihesteamer W 1. Browb et thé. Western doc1 Tisera day thus.e otusuewankep-n iarboë one et me Jtget frelghtesou -tii The »ro uisvsdrsving 17 lest 10 Imam 01 l ater sud li" ne diouiti IlSObulýI" b.dock. 81b0 brcoglt & cam ecf ,0* tons of anthritand 5 ls btog ilaoufl rapîl>. mOh* am 8 mip 460, ftot long sud o! Sinle co strnotitL er ligit velgut le 3MS0 tons. uad lobdeli as slie vas uPOn îai rival, lir klgiiul26,000A000 pound IsdRetleuu are for a bus>' 8008e0 et the laIe front, lu tact tiie bulle. season lu tii barbOerBasi«r. Tic Wutein viii dock at ioaul 200,0M0tou of liard and oft cool. Tise GourMe>'dock viii have seor tioudusm tous,. The 11illet dock wvali h kopt buÏy ita aggregate tonnage probably belnil Lie iieaViest sud Lie sait dock WHi isulile tisoàMadàiof tons.--- A-n.v lndustry la tL ie Letrestîlsi plant.,viiere railroad ies are treated vîfli creomotesu d plans for' tie cai ferry- are golng ou apace. Thie herber tonnage wîli douillesi b. nearLie tlree-quarter million mari belote tse close of navgation sud tLii vi111i 0Wf <test benelit f0 Wank.gan as Lis cl&ys larbor vali undoubtedli sliev the geatest seamon gain Of an] on3 tise trustlakos, Lins lnmring sp proprit0ona a. neelel for further lm Tue elevtor Ides la by uo Mosal dorinst. The umen vio *"psy fi freagh t" areaarue fiat a large grai elevator.locmted ou one of Lie nel slps viii net only ie -an Indueuen, for bos te 0norn e bre. for tliey ca 10.1 ont and muke 7 to 10 heurs bettel lime Liau trous Chicago, but t wva mese a botter rate Wo Waukegan s veIliHmee u>'are belag tiel e ffort. ta induce. slarge elevator coi cernta locale bers. Iu Lis thu>' are aeconled by tii business moon, for evor>' boat tiat is echargesa sCargo lu Waukegan beave s ne luooualierable amn iti th, mendiants. Prom nov ntil Noeonler 1 th, lake front vin hoa ma>' Place, sud1 mau no e t e bumy to suit Waiike Miý WAUKÈGAN WOMN I5 IN A fIG SUIT And Chicago Police Visit City te Gain Information Ooncorning her Whie Resident hors. Myserlous visits o! Chilcago police te Waukegan vithLle L.past veek vere clearel xip Ssfus-day vien IL vas dlscvereîilsat tfieenicets vie'- lotO on behal! of Lie clty o! Chîca-' lu a suit for lainages. Tie fBrst riait vas about a week ago, viben oue letective came here and stayel for Ive Iays. HlmariIt I arouaelmucli upeculatlon, but Lier. vas ne tesson fortisoouxlng. Tue econd viei; vas fllay vben five polio. eSfters of Chicago, villi a stenogrplier sud tvo attor. noym, came ber,. Reacufer Visita. Tii. reamen for tlie visita la.a 825,000 lainage suit breuglit agninsl Lie clty ot Chicago by Amy V/atInsa, tormerly of Waak.gan- Misa Watknsu vas eniployed at the. Aiscinler plant viii, tie reidel hors viLi ber pueensd wvIf liet-. calloil by inu'a.sIo vas quite vel bine inontisagaisethéla aitegnd in have falien on% * <Iicago idevalk and Wnured herseifsertloslY. 80 tlial mue la belleved'te b. petmanently crîpplel, Tue sitliovel. Tue. lotaliof ettfotIleacame tu Watuhegsn teioik, UVlier antecedelits. Tiie faslly isas bffen ay >'frein Waukogan for a pumber ot yeatm. Lawyra g» tg Ottawa. An exolus o! ýWsuoep Iavyersfor Ottawa tlokplace ue.is viceethey aran lattenla.m ettise appOiat court. Attrnuya Pope, for E. J. Bleyducher, sud IBeau, for ]Puty Cceuty TreeunerPrIe Se arsui lie euae o! ley0Iaes'ru.&Pries butor. ltu Oourt. sud Alern rP es and Cmeufor Lie o011$ ana A4torne>'a C., luvaris for M& exerohSklm a"et- 80gultgefescamet Wwai'luaktvo.te 011$ cf. Waukega.. "Mimna w O *komer.' -- - ubée r4miue. vIr", t.g tspkselsi Tii. police ~.-Ur& a tpoy 70à ber ohudMaseoUml, W" Mi ae dis, vitk hI Th.poic --bu o U.tm e. bà e 4t=Madla ~at e 0f sc o m m m ati. rrltkuv. cags . -me.sî »thU 9 i u omrbeun t hieiebatt. At tfha.th Pouice bellevase #bst obg * Uiof> tgbitsUa bai o lle sud mie ise vas lakiyusligisua m=l "Ymotiudwb4 bsvu to Wiiew'la the bandeof ltais lArs 0ma fuit Ibmausen me etlu a uat lwylagtegulst ijie vooua4"uet a h-r sosplmAlt ttilme, ltbo, , ner! is ome, .tluglie rslmno eiieeu atritholaber 1uta tbue aeotbséïMmn ooUIsn ber vb" iaremalidavfi *8,l e auéseor, the gam. .i ltaieta miii. it. nom e&MUEt- ialeIet.Olville of Wi le seaar.î o Talc cfTOrithi aatety. TiheIre that raiasky la mlegel ftuI lua, b>' cating Lie relectica thm Y Tii. atôrY bO1 h11%ia luMMsBraist- have staLrtl bUunlA, gret bote tu h ie lvile vas Irresponodbie, Eraluait a s>, vie bei lier wsUiijbabewvite tfl oot of the fiat sud ruinaI inany made liliof mmubu' froin the I d ie toil Il, basrarely hé«eueaq»ued Sarments Mdsud rntsilgs..- suitae offfirtons querrais tisaIho* a4 a for lesli of flendielis and appamctly Iie vife are naid by nelgitbors 1 1 uncaliel for elty, sud tic Polio.elbave lad,' layîng lthe altercation# t Q cleamter Bralnsky, vo ieiel tovard Accordlng te lthe police, Charles the allegel tat. of M11fitrinskul r- Telilli truet mter 1de alleged mia- Brias'the. mgn vbo fiedlom 1dmmind. Ideeda, le a mercile#8 one. Unicoîn stre home alter tfring the i The police ceai came lu et 8:30 Sun- bouse VU ~a lsplp vsh he Urev s 1 3, am it daW mersing fronueighbors o! thie ~~W IV 51 SS Bralusys vlio took plty ou tihe vo- afnfl lt in-u sud ma, knovn lier isorile condition. Li Chokud MSWitefe i lSy. Tbi police assoit tlat troin -whal Fth, ey au i...n. Eralky sud lis s vileT e Z lad a gaes querroi at tie eo0f i vilci ralusky ssesolthi e man by 0pfflN OW'.Wam FOR SPxCIAL TUIW tiie throat sud forcing tler backvarl, _____________________________ - cloked lier alnot-Inte lnseashbllty. id i. flaaly broke avay tromilà ,~ R 18 TREB SUT TIllE ta enter for a gool Fbuelbi» Lr sud rau ato anollior part of -th* seu ~ lu No edugation ba. £VER boeuse.,viien fthe enragel Miu ln mail *vW t ome ne clouaoe t a.antiofamtanuor woraai; wviebas w tu have baguna-a ýsoties of depreda- is owu living te make Wletb.r the Young in ula to bc a fariner, ors it taons lan lis ovu lios. that vould baukor; whether the. young wornau 4a- to be a lionmowife. Or a aoc*Iety sa lave put any Jelcyl-lyde tu Lie queen, bathi need and viil fled it alnj"t indispensable the trsinlug that bluali. tomes frein pursulng a vell arrangei, caretnliy admnliered c urne Of T Sisttera lie dock. slnd> l b.W.E.'*. A practacal bu4lnepsedocation laessentiel IOYOn [y T Sklng t hee fa ldock. Bal wy lat over vocation yen inayselect t p -actical education at the W B, i a i tllee flae sisle , re taainstY C. la net merely thelimpwrtigof anch knewledgo as lu ecessar>'te zake p- l alege tu aveabatere ltagaést bc*okeprs. steuorapb.r and clerka. but tie WIT)ER snd B090A DR ii-e vali itian eah. a ci- Instruction fiat vi i enabi, yon te dlaiauccemful!y sud intelilgonl pietely liatered te ploczes>and te l> pw ihithe practlcal affaira of lits. PARENT8, gave four cFildren sucl is lice found lia ruine scattered about an elesati<n. Young man, Young woinan, thii.l tir h educatien Jo. ie the ie er of Lie living toem. vaut, sud y ou vaut to get l riglit NUW and at the W. B. C Ton eau ln Offcar Belliusha respoudel tote enter aayday Takthei matter over wltb your paents th- n Côrne and W eau. me us Seng for our han nmre Cataiog and Journal , free t everybody, t Smashes the Table ro, sund renember- nU Brainsky thon ansaliothe. table ln bish* inaunoe at a ai ls, taMu itnI' * . é 1up le i. arma sud bringiug IL dovn _____________________________ U Onon ee aide agaluatthfi br nse tn L t Il eapart, .au U. Throws Lamp at Wife.. - FEiahU Mra, Bralnuiiy Lien protesteI and ie beggod the Infuriatel m u cesse a- bil s aI carer of destruction. li wIi s volley o! oatiss lie Ie ai- le legel tu lave takon A table lsmp tiftt vas sf111 burning sud inrlel taI ies'A ie viti full force, deulgnlng tu tilt lier, ~ W I0.ggS. Dd.ISi~ t If la tliocigt C ..b* dS " esub t. ld He @4t Heoma Afre? The. policelite tualthli p nt la the corner of -the reeS ldlise I - - I ajecoraso - 1 im'im 1with Pedigree lu the* Percheron Stud-bookc of Amerîca. Description aud Pedigree. Rala la a black, long strîpe la tace., bot bund feet wiLe, veiglit 1900 lbo,. foaled Marci 14ti, 1887; Importedluan1888 iby M. W. Dunlam a! Wsyne, 11., brel by M. Meussal, Commiuneofo St. Auble, De- pertinent o! Sarthe; got by Menarque 5149 (2428), le by 'Brllîsut 1271 (755), io hy BrIllilant 1899 (756). lhe by Coco Il (714),.li. by Vieux Cliasil (711), heob>' Coco (712), lie by Magnon (715), lie by Jean le Blanc (739). Dam Brebis (5162), b>' Pris,ý belonglng ta M. Taciiesu. 2nd dam Paillette. anl bis récordel number la 9328. Ros,3, =vîli makoe e euulng Besson, heglu. nîlng April 24,unotai luI>' 8. 1907, as folova:, Monda>', Tueaduay sud Wednemday, at C. Zimmrer- nman's ba, lcue*n as the C. J. Casterton tarin, vest o! North Prairie churcli. Thurudi>', Frlday; Sud Saturdoy, at bouse, Pope tarin, ZMon Cifty, lii. Tue breeling o!fioe . brsea bave heen toted and ve knev Luein te be excellent breedît-ansd urs fpal getter* W. Invite Lie 8'ariners p os e er.vurs vbo are. lteregatelaRnbtedlug sud ralsing 4rftt loties te OI and suieamine oui- herses. V/e viii b. plsSel te siseW lias ta ail wviecorne, V/e ope yenuviii bu benflted by exsmlnlag oui stock. Recorded wlth Pedigree ln the Perchercn Stud-Book of Amerlos. DRescrlption aud Pedigree. Rotrou la a grey. velglst 1950 Ibo.. foalel Marci 27, 1898; Imported July 10, 1901, by Dunlsar, Fletch- er aud Coeman; brel b>' M. Boulier, Commune et St. Bentert, Departusent o!. Ente et Loir, got b>' Jules (37987); Dam, Roulette (37418), by Mameluck (24565); 2nd dam, Coquette, (21406), by Favori 1i1 (1381); Ird dam, Dîna, belonglng te M. Boulier. Rotrou la a stallicuof W!gest substance sud salli- t y, vafit short legs, leavy dlean boue, gtoat lepti o! bod>' aud poverful muscles, siovîng exceedlugly fine linos sud posesmaug auperlor action. SRotrou 27487, wii inake Lue enuung Bsson, be- glnning April 24. untal July 6, 1907 as foilova; Moud.>' at V/adoverti, Illi., at B. Gimrees harn, Icuevu as Lue Nfelas Llilsmbhrn. Tuesda>' at Vm. McGuîre'm. Millutn. 111. Wedneadaiy and Thurmifs>'et Gurneo, Ill., at fie harnso! MeCeliough Bron., opposite Lhe Gutnee hiall. Prîda>' at O. Brown'm haru neat TarktHoue churdli, Mlvankee Roa&I. lii. t ZMon City, IIl, at tie big barn near ABRAHAM BASINGIIR, Keeper. $i5.Wote Inaure a colt t tandlslasd suok, or $70.0o te lusurs s mare te e i. vîi fal, Payable on or lbe. fore: Novembar M. i,1907. Car.oviii bu faken ta prevenL accdents, buL viii net bereouasible sheul su>' ccur. PattgRhiiime ferfeitl nusue., , lerapo. IL "Gambetta Prince" 'l ecorded