!ORIE f.STRANG c owm6.p4waýiLfreamd detora BAIN AND STOUGt7TON WAGONS' We Have them Treamlng Trucks Farm Wagons Ijght Wagons. >Iieavy anid Llght Wagons Cali anid Look Tbem Over £INfIPflk, iiitwis SPRINGTIME IfOR IARNESSS Do gou leetgVu ham eed of some ew harmes or sosie imelg repaire. Il gea ever are goti muet lie ow. Cosipete fime and prces*right CHAS. IH. KAISER LUbertyville Illinois --------u---u lii miS:îB î::îî~:: SPECIAL .ATTENTION Liberyil1e E 1 Chsang I ,fAIIKR _______ F. J b*UOLEditor ~ eta Thing Seen and Hoad PertaidinIg 1 Grayalake and enry Kueliker apeut SundaY la Wank«.gn A large additionfor etor.jaiiià b.lug hut on thke re osi'aiwùd'a @tos whlch wîlI soon b occupled by Wbtiuore & Carfield. Mr. sud Mis. Vckermau, of Lake Foent, vere the gula oi Nr. and Mia. Ed Washburu Snnday. Mia. Sainrater, of Kale., -viited ber sinter, ie. Winkle tbe iraI oi tbe week. C. F. Lndemuann who as been d ong rellai work at the Grayalake Phariuacy etIned ta Chicago Taesdy. 0. M. Fitéeh transactedl business in Chicago Manday. Mia. Jo. Uitwller who has heen quite 111 the put week la convalesaut. Lou itta rnov.d lhe barn back of Pester'. blackamilhh shop over ounIthe Slikl'o lot. It will b. remodeled aud fized ito a goodbarn. Wm. Jahus sud wile sud Gus Shifltz snd wile vlsltud friands at Milburn Sun- dey. TJhe év village board toak Its place demI weanagaad able men sud va1 b.*blta t expeet hbluga to inn lu M à;wff. Saloon licenue bas beau .Z t 6O p>'ryersaloons ta close Tb.W'ronmu'eClub viliimeet *ith ]gr&. Jobs 'aolbuiu next Mouday sveeud.Thie beiug tlb, annual meeting sid efon oai alilceis a i. eainutly neq*uet bat .>l be present. Trayttinig Libîary are ieqoested ta Wrus te as tii. libîary muet leave marI vsak. lire, Deard ari. id echool friand ai Mia. J. id. Palmier Who isfîom Cheyeuue, Wyou*ln, vlsîtd ber thii. vsk. MI. sud Mis. DesJardine matadi mb lb. -vaant bousean Seymont Ave. Oraed by James Sherman. nMas flie Eaelein tai, ithis plae who bave bad thec plessnia ai meeting àtma »sIe L. Chester, Sec, ai lhe lIllunois ditisImof athle Eastern gt 1111i e Tii.dane ~rtauby h yaug nan' - %-. « -tnei o-h-erAa-16 vuicu v social club Friday eveing was a gres at M"4 by aunevatei accident. 1 sncesu about lgty ticket@ were sold.Ti.A naMyFetvlulbgIn Etaiyone bad a fune limao reu via îy 0ha1laCn Dr. J. M. Palmre visitai friands at 1r.toa luv ne i.aaiua Janueville, Win., laut week Friday. 1 1du i .w..ysdhasW»b Tbe Odd Peloo f aiGiay$"'e potailatw.k atteuded lie uerai af Dada Bmmou,9 ai Aulloeb, lu a body lust Mouday. asi urbutt and wife bava movet. m Mr. Emmans vus a pramineut t d lb. Dt.above tiie. dwsid'a store. Fellov ai that place. WIIII. Jabuo was ..the guest ai Banneel -rm-14Vwuonleag, ws te gfltWSUMd aduiy at-Lake Villa Masday- day asudSnuday. Carfield sud daughter Bts bave matai Several couple iront Lbertyvulle tutu0 tlier bol.>.. an Lake Shore drive. atleuded lb. dauce lier. Fridsy evenlng. WADSWORTH,. 0. B. Wbiimore, of Hancock, Win., JohntSues was a city viellai lia iraI accompauied by Loveli and Ruthh oi lb week. Whitmare ai lhe sanie place ver. guese Mi LuPttaiW kgua oi ie. E. J. Whllmore sud famlly over Mlu Lna vftb rieuof n Ibs vicnlty. Sanday. ti wt redinti iity Mis. (lea. tuinlisk' foimualy Miss Mr. sud UMie. Wuî. Erakina via have Carnie Austin, aiflDenvar, Col., le ymg at in vitlug Mr. sud tira. Graves othe pint of deati viti lypbold faverretonnd homTu. ueaday. vI llei> contractai wile carrylug Wrn. Murray snd Gene McCn for bar iuebaud wvi asbureceuhly attended tie.bl] garnte atWaukegan iacoverad iran> lb. sain. dana..Bai Sund&y. many friludA bers iegret ta heai Ibis Mi.PMal.îi.giinaow. bai uawesud hope for bar recovri. Mu .MdWli ann lwy Gene Wýiluingtau, ai Norwood Park, B. S. Adas, of aiGrayalake, wu a visitai hi. parents baie Snndsy.' Wadswoilb taller an Fîiday laut. Lynu Harvey, ai Chicago, spet Sun. C. A. Reyd- kers n.w saore la pro *day at haome. gr.Slig ialuidIy, 'iver Bros. are doing the waîk. Smith Browu, ai Fox Lake, tîausacted A mmb f rmi.. lei.etaok lu be dance. baeInes hars oNuday. 5 an.l.îFriday evening given hy Frank Clark, ai Waukegsu, called an ti altaz.Frant ail repat. a fiua aid friande haie Mndsy. l ime vus had, LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN Arthur J. Front taaneact.d busines in Chicflagos ev dsye lut veek. Mise Ruby Cooke, Gi Wauconda, @peut enierai days lu Vola r.cezutly. ' Marsaal Jepeon, of Wauconad, va lu tovu unuday. Miss Mande Batiugei visted finonde in Nunda lut Fridsy and Satuiday. NIr. sudUn.a C. Dillon, oi Wankegea, aie the gueete af Mr. sud Mr@. Wrn. DiJllon a ew days Ibis weak. Mms.Wna. Clough sud daugliter Basi, oi Waucouda, epent Bunday at A. J. Raymonda. Theodora Wortz sud daugbter, Mis. James Gainer, of Wanconda, aîtended chnich bee ecently. Misa Edus Siosu, of Laung Lake., vu the uet of Misa Ani Miller eunday sudV.Neondsy. Nie. Fred Converse aud Mises Nellie Burkitsud Dell Converse, ai West Fiemont, were lu towu Saturday. Lon Fý,xansd dangliter Saisi, of Round Lake, âpent liuuday at S. J. Rosell",. ie. Catherine Doweil, af West Freinant. epent Frdasy night with relatives her.. Mm N. Kretachiner sud ean John, os' Gisysiake, tvere the guesto af relatives heie Sunday. sud L.wa.d, of WadlonoRaymonde Vol callere Suaday aiternoon. Mr. sud Mis. Ben Romlug entetailud Mr. and Mie. Steffa. fiom Jobung sud Mr. and NMW. Pitzen, of Pistakei Lake lunt Sunday. Mr. sud Nie. Chus. Raught, of Wauke- gan, ipent Suday sas gaet. at lbe Raaghl faim ucar Vola. Cha. jorraon apent Suuday with reaie nhicago. Frank Dowell aud lady friend, Miese Edith Bitter took a pleasure trip ta Wauk.gau Saturdav. Wm. O'Brilan iom Chicago epeut Su- day wlth Round Lakre friande. Nia. Flary sud dangbtei, Mm ia.ck- boff liou Orayolake eald on relatives lu titis viclulty Sunday. Martn Teleu aud John Phanneetilll »Peut Snnday lu Chicaga. Jin Gaiman u i esîgued bis position at A. M. Wbt's. Mie.Grâce (brin i8 apeuding s couple weeks with ber niother, Mia J. Bieauxa. Quit. s nurniier af yonug folks iront oui tawn atteuded lb. dano. t Gisys. lake luat Friday eveuiug and they reported a god tinle. D. J. Smith was s Giayslske caller laut Satîlrday. Mr. Jug.e teitained him sister fia.x Chicago lust Sundsy. Mr. and Mro. A. ltasing and son vi@ited iu Voloansd Grlswold Lake Lynu Marray liain Uryalaka la nov employai aI Raslng Bros., cutins meat. Chum. Mu@on speut Mondsy lu Cblcago. Miss Baud. Edwards spent Snnday wiîb friands lu Ibis vicliY. Mie. Bd Brown i. nuinbared vili lie slck oua,. Mr. sud Mrq, Cari Dorielan sd daugiter Doias énSpet datv vihtbefr dangiter Mma.0. B. Roiug. Misa Louisa Huson wvu takeanotahle Lake Shonre boepital lent Priday sud ana ~ as...a~n~..' j ndrwent- au oparation for appen. To out af Town Ordera -1 make a apeciiY of clasing sud lErs..M. Ruff viitad aI Rondoot flut dicti Saluiday. e, LbetqvUIe INilOfS oliug harn. Drinig yoar aidlwýk. haines... iu sud va viii makaîhein look. Mr.and Mie. Martin Lux epent Sun. fJ',1R ________________lika nav. J. P. liabbsid. day 3vîth Waukegsu fiiends. An hai gTad mlHenry inClca a athee ra psail. tain b Sudysu ofayl Wasg AndShipin Trde HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED brMa.heu r ina klalb.uet Wedu.eday aveaing sas lb.7:45 Ni. sud Mis. James Pollock speut WE DEIVERTO ADJACENT TOWNS The B. 1. G. will entertaiu a namber aifig iîgp uthli baggag.' car Fred algeoFxLkan tiair iriends Friday evening aI Gerlac'm splddteaiug off the. top o air algir, a o aa u cale. 'bc atoed sorne excitemenî amoug Pillilpa Danils, oi Lake Villa. apenl _________________________the. villagere. No onewu inîured. Suuday vit Jease Densun. to lau fiant ber back paici sud hait .Mis. liobI. TLoru, ai Gaina., va heiseli quite badly. HAMNSVL& .Milîburu caller lasI Weduaaday. Mme. Daubuaer, oi Waukesia, i.the 1liha.>.andi Wm. Hall stteuded the Nim. Richard Pantallîspent Wadneeday guest aoflier sioter, Miss Wheeler Ibis 1 iune.ri>l ('f Tba. Emmons at Antiocl Su- lu Chicago having lier ayeà lieat.d.î weet. dî.y April 2.5. Bd Martin attaudeil the meeting oi lia (1001) PR,.IN TIN U ...The cuminer trains are uow runnint& M - i,la Sb:fks viailed iriendm aI ShieeieluChicaigo last Fiiday. Is a necessary element of business succoel. Orders St. Paul iy u ion ou thbie ' l. ay aat i akgn e aucie îdyt ss ee for Job Prnt ,gplaced t Swl epromptly sbdl au er isitilitI iii anaîbr, Nie. Devoa. of liis wpeks wihheu gianiparente, Mr. sud Prntn ~ wihusWil eDr. J. M. Palumer enteitalued a î,n lace. Mim. Pautaîl. and correctly exoeuted, Rush jobs our dellght frozu Milton Je., Waduesday. Nlr..SIanke lias e asgncy for Pae VicIair(,illing8 is varkinf foi James aire. Brovuer oi Tekko, Wubhington. wre..One af iole oge wvu killed by te Amour. Staaaley Odain as gona ta i. lhe guest ailier friand aine. Bd Adamusears laettweek. Waukagau la vork lu lie brase worke. Tii. business men'e trainoshape ah Mie. Martiusud ireue Cuninghaminoa .Baine,.rille nov. Waukegau, @pet Frlday sud Sýiturâiy wtb theu moîber, tirs. Cunniugrfan. Mur ielo Clveland la spendiug lber May MisGayGlofHganPrk i~ J.i I. 4 ~ IE 4~ nàj w blirai ;ca M m i uces viited eeveral daya vith lier adele, 16ert!,de hb a n sd ber brother Mr. sud Mie. Ed Wells apent Saturday Artl . r ma ouI SstnadA April 27 il sud Suudsy ai Union (Jiave. bigMims oeabha. Al W e wish to assure ail that our aim is to give >0 daodlmSudbpLbs.nay Lse ane inati uiesl you ad god tmeand opeto ee any LBranetn ud Wintkslbsineslua value recélved for your money ---Courteous treatm ent rehlirnia af theday. antiadWnuk. is$tray The engagomtulof Miss Gertrade Mr. Lee. creaoîeiy inopector, viste h and good dlean merchandise. Scliabei aaMr. Jeunonai Chilcago lias Milîburu creanieiy Ibis week. been annoanued. The date ai tia Mies Alice Jamuî, ai Brvyn, epeul weddfiîrg buhal beau .tated. Satuîday andl Suuday wit bebr parente. OR )C RX SP CI L D Y 0O )S S EC ALS 1,-MliseLenara Aines wîllepend Ibis ve ^ýE ýL RY G OPSSP 's a.Mallage. witlî Ire. Win. Thom Si., aI Libertyville. 4camn o etCoe or o.2 c idem' ofwaeriie. .. s* ic . ýp*1.- emesl a1?rn a 5preclous iMessrs. John Donner an sd Rmer 4 .2 cbamàsmawkn*ies, eri(g.îîî t kaaps Ils vludos oe ta lake Satterdy eve Ma.Grys LadW iesoldkrdddes. A iUne,..Sc 1l.Crâked Media aend jaVa $ 100 Ladies' tedais. AilLine.,, 5 Colle. for 1 5q 7 Ibo. for mmIaobe md 2 for25 1-lb Fi«l ejaman TeuUnbleacW Mte hetlrgs. 5 Ibs. fo $1.00 i (10-4 witl),per gard ....2c ~oiti~ei~a W~ To latrodoce t wa..] i e pice country, sud fill thie thui. , osaesa ai a sunuy soul la ,i,. ..augel lu a daxk vorlil. lie la1 a ii ilîg gospel wvlch none yl ever repui.late. sud lie blesseduess af ww lal men vill appreclate. Tic bail' ..ilgvov aId aud thae anoth bîow wiilb. furrowed. but a happy dlsip..l'tile a u anreole tathie gray cl.i of a«.. Blessed la bc wlîoae lite looks o«t upon the isuil of Bea- lai, anîd Whoeeseunl 12 respousave te lte ,,uîalyiOg Vision. Finlalaldg à Proveon. Pnaaesia, lua lu dins oi the lav -Self-passéim0n la tÎ e rat.-Pinca' Ion Tîger. Mi,.. Wbealon sud son retarned to whestao Friday accoinpanled by lier snt, Miesi Foote. Miss Foo-te relarnad hum(IRIe Saluiday. Jolln Clark. ioriîuof ai bis place aaaried a Misa Audrewe, ai Dince Lke, eandI wii tuashatel at D.uceLake. ies. Adamnesaie Mouds y ho reain witlî ler Parents, Mr. aud Mr». Pantail ,.evtîaàl veeke vile ber bîotban, Bd Mlavtit> il avsy. W.. aie glad ta note liaI Walter palmier wba bua beau sick lie puit tan weeke iiou lhba. Mr. Paumer ball tiegrippeand îematism. Ed Martin estesà Tua.dsy 0f IbisWvek for a Ibrea veaka trip vli lb.eKulgt Templare luCellorula. Seattie, Wasli ingtou sud Britishi Columbia retatufng May 21. nosiug Ibis v"I l lt be'virb 185fr uew borne. Wa a a rl te km i ncb Cid friendesud uelgbboie. Baba. t Adams, af Woodwortli, Wl. forrnaly oi Ibis place waa hune, Monday. April 29 lu lb. lilium cemeteiy. Mr. Adam bas beaun belpime for ten yeffl sud, lived vith bis dloter, Mii.. Ienedlict.t Ouowlenow! beautiful suow, April 80 note tis ln youi diaras Wonder viier. lhe potatoas are liat voe planted la Marcb? Heurd aiou. mam la Ibis icl t ltIplanted 18 bele aofsed potatoss iu Mareb. Wlaten iooled us Ibis lime. c. E. tapié"The. Pover of s Conteuted LA Il.,> Pi, 4: 10-20. Couseraliou meetin. Seor. A. W. Safiord, leader. RUL ou Mondsy oue aif tb. worm etarma aof the seaou Veileu, eaualt!ug o ai a sud slaI, .more 11k. liat of vînter than apriig. Couiderable Saedlng hbubeau doue lbe paut waek. Mis. j. D. Murray entertalued the. mlnleter, Mr. Cols over Sinday. Mr. sud Ml in.Eter Munrie spatgun- day witli lieu parente. Mrs. 1. 0. Colby wue a Chicago vistai the lin ofaithe waek. Mollie Colby @petit Sudylothborne borna returing ta ChicagoaSnuday1 evauing.. 1 1 Ass Corne spent Sunday vwihMr. sud Mis. Waiuei Clby st Forest Glei. GlIbeit (»bon aud iamillYvislted friande at Plaiosant Prairie Snnday.. mma.. WinI Scotsud chldien are "endi fowdelay. hlirmother's, Mr. sud Ms.. F. L. NeveH are rejalei- iug over the arrivai of a ue- daugiter bairs Staiday April 27. J. A. Reeve. sud sou sud If.. E. A. Beevese pet snnday i ir.-vlth R. B. Dixan. Ml .J. A. Baiman tieitaMMar"n Yougthe.iloaithoeaek. Lork, LAM Mie. Patrick 'Oyl>le, su Cid se ait0 the. uortb aboie aifltelaka. died 218e borne aofbaidaugl in'.laChcg u Fi lda, viere ses eh. u a udl fo o w intei. The uerai v»s1.eld M.ndaY at the Foit Lake cbnrcb. Jack Strsttu va. a lu Premant Banday. Tbem eavua telepboe to sattis op the otier lusinass. io.f thé Beuai.Walumlsav. nuabe of t Tii. tas Lake Os neel'>« meesth lire.M afternoon May 9. 'isaz log of the. ssonandi vil ba electian aiof car.. Bngb McNeil, af Chicago.ý moter Monday. sibeîla a PaFWIleC« Thaugli the. auna 09 bU papularly accpted »aS a0 &il ltat learctlc sud .sie0 caming clearer ever ysrlC glana are mare capable ôt immense stores of bnmax fi NOTICE. I viali 1 onnounca bal My Int~ l e a m .~ Waay Rochfafle!, sud the alain belamn vIlb. condwel * *ho 24,50 u 9 by Norval Escrd 2141 Fet $W t. ff wAtg 4Mil Chicago lb. lasI of tihe w.ek. 88eE M Il accompauied IMisa Louis. HamnWh- weut 10 tbe cily SBatuiday ta b. 1 op.isted on foi sppeudlcltls. Louis'. many frieuds willl b.glad ta) hmealale Rettiug slaug uk'ely. A number frain here attouded the, funerai of Mis. O'Boyle aI Foi Lâba Monday. A uew cottage ja ta be eiected oun1the norli shoreie uai lbeAllen cottage. f John riîwhu ba baiebiscottage rý. T modeled sud an edition but ou.la LOON LAKE. Mine Margaret White, af Rochester, Wln., Sp)ent 13ataiday snd llnuday at 0.I homne. *Dmos Jemi" Mrs. BItinger sud dangiter, Of « ebi s« Chicago, ylltda ev daya with Mr. aud ir. J. Mart&n. 0lMM Mise Nellia Sih visited with frilnds bd bbod, li% Chicago ddug the Paat veek. Y« koqp 1Mr. aud Mr@. George Martu sud Mr. b sud Mrs. LouIs Olullldge, 01 Wauk.gss. apault Suudai wltb relatives. Iumpu'NU WIII Rook made a business trip lu Waukegan Ssliaiday. Mia. Chue, oi Waukegail, vlalted v1W ber son CMaineChuensud fauilYly Is week. Mener@is iutp ansd Wbaleu, of Waukagaum, vlme le.Mouday. isa Grace Mullen seat Satnrday sud suuday aItlier home lu Wacouda,4 Miss Bla Kapple called on frieude boe. uuday. Misa Vers Tuckèr. ai Libertyvilk%, visited vllh Mieslsdye Wbtmare: Frlday aiteraoon. Grayslake-mB"tri Restouraot Meel m ndLmede Serve tu ail heurt FRESH OYSTEROS CIOARS anci CANDIES LAUNDRT OFFICE) Phone No.'19., MISS EMMA GERLACH4, Prop. Have yrou auy La undry to send away-if so 1 would appreciate your patronage-Basket goes thurBday morning. J. . RIELEX, Agent for Burlangton Léumdiy office nt Oroyalmice Pharuisy FRIDAY 13t1h r;; Coutrei Cau bc roi E. W. PARI J. 8. NM m. mCou~. 1 bav. PsIW 4250.00Oes *m lua muanne W5~fg~g * * 4 Farm Trucks ..We LOF ,T, - 1 4444-» 'i el 1 sunday. y kt or a-