Niq0me *, 1.081%ls &Oeo wwmo» s. SU libt xe afflme 0" 1 u a wm as Li fflyvUle. ni.," - Usoss Clam Nabter ~*VIAL urU!I£u MiNMSSKEOOU Aon ILIATIOVU ~TIP *805 ISOPER VEAR STrRICTI.Y IN ADVANCE ~J T. d........... ...........................Edi il e aN ...... .........................4 ........OCiy Editar FEIAY, ]&AY 8. 1907. DOWIT RIDOS WITH R URAL MAIL CARRIER. ef the. Iutrestng bits 01 gor- "~Rural carriers are requlred to permit It ftgultiOf that may be nev poatoffice inopectors or other duly ac- ù? ofthOe. reoidonts of iis credited agents cf -the posto0fce de- liS tlt iguqPersoe, except a partment, to accomfpafly tian on their Vaeu apetor. oam ride witit regular trips over their routes. They Ibe ruI ailUCarriers. The must not carry otitor pasougers nor wu1 loilohovs permit any person, other titan author- Saler. ot the postollice depart. lzed postal ofliciaIs, te ride itb them itiO date of lune 8, 1904: or te have accesa te the mails." A DIOUSTE fioi o i Ra. T. A. Suive- brok«M te broad af lite te the or e f t. Chryacteet'ale »M.- o. ho hms gien the thiez dismea«l. liea pople are Ia alle lkt sud he tas diacoered a.>' paoer tugo automoblltg nia>' rtter titan attend divine e. 'TherefSte, ho aaya, te la 0 PASTOR. tired of the wbole lot. Pertapa ltnv. eiily la le fa it. if te prepcbed Oie fiht sert 01 doctrine. pertaps is ceegrezatlou vec' ld rattor tsar tîni titan go ridiez. Thore te a iference beiveen prçacters. lu vas Beecter, vbo masiC. 'Witenmy congregatli go ta aleep. 1 fee1 that 1 need vaihez GiRLS ^NObO3YS TO IRE BARRED. 'ri Chicago jud*es -are: ta ha commend- once viii be asked te leave. u1aeSaof Mfer a-stand titoy have taken.. Tann guing ta bar ail chldron irom Mny opten Iris and boysaren to, be barred r . Mm court rom doriez the bearlng ofai ls- shoot ho court of Chicago duriez divorce tastetal Caes.", sald Judge Koraien. aid qurer rias. Tis llit vli e obad a numbr o! boys eJect6d 118K ad lerertriis Tiisedîi iiihodurleg the Hensen merder trial sev- «Mse by mot of tejudges durlng ral daysa Mo.'Te Judgea of the ho neki tvc v eeka. and ovory girl ter courts probably wili conter wtih stdur aea vio entoro a cortjpooel.Judge I<rten. _this rweek regardleg pulng a divorce or'lmerder trial and the legal possibilitles etf barfing itiF-*-- an not satisto.ctorily expiain ber pros- dren trom trials. TIuE JOLIET P EY'ITENTIARY. Col 'rte report 0f thte oanaelocf tetat mcn be doprived of titeir liberty loge1 VA"ueasnate shows tsestate pool- as-a Itenait>' for crime;' ln fact, ne Gihit otrmetb0d of cuforiez lave, of a ha8vi 11157 ai Joiet t. bc ln a very un- moderate dogree of sevorlty. han been fJOIll1' léolty ooeltio la point af location, found tt vili get te de.ired re- coutn Wmwpmt nsd ventilation. . 'Teseita. When the stato donsunedertakeof el Wweoeut or Warden Murpity la ta keep any Indvidus]lin coufinement. 'are UWto lie Oie best possible under the itowver, li assumes respenslbllty forfar bat the building Iit ibte pitysical and moral velfar Of tat for t, 16,1 udo edas bel«tg nuealthffll. lndivldmtansd la toefore bocnd to wa bew le u accord vittse doc-provide saaitary. lioaltfül olil lght- At à » sBsmade ounti.subJect by the OC snd wvol> vetlaied quartersansd to loge, Wà »emrd of Ctaritios and by diffor- serround Oic inmates of ibese pIrisons tives ma, eporta vIa have examleed the vlth enviroument conducive t tce band hjg prison. best condition of mimd anC morale. te th ',-If a condition exste a nov If. thorefore. thte Joiet penltenilarY 'rh kontentlrTsold te constructed as Coca not uneet these reqeiremnuts. a and W as o possible. Frout time Imme- nov building should ho constrsicted ut vfil Wartalit bas bean deemed neeessarY once. vas ot bitmlfPair Pursus Young Mac n.UTP T boo .(çylb-ThOY Swqar and Threaien ME IN of - s orl Brothers Were Fined Fifty Dollars 41Aoubse y angry but mîstaken par- snd Cote Racht,*and Vlctim of A sot o abviez sunoyed teir chlldren. Asasit Thsy Would Cn W ale4 titan names. a LibortyvIllo sysuChoon(ng t -* n allaan excitinz experience esoe.lit bi ot f s owand M WAS AFRAID TO RETURN am ridlat on hbihcycle along by the m s4viit Oi te childre live. viten TO WOIII< THIS MORNINO. beni babevbent i j%é pocesion vas added ta Ien n the "dry houas" of the Cor. Pred- 2 0' U ahrru ifter hbu also ,,it a Ct.R@Uislng Company, Oie4l Of hal -a %MU p enedte man o e acvieel tjust ode the doe two thugs slo Mml 5551401 mlle or more. awearlnz 41 e w<lflg wth as legh Of OMPIPO, stati eig and darn inubue t san sd wth whlchtbey lntended to "do you ed Me tie butoter hule sud Oie Iltch- UP"? *r)L bat vas taeupissant ,xporionce Ï4 'Fially ho brouziti Oie vhecl ho a ai lac Biania Bundiy nlght.and oritac 1h o " a, usiez t as a sbild. ailoli Monday mornlng he made Stanley and ihie pair ot. Tbey retraatdad bd el John Lavnasil stand trial, wlt te reot ~apiadagin ud ad h<me.Hasuit that tbey were esch ined 15) and son eis nriedi but sacceadod le cav- CaSte litSbe ;;ou* tha t Uty returned ta If thensomen are goinz te got out . tser fam. However. Oie next tiae' otthat jail," snid SBinns, .*,'I- ahall aak 14 passedtey vere ater hlm aaeteh e t mie to tbecause If tbey are ti si titis cetlnuod utill bu broatht e utblmyllite la8lot vot a cent. 'boy v <~fEretnaand came te a ibor- viii ikilme-" sud Sot nadersiadluzwth the armedSnecll vas the siate of terrer ta s j. - viici thetsGaspille Broterts ballre- Th" am arnd tc obJocite obase ball CccedBiais.te pi0ling lu a neerby fild. and take titis j.ti -,oam0f extractilu revenge for the Ou0r iWANT ADS. are payleg oters. lic, ZUM04 Annoyauce ofthOe gaules. &Taeier payleng TOU? te ut Wanted!1 Wanted I We WANT TO SUPPLYý VOUR WAN~TS AND YOI. WANT YOUR WANTS SUPPLIED TIIEREFORE Il f ou want a àtuiti0ii -Il' mou want to exchaoge If ou wano t ei If gou wa«t . bug v gou wattheip IN fACT Il mm%îfl *ao t ou ewaot b trqOu w4edas.You wil Mt find them wanting Rt s.. FTY IOea11ê u &bsudmoof t 10. Titisme sratsed 'ERAL PRQMINEÈNT 810H WLmiTmnWMkDdg. Wucie 14.1ni. MEN ARE IN CLUB, ots . leN 1ery. BeW*lc,- lts Organisze, States C. J. loitesaon and vite ta Asitreil That Club Wili bid Shoots Vygdal, lot le village of Laks Villa. otsild. City Limite, W 1 eo gartnge S....Mary Î, Brown ana besband te* IL O.- Mtsgbob. lot 9. Buler'ï irai dd na City religions omRCial bave baC Hon. Utbqrtyvlllo. W. D-., $5.500. muare trouble added ta tou ia, ' large ilit of aibrdent. sudter,'_. 91 su ad vite ta lobe Roi. horvlt al be eaiy ru au SSout O fO t t5, block 10, Sander- 0 ni anombors aitcoiayru areiieraddition. Waukegan. W. D)., c.u cacao r of Utc e ooYa e »t#t*of aM. .Bortres, deaucd. troblcs ta âludqa Bobeirisen. Souththall le eu« o thetroule 1 t ltt4j<**UM vesi 4o faot), block 14, ng of a zen cltb lnetheCicty. sud o "p.Dw 32 sagh th Oemembere of Oie CIab lu, IBIIISRO au. Dand $3.200. oh ta go aciaile tce tyta practiée Wsltk 4M Heryan vit et lobe teir gens. Oie very idsa of iav- foncetta itWeeryPYack.,40 ft vath O Zloe mle u s ncbsuOrganisation Mdion ,Usrvsv Plake lstn. rt. D0f pllieg ta msity ZicSitea. M$1.400. t Wuegc.W t. C. Bevate la thc Organiser 01 Oie i J.-Cédi tathe United States, sud b. bas man nausove on lois 0 M4, bMach 6,and Southt 25 fest lst as charter menibere. Aujozg lot 16.itlach 7, pral's Pt. Sheridan naInes are semne holdingz-ra11- Subiviion. W. D.. $2.050. P 1positions lentéwhite Ceve cl<Y W~ . B osSeu d vite tethe United t ave pledged temevec ta Joie states, lots g sud 7, block 6. PraIl's support teclcubi. PL. hutaa sbdivision. Q. C., 81. Lorme ai opposition sud Siomlaof Buste c« Audrev oaks (decil.) to ,niiget bave bee* liîssby' tce B.s. Miiamod.lot ln village Of Wae- mig ai Oie club, but. alttouzhItlus oai. Wý ., l.. 1may tac tampesteon, It Ssaa Charlotte N. Crlbb et ai. te Mary ai for succesa. Comisky, lkt 4, Cnlbb's saab. ont Cedar he bylava are coi yat fermed, but Lakte sud lani adjoicinz. Q. C..,$100. Lwli ho, and thecluib plans ta Chicago TitIs & Trust Co. ta F. H. Ki.ult vit thOe varm veather for' Kle, lot 24, blockt ,5,.Chicago 1High- ýta. lands. Deed $350. _____________ - W. W. K<. Nixon tu G. A. Chnisten- sec, loin 27, 28, 29, block 4. Oakland sub. Waok«za. W. D.. 1180. UN £ PtR S IINDS Chticago TIcl & Truast Ce. te J. H. Wigintn, ot16, block 9, 'iicago- - Hisianis. Deèd, $310. Boras acl Oleeta ara. in ad --P.P. ÇrsDo n sd_,~-'-, t-L Iihs,ý Thinga Ooing-Rumor of Bioldoclil. lois 20 aae2L. hîteW 8. o hoftee taAcconis.Waatbcrn BSprings. W. D-. $4100. H Shomae in ccouns. Chcago itis & Trust Co. ta N. A. cupled viti thet statemeci of Vil- Filds. Iota 16. 16 and 17, blocki 30. Clerk lobe ConCou that ex-MAYOr Chicazo sxlgitlands. Deed. $1,500. ba ot Hlgtweod, bas admttoil not Mati Pabst sud vife te Kate Boa-- ngi paid bis ilcoee, cornes the le- bloc, lota 25 sud 26. block 5. WVatke- nationtat thte booksansd se- gan Highlas. W. D.. $450. in e ib vilagearelc te bnda G. & J. Herse le T. NN'. Breity. 100 us ofthevlag.r l hbneacres le Bes, -Il and 12, Grant Tp. 19, se report la that a ahortago la'B.W. D., 88,760.60. ai, ud bisfumstesOiebas, D. M. BSintoe and wife et a] te C. Bl redandtbi funishs te bste& M. mnec.R. E. Ce.., strip l1t0 feet the exajeination. v ide tro«gi part coriteast tr. Sec. ItAppened St Ceuncîl Meeting. 20, Waukegite Tp. Deed. $900. - ttc couneil meeting of the vil- C. &. Bayler andl wife te F. Ewariski eteld Monday nigbt.rsreTenut&an sd vite. saisi % lot 21. blockt 14. o f the Gibba administration Dreyer'asnsb. North Chicago. W. D.. led over vîttoni trouble the books $300. the lecomiez o0fcers.1 Adalpit Patrie te Louise LaMade- tec nov oflicora had been avorc le laine, lot 1, block 6. Stianderlc'*s lat 1Roger Moore baît been avare as 1 udd. Waukegac. W. D.. $1. ago marsinal ut oece. as troublei A. M. ÂAlcock aud vife te Elizabeth- t eared, baseleoaly as fi turnediM, Alcocit. 120 acres in S. E. 4 Sec. 25, Nevport Tp. Q. C.. $200. ,e nov hourd viticit look ie 1Cicagoe 'hie & Trust Ce. te H. C. t'as aI once, thon veted te baud thet. its lot 1. blbcit 4o, Chicago High- ks over te a committeeofo experts lands- Deed. $350. [cnd dlacrepaucles If teroaregay. Master le ChancerY te W.%IH. Mur- re committee chosen la Mesurs. phy. 8 lotsil Wasabu:rn Park. 27 lots irge W. Turner. Wick and LOIS, ail lu Northt Chicago. 23 deeds amouci- Highland Park. They are nov ut iaug te $1,750. rk on the books. P . P. Craedoc and vIfetel Anten Gibbts Admnite SqueeZe. Plotrevaki. oai 73 Il. lot 2, blockt 14, %cordiag ta Village Clent John Wasburn Sprng. W- D. $550- Cdou, ex-Bayer Gibbs atmtra that Alexander Marrie and vite te E. P. bas noi yet pald bis long overdue Alated. oid Page Warehouse PrOi)erty ase tee for operatiez bis saleanf. le village of Russel]. DeeC. $1.600. corldng ta Mr. Condon, Oie Lucv F. Furne anad bus. te Helen tunitg le tween Oire andi tout A. Illanctard et ai., part of bleeka 19 CroC dollars. and 20, Meurs' plat. Hlgbwood. hoe same village officielai tisita .a De. l JN reporter over the- telephoneit C. E. Banoot te lace E. Sanoot, 20 o'clock Ouisa aternoon that Gibbs acres lu B. W. % 'Bec.l 21, Deerfield Tp. ipreaulsed ta "maire gocd-" C.. $5. [e oul eu ami tiai liha as Master le Cbancemy ta Jeremniat art, as vas reponied, but voulid Sitea. lot le S. W.'V S1c 13- Newport ot titthe books are binug audit- TP Deed, $000. Frederica R, Baker ta UcIted States, Gordon Baqk in City. lot 34, blockt 4, Pruli'a Fi. Sheridan suit W. D.. $210. larsaa Gordon. wbom Bayer HO- ~T ). ord snd vito ta M. P. Thtomt- i replaced vîit ciarubal IRoger meaaa, fil earesnle«cIae 15. Aven Dore, vas deve at West BaCon for township, anC le section 18, Warren te time, but le nov hack In Hîgit- tovnSbIp. W. D)., $3.100. )d. accordiez te Mr. dondon. Eleauor . jeasup and humand te 14095. Saya, Little. p. G Brown, ousi 100 foot, lot 99, ltaý tTheu Bayer Hagen vus flnally et- vicia. *W. D., $1,00. Ined . ier thc long distance ho John Griffith and vite ta T1. F. Gaore, Duld ay but Uitile. 42 acres le section 8, Doorli town- ,Ve whli know ueting tintil thte ship W D., Il. ditiez cemmltteo bus reported." bo Master in ChueoerY ta Franklin Ru- 'Ida u ta hyar cu dolpb, lots 1 te 4. block 2, aCdlais 1 bts ai I h villag e î autuc ta 7, 18 tu 21. bloc 3. and vacated nit boksafthe G lbs bas nt 18ald e, 1Street beteOtl. Port Clinto.Hîib- eiait meneYGibbo bas nat prom is lndPak.Deoti.$13,407.74. cens moey.He as nt rOut9e Moline L» Brove et ai. te James )mako -1 god. Thero la a meeting HalpIe. lot 16, Marble & Converse 5 :30 outlafatercoan ut vblcb te aubdîivision ef lot 14, Nipperailtk Club il prebaitly paso bis word." subdiviuion le section 4, Grant tevu- sip. W. D)., $300. CRAMBL= ONl'OR Catholic Blatop ai Chticago ta Peter -111, 1Mayer, estt e».ro S, outh 20 roda, DOW.L rI'U f4UTIRÇnart28 rods, sentheasi % sathwest %, section 21, Frent townshtip- Q. lcsivar Haieley S.lllng Il oui and C. $75. T. C. Frenchad vis ta G..E. Ba:t- Many try, to Obtain PI.ces-Miss loti: ici 3, Wadsvottt. W. D)., $900. Crosby now a 'MIsis." Mary A. Forge>' et SI. ta 0. 3- Jontes. - part lots 36 te 37, COrY's addition, There la ascramble ceuaionZianGt>' Waukegac. W. o.. $1,500 niToet fn.ture.1 Mahiuffl ies, sud people sted flen THi'IEEWILL WRD. Dovie duriez bis IMf are tryteg ta get W. 0'concor, 26, Chicago; C. complets ietà or igaMen aof h itb- Shumober, 19. iga 0f biu routs lu SuhIfaiHase, o! Jacobt BeenaterbOer, 26, Chicago; Mas emciloi betr, etfthebentolnslse-'Joaoptine Asmaa, Wauhcpu, 21. cre4 celliez ober sud af bis liltrar>', red Aama, WoasIeSt, legnalage;, Roelfver H"tly le alllaib Ithe fl- Este Browcr, legal ugo. ture and fittinga as l* bis riiti. Aonso t). Carpeater, 24, Racine; Se Waun aupeople are uMoU9 Jessie Hueieson, 24. theoaltera aesleg relica. oaselrigt m-nts ea, la tô gsi the Rd- osi Se 'ea glant oaueciltable tltt t oOd l rni ariner thinkis datag4 Dovle's trose room and ^ bouit viîi tA Freho to!u tfvoalvn hohu iilteeiei tofgrthetfaeo'rablee apos hetics" vito h aaiIii vatal'tit te odge et a cyclone forfiLciilet at iiiean" ah 1t ltt nooiio ig navigation. B>' moes a!obseit. aita d and.1'tions s-lth the baileter and atber, tosl.Mins Crsy on RaIMPuae. nstrtimenta, ho vould asCertain te- Mia Luy Cosb, wt> as Is trectlon le whieb thc etat'nin lu0109'g Owned tiIs namne lau fvor of m r. l~ted sa £htale ttc coua'e ofaitite atlp thur Balesý," Tucada>' eoelvl a bat 1h would ho carrlcd louz bY the tract adiraased t ta isa Luo soby STeel)of the, atnopl'Cte wthOett b' -lVht Love." Obe Iaveti out c ortminr lnvoived lu the ln2Ct.a thecoel or vhittue puageit, 0e1n- AV Of the ttela. ment titipeatileIr h« OTtg rend trataaholiai ostbeare i em . Geneas>' Catch Thmn. - tiiti and satiug by it>'IOiiho 'teIcoand the bcs»aV veO Rddme& t'd e U t= Biteaise refesel aitU ete cttad- spechAl>'ineiidtouycauipat0 ressed te bier lu 'ber "adn" na»me. 0f fOQ&E ittra Pic flh*Oa No charge ulAi -s su.~O 409 p< et e examllaatloe lb 1U - U EW.STUONME DRL. EsYAR V.SMITH ice and Useldene ppodtt Ayesley's R.cdI.tlt.lIinois Phone L(betyv1ile 6". LYNCH 92070MR %one 887 Llbertyvllle. lu. A.IC TAN LAWYER 218 WaeblngtoStreet tVaukegau 'Phbone 2761 DR, C P. GALLOWAY. OSn SUEOVU LLeL'5 DEUS sTaSE aouas- from 1 te à and f6 te 8 p. m. UAbertynilk .Illiois. DR. FRHDMRC IL H.MARTIN Office ner Smith, & Davis lce Phone 5).5Resadeece Phone 761 ocsa»:1Ilte 12 a.mi. 1 to 3and 7 to Libertyvilis. Ilinmois DR. J. L TAYLOR. caiics cVRa J. bgLl. W510455 tI)lD. tuas:-? te 10 a. Mn. 2 te 4, and 6 te SP. eM. esideqce on Blroadway, opposith Park. Ubertyvilis, Ilinois. AL A. HATCH. M.D. Physicien and Surgeon Fox Lake Stock Farm Ingleside, ît 'Phone 332 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT l.aW. ,Libertyville, Ilinmois. PROSE 88. DR. E M.SMITH. DENTIOT. OVER LAKE COU14TY NATION.AL SANSE. eovu-8 ta 12 a. m. and 1 te p. mt DAILY. Libpertyvll.Illir oio. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Heurs MSte 12 &Wu-1 t'O 5 p.M. Kaiser Block Libertyvilie. Illinois DR, 0. F. DUTTERFUI)D VETERINAB UBON. aAU? TA" rTE VMUtEIAEAN. FARM MACHINERV of all Kinds REPAIDED Madeby Thoroughness AND'a - e,1w, Wc are prepared ta make repaira ln euat ian ibe sanme astongle tte parte broken vols of steel.T hisleal a nov patent praos u d ,ust ho seen te ho appreclated. We gueraniso tce van doue b>' ibis Prouetagivèstisfactioln WILLIM LAYCOCK CO. opposite St. PhP& Fi f*l Qeau Il There -1, One Sure È ý Àt2 for3D 6cmntg You have a right ta b. suspicions aofs.ny collar thut dec. flot bear the *Triangle Linon" stanlp. It'a probably comnion catail. There are plenty of cottan collars aold ut Uôc. for 25c.), siampcd "1-Iigh IGrade,#'" Shrunk," " cii Macle,' and andi se on, tu decelve yau., But ihec is one suro Linon callar artdthai'as tainpeid "Triangle Lr»nen" for yoaur protection. To bc sure you geï Linen collara be sure they are stampcd $Triagle Linon," The 3-t hrcacl eyelet bhtion-hales in Triangle Collars are far more durable than ite butien-hole -. in moet coulrs, andi the 4-ply ihickncas stands» more wcar than the 8-ply of other coflars. Over 150 Triangle styles, among which you arc sure ta find the anc you are accusiamedtu t wearing. Most dealers have. a complete range af quqarter sizes ini l seasnable styles. If yours hasn'i the style you want, write us- and we vil! sec thai you get it. ,ý,JýAY B. MORSE &- CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 150 Style 7 'A4 i*ts I TWO for Yol Neer uyPoor Seed TO GETCMD00 CROPS The BEST US the CIIEAPEST Seed Oats, Corn, Clover, Timothyj Rape, Lawn Grass. è Sure Crop Growers Drain Tile, Sewer Pipe, Brick Covers, Cernent, Lime ... AII KUNDS Of LUMBERO.. EMMONS-MERCERhLUMBER CO. ALL WOOL SUITS oa ýWebster CO.Malone,N.Y. Pair of McMil- Ian AIl1 Wool Pants will ar- rive in a, few dayse You, know the réputation of -these goods-None bet- ter made. Conl and examine goods and get pric«.. tut Belgauiil a î~0r 1mibi opoloa esoiL ht. CANAD~~N, Anager araI.VslLANDSCa. gAfl AI Ndlot uidng T.PUL INN. <Wotif @m'atoue7dn t;@ e a inba tcTLw lzîbE BIt ofic la -îreMYletit0foa