Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 May 1907, p. 1

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WEEKY SUN FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1907-8,Pages funny stou f d ealled a oocilaVO 01 sages. The *queer" vas dagomd1 sas roseugs by thoise holding tlie consultation and lmmedlatellly the Ides, of a frog farm recelved a trong PSIncentive lu the feftile brain of WiI- If the cold weather of recnt days Uo»tb fadivdal la lHondo of bau net billlghed bis crop bo UIvii p Olleer Slipe trous Orm.p Oid ducs cnoiigh croa.iers in saPPlY Uie Law*-Wautd la arc&b--r western hemisophere or lets. Itl l _____________rumored lie auticiptu -meUgtei MGILVRAY ACCUSE or0F BER- hOpe whlclilie vtiiiget frouabite frOgs JOUSè"ENK IN&YCAORIE to a large brewing conacers. It ln * IOU OFFESE INBYCAMRE. oped h. 'f'll ot spenis liigreen backs beforl tii, gags are liatcheti lalceilaIiiChafflb>' ChlefLimb.rry liowever.A of el.auadno re ofAttorney Miler ad .(> O OPU Er Fleee. PSTAKEE LAKE *Sunday Deputy Sherlff Llmberry- at Libertyvllle recelved a telegram ~udSimrto uueGabr frrnm the serlf.t Sycamore. III, W .dSirnii FtreGabr arreat and hold one, A. w. moGllvy, of Sai sent ta L.ake County laits. 1 wanted et that place for the allegedb obtalnting of money on taise preteusci. John F., lass county clerk of! The mvýn waa known in lie ln Waii- Cook county was at Sprngfield tbis kegan where lie >had warked for three week and whle there lie succeededb days for the SUN as compactor, bie; in getting an Important contribution iu let out Saturday uighLt to the lakes of Lake County. He se- Deputy Llmberry at once weut to cîred 10000suil pike which are Waakegan and wth Chef Tyrreli ta bie shipiped to Ptstakee Bay nextb 1laced McGtietay under arrest taking week and Mr. Liaselias promised ta hlm to Libertyville fromt vhichplace 1001< ater the releaise of the flnny lie telegraphcd Sherif }olmi of Syca- tribe perà.onally. He lian a fine home more that lie lied the man ln custody. On the bey, and te theretore mucl Itn- lunilie meantime before lie rceelvediterested In the fishinfi lu that localitY. au anaswer f rom the Sycamore Blerit lie tok tlie man before Assitnt SIIERfIr RAIDS Statesý Attorney Mller who advlse0 hlm to les the man t once teîîîng SBAND 01F TRAMPS hlm th'd lchadno riglt to hold hlm- without a warrant. 0 The man was let go and vithîn tif- Hoboes Gatber at Spot near Station teen minutes Uniberry lied an au- j and Start Camp which is Broken River from sheriff Holm that lie wonld Up after Villagers were Terrified. arrive wthln a few hoursanad tek-e I the prisouer froni, hlm. He ansîered Called to Beach hy a telcgram yes- tliat the pric§ouer had been releascd terday moruinlg. Sherl! Griffin and îîpon the orders of the states attor- Deputy Berry ralded e boboes' camp uey. St te tte a t týueend of the cramisheds ln the reTo ---. tli hef tat atorney"* railroad village aud made three pris- rnerne hecen who wcre ech gîven ten days But lu the meantime the bird lied lu the county jail. flowu. Diligent searcli failed to fiud Tliey were committed because tney the man who when lie found lie wa are aleged to have hurued railroad wanted had mode good lita etaway. tics and other rallroad property and Thetylg o th bads f te D-. terrorized the rallroad men wtli the The yln ofthebaud oftheDe-tires they started. puty Sheriff by the zealous attorney Three escaped, and the camp wil liad rendered bis efforts t capture have to lie raided again. Ineffective. Be admitted lic coul _________ have bcid hlm lu face othei attor- ney's opinion given la the presence ANTIOCHI lAS A of the prisoner but did sot wisé to do an. He probably siioqld have hled URARE GATIIERING hlm for the few limir but dot fot.- bAcOr&ngIniE W Dety sirlf 'm'Seventeen . 1.ert#tdf brry tpe argument of the aasistant states attorney vas tliat b li ai no Lie's Baies mmci and have thir riglt t hold a man wbeu lie did not Pictures Taken-Oldest 91 Years. kuow for what lie- was holding hlm- the charge net belug statedI luthe On Saturday morning of lent wcek lirsi dlspatch of the Syramore sheri. seventeen of Antlocl's oldeat resi- dents met at B. F. Vanattenas for tic DOWIE'S WILL' PRO- purpose of liaviug their photograplis BA !D INCO RTtaken lu a group. Those assembled BATED INCOUR andtheir respective ages are as fol- -1 Iowa: Lewis, Wiihiim end Peter& AppointeS Hlm Euecutors as was His Wisl- No Coniesiing Wituîcses. Moula>' attennoon i the count>' court. the viii o! John Alexanden Dowie vas prolbated. No couteting vltagsci whatever appeared andthli necemasr>' vonk vas quickly 'donc. John A. Lovis. Fllding H. Wilhite andi Jamesa F. Petens *cre appointeS executars, as vas desiral b>' Dovie, Wonk an an luveuton>' o! lie estate let b>' Dowie is nov bcbgi doue anS no furtier action yl lic taken until Ibis la finialiel. Attorneys Banna anSd1M111r acteS for the Dovie etate lu tht' pnolatlng o! tlie vili. CLERK IN KENOSIIA STORE GOES WRONG Young Man Takes French Leave with Soe $360 Oof Samnebod>' Eues Mone>. A 'Kenosha rlenk, Leonard Schulds. veuit vrang Sanda>, l ls alleged auid absconSeS, ater havlng rolibed a lIcuosia store of $350. Waukegaui police Mania>'mornlng rerelveti descriptions O! 'lie fugitive, ant'inlstructlouis t10 lhal iiIf la captareti here. He la dscrnbei as belng six tedt laul, velgblng anc handrati anS sixty pounida anS dresesig stylîsil>'. - Marks are a tîunil naleuarl> taom off an a block mat case. Schahse carnieS a 3"-aliber re- volver. PPAiIE vIèwJo BIAVE A 0, G IARM Willie Coon has a Satilng of a e Million Frags Egswhlch Me le Fmihfülly Guardng. prairie,- Vicv ls about ta have an Infant Iinsîn>' eccanlIng t a ramor whilci cmes frona thal Plaue. Tic infant Indust r>'late icrering O! froPu, ifaut frogs. Willii Coon, an emliryo magnate, dîscavered a banri o! s.ome- tlng -,qcer" in lie lied o!fIndiau crm*kvbillc fshlng for hll beoda fev dean ago., lie0iol lie.a litiglel or no of the Loe5oParker, 91 Yeare O! age; Johin Horan. 88; Uncle JeRiner," 86; J. C. Jamesa, Sr., il; Alie Crowle>', 78; C. B. Harrison, 73, Eh mJu, 73; Cyrus Practan. 72; Jos. Savage, 69; L. K. Willelt, 65; J. B. Barneît, 64; Jas. Bnilton, 63; Mike Sheehan, 63; Walter Stîicoe, 62; Jas. lIBye, 60; John Drur>', 52; B. F. VaPatte. 862. Tliree piclarea ere faken. one Ont- sie and tva Inside of thc building. Those taken on the iuSie Bisa con- tainci the likenesses o! H. Bock, Vil- lage President, andSenauitor A. N. Tif- fan>'. Ont of this numier six claim the lionor of ielig coh vcterans wbo fonglit fon tic igit lu tht' Civil War, Thc pinture that vas taken outaie vas lie saine, vli tiche exception of H. Bock and A. N. Tiffany, whO rouIS not ho InSaned la go ontaide. Lorenzo Parker lis tht' olest o! tht' gnonp, anS laysaim 10 tht'advaedc age o! 91 ycans; John Maman Isauiext, and la 88, vile "'Unnle Jot" Rînear rnke thiri, villi 86 yèars. A. N. Tif- fan>' and H. Bock, vien lntervleved, re!usci ta give their ages. couse- quent>' ve arc anable tu a>' ha tht' youngef of lie gnauip na>' le, bat ve are mci W tothiuk Ihat B. F. Van- Patteuieud Jaohn Drur>' are entîtlei 10 the istinction, for tliecdiunicel- tating>' gave thein ages aI 62. 'rie 1pictunce vicufinîshed vîlilibe about 18 b>' 12 incheis anS vîlI long lic trees- areS as souvenirs o! tic occsI8On.- News. Shotgun Charge through Arm. Thomas et>UeCabe, cf Wauconda. met vti qulfe a paliful accident last Sunia>' aflernoon on lic Camlsky fana dovu lie river. M. licCalie, vbo bS al strefurnoi f rcM a iuntlng expediglon, vas standing lui thcblina vitit iie riglt ana restingr on the bar- rel o! a baSeS double-larreicti abat- gun. I nome unknavn mannor lie veallon vaas dscarged, lie entirs charge passîng tirongi lie muscle O! bis ana. M. Comsky anS hilsson, vbc ver. standing uearliy anS vbo vilmessedtheticaccident, barrieS lic victia W the nofce o! Dr. Wellus. vioee le ounded membar vms cerefal>' careti for. While lic acci- dent la nol; cousidred a serious cuie. lihe vctia rau tiank is luck>' stars Il vas nat fatal. Ieutenants JOB. Durcln, Wimna Pllxp4triclt anti B. V. Orts IS ORat-r er>' C are nov ai Danville ialmg th.i examnations liefore tbelr commisf- slons.-are signeti b>' Gov-roDeneen anti delivered. ThcexBliltetioai le 1 Oau nnul -aaa'andi la. practcaltl, nature.. WITII CWLD1 BEATING Wiliam A. Calie, Iuromisent Former, te Arreeted Cbarged Wi$15 Banting Girl Of Ton SAIO TO HAVE LASHED HER WITH ROPE END Accused of Abuting gqd Overwork- iuig Chid ho had adoptail and taken into Hia Home-Warrant Sworn out b>' Father William A. Curtis, a Milwaukee rond farmer and former supervîsor, was late Monday afiernoon arreatcd by Sherifflu ou a warrant rhargiug hlm wtth having beaten Edua Auder- sou, a ten yer aid child. black and hlue with a rope's ind. 4 -Taklng the chlld f romtlier bcd et five Saturday niorntiig. Curtis, who lid lier lu charge. lo alleged tii have tient lier ov'-r a ethair anid lashed lier vitli a rope mtiti1 lie vas a lari kamd bine mass of qmivering fleeli. 'j'isia. 14b repai led hy the father of the girl, A. C'. Anderson, a laiorer oHW utbo arbior, was. ta îie vent lier front teilluig oflîrevioii5 allegeil beatinga alie had received. Story A Sad One. Two years or more ago Andersou'S wlte dlcd and ieft hlm fave chidren (if whom Edna was the youger. He placcd the chuîdren with differ- eut neiglibors, and E',ia was taken lu and gi',cn a home by the CuirtIs famlly, the father stated ta Justice Weiss. Sirelias, theretore, Icen there for about twa yeosa. Tuesde>' fie CurtIs feuil>' leai- leged ta have seul 10 Anderson esk- lng hlm ta call ton lie little girl, asd fa, caver np alleged cruel treat- meut o! tht' girl previousl>'. l la ai- leged b>' Andenson thal the lashilu of Satunda>' vas inflinIed. Child la $mail One.,, Eina Anerson la e email chili for ber cSge, veai, puya>'md .4ocmilg 111 nurtured, anS vhen she, et lic fther's command sioved marks of tht' llegei heating ta Stte's At- tonne>' Manne anS officers, ane gasp o! horron snd angen arose. Hew The>' Werked th. Child. Accondlug t fie tar>' ual thb chIli taIS ber ftter anS that lic lu tamn taIS Stales Attorney Hansa Curtis maie lien gel ap ft eee at ime lu tie mornlug, attend to householi chane, vhichl nluSed waehicg the Stolies aet lila uarthly boum anS maklng the' leds, anS fiel tramp a mile anS a blai!lu aIl kinis o! veetien ta echool. Thene.veret ive lieda fa make. Offen, the' chIli informeS her lut furiatei, fatier. vas she heaten by CurtIs for alieged dîsobedience or for lack o! speci In - pentornilng hT tasits. Sergeani ut Fort Weda. Rev. Dr. George McGlinils Thur& Sa>' atternoon et :30 unîteS lui mar niage Sengeant Ellient J. Hlamiltan, o Company' K, Fort fSberidan, and Mine Ether E. Nystram, nov of « Ravens vood, bat fonmerl>' a! HighlandS Park. Tht' ceremon>' useS vas ual o!f ti ring, anS Attorney' Corai T., Mey SeciterndeuSMiss EdihDanakin sa nouipanici tic pair. Tic>' viilneie aiLakte Farci etten spendiîg a e !e iys bere. Tht' vedding la lie tiret liaI Dr MrGlnule bas pertormed ln Wauke gaii BIG BOOST IN POTATO PRICEo Owing te Laientss of Seasan thorae a Shertuge of Murphles Whlm Cannot et Present b. Mt. Heur ye, hear yel A Potelé ln tb store la worth two--yon, and tises- ln the hI, and thie thrlft>' hoUsel Who hie a coler 'full Of mui'yilus1 Inde"S ta lieprlssd shove m 1e. Thore*sla apotate famine ees*lng Mr. Wenthirmaft doe net u«0 doci te ulve Illnoi l meSeembneft ao abtter brani cf eleeuhe' This i1500ilg the. aent for a P tatoam Atm ek Wau. mMd Il frona hi='liat tie iqer star7' co Tiis la the reum ofo! 1111 Ail ovutthe om*7lie pota s son la baotw2ri ibeeauaef the, e usuall>' se*re veaileer. blat pbace tice exact amsnat of t'=a ,l0 b>' ptato faruefo at thiri>' tgfit Sayi-da>'s Ibit cmneyer be i gaineS tii Yeu, t< Sth" aimao riscte tiie prilces rtbln" Idebi Thie people vWUi lam sores ci p mtose m a Ou ', îmeop S t people, * O.lkt noue te market Ag AU II set out at considérable expense villi Th xettine nImagine thceci~niuiof the officers Iait, GEF »& early seaiuSb»s Outed ptato ovu- &ScA t f the ocicty wlien a fcw days ago S KUN ; ers e, nloA tb5fr stocks too earl3', they discovered thaiai soens bad wth a feW .oboUous, aud tliat la wantanlyI broke ieý limbe of a nuom-UN V I wy- ber of trees. I branches vere nlotIN V L A E Break itla g* -the risc ln prc complcteiy stripped froan the treeor________ caml euIssi **5but broken aud. tlsted and iliOn tieS« es av iis week sellîng ut Ruimor Boya tliot Two of Wanke- ln kmots sud vîi tb ongs Wu the body 14ak. Feont Gains Faillua ' abouit U ceni a bushel and up, 19181,11 mnt Prouînest LUwe of the tre. ulioviug tlit tie vota Beiolg Champion loy. f« ad viii renaît lie dollar mark. Last yere are Facing iagrace. coutil net have beau Ibat of anImalIs Little Work Doing. vcek tbqy soid for 70 cents a hushel,_________ or amaîl cilIdirens. or 0 ent apeoi.DIVERTING OF CLIENTS further miachlef. Ted Boyes and Waukgan U let fel th famne MNEY 8 FnankE. ruseubcrry vere'given autiior- KEEPERS CAN REaT gan people bave the celiar habit and -it>' tç> arreat auyone uselesiy tres- gany biave a feV bushels lcît from Orlevance Committes Ha*SUecn ^p. paaaing or commlttIng damage ef an>' One Spot whera Commercialiam Gels hein vintea' stock. pontcd to Molil Hearing and Re- klnd on the grende. Both Uve near 84ap in tha Face and Yeu Can't Hovever. Ciongo, Vihl consumes fer Mattcr te Supreme Court, the fair grende. The aaclety bas Spend Vour Mon.>' unless the tlilrty-live carloodo of potatues ever>' If Complaint lu Valid. decîdeil te prosecute te the ruiles! day lu the yeu, ta recelvlng eit the exctent of the îaw auy persona or per- Time sa Ripe. present moent otiiy itteen aud igli- Whie a mndîte of secrecy lias heen sons defacing on demaglug any build- teen darloade Mmd wili son lie patata- tbrowu eround the entîre affaîr, dis- ings, trees or anything pertaluing te 1The Las> Garni crawlait down front legs.lieament proceedîngs are Ini progrees the grounds lu the future. <lie trucks when the train reaclie agaluat tva attorneyst o! Waukcgau Lake Forcst and tenir a seaeint the mention ot whose nemes oldDAM N AlC! Boy gîmuce et a perîpatett group tiat liad Tl I Dcause a hràliuîtornî. olDIM N corne down te one i train arrive. TAttoD rneys f theLaits t'ounty Bar LOSES A IFINGER ay the' American. S EmAiON I S theniselves and the *liole maitIelas - try'it for thelSummer. Seemea item' tdthe igeat sensation "' ~ss Gels Member cruîlicd in Door Jmmb licre tveuly-eight miles fromChieMgs BALK ARD crctcdth's: and Amputation is Neeary. tIme la rousîdered a wrongtiil art. ai The Lazy Germa laliors undpr &lois.. Wîde i>Iffrence IL i..- iVat dialiarment filroceediugs, tîttil tiiey -.-- omer Pcrsoually lie Io a most aàteo We Are Gotting ind %Wat rearli thé suilreme court, snd arel Doniald NcKay, thte '-yeur-old sou ot inuividtal anS ut almnil urg afiai e ug<ht t <. there passedul uîpn and lrcvlewéd.,Jon le ut ofDleîond Lake, white lie lied alightd lie lied bopped- tlg W. amout te îractlcaily uothino.. playtig Sîîaday cauglit the third flng- length- of tlie-businesa tàomonik~ Financial Affairs. er, ot lits rght baud ln a door jamh and paid a viait te ever promfna FARMERS FEARFUL lui holli cases the Ilroceediiîgs are eniîshtng It se tha! Dr.- Taylor, of Lii- merchaut. 0F A VFHY -li'-d.) VEAR hcguui. heratse of allegeul irregulani- îtvil' uo-s aletldIaa n fhie wakle the igus ventut p 1k tics lu moncy transaactionîs, e large jutmate l ai hfli h aIjoint. Thc leali this; Pasturea Barkwoard a.,l Sk1 ý Work, amouit being alleged ta have been i*!li-and hone wure s0e lly cnîîshed that1 This Store Witt Be Cloued FarBein W~ ti clt verted front clients lu elle case, andi'ecdo tcScrhîn îl i ÉVERY THURSOAY varion s maller aniounts lu the alliers. ligament. The operetion necesstatci anil ta be-Fruit 'Cc.i-.:s Hearlng Cornes Saoni. the giving ut cllorotonm taeilie child. SATURDAV' AFTERNOONSý in Dang, r The proceedings were final Institut- He la doing îîtcely. and cd vîi totc State Law Association' ~- ALL DAY SUNOAY.ý wbcItl a .dcde ht tdd..'Wc are al practîcal men.» rai tWe &iýthO *Have. *anetcl, l abav uli. c l ad e thathe dia If Wlit the Lake,, Forest barber, neglectting tei * 0 * * * . . .. . . malter te the L.ake Coîînty Bar Amati- -REGAIN OLD PLACE recognîze the copyright lava ou tb#tj Violets, aricmoniep, in:i iuv'.wrs tui nati on. . 1 rnginÏ phrase. "Wc arc. as i se>', aU' prtyand varons -,. rin 'us and hues. The exerîtive commttce of tic ar practical men out liers ami w, cUtak Jue bugs, a fi>' or t vs. î.îuuqultues, Association la sald te have talkon the M re. Home, KesslIer of Zion Clity la toenMas. ofths i plelis Tu s, *greenentlons and hl tii lu,'difeeling. matter ni) sud alipoinci a speriai Firat Woman te Be Elected ta theeare ltso the excltusivesYom' me Green lawas, a set v iii iceplen r eac omtc-t odaha- Hnld Peitical Office Thest3. sud pay for It. Wiy fnot do a littlo, on ht bnkofantS.- aiiwib he1tter îhev file their asieers, whicb enjaying aurselves, tibnksa afev eft u flaites bohbing Uihe . anud nl-it leunudcrstood tliey willI do, there' )na. Jane Dowie, relîct of the' late "And nov ve'rc at IL. MoulO>C'tS :bling at tie hait. viiili e aheening hehind riosci doors. John Alexauder Dovie, sud bcr son, bu>' notbîng on Thursda>' ond %tw6, 1. A mai upon the . itarhour secret lu nature. iGladstone. viii support tic caudidar>' day atcrnaons no more thon h t L seat sud ail the othi. ilitous hiesa- TO tiureeCnr. o! Overseer William Hamner Piper, lt ou Sunday, We're rtsllcatlW n . q 1. rings o! an approachiuu.t -uînîîîer. If et thîs blinug il devclops lu thlar1~uuderotood, for tic generai over' themt afternons-restlng for Ar'A A reneveilfimu ilwt h seti cino h reac omt crshlp et Zion. Tillevas an avful elap t tRac c004 9 fdells',l, wih thesatifactin of he greva ermins oirs. Dovie lias atated, Itlaisreport- ut commercaialn. and lie crs d<ri, featherci songters I. lu ifronttheir tee fiat -neî eai,'fa d thal ber lite vork le as a Christian pnl hokeildovn a tear vbe. '# sîunnuy tontheru reIn' i. complaint, suri a rompleiuit vilIliebc 1naSIitl i ectPprl etgcmgItruivt Aeapersandlébatqln he evewltPipet lifilet vitii tht tstate wsupremescourt A wlsnlaqaý!;icýwt h ilcb iii fiei tae iremct ouabr-,electcd alie vouid expert teLmelui ticthesuburli, Tiie baltdays oui arà izzing soda bhav i ilie ielighttul wmcî a he tk rct don. .ier station at ticelbad o! ZlonËtity lucre f0 mia>', havever, and n»v1» frbitsndae. m'ntaie-heungs lseeobudsd anuand Zior chunci adhérents. oui>' problem le tte itisomettitau n ~ * ~ a s aba r s alss alose miy hane any dayThe Dovie', arc vital>' ilterested do ln Uicesiiere time. A band= * ~ ~ ~ ~ a W twereGtng aexctue, tic anov, aithoug eIncluthe outrame o!flice electicu and yes- lu the village square ian beau v,$ )f . Wha weare ettng. exac tiretheplace. or thieClemes terday beard vlth Intereat rmuronste posed for evonîng, - * o! the' members of the grievauce con the citent that Recciver Halely mîglit "Net going We the band conSte*f i Fucnumonla, ciwoiip and kiîîdredail- nilice Ccannet lic îearucd. lic asked te raIl e speriel elerticin te asked tic Br&ultfleld aufllnl lý mente. Frit Tîme in Hiatorli. deiose Voliva. Cohan'a lait play. "Wby, 1I tieqî, Chilis thal roui e adown teflic pne Dishenuient le a sortous procedure There are nov vers spd rumors of youlukeS muasr. snd up vitO,!i( i. alarma nov an and ri valves tiebaloge rf uteaf 5 vrs ln tiec it> o! tlic ville dove Sand I do 11km musie,,' ausveed the c ' hen.lavyer, hennlng hlm prectirallY tram the Voliven majorlty et the scioni îîm o! tie plot. Sadsuthon.aires m ur1îactice, It la understood. board tblection ycatcnday Siéeppoînted. -Thon vhy Son'! you go ta lie colt-, Sad nd cilli, -lncesfrot our If clther anc or botîl lvlers againit, man>' a! the' so-calleS Insurgea. cr? afriends. wioni praceiuga arc active arc dis- Hovever, tlicy console theuiselves caut?" 1 luke mugir." tp A bat etbd lime and barreS, I illiipasgihi>' ho the iret vitb the reflectien that the personail Thetestteatnre viioltui voguebtri a "bat oe" lu'iv cii n ies. Aime surh a tbing heu happened n poptlenty o! tic Voliven candidates Lalçe Forcst antil November 1, ,d A bill et the firi î store. Lake rounty. di the vork, althougli Voliva, il in ________ y Mitteuis anfuitts. Looks that lie- qA understood. suspendci openatiaus f0or tV our heurs ta give hie adherents time ANNIE! DURANDý lu token sympat1li' Evcrything liaI la VOLIVA PARTteLY lavote. luniesirahie and ibm! ve do uat vaut. GI S P IS IG T Mrs. Homer Kessier la onc o! the COTTAGE B3U1" Reproasc if we are cheenful. board of eduration members clect. -. Sic beadcd ftue ticket anS la thc OralLk oes efm Ctèeae Tic tarnier. Iinougliont the At Demands of those of Opposition H.e in tu alil ulcofie0 aeFrolAseyClae- couuty arc lreirutiug a liard yeer. Promises te cail an Elmcion-Hud any kini outeide tic churcli. Tueuda>' ln Serious Mngr: w ey SuielI grains bave been sovu ln tmimd te HaId Position b>' Force. Wter Was Avaltabie. many instences and tiec cilîleS sonda -Oesre eue ok fields o!omInas uuanteil durng thc the tovu and ly the former followcna Off ls men alter baving reucved Forcst Acailcua> a hlandaue tr1_ varm veather ut Mardi have been o! Dovie, Wiihar Glenn Voliva lest wark on naval traning acliaol roui- star>' brick structurevos aimoe cl refitted and wîîî le rcaovn. weelc gave up bis fIgil f0 have hlm- tracta vhici lie hed. He reignei lie pletel>' detroyed by file yui 1'ý hîci taplat r selfd, coutlnncd lu office, aud villIissue ctiitracts sud flic vork vili nov lie iornImig. lia partial collsa. 1- I le neartnh t ln cr n cail for an lection lu a fev Sa>',. nuslied. cd hernie efforts oni the prt 0 iOi. r- fev ficldsanu ei adi'. Pasture are Vlive plans taelie a candidate ta As repoti lu tie SUN rame lime acadena> boys Wte étngaui ls e U Of iarkvari. The geucrel lime for sunreed bimacif, btut lie tances op- ago, Ovestreetlais lleged ta bave lie- vith buckets andl the building'! »ý a turning ruttle offl ta pesture la tramn posed te hie regîme are uiting on coote luvolveul, sud e tempoaer>' shut- hose. TRie>' orked under tie lae the iret la tht tenîli of May'. The 0Oterseer Bryantif o South Arice, sud dowa vas the rasuit, cudiug lu 5ev- slip O! William Mather Lewis, iUe* Oeil tlit li -eh i ere promlsiug here la likel>' ta lie a comblnatiau o! erai altaclinents sud contusion, nov master, and seversi Inatrautonu Y te.a is ite n ed ilie Dovie mmi Bryant forces liat ai hspiiy sînaigltenci out. Tbey appareitiliSteieunf euS'greenl are tt lîuai ci llneîtlitclleseeto.--coutrol vhen lhe volunteer fire depuli te. Tiheeauuu t is uily a manti beck-'"lrstinheatrs etI. ment of Lake Forest arriveS, ud te yard.~~~~ Volîva agneci te aians electimu THESE WILL WIED. vr ree rmfebldul et rd Mytuttbl ta vel atten e tannîy meetinug o! the comucil e odr rmth ùb* Y È lo Mnyfritbn h egan teselao! tht' clituncl. wîînî tîreatenci lii Edwari j. Meyer, Milwaukee, 28; ciiof. Tien a lino vas otretloie Moufli agu. Al theeluo cparaSpc hunealie gthetaduTlle Seltz, 18. the ucareat fine plut, but th-e 4 M pe )r. Iliret' on tour %v' eke hbvc remaînediso.j W. H. La Flotc, Détroit, 26; Netie rieS b>' lie tire departmnt p. -. le- dorment. Il his faed fie fruit crop' Wiec Voiva vas cliasen ovcnsceu. -A. Hess, Weusau, 30. otledbusino Y basrecîvel i pemannt nju>' t tht' elerlion called b>' Juige Lac-I 'oui Lukas, 38; Auna Kascainkine, liat uic streardcould lie baslrb ilvelal pei mnenalto overeds i gra ha hreso lihe - .Wieui aa nevhome vas brougât: auother lenîlon viliua e ys. Atter 1Stan Mikolaltis, 32;On Poim'ofbaflenl adivs tlis year. lic had suraonded himsecît viliaý nene, 38. ble to save Uic structure. AUIlin ail luis shming vilI go (Iowa fev friends, hovever, lie repudlslcdi H. C. Hazel, 27, Chicago; Boei 'he boys ot lie acadhrs!,V" lui histon>' as tlie hardest thal Lake Ibis promise. ws C. KeatIng, 2Q.- Chvonkei aider dillicultie prier te canl>'libas vitnessed luilte memor>' 're latesî move egainst hlm vea JoB. SBtkielui, Chcaga, 5; Bock) açnlvm c hefdlieerment. 'a o! the oudest lnialtont anS lhi.taken b>' tic business men o! the'Millen, 34. fi> the blaaimg bilding vhen » h rity', vho filicS vntten Charges ennus-I W. 0. Langfoft, 24, Milwaukte; partiienut gave np lie lot il euS secuiugly Iolecl t. ît ng hlm o! vonklug againat ticeluter- Lucy' Siorleli. 20.ue iof tRe fuLrniture. Beveral enteofa!Zion City'. Mago Mener. 30, Chicago; ClIL ' le, pioturos, burbed frisa lieVIR AT. S UEPauai Kosir. 25; Maila Krslc, 21. youtb. vere riel MIII ZINCIY UT R VANDALS DESTROY RA. E. Koanlan. 22, Ohîegol; loi& 'The, Amile Duamil co WUq d.George Jorgenson, 47, Racine; Ena- Fmtct, viapres ttil e Voiv bjc l e Bains Called a- ma Ztirman, 31. .1sau, as a meoi 4091be Wf -Roligicus SralBwne" In the ,Piper Aiqciatian Offers Reward for Infor- John P. Blauicl, SOI. Wauceda; Del- Anale. If o va vulueta du and Says wilI Agit orases. mle eSn aArs la M. Hsumand. $8.- vole loft standing bY'1,5 ta oin Laig t reto W. S. Vaui Oradel, 28, Chicago; Ma! toms dows Uandithebuû«m* Becausc be aliegea that the editot Persans wlio Ruined Trens, J. Thomam, 28. wlUb le rebulit witb Po. -Ie Louis Solgil>', 22; AMi Jemcuvecc, commetfte the lcneuh 19 o e! UiZohiNeye calidbila a "- Vandale have been Soing mollens19. itudents vbici liceocmdsp>' M. liglous salavag," Genu]ra Ovenseet' mîsnhief op flic grenade of thie Laite Bruncet 0. ekiardt, 31. Chicago; lng. Volva, o! Zion City' >etrdal' et Shi- Cunut>' Agricaltunal soclet>' at Lier. Dagman Truelsasu, 18. The building destroyeti 'e -liTbince and~alril e-t'vlOsi a ncvBrd Ia otfereil ffor Tliopbius H. Fruitier. 25, Clii- cd as'eue of lie tuMon, lireatened W Mie lie uevs- hemr apprehcensloii. cage;;Couale a. Rosecnbai, 26. eqaîppeil for the P0901» pprmnfor $1,000. Ili the peet flic sociel>' ba stsf0 John Glande, 91 Racinle; Louisc vas desined la tbe St~~h vairmn~UcbrunI o! mon>' nuisances comn- Dunn, 21. tained baides Wednesda>' VolviB iSUeS bis avs1 u itcidonthe groandq anS about the Thmais Freer, 29, MatIe Koeppen, parern, r'det r.-pe'spaerticlIeaiS IbuildIngs vthbOnt maritir but lie lait 17. aud .recrcto a ----'~- htep. flic ventan spoliation of propen-j w he TcINDEPENDb7n 991i4dtli.Chl-'t>' has causeS Presîcnt 1Mill«eet Wo- County Treasuner Fred B. Arnil John J. MeCi4Ug- 14 01o Oronlie or Iit ol ea Sai>'. jor a reverS o! $10 fftiorm15h h lte suna <iii ý, pfi for octyen $3,50. '%Ui P2D leaSIng fa tic arresi and proaecutioui'and Mn. Thorpe Kesler lef aI3 'rues- He nain t . - » ite MT? andthli WeekWhe Ocomet tfhle culprlor cuiprit6. . a>' aternoca for Denver end western1 enî>'vls Dmolie. - %bils spnlng a nuuier 01 trous vere points on a buiess trip. WlsmoWim via iera îday 0f- law- take anS tend Ake y la fie el- uoM- the $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANC,&

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