Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 May 1907, p. 2

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S .ueyor systu edm husted and yqr pèvn of Take 1Scotl.s EmuIaion. .jn k bauUp and strengthens your entire &Ystem. ItLobtiDSCod1L.iver Quand Hypoplios hitS g ýi,W*n-d tat it is easy to take and sisy to dagost ,A1.MLRUCCISTSOS.AND $t.00 17f~rIflA j L, E, MAIIOAN WA NA Correspondciit aud Aget 3euo snd Alvord'e show Mondiiui Ton Iedmond, o! Highwood jeistlie »w bartender st the Lakeside botel. f 1Mr. »d lire ti. T. Lamie>, ofS Uhs'ingtoi5, called on frieudsliers e S. Bammond, o! Chic!ago. ileejied- i ing the veek ai bis home her. EW. Neville. o! Nunda. calird one v"ltivesaundfriende bers Monda>'.1 mmes eila Crace, o! Waukegan, aillmnt Satunday aud sunday*ai bars bonse ber. NM iyrtle LMurray @pet lest Friday lChiago. lire. J. J. Burh andson Philip, o! Chicago, are aending the veek wtb local relative@. A Lamber o! onr people a tiendcd the social ai the Flini temi i chool blest Fitda>' vessng and ail report a muet plmemet tisue. The proceeas amounted te about $U8. uMill II, o! Waukmgan. viehled vith Imei reatives ammd frtme dthe dret o! thse vek. TWi Lake conot> Telephone C., las bosldig a line xtedlng aoith from oui 'vige aad vbicb vies compleled vwilli ,eQkWny sboui evea or emcitisiphone. The Ulomisabagenov numnbere nearly j gilii>' abseibere and tbm prospecte are tbiq W tlo t limi nevec huudred before theusame ba psaemd. M r. mimd ir.B. J. Hoagland and bterigardeit, 0o! Brvyn, spmni Sonda>' wi*% regatives lu oui village and viciit>'. Bd Bechlnget. o! Chicago, vos tbm pesi ôf Miss Emma Wéeb hnda>'. litrs. I. E. Hudson le eniertaining Ibm tapSIis veek. l 14u7i> b'ibe srions filines. of ber son le *,Wie u&frig frow a stroke of m#âotmd Mises Nota Plaggm, a! vurbtow et sund>celliers. tbnwv Frsm anmd o ,.iUsuvtSfimads vere tie tee silver hbase d j#»eý ýýW ese-on catch of Harry Ril1e>' h"asrsturned lu (Omaha, Net.. aftar a week's vieil witb friends. i lit. and lire.. Lewis Wheeock and fenil>' enlartaiued guefts frons Elgin Suuday. Miessrs. Walter Cannon and Clarence plagge. o! Barringion, called ou frands lu ont burg and vicinit>' Sunda>'. .Our basebâil leans went to Johusburg 8unda>' sud vas defea,'ted 12 to f. Fred Baselay pitched A nicesgaine butIwas poorîv swpported. MiesglusaDasale>', dauglittr o! tir. and lire. Wnî. Bapele>' and Fred Dovl onoel Mr. and être, Johin Dovail, vers quietly' married ai Woodsiock on Wedneeday, liai 15. The>' vill i dee un the Dowel farn iear bers. Doib young people are wel and favorably kiaown bers audJ limait mauy friende wiib ibeim H ibm blamingeibhat a long, happy and prosperone vedioci eau beetov upon tbmm. tir. d lire. B. J. Gireen and ebldren Willtsansd Eda, o! Oak Pari; li.e. Green's moiber, lire Smih, o! Chicago;1 and ivo siters of ibm latter, Mrp. Thuin and Mmre.Luts sud ire. Luis' d'augbtmr1 Mie, Luis, of Nev York; vers gueueta ibm hame of lit. and ire. E. Green and dançbtet Miss Jeuaie, Saturda>' and Sua"y. Unr. A. D. Parsons bas opeued ,hat le inovu ai tbm Cottage store bibmte lictibe building and invites your patronage.1 Mies Carrde Pratt, o! Cicago, pt Saiurdmy sud Sunday t lber homeabrs. sud van hostese tu, apart>' o! about fitteen triende Satrda evming. Mueic ierapetsed with ligbi retreihnmenia constituied ibm evenlng's prograrn. 'Piome .tteading rom a distance veto Meusi. Bmreov, o! Wauimgan, IitiJohn, o! Barrlngion and Kulmami, of Cuba. A ver>' picasani falteb univurseaiverdict. Jos. Tomitis>', of Cary, vas Ibm guesi ofI MIsa&FiatSanda>. Waueoudm sud viinit>' vas gresti> shocked Mondai te Iais o! them sddmu 1dcsib W. Jas. Ulietthab ihborm. Tbe sfanerai vas bld Wdnidaifro - tbm Iranigztàon Ctboic cuchE . P. Woolle officimtug and nerment v u amd« Ibmte (tlmboIi cmelmi>' st f licHant>'. - We areunahle ta fornisbheb obitunaz>'for Ibis Isuet. wm'Boihomr*weve4 teM md n-W@ of ie fatbm's death, Who dledi bis borne londay of tbe pest w..k nemi MiiesMary ticArtbur, of Waupma aS a guegt bers ai the bomne of ber itèr, tir. and lire. W. Rich lest weak. W. Knigge, the barber. snd Joe ýpûbu spent Tbureday in the City. Carl Rock. of River Vievv, visiti bis parent» bers Thnred ay. Don't lorget the shtow. Mir. aud lMre. Henry Kubiank enter- ta.ned relatives Irons the citY Sunday. Hlorace King sent Sssturday and Son- iay wjth relatilef St Waukagait. tir. and lits. Tout Williams inoved jatci to the City lionday. ira Doolittie le! i Tueeday for l'alwunra Virgjnie for an extestdad'vieit vitît bis ster, Mir@. Lee Anses. Tom jtueel laemnterlaining a nephew who, arrived trom Englaud reccntly. liMr. ad lire. W. Bueblng, o! >Wau- couda, vers guele of ibeir parents Isere sunday. Mir. and tirs. H. Burdiek visitei tlîetr son et Wauconda Friday. lir. and lire. Ben -tlroadhead. 0! Chicago, viîited hie parenté ee Sunday. Misses Raie and Anna Schoil. of Lake Zurich. ealled on Mis Mary Litchfield Saturday evening. lies Mary licArtîjur, W. Rlcb and ion Donald enjoyéd a car ride to Racine Sunday atternoon. F. Stuckali le ereetjug a uew resideuce eaet of tosu utear the eleeinie road. D)r. Carson and wife and son, of Chicago, are visiting the former's mother, lire. Tyler ai present. Mims Emma Kngge, of the city, epent Sunday at ber homle here. MiesNn& Rouie je enjoying several weeks with ber uncie and aunt, tir. and Mire. Blackiy at Lake Forest. Dean Aynely- and wife epent Snnday ai Wanconda vitlng th#- latter'e brother, Lester Bnrdick who le rery iii. MisAnma Cronkhite was a cty *ipltor Herman Knbiank epent Saturday andt Sund"y with friends in te city. 0. Rell Bueing visited at hi@ home near Wauconda over Saturday and S8un- day. Medanmes Ricb and Vickery attended lodge meeting at Libertyville Satnrday evening. Prof. A. Wilmington epeut Saturda and Snnday at hle@bore at rysta Lake. 1-ZZVfIZD Corn pi& The eboi Vauplev k Donil fI tbe home, Friday emi Bey. Fe bers morn Mis e B PALA INEmother bhi PALATMEJohn ai MM .jg*u bart hm o n trtalulng Dors, tu lit. and Mre.Charles tliitparem .'»eter, am .Becman from ChIcago Barbarue a danghter, Fridawy< i> 3. lit. Jeui Vent ti0 ivo e Mins liart.ha Saiter, o! Long (irove, Chicago O Johna Wag»er sld hie boge fast vei. visitai relatives and other tricude lu We hemr Mateein ii1agsmi and farnil>' speiPalatine Ibis yack. porv sea ftog&y vitb relaiea mi Round Lake. Miss Blanche Schlerdlng attended theM .lune Lie. Astispei Snda' a hoe edding o! bet friend, lits; race troubleiai .WO bwtq»t Buds e h- cMLmnghlin and played ibe wedding Srnaîî gr wim bwpwmt&match for the happy couple ln Chicago, vas cpest Franki Fredrilck hauthW bis ipava>' Poday. lMa>'7. Peaa au a d>lant nem.tire. Baffetiamp, o! Piun nb Grove, eripae John Aait, Jr., sponi Thureda>'(J o! emd on ber old friand. lu Patineexcsei Ilmt veSi vIb ie sieter, lire. E. V. Thutada'. lMr. and Orvi te mkegn.lowly te Orvi faWsuege. lre. Chas. Ramoonn called on fîlendi the grip. JohnTektise J. Tkemeamd John in Palatine Frida>'. Lessn, J.,auiàmiese hn o boliday lits. eie enlertained ibm social club What ab 'mlii elaivs a liHeny.Thureda>'. A ver>' pleasaut tînse vas Don't all I Andiev Roreber and evif. of Long enjojai. Boy d Grave, made a cail on relatives and MissAnunie Seilie vas a plesant Salurda>0 kt"nd bers Suda>'. cellir on ber triende burs Saiurday. limter one' Quit a fev rorn bera attended the eo. Kueblir reiorned f rom bis viei Sevetal basket modial vbich vas gi van at Mise wllb relatives in Louieville, Ky., ihaitaise ugil liejais ebool atFalrfield, Miay 10. Thebe haied not @siean lu weuiy-fonr ycare, «vsung vas a fine oua vbicb brouglîl a Ftlda>'. lap crovd, theba îskete amonufiug M- and Mises Preliberg entertaincdI IL 458. 1 relatives fram Arllngton Beigbte, Wbîle oui dtiving Al1 Aar and Ed lePlaines sud Veciard Place orer ln Titus bad the mfortuna ta upet theirSond>'. l'a bgyThureda>' evening ibut nu serions, M. and Unr. rebe antertalnsd ibeirdaslt dassag« e tetd. Ieilidren and thiai familles over Suda>'. SPRING TERM »MN NOW-WRITR EFOR SPIOAL TNUM, ýB STUE BEST TIllE ta enter for a good Pmo.a 5e1w.u« Eduatiou. No education hbas EVI » W e mo close to the wante o! amn uor woman whotise nwulltmg a aiesWhether the young man leta bu a femer, oie kawientor imt yonng woxnau le a t e ebousewjte, or a socteiy mn, both ned and will find it lusost indispensable, the tranng ihat mg f romn pursuin q s watt arrenged, carefutty edmlnltered enurse of Iy luFth. W. B. C. .Apractieat busjineseducation la essentiali 10 ou ag ver Vocation y uiny select A pecticat educatian ai tbm W B, à Mo merly the Imparting ofseh knowtedge as la neceesry ta make k, psgMWe inagrphmrs and cterke, but te WIDER and BROADER ~Umqu ibt wttl enaeto 0decl suicseully andlinellgenty ib b ca«l affaire of lie-. PARENTS, give your chfldren sncb uààtYOmng mnu, young woman, tis late mducation yon 6. & yen weni ot. gi Il'rit NOW and t ithe W. B. C. You cmt des'. ?slktiemier over wtî your parents, ibmn corne aud "r wdfto oi a!me Catatog anurnal, tree ta everybody, M ~f* a *~ Doh.ÂuI5' p £GAN lnting nextiniii rder. jir will mmmi wîth Miss Daisy , aturday evmsing. fîrget the mapieesugar social at of Mri. sud Mmr. Chamberlain, eening of ibis week. iruoof Chicago, preached îigadevenIng lest Sunday. ena Decker who le a nursin u t n hoopital visiied with ber ire lest Monday. id Jamnes Vanpiew vieiled wiib nta ber 'e over Sunday. en Autertaiued a friend t rom Bunday. sr of! ame complat labout àcorn,. Better test your eeed îu plant, il inay save you id dollars. grain la coiuing up betier than ted. btione for Cbildren's dlay i re In progrees. nd Mmr. John Porteous are ecovering from a long elege of aboni a Miay party ibis year?j 1epeak et once. lid you enjoy the show lest yevening? DIhd you ever se a si? aparties in thie localtty will ger beets this year. Sadie Galloway vjîited with armons, at DesPlaines everal m eemi. vith ber moîber lesft veak.. Mis" Lanra Landau and lit. James liayfleld veto married ilu Wankegan Satorda>'. The>' viii resîde un theiay. -fild fats. egrs. Jlm Huichison and li e iler, *of Wautegau, vers ilie guesta o! 8.V. Itetchison andI famiiy Baturda>'. *C. B. Clai and MisesFlorence Cook, of (Iticgo, speni Sundai vti ibe Clati lit, sud idre. F. R. Itosebro, of Chcago, speut Monda>' aud Toeda>' ln Derdeld. lit. andlire. Ellis, o! La Orage, vere tae gesete a! IbmGallova>'fain1>' sevetal days tast veei. 1ev. J. C. Engle spent Tu-ey>In Evauston. Thep Ladies Dareuamiocet>' met Thure day allWetoou v its.ML. Peuhif. Mdonda>' anlg ocnurred ithe deti of seo. Ostemmm aI bis hon» In ChIcaçO. Be had been 111 oui>' a short thns viii = ounima Fune rl eivie e rsbeld lit M. Oitainan vab vail kîtovu lu Deetflîd beng the brother of lire. E. H. Wlliams. Lant sonda>' moruing tbm home of Ueo. Knreb eanghi Oare ftom a aprki ou% o! tbe chimne>' and vas bnr»ed te the ground. The furniture on t ibrsi fleuai as rseei; everythl n oheb second Boet vas enti>'dettayed. Tihe Immil>' in at pressai tayl iegvii neigbbore. lir. Kutcb vilii mmsdlaisiy tartoebuild. W0dding statiohs> as, mithe j IMUPDUIT OMM Io esiset UmssJouxte iott, of Chicago, vîiaiedi Mms ElaStra Puîrdy, o! Chicago, visitedi a feur days wth triende boes Mire. ill Snler and lits. .Fred Sehbeer vers Waukegan callers lesti Fridey. Mir. and lire. (. N. Maxwell were Dowuers Grave cahotsg Saiurday. visited Saturday witIs ber paren~ts. tir. lariha Brown vielied over Sunday wiib relatives aI Wauimgan. lire. Marie Scîtular has rsturned ta ibm cii>' ater epndlng a few day wib relatives Itere. Evireti lieson reiurned borne liouday after e mothea visit wilb relative@ ini Virginia. nie veaccompanied by lire. Auna liason and children. Mir. and lire. eorge Corbin, o! cbîcago, vieidd Tueedaýy itb Mr. and lire.0John McLaughlin and tamly. J. W. Luitreli le a poesessor of a fine new White Steamer automobile. The Ladies Cemetary Amecation 0i thse Vernon cemeler>' held iliir election o! olilcers limt Friday atteruoanuai tbm town bal and eiectad lir. ltante>' Foote, Presideni; Lire. Wood, Vicm Presideni; lMre Mande Kisovlas, Secre- îary; lire. Louis Krueger, Treeasurer; lire. ii Schuler. NIrs. Chas. Albrscht Vaud tir. liLsughljn. Trustee. ieid, aI ber honi te iCisiunal Laie, Monday nighi, tirs.Shiennon o! beaf falurs. lire. Shanon leaveS a bueband and aine cblîdren. a niotîtar, ibree sistare aud iwo brothere tO monta ber depantura. Thair man>' frjend are in eympütiby wlth tbem. M. J. Webber and wife atbsnded Mrt. Weltbe.'e fatber's funeral jn Kenoeha Sunda'. Bora, telMr. and Ie. Geo, Hllier, of 'Prevor, Ma y 9 a baby girl. The moiber fomrY MIsa èrrie tiraeas. Died ai iebm re o! bis on Deibert CharleeSabin, ,Frida'. Liay' 10,ams 119 Ye-rMr i. Sabin ha@ beau in poot ,.ath tise peu year. Ho beaves four @ous 10 mourn bis luges. Ha va. buried at Lberty Corners, Sunday afiernoon beelde bie vite vho dîcd some years ugo. 11 M WLBURN _j and £m~e .at o Sriivi ited *ai carplmerrille Mr. and Mm Chas Treanur spent Sun. Saturday and Spuday. day a Atibho.Suhcrnions for ihm Laie Coucty Mrt. and ire, A. C. RicMharde enter- bnaicrxziT vtakeisai (O. Frmui's. fni. of Chco, sinsafoirce sdNeeo lre. Scblnkle wub as ben kmepiug BedofChcaoto.afe1 my. bouse for Will Prehin retnred. )Ir$.& S. Straugermand son, Warren, Chicago Monday. speti fswday wih Ier lstr, ire lre. W. BlekuAs4 and famlly visited S. E Kéeies'frieude ai Palatine lionday. Prairie. Viese te fallnot into une 10 bhome beautitui. 'Tliremof is enter- Oliay tg clin tism5, Ch&s. Bock, Ches. Afi"r au limues. Of four dIays Idrs. toiadA. 0. jiatiser are baving Augusi Bqschlug died Snnday May 12, tuélr housses patd. il somns more o ait the horne o! ber sun, Wm. Uuw-lng ibe. Proporty Uwners >would ensulate Dace ase vs83 vsars oftage. ibelr exemnple It vould hbu "beanîlful CaroinsWeslng wuaboriiila aver, Prairie View." Gerxnany liarcb 11, 1824. Ohe vas married lu 1849>. Tbree eildsu are E. a. Mason ba@ roturned frins Iliaon fielr.W.Lteum Virginla whsre hohmbs@pont the putsioutebreeka, re. . i ! inond tour veeke. Ulit. am eso svery ntt&uel- Laie and WM. Bneching a!1 Ibis plac. astic about a grnite mine whieh bas Bevides ibm ibree cilien eh@ loft lwenty. homo discovered on bis propeirtY In six graudcblldrsn, twenty great grand. Virgîlnla. Re broughioesveraJ epecinnens cbldren ilnd al nep'bm of tbm ors vlih hlm wvhbare On Thetuerai wes.hmd Tiday May14. exhibition. He intends tu foi,, a con,. at the Lake %urjch Bt. Pter' cura i an uexploit the mine,.lire. Anne 'The Rmv. Welorlcb pertormmd ibe lest1 Mai0so reiurned trom Vrginla rite. thlternient seas in the Lake Zurich whers Bbc ha. been ipendîng lb.e peu cmmetery. #- îor ouu.1 Two o! ibm young ladies lui own vent istslng ou Tne.dmy morniug. The>' v.itud vry patientî>' for a biit about ivo Isoüre and a hall. Sueh patience augit ta e te <warded, and st lest vers fortunate enougb tu get a gond sised black basm, lre. Trenner and ber white eai wyul vouci for the auihmnlsciy o! ihis far nome people are Incinai tg cati lu a fleb story. 1 Misems Jennie and Ethel Koedler called an lire. Water UÀp., o! Whellug lest Prida>'. lime S. E. Knedier vas bitten by lit. Pester's do*. Vicions doge ebould u01 be aioved tu roam the etreet uumuzzled meuacing pedestiaus.> RUSSULL 8pring ha. arrivdai a nsu ithit li bir ddhoes The "JolI>' Farmere" viii reluis bo Rnsamîl thbm rsI day in Jone. Thomi vbo did flot Iscar tbemm ia> bave an be made velcoma. Reinember th.e date Jutte 1. Mmr. Ueo. Suver epent a fev days In Milwaukee. Hart Sver and famil>' spent Sunîlmy vitb Iriandes. ire. (Io. Gerrity bas been entertaining ' lMr. and lire. John Crawford stpent br father, Mir. Dipple, of Chicago, g unday at A. C. Bdward'@. several days.I John Faulkner and daugbter attended LOUIS Je YEOMAN THIE- OPTICIAN Normans Adami, o! Chicago Lawn. Gordon Donner epeni Sunday wiih hie came ont Frlday to vii RRIchard uncîme, the Murrie Brou. pantatlýe returnlng Snndayaccompaiiied ibe funeral of hie uephew. John by hie daugbtere Dam and liabel. Faulkner Ma~nday. Several ironi here atlended the bineraI! The socieîy at Mmr. Corrne wax well of the little baby of Mr. and lir. Park 1atteuded. The next meetinîg wjll be witb Smith, Saturday atOunrnee. lirs. L. M. Bouner.- Miis@ Ethel MicCuire will entertain the The yoîing ladies of tbe conîrnunity C.E. executive coîimittee Tueeday 1 are pWplaringi for an entertaininent in evening. ; the near future. Mines C. E. Bater loft Monday for, ir. oneadLi.Creviid Evaneton for everai day'ý. lire. John Donner une <ay laet week. lire. John Bonner entertaiurd br Dudley Newell je euhl conflned to flsi Mueter lest Thursday. lied. Mmr. Charles Mathewe and Mmr. .Adaine IHorme thieves are coming nearer; lock weru Chicago vieltom. Tbnreday. your stable doore. Two bormes were U)eo. jamiegon traneacted bueinees in etolen lest week a short distance froni Waukegan lest Frlday. I ere. The C. E. topie liay 19, ,Ljttle Fiiults that Spoil Ont Livee." Song of SOlomon 215. Jeppe Jepwon, leader. I LAKE ZURICH IPhil Young wes a city viqitor tionday _____________land purchaeed a fine* new fountain. Bitten by s Spider. Phil wili have the eoda'e ready in a few Tbreughblhood poleontng caueed by weeko. a spider bite, John Wasbington Of!M r. and Mirs. Weber have returneil osqueville, Tex., wauld have lbei -ie trhnî (1reen lBay. Wi«i, n bie îhey have leg, wbtchbhecame a mass o! runl'ng been opeudiug tîteir vacation. soree. had he not been persuaded toi A nnniber front bers attpeud.-d the sur- try Bucklen's Arnica salve. Hel pris. parti- on WiII Lobwait Tuesday wrltes: "The firet application re- vîu9g lleved, and four boxes bealed all the Mr. and lire,0. Frank visitéd lu sones.' 25c. Guaranteed( t iF. B. Chicago lionday. A. Selineter of that Lowell, drugglot. city retnrned wilh ibem and vll amsit 1 have on bond a 1.11lu fin J Mefoem bOolS. cnoustig of Walklog lowe., Sulky PIOW4stel Lever tierrowu, wDuc tlanowe tlarrow Carte. Sring1*1tlrhome, Corn PlantersWalkIuug endRldhgCultivators Miik wagone. Trucki Wnons.Bg, e.Ca and Road Wagensc Set up readg jfor use end as low la prise as the same goodscoen be bought for 19l Chic H o »,:l; )ira. Charles Wlbnr, o! Wanicgan, renltSuudaiy vih ber uni, lire. Olive ire. Thomaes Chantpeny attd Mises Auna Wilson vlsitad Moinde in Wanke. gan Tueda>'. Charles Tucier, o! Litiertytille, vistai fIaonds bers Saturîla>'. Walter i)unlap sud Hunry G(loason atiendsd lodge ait Gra>vlaie liatutrds> erening. . Mies Editb Wilson lupent Suadisy witb Mise Ruth Moont, o! Grayelake. lire. Harry (ileasôu n md hildren. o! Ll.bertyville, visitad itlIb lre. Dunlil lest voei. Aid Askmd for Orphanagm. Rev. P. &R. Green, pastar o!flte lMethodisi Episcopal Churcb at Lake Bluff, made an appeal 10 ihm Metbnd- lis liisters, Assoeiailan Suitday fort'addltional fonds for tbe cbnrcb arpbanage ai ILakm Bluff, ta provîde for ibe cars of Ihm cilidten vba bave beau etricken vitb dipbtherla and One case of dlptbtberia developea two weeks ago. and elgbt cases o! scarlet lever have been reported aine bast lime. The orpbanage, wltb its 120 cbildren and twenty adulte, ban, been under quarantine for two we-ks. Uuestion for Every Day. Cervantes: Are we to mark ibis day wltb a white or ai black stone? FiRSI DANCE!1 ~) i Ohoics anîos ...............l5C Fancy Santos .......... ....... I8e Fini 014 Maracaibo,...........20C Mexiçan Java,,................. 22e Boston MochÏand javas........ 25e Lberty Comnbination, per pound . .. SCc Tees Fer Lbs Choice S. O. Japan. worth SOC ... ;-.35c Fsitcy 3. O. Japan, SOC grade .......C Ceylon anid Iidl, a spaci ai t...-SOC Boit Englsh breakfast ............. SOC Votàng Myeon or Gunpowder..SOC Formoe Ooibngo! rare qisalit>'.. . Oc We oiemani biaia, ree nititis Tee ?4 Y. FULL. CRRAM OI4gESE . 20e Fane> CWali i-cume, per lb..10c Yellow Craw!aed Peaches per lb . ... Gallon eau Table Syrop .- ........ 38c, Quart can Table By tp............. 10c 2-lb. eau N. 0M)olasses..........10c Shredded Coroanut <lu Dulk> par lb ... Z0c 8eeded Raisjins, 2 pie............. . Z8 Clened Currant«. pkit...............10e Postoni Cersai, large pkg...........3 Grtapo Nuls. 2 pk ge........... ... 28C Petijohn's Breakfast Food. per Iikg..lue Balaton Bireakfst Food lier pkg . . .. Ic BAICERS OIIQCOLATE, cakm. 17e BAIEq80ÇOA, 12-Ih. cen 22c FscvHsd a c3Ibn ...........lic NNlayy teans pet lb)............ O Sballad Pop Gorn per lb ..... ....... Oc Bulk Eoliad tGais 7 Ibo..........-25C .Orànulated Yellow Gom Mcml pet lb ... 3C Atm & Hammar goda, per pkg... Oc Sardines i lluiepr ean........ .....Uc ilustard Sardines pet iss...... ... .1c Imported Sgardines par îeau .. . 13 1lb eau Salmon ......... ........ 1C lntBottla Catenp............... lac IMonareb Condeued àiii pet ian. -.10e Yacbt-Ciub Affeori Soup parean .-10e 2 lb eauEarly Jupe Pem ...........le 2lbceau Swae Com ............... 109 3 lb eau Baked Beane ........ ..... toc a Ibean Punilkine................ toc 8 lb eau Extra To>natoa .......... -lec 10 Bars Lenoz Soap ........ ..... 33c Io Cen aîîdySap...8 10 " lapletCityloniî............ 43C lohîaru Wooi Suap............... 48C 10 harm.'isieriwaîti Fanuii Seinji..48e Sea Luipitasli in uli). lx-rIl..8 Pon akae(o~Stareh.... Sc eretoLy3a.......8 Exta lngAîoia ppr btuttle. .10e Perfectionî Bluing ,e.r hottîle .... e :1 Ibo Wastmiug Soda.............. Se :4teour-ne, petrîaie................ S .apuhi,îpr cake ..................7C lluAtii a ck ................. -9C .sbtstoe Mats, esb ...........S .)Ilozen ('lothes l'jîîs..........té eSun Lamp Chlmneys. mach ... Sc E. E. ELLSWORTHI Libertleville. IM. JOHN L. IRVING, Jr. BUILDER 0F lasts Ub b. sssuaddne Concrete Stone, x 0sm i ôv0pseu CWC.;L e .1 Brick and ". edlM Ià I eàmd«t Cernent Blocks Dyjmond and Austin g£*mt $idtewalks a SWUcaB LV ,AGENITS RtOCKéFELLBR. ILL _Illinois____ SCREENS 19CRÈENS SCREENS ror Wiadow ead. Do«r Screens send in gour order eartg. We do adl kimds,61 mini work. Gfr< us a trial. J. IIAYMAN Sucoeamor ter, Wooldrlde Mini LibettYVIIe i. DONT FAIL TO' SER SOUR LINE OF Tif 9 C. IF. CAR mbaie, Ma. m. "«" uisg car, 26 b at -Ilerteils Pavilion LEV MALE DAY T-s Saturday Tn N ightrders Tah MAY 2 FIRSI DANCE!* Leundry Office W fLAGG Dorial Parlor an for Razors and Put in Order Gusrantsud 71, 0 --------------- 0 1 - ti d 1 m 1 tour momths. 1

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