ýWANT PADS A rolling 4nosuball gathers anos. Just seq i# jrolend w2tch 15 grossi Twas ti,.>' shoe t ir let begsn, Sut nov ira bigger tbisse sman. A lttle WANT AD, sfarted te, Will gqatessilfe fluat gmw and grass. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE-t stt ilsemtter iseppies. FOR SALE-Single e-usnlb ufi Orling- li splle t - t r - FetANu .liu .ton. gga 1.00ppr 15,. Fertility iguusr- FOR SALE-%&"--sf111 have-a tew desin- abLs hanses*lu) let Dassusîuj.is& AueuTîs. FOR SALE-Bull Wyandotte lowla, 20-tf mil blosudesi st.o-k aud w inter tsyiîsg _____________________________@train. Eggs 5D c-s-ts vsr settinig A FOR SALE-Niodemn boume. 9 om5-W UFwRckfleI. 211 elosota, bath, psutry, bot atroo"a, z EE.Rceelr I. 2 bard wvood rhroughout, uuîmplete lu FUR SALE-White Wyandlotte esggs, en> delail. Cook Ave. Llbertyvilîs-, 1IlI. tue bresi 50c per setting. M iis. 1. E. C. 11. AVEIILL. 2-t HloSs, iertyTrios.. DIi. 3 FOR SALE-Two lot», crner Jd St. aud Burlunt Couirt. nluire musem W ANTED RAn-gis, Litertyvilie 2i ____________1________ FOR SALE-fluimse andi lut, 166 <ýt MEN WANTED-11> ms-.ta. luborers frontage, un tCturnî1 ts sînu.s-îolisait, Cooks steady wark, 20 cenDts j..r Isîur. OTTOa projierty. Sîîjtabil,-fsor resiloitc-s. or-JuttisoN', firayatake. SI-tf luinese Ilack. 1Situa.F. C.. KINîsAut'L' Litsertys-iiis. 2:-tf WANTED-Tws, girls; ane fuir kitu-bru - . .aul one- fr ur-. Fsa.uî .Jis sîltelu.t, FOR SALE-Ruilwr tiresi top îiuggv. lserfyville. :0,-tf lu goul condition. Jowlç ILEsTiLuf, Liber. tynille. 410-tf LOST and FOUND FOR SALE-tioutîs bide, uew four flat1 building, location good. tenant, 15o LOST--Cbild'#3 ring as-f witis gsrn.'f casm. ru-t lu advence, bisg interest on lteward fo filder. f.esve et Colys pnie. If yuu want au inconse piecu-of store Uibertyn-iile. J1:-lt pruperty un which s-uCul uLhbave f0 psy oMt one' daller for repaira for meverad years.seslune about flua et once. JAS G.' Suivi., WaUkegeU. 304 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-Cbeap; tbnee standard bresi trotting tallons, aIl reglateresi. un elîgîble to register lu the Amenlean Troftng Reglter, 1 welghs 1470 Ibo; the othera when uatuneul wili welgb f rom 1150 to 1200 Iba. eacb. For fur- then partîculera. caîl on or addsres John P. Davis, R. R. No. 1, turnee. 111. Box 80. 6324t FOR SALE-14t1 acre luesusi i Fnriout. Anvaue wisiing tu isurv-har-misueasy tertme lisuis usiapp. PAri. IUit I ,. 24-tf Ltwrtyville. FOR SAL-E-Eigbfusns1 denu bouse ou einC I a iberbyVDitilc, lut 100 x2.00. Milas. T, . I1'KLLI5. 27.tl FOR SALE--Che@ter White buers nuadv for service. Pedigrs.es furniuihed. Eutt F. Coat. Rockefeller, Ili. If. F. I). No. 2.L 3 1-tf FOR SALE-Modern 7 rouabouse,j bath electrie liult. beaf ands etc.., eut I andi soutb front corner lot, large hemu. 311tf J. A. MaATEE, Libertyville. FOR SALEm-Bannîa anIasedse t Norton lai-un Rockefeller. 32-2 FOR SALE-One bhome, Iuber wagon, plow; 0utto tantaesr ansi sigger ail ias gondi condition. B. M. Fi., Libery-. ville. 32_2 FOR SALE-My' furtu Wodl&lwu 130 ar res 1 mite nortis os Graysuuake, 111.i (jood hlsuuae, 10 large roomm. goosi water goosi srclarsi. 3 tars, iS e sue andi other out1'lujtslirilm. Land 01 of et ijuslity, ibuildinsalie-ated inlu eautfui pankiofiluli- oaks is fork sîl rond, muet « bsaeu ta lic ssprs'uiated. firavelesi rsasi l., statios. 1'ictwelve tîlouoansi dllars if taken sis. Iteasurs for selling 1 eus 81 year s l. 3J J. Moosos, 32-5 (Jnayoaske. - FOR SALE-Pofafues, carl>' Ohio sud Rose. FaitE C. 6ilus, olsi Devis 1 rin, Libertyville, 111. -812 FOR SALE-Twsî year old hurugh brmd BJ.se hu. '.M. WsuoRoche- feller, 111. 83-2 FOR SALE-2O acres, 2 -mile@ east et Libertyvilie an C. &. M. Rl. R. oppoite greenssusse. H. HElHMAÇNS, 2206 W. Adanî SBt. Chu-ugo. f 38.2 LANO MONEV TO LOANt-Wt- usake apeciait> of lu suiug moue>' bon building purpome. Also berna louns. Ihsîtols& AtUSTIN. *28-fl ACRE PROPERTY-Jumtou ttide Libs ertYs-ille corporation low pris'mandsss se& terni». Ovusatun & Arso m. 28-tl FARMS-We have a large list f u I.Èe cuntt>Fulriusto osdi. almo hîsuses aussilots lu village. lts't &.tîs 28-fl MONEY TO LOAN-0Ju appi-ovesi el 'state teCUrits-. BiEN.fH. MILLEts, Lii,-1 LOTS-W<. arc uxctusive agents for lots in B. J. Grimes' sutudiv-laus, tIhe choi-set iota@ lun -L t e r ty s-11e. flYMsusti& AUSTIN. 21-ff I OU'CAN GET THIE WAIJKEGAN DA1LY SUN In Ma tight of[ter 6:30 at LEW FLAGG'S BARBER SIIOP FOR- RENT Medîca1 Associaion Meets. 1 . 1 The Waukegan Medicai Associaffon FOR SALE OR RENT-House ands1lot met lest nlgbf af the Gales ansi elect- Inquire of F; P. Las-aE, Stewart ave.: ed thse foiiowlug oflera ton the en- ~-i. Lberyvile,822 sung yesr: ..~mc.dPresldent-Dr. L. H. Tombaugh. FOR SALE OR RENT-8 russu bouse Vce.Prieient--Dr. Doyeu. on Stewart Ave. Jolis F. BÂLLAUX) LiutvI II. 32f!' Secretar>' sud Treasurei--Dr. fi. 1(WfETAu elght room bouge wlth AItM thse meeting lunch vas senvei eiii- eil d cil>' natei-,balf ire b1>7 rijng mcaaGavin, Roeunci, ~ou.Appit e PtSMÂCGUaF'iis, an D Pam hnoryvllfr. 81-tf BfOI5511~ ore 1 414 flot argue wlth hlm. for,a&fier that: Satnrday'a Outhunit, 1Iliasitmade op MY inid fa avoldsi tirring Bob up unneces4arly. Aiso, I had f0 admit to m>-aelt that the things be bail then salid hasi ed nome unucountortable tboughts lu me, tlsoughts tIsat made mie gauce leas coufisieutl> ne, and then at the O14 aige of Itansiolph & Randotpb andi et thse bit lester whleh ahowed that 1. an ord;nar>' citizen cf a fi-e ecountry, was fthe absolufe pas- ser o! more osons>' tIss a hundrei thousansi of unY fellow beings together Could accumulatet in a litetime. ai. though ech hâd venkeul harder. long- er, mors conacientienal>', and wlf h perbaps more abîlît>' than 1. As fe boy BeulaIs Bauds' code li affectesi un>' tiensi, I wus ignorant. For tIse i-st tîme lu our as!socIatlon I wAs cotnpleteiy in the dark as fe what hoe vas dolng afockylse. Up t0 that Safurday 1 suas the i-st te whom he ,wauld rush ton congratulations when ho $truck if rich oven others on fIsc oxehange, and lhe Invanria'ul>' ougbt me for consolation vIsen. the boys "upp- ut hlm bard," as lie wossld ptut if. Now he neyer aald a Word about big tradlug. I saw that bis aceount witIs th* bouse was Inactive, tisatieIsbal- ance was about fthe saune as hefore Misa Sanda' asivent, and 1 came te tIse conclusion tfiat lie was nestlng on Phie coarsd gving hie ndIidel 5f. featîsa to lier &coutt sud tIse axe. cutloa Of hieComfisioens. Hie boud- llng of tIse business cf tIse bouse show- ed de changfe. Ho af111 was the hast braIser on the flner. However, know- lmg Bob as 1 did, f couli fuo get If Out f oMYu>' mni tIsatbis braia vu, ruungIlke a mijl-race lu soarch cf ore scesfui solution et the tre- mendous.probleun tisatmuet lhe aolvsd la thse udftbree mnthe. SIsOrti> altar thse Octoher 1 sf510. emente adilbeenaset Out,- Bob dropped e teOn Kate and me one nigIsI Affer sbee has retlred sud Wbliad lit our cigara la thse lîbrar>' he saisi: "JIM, 1 wanf sons oftataI d-tssh. l0od adylce et Yours. Sugar la gel]- iu, ai 110, and If la Worth If, in tact If la choep. TIse stock la Weil disfnlb- utol amont Investors, flot much pf IL ifoatlng round 'tIs abect'A good big buying niOvernt. Weil Isandled. veulil lump If f0 175 sud keep If tho. Am 1 aound!" I agreed with hlm. "«AIl right. Nov what regnon la tIser for s gond, bit, asf11 uplift? Thot tarif bill is op et Washington. if If 9008 through. sugar vîli ho cesper at 176 thon et 110."1 Agafi s,greed. ~"Standard 011' sud thse enter peo- pIe kuow whetber If is going through. for tIse> cent roi the sonate sud tIse -bouse sud eau Induce thse prealdeutto. b.li goosi. Wsa- do you say> te fhatr' "0. K.." 1 answered. "No question about If, ln tIsre" "Net the allghteat.- «'ilght agalu. Wheu 26 Broadway*- gives fthe secret ondin ftIste WashIsg- ton boss ansi ho passez if Ouftf0teh -grlffer., tIser. wlll hie a quiet accumu. 1lation cf fthe stock, yon't tIsere?" (0'18 amosLdwsy" is the Wall streot fig. lire ef speeh fer "afandard 011,- which- bas ifshoe.tIere.) "You've gof that righf, Bob," "And tIse man yho tiret knows when i Washingtonatuegut take on sug&r la tIse Man Who ahenisi loasi up qulck sud rush If up te a hlgh level. If hoe dons If quiekl>'. the stockhosiens, who nov have If. wili get a juic>' »leo!, tIse rlpeuîng melon, a alîce, that other- wvlse would go te those gneesiy hypo- crites ai Washington, mite arc alwys Public>' proclalmtng thaf the>' are there te aerve their feilow couutry. mca. but wbo neyer, fine of ezpresîg theunselves f0 thein braIsera as not he- lug In polit ics for their heaith.' ment s'i. "Jina, the man who fi-af kuova when the aenataors and congresarnen ansid membens outhtei cabinet began to bu>' sugar, la the. man vuho eau )Lll four birds witb anc stone: Win back a part of Jusige Sausis stolon fortune; Inenease bis ov'u lîffie pile agaluat the "irat ot Januan>', yhon, If the lîttie VI- gînîsu lady la short a tew hundred thousansi o! the necessar>' amount, hie coulde if ho tound a a y>tf0inducelier te acepf If. suppi>' the deilene>'; ftffn Up a goodfrieni'a banit accout a million -ornoansd do,-sarlght good tunfor tIse steckholder. WIsO art about fote.efor ftho hundnodth, tIn., bled out of profit rtghfuiy theirs." Bob was afin. vitIs onthusiasun, the i-st I hied seen hlm show for three months. Seelng thaf I had felloweil bis *ifhout objection so Jar-, he'con- finuesi. '*Well, Jlun, IIsnow tIse Washington buylug his bottin. Ail 1 kuow I have dug outftoi- uyseît sud amn free te use if au>' way 1 chaos. Ihave toue oven ntIse deal vith Beulais Sanda, sud. vo have diedef0pingo. Bse bas a balance et-about $400.000, sud I sun golngtoteapreas itif hin. 1 arn going te bu>' ber 20,000 ahares and taire on 10, 000 for myseit. If >'au wont in tar 20, 000 mare, If vould i ve me a vide ses te sailuI. 1Isnov yen neyer specq- laf e, Jlm, for the houa., but 1 thought yen0u ukgbt lu thli case9go lupern- "DaI as> nytbf i MorsBob," I1 Pepiled."Tlis Ufinie iS 5*#is b> 1I H-ave Gont Ovar the Deal wlth Beulah Plungo." Isaudlesi th"e uisivin va masterî> va>'. Wheu the ciosiat Csf Kstruck. tiessîab Bands adil20,000 isriS icb aver- agesi ber 115: tlob nil t bail 30,000 et an average etf1 asi-ItIse stock bail closesi 132 bldd ut ibg demausi. Mils sBanda 20,000 >isoved $340.000 profit, suhile star St 100 shovusi $210.- 000 aftIshe closing ri ce. Ail the bouses vlth tVa.h'i.:iou vIres ycrel vîldi>' acrauihtiug îsîý augan as son s lif bgasu to isisil AntrisinU ~ltln1y lookeil as thoaghs titu liai-es yens gondl for tIse figur-es set Isîr theu b>' Bob. $175, et whlch Iii-e tise Sanda' profits wonul b. $ 20, ob 11 as beaisle himscif wlth loy. lie iineil with Kafe and me, ansi as i1uaches i hm un> heart iiunosf stotp"od beeflug 5f tIse tboughf-lf auyit tînt shoulil Isppen te upsot bis planse- Hia'happnes vas pathetic to Vw5 itness. Ho was 1k. a ehilsi. Ho thi-ew ais av&Il tIse réserve of tIse put thri-uu'onîst1is sud laughesi andl vas grave 1. tniras. Affer dîn. fier, as we set l in thelîbrai->' ven o.sr coffis, e leanesi user Io un>'wte ansi saisi: "Kathenîne Randoslidi. You and Jirn don'b knoy what iniI.-i-' 1 have been In ton tii-e nsoths. and nov-yull ta- norïW"nevs-ii- nie. ess 1 mi>'gef Into Lthe shirl ansi chs-,n up thli dealsansi seuil that giri hauktetober father vif h the mon.>'! I wanted berhon tel.. graph tIse Judas. tbat thlags lookesi like ah. vouisi win out ans ing back the relief, but cie suhlno e ssat o If. se las a mairvelos w omaa. She has net fui-nid a bai- to-day. 1 dont thinIs ber puise la up su elIfIsth te night. 8h. bas nots- entf 144Ma werd et encouragement aincq absh as been boie, moi-es-an te fell be tathen aIse te doisg vol vtI Ier ane. IL Bauds, sud We Ar'e CoIng ta A Minute before thse gong sti-ucit. there were 300 men Jammesi siouni fhe augar-pois: ms-n viti set, deter- mined faces: mess witb thein coâts buffouesi tiglîf andsIaoulders tbrowss back for the i-ush ais1whlch, b>' rom- Iarison, tîsat et a football feam s l childssplay. Ever>' man lun uliat ci-ovi vas a picises man, jîlukesi for wbat vas comfug. Each felt thet upon his individîsai powsrs ta kes-p s dlean beail. to about toadstntateforge- notiaing, ta keep hfs teet. ansi ta sta>' as nean the cents-r of the ci-owd as pos. aible, ilspends-si is -ineri-houo-Q' peri- bapa bis fui-tans-, ', suat was moi-e ta hlm, bis clients tartans- Neant>' even>' man ut thens vas e coilege graduate whu bad won bis spurs at afbletic's or a seasons-sifloor man whoseetrianing lîss heu-n even more severe tissu tht ofthtIe college camp- us. WVîssn If vwas knovus bsfore thé opeulng of the exuhange Ihaf there are te be "thiaga dolng" in a certain stock, if la the i-aie bta s-nSonî> tIse lulekesi foor men into the ci-owd. 'l'iene may he usftt-suef0 malte or ta loi. lusauminuute ori-a liven of a min- ute. For nutaîsce. the mn who that mornng w:s ablete f0sustch thse firat 5.000 sîsi solS at 140 coulil have nesalsi ihem a fs-yminutes atferysari at 152 andI s-coi-cil$50.000 profit. Ansi thse man vi a yensent lus-o tIse cnowd by hIs clientftlu sdI 5.000 sbires at fhe "epeulng' ansi wbo gof but 140, vhen tIse pnîce voalsi be 152 b>' the UrneIse nepai-Ici ta bis cîsomer. vas a man f0 be pîtlesi. Again, the trader vho tIse uigbt betoi-e hasi declded that sugar bail gene up ttfanand ailvIs Isas "shontesi (s-bat le, solil what he dld nof have, wlfh the Intention of ne' ourebaislng ai a loyer Donce tIsas Is Om 0 'w % m ------------------- Mma mary amS, bm 1 to par, Dol vits b«On Wbeaf King 0 - a s-nu>' os-"@asuhenuoci>' va tus wonk the thîns out wus whole boit or noue,' sud fhat se Was f0 s>' nothiug unt il she cauld bei-self brng LIse w ord 'savesi' or *lat.' 1 don*t luow. but aIse la rlgbf. bsays If sbe aboutsi!rais@ ber tather's hopes. ansi then'Os compellel to ash the5m. the effeet vossis be fatal." 110h riisheil the taît alniouv'jtqnti S tram Que polaft W asother. bi: .u%.ai u- - hi>'returning f0 Besulah Sands ansi fu. i . ~ mrno-w sudlis aavlng pislts. Finalý ]y', he got f0 a pltch w beri-eI seeniesi ~ , as thougb he mulet take off the ils, ansi " before Rate on 1 realizesi wba-was comlng lie placesi himseîf lu fi-ont ot tue nos-h.BtantIWW ( 10 tusec il us sunIsaIi: put up a million "d yoîî rai91)gis a-s Jim, Kate, I cannot gis Into to-mon- hlgb as 70,000 for lu*. That iviiti giveitrww thouf fs-ellImeyoouusoniethiug >-ou a buylng pover etf a uîss 1 tiat neither of you sspcts. i mstf want >'au te use ni>' lait 551,ooiishaîsres tell sanie une, nos' thaf ee'.urýthîng la as a lifter," cusmîng ouf night sani tîsaf Blîcas isto 1 basilneyer ipeènlîtesl lna a hare lis-savesi: ansi wIîsil <an 1 tell bof of siocis aluce 1tteei ii- Ilu ý,f you, wbo bavebu-cii evei-ytîsiîg f0 me? Randoiîih & Randolpb, ansI svu-nu-ras, -1 love ibsulats Sausis, susiely. dei-ty, ,st>'al anst.sd ever>' otîc i J ,>ilpie suas with ever>' bit oetulie. f aorship lber, tîissei 0stock, gaMbling. t I w i fell you, ansi to-tiiorrow, to-musirosu If bow Bobt bail workoed If <ssi. and that this deal comes ouf as if muletcae to muake tIse ieal suroeîIt .is neressH ai-dg 1s I anupst $s,5i000 into ber for hlmn te have i jiSd inurie b uy- banda ansi senti her hosme f0 ber fa- lng puowun er t ait IsIk ou lb, sîtter he then, then, then, 1 wiih teillbs-n I loye gof starteul, tIse "-ytem -issassers, ber. and iu, Rate, If as-eIl mar->'me. viiose gem.e ow"$buttingIt siansi gooi-b>'.good-hy lis Ibis boilt of dollar- wbose plana hé iniglt îHet shiiid buutlng. gs'od-tîy to ssîch miser>' as I ti-Y to shake dOvîl thse 'is-e tudive bave been lu fsii-tbree montha. snd hlm ouf ef their press.-s. fl3ots home, a Virginia home, ton Beulah ansi knew hoir f lookel if Iii. tîroposesilme-" Be aau44s io ua chair aud tsars deul ansi ordinanil>' would î11strtisve al- roîles dovu bs. is cu-ks.Ilèoor, ptirr lowed me ta, have tIsé shit estfI flb. lots. sfong as a tissn ln advernity, bait so chaugesl tad lehi ,-,i uîuIsn bis hysteical as a wousqisu wit&,5vIcory lu au-Cel>' to matit that msm' forsi the slght. Virginlans thaf h. grabbusiat ru>'sa- The nexf day stîgar olien-s witb a eptance. wtld rush: "26.000 shanes fri-n 140 to 'Thank yen, Jimn," h. saId. fervent- 152." Thaf la the wa>' If camne on tbe ]y'. and ieb contnusJd, -Of Csourse,1 tape. wblch meaut thaf the crowds ses' viiets golng thnoucb "1ir beasi arunulthe sîsar-pol- was a motsansi buf II11 accepftIshe tavor. for tis e s,,atthat the transactions vere ga heavy, la bons to bh., VccesntuL. iknow qsick-_ansi tangled s-bat no une coutl your neasea for cômina uin as, tota eIllfi acertant>' Just wbet the. llrst help ouf. andi tha you wssnt fs-el badl- or opeulug prie wa; but atter tIse 1>' because your lasf 50,000 ish.iies wîîî i finat lui], affer the gong. there sucre of- ho usesi mare as 8 guasutit-.- frefîs- -b.ill>'repertesi transactions aggre. deal's suecea. LIeu for Mdisli igatlug 25.000 ahanes ansi 5f prices va- MiesSanda coulil moft obsert tu thse rying tram 140 te 162. 1 wes over an part you play', asahé sdd t tihe un- tIse fao o f0sce the seramble, for if derwnling, for y« wi lt a big profit .7colsOesi about long before ton anyway,' îclck tf ugar wyuslsi open wild. Neif day sugar vas îîvety ou thse ex- ansi theu.' too, 1 wantcd fo ho haudy If change. Bob bciught ail)ln sîgîf ansi I Bob ahoulsi neesi an>' quick advlce. IE Di - mold lit for) 15.000 smares at 146 nd land MartisA. Jobn»o4, )Mg il. 81I who. finding Illusefin l that aurging Ibloek 3, Woolrldge'a sub, LlbeftyvIIle, mob wlth sugar aelling et 162, could1 W. D., $700. only get out by taking a iosof $60.' E. J. HeYdevcker a: wife to L, M. 000. or by talslng another chance ofrîild~ o 1 ailQ . later paying 162-such a trader was $20eg,,lt9 -2Rvna also f0 be pilled.$20 No one who scanned the crowd that L..%I. 1Rush îtg. aild w tie i R. W. rnornlng would have tetievesi Ihat the itam kins. tot 97 11'vinia, Q . sh.set face on that creet Indiars $,2!,o figusre, Occupying the ver>' center 01 . Qsnas ,K' t.Qidissan. that borde of gamhiers who yen only lis2,i. '7,. si .,if awaiting the nlng ciang of the gong t la .C-,$1. to hssrl themeelves )ike madmen ati C. El and Gaassmw-. ~ eacb other. was thse hystericai man , î~I ii wbo tIse night betore was wiidiy pray- W,<-.w.t, $220. lug for tbis moment. Neariy every ..Sbsis5hti P , man in that crowd was calm, but Bob T 1 ýiibadwf z .P a o Diîîssîîte.y was the caimest of tbem ail. lot l7.Stiiiih >11) 11 S fclîon 12. St It's the exehange cote that at an>' cost %itîincli Tovnsh!lsiîs W.D.. $800. of heart or nerve-tesîr a man muet rn. F. P. Tas 1er sud % iffs' Atiîgust tain gmod forim until thse gong' strikes. johnsols. Noird huitli lt 17. Stsjîh's Then tisat lie muîet hb. as near the un- caged tiger as buosan mind and body l>'eu lu Section 12, W. t\iîîu-ntî Town- can be made. Ouly 1 realized wbat > hlp, W. D. $400 voicaîso rageul inside- My cisuma bosom.1 A. C. *Froat and wif, Io T'triet-s i e If any other man ufthtie crowd had AchýOOlO. iots 2 t, 9, an(, S. 2(,1) ftv lot known. Bobs chances o! success would 11,block 0, Wasburn Park, $3,bsfl have been on par witb a Canadien1Elzbt aranhuadtoRý canoeist short-cuttilng Niagara for Buf- i EiaehFa> n utas oRs falo. Nine-tentha of the stock ex. l0 ig Sun 'Lodge A. F. & A. 11. No. li1,, change game ta not iettlug your left lot la, block 1, Grays Lake, 1W. . brain lobe know wlsat race y-our rlght 131250. la lnounili the winntlug numbers and 1 County Clerk to Ella R. Shaw. lot the aiso-rans are ou the board. If one,' ut those .100 chain-llghtnlng thinkers ,. block 9. Kirk and PowellUs addition, or any of their 10,000 alert associstea 'Waukegau. T. D. knew ln asivance the Intentions of a Htelena Hecht and iailshand to Mat- feiiow broker. the word would sweep tie Wolf, lot 17, block 72, Highlaud thrnssgh that ernysi with the aurenunss Pari,. W. D., $1.0î). 0f uncorked éther, andi the other 299, NIl. Poltala and, wlfete o '1111e S. AI- at gong s .trike, would be at each oth- scinnier, lot 16, block 5_ Cummins &* ers' Iîroata for bis vîtals. ansi betore COs' addition to Waukegan, W. D., he knpw the game hasi startesi would 112.-000. have his boues jsicked tu a voiture- i M5Iy .1 . AtNwood to A. M. Johnson, finish cîeanneaa. lot .11 block 2, Voodlad Bluffa, North Suadeniy, as I wafched the acene. îChilcago, W. D,. $1.260. Ibere rang tbrough. the great hall the 1 - _________ first sharp streke of thse gong. There State of Illinois; COîînty uf Lai.ai.; wene no echoes hearà that morning. 1lu the Circuit Court of Lake Couuty. The metailic voice was yef sbaping ita Sarah X. 'u'(ard va. Fred 0. Mange- commansi f0 'at 'em. you lends" when braucb, Elizabeth Hangebrauch and trom I00 tbroatis hurst the wild aouud Cyril Fralelgh. of the stock exchange yeil. No other Public notice ta bei-eh> given that eounsi ln an>' of the open or htdden by vîrtue of a decnee of sale mnade places ut ail nature duplicatath and entered ln the above entitled yell of a great stock exrhange et an cauae lu saad court,. 1, the onde,' exctin opnIn. t nt oly il ulsgned, Speeal Muster lnCbancery excttn oenlg.If ot nl' 515and of sad Court.,yull, on Tuesda>' the relilîs apace. for the volume la terrifie. 28th >dey of May, A. D., 1907, at thse but It bas an lndlvlduallty ail ita own, heur of 1 o'clock lu the afternonn of comdng tram thse Incisive "take-mtne, saisi day at the East Main Entrance rve-gof youra," from the aggreaaive, to the Court House of Lake Count>', almoat arrogant "you-can't-you.won't- lu the City' of Weukegau. in thse have-your-way," tise confidlent "by- County of Lake and State et Illinoia, beaven-l-wlll" individuel notea that en- seil at publie aucUion te the higheat ter fuo the whole. as they bienul vîtI and beat bldder for cash the. lollow- the ahrîll acreaun of trIumph and the lng descnibeul prensaea. to-wtt--- dle-away note ot dlsappolntment. when The aouth halt of the North hall of thse floor men realîze their aucceaa or Lot number seven (7) lu Bliock una-s thelr tallune. 1 plcked Bob's magniffi ber savent (7) ln Ladd and George'$ cenly reaonant volce front the msa Addition to Waukegan, Illinois, se. was thla dantng bld that atruck terror the 3tecorder's Offceonf Lake. ounty. to the beea and illed 4tiha hulla wtth a fIlios, ln Book A of Plata, on pg trenay cf encouragement. Agail IlJOHN B. rang out--"45 for eny part of 25,00;"',eciJOaHNr U Cbaeey andi a third time-"5'0 for any part of DSAPrila 26terlA. D. 1907. 60.000." 6t, .D,197 (To lie Confinued) State Of Illinoia, Cosint>' of L1ke, es.: Luther N. Fiagg and Benamin I4 fe~oseu uoea Fagg. Jr. va. George S. Mlgg, (aleoll Flagg Erastua D. Plang, Caf>' ]L Rui t citeTranfers Llthgow, Nîna W. Plagg, Id& M. ByýE ) num.Chaunce>' J. Joues, Joseph W., Harlow, "unknown heinr or devise«: Lake Count>' Title & Trust Co. of Bratua D. Flagg, Deceaaed., -n Abstractaol Title. Tits eGisaranteesi knowu heine or devlsgees ot Lysu 1 lamoulit Temple lildg. Wauku' 1, , 1 Seule, Deceasesi", *"unknowu heIn or Loris 1.t1ns Se.<~ deviaees of Ailbert W, Ladul, De- ceased". Benjamin L. Flagg, dr.. sa Jbbi Doan nd ife o MrtaMa-admîniafrator of the estate of Benja. bo, E.or25 ansi Wit5et Maria1Ma-min L Flagg. Deceasesi, "ssnknoWn f,bonE 1,25 teCW. 125 teet, . 5hein or devisees of Jullua C. Smith. feu-. bocl 1,PlatC HgbwodQfleceesed', Mary M. Lasis. and. "un- C., $300.known ownera of lot 10 lu BloIa gtu, V~. S. Cold snd wif e f0 United the tinet Addition f0 the North aide of, States. lot 20, block 1, Prali'a Fort Little Fort, now In the City' of Wan- Sherdan addition, W'. D., $942. - kegan. Lots 3 aud 4 la Mallor'a Le., George W. Iut sher. of 9 lots ln block Subhdivision et Blocks 5 lu Smiths and 34, Highland Park subdivisions. Adams' North Addition te Waukegn,, James Brogais aud wituu to Clisdu- Lot 10 ln Blocks 10 in Bord du Lac Brogen, lot ln Village of Aîtîuucîs, W, Bluffs sud Lot 13 lu Blocks 1 ln 81y, D.. $1,50. tiisld's Subdviaion, ail aituuted Il thse Henry Fraiilç,a to fi. W. Art) loIs 24 County of Lakse aud State of niItn*I",; and 3t5. idtîck 4, Due-eli Park, W. D. aud Bradford E. SImmona. lu Parti-, $1 it.ton, Gen. No. 3393. Fiiiîil . Qisav-le nIiisît itîsaîlte Pursuant te a decnee made ansi eu- BI-ty.Johsnison. lot isntIte. ast sîde tereul b>'thse Circuit Court o! aald <if ShesridiiIan ondjsst ierth of talîe County. lu thse aboya enftIted cause For-est, W. R), $600, on the 26th dayot Mancb, A. D. 1907, Tiionias ,Skaîlîîsk andîlwttc <et ai. the underalgneul, George W. Fieli. au' te Williami Benîdr..Ir., lots 2.1 snd SpocIal Master lu Chanicer', e<t te' ?i. bilock Il. Jlrovrqsiudivision, N. Circuit Court of Lakte Count>', lîlnola, Chicrago. W. D. , :.will ou. Tueoda>' the 28th day et May', KS. f0Ci'se ans i wfe to W. Id. Joyce, A. D. 1907, at eue o'clock lu thse atten- liai-t N E. qiianîCi- Section 10, Vernon noon etf aad day. at the Easf main Toîwnship. W. D.. $5.00. . entrauce efthtIe Court House, ln tIse fýlhiii Gis n J as. Gamesil, W.City' of Waukegau, Count>' of Lake ttl'irst loel",> a.nditF..lhait. block0. aud State et Illinlois, sel f0 the hlgh. MvKa s s(,rondt addition to Weuke- est ansi beat blilder the toilowing de- gatis . D .. $2.000. acrîbesi real estate, altuafed la the 1. >t. Pets'rs nnd wife to C. W. Her County ut Lake sud State of Illinlois, e-to-wit: bigi'r. sith hait, lob 22. hlock 8. Lot 10,.ln Block In luhbe lrat Ad- Sitiseli'sli's ti-st addition f0 Waul<e- dîtion te the North aide ot Lttle Fort. gaE. Q. .,$1.Inuthse City' et Wauklegen, County of, .Jlt.vdêicke ndusiwife to James 1Lake and State et tllinois, except a Canst, nortish ait. block 20, McKays rîght 'of way atx (6i) feet lu wldth, off siu'cni addition to Waukegan. Q. -C., the Soutis aide et saisi Lot, ln a0cOrý $;,0. dance wltIs the provisions of s certain Kettie Scîsl' ansihbsusi ndte J. & sieeu b>' Heury' C. Hutchinson and C. Hoi-en, lot 3, block 5, 0'Boyle'a wlfe te Heury' K. Stratford, dated euh lu Section 14, Grant Township, May' 27tb, 1864, recorded lu thée Le- W. D., $350. corder's office et Lakte Count>', liii- Joepejh Theuner sud wfl <> W. noie, lu Book 30 of Dea et page 278; Mahr, ot 9,10 ni pat lt blcitaad lot te b. sold auhiect to the mort- Maer ts9,10d ndParklW. B. ' ekgage tlsereon ISow helsi by one Joeph 34. HihadPrW $. 14.500. W. Harlow. Chiec'ago Title & Truat Ce. te Thone. JscsLets 3 and 4 lu Mallory's .Le- Morinu, lot 25, block 8, Chicago HigIs- Subdivision of Block 5i, lu Smith and landB. $350. Adansa North Additlou te WaukefiM., %lfarcia Partu-Isige et al, to James P. 111 the Count>' et Lake ansi Stafe Of Husll. lob ansd building No. 125 WaahIlîlinois. Baid lots to bie 5014 aulsiso ingln sree, W'segh. to the mortgege theneon Dow beld bY l2tn tetWukgn W. D., $10.- one Ctsauncey J. Joues. 'q 250. -Aiso lot 10, ln Blockt 10 lu Bond du Mns. B. R. Kîttreilge te Miýýv&u Kit- Lac Bîsuffs. a plat of which saufl*' treige, lot 47, bleqk loi, 2%*th chii- alun waa (lIed ton record lu b 1 . cago, W. D., $1. coýrîers office of saisi Lake Coumàt7 l,, -ssk-Cof- lat.* aftpage8 Il