Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 10

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______________(Frais Weiiiad ui.) Tie buming lis mdlake af the Cros- CuI .ofsottled Mlk aMOts yt iv»baer Naomi, Salaitd an intense grifotuSthe St. Paul eai Isteet wvi l; 1h vas 14àmOd iti .~ U!LA~*lI auniig tisai at leait seven nOV .iuOrîvl..S ers bave close frienis tai W'akegan, ______________Thse Ust la as ffowsa-a: TOO EIHT OUR TO«T Albet W. Hake., A. J. Hake, Mmra OO IT HKONRSTOE T K&A. ike, and Dr. ad lirs. Nse, al IT UAK ONTMS RACIS.of Grand Rapide, Mich. ___________Ms J. B.. matIe and boy, of Grand Meantimoé Rural Suburbanilos Cussed Rapide, Mici. - - -es.a-e- the banig steamer a Biue Strf11k etthe .l5t5 Efftlid Y the inci- dent- <Prom Wedienday's Sun.) Mliii and creams ltowed freeiy wvie yaatemday near noon. 'one oftise, cars oùs a Sit. Paut mli train vas dem5ilea and Ihravu crosawleu ontUe tracti a mille ad a quarter west of the bridge1 t lbertyvYlli. ". Tise car vas loaded vlth iottleki milk tres troux Lake county lerds for Claicago and nelguboing cîties.4 Thae St Paul vrecker vas callid ta tho scene, wviicisas lai a loiely spot1 snd iabared ail day tu aigethie car1 rlghted and on Uic tracla agaun so that1 Clicagoascoud have ladteal nSud ila Uoir dinaer ooffée.1 Triis bJect vas fShalyaccampliuis-1 ed mter eiglt bours ai bard vorti, thiBeRcr retored tu its place t about 7 lu tihe evenlng. Meatime tramei lad been iaateilaliy delayed. Furaciuy AI.Ceun«ty Titis and ?wul#euaaswAbeIlact of Titi., %Wsu5auOOMawe oTemple -~LOU 4. GUAtNE, So.l vont t fJaeIomm treet, meoit fChi- * ivak. tctrlc laiuoad 86WAi or&"*veuue, Wamkem- - mM Aý. *lm &nMlibut ho mu MILad Bel= orps's ai. h Wmo* sprM & W. R.,lMOt 1.W ram a ui vit t hr Poamsa, lot s., lflool14 Wahbuurn $pimo# W D. mI £isci*iam aoeu a wm ecol. ta I& àWlOt,MIotýI lo ck 44mud loi 7, 5*0* S. WbusmHishimais, W. D., om - C.L8I uw lor uvIe ta Jan italcis- uLt 004, .d « block 5, Wmsl- Sou> PA04 W. ., MIL IW"aoI W. 0.lteuy ta A. J. Kiplsut st'àt.,klotb" M. ?,Narth Chicsut T- IL DulaMidvfta Rtosers wamm Brvicg 00.l, tiSsuA" le »MUtda &D.natul . Waukeian, W. lx 11M. 1. N.IL igs-mer am if*Itet ai ta W. IL Doge me ot or f mat % lam 47 Corrys mdi. Wabk«m. $L I Tain.ns Wte (ta ber buabad- Omail Omoseot oft tier. aid mail mse face ta face, If you bave a drop oi bleui l your velise. . t ello oi Hali Browon (affl a late Rilalat the r. t SOW - Tvauty-seven -.oty - »YeusGe- "Phlgim's Prcgrest" on sage. A 4numaticversion airuaiyanle *PUOÏW*, Ptore.m"tia bees pre -0et ltheluImerlal tieater, leu- *O« aacc.viu are sali àmmI>44sime -Wve. amil aid SaaelY reSche abare. Dr. and Mrm Hake. ai Grand RaPfls are persoaaly tinovai ta Mrs. EL CQ Barr, vite of George Barm, soildtar for tise Chicago Teleplione Coampany, to wisain ley veme aid neighbars when aherWaided lai Grand "lapds Somle yenrs ag. Mrs. Plaite la a trleid, a scisoal girl rrieid, aid Mrs. Barr tinkils that se vms cosing ta Milwaukee ta visIt a sister. Crew ave$ Paseencems Thse first broke out about 1:301 o'clock lntihe moriîg between decks lni tise forvsird end ai thse steamer. i spread viUs tremendoui ratly aid h vwas apparent asmasht ram the1 fi, Uat fitvas vain for tise crew te figlt tise Sanes. TheY lusmediateiy tumned thier attention ta arousing the. passengeri aid gettiig theu on decti. Headeaiby Steward PllillP Rossbachs aid Purser WillIam Hanua- ban, Use meaniers ai thse crev vorked Ilke iseroea ta gave tise sleepig mens, vomen and chiliren.. steamers te fleacue. Capi. Trahi set up signais for help. as aoon aM le dlscoered Uat lits alp wvasomfr, uni laa iev ue- menti tire. steamers visoso ightm couli be een a ev miles aveu came to tii. ream.Tliey ver. these teel frigiter Kerr, thse Kansias alsier slip af tise Nomal, and thse Saxania. Mr& HaIe relis Story. Mms, Hate. vis a vs rescsaed vlsh nearly tise viole ai hem faailY hi tie Knsa, ead: "We vere aakeîed isy Use u-ti ai test oven aur bears. We coul seA aothiig iecause Use smaas as 80 dense. 1 securei a îktrt, valat and atockinga, vsich a vasmore tIbm mot ai tuée ohlers hai. Tise men prePmiwd th ie buts. My husimn.l vitis seveusi atisers. vws forced tu lump tram tise burnig seamr t. tic big frelgiter ai il passi ang the. starm af Use burng iboat. Tier. ver? mauy narrov escapes tram drowaing and builg. Vîdti. Caught i Sertis. 'IL M. hiiomies, tise mn vlan dieu, vas a traveling sgenttfor tiseDiXa- moud Matchi Company; He ýoceupief La bertla mmi farvard of ours. He vas cauglt lusaome nsuner mand vms ter- ibly burned, the, Sel dopplug train bis boy. Mr. Riamaes ibid luit th laaptia ttuamoring." The taibavlng Kenollms voue lai tiie vrek: Mn..mand lis. P. V. Saubors, 1eas- absa. Wls, 1Wlii fobuliSlcsaauei. The Nomt vas 203 fet Otieg&au5 vas ovued by tise Crosby Navigation Coupas>. buving beau buntlI 08L Tii. tomson lie vesol aid cu a estiinaied t *2.000 iisrei. The siSminer, t la saii. vI bet rebulît aI onc. CIRCUS WAR AMUSES PEOPLE. OF THE CITY Wlile it hbsu naibeeai apparent or tise surface, a circu van bubasan lun progresaInhWasikegaui forthUe lit tew dmys. letveen Use GolinarBr0«.ý aisd tise Pawiee Bil mivance men-. The twa corne clame togetier ad thîr«-f're tise oppositioni vlicl a lla bisj,î,int-d aid fuli lit De. Evaery tep at tiie (aman people bas hëeu amet by ganme Mv stop Oba tise psart of Pawniee0111. andi(heue bas lseen a race ta se. vhIdia&Mr1 coud guis Itu bannera up, Ils heralil out among thse peuitit-. mud ia aimer- fixinag itacci OrsI. B vn ell'il lie abatt ir Imot uat Gamekeeper-Toss'iî hm if it I li..4oio' ait illildsuy. Two Cie-ms le, Distinction. Thse CrInoble uistnigt-i lia Vra, l uated ln tise ehi-itru traile « la ceUAntnyfur twa vos j'dîffretpt sci--vfhs0 it lI slves Sut4a Fow MiOdrd Thous. mnd hItrs on Sm$ eft thé MUST DO IT OR aifIS RAlt RTAYE TAXMS lgprngeid, ILt, Maw 22-OQoveueoe Den.een lbos, vetoed thse item lai " omnnibus asppropiaton bill for state chsamitable Inistitutioni s icicaiied for the. aection of esuit addilioaidca- tiges at tise Asylum for tbe Iusurubli Insine at Souths Darhaiaiie Tise cot- tages were te boue 1,000 additollauila- pane persoa, nsdver. ta cnet *35,00 eaci, or a total aet $M,000. Anotber Item vetoed ul l ite llUiS0, vbicii contalned thie Baitonnllie grant, vus tsait pmoriding $10,000 nmauly. or a total oi *20,000, for tva years for lus- pravemeuti oftsfUe grinde snd main- talinag tise fam aithtie Western Uoe- pitai for thse Insane at Waiertownu. The. governar cuts outthUe 810,000 fur tihe second tear, tise tirai$10,000 b eisg al-, iawed. Thse reanduer of thse bili in approved. lisi ta Cut 'heu Ont. In bis veto message tise govenisor ays thesasyluin uit tartonville h3 mosde a district hnspIitsilby tise terrms oi seni- ste iull&P, slnd Useretore becoisea a curative inétesid of a custodian insU- lution. le isolais tisat it Io xmore advls- able ta cut dovai tiis appropriation thson ihat fer sane aitiseaider bioa- pitais for Use ecurable Insane, vhlca are te be mepairuai. Tii. governer fur- tiser umys tisai It la îecesaury te cut: out Usese Items ta avold. tncneaslng the rate ai taxation tisionabout Use state. Senate bill 10-j, wvIicl pravîdes for tise ordiay aidoailier expenses aoflthe satle charitable Institutions, was ap- proveai. IOptometry DRI Ovphaud. Coisiderabie agitation han devalop- ad over tise opteiaetry bili, diOstiuig a mtate bSard of uptomotristiunidprovii- Ing for tise Ileenslng et <ptometrias. Iled"n-s practitlosners bave pratusted agaisnt tise approval or the billvisite friendi t tise umer are etauaiy Inalittet llnita fayer. Springfieil, lit., May ML-The bii cago, Ilinossis en d Iai italcai eommasy, or Cbiesago, bau certIimmi te tis secuetsry af state 10 a dissolutoes oft runration an ur areuider or clair-,i ter.0 husease ret.ltey mnnk.t Sprtigfield., lt, NMiy 2.-Tbe St. Louis, Iecatur aid (lamupalgi Bail-1 vay couspeus sud th Pannla, Blnowa-t lngtonan ad leeatur Rallay company bave certiled totese socetary af sate ta, au isicresumu of capital stock tramt 15,000 ta *30,000 for sacis company. Thse lines are part of thse McKiley systaus of Interurbuns, Use first niàmi beiig lu course of construction f romn D*Ortur ta C'Aampign and Use- laIt cmemd trois Bloomsingtou lu Pearla. GRIMM BUG AITAVKB ILINOIB Re la la tise Oa.A".Who" FWlas 1910itsWosk la Dsgimaing To De Visible. Tolnno, ILt, May 22-Tiere la ranch exciteusent laititis vlclnity ammng Use faunims ieras. of th is lovemy is> twa ueturned Oklalsoma meanifthset ereseoce i tise amis andvisant fields of tise gramn bug, viîds bas priatical-1 17 ilasb-oyed the gmaing aaial 5u'aln lu Une southvest. Wblte lu same cames Ibo peut aexisa in aly smailinimbera. in aCie els the asect la an aljun- dunt tisai blg patcisu are turing prelia' W isvng lse ravagea. I , mporte af Use dlseaveuy aignaly *priae inl a local nevipuper bave ueadsed Use ecars ar Cicago cousaisf. t iln boum endii a repuesentative af eoaitise leading drus came isere te Iveslgnte tise usatter. Rie *peut tis. day iriig about tise tarus in iis aadjling tovîshlps, reengnlztl ait 0thse OcA hall tot tie' sise, and le con. Armatthe presue r atUe gien bug. T» Toya. Are Miglaty IDy. lIssas, Iîl, May 22.-Urbain and Ch*iaupaign are dry s tise ieai dus- ert. for tise tventr-lx saloans lu ( isav',booau eed aid nat à dM o a liquor la seid by druggtsui,. ea ou pna-culptIcO. Urbeu' liI ln "at se tigii, hut dnuggit are go beaima l n by red tfDe tisat Usey yil Dat tandis liquor. Sihe Witafl tViible Catu, 9e1el, lIL, May 22.-Mli hua Sehonier, ageai 19, as oisisoi lpupsl, comuittei suicida by tailng carbolle sedi. l'h o lira are ambtle ta dîscair er gasy isstve fou Ibo irl'& ewt. Ber faaully lIo inaîet W Bellleville and Ob# vms aa liebor ci h.yunîgcr se- .1.e enemat. Blc)MW"ia, III, May' 22-Thle am tisIlousal $tit@ e oueution, euicu. beoth 1e Worid, bas iotusi iti tise elacIloe ni tbetoilving aficers;ciOreat CMauadetJ, y. Donner, etof Megoe; great rocoud- ktapu', 'TbonasId. Doig. l àdmu la&uÀme oAhm R"e*Oad. s, U à,Me l-.4Iw lty. fat. Mwl>al ssodmtiem sue- 'hue i ~'ls~ igtîsl ta e ltic Surinera couwvato Lt om iaele, taick wuthe (%14O~ çMO .lpisand toppêi t amta Ranbui.o*t a view et an 014 lions ee ** e ~wauld ba r tbabw' nuq ,o4et lai the, get *hytata o1k 0fý ew eeksa ag. S1W bi fàIco train va dey44,y i ts stop' Ianite eastern delea"i la a ape"ia train took tb* 0-1cm.>fl delegatiQa!a acheduile dUe te pst lte Ls. &a#mle4 The wreck olowe&. Dr. Davier la nov ait hism o. . WSRA1 ýb1S.O Frou Vodaesday's SUN. The. Golmsar Bros. show drew thousado ulat niglit j»theo Soute Sida> grouads, and despîte thie chlit ln their, the people enjayed tisepeu-à fornsasc,, wich vas bkief, but gooada cdeuandni nterestlng. 1i Tiia Nelsosattarcted theo MOU t attention and drew thse most applaue Thé. - l ding vae excellent, however, a was the vork as the traiued uni- mais. .Aiter thse show thse armY of tont men 'made a record In getting dovis tise blg tops. The perfarnlaceein- ludizik the concert, vau aveu at about3 10:10 and at 12 thse last pick up loaid of stakes vas on thse vsy ta thse carsa for IenosIa. Tiiee Golmar Brothers 'are persan-à sly knovi hure, bielg uelated ta Mr. and Mrs. Jud Putnam, and a deep tu- teret la always teit lni thir appear- ance. It Ia teared- taday tiiey wiii have a poor trne at Kenosha. One af the. featumes tisat attrcted muci attention lait nlgl4 vas ithe grsât number ar really funny clowns. THE BOAT 0F SUGAR (Coaitiaiued on page 9.) Waukgg ganI soan ta .aip lis tiuai toad of glucoase by boat. The "Gar- don", lu nov ielig Iaaded vitii 600 barrela lhtam ta b. sippei ta Boyne City, Mica. Ih vinb t tieut Cargon!Ofaf tisat vas ever sbipped troam Wauko- gan issibir. Noue hba. ever entered an il vWin ta a nev cansmodiiy en- tiret>. The boat la being loai ahettise Ludingtoi sait docks and vili clos-r toniglt or tomorrov. Thae boat la trou Be-vue City, Tise sugar lu- rou the cri Pradacts Roiainag Co. DEÈ BLL -Tise depat bill la bi'lg resurtacell viii cuabed %touse by Cape andi Son Tise partisehia repairecitg ironslibesr- idan roami demi' davis thuilunidithe tumn o thie dejiot plaiforms. Tise. impravemeit I. oue of tise moit needei a h1e cîty mnd vili !p eat- ly isenefi tise tuavYel aveen illI. 'bu bemvy toamis liugih up tise bill. on account nfit1* belng tise leait stcep of Madison, Wasbito' and Water had t cntlatatise pavemet unutIl t wais ailmot etirely ruiaed. Tise msuracing vii matie tise travelling avr tisa bih ssuscscaierý aaid vili b. gratly appreclaiteai by ail uning it. TO Prom Weduesiay'S SUN. Two voil kauoWn y<itsi meai of thi clty visossnaines are belsg ici losely secret are ia. give a buta exiibition befIJre sasse oi thelr clai friendi listhie 1seAn future-. Tis eve,, wiii pobably ta a fiishfigIt. i Tise tva are netah mtei ai ii paiculmrly snMnybut tiie Sgit la iseen arraugei 10 tie res«it aib0m by oais. Fâacicaimci tbat ho vas tic taM Men aid emhoulibti ttitii. clii va'. vnang. Amguirag coUld nat eit» tie te tou aid tise Ivo Onlly àaiue o a 5 tic the queato'lm*tiitue glav ie ta invite a elet mtaun a 1q fimbus t tvtaos5 tbo t unidO' chie thse menrIsai evo Thse bout If t ble l JO4 lutecn«, future aid w11tl9 uu* speulioa 0 theutvo pitel$4I» It5wlsOtW - Emtrie neod mmaes poeulat li.,. ÂAtii.70"9O u m talo, bui4m lIn ethe. lde.tty09 tih rMofithbis hittie bbi~>e outort - fllwlug Incident, Mruis jisthe. ar b18,lsb*m os po'w t li b7the gluo e aî t cola u anA balai hm ab s m= 140 t* of t« WOBIUIEDA i" WSPLTERON Ittutt~ ~~s 111 ~ ~ uPOiSS11IIui it l& C f0" vith à. Pe boausy Itlauie thre.%&Té lhe wus b*IIÙnommail atteito.alat ud aitryi'tu ta eofvles i Wen~te hioge t DeSen. ~ womaft laimlug tehtal#s vit, met êousM tbat lhe Vau t ber iiuulud. pingM iii alli te .at -"O>te .latinL i' a au Un iwO e né siê econd cloeed vth laio malui Hec aqi alait ,e P4 1 to in'do tiluilwiicb. 101"Y the 1«04 far.1101P and >the trd Mlault vWU HerFýum Po.N" w e «trezauly eunlarasuipg, 'The flulohai by the strecotcar mu ada. lea e 0o n.hearuIvei lu a cin, carlier lu the m t.ti ibis 400lIctty 5Md, balai fr day. and -bant arauu thi.ecar ures mercy. or tietiime -lsgwvas (Front W.isohdfflrs Sn) Woisavoent leur., durlng voi tl*Ume r0ad> ta returnula> NUvaute. 8.4ho Mua. Johns Sch towarl &blm 52" told bêtobe 0t uauvsla lor > b.Ihlw und tour sons rigide on Chesito n OL ama»on, vwhite the-petite uffl eue. atreet, Racine, and Who, tait Docets- Whou lier'lausianda car arriva,' ducked for more ouululbeauijau. ber , eacaped rm the ocouty inanemI*ho * on Sdmc*and wçilg o asjlum t Gatiit, bais otao uni a______________tu______________ bave vonked ai a damestic la Norli Chien ~ until a vee lg, ie L(«010 r disappeared again and Do trace afbe cmi bo found. Wla e Ue vmas loft the asylai._________ *hores e laadbeen tept for severai, yeari homeanafameantal dersagemnet, At Libertyville Monday manîng Tlae victorlous bird, thon etuuck the .lae vas tuacked ta the. North Bide, a comnbat Pth ie deatlaIras vitne.stisatu rival for saine teatlerôi iveet- and backtu tahte vlclilitY Of the bar-'ii.tvc.uitvo galden aafter filtera.,isartia affection, repeatedly luaithe bar. Ths ted ta the conclusioni tiat Tise bltds, bath males, attaeked eacb hbead outil lits vwu estinct. aise laad igi lolta the. river and wu other ln mld-Aim and fel ta the. mlddle Wltla a brIli victorfous cry ho thon drawned. In tact, outil a few .d^ys of the street figlting turiously. . 8;iev away tavards the. voodi. 'Tii àge, abc. vas though tao b. dead. Tbore tiseY cOntlnued their combat gflden siater ilîcher la compoufti _ý dispatcu tram Chicago ta tise q4lle unmindiui of teains or pedem. clîci a "biglabisl" by countri boys Racine 'limes, ie ta the offect tha triais until aine ai then% received a visa deuignate the bird thons front the site came tu Norths Chicago inat D& blow lni tii.'bead tramn the otiiersa tact tisat la. usuaily nota ln a bals ceanier, sud aiderthoesaome ofaI Me ekvii tecae nismsbe lulaarI oedm r Peters. ecured'emPsfoymet Ua- _____________________________ domeatic. Althaugh LttiUmes 015.act- ed atmnagely. ah. ovinced no rad" P I TO U I K U insane tendencies and a veetiN wejt luta Clicago ta do saine alop- ping.Ob fuie tjitaretirai ta ber ein.Su NO P? m N O Mi, playeraid Investiatian resultedinh________ dicpedînatteic tus ll ae u0Ca*nt1 Point thse auto cars som .dea1rk cofer dan ta imade, as makera or ca ro. eay nl e fon te.acneContytopr"n mrie 0 . . gard tiseir colora as traie marks, asylum. 1This athevar ary a! Waukeganss smetimes. but If a reoarin couli ho Hem isiabani and aaîs are makuusg isamen 'and bars.eavisera, vlia1troaglt absout latai hldirection h evey efor teloalethewomn, uthave tiseir animais Mrgtteuei every vould bave tise appravaIlof eVary n tar tu, naavail. tiue tîiey for~~ a pleure ride or a hiotsu avier un tih. cauntryaid ths try ont. jbarseavisera are lu tii. majoit>r. RAILBOAD PLAY11fraAT *,lRedmand wvite. 1 fini, scare bora-l'Tis Ialu sauelng for smm but- FREEZE OUT WITH PATRONS es ,"I sali tiseuman lao called tise mat- ling legilatar ta taie ap. Sta te eattention of tii. SUN.1 vawuli laver son, unuru From W.dnesimyls SUN. 'viepnap rva rblacîs. grade ai colarfor au autonoMie aet Tise Norhw«vee ralirami doesa net vouli not puaduce any effect on tiie nme standard slaade isoani viicb It, kaov tisat vînten la lîngerin lis Wau-' aniala viateven. 'j vould b. Impossible by 1mw te bave kegan and patrons of the roa" vbo do nol suppose 'Lhtisa y refonus a brlglter." vilah tea avit traais bave te taie their ear uutsan fersaong with-- --_ _ - theu. The doa reglatens about 0O& la the slaad elsuni Use traveling puble mes3«4 te r lit.TJA as spending lts time Inventini bard vomis ta oxpresa lte opinion of thec lck f le&t .aioeratlroaî nuisance develop- -FOSRF. C U RTE ed tutu imorniaig tram Use lack ai draiage facilittes ta UhSNrth o! the depot. Theraisa causei a puddle a FmWehnysSa hatsg -ogad m n fo eTise long conteted cas behve. titre. indues deep and a hait bock taCrsia hrhofWuà vide ta ievelap lu theemale space athe Irlstsh dUsci aiWauKo&t Noti et theue ipa 'The viiole ponq?- i s iu bitascuciL laaked disgraeinl uni Waak.ganItesi Waukegan lu scheiulei tar anohiier are vouderini visat chance passelsg- 'round ln ithe Circuit Court ioday. il ers tismougis tise citstuk oaith. l a dockeimi for toiay and vii pic- baisly be startd laie Ibis aftsmool. Tise habeas corpus ce.iotern e- Mont Wastefui of Cook£-,lidase ai Joha Vincent, boy hold-up, le Tol'n v, tawaste seens aun nht als. W. fr*hla&i n.-à t tes maailsot Eis0ltslite. Our oak* Ing. Use cooklag at aur wanking end arniculturmi ciases. la about tise aioat wa,teful coakery un t-artb. Taie French ' sant -'i11 live, ansd live Weil, os Zwhe nisard. Ilala saitisaiaDo tsuidrcd maliionseî'-is a year are added ta tise nut!,ii wevultis af 'Franice by tIse saviai. bhbiaofi er peo- pl.- .iT5laa.e cOST. I probably b. beard. Thie divorce eume a o la Peter- Iton VIL JuuiziPoersa, bath of Ho <wltla an Inpedlnent lai ll iDeerfield, came op and vuoecatlmum ap.cb).-My dud-ffd-darilng. 1 lui-lui- love jyu-y-yu. Wuii-wab-wlll Y- until th.d October tom of cut 700 1>uI>.>be My h-w-wub- Motions took up tihe maltPart0 vitethe ddy. The. beach luaccupled Di 8 QéOh Gorge, thiI. la5noslddeul5- Judge 'DouaelIr. TO THINIImS a ai the am 1hy 29t1i ýý . -1 il . 1

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