Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 May 1907, p. 12

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but 1- -ma ab ER HIR PROTHE Nt OF HE*FUMNER. 1t r4in Daugittr Who 1l dmwW y Prm Wssiin vtheus Ani Ns., te Sec M çialmi.-iVf up Hope 1 pAdmissOn by L-egai pro. u Sranncr, thes Young vomfan 9 was refumeS admission tate bcd ,$bof ber father, TboiV>ag Of *t7 'North med, even though ho la , Um the stry go... left .FridaY for fI la seeng the parent abs lovus g Mbcstayed bere neveu eeavmat- l*gtrlsd ad relatives ln Wa*eglt u=4 oct usar IMur, the haie or ber Slrihood, aid througb al ber en- ttUis her mother la said t aa remaln.d obdurate because. amordez to report, aie dd l ot nimythe mm vm ber mother chocs for ber bua- INb fat a.It la sMd, bas forgiven ber long, stcs, but the mother rs- mabaohul& xm abanner. betere am ent, af- mifal ber IuIMh te ameber father «t»eoceauie bis bouts 0f ateknsua. bonuim etce 1héri éabs el54e, m O tumt bt lmma.Sage oves lochi .45 *0 ifsi nurse la the honne and &uK lai»t onelyh a basemet aor »W.Iauiegave-nolaul hepea ai i To1 Ltlm pM«m indpe Md wtb Coet Isdffl to It lavl abo to ik and banllethe lnenin l 99 W jék ohn o, We uder,- ln thé £skgltehor the other cmpD. The. oosvethits year aOeni ta Chicag on luae L1. WANT I WILiL Ir*MP TO AIC LAKI COUNTY '"0RY."1 General Discussion te Take Place and Plans Laid fer* Working Under New Law. Waukegan temperance people, Pr- hhttioaltib, Law and Order League members viii meet flday eveniba ln the Conffrga±idfll church where the nov local Option law la ta b. 'ex- plained ta them and viiers ther are ta taie stops to taie advantage of te lav bers. Seretary Thos. Quaeoe of tiie Lai., Couty Lnv and Order Lague viii probably addrssa the meeting and vili explin tse provisions of 4h. 18v and mast vhat eau b. dons umider It. ne vorked for the. blU t eprlngleold. Othra viii addresa the rmeeting bth in sxplalntag the lav and ln sur . slng vbat cadlbe dons under Its À genefaldiscussion iJe hduIed th ta, plaes during vblcb lime »11908 Ctic., viiib. smade and plans lad for vlorkini under the WW and attomut i. ng ta mais La County a ««dry 4 oouty. et a osé ber father by eni lega jure.Barbcr$ Bocat Pries. a vrs. grief strccn et the Out- Tiie boss barbera of Wauakegan met e o satirn and mvet avay bart- t tse trang schop on Washington mL _______trot Saiday aigt aid adopted nev ro PýtahWauketgn Prop*rty. muIes effective Jue 1, for vhlch carda bolS sa9leta Clii anad viW- vil!@soanappear lu the. varions ahopa. vorydey U Ag. 1. ,Every sbop lu tavn vas repreoented Igulleant Isar la onlng Up for at theu sthering andbarber, are nov "g= ailucommon vlthte bihghly elatedet tse ul. andte fol- 84 country -Our ecty laIboutta ivng table of uev rates for vonk: dete Most prcuecroua a"u- 1iB1f cut. Sm. t sbistorv * faIr sIge, 26c. MI etate la te baromter,tere- Sbe ampoo. S. gs. Bo B. imtg C. Fcte massage, 35c. beeu developtng- Wauien rosil Eetrlcmasag. ec be bave omaiy sales ib-n r- M ,'i bd on their propsrty as thus fan Boarde, lic. 1c sujab se&atn,nine. c Srbee not everyans realsos Jmat ~~<a~10 t iis ino h handiin la Wauke- Tanica. 100. The rullias on heurs are tbe mont ri "ite. Titeir nlgget noie- la WanieganHlghlands. opst Vire Mie-4 10-etru- lb l trteeth treet. Âbs- at-t teaplaneSforatmstotreet 3100pionla cf ai ImbortuceforJ Mfer*t ietu almouet b.yond prosntj onvgrooktion. Today, 11.515ezoom id botie. airead built, there reun Aw saI oantructlan on tis abl vidon thmb rici and Mx ooe lI.'lb»w e MWttothersamaeprps ud. Ibis la the larget altovnfa 0» ttmslme sinc e U.abiiit labo ellnvllb tbe couapnra Mgs et90i doat Stbinoga. tse achtrftr on11as lvanmeaid AsWmaiSave- 'Lu% (leM ba becn rentai fer anc W*ee .Jume 10-19. for the «sae of té"' lots, ater vbieb toe cite' of Southi flave viii OUVey buYsrs ta Vanie- aus ah Ibe ompanyb expouse in a Catholi. Foresters May Corn. %la Vaiegasabld etaaccommodato b4tM M4* "aS800huodred people ta lha bots a&i pblcplau"? a i Sgt i.'l.Vlaws Cout of'tfi Oul mOrder cf Foreters veni vrk Io set lm 1909 con ent itIi *W*uis v Um*m tat mabder Tecourthbmàameeing 1rdy cv-1 *Nb*atvu*iebt»emalter of btierg- ý1« o onvlis bore vas liommdt qil"duglbe ig albniag SwUmlImam a ~ buslieg oNu Ser, 10" tOhe bdissvM beI.tu. out buis- t u Important aid-om0er the geta dofango, nhe bour anarerom 7:80 eacb maru- ftn to 8:0 eeh sevcns . xcept on ýlgndaya visau.11shop clous t e ta gOve thc iour neoie evenlng a vesiof adosaturdaya vhen ail shape clone et " mdalwhtA Ubogo yul cose ail bolidavi. cept tiffle fbuln owwoa"y. vbcnthe olOsnt bout laenon. Wbon ahopi aére *oed-il day for hliM Uo"%' viii rauiOoea ut 10 tepreviaus gl*LA i a8fl bogI1e cloeed ail day limday. Auto cara Cooiing. Prday. Jine M&.the.Cllgo Motor Club viiiMaite a doubla century te- latr iyataocMr ton that viiitalta "t WauxlEu-n Arrangements arc nov bàlngmad" The. rgu viiatat aet tceGrant mumen ia Lcola PAr)k. come te Wauicgan, aid thence procel ta El- gi via M*niad .g,nquln. Survivor of de$aims G0g0.. Madly noed, th. dcab th rZar 5aSll, olorcd vhbo fougbt viti jJeseuas, e. ago%,-ceingas a tum«erfortbc famous bandit en bis raid, toi tplace unday 5etBmc. t lb. reSalu a bem taterret8er t1» 3«L MO~v4smtcr Datadl vaua ebuadactr s ake- 1 a%, 'abus e o*lm inova1 for is Sbsicuaif ollettng mga ai pffer v db bho MM ta ma»ea IvigWe 1, mtbr hWusere dwS sd aul Wsue- ;a un ipped tae tg baq lm a meVon vbich lieueS the ci ,mmnbif *0 ne Yvas Orne a'wte f.v rvlvoraof the. tance JesseJames gang of ias- lite t là lPOurI, sd beipt . I la Cmmumiqw"o with Fradi Jaes.& go mom bubllng ovc tvl, 1 o-lser ob.*ladm 0f gusrhio varf5re 1aid wc o»e MOv boy qld be r«eUy 1vus ah lbke ime Ofbi doSctb. M» F Invu a&vdOV 'aid severl obldma ; effty Oouty r;u=rerPris e:> 'WOli. mwvfe pidrDao Wlii "tr chscoisao bv TaMeftri WILL ELCCTiO HAVE TWO LINES CI.EAR TrO MILWAUKEE Northwuateu Ma;-lave te Kcep Commutation Tickets ln Local Fld to Muet ComApeti. tio. The completan Saturday of lNorth- vestern elevattong as fa»» a Ravens- vood aid the puttlog Inoa peratian af a transr syatem from surface ta, elevatod ralîroadadoses otaffect the. Chicagoanad Mlakee lsctrlc Rail- eroad Company sytm t Evanstan. The electrie rond, eccordîng- toaa a têent from an officiai high lu ItEl 1caunsîs, muet avait th. extension or 1thè Northvestern ilevated ta Wilson, 1, avenue. Then a tranafer ageemnt:ill b ceopt lectrie car on Its double trucks from a pint btv.en Davis sud Church otreets to'Wilson avcnue aid el.ctric rcad Patrons viii Ie Othe siectrlc cmrsearWilson avenu.ame taie, tiielcvatod ltta (huoffl I- stead of thie devions prosent systom. Admit* Dcal On. The officiailu the Interview admit- ted tiiat such a deal la on but etted that tt had not reached a stage vhere aiy announcemont could b. made and prabably vould ot reaeh sncb a otage for aevsral vesis. Other Improvsmento. Hov0ever the electrlc la at preseut hard t vorn on the Installation of a nov brtdge aid double tracking et Laie Forest, A force of men viii et once begtn vonk on thcs mpre mus bc vHi ln the main rernaVO the serpef- tine curvea of the od trongh the. college tovn end provtde a subatai- Ual bridge, acrostsedeep set Street»., Milwaukese Work On. Wile vanaon eitonding tho rand asar and ta Milvaukee la progosa- Sng, it viii probabiy ho delaysd Sa tbat te tond vii sot enter tbe CÇfi by Beptember lut a annanScd a 70"av g. The building 0f the glanft iit gvnu. vlauct over-te Milvaukee nailroad lards vîli tsef delay varé of gettlng itthUe City. Two àbparate Ronde. Thore la a rumor la sons quartera tbat tseChicago aid, Milvaukese lsc- trio plas eventully tvo $electnl'lnes .bctv.e Chieago aid Milvaukee anc It la reparteS .4ht a te rlght of vaY for vbat la isov an the veit lino la bitg bought qiogiell i t. vwaY Rt MW ow tends p ut rtb of XSa- eil elato Souotf M aie bluff snd the rtumart th"t It *011la ime be Isx« aetbq Vma The sig étmm Wbes loel bi go Mud IA** hla MW na"sê. Te a. u5*s*40 Lew"- Wb« «thW 10ron d emp»Weted serve 5. lam.tgs, lip Iwter in, regard te Ue t"aSgg ocmprav- po 4OI.- la flot Os oe mv 1may evoamMeai the keopins o! the ommutatin ucu. a uII tto Wlii pave CM? ealeways. nea c'" fahursaplItbe psope are magslv aouilsg lhS 5um,5t»A oif *. - Wumiem tbe 0"u a qW 4m&S , agbt alu te be W&,v trIdiy in4ht at b»MOar f IOOSI lU- prtitm i eetlng. lsvilfl va u sWos.tag tô*lc After varions vat!y Muna proiscts were dlpod Of. the. pavlug proposition vu a kon up de,. it wu bond that people are mnd- ing pàjeui.nta >ll ovsr the clty. -Tbcord vili tiierefore adopxt the. poilcy that- seslmust b. la before paving la dons. but that ParIaS cul followav st«e Iinstallation cfetse' lovera as teut as the~ people visjh.* Trust t0 Buck Tewes. There are rmora tu the Off.'ut that the Katlierbocl<er c Co., %IIl. tMt aumni5f avade Waukega an8id wvM var bu thé Tevea c. Cao. pu the grocad tat vien T.v.a aold out his les. busInss,, ysara ago, be agrfsd net It le sald tat the. campany mah a bld tn a prosasthe. Webb business. boat tat 15oves by a clever move, ont- vittéd then. Thie Knickerbocer Ice Co. la the trust company that la belng no mten- lusIY, fouMt In Chicago. Car Sikes Babe. Runnlng ont viti handi UplIiftec la ise tb Moet t.e trafga manster that wie dd ont-knov vasuaa treet car. Prlday, t _1:380Wanda liuY. tbc .-yfliold danabteo f lMr. aâ lim Sl%iay. of Marlon-trset. b.- tane. Tsiftband Eleventh streets. vas atrn* bhy ai electric car and fatally ln1urc. eh. vua t one removed taute JUne M9Mter iHospital. The lttier a varier at Uic vIre maliii. vas otlded 0fte accident. and viaflthe t.hoapital at accu. Wbea ho came ot fram te lftle b.d. ho vas bovsed vith grief. The mther ta prostrate. Theo littIe ami victiot viiihb.àSyearsaid ln Auguet. Sbc hms a brother, aged about 6. Vrtunately Dr. Kalowsky bld mat driven tote end of Leoaiavenue, aid vu' tu time ta ueo the -accident mSd later ta pe% up -ad attend thé tulld. Leavlng bis horse. and buggy@tand- inga ho barded a vonk car ou the electric and brouilâttheUt.Uteone t* the hospltal. Ohe *regained c«oscuoneas Sud foulght hlm viien he tried ta atteud, ber. Laten aoéfe u alep, shoviot ber tremendou*,Ytalty. Dre. lalosiy a" nS lgt §ttusSht bern Bbc sutinsila Mgtful fraiS une of theigianol, ber teeth vert inocked ont, hierpilate vas cloyes ta tva. and the tees of one foot vert amasbed fearfully. Dr. Kalovsiy, vho sav te acel- dent, says that ate car came lotti bc noted a streai of vhite beforo i and later the cautopped and the girl vas icked np shovlng tbat the ca tbrev ber as she stood et onc aide of or ln the. mtddli of the tracis. Construction Work Slow. Local builderu report nhcu. truction vork ow ont la Waicg aud surronndlns towna, the buidiapi -ln Wankegan bbguDius*ceet, te the 'prement tUme,b-te ep local 00" tires huay. Waniegan builllt gla Wsaleta0 hy lits aid starts, pçeAUialY feul tolly streapous &U t100 fte",- dull. Ther. lu -acb WokIntuPMtgiI. at North' Chicago, Labo hreut = othen tavas. oo0 4m11 te510v. Coroner Dr. J. L T&itW Stcorone, wasu orid by the A» Opty »edcal cioty et its mtnt*hag <lmS et the anet*'UIPI iWi lgland Park. 1igý be og *Moq geto ta attend the 401eu*gof.1 a" temedimal gocwety et tu W~ ta 1e heul this month, kt cca Alderman Janeo Mia, of I ýThird Ward, vwu douee t bis Oi of busitteas s MIadli s tree. IL la the Ions$# lym of Mm,' q olty aluer hbal Nets b. w boy. FrIOT ENSI«NIAND PYOt1DAlL OSEGERENT. 0& Q,ý Oeniad pfSon hart 6 Rougit Mous. et Ccunell Meeting. D~w One O"»cr. Thei.euai0f- a savoollcense id .C nad s~l i H% EliuUo0d 11 Mayor eoan attidai. nIbt, pzod~plate lBen. argument odinS la a Sab% la wblch thc police aoftevillagrever. talld ount a resevethe Pelâce. ic Oppsss Hooftn. Accordlng ta aIl rePorta. Canrad OP- pffld RogM a athe lauf ei.tSiOh. standing for Lacser, tseGibbs eau, didatc, lu the hot Ultile Place. la addition. Conrad la Allegsd ta ave $350 licsee OY.,, Therefors vwben hoe appllOd for a u.lioon lconsc for tha ensuing year. nomancurty r.fnled hum. ý Conrad la Bisa tht. local EScboOnh*f- on ggnt, and hasa a arehOuu tt lghvood. Even hiviiolesai. but- nsa vas cloaed dovn, It loa sllged. invadea ylilg Mail. Enraged at vhat ho rsgardcdàaua unluat act, aid tafuriatd bY Hogaa'a refusa tasu. hum lirea lcence. or per-1 mit hlna tu operate aither hiave lc sale or retail but"".aa until ho hact paid up thce$350 that b. la allee. ove, Conrad gotiea mn J. C. Conrad, and vlth hlm t*Iadedtle.City a viiere the terme on vbtch ho cne run wore taIS hnm agai. Figitte Wllh MurohaL it la sald thatofngayls cCouredi vho raised a atorSr argument.wev ordered ont ai *11. vilage hall aid marahal, Rager lMoors, vascalci ao« >tu enforce the mayorsa commanda. Tii. tva Canradw airc allogsdl have tbrovn Moorc aid vers abS >ta ait upon hlm vhsn the Mayor es* Bed another oMeecr ta hie aid and àtva Canrad'a vsere finallY ladgad le: ths village lock-uP. At il célock that ntght tbeY vers tballed oit. Ths Re.. Thon. QnaYio nsed hie tvo colomoas f Wednenafya Gasotte ia blaing about vhât ho dld ln lhe mat ter uf the. saloan llimts lav and toit- Ing viat a narrav escape Waukegai bad from b.lng affescted by a. the6- mile lmit. We.have detinits InformS- tion that Uic lav yUl 11e attacked 11v the Mast emcinent legal talent that, can ho secured and have postivo asaurance that the lav viii b. declaP' edt unontitutlonal ln due tlms.- North Obicago Timea. aF Tht tfolowing ad lae.fïila 4h ru., dapeudretWa*n*sed wv le teumns this Week. Thoe are alot pi others tee. Rave yon the w&uta4 hsbîti It a poid habit to bave. IFOR SALE-SItngI oinb ff Orpina. Mir. Behm la a -Progressive darmer. Re baî tried wmut ada7betore and knewes they pay 'him weli. AHe leavake -te bhie opVor- ttunitlu ad aince he Sot the want ad habit bam tound It to hie advantage te ding to IL. Re iaims pure brd fowIo and doge beuldee being an up-to-date and practical Application 01. CureedAir ne = OrVPatet $Um Leste orders for Esionates for Cleaong with , Lberbiglie Dymond & 'Austin 0 a a UMmoes Lake Couatg Coeuese Air & Vcuuom CIa.C.. LISUITYVLLEILLINOIls LUne Todayr the great opportunities lu farming, ln cattie raieung, ini timberand la commercial Unes are ln the country and ini the towne along the Pacilie muat extension of the .RPU It bas been a long ibnç WUalues tateilnental IUne bas been bufit. Ih viR psoboily b. sa longer tibis fter the oomplU onof ibis oÙ4 betoee supiér eue le baith. 0 It le voÂb&your whileto- Wibup temopsunge. Tbhs Yo cau begt do bya permonul *t -$fl& àtrip l0 ma o x- pensive by tilhe owiateà vis-tiis IUw*'î O If yo 1eaueullwlcfo àuoaaott, asklltgpclo quo- ttons. ÀAwlestr sdiéipivo b"onianti uap viii 1e sent by rebut mail. r-- z -

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