Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 May 1907, p. 6

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not par, the afubÏmwaklre*dy*ige ge NCITY'AND ITS-TROUBLE a.h. n maîr ndo., -"....i.ldt $4000 Wa, paid, fron-1rtih the coin- $in Prga, Woo tisornig Ithe otsofflOdup et tos. 4aof SEEK O RE TOR E UNITY Hn'"nly wm lreceier .uretr. Fridag ight, philome, the sletM i ugintn.DInl -4bn A- 0 New Pactory Satd iW l fWueapeetatres atearna ·dad Weis" took a The luternl troubles of Zion City 1 against mue. ïteoune piaik ' -.ny'IL':ange of venue from Justice Pease, a r 1Pero the susbject of prolonged confier 1ponents ls 'Down nith voliva' ana, One piece of cheesagnews wua apdgfanthe feature- fwhhwa in Highwool, to Justice Dorsey, tnu énes ndortoy n hetabernacie, they stop at no lies and misrepre .ecevdthswe, isedol"AO it s fte s," at thie UinHighland Park.•te all -of the Dowie city Friday. tations to att:iin theih end., factory will be started'ta the ývillage ch nLbrlil eoe a flg At Justice Dobrsey's aà continuanve ýýverything was under the auspices' ••But the nill find themselve, za by Hermain Herruth and F.P. iFox nf ibf a Week was asked and atrait of the federal court, .fudge Lanýdi !tacking ine wrong man. 1 propose Chicago, hyhv prhnda uinoter Iaght, was granted. IgTecase iKGOe OUMTAet anting to learn several thingi, inure1 give my nemies such a blast Of dyna-ý building in the center of the town Fetues o te vein'swok rugiteneectmn nHg.Hndoepre ae .4eto 23¢1,wc especialy what couldi be done tepo luo ite next week as will amaze them, This will be ¡one- of the Bqrbt Outsid-1trere the jsgiîng of Mrs William B oo nd glndPr. The chargeDalinty boedraornPom e........ . -6 N01nQOO duce~~~~~ pecen amn nZo h.nd I will tell the reat truth o h idsrislcae1n i, Ct. Bellows, rs. J3.:verett Thompsonis ladisordely condilct. ConradssnOhrPaesfoicu gawers were prompt. , nainin Zo, Antig ae V. V. Barnes 1issed a IttW rIn ir.† e as nd Ms Ole Do t. af ndnotgu'ltyf0a"simil r O Der 081n T ie a Dup Th opoensofGeerlOverseer ever sai<d before will be but a sephyrwhich he state ha e opposed lwil. te-eletplfrac ftecharge last week. a åf im80 Voliva himself saad:"Give rme au-.. prdt traoIl uratoese a tomc fadctaohornq'3agawhole and the leadershp P1 Ó thority to remoye Officials who are ob bere wour be a grease spot left oadti oiyo ina rsn a fMs'ToisteanoMa Ï1Hapake0a ustand e tO h bo. Tstrctineylok" fil 0 hTomorrow further preliminary er:opposed te absouint. mrs; Bowsproved hrel it nhappy consista in the well choos Tsddnolokhpfsotrangements will be made by Vôlivai trefl et a, harming voice, capable of o: tf hiswf.-asne represtentatives of the court ord(-tedfrtebgbtl adil r THE NEXT- TICKET,.pe oc ftesniet r- l U0 DEO i another conference andughcameZaway1There aseemts to be sa good deal ofi dt111118and Receiver John C. Hately and Attor bigdsriue houhu ntroubleabot selecting candidates for gsong, well cltivated and with soaring t of nes u a eunty, tond pae ' " w l Ce Woris&èr ne Pppnhusn er ter, eclngalVitadrnstoheab the next presidentil election. We qualities that were sure and effectivé. be A apything you wanut for housIe W koEëy senting the court, and Attornev Jaco erjIncle tomorrow afternoon, when a terfoe eielfll sggsotatMr.uhopon-a&aledrwaIL v rTox-Bilgl.gtoeegggg Nema. epeenting Voliva was thel conference of the general overseeer'ath tckt.e ooevltan Byamfrcfilb.t- ubread-ueu, iC'.t .Jmsnaba roas g}} pgitdeadm eb-C.trspnene olcie ai 1 ats the onferecethe t folowers ill beheld Roosevelt stands for the reforma de-1Tefc httesaewssatGo a f anti.Voliva factions were present. Over607Bl. manded by Bryan. Brd norses hampered the, performance t some ~h 41rr C Cor ssSm usin.Claims Illed against ZMon City the stand taklen by Roosevelt. No-'Pit&. nI Ipc*OfLtagflt4u Mr ~ ~T Haey si ht te cutamount to $5.446,000 and there are body .else could come within g nsht ltefaur-fte1vnn , l A :1 to t eo ofth waned o kow1as6,5077 claimants.- of these two men, and then 1fBra Daughter ofthe Spa.' the poletc phrVas- a en Whv had the eight factions left the Thsbcm nw etrda, should be given a voice ln carrying! hiwihis en fpthb wt tstaab thate rs church? when a letter addressed to the In. out thIs "polc, h cutrould ssa-su Wges,-with ifs depth of human u x What would they do to restor.e lini- vestors omte h ow ya da diitton. Everybody interestWaswel*anle adbrugtM.t 4 tros .h 1tit ty? John C. Hately, the receiver appoint- han faith in Theodore, everyblody be- out. The chorus shows the egfeets ofratMid a n m sar Trito h How oul unty b reta,-t' 'dby United States District JudgeIlieves ln the honesty and moral S.lnga&arfldIII and therewer 'radtsre atneat The answers given by the anti.Voi- Landis, was made public. DesioeBran.JohoTepleGraesno ist1te. nZ Uhe va delegates were categoriertl. They Collateral loans and mortagagees of Atlanta, wanta Bryan to nominatel After'the feature piece came sthe 1100n wee' ef eaueo db)Iegiven taouotsiders amounit to 0485,- Roosevelt. 'A better scheme wouldlinging of old-timte songs• Suwanee tbe gosdi t totinhed at t9 ;mt Thy adlftbeaseofdshne.000, and the receiver urged the peo- be for Bryan to unite with RooseveiltlRver, Cmn Thro The Rye, and - nGiWk r=d outtfa ty. ridicule and vituperation pie to get together lua tisladtu poueth etlt htpe te .Affaml6fchrswrk te A .wi 1a)i The woid acr0ceanythIng they would no longer be burdetif- ple want.-Poria Star. Suwanee River led. waoBaoua.ce whchwul otinefeewih hirwth'the expense of the receivership, Preceding the formai offering Walls lt eaGFFs ross-GoinplatoETC prncip les a which in the laut, nine month4 has ,MAution Sale, one ebora. selection and a group ofi at-caue. Mau 2-.1007. ReoVolivaagsFmn. amounted to $9,000. The undersigned will sell at putblic siqüga by Mrs. William 8. Bllown. ThnVoiv, Bl ame peMen- auctionFor on fimthe premises of Mrs. . r. Cirance FE Smith and MIss Adjudicastion Notice: G OT C Thn olv md aspeh n CalsFr aciic. Willard. Libertyville, the entire hous- FbiOOotceisb- bSTOeCtatth 1bold effee o im DeillTo @ed.Middleton aantted at the piano subler ie A a nisator or th~atethe whchhh atrbtehalthhrobl oaLe vey n mk s me scr- eeaed aoiatrdyJuet. Muheapluetasteoewruobn "ae tw aatndG O D M A E the "nvy and jealotsy of five mem-n ice toban uiy" r Htl o m ning at 1:d80p J ,oe 1 PT.011e= h nngea.Theri At..n aft e nill usten beso tecnroln oadwo wrote on this point. "and all will be ing desceribed property towit· stilt a an in na- *bitr nn thtett he ad ne, power to remove. These l, , ag go s e-, tn tv.otf eu.ealprsn atgesmta O D P I E cooking untensils, lot of granite ware, Mlunt FudDa. â, sat r otmn rquated toCR men wre Jdge . V arne, H The total receipts from the various diâbe, steel kuives and forks old style, prsn1taaetMad cr frauis Brasfied, B.McCulouh, ar1Industries of ZMon Cittv, Mr Hately re- elothes banket hand made, wringer, Ms onCniga rsfudtrssaFvaos ditrtr H o d e r, a n d h P e r e y u C l o r d t o dep rte d , d u in't elec i v r s i p a s4 4 rde s b a-iicn rb e d t is m o r n in g t e r 1 w e s e s seL . iM s . Iw o: a .' C OE N tN D L O K T HMcV E them and absolute power to run aontdto$7473,o hich $63, attn r p o , makng the discoery. NOTICE things as he thought best. he .sain. 068 was netppot[ttbleiblackie, wnttable, trery1Mr"kCing h inhmvaebot6ryhe.otodeefteHnOnt and there wouild be no lack of unity There was lost through Option con- dresser, writing desktan setedchaA yarsoldoan heideth as.uddn pa ao tw o l b «fter tracts-principally amount peadupon rockers bedding, books, mirrors. watchadsetn.Hrdugtr rne o h Veb&Snt oldr oatd 011om1 land-$89,000 Of this sum $75,000 and chBin, ln the above list You will atedig heewa otild we g on the t0ha l o111 l fditmanly antique curios and old relies! t« a 9Q0besw stfe C6 mla;_ l One of the most stormy meetings nhadl been paid on 223 .acres on the jo the late John 8trattowihwl n oe toc.Ohrorroaet t $0 81. the checkered history of Zion City t1lake front, to the North Wauikegnafod r hncefr oletr1o auhs are Ms1GoMMr 0rtyfbtge sceue o etweo a oHarbor and Dock Association. and, as' we p r"ved May lwer fRN P p .:11,»The Ifuneral wil 184 c-thlds1a- .e. he fxed by Receiver John C. Hately. $42,000 was due, whichthe town couldaWi .APP The seven enuone opposing Genter. Id 'Overseer Voliva will aittack him formally t that timte. ria opponentsà will ofer every scrap of evidence they- een assemble to substantate thelir C assrtion that the general overseer laM'wae o AeÕna eo ungt taocontinue in command. .---,---- her lawn, somegnne Notighm galas ertinstip t byrds of Voliva, on his part, not only will others trimmed with lace Instertion, quite a rangelof 30 inehee"wpde-Speels dy prieed fo defend himself against any attacks tom rnt whe e ,a big value at 3from o d at lypro li thatI may be made, but also *Ill e«- mime thé, m ve. He declared b yesterday that his opponents "*wlllbe not h bt "us@pots when Iget - 9 ST d n6 e t e Fu t rthe seven factionst against Voliva w e fis C ruS n T e« e teF ut are to'nunite, according to the Intez- tinsof edr ad il rset Shouldhold no gre teratacinÍr O hn h rdpSW Cnn t o r GirC s day SptCsS, in LCt from the stand- Ao Cite Pointe Against Votiva. - etO CulWrh rOfrg$SdOrS n ilb UNtl rae ftetO Here are the chief pioints which It o de OUwýa i w h g t o h to will be sought to makre againstDow .. le's successor: adThatbhis rueis tone ofabspout,.icsDa aeCircs Day Sl iru SaleasleCircus Day SaleksmySl adthathec out-1 w a Dowiew th hie Of ladieW aist, at 69c ' Chfiltns StraW, Hats 25c - Lds hr tmns1e Frui-d..-6 OOM Muslin 9Unbleached Mulin at5c abieeiets adatakgantLadies'waista, madeof sheer white Boy' and girIb' strair hatsi, sallor Made of a Aertde oflawayso'me Futo a be nthee a me nbucodmulin lnthe su q hsemeslawn, lace embroidered and tuneked eftecta, manv.trimmed with p a- n lin 'white th colored appulqud Ius ,y t g -l e n h mrkt ct te yard. l0eto fyrdolngctha Thathe ake ofMon itya ýL.Jifont yokea values tivt absolutely colorec and fancy ribbons some e t h rlolat-,others with'wite iground or the P at oay-eyears, espeel t3< t ircd, o a cialegh Tha h maesofZio Ctya "it s.11 up tu $1 Su-tUreus dey special adwtotsraer-icsdy- sdgnred efreet-CirUsAdayispreci iall picd Crcsday special oedy specil esloae Rul yrao fasse f69 cents, 25 cents ,10 cnt= ets 5 cents That he has proved his Insincerity • - - ln his 9ermons ln ShIloh Tabernncee itn d at ti Specal rieMed cions on C'Me s W a,2nd Floo That he Insits he holds is offceý h l à rt contradictirnigfhts originalaosin. Cildren 6 COats $1.79 Boy$' BlouseWaists 39c Girls Wifte Dressea 98c Voiva. or the othler hand, accord. Children's'Odats in short and OUr regfulatr 500 qu Itg -leeinding Girls mbe-r white lawn drotng-QuSaeo Ing to an Interview he gave yesterday, C tsD y5 ýthree-quarter length styles, in a it-e newrest p9 Tattg*e *ýim ma3 lte eeyttto i lmwDysho will declare that :ue1t ake e n d fvle taal eglryu Hi opnet aestooping to al Ovelty welaves aWdae aads to 8200, CieusDa mnanner of lies ln seeking to oust th alregalarly atpec ••"'--.. '""... hThis aum0tmmDent4m k 1z $39-Cirens y .. .. He has ghven too much liberty and fChildren 36S DreSSeS 39C ade-its di79e hal, been too little of an autocrat. e5 o ni ro 16 t1 0 yeMA e I nes.1thc a rai The@ men Who charge him with con- OU art e S Sem A> Ored e abayomerd pan u owe er -on t din a e systemn of esp nageaire PO. ttwr rtct= m ô* ai4 elare pla dW oft.hatulln;to h His attaeks are justified. = sP 39t* da:ý y special pew ..... ,c The charge concerning his sermons tetot= fdaoo Mo nd ay fte rnoonMr. lHsatiE 00 W t u On 91gv - 0f the anti.Voliva factions and repre. ý sflwt -etatives of thee administratentoO plan a progam for the m eetin whih grgaoefeacstom %en he wll reporrto JudOUL&ndir.$l5gandat8 gartnntsutOIntannannu Overser DfiesEnvmls, Cnce My aportrs ad I oUt

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