'~tceniand PeaPleW6* :-3v0îln ati aWas -Os4lod Laie Bluff lg o skjax futie t-1 -tentpts te bmté MDé à mauonal mi demit tbaihnaliileil ta have ta"ca plac mos8<uim tffilorg s-a Oca'gai vIsse Dmome 10I bovs'. sud àa oms en,1 bon i Usq 'cOs* guras ln th" Reweret fAmuarit. t o qt ta à1là lu clition M*O CmwpOicauam etiicei <ho ,,«o lascibei as bft* am "ttj,, t l" lumonvitI tIc oterr tIlt 1er boten vas 9I, Md wI sont Il.fas a measer fan bot 'viatbles th unober vithout dlai, *» Mitaiy goesatht th. UUkncvn ré«« Roaniut canteti. Tb*, ameple came ta Laie Bluffit I<c.lsy afts-non. Tien UtsClIlcsgan'i allegetiPlt 'lie lai lut-sithe girl tatcvil- ligs ion sote unknovn purpaeai bis on. Martshai loquire lts Casa. Wbetlien or ua« tIP-e vas atYthingi criminal la this purnpoe a ici kZIIVn The tact; are it <the uiarbt of the village herteini tir qc&rnelig, .eri tegirl accuse tsnainof eau- las lier oU à vii soose <base fon sotseunknavn ess an ad demaned to ho tikea homne. Te mat-shah ai once eas-elI ia alicimi'riat ami lat«er, laqurit th twio lvbit hemutterIvAs, Onso version l18"t(htla(citIi. man the mmssaiulacharge. lio dmie.tibla. Tic tva protesteti. be &&Ys, viren le laterferreti, that titere vai ntblng ths mtter, Ila apite o! tbe tacithat tbsi vers quirreliuig over tbe tacti titth sman hart led the girl on a1 viii ctrani. and finalli lat on tbe ét- ior Chicgo tagethen. '1wion ilod Up on the telephobe, the nw%;W aItalkel fneely outil b. éndtbai to -wuas lking toa a movi piper tmm, vben hloesuiduionhi tuadi I pol« to, kesp stili. Mesrefusci ta give datails ai the titchit. and evenl ru" goff ors the telopitone vhei pto-i ad for 40 &connût, Sot o tc whhaemodeaim U for bis part lu <lutee "0 Ma1u- tain thai lm Ultruibave bell tOU man a prisoier mm iShest-sod ~'a deel aI ludt«muou over s. rlliSS Momiay uigla *"ML EfflATl! 10PAY stite of fIlmais, dioCsunti. 5 la tse qgpty Cour t o! Midi La Couiaty. Si reo. li theire toi thUc etate f ed B. zoai, desusis. Public escf4 le w*W h,« nthOt lu pmmuam ocf a dmconesstet-elby tbe (iasty Cuisito! ssiiLais Comnty cmh'ýt d" M ai9éjuIy, A. 1D.. 1901. Me. underelanolas aanniotrtrix ai the 00<085 et saliiPMdB. Bangs, de- seeaeillvOl ýoc Uic 3nd day o! Juli, A. a. j.at the bout- af 1 -o'clock lu the aitermoon o! Mid dey, ileta h esat front doam ai the,-Court IHanse. lu the Ciy of Wmukegatt. ln salai Lake Coaiti, scli utpublic vendue, ta the bighest aid tst bidier foi saa, tu hoapald upan canfir-matton aI the- saie aiddellverY ai tus desi au- torizai tberelay, thc folboving de- acribeti real esait, amiute la utth@ County ai Jasper and tte oail,* rnoia, ta-vît: Part nf the Narth.- Eust quarter (N. E. 14) a! the Nortbh East quarter (N. E.%) of Section sI (6), Tovnsblptitumben six (6) lanlRange claves(11) Bail of the Tbit-d Princi- pal Xottlian, descriasi as foliowsa CoMbming fity-tbt-ee roda South a!o the Narth East corner of sair quarter section. thence runalng South tveàti-elzbt (29) roisemort fitteeu (15) liks, tence WesltvtentY-elght uni one-fourth (UU1rode-ai, tbeace Nanti twtenty-eigbt (28) r-dartnmr fil- teen (15) liaits, andti ience Eastl b tirse place '0f begInnins. RIDatai. Mlai 28th. 1907. NMAUB I..ALFORD. former-ly Maut eL. Bangs, admInistralnix o! tirs es. 1 tale of Fred B. Bangs, deffess. WANT CNSPRADS MEL ESTATE POILTRY M11 fo oltry and ilasetagogai flinog tan eggw *1.00 per 15. i.ertilit>- gua .l&~i ie eouut, notfer irom & B 1. anteai. PFwca BLUMa, (Irayalake. 111. tosu. . J, KLut.Aaat, 79 8. Clark st.. -23.11 Gbkngo- FOR SALE-Buff Wyandotte fovht, FOR SALE-Two lots, corner ffltulil bloodeai stock and 's lrier laying and Huribsat Court. larluireMasr.hà.j airain. Egga 50 cents pet- settingA Li- lbertyviiie. 23-tf W. )rs.P ckebher, 111. 21-tf FOR SALE-House andti 1613 foot FOR SALE-White Wyarîdotme gga; froaieguon Churrb attreet Oppoite Cook urabret, 50e pet-aeting. Mus. IL i wtoMart. ' Sultaiie for resadeuce or Libertyville, JIi. 32tf bains. blottk. MRgsý F. C. KiIÇUÀIL, UÀberyvle. 2-f . v rr FOR SALE-40, 410 or 80 atres owd laid. Small'groa'e, vithoul building», WANTEO-À position as an ail arauni two miles vet aiflut-nes. Easy et-u. butcher anti gracier. Addrsas INaugPs:r 1 A, Fai.', (lut-m, hIl 344 DENT, Litai t y ville. '343 ACRE PROPERTV-Jusiioutie i-1 ertyvn. otpotatlasloy prie s part @Mry t«a. Dmsn & AuOtaIr. 28-'l , MEN WANTED-10 mnir, laboret j steady vont, 20 cents pet- bout-. Ort- -1Josassar, -(iraiilako. 81-If .-Wo -bave a lot oafa Laite WANTED-Tvo girls; ose for thktebai -mta Il, als bosIsiaid los jand one lor- store. hian Jat-sagi, ukon At71rt. 28.ti Libot-tvIlle. 0i r,~~ ~~ susieagnsfor iota effe.I)lEBtMOiD & AUtsvi 10 acr Dam lunltrsmomi. wUT-Wl à-4,1 îlot uovums~Wrd L1 fnom ee. 8arnt.MAGih. #14* uvii Mrom iLfr OALE-sufi" m -10 SLItI*-Black hars, pgioo"ào risilu pitilo pedophe ici dnLTy , lve?.y Llhenti3alh. ut Rin Am. W3y. 140« ter Cilty cousin ou-to 1h. Wýk0e te get te eggs, but th 4' heu w as ou bsn neit. detor- P - su&d Dot di not dars te IVVe can'I gelt teel mI, "for li Sprectle M A b4 * la s0 cross 'mn FOR SALE-Millet ssii. 1 havi 1umt<t0frmael-O l-rnal foui se , Oajl. 8 5- LANDS MON!? TO LOAN-Wit mal ipoclat cf lotamng moneî fon bulliu rvom. MZ a. I.... FOR RENT-50 anspenture, wugmigvs,..,or viS takisir Patuo- oyT. Es, Làberty ville 8-8. Oiph.8maiEnd FOU SAILE-0mbbir nd gitop aê "5uçadi dtlon, JoRW Lzsms li 1It4SUdAIOO-We vnlls lIre itarir tcelet ead I!. oenataffe. ôvomt yORSAscenrlsiedbema a" Boate n rsnie FO FA£OR 1ÊNT rubo on bw*an$ 1ve. joux B. BAL"LA 82t -ta t eis l baIl 1>* reain., fg. 1 thlnit Reniat Bande bad ferme C. J. Ilanbleton. natale, tta tb" "Mr. Braley," abc #sud, "let un lsuci tbougbta. For 1 aaw a shadow 8. Rutledgg, part lots z25saed 29, Rai-k figure up Just wbere ve standI sa tb'tat ,fperplozity cross ber broad, loy fore- na 140 vs Bloy know wbat ta do ta recait. liat!ater ber firet meeting with him.na3,4. You bave said! 0 many times, ince 1 a shadov that had flot been thers C. E. Smith and wite to JlOB. Pador, bave besa here. that Wall atreet la Ieore. lot S. block 8, Rreypr's suit, North miagie land; that no man may tell 24 Fer dals after lobs returu 1 aaw Chicago, W. D., $1,630. hourg abeafi vhat will happen to blin. litle Of hu. 1 thinit Beula BSands Laike Conanty Dairi &e Praduce Co. You bave saad If' so maay Unies that 1 .1w legs. During stock e«change bourg Certificats of Incorporation. beileve IL. We knov that this mora- hie @peit mount of his Urne on the fluor, John Hertel and wlte ta osephOI ing vs vers at the goal, that ve vere but hie execeuted foetaofaur orders. He Hertel, 140 acres in Sections 9. li y millitons abeai, and al fram 24 bours' merely looked themi aver and banded eV effort. We ha"e yet almast titres theni aut t laig s sistants. As far as and 21, Fremant Townsaop, W. D., montha lefiand 1 do fnt see vhY We 1could IsarD, h. îpent.unuch of bis $2,500. have notjUit as mracb chance 99 we tume there yeordavlng through Fred Kuebiter and vifs to* Peter bddybaffire yesterday. Yes. and bope'a gravoyards. a not oncommonNeonndJnJbarltta i- more, because vs know mare nOv. peitime for active archang meSberi lage of Libertyvtile, W. D., $600. t Nexttnte vs vil!i nelude, the dlvi- whose firit thtll- OPh spciatl eabu Saue etu'om~mei~ei O~ba;,lmsoa p biévksmedend cuti and ther sonate duplclty it apen.SWltnch y Uthe *'8yotMU" taer, Daniel Mikoloitis and frite taClis. hoctsthe r ai th"0"bi IMaUr Agurimg" mat. sa itroas bail beporn ibis habit White, lots 2 and 2. block -'12, Wasb- 15581 St7PIUutSé e h ~Virolais 12,,,ti ber bi, ,W. bathflumhiy stared la vonder- o1 gaina aboutiront polo ta pot, vWttbburtn Springs, W. 1., 8426. OIli âtli r« reisaàii t3'y a& biui cy* tight luta îng adiration a thia marveliOus bont hsad atd a for-off 1M»5 81* lisg lhna oe, !LbrySce hoïse * I 100<ent1 buç* th lauahMW mm. oniat,. Waa It possible ttat a girl fenlow. members begau ta borner ai thnaLoesf orygd- fism bu r wSml Bot-ncould have iucb nerve, aucli courage? repectIL h. Tci-ail kaev that Rob t, orceMft tof. încororatlonJe lama-aim I Ievel *0 1. bt Ottcag vnscidor lid vomît,'.hotte, no persistent b" goue Up agiait tbe suffl p»Wo Wtt.W .NtntaCii .0' the utalg ce hé is ies. iZ bu »V ro30W Th. k ~.~ ration fad vlachre ber loved oncesare concerne&. bard. None mev baw bard, but aU smc, tlts16r 11, 22 and 23. biacIt, boive bea oss tikiag8058*OMMIta bar frosnBob!a fsp» .5 t-0gb nie".mae Bula Standa blInd te theLgflol. gouemd froust la schaissi appeaÎaMos »nî ls , Wsukegan, W. 1D, 1350. tuber wu tbq otu temsyt t h fls vribi pu i un the netWoflO otsesituation? As 1 iaoked at and habits tiat It mttlave brn a i Brtdget .Colley and buabaad tut Mary Uytdi ias fobl. etvheuldjthe dca, h" . sosï4bue atchpont ber 1 couid not doubt that abs fuily l>c.e-smabîmg bow. Ncthing se bave taien ber-ta te sWtad latr iey ise B ibbt ln.realissi aur position, that ihevasquickly aiMde deply attre a stock et- Haarty, Bartb 10 acres, south 220 vOi mv.tai <atI toui av la geryp big y gg. 14 .êiest.vas cn- roallysufferlutî more tban elther 0f us. chanfg mss feelingg for i brother acresN N.quarter,. ,. E.quarter, Whoe lapple bt tlaS oS Sut ave h"5»*vied tss. le., lcle a. cin thatasvas Ouly acting ta case llob's member as ta knov that "TbeY" ba-e Secton 28, Newport Township, W. D., r8heh al ivel scc e «d111311117 aaildW îiat s W am-e e onalm angatl. Bob braugbt out bis memo- dltcbed ltsEL Bonada fIYer-tbat le. If S F the av id vel fi- e .snds.poand fboit. alis, Mdob. *À came thet on'e randa, and ithit an hour vs bad! the lb. bai been. a good tellow. Tbey viCi .B oelan iet .J mies hav-emnia&forav4lidJg *01Bb aeo,tro slipgs ttbuss.t b' algures. The total lase wal nearîr bumer his every vhim and patlently C 3 .Hv n iet .J bai--lovia mi& aw vlie.d t e f-botrlsuioh. w h.maaoudttresemillions. As Beulab Sand' 20.- avait ts iay vbon hoieaataeagaIXatei o 8,boi ,Hy' 1diei as mon sbauM dis? bt 110, ber and crs»ib 1 to his breast. 000 ibares laid cent ils.than ours and (Tu lie cantitIîtd r-u HgIvcW.D, 1) kJIat, 1 us a bla avfuj platu. .No, -'j.esredggi e t» cetemade meBo fgueta leave lber 'capital o! G. H. flot, et &J, to JaateiDiCkia- a Vasmtot t-Obld, i~mlas1*ta mlake &ailteelike an IütrU4 Sp ad I started to 0400,000Intact, ve tit osaniecomtort. son, lot 21, and voit Il ffoOt'lot 20. b t.oc effort ti put the pctttt-e out of lar teZOM M In otSn"a ,.h t-djbad vatcbei tsefigurlng bok2 ot' at ae Mt 4Ô igt; but rt foi, l* I -, ,-" euBand~.s roi-b B naleant - thebl)M2,aaItueu.Laf Ta-es.t08d afrid ,uî .il trlu Buîa snd vs-ur sul el aa, lt tc eoiitsonanexplert. v Rei Estate T:anser, F B Marvia and vifs W O . W. Me atoppcd as vo pulled up on the turnlng ta me. *ha'-g58dII: -"ir. Ran- I hos Bob announced th. final fIgurs, sidevakin &«IIon f Randoîpl a n- dolpb, pIssa. oqMt what yorr bave vhicb-sbowed that Sho 5<111 hart wbat "esprefunshsd By -asas .Noi*h. lot 9, blockt 4, Marvla's mb lu Ifdoîphi otllce. *"Bers it la on tce but- accn. For ain'istetI. as 1 saw Mr.-she started vwitb, asit drev the sheet- Section 9, Grant Township, W. D.. * eiSes vbhat.di te trick, Jîi. Btovaley's ainto isa.?, I thouglrt ai ontating thc totale ta bier. -1 vas i.uk,' l'..urrty Titie' Tr-umtuo. 1$250. -Tbey hth e bSBuaisr meetig latit natbing butvbat ho lad dune ftr rme, villing ta accept your assistance," sihe %L)trat-is ofti'[he. Tities ïk oranteed 1F. B. Marvin and vifs ta Contverse mgt tintead ot valtlng tîli to-morrav. vbat ire ai'Iried ta do for ni * 1tather, sald "vbeatthe deal promised a profit Muuoni. e',Ilhtig. WÉauk- r',ll. 1Ilfrllt9 lc ,Mavasit and <eut tih. dlvidend instead votf pnatIhnb. îi F onitaail or us, because 1 ippreclated your L.orti.. l It rIN 1;.-rv. Mrb.lo9,lck3Mav' uhu Itcreauig IL.Tbe vorid wnt knav it wbat you saldi stes You I-,fiand the 1 oodness and itnew boy much It vauld - eto ,GatTvsl.W . outil to-morrov. Tben they viii knov tact Unit I gaI no word frot (ither ai hurt your feelings If I vers cbur-lisb <'at hitrhrre -. ClathIo tLJ.V. Clatke.$250. lit, then tbey vili itno JIt. Tbey viii youI1teared thi. WOrgt i l ddfot kéboirthIe, division; but nov that vs Iots 14. 15, '16,tlorn, 21;. 'alirbtistil I . E. Lane and wi!" la Mary W. 'rosi It lu the bsadllnes of the papers dare iooktaat the tapê Slfli maltd ail loge I muet stand mY fair sattre;1 Par k, W. D..,I$I. Newton, lot In N. E. quarter, Section -a fev suicides, a fev detaulters, a and boped and-'pbraycd. Y- I1î'rayell muet* She said thisi n a way that vs D .Hllù n vf.t rtzi.GatTwsiW . 10 fev uiev convicts. an unlaimed car-vas as my niother taught me I -1, 1!1 Ipra%' bolh knev preciuded the posslbilitY D.Horaddni f- uitn ratv'si. .B, 10 hor tva aet tsemorgue; a ev Innocent vbenever t vas heipless and ' (lu d Iof argument. "We avned tagether Ilalîr. lot 2, hblck ;. W'ellll'S addltrnladrf t Nchi dgirls. vbosfathers' fortunes have nothing myseif. ,A»dl I fi art (Cod 150 000 sharea. I vai ta have bad the Highrlandl Park,W. D.. Il. hrhSaîesa ietaNcoa gons ta avweil Cameme.yer's and Stand- vauîrt net let the noble w-"1, Iftwotir- ' on 20o:ooo shares. Our total ]s Chicago Tille and Tr-ust Co. ta atroEs fe 's atS n r 1,8 --readyuncauntubie goid, such mec bertg«"I, at,.e l 8277&009-01! vuncu Inmuet .beau. ny Mamirîe D. C,,os. lut 41, l 1; ,<'lhi-40felo1.,LaeFrsQC, eturned lato street-vaîkeri; a fev asv vers battllng vlth, la the!1 't of u a junt proportion. Mr. Brovnley, Yotl caga Hghlands, $110. palaces on FIft avenue, and a.few calmes thai1 toci fSr a c ai en. viii ses that 8370.000 la cbaged ta my John Waalridge arnd wvite l H. 1l1.1____ f-nev librarles given ta conimunitîesa300 came. Can Yodl bli'arr'i-fIr'for- sccouait. I aalibave 830,000 lett. If'Eelt2,bok1 igi'sad- Rpr fh odtnO tat fornieriy toal prbide tubuilding geUins nîyself? Mi. Bo r7tire aur cause la as juat as vs tblnk, Ood E250o.2,blc I r'Trl d I'- Rorctyf The CnduBsn.tan 0fr- theni ftrani teir boaestly earned aav- voce vas nov Collt Mmd sfifaralt aoled, in HI. godneas viii moate tiisamplelion. Lîbe.'lYvillle, NV'D., $270. a ina i h,," fllnlI h lg .lngs. A report or tva of record-break- '-tell tie vitat you have d,11ta. Where for aur purposes." e. E. Saylerad wife ta Jantes ana L,--emay'2,,. laS? lus diamnd sales bIy Tlfanyta the do vastand?, "~Iff la Itia tautII l,' Thaugh Bob and 1 vers la despair Sadîs Conua>, lot 1. block 7. [kttnoirasucn E.kingsanmd czar of dollar royalty,. tien Bob answerei. ' aucn rand at bier determinatian ta trîp bersîf sbi, North Caîcaga, W'. l., 8lsA. I.uns ant Di-cunt...... .....- utù a 'au,,-lr,lralts.. rlred à 47 f-re t i of vbat Bobt hartvorked go bard ta Enmma A. Hînes tu Ballery C Stock tj "il liintu, C8.- urunll-t aMs n - .- accumulate. vs couiri not belp fsellg Ca., 63 fet eas a front arn Couî'îîî' Preeîîte'..unU.. .. caiffl0 1t a reyersace for ber falth and ber Banle. s. furîllure à ftalures. iro~r Il sturdy Independence. Sire nov îbowed sre.srIro raD a-nrW u fontaodra i-e a aosent>.. tata a us lunlber delicate vay that as v isbed itegati, S. W. D., $3,300. Duectreanda ove rseve a.e.......a2to a ta lie ajane; as vs veut Eabs belli out Estate of Bridget Callairarita Ger- Ira.tlrrnal tapr er r--rncy. rilekela ber baud ta Boit. 'Mr. BrownleY, trude Callaban, lot 4, block "L," Bar- iyr ue erv-'Sttvi:tsia pleas, fantbe site ! thsvork s Itdempt loti undtri lth U. IS. Treas- pleisforth sae o te wrk e rngon,$70. rrer (àtpreaent of circrulttion)_. tassa hav ludo.bo onthebrght aide O!figon 70 94 bave te do. look on the but E. A. Cutnmings and ifvite S.Ctoaa.......$1097 thia cilaniuiy, for tbas a brigbt aide. WS. C Totai blck.6... 80979? astItt% aeu vanted me ta aend yard ta My Ceapitrl ottockbloit 6InW'a.te.a.......r.50M W fathor tuat vs vers about ta grap)Highlanîds, W. 1D., $400. faiitt tok .... .un-----------.a19010110 vlctory. Think if vs bai sent t-thin Aan Cavey ta MaosesaSteinberg. L'naTVl.l.1 profite., lesxtsnss aa yau will knav that-God la gaad, oven part lot 5, blockt 12, Highland Park, SiatllunaHBank r aies oitt-andlo.. 2es tan 0 a niuelat deets anljec tte acheck ta07*1 16 rhnw hn eIocatnlgu W. B., $400. Dideu-la urrpad----------------. ta t 'r eyond endurance. par ertrtso t-,er 2-370I Bo ot nielta bis office. "Jlm, Chicago Titis & Trrrst Cola l'er" ïavi lnq Derosite ..... ......... sa4isi 8 YOD ses vbat a vaman can do, and vs man Lebman, lot 11, block 10, Chirago- Total ..... 84 7 are taugbt vamen are tbe veaiter 551. Highlands, $310. 1. ct,'et.i WrihtCâs. t Lafitea:ya tg Nov Iliten ta vbat you muet do. Att- Mary Ranite oUnitedi States, lot 4ed btWh. alir @r Ibe he cept my notes for the virale lose, legsa ' aboyealittement ta truc ta tirsboat of My - oa bunred bauand htcbî hae ~9, blottk 2, Prall's Ff. Shreridan saitb, ktocslrge andI boltl. my credit, and wbicb I viii pay on ac- W. B., $4,206. O- F WtasT. <sabler cout.I on hiie t a>'objection. Edvard WÇhitiug and 3vife ta 1.'nitod F P. Dinitr - nt wnThedl i m inyo ameunoy SatsOA.Ib. The es] as ine;youeau n O Staeslots 22 and1 23, blork 1, Pralî's &trou àcOJuFFNr.lrDiersur tauIIt, ugtnyrta arbsoribed sari a-ors me lu.lrarsme tuns tehep s n, nd1 uhtneer0Ft. Sheridan u srt. D., $1,704. 21ntIl d,,ju-. puai prsn bse cniio, hents Nora T. Gibbons aîad,,hIrrato Jla.. 111i be blanit paper. Tbsrefore yoU W. Doyle, 20 acres In N. W, quarter-. Rpr fTeCni do me noa ban in tatklng theni. If 1 Section 8, Deerficiri Townsbipl, W. Di., eot<fTeCnho s- aihould strîit etrlcb, I should never'$3,00h. -" feel lite a mian util I made up the 83,000. be n vt e rdIFR TNA IN L M C lg.,,Ernetofnhsre- ot ie a rd ISTN TyIN L BAN f5 ' It vas na use arguln h vitbhm In . Burck and D. E. Clarkt, undivlded fLbtivl. St .t bis nbio saI tocl : Mo1., -ne-third lots 14 la 18, and parla lais t thire ee business Moaday May ro he iflexblemoud 801 tO' * 20, 190d. - mani notes for $2.405,000. 1 beggeti 8 rnS block III, and lots 7 10, il, 14, soncs - . im ta go bomes vith me ta dinner, but 15. 19, 20 and liart lot 6, block 13, and Loans and Diosetuto., hnolietsiited tht lhocouli not face my pbtentterini ietad-oertrafto. sionasi and 8*26.- i vif. viti bis lait night's break atili titbtln ud l'airtad- ginuds in Aesu tramlaltam... .sme ab frs i e ii etdyh lie d lion to Wsuitsgan. W. D., $1. lrmiu.aa on V. od;.....$tc fresh u bermind. ext dY Coudo,mosurtpe, ............----...O 13 Botttro op. - Along In lbsestectoan Hein-Orastein Ca..,Increase of capi- ton ~5home, turmiturto à fisturos Smtai relïvd4 eg-fli a. ayn tlstock ta $15,000, certificats. esye Illrse, aets .151 tfi. lit hog b i & a rna.G. R.Wilcx and vife to W. J. Wall- 4%Uijt ththo assed a t-rest and vould bta ot 16and17,blck 4.Laksilel a bckina ee. w wyued Br-lace, $ 10.M, ,d . vau ithitas a ntiltse ftt day aid Bluff, W. ....20.-------------------------- -------------a I. ,,sS..te day after, and t.eok alter that, Mary M. Beacb, ta W. J. Wallace, ....... Ie» . tel gat dovi tot the iO5pest iieri o! lots 16 and 17, blockt 4, Laits Bluff, W. 'i - Slto4 ïean upel o b &ch aevo ai been trough. .U$50ilblilies ....... t' ~ ~ ~ o thOe BID r t B8Ide of This Cslsmvm 1diuatfeieayviiBo ntc 1.c85..................... .......... sa s' doihirs ai i i.plat 5f soudtmg for a nov T. K. Scott ta D. A. Haltes, six URvOPOt.OItOi 5 a lMsu . andihar-geuhaS Wgazkb ila mga. iton't sate m Ol;t taSa001 Fm.foat'l WIvet ta BeulItSad i lots in NrtesiaoW.1.,*M - oes Ia.. id men th sios ss.o<s5m~-t~. effla; that vbat I trlie ta de Waa for botap Bso mght talk naven the affair, but T. K. scotandi vife ta1D. A. Hat' ' to sesosion of tiese dlamOsda. ilm*Or eu latse anestreait of -la 84l SI vsa 1 8511 bertat Bob vas taali e., hreelotst lu NarthChicago, Ove "M qtauu l" th. dhuSn4 gM -billets boll. lleulah, Boui, vs W# ise for avkalut:Mi tuat1VU n aIn vas uitr, D. l $me'vouli do 8the tylk, md 2M anruinei. yen. yaur ff&srw u I @ho, esol li er 00a111,sutfient -lots aymobbnad. W. B..0Edwi vsn ayatauing mo abaicsse, tbs àgbq-tbb01, and ia the foui *vh. i IL"18 aisanier: 'I don't tlkb*tiers usa My-. P.P. Ryodaivfot ii lb-viias !ic'Sstin' e hi ~e $le rose ftramber desk wtb ai lathetisa ta vorry about. Mn. Ranilpb, Austin, undividcd bal! lots I aid S. ~ iu onte committe bal a uÙo qm uitcai dlgnity that vphldbqss Mr, Brevnley ia toc mucbot a ai"ta blockt 10.' Wright's addItiontoLbet. f ma51, t. o se 5.1ailatmaiunnlmush rpO-sia uii"ngfor tires mantltlka eut Ussanavan, afair of dallars to do unY- ville. W ., Il. ta pst uffl Doutic S-selii.Tho*pMat" cuBot. She did nt Ol ogite.i@M tbitgmore tansuannay hism. HeLs . wnBusinan'vte- -.P «Ô vis*111traid that luate matWmaa *hSs, soawyathini b h, M"vhe ho bath: ail te btter for hie reau IvnAs tinano ifs lt In P i-bfem Ntprobmlrthec day atUey'ii ta -%a 81* ouiout that mar ang ih* pariait-, fMe droppei ber long lasheslIna a iblimoud, itndlvidc bîf ltunLb Mby 01oai Ii it ta b Omtt5OlSt aoir itlt 0fethope, i h ra o " le 1ho oey 5tian.ils-<led vay Ibat vo bad ville, W. 1D., $I.. "1I.Raloter? Publi wdoi to-il idsaiosh eot e' thepictre o!blqrqauLoi aIcns ta inav miant gina atme. Anirev H. Benedict amd-,itite 10W*are aMoUttai Sisao, Thore la e04 ta take u0th8.e . Bi 8 Uat #i ritemuît have tbought, ¶t uo allalealot 0Part 0b5titoto Stock, ibte1 ltsd. se.iu teehonoabe mat en WvI Fi.* .- .t ly'siretOcl lte lapeli CHAPTI IV..blckinesHlat CI', part cf . hll-81.f.kLbelvii have loaded up it tis.utcck thai -M ~- cat lu sithot- h"Ua t 5. The follovimg vcek Bob returned <to itplt'"Hgva,.C,.0 St- 70 mdI atiBlda faissai.su hauaar ~~ aien e ai cpthe once. Hoeblidnotchangod. and Chicago Titi. anti Trust Ca.. Tram- kdti tta te.yut »ti1t-and - -iilBandlls ëlai, mt md&M 011 vohi aieten @atuc at a M yet bc bai changel greall. Rest bal!tee, ta -J. E. Carteret. lot 17, blaCk iuiotta aiS 1a toic tr fo rauu er mi-ima . t t -mi akmeysd g IÉg b» apparently dons mucb for hlm. MI$,sudiision of lots il aid 18. Chi- pAIe. UJFtfM. Assu. b pape ton-im. inn, Sp4 e are ruined au$ I bavecalot- vas gaod, bis stsp elÎitlc ai of cago, Highlands, 8310. ~ -bi aist sea ie b. ,miMd weae na iiS 5.~.. id, dhie beai b 'thow :?1*al ile -a.od. a Li boit-t va' i-tom M Ia 1 1 Rog»- -fgr ba f iu. e ifhobe esbucktîsi p for the faiad -ie vcad viottata. b au? e rt W & tuaid cat of WItu-vr tc apartuo 01ies aslot 6,suaderlîni euho, oon fAsumz- n ve Siai»rdoipui bs ~ose~up Ro ot#. te- watdav.i1 no whI-trlg tere aIt so L .~ ~ i~- ange.. pa éie ntfa. antmm one~I OUUm t0f u 1 thlWUO S tal -' 'Mfll t'housnd taai-te teg j sttotbmig luthe sys, la the utaels o! Wi ukegait W. D, U01)0. 4ai tumtet ith ber rat fe44i .pend 5taVilueamai." -' re ssi vugo grip I li h hi i eti marne, te ssiiCoaddittnferigaandu"m ]eas they too0k la ebI Md at-lt .l Wlaliig ta apars Bobt, 1I lÀM.Ptrt it» bs MImaSbanda on the arma 09 iilot 2, W.amilto1s2add1tion,1Highlasdin, a 1a0as. grs -0 as eh. de.;*-t,&.Ile l- ntif !an --mye-fgav-t- gil - uy iid-chair, thal toli me mars plainlh" a1Pak.W.13, m2888h__lx______ ,-el-uul ý, .- lm loü E