t-rn, -Uisi HoTgLSaNU SETAII.ERS SU PPLIED Wl 0DELIVENTO 4D.5ACENT TOWN& QUOD PIINTING......o las eousryeleumt of business uccua. Orders for Job Priutig jP1ad with ms ilIl b. promptly sud oorrect.1y executed. Rush Joba our dellght ÇAMPQWUIATLANDS . iniIe <t. r beck oua alun"-.lmysio le o P« "e-om 4rhômaiioanr«o. . W. T. TVENs. MngrPri. Valley Land Co., 29S Emfcott Building, ST. PAUL, MINN. W. ami. .rlg Hungoeford Smith's& IX fRUITS-,ý the. VICRY BEST and HIGHEMT PRUCI'syrup on the. maiket. The VERY BiEST grade of Choclat., and the PURE FOOD Ice Cream-absoluit.ely the BEST thaM can b. made-at our N@w,Sa4tary Soda Fountain. .-IRAVSLAKE PHARMACY F. J. DRUCE, Prop. maoSoma Caskea ot..........25 cm*I Qomte Ë"mPakafo..... .......25C" C.ustfo...............s25 de" ...... ..... ... 25 Çn .- -F. J.oRnjcE. Edtor - rkinsSoee n d Heard PertsizlO ----- ----- Viclity4* 4, C. Wlbur sud famli reinrusd f rom luIt viei lu Mibigan SttdijY. Wà. Jabai traniaeted buiinece lu Burllngton Tneiday. Pau! Avren. 0f Oak Pa4, wua gnou ait tbe Kapple ho»te UndaY. Ni lvab Lofini sud Mima Georgie, Kapple epeni Monday et Llbertyvlle. Jo Turner attended the. dance ei Antiuch Friday î.veulng. SCa&*e Look, of Waaksg. an.thelb guemi o Mr. and Mm Ed EBuok Sunday. Mfr. Mcflnlde of Pinre iew, wai bers Monday. Milas 4nuabel Wiimore vlelted ai L Setvil atnrday. Mn.. Lona lictou f Wanhsgau, ln thé. guet f Mm. Bdïkook tifis wne&. Jantes LUvt rensertalned fortyfire guesti at!bin hoteu over Sunday. Mii. Abhle'OBrien, of CblqMo, bai hes tii gsitof benr iier,-,Mima 1mai OBr,-1ie ii p week. Go.Strang wbo bai the coniract for a large botel ai Twin Lake i"nt $un. day *ad monday aI honme. Wm. Jahaoe. ils talIon. I. thebusiest inu luowu. -Good vwork and adrer- timing bringi rea". Seo 1fr. John. ad la another colunin. Walker sud famnly, 0f Waukegan, were tb. guesi. of Nlck Whit snd daughter MM. Kate Waîte lait week froint Fridb; until Banday. Mfr. sud Mr&. Beul. sumniers. of Haluesville, arv theproud parepts af s nine pouud boy. (iradia Gorman la Wéaring the @mill. Ibt wo't come of[. Mms. Roifs and motiier, Mrs. Steveus, of Chicago, attended the funenai of MUe. Cunnngham, a1 Milliaru, Mm.- Sterens iter. T bey were lb. gaiste of Mrs. Cash Doolittle whilis hem. Mise Rogers, of Ormsby Wi., bas bSu en b.guesl f Mies Wînirud Hnting the pait week. The Highland Park rnlitary acool coaitlng oi about 90 boy@ tamged hoem Wedneeday for a few boum tbey were enroate for Long Lais where tbey wnll camp for ten deys. Thet' camne by trolley to Roekelellr and marchai 10 Grylake Thor had a bl camtping outilaid are oua for a good tinte. Tbey have a fine brie« sud and gave aur towa people a fow good elcin hi qeMre. Manicoli n sd d ag te, Mr, Geo. Adams epeut Tbatsday 0f lit wsek ah Wauconda. D. Rlggl, of IndlanU a uvlcting friende be.. MM. J. Plonien sud Mm. Krumeuamk ipeut Sundi t iWnkigen. . Mr. Cota Tits&W suon Boy, of Libertyrllle, upsulMonday wl hmb foume ' uotiier sud sisie. $ave"aImmbou esttsad t i fl e a Waiufan. T. GAi fr0. e DUeyu. mi"e Qui The i !ys1ake and Wo. &ciober, of Cal- relative. and frende ati be umorefor wlfe and dsughtere, appnt Sunday ut ifrtairîed ber wilter, b4tioth Tuemday. uic... utthie Warren ite largely atleuded 00o. ecovus t Mdwit, of Chicagô spen Sndey lthB. K. Mille Migima Loi116 luth und Graee Austin, of Waukgsu, isltdf riende lier. over C. E. lopie Wot$unte 9 't~0 ohelp those YOaUgir Ian w.. ure.' Mati. A large aunaber attended the Obldreni day ezeuchma Sondai-. The fAlW decrtio»i Werg ver- îretty spd the ebildren dd wdLl FXLAKE. The changee la the tinie of the. mail train ou thu, Wlaeonain Central glvei a very pour ni ofserice Ù,. tue people saut cf Fox Labo.,fItle ik..l'yvsone change WW iii petitiomié for. Soins breuiteWho plant..d corn a few day. mgo u*0 lave t * plant ugain. Trulyis i. a la pring. &rnetMo wae .-ig mude for a DJn iiglte . ngnegatliual church unI t.afy. lu,. feature will be a bset la. Rer. Muhe, 0ý f the FLx Luake Congre- gational cbirLto preacli- ut the Mona- rille ecoolhoat eightn'd-ork every Sunday anti fürttlr un t ie. Horm oClvewho lhue been tsuffering front a badcola -ibotter. Joe Huctet satertainesi relatives frorn Chicago SBandit. 1fr. and MiM. Will Ati-Il, cf1(iraYi. lake rlited relatives ert S.unday., Waiter Aweil and wjh. attended the Sunday sechool ilvenflioo ut Gages LieBnuda'.. Mrn.sd im .Tbos. (Guligen 1.11 for Waukega unday, w 1ec.hebc ai@iscared a positon at thewire aille. Ise Neolai e,,ofl s iboua. ai Ingle an sd i.lâimv. wth hié famlly '0 one»of tb. western @tatoi, Ih le ratmored. Fîret Laglich Insane Atylum. lu 194 Williamr Tuke. a Quaker? oened tle lirst national eeyluu for lame inan aYork, Bnglaad ------------- 1---- ---------------- A LOU "16-J YEO VM T HE MI^ NO MrY ad ie.A.Br, of lMurgI carne Weday 10 F. W. Wentworî'c returnîalnTurday accorpanled by tudr ion Warren. Mfr. snd Mm. Chai. llwnphery, cf Waukegan, called on relatives bers lait week. Rey. and Mm. Geo. Mitchell aid cblldren, of Fox Lake,, vigited George Jaoeleon'i lait Tnedai. mise mafraet Waln, Iofbhcago, le visiting ber mother for a week. Mmr. C. E. Deuman visited ber mother snd Mter ut Highland Park lasi Tueadsy. 1I. Word wum recelved laut Tueday froin Àiy_ Lake ibat a graudion wai borni 1 IL i. Stewart. lire. Sârah Dodze retuiined to ber bonme la Rooeer lait PrIday. C. 9. Denutan tranaacted busiunl Zion Cty Wedueaday. 1fr. and UMm. Ward Blain, of Racine, visited Mm,. Bai's mother Tbursday. wene Mfilihuru cailere Wedunday. Umes ansah Smith vislted Mnr.. ). Hagbei ai Gurniee rocentit'. Mr. sud Mms. Henry Edmnid and Mfr. snd Mr@. Gerry attended the idund-Willonghby weddiagng a ke- gan &at Tnesdsy. Mim.(le. .Strang le rieiting ber ion Engins la Waakegau. W ni.sd Henry Wedge were Milîhuru lerâe int week.. Mfr. sud Mm. John HughQ9, of Libert- ville, cslled on frieuds and relativesILe pit ïweek.1 Mies Mabsi Adame, of Chicago Lawu, OMM Tharedat' etarnlug 8unday eccim ue by ber graudfaihenr, R. Mli. uima Hughes, of Chicago, ia vlauing the honte folk@. .Mms SpaBford le vietlng ber daughter, Mes. Mi tchulilu Waukegan. Id Den ad thiq Lad the ai ai Wei and leu wil J. wee te. ru@ lm at ch, ha ni( r. SUydam nd ud N Anderon, ociC ,vlyruel, ver, the g4"el of Mn. and HALF A .a. Eprin9~r Sundat'. «m. 0. M. Vltcb spent several dayc cf Don't fOrge..the <(suceai en- teO wSek in Chicago. pari Saturduv night. t Jud Magon lia,- returned bomne aler au RUSSELL. extended trip îhrongh the westernr rie'"Jolly Farmuoti" st Nortb Prairie itate8. L i a greatsténoes. Quit. sanuthen Dr. Schba.f.-r andi vile, 0of Chicago, tm Rneeellatteuded. visited a few ilai-. witlt relatives, lu mie. Edward Munray, of Wsukegai, Mn. and Mrs-J mime Hertel wens City pending a few d"y with relatives culions Friday. v friendu. Joha Scbrotler le spending hic week- Itarlie Colby va. boute ovr. Suday. vacation with his parente boe. r@. L. M. Bonnet linspedlng a few Mi"s Jennie Hsit, of Chicago, speni â is witit ber nepbews Win adCordon Sanday with lier mother. inter. Mies Crac -S--broder le vislilug wih S lîlbort Oeboru sud famlly epeot ff h er friend, %lss 'label Seget ast Deer- y aht Pleasat Prairie. 1 field.1 WUI elvlle nd ily@pen guday Mr. Renniai lîIallier and daughter, nu Mlvile ud axniy siniBaus.yAlvia, cf Chicag, . pe4t*Decosatlon day th John Trotter sud fsutlly à bers vieiting relative. ýIurn. Robrt âte viite An Cods ne Mimes Charlotte Kudohisu ad lItact ert S Pli litt i iur n Blivens sud Barry- Rasuttectand Joba la5tWisk E.obr, of Jefferon Pa*h ver. guaste of C Ur. and Mme. EIpir Marrie %Mt n,_ WllWeil@eaven Sundat'.S r albinS.Cbarley Luttreill qent Prid ansd v lvre-e.A. Restos epenia lhw dais SatIardày ln the o iv. [t lier PM»e North i 0711Prt5ié . MmseDora Foote vkltd vllh hem t Ire. F. IL Wilbs'spd M& . IL orrWfoudan, Marguerite A. Bordle lait vuek tedt eesieaii»«tw t Wke umaie, 1o retu.d home vliJib«q.p boni usMoiholdmp. - "QloJohnson, of (1rssié, ono Ire. HE . P Iv sblp l M 4pwt@uesda. .- IlslacuB-m.yMiel Winnie weuit bfp ImmHattie sipu kW déye ylimn rslailvos in Mr. and Mmr. Guy MeGuire aid Je". ouanq« u Sny wlth relatives ln igln ark. leidanmaGervlty, Jamion, lMsthewo i Yule will serve enpper Thurmday of Je week li t. church parlor for tihe àdieti Aid. hboir pracie tbic Frld*y eveuing and aC. E. bueineai meeting wilf b. beld ;te pareonage Frlday, lune 14.' Children'e Dayexercmewlllli e heid ;thbe cliurch June P. Everyoae home. IVANHOE *M. Fooket enteriaineri hi. faiher tuise., Mm. Baitettof Palatlai!e a wdays lint week. Mmi Charise Parker, of Volo la bo iti ber mutier, 41;. Docker titis= J. IL Taansvllosed hie icitool heu ae ek. Wl eongratulatsont ieool mxr4 on bavtigasldMrv. Tannet t a* bore lb. ensnlag "Ws. b""s Ad" KSekshmbas epwe o111cnua ilmographet wltb a Isverai faurs intiislocahli eiaUgthu ir oin, lb.e t &isorolate k. mnt'h tudrew Dicker le now worklng for lbe kb couny ToepboueCoù. lulimsChsutbevlsilkand hlm r Un £Mm& awsve Chiel eViell aturdai. aur. H. B. Wolls returnid 10 ber hn .Oberlin, 0hi0, Monday 0f.1is;ss7 W. rert 50reprS bthe aI1O0 1". M 01r spaio o volého atreb t0 1 b. Ue t lue17. fie au soe$ed a aît li onithe Park ldge Congregutonelchurcb. 1%0s Laie cunty convention of the brIlan Eudeal'ors wM l h. eld lu ibis ace batnrday, lune &, There will be brue oiselons rornlng, afi«Boou sMd veng. A cordial Invitation Iseended o everyoue 10 attend ibis.meeting. 'LONG LAKE Jack O'Boyle ham been sbearing eheep r Jo. Hueker ne4t Lake Villa. Mms. John Oaa entertained Chicago elstors this week. J. Morgan and friend, of Chicago, ent sunday at E. Clevelandus. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Gilbert attended înday school ut Monavlle Sunduy. Mm. Wm. Wilson, formerly of tbiq sosm liaibeen eick at ber bomne at lida. WiS. go*Ix M $et huIMG amortment of SPRJG m 9-»MGOnds - Ah. .ô IS M ad OEC0 Mi toOrder. V. do Cleaaing. Df Mgmd le& WM. JAJINS KQVND LMcH. Ah =ra4 opeà aconcort wasiteld la thebas bal pr, lat Sniday evening sud ail wbo attended rmpyrt a gond Mfr.Griffiu from Stepveni Point. 11L ia now sirmloyed at Tîbbita-f'ameron Il Seo" Wlebee to mee a good bail gaie cointe Round LaLe nert Snnday à anubot boni-bore sitended the clrctu a4 Wan.k.gmaTussdal. Math Iimbeil boue rajilai., la eniployed as aMet natchinansaithe botlng facto?. Dr. Palmier oallsd 8to, 1f.MmJohn Bohian Touda1r .vsnl* Ira puerba«rsin hWe position st P.., Gincr= M sd le o wrorking ai Dowel'alitvery. WlitIlng and wtfe ipentt sandal Lubrtityvflwlîh relatives.. Donlt forgit to attend the dance ai Round Loke, Saturdsy niht, Juin. George Rlbardson's i 11W.daught»v RIeieff1e reported quite îick. A. M. Whlt tSuected bussiness ln Ch"#.goWed=ady Mmr. Chu.. Brainard avient Wedneiday in tii. clty. Ioule Richoffaud wlf rorn Graymlabe speut Sunday st Phil llay'e. 1 .abs. Dunnili rildhie positi on ut Dawell'î llvery a hqgonh ba.sk to bis houms lt Volo. Umie Clara Roing @pent Wedneday wlth relatives hmt. Arthur Froft called on frleude bers rec.ently. The MieaisCoprnan'i flou tla"oVilla calle.l ou friande bore Wdnsdav. Mmre.N. sNouai teUIsw bi efroin Chicago ever Sualfa. 1fr. aid M ns. Soreunseatwq uerai of a f nlend ln Ubleago I" D. VaPatten and Mr. té Chicago. @peut Sunday aetIbe , M. sheehau. Mm». M. $heehan and daughtt epent Mondny lu Chicago. MieBertlha, White la vi. Rochseter, Win. Fruuk MCary et DwSeo 8witb relatives la Wauega, mm. Ro steveni aid and John MeCeuMi.# Croash, haeit ui QubuisuMr.sMd lgré. Jai>f Où au ridaF. , vMin Mhelo lowi eaiste MW 00m oeWlloio e pedl voues la oaco. 1»- J"-. Tb 0n04 of AâutiOch nunibsi of pÉolesornal-esli vleln#yTWW&da. 1 mm ..Ou lnp amti f jreus. atuvdag aller & wumeàvrWb-i mumÀ#herfa ni.1àâ.WI Mfr. nd Mes. aoS. Lake, vled Sudl'Wtk M Firat ton W#*§ Iron pavements ilïu London lu 1817. N. POrtrait am Satmur Mofgt, Juue th. MvmethBcs hQk The Pl shap chSolod fr&,m_ __ Hom .canai lotet Iivey, o.24,569 by Norval FRESH OYSTERS CIG1ARS mmd CANDII Phione No., 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Pnop. LAUNR Have you auy laundzy to,. mend awgLy-il 50 1 would appreclate jour patronage-Basket goe thureday mornüIg. J. flxluy Agsal f grS eI - mm Pkture 13 and CORI To out of Town Ofdsre And Sblpplng inde