Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jun 1907, p. 7

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Pil )di Po lu Plded Up lere aidý tou' oods stg'içtig one %ùt On the stiMgtb .org0" da or pro immse we caIont Rom m.Pure 000e Ieb raunce and ééprta'# J.E.TIRVQGS jRTV~U! LIB! w 7LLMOISO Li a st For Wedding Presents Where the Wedding Presents Are tl 1 am prepared!o pleasem.. » cn o eDe bg gou in both qut naid pdSceduiioeaChi- o Cage boose.J wanur Sw oolemed patroaage tbeg do aot expect cusfmirs Li dvags retura to Mme otber pweasig pur. chases.....Mg gonds are mag recommaiedatiopi ANDRBW t!US S LI&RTVILU 1 iLlNOi Are On Deck, as Usual with'a Full Line of Men'se Work Shloes ....... Low and Migh Cut Childre'é Bboes................................25e sud Up $1 sud Up Touth'e sud Boy' hoee....................... $1.25 sud Up Child's. Misse' sud Ladies' rlippetsasnd Oxord@...70 sud Up, Ladle' White fieuvas Oxlorda-.................. 7c sud Up LADIES'. SHOE.5 LiII>'..............-................................. $0 Queen Alexander .................................... 1.75 shalar...............................................28 TflIby .............................................. 2.80 Ducheu ................... ......................... 2.21" Ides], patent latiiet..................................1191 followlng Are a Few Sainp les of 'Some of the Linos We Carr Au Anistiesu, patent colt ....................... tA l A er c n upps'am d kid ........... . . . . . . . . . ........................................ I ~q sWsten B0outx............................. ... ............................................... ~............r.s.................... ................................. sbkkilnba p ................................ biuler .... ..........................17, rtoo Numerous te -lÊà at Ail PriC« ý "à~ TEBA LEAb~RS Readers Ra3.i1 Durand hm. an raemk 'ifthe -Charles Rabûoeh Ilove l ito the Ben. ampe. Jauiaa' houas on BtcUdý%"ay Tuemday. gobert [Joua littie girl bas the Gua Enderiu bas clitiverl and wiill Vu9.1 assse.the aenamer montll<*Ith l i is ter. ta .s lira. Spener C. Bond is' very low witîa Charte@ Eaux. yphli6pueumonia. Ci tyedalorLester B. Coli cistill --n- Boiu, to lMt, and lira. Lawrence ntyp is evit,'. a1li tako taan a son, June 16. tpodlvr . ils. Anderson and daugbter Edna 01na Dr. Maurtiu, viý And ni,,ther are W. Paul, Miun., are visitiug st Crokera. pondin a wek ettbeeAl],ii rottuat a W. B. Young, of Cicago, @pont Sn-Stella WilicO a-'ulDans are rn lay wlth bis brother, E. C. Young. ellenâiug aweei vi*,R... J. P. Davis to Mr., aud Mmr. Chu*. Ling @pont Bunday at Roebelle, 11L L1. ith the latter's aleter, lira. Louas4 About twenty nflberm IIIthe. Mystic lu Protine aud lanili! atRaeine. Worker atten4d dge ini Waukegaxx i Mrt, aud LIra. Jacob Endarlusund thil- Monday evanting. Ait r..î,rt a ývery m id, of Chicago. spetatunday vitb Pleaut tlm. ra. Charles Baux. W. C T. U. vIlU mielt irM a. Edit a l , Grace Wheeler has beau viaiting with Herrilck on Firal Olcet, -luue '25, '07. eIativas aud Irleudeinu Grayalake the Bubject, 'liateatlflpflud the Lava that b aât wesk. Gaverathans." ai lira. G. R. Thumaon. of Frankfort, C. B. lSherman, oi-,.Bkichond, Virginia, ng Id,, bea bfeuspendiug a week wltii ber vas aVIasaat caII Iiieday. *'Old ater, lias. E. A. Dlsbop. $bxerni' ia looklog pdl, i.. thunks there C E. A. Biaiiop 1visbea tua sannnes that laq no pula ike viioii. bis reaideuce le nov ou Wright'@ Court Joseph Adamna vsl kat',In in LkeH i tha Ram bouse. couoty, died of&odle%» lia Richimond, lir. aad lira. Scnaeles@peut 8unda Jane 12, C. R. Shss'i-ai ne with the. ai wirti te lattera& parents, Mr. and LM~'rem aille tu Norillfld. internent et al Link ai Paiti-'e. <Jakwood cemsteri7. Warren Heath canne bonme Tlureda Thers la a movoiCl'et ti, have t'le ~ ons Culver. Imd., wlire lhe hum b=ey lethodiet aud Presbvtiriaii Iongrega. ttendlng lb.erniltary acadeniy. ntions nuit. lu holig $îiîday levenan; t se.rvices ln the pakriaithe warmni n James Pollock uud vile, of llillurnx, manutha. The pastore t, , lternute in sent tSaturday sud tiunduy vita their taking chargs. l sphew H. T. Maman. Teotlkltti.Liiire.a e Foreot Uymend vent to the city ou the mile track negrer %% s li.tter than Lt Thuréasy to have an o peration l Iu at precut. Bo.aie l.of ithe t orle@ ou n ila eye. Reports are tîjat h. la dom;g the circuit are lu triing. Tlh. oumber ti loeIey. ot entrisme ures mil due,.,, wlieh i 1v c lir. W. N. Speckmau aud ehildreu afford ail lovera a of ui a. ar arrived Fridey ftrainKanoa" lu speud opportmity tospa n.njoyable duJ. i the. éuixuer with bier parents, lir, aud June 24i la1h.cats otl toîii,, show. fitW Ir@, lBen. James. ien ueaf the bout t b kind un tie.rroid. fil F luu $.Wrpeideut nf theb Square i la @ho* 010 of thiioe that the i. eran 1uiren. lti e 15lorae lu.children deigla, .and the nid flk@ai- pocie Ort ni. heStiiale t vdd wiat e aeIdrn.Keep sauttiu b of ins h qur eltie date iluimfid sud u tte.ndiaud renew a <enteto li boonin;.yonr youth. d Tiie Chicag6 Motor Club is lu promette areliability coutest onJolie 28;. A Valuale Relie Libeortyrille in on- the touts no you eaui W élect your car a«e tbey go thiongi. L. B. Moua, of Làbertv viii... as tiie.ppus- Reporta are eoniiug lu frorn surronnd sseoffr of a watt pr.e-rved ecopy ofnIW inq twas hat Badle & Vrom-nPhiuneynascalgaudaror aihuauac lorthe paîg ve eunstat Bsatisfac~tionivryan 118'20. Âng thei..nauy juaint lm au t geuarte.atFtoui . B an c ustosagluga w..iraidrearua, ni an sejuatnteed Forsale ayiFuB. , bitthe, ec«Ips anil uselul niaximes. ovLUI7. Viz *"Earl7' rlaing *0 lin îauy yeara to h B. W. Ha.rdie, nf Buchanan, Mit5., ehot your'lite.' "Il yoa incistou.otpulencY, imeeli teceutly. lit. Hurdîs va. keep your eyele opa aand your iiaouetli.j nvu lu many iu Liherty ville as fie shut.", Cure lot bard tiiioi, Calculate wale ths baritone of tbe Lexington your income and b. sure yuu do nit let uVrtt that bm an ug ait everal your expanses bie qu it. u h." "Neyer leor. lisubaquet, hure. lstent olu alemtcaplaiîlier@, via .pend E. W.' Dusenberry has talien th their bresth lu cl liard tintea, andb agency lorthtei.Kentucky rnoiiedo notîblu; lassid ilim.. For a uachin lue huilioler aud vili couvas Young nian 10taentm1 Ilthelanscs, tore, JI Lake conutyloir ordors heginllglusxl telle that b. thougit iiitheni belote be t wek. *TII.daviveilasu attacimeut lot veut to seeP-" 'To leur adog bowlsle Il griad atone sud la enurant] b ilsauraiulab.heuusudct (armeawho bave uaed lit, aeoas""okepo iespu 0i. F. Lynch wvu the relcipleut of ilamPn ed o anslai package tlaa'ugh lthe mai. It vas thrnt ics ludiana. adda'ead tao ea. Lynchi, Alderman 0i This ludienture, vwitue,.seth théit vsir9 the 17tii yad. 'Ph. alderman wual Sp&ckeu, jereuhau, Sikaja, Jervla, Esse- r lItte shy laq exhibiti the Ii contenta. It peaauk, Fslktudy. Indienn lge, Sache- 1 ae suppoaed to coutalu- Democratie malkers, rigiat owuera of ail lands Iroin ampafgu "dope" vlhh Instructtais lot Dock cresi, a&l alon; by the wet aide of amlug. Delava irver sn u,50between the.ouil i Trbiners are still ,trivlug &t tch. -escreek backvards, asa amanl cmaride lu truike. Amog huggsome vo came ltnt tw day. vitb a hotne, fot sud lu cou- we.k are Guersand 1Fater front lim-. l"r~Iainoi hes. followlug gooda, tu phs,TeunwlMyrolicHry and Fraak unslaband paid ud oetedlub. iald 1 Ion.. are the owuerq of HlhbaJl. The by Willam Penn proprletary and utaU ar iteuiIlled with grand circuit govenar Of the Province ai Penusylvenla perlotuuers lu trainiug for the greal sud the terriltie.. thereof viz: 50 gitn,I @ventof Juy 4.20 latiioms math co at, 20 lahaisia avant l Jni 4. atroud vater, 20 lsukets, 20 kelt"e, L. B. Heuby, pince of joahiera, la going 20 Ibn powdet, 1<00hbaslad, 40 toms. &round towu withbhlond lu ble eyee bhavka 100 kuives. 1 barrel of boer, 20 Bahurday eveuin; lie came dovu luvn its .. ten ed, 1Ion fathoms vampum, lit aud bought s fina steak lot bis Bonday peinter spoone. lio)avi blades, 300 ianet, wvile on the etreet saine oue tobaeco pa pesc, 1001 bande of toisera, 20 appr'optiated Leva Sguuday diner sud @abs, 300 fliant. 2o' comnbe, c60tuidl Loe biiadta go vithout. Lew @&YB ihe glanags, 200 u.e1h..i kippel oi sait, .59 inltruste Gea. Esion sud J. E. Ballard. Ili. egar. 5 gallonls inotases, 100 Jewe Batutdav accurted the dsatb Of harpe. 100 strinigs .ifbrade. lDo heteby Iiariory banjela, oldest daugliter aI ucknowledge etv,' .given uder ont baud1 Wrn. sud Lauts lDani"l Pope. The aud C, at New Uuaîîit l second day of lia binerai vas belld Monda>' p.rm. ut 5411 eighta moxatl,11: Madison Ave., Chicago'h. hutrlai vas va private, lu tie Laeside canietery Methodist Services. ah Libertyville. Rev. bfluiu an phdi'Ph.. Lord's enlIer evllibe obeetved ut friend old of the. lamily ofiiiatlu3g at tihe close of tiianurning sermon. Love thée grave. M6rirY vas 16 yei01 go- Feeut will hlieat 10 ouclockinluthe lecture Sh. vas a devoted dsuglatet sud a tue roula. lu the 'venin; liepastor vîll loyal friand. 'The decaed vas a grand.'nreacli on ' GI, reahest 9tnteprs" daughter o! S. 1. Pope-o!titia plsce. Nkraugera yul l e w..lcomest ailsetyle.. Gat teady lortheii show! Lyon Bras. oId fasbioned one ring circue, pony, do; Presbylerian Services. sud maukey exhibition coauee ta Liber. The moruin; service ot 10:80 a. ni. tyvilie lionda>' usit Jue 24. Thisa0 la ~eine *Juat a Bout'@ Width,"l 11:45 ane o! the. read ldMioreacantrtitd ont Ssbbatbsebou)l, 7:30 p. m. eveulng the liclonthat vere lu vague. 11 75motsrvice. Tisae, 1l'afflaFore. ,made ego loputte boys sud gilsaOfi iy- Visible" 1ev. J. V*anddErye, Postai. gane das. Lyon Bras. fini combluedl tia. eeeutisl feahures ai the. mode= dayBienbaSpdr show, eluch as th idi redrtacets, lam»peaenb aOid scrobate etc., togethar vith a a xsVIOn. Thtough blood rliig caused by dkura>of animal training. Tva pe-' a spider bite, John Wamhlugtaa of formai Uieb.peetd, attetnoaa Basnquevllle.,Tex., vouild bave tat hdm At2 P. M., alghtet 8 P.. . l& vwIaci becatue asalof itrunulut Tis amouof 1907 capoed in Rav"4 noires, haditei.not lbe"u ersuad.d ta Par Juns 6 vth maiseo ty Bucklensa Arnic&, UaJg. Ho b> ar se l 1< wailthSmphauy,> - ggrte%: "Tii. firtt'apicatiounte- »4«erwmhlsrDmiermbl. Us*,dansd tour boxe#s heelt$11lthe atosi Md iasaig Tholouas soWI 25tc. GuarAnt05d st P. B. i m 10130w gMd gis misas coujl*d lel, drugglst. 7t5~,Vemfo -a0o1Rpair Wovik. onilut, l S eat.uise-,ooi ie aINCrenioved ay Mr= arepair Utai Yt~OiUftO an bad sonNetbory a e4 pie .veangvtiers i oy, , 7euas p tadhodo al kinde o v0*am &*,W DatiletelPa~çfliw O W* W. iiplace tO iblecadl 'is Chicago.,1111v 'k et. P"o esêit. ' ,1l ictarlaVocoa ta uidy 1. tr ti 862.5.0 la Ban Pr o r Lm 501017 as ~Angele sud retuan rrifu-e. I 8.Saaee&eBt. Paul vla Ouisor 4o110111111, 111>411111 1111 anae City. 75. W* 8t,, Peutlor recemjul tua ant la aezl l luntoue. Tlcka±ê utb$»2to Jaaiap ae p,~3.~t0 uy.eunil ber 16. Ulaail~rîilof rout8e- , UF 'I FARMERS READ. Thore ia one' depi.tment of the. INEFDNTw.ihmuet suralyAPPEALto thé FARMERS. This Ia the chéap yet MIGHLY EFFECTIVE department, the. classifl.d ad column which appeare on the nsxt ta the lait page of this paper. For five cents a lino eachwssk the fermer con moite kraown his wants or BULLETIN WHATSO. EVER ME MAS TO BELL. The. acte are NEATLY CLABSIFIEO under their proper heac4a and if va RIheMO you wiII b. SUR. kRI eD t the.REBULTB you wli <et. Use aur WANT COLUMN. Bond ln the'ads by telophone or by latter or exl yaursolf. They wll b. glven careful attention. MACH INER%,V of ail Kinds wlth Thoroughness, AND flpatch We une rpadtaumoie npsl, maru rn atuéets hhaib l Pm braisa wers ai steel. lasaumi patent proansd mua b. lm la b apprteated. W.eraulset, la edu dans by tua proom sta <lys aaIalatlo A Cotnplete LUne of In- fants,' ChiIdren's a n d' Ladies'. Oxfords and" WITNIOUT REASON JROI H~USSANDS TO SET APTES WILMETTE JUSTICE AND AIDES :arted fram Liberytville on return trip and whsn got ta Wilmetts wsre stopped and fInsd. Constable ai- I.ged ta have sald "lW. nssd the. manoy."1 North shore towns that have been aling crusades against speedlng au- omaillots vere stirred by the follow- ng charges by thiree soclety wornen kalnst justice court olliciaIs of Wu- nette. A constable of Justice Leng's court nthat vllage le accused of having saasted that the reason fer the arreai )the tht.. vornen vas "bécans e ied the, mouey.11 Th~ie charges are made by ira. A. M. lement, vite of lhe iiead of the. brai. )rag flrm of Clernt & Curtis; lits. ïarry Lebdell. 63 Oakwood boulevard id Mns. F. T. Watson, 4740 Miadison tmufle, ail of Chicago. The. vamen left the CIemet ut Ut- net home ait Lhbertyville la a big ;urtng car for the Elrmoor gaif clb suar Hfgàlid Park. WiiUe passlug tiirougii Wilrnette, iM aciiatged that the tvelve constables Ined themmelves acroa thé road aud opped the "mchine. It le déclarai! le men apoke lnsultlngly ta lira. moment and her vpeste and waulci Isto ne facompromise. Thei. von ecre takeu before Justice Leng and %ed $13 for exceeding the speed aiit. As tlsey ver. leaving the courtraom àter paying the. fiue, lira. Cement aclares. one of the constables sad: 'Ob, v. don't care for justice; viiat e need la the rney out iidre 1' Mrt. Clernent ia indignant at ils lfe'ls arrest and declarea the. treat- ment the constables accorded the vo- man vas without excuse. 'l arn going tlu look Into tuls ting" âe sald, "suddaarnebady la golng ta lmp." M. W. W'.. Go ta Waukegan. liystlc Workers, of Waukegln lodge [onday nlgiit eutertained a large aud jlly Livertyville delegation that ramne In a bus ta avotd having lu go horme early. Thie vork a! Ah. local Indice vauat unce on the arrivai a! the IUbeitivil lUns turned over ta them sud tiieY put seven candidates thiaugih th mysterlea, vhicii areprettY cetema- niea of a teaching vaine. Affier this,.there vere moeches Ot welcome sud am the merita of thie or- der sud refteuiimenta vide served. The Libertyvlll ladge loft et mid* ilgit delighted, vith Waukegan bospi. sllty ville the Waukeganit« ea e pleaaed vith the. euthusim ami ladge building ability of tboir gueuesa. We Also Carry the, W L.Douglas Brand ol (lents'. Footwear lai Prices Ranging from, 2.50te-400 Llbertyffll A. 0. SCuWIaMÂi PAUL MAeGtviïas 1 1 F. P. DraxoMn Phone,2 9 izol C. F. WazOBT i.1A.1 H. C. W. ligysa CAPITAL, - - - *50.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 20,000'e ithabnd mle / Thi Bnk la p Imto naetthe uda o! thais m afl>' la lb. lulaftimeure LAKE COIJNTY NATIONAL WWVK Vour altentdo iIs called, te .gMcUplqeb of tleavg Marne$% . Ught tlmes8s,1' Suinmer Gonds at Rys aid let Ivei ALL KINDS 0F REPAIRINUt ÀâbFm 0.1I. LUCE HARNES'S SIt<c n. ir. rigue B" l:beWY mm IS 0<ai OcUOySSe lmat............... j WILLIAM ýLAYÇÇK CO OppoItue t: aiP& pimpiti Shoes.,

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