=ha ié te "ar- ,bdtt 'Det roet n IJnseen Lips Came Words t4at Won, Ideaa Botter. RTSIIIP BY' PHONOGRAPIIH ntinnt Apart, Les Angeles Girl 1Washington Young Min Perfect lir Roinançac by Word of Moth. peisai e Record. a Dotler Iliaes in Leit Angeles, Tu hi bernoe Bot loug ag Cm * U ic tepawkage Rau) fouad a ýgAPl rcetrd-noth]nig erirenoth- reD te show w-lie11:1i1 sent ILdf2 routir wbo hIrî,înSlisah ing It fiountail ints o vIv men freiqîently lnspe-r tivhp wssed lu a striililO liandviig sus toi- Is me noth *slpedleuit of lniquiring fthi-n iddeuly b lrrd )ipr Ma pl u Iph recordlsw-ire e Ii ieprei 'hi the of tdliî ii io if grae anilsai, se ilbh îi putî! th )the tel.ý en lit i-tafawîiir tens ûr l~lltiiri t ic present aMr. 'Seth 4î>,lI aIle b 19 titt1% thts Seustor Daniel or M laie$ i a deat f rleid tio urs n*tu ies. Orer voues. IMau&i" wë *pause a", tbcU lu madly. IW use happy<#0mnt you, Misa Dot. *"'<ee maniy touée cieu la ber e lciiella D"»e went rlgbt out loint A&plienqgrpiimachine: x ~* au-It Mr. Seth s telleh al. #.lWlu i esn"g Ioilafocrui; ilassed te make y-ur acqualut aimatiers followeti q~ueoos a ot the oneo »AIie 5ois. etc. AntiWb"ea i rd "às meay MhuasDotta@Mset I 4et~tw temiseMaud Hunim Mt wu at4e besinninug. Mc flse »14 te mis" lnuter thait Umi Dot- bad lieess-oete«t volcesthet hati,, >unleaou is eara.setinite sanie 8&~tlie aise «,nflded'to a gogpapb record, wrblci lie express- sMins Dttcr's adîlress lu Lom Au- 4aIacj madie admissions of a si-l ihacacter. Thiis launceed a rapli pbonogr8ph correspondauce. sup-1 àigttid by anthber through, ie' la whlcb taclited an exCiange of t It s-as oeeoet*Mr. IIalsey-'s pie- 'aph records sbit-b containeti bis (1 tes)l mtrarrInge. Aller due e u,% stimoluteti Iueriilly by- a fre- rt bearint of Ikr. Halseys phono- p4. loVOîuatalng. Miss D)otter for-.~ ticff by pLonogrulull the sweet vote- 1j i "y-e" tuat was lîttIa nir thau à euper. Four day-s Iuter ahe recded 41 tegrm ifrein M1r, îlaig-y: eses tomorros- for LesÂgeê bee la as yet ne formal anneunc- li et Ieo engagement oe t"is della i Uer anti Seth Cabeil Hialssy. la W o etbfe startllug novelty- or a oip b! phonograpb the Young ýwb", preferred te dater tuat de- 'UMMu theY bave badl epportuulty- fer« - aibleumemeeurdg $Rea In a sCondy bex. Mary Kelley. a pretti- t«eeeefl Ujamtton $scieut Wakefild, (li bee»i 111 IIasultheresut oe' Iàey ir- Ue iss tendil ifor a "'. mb pveboeb.,rs-as the s-onk ~jt su ltur or IciIous rival. ' re-ia roaulb. gSap s-bsn i~ruar delîseret M ber doer s*a abuag green susie, wk *Ma* ise obed.Mtrialg hW, > boavumuiosaAtter Lie suste vas sye' stbo sDered a relaps. aa la 9 «ostespdLtu.Tbe pelle. am W# lbUS« hbebo& lésion, seliciter, N4esi, I Oa*a ha flamout unusualtef wbm *IVItg te t» > thé, »imtr laka bé p 1776 7 4th of 1907 ReD, WHITE ANDO LUL'" 0 Calumbla, the gemi fthsecocen, The home of the brave and the. fret; The thtine of sul, patrlat's devatian, A worid effers hoage teoels. Thy mandats mke hrtus. assemble, When liberty% form stands ln vlew, Thy bannere malte tyrants tremble, Whon hborne by the reti, white and blue. Oh N SM AUUbAU And thé >u U 41 mw j owwm4 01 p 1 9 IuhWffl "V Gi i.m 61te ai ssf u te rJuiIy ?liery Sale At.REUVNt4 ýWOe ffert' iesa beitifti productIons, s-hitdi are e0al9 every way to bats, tiat are gcier- &ni i sol 81 S.tu<d $8.0,for 8398, 838 fl * kA v.ry prett:, pturIwa Rat wtb 4ugoplog buit biade etivai>orf out" ile k, rafles 0f bliqi 814 immd IMth llkribhea, ftalabe4 -w$bs large bo",e tbls sal e ul................... A very ebrdet gjiitls*oob 1Àthpê Ot soi istras-,,trlxcsds-lIhLa Fesiace Roses dI4 silli rlbbou laepsat lthis le A stunnlng 11W. leghori utdel. madinlu utuu rooni shape,Ithe oe o a issed i vth roses sud trlmioed s-ltb silk% ribiien. Thu bandeau bosa Sc0Oon#t e of Ulae &audrse.Ige wlth a large ribbon boy, 00L8 ' et this sale *............ us Bothouôr Waukega'n andKenlos 212 G. U..Sre 'lI Thie Glorious Fou rth The 'Natio breeze andi wilI celebrate the 131st birthday of "the home of' -old-fashioned- manner, sad to say, but this storc remembered by all who attend. The Fourth is thé merry for the rest of Uncle Sam's lads and lassies,I ecnjoy the day is a part'of the celebration, for whère, are,,clad in- hot and stuffy garmerits. We have Io savings to be found in each and every department.- Corne and see thern and you will secure the richest1 results than it ever has since the great American Eý téva wa rDeses For Chldren vel l Colored 8allor Suite, site, 2 to 141, fer our 41, th uW . ................. 98C Grea andvaAe dip aof ail kinds of Dresseu for t.he 4uuminer Oeaol to 1arleti onDsle............ . ....$1098 Rundreds of Dresses ta select lrom and at pricom 'rom 480 5, 'but spare for. hids menptiening. Ali foc Dolts Ise Foatherwelght Uadetskirts Beantiful assortmeflt of beaded eîaiec.Tlw vîry latea,î i.krt Nmvv1-tv, near,-.,î tilk. leather and fane y belta, wîtb approach te the i-cal PHhk lhtticoat, Swsiabucliles. the indiau double rubtW-, ike siiii. butnneyer üctk. ali crûs" antigood luck emblem olr adh arre-hr--lgt ducdir tes lor apsslto&JL wth thîs fr t eCce bra- 1 -98 ucedor tebe our ays utou 1 oale they goeat. 1. Final Sacri For Itis sa le a I .11 w ng anti Ies. thyar-t r lus "trn,-R'ttbfor COiol ataMme will buy s-il) a vies tu (ai The saurtment is btil. si,> rv On. lot of ailwooi Pan8ma»s Eton, Pony or Prince Chap plain coulors- bà or mixtures...... ---------------____________-___-__---------------.e. .. n ,. 4 th of July Sale, of Shirt Waist Suits For the ireat 4th of July tale we are offsring the miist superb array of cool airy 5hirt Wait Suit% chat it te possible te, briag îogpth 'r, and in honor et the occasion va are priclag thasm as low or' lover £han they sheuld b. a moath from aow. This ia really Augusci seling at te begiaai of et tit bot useath. Comeas land se, hthe 'urselthat ta our mest convinciog s, llag ariument- a' 4f- r Daiuty light Dresses for tbe 4th, whbite grounti wltb amalblack or plait figures. trîmmed is-tb lace Insertioni, at ... .$1 8 -Beautitul White Dresses, fiue soft materlal, beauitfîl Gtrnian valencienanes lace trimings, s-ortb188.00 andi $9.00. aithlbiSsale ............. .......5.987t Ladies, andi Misses, bautiseme Summer tiregf- es, madie up lunfine Ogureti batiste, swbite grount i wth laveuder, plait or blua los-ors, etc., aIse plain llgbt bine. plaît, tan er swbite, lace yoke, valenciennes lace Insertion, 11aUnc- et siîrtz, mateie n the very latent desîgng, sbowu lu the State itreet Stores for- 810-00, Speclal for thîs 4th July sale if................... $.9js8 We bought severir hundead of thse amart summer Dresses. They are .&il eiaboately lrlmmed wlth lacs, d*lnty tueite md pleets, full flarlng Okîrte. Reidy cash hsd a pries cuttlng paower or *0 would ileyer be abIe. ta offer them at any wh.re near $4.98. Asic ta see thom. TIhe New Princes. Dresses at $6.98 Ladies' Wh Ite Lingerie Princess Dresses, soi-y elaborately trimmed, ,lace glrdle effect, fancy tbrce-tourtb lengtb aleevea, thc beautitul Oi- tiens nows sranch ln demanti, s-rth 112.00, special -koc tus 4tb July- .$6t.9........8»..... Prince Chaps, Etons,Poneys. Wash and imper Suits. Ladies', Hantisome Summer Prince Cliap Siilta, sîî-de 'Ifthuiiipial1t) Iîl-iialon i oa -î:t dmîi- ble breasteti, sklrt beautifully pleatcd and ulce andî full, strlc-îly mnutalloreti, for ibis tilg 4tb July sale--------- $498 Ladies' Whlte WashBSuta, madie up lu excel- l -it q îalt rt î 11l-to ead.. tîîth l"tii> ani) tl-tî styles. very flnely talloreti, for tbla great 4th July sale only .. 4t9 Ladies' andi Misses' Hautisomne Cotton Jumper Suitz, madie up la fiue French cotton, clotIt, very smart effeets, for tbil 4th Julg sale .................. . 98eY Aise fine Jumper Butta oftSos-ereti atgaudies. sonie witb sitoultier sirape. -Flue White Las-n Shirt Walst Soit- ail rlchlY tr"ntud wltl valenîciennes litîvo yoke affect, e .....f.......$2.98 Speclal Velues in Si111 Suffis , Jumnper Butta,, l soft finîsieti ta*ets slise, l-In cludlug bantisome blacks andti ste checks, spleudldly made. s-orti $10 andi l11% fl for tbIs 4th July sale ............. $6.98 Beautîtul $26.00 Bllk Dresses, elaboratclY rim- mcd anti a varlety of styles, speclallY redufcet for thîs 4th$ 3. 5 July sale. e ,.... .... 1 .5 4th o i The mSvcli'Valuas vo' 41h of Jj alg a". "V" up, W&7 ulp, but th..t î enormotis order, b.foi w. n -w o)fer yon. - lediea flne Muslin Dras-qj Worth '36c' epecial fer this sale ai ............... qame very .doluty coites-lIN some of the pretticai y-ou Wi mcd lu dalntyr laces antirit lar sellc-r, but fer thisg salé tbey s-i igo At.. Ilandis'tnîe 2ýcrtecev cue-d f.,r hi% .9l- Qom w IFl ëb Orb