Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Jun 1907, p. 5

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-4 aiCof4VfCIoNER rMod mômTe , AmPREVAOU.RU, WE VPEfVR TO ABSIACE SOUPOLIEOx 'NT TOWNS --sa~suhaZUOOU***~~ I GOOD:,-PRINTINU......e ]w a nseeuay lement of business suceus. Orders for Job Priuting pWaed wlth us wil b. promptly and corrsctly execLutsd.. Rush jobe our dsllght CAIIAW1IEAT LANDS ast. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M t.testtoa.~ a .a ;à= leu yo ro~rie tesMAM arestion le sau" "a e stahsbpLN e .f~1f~P5=. ST.' PAUL, mi NN. t.~~ ~~ T. se a ..sav «ue .The But s Nonstoo (oodf«rOur-Czom W. an e srvingi, ungertord SmIýh'a FPM< FRUITS- the VERY BEST and HIGHEST PRICE isyrupa on the market. The VERY BEST grade of Choclats, and the PURE FOOD le@ Cream-absolut.sly the BUST that eau b. mmde-atour New f3anitary Soda Fountalu. URAYSLAKýE PIIARMACY F. J. DRUCIE, Prop. 011 elasvUrss s ethn m b~ eme , flot PkMes LOUIS- J. Yd-(mA!4 TH l^N A Rookho ia viihi. vii. yuil occupy same, aiesoon as complets. lira. .om Strong bai fonneit a mugec ohlan d ban sarsisi pupils. Boni. Ativ a pusading tha vsek vih his parenua, Mlinsd lira. Marshal Atvell. Mr. suit lra.@. 9Wald aud lamlly o0f 14k. villa, ,;it friandis he Banay. Word va. recelveit be Sunday o! the. dieu o! Wn. Fsrviar, viaobhs bes saffriug fornsome time viii ncon- sameption. Fan" eradItTnssay m'iei borne. lire. Abert Flary la sp.nd ing the vseh viii ber panats st Prairie Viev. 1r..Frank lagisi spont lest veeh un Chiango vsitiag relativesansd blanda. UmssChrishlns Dailaora visileditede lu Chineo ,mooudw. Louia.Bidva, 0 Chinlao, calaiton i. gradisaber. Sndva. Perey Bayd, of Wahsga. vas the guet of bis @Jeler, Mna. . Wahbarn, riuudsy. Lo'Garvood, of! Clatego, avent 8= at home. .OMMWn. Wedga, ofAi hn, %MtniSuadsy vlth Jo. Turner. Mri. IeNînkies, o! L-aRe ViIII0ns-w actait business e.Monai. me% 01Toma Walsh aàad vile ant Sandav ab Xines Viols a ha sait Baby. Sualti etouffthie ¶allngexenliuso8 hie veof vhelaeMn. sui ard ~~~~Bert ioni B a i fr avisiata tbhe o! 1E r. d &r. angUl s ioldiuen.' Wm Wh&0 frimils oiertid & Mr NWtRorn, atwfohnaasn o aas Ih gerea" of eut Tha 111e peotp&U aid t vll sud themr teanher, Miss Hvki»n, la ta ha congrat. ulated. A number ai t[ue Mlbarn Youg people attenddithe ib"errnuemeut exernises boe Taesday evî.ins. C. E. tapie fdr Jue 80, "Fore*gF Mis- alonos-Chnist in Afria," le& .43 1.13. lir. P. G. Smith. Lesader. f EVMRrir Mr. and ,lrs. P.SM. Von ai( day hoire. Kattie htiordan, o! Chicago1 lug a moulk uli hersaunt, id Carolsu. Tii. Lunhainfawiuly hava no tbair sommer eotiagl eti, on ac the. ilineas a! Mi-rLuahana, wvi ioa i uur,.d I.v thagMdniteh c hie hors., ta avoid a eoltion automobile, eausing tlia su bâ.chvards, .rîrhlng Mn. Lunt lnjing lais thigli. Kathryn Nalati speni a day tu lait veek. 4.rtiur Ilfeeker nov mairs1 jhrip ta and froua the clty la mobile. Our achool vodaseit îa pk 21 la Yor.'s grave. Mn. Zaiss ani fanitly canaot nommer home lw.aNt y bt heoman elegani nea' shornbý Franh Vaugb la t.ujoluga vacatioa aj mnihg extra.e une of is time. t irMm Bradley, iofbicago, i Ibis vseh w iii re-lativisbairs. Misses Margaret 5*5hulle returnet home t rad*y ImmnDo Iova, viiere ihey liv.bien aceolthe paety~es'., Boutons. On Bunday Jiaaa QM obîSt. lary's cha erlvltag foury aatothe' car. salir. nommunitY bermevetbuaband ev oIV . peut sBon- is @penit- Ire. John ut opnesi - FOXLAU - - EmDesi Devis. of LilerqyT"l, vistait et thei bornesof Jane. hinstabis s4 Job, hedms's atnrday MsudBoaaij. mim Alm .strong, of rsylak., visited Mo1tives bare lent #e. The cemtery @o2iety irili mft wtb lirm W. J. Caine, Wedaesdy afternoon Miss Knott, of Guru.., hu. been visît.. log at Everet Cuiver'. the. put weOk. 1 John Mongban la worhlug for AI Reesin the pop factory,. 1 Beveral attended the b Irthday surprise party on Osaear Sorouson Saturday nlght. Ubris. Lutz trauaacted business ln Chicago, Saturday. VOLO BbusSeuad Heard 0148 hW*¶ yslaks and Wsua hitmoa sput Tflay la mosirs us t NorthtOrsn, 4~aeo.the.home. 1rCoorne IMiary Deihom hbasac@ceptait a attg:sd.4 tlug exercîses. position atihe ierlach restaurant. Mr. sud Mms, aul Toby @pent Bnnday Ma Robrt& Barr a th le guest of aI Volo frlast Woeffl L Ibs vek. M u d Mo olAu~. 0. Gullidga enter-1 Manyor Bs rdtwoh a piachased anaiwt Miep. Iý out ci towu tuse tue pauer, vhich oago soins. ek Ra! avsy l vori a tb ~ Bd Drâoe Wjspdfd a wediig lu R&y& oringt he ogerChliago l« Weday. lira-Tom fStpaug visitadiu Chicago Miss ConsHaaon, of Round Lake, uW . nuit ber .1.1er Tuséday. .Oryl iarbk * Ianeateted business lu UmIsa Grtil Sbuber sud lira. Neilie Chieffl1-m , Senaglet, of Cbeougo(1 péat the Miepast»g» veek i Ifriaïnd araysaae. TRy Meduesday atInlgle. returned Bnnday ovenug. aideansd WooslpLake.i Wm. Braudiettter trànsated business N. 1). Pnat iod Evaneton, wiii apesk la Chicago, MondAy. ai the Coe ,onul church SuuDsyE G. . erina orer asorofmorning. ta as' vening Attorney Rer,. 0 .M tn omrp ro Brown of C~iag, will apaa. Tàara tha M. E. churci, wu a gnest of friands le Iai nasSe both uuriug sud hea 1h15 vesk. evenlag. DodoiaF Barnff,, oi Chicago, . arabtIl Atw.ll Jr., o Chiago, speait yl ing, aise lbse quartette. Buaday viii hie parente. Chas. Crttamisu, J r.. is apending a f.w Henry Kuabher t,1.4 an experimet veeke at Blckoq. Tmusda. Hie ord gasoline on a lbon Min lieU"L 'otâ f Lake Villa, trn- gre to make larand ana renaîtigot satbalnsÎiÎ? e londay. bi oyoos corlsdand vh1kers econchait. ete now camring bis Dr, UrMdi ir.,.Titusansd Mise &rs in a bsudsa. Tuas, of WaaIbs*, visîtad John ITuas James Dann, ci Wsuhgan, visiteit bissufaai8 .y sister bee l~y Dr. Somaa.Wr&Mn wife, of Chicago, T. A. Reynolds iranascted business in aii o rt~reSndy Ch""agooasiay. Kmr. C. Osâl5IM, ai Cicago, vliitadt MIs De. falaiv sd ldytnlnd beha brother., J. an sd W. B. iglsy Waukeau, calait on friands bore Tue@-ii. 9k day. _________________ Carl Eickaou, of Liberty ville, called ont frieude boe.Tuesday. criseir. saitlMMg Mutah ara antertaininq Al kindi o! Or cacersansd lire tbeur gsud . tr, Mises aggart sna wonh5 st Grayalake pharmay. frndroaJu. Mis Mary Hook ie speadiug the. veh lire. ParkOutil as aChicaga visfton vith frienda in Chicago. 'rus.4ey. UMs Maude Edwards @pont Sanday li. Tover,, 1ai luburu, io the gnoue. witi ber brother at h e aua. of Mmr. Shopamud Ual.wek. Otto Waldmsu in ejoying s month Mmns.Walll J ingham sud childreu,f vacation. frorn Chicago, vlitpd relatives ber. It i expected that Beegnald B. 004.. reoatiy. frey, whz? ha.@peutthe]aput sayen Scobolcloasdl Wednesiday witb a1 mauths la Englsud, viiireturo Frlday. pienie. Uma Mrc" WMo, sthor-nieud bY Tihe M. W. A. bave appoint&'d con- ber site*fi for Jametovnansd su ex mitteai ta aembge fan ile Harveet teaaded viaited in the. mat Baturday. Homse» o be>la tblJa t~l. lire. J. M. Palmer andt chilitrea r-., Ti. comnceent e'.ercises Tuesd«y tued froin Mitona, Win., liondsy, after evanun ver. wt ttended. The grada. a six veehs' visit.1,stes d eit UICStbemseivêssaud thir Fr6.ahWaul vai a Cilcago vitor tome$r. ProLbhbofa Chicago, gave liouday. an laterestigaafrs ta the. clama. Oliver Hooh lanpttini u a fine uev Tbe prlnery aonm gave a very inter raiednee onhie fr isi.son, Loaesinig proguis Tuef4day aftetuooia. li. n.ud lira Wetvortb entertaittait tbeir son and lla Cooh liai vesh. A oreaerey inspator sput alfev dAys boe paapng tii. cresnry, stsyiug vlth =erg .nIiy. ilseVouenien"o! Un. Jack, vlalit froin Tusa ntit FnldAy vwilla in ratoaing ta hberbhomn NsaiaPo. Nie Anu T. Boarh, of 1bnso nt Tueasty viii ber coutalu,.ir. Lloyd Whte apeut Tuesitsy vlth- bit iss E> Mlceamdibas"beau aafeng cithamseafoot tha pasi 'vsah, âh eappait on a ruly aoi. lire. Etta Wiaschle, o! Synsmora, sait aisten, formaniy o! tht p lacs. attmeud the. fanerai o! hheir ueplev, vho as burleit ber. lait Tussiay. lira. Blaven atiendei thle faneria han father, James Or"dal Dtol Mini., lust Moaday. Mn%-.rdley7,ag 72, fr11 ou the sldevalh.aud Iatri i uip. Acepi aympathy of frienda. C. B. Comrings suit Mi..K. L.Smilla Fred Trotter, Mr. unit lis. sr&y Jation sud sob, Bryant, of Zisaiton, cane out Satarday inu hein utomoille ta riit A. K. 'Ban. lima Mariball Odetin etertalulng her littia neplev, ai Milwaukee. ,eon ! M'. aui Mn.. F. T. Weaivorth enter, eavas ser. tatned su automobile parvy lroinCblcago, Iahno!Sunday. i vii Mr@. Safford r.itned ran Wiestoa ý,=adlasi Tueay. Mise Jeunia lichryver, of War.en,i In the aithy vielted ]diss Rubie Gllin aturday and bis itally M. n M.Lute Avy, of Wauke- hsst-cemelery lait lir, sud lira Levoy ver. formeriy o! tuis place. man Jane VAjnM. ut t, them At the annusi meeting of the Warren illa thcemeisry association "h. oloving ver. eentait offinenS o for s corlngYsr: a tanti'i prsildeut, lils Lottie Steanus; vies nl odptesident, lir. Elale Book; Sacy., Miss aey~ Aima E. Rosa; treai., lir. Ada E. Whft.. more. yblailang Min Vera Tucher avant Tnsiday snd Wedneeitay vlth lils Gladys Whtnor. aKennedy sud attende t hie Commenemant ax-ý Davaport, ias. ah Gurnee. *tsaudg Alredt Read ha. been vi.ltilnglis 11- fathern l Michigan. Ris brother, P48Ur bW afl e rtured ithbim audise. pv voehuag Cubeansd ah 0. P. Roe s. MdisselMercy Ray la soon ta leava for l arra t h . O kla h om a, 21. alr Tue Gg@Lake Aid socity met villa th:ý idis. audWlddiconb lait veah. @&tfa, thi., Tii. Guru.. WJL.,T. U. met villa lira. drop ,of a Lincoln an Wedne.dey. *91Guay Backas, o! Oseint, lava, visiei tu:terelativea bersthie peut vsek. NOTICE, To thei o> t0wov0f Wae, ail Canada iaula laet aor hhey gotased W tderf o!'Ogo. SElchluger, Thistte Com rIWS.. 'nias Tbuý'*biL Ail meni aiebrus* ut la a May Clevelad 1a vorking la Lbrty. «r. libahe vas a Chicago vista, Wood'gandsy. W. F. FIrke snd hie two sons speut Taeday with E. F. Shauhsansd farniy. HArold ummersle vlsftfghie brotber4eu, o! tht. place. '7.SiaeJ. Dpwwer. holuSa.per, bas left for Obisago. wlire she mahe ber borne. Qon't forget tha calbrtion at Russell, July 4., olvillasOie. A good dinner vilh be rv.d by the.ladies. 000 apsêking s&M gaumse v in.laord@r. Bey. Pullas hbasa a ugaspd for a» ladeflit. length of Urne. Corne and bsar good sermons. J. A. Reeves and sou, Mra. RM A. Rearse sud Mînni, speut Bun3day and M*dýy la Che eity. lire. L. M. Ba)nner was a Wsuh.gin viator Frldoy. MEr. snd lira. J. R. Corris voe Kanoeha viitoré Friday. lima L. Id. Banner, tirs, IR. a. Murrie. Datid Murril, lMra. A. C. Corna sand Myrtle Cornas atteuded commencement axerebais.lWaukea ensa Thuraday. edsan sd lira. E. P. Siver and childreu are @poudiug a.eetime in Waukegan. Oeo. De Forris ban been very slck vltb mampe. Dr. Young spent Sanday at home. B. Young, of Rebraa, @pont gaturdal sud Suuday vleb triendi bur.. Miae Fioy Dx« b, la turnsd trom DeKahh viiera the 4% sbeau la achool. U HFAlLu )Me.BeniesudEva Tucher, of Cia7ospent Suuday vith ir Masd John -Baxter, of Rall Day, viited vitik hi. dauglaier, Mmr. Wm. Wilson suit farny mouday. .Miss Caurtis Coneil, af Chicago, vlsited last veeh viti relatives ber.. Guy Bachu, oi Alevein, la., la vliiing ot friand. ber.. Qutesa nonber of the people tram hore atteudedt iii.commencement at Gfum hall Tuesitsy evenlng. ROUND LAKE tii. North Etblosmute. Eryhody corm. Kr. sud Mlia.busahll. Lake Yilust Wead s marrue of tbeur cousrni,u Kanme. Ylasited relatIvebu*,i4 Clarence Winters spent MM Lina lliiamon, Who4. flingr Seanly tuhen o11 la Ob= Machine, ia gsttiagalong niely. Ed HugheselaspeWnig a fkv laV Me. tavood home. Mis. Sponubur a. gs.u called there by the scu.o e~ Min Sanie Qd»la sattg & l daya in the village. Mr.insdlire.Dudley Ne l1 0f seal Mr. ansd M ru. rZa : îîeq Bnnday vîth relatives ber.. 1r. E. V. Lui ententalit er mob lima Belter, ulsa ber sistar, lira.CbM Lux, of Autloeh, ou TuesdayIht Borner Ormsby va.s ean ono strets one daylait week. Misa 1 .111.Doyle in stayiug vttb AnnaShBlen, o!fRasil. Feik er ai Wauk min Loèretia Doyla bas ,etuliai*0 spendlng nm mornlUnefaChlam. tirs. lMartinand Scasi se 1rsa*0 kegaù n llr Fly. lira. Euth 1Sbon, busa vlsitlug ber siater, ceÉ Mlur' Wauegan, who lavery NL . Mr. and Mms.Freagk bso ê àVlaWâj; KSÇ la " th OVEEO W. duam* g y Al Miss Eloie Walton wasi a racent Oray&. lahe caller. lir. SaralhA. Howard, oi Orant, vu. in town hlanday. Ed Lusk, of Round Lake, was la towu Buuday aveniug. MisaMonde Waton, of Libertyvîlle, "s the guet oi ber parents haie eturday uîght and Sunday. Wm. Dillon hau gone th Blaclk River Faiis, *isi., for the purpoat of buylng cattla,, Mips. Broulmus, of FramntCei& visitlg relatives iu Volo tidat veak.e Mr. sudlira. Pet. Frost sud faziiy, of Cbicsgo, spent lait v.ek vitb the ,.rnaes parants, 1Mr. sud lir. John Frost. lilas Marguerite Oranger, of liclenry vas the. aussi of Helen Ramond several days lait weeh. Uir». *m. Clongb sud daughter Beoule. of Wsueonds, ver. Volocallera Mouday. lir. Jobn Rlchardaon eutertalued à cousin fromi Deplain.. ovar Sunday. ,Mesdames John Rosiug sud A. J. Raymuond vlslted lira. M. Hiertel at Fmeront Cnter lut Frlday. lieas Catherine Dowell sud friand, of Wst Fronont, icalleit on friands la Volo Subda>' vasulg. Word hmba au .ived that Clyde Torranea, who ha. serve ilathie uery for the. peuttfle yeas, le sariou.l WMat the home o! i. unc'a in Toledo, Ohio. Henry i uaI of Goihan. litd., arrnved her. Baturday eyeulng for a short visit vit relatliies. On hie, reton home ha viii hoa aeompaaiad by Mm. TuaI. suad son, Bernand, vho bavebhein hor. severs! veehe. Wm. Hironimuns.Whoa vile vo'rhng On a barn at the Pasaflelittarin ne"r Voico, had he eye sieverely tara hy a nail, bas beau taken ta tii. Jane MeAlliter hospital lu Wauhegau for tr.atmnt. AtAusus allRoumi LaRe,1 mourogNgt. June z MraiokAwateEst CIGgRSge cecd CfrDEW mais e ud %ELA. o. tI- on sa1*fgo 1 atud Appulae o emO iayal" T OTFmw mas THI aem P. * qlsist, 4. ou a fev tartners lu our vlcniylut. veek. lins. M. Luby le reported on thaeR liae.I Sanuel Taraut sud Lavrence Magasan raturnod to Chicago T1home day afier ipeading a fev days ai lhe Roelug home. chai. Jor~o visitadit n Chicago oa". Quto a ito*it hmOU b er brsnava at Fred Coanrses"*VTa alght aud iias ail roportol sOdm lime. UMMade Colbuaansd lady Moiud - irosn Cbisspent Sanday villa Ml. Kou e ouRoclng. Mr. sud lirmB. Thials sud sou -e. a t tusit aIir homae at GShanlad., 1G Tued "lip algacouplawek witiu t= q-h,.vialty,. Ail tih farmana are busy raplsutlag their cuoa. The youc# people a"e anxiously vslt. log or te avortb ica cresinpanlor 'te opansoon. - o Janasa SrliaIt, 0G en.lcVsfau,Louis Scaer sudFiait Sea enjoyeit s vMr nt li, ouity. s Bst ings "teMauy as ood- bitalel*or e OPEOIAI. ATTENTION To out of Town Ordirs And SbhlpplÀg Tild i-~~sl té 0 estssép 15 Natioi te and 1 Me Of i is storc li is thé, Vhère have, Io ment. richest 1 ican Eaý Sac'l view ta72 Prince Chap i ofj stlues we ale. E-v. but ths.t ,dr osi. elnDraw tiai for attileat yoo lace, unit ror titis xreé u At. 1 Wboi 1 ai ý» r- ,Il. ki 1 . c 1 L&ý. 1 1 1 .11 1 11 - 1

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