WEELY SUN UBJ"rYVuLL, LAKE COUNTY, ILN* FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1407-1,2 pages 81.50 PER YEAR IN..ADVANM~ machn" ere 0ore CO*M"4"" riday. One wooosechaffeu tla DBuech £XAMPLES OP RIDING. Ou. iver Flirts With 11SaNdwich1 Girl na Mener>' sud Girl%.Basa- ket Touches Thettle, KIi- lng Engln*. slxty-flvaetifica«et o!"pertet score" vwer. avardedti o a5. man>' Contentent» ln the second annuaj relia- bilil>' run cf thse Chicago Motar Club whis vwas mode Frida>' undar Ideal veatiser condition and vlth a recard-breaklng 11.1 gt starters ovar th - i.Waukefan-Meury-Elgn-Aurara OuI>' one serious accident marreti tisa trip, an auto belonglng to Nathan New Ivrnu u utie near Elgin. Au a resuit. David Boiveli lies lu the boa- pifai et Elgin, vhille Nathan New, of West "mat nstreet sustalnsesvae scaP vounds. Wblle bouuding- away fro thtisabase of a bill ose mil euIl 0fofRIais, tise Dragonsale,. drves b>' Boiveil sImdc a plie cf gravai and. caromIng ta ona side,4 completeti a triple tutie fut-n. bisuliug tal Msd taeoccupanp of tiei macine hireegi a brb vie fesce and fat@ à dît e r-Qatsttroutae road. la Ifsl fiMlgit the ponderou auto crwped BOOOUve& bout tise l9Pi, one of wvhctas tratbl vIlle tisa driver also gsituinad IntenaIinjuries tisaI mi>'prove ftal. Newte ovu- er ot the car, lu Compasy' vus John Henan, a boy, vu, throws £roumtise car, but escaped vus minor Injuries. LMstTîme With Tube.. Baverai * ecac, a eruperfect scores vet astis>' vies belate tour- lots t*aril for thse custoarr>'fiteen minutes ta change isnes tubes. Zi& peclarly vas titis truc lu teseCond austrui. a atieit et. olbîen miés. botweee Waukefglan d Hait Day. which wus scheduled for a fort>'.Ove minute clip. ThomaisHBey. driving a Pord "Six," vas laid out for fitteen minutes on tIi. strelcis by tire trou- ble sud fltihed etthebile ecklugsta- ion, Hait Dey, Vith several minutes o spare. s- ata ln Darlng Ride. AtJ. Banta gave an exhibition of daring eeersmqsisssp on tbs ceutrol vIes ise sent is bglLooebile lad- eu ws»I seven passengers. tise haav- lest part>' carrieti b>' 511> f tisacari. over seven miles ln ulue minutes. Laher ou tise route, Banta climbeti iilîs. hck bridges sud wvisaz euta contestants lu su effort ta mare ug lest time b>' tire ttoble. golng tour- tees miles helveen Barrivilia andthie mummt of Algouqunll I lunineheen 'minutes. Oni>' Woman Driver. Pitted agalint a field ot almost 100 experienceti men, drivers mas>' of visom bldbeen overte route days lu aivasce of tise rellabîlît>', Mris. Fred A. Tisayer, a ChicaP omu- an matie a greal sisovlug, site '-bisa lIe oui>' voman pilotiln bthe rn. For nlnetylbree milmi betveeu Lin- coin Park and Alganquin Hill, the. lu trepîivoman motofiaet teereti her Queen oather lu faultleas fashien. Iu attempting te aaceud lIe bill, visich ias long beau a bugaboc ho autoista, lira. Tha>'ar "Iilled bler mo- toi" b>' gutlug on ton much povar. the car almost going Imb a deaep gstll>' as the resulh. For tae next flftY miles G. E, Holmas bandiedtheUtacas-. lin. Thayes lsavIng been unas-veti yb>'hr narrowv escape, Tise "deaths" oettise englue etused lthe Impsition of a 'Pen- aity ocf tweuty-flve points. Mu~eune for Steamer. t Mlforuse ovestook tise Wbila Steamer, dives' b> C. E. Dauzer eari> k lu thse florobe; bove tadriver es. sa>'ed ta mae rao u lte raad for a heavil>' ltes truckt wagon uear liat Dar. lu tryng te avoli a col. s ios.- vilI the vagon; 1f Denser swaerved asidetoc qulokl»' Md t.e K~steamer pumlug tae rod, lui-ed tvo wbeiecis ub-deg lu a mire alqng tits ,.ç40iadmide Tise assistance of!Ia tea-- ti ad t'wo herses vas requiseti-te extfh5t5 tihe disableti machine troa M te xiolg the antire routs vitit' ont & 14ï«P, Ureemaciines, aFord USUêO iseanSOnai iflent doinh ie aflernoon, ever>' drop, o( gazoline lu the. r«epctve tanks of thée cars bavîng been exlaushed. Coldes Wth bindge. C. Pnledberg, lu an Aeroca, skid- ded while llmblngthIe bll tw1,0mles uorth et Ilîg, s"d.ltulihe collision withh e bridge Wblcis tollowel the car and litsoccupants ver. ditchad. Piuta for ai ditance ortif y elyent were tors trou the bAfdge b>' the lut- uact 01fthe coliîsion. As thse reauit cf au oversealons burst of enthublam osthIe part ot a uC'pie of society folk of Aurora, Thon. Buairk, au occupent of one of the Belilet cars. la veinlsg a beautiful>' rouaded knob on thie top ef bis pate. Whlles olngthgtrougli tbe fourth ,cntroL the Berlet party was madie tihe obJect of a bit otflorai contribu- tion. In thaîr eagarnasa 10 gette bouquets lin theîr cbosen car tise girls attaced themx to ful-growu peb- blae, viicis vers tossed vitis uner ring alm Into the car. Oue of tii.. unsolcteti favori bit Mr. Buirk on tise back of the at. The bresking of an aile wîen near McHenry necesiltated tise retîramant of teMora roadiier, wviîcis ad beau drives trom New York vîti s iunu- brokeu eaIs alffled prier ta the eat- arn sealad bonnet rus especlaliy to partidlpate lu thse local couhesi.'rTe Mora. driveu b>' W. IH; Brdsail. lied covered 2,400 mles unar tae Gothain sFas vthout, any aiteratlôn cf the. englues. Flirts With Sandwich Girl. Perfect scores ver. lat lu varions tasilons, but thse misfortune of ona driver who flrtad vitis the sandwich girl et McHenry was probabiyte mot amuslng of ail. Calllug the vauder ot goodies. f0 bia sida during a brief p4use lu McHenry thse motor- lot madetiesI purchase aud bide the girl step slde. Whla obeying tae order taelais accidentali>' itruck the throtte of thea macineua ith ler tilu- ner basket aud chus put to deati su- other isotor. W. H. Van Dervoot, presîdent of tihe Mals.e Automobile Company, male a special trip tramthIe faetor>' te drive sa tise bg aventandtig1t nîglt returnedt taMoineta.vian hou- or oarticeate for is efforts, !OUND DKA $<AR lHALE DAY Was William Kout. a Gardoner of Chicago, Worked, One Dey in Rondout Greon Houée.. Myster>' surround tiaiUe'.findlng of the liody'et au unkuovu man lu deep woods near Hait Day, south, of Liber- tyvîlia, b>' George Amanunear 3 in bie afttrnoon liut Wedesuday. Amann vas out scaurlng 11ebwoods viien lie stumbldad sras hIe dead body lu a diense thicket. a mile sontAs of Hait Day, lu a lonly and unfre- quenteti spot. The positionaoft.e ra- mains Indlcated tht the unkuovu had beau trylua to ýrawl undar a vire fence viien deatit overtcok hlm snd tbtIhea ut>b ave died tram expos- ure. *rTe Coraner's verdict vas te1he. af- fect tat taemysteriaus persoage came ho bis deatit tram exposure, but no real solution vau arrived et t thse Inquuet bel' I Hait Day thiat nlgbt. Nather moue>' nor a vatcis ver. tount on tiie peracu of thse dead. Ila vas vaîl dresaedlu a suit ot sear>' new black clotes, voe a striped qhirt, a celluloiti coller, and a blue neobtie. Ha vas a man of about 30 vlt aandy bisuasd moustache. The bodi vas fcund at lIe north- eaut corser of vhat, la knowu aste oid Ayrs' place. onPri'dey tise rentma seeaxisîset anti poîilvel>' indenîti b>' Joseph Latuovsky, ai 80& 1N. dt S t. Chicago, ns tioen cf Wiiffl Kout, Whso for the pont laven years isati veainlu le Bohemian catueter> ahtattPlace. On of the principal pints o! identification vas a mising second dunger efthie lat hauti.'Te deceaseti lad vos-ed oe day at he tilosGreen bsoute at Rendent, disapearsng tisaI iht. He isth ie appearauca tsf living bain a bard ds"mker sud vane doubt undar lb. influence of liquor vlan la vauderati &a n'lueb. ootis. HBe ns unid in Forsesters for $500.. Most Dlicate InstrUmenlt. Protessor Nichois, taeastronomes', bas a delcahe Instrument Viicit meas- ve Yr>' t bo hat vaveus, 'Il ate cepftIvo ho bal thIt iregistera tise %ýâO t t Iemanates front a utCî'a t8m 2BMteit, or mas-e titis a tbirt $AVDav WAREN4IYG WMISTIE Sugiuser of Nortbwsstera Train Signale 10 Notorman of C. & In. lectrie Car RAVINO MANACI ATTRACTED BY H£ADLIOHT-ýON CAR Clambens on Front of Car Whlch Would Have Kiled Hlm Mati h NotS*Ben Stopped. Thea most dturing sud, ipechacular rascue avar mata vas vitnessed on Watiuesday niglil b>' taepasatigers on a midnight electrlec ar sauth tram Waukegan ah Bloslgett's Crosslng bc- tveen Lake Bluff andi Lake Fiorest. Steais aud laclrlcity touait for lite. Il Tiha Matur-es vera tisa warning ity meanus et thaeuglue vihtie htthUe engineer o! a Nrthweealauflyar gava bise motorman on an elecls-lc car anti tisa skill anti turing o! lie motorman ln maklng tise actual reacue. Whistie as Rescuer. rTe electrie car left Waukegan et about midigt anti vas gelng soutis. villetae Northvesbern traits irgs comîptn ns-ti.Thé û1nilit vas must> aud extramai>' dark. As tiie electrie car neareti Bloti- gett's CsosIng, soutis of Lake Bluff, tae rescne a la vhIsstie hegin. Tisa maormnan vas tarrifiedt te ear tise Northvastarn train vicit Is could ose. appreachingthbrougillte mteitamittlug the moit eas,. pitting acreechas fk Io possible fer a vlsistla te let go.asdtat le saylug soe- tisi'g.. As lia nearet a point oppositetae speetîng train, visicis vas stili glviug thie frantic signale, lie sav tise engt- near ln thse cab vave lia aIsansd pont ots5ý alongtise banks. 'les tise motartnan. flu init2shus mous, miv visat vas tha malter. Âseed of ltse car, disWsesen gtsougisthIe mil tiMat asisse uroà.thei graund, be cmuId maire ont thse figura o! a masnviso vas runlng dovuthIe bank ta the rigist-of-va>' of taecar. seemingl>' vIls the purpose of gettlug rus oves. Wltis a gaap isa 11ew off lise paver anti ippliad tiie braIes.* Tii. car cama ho a stop just ln lime ho, permit tii. man wvildjy gesticulat- iug anti talklng te himselt, ho cdamier on tisa front anti clan aetlihe heati- ligisI Jabbering ans>', antici-as>' as a taon. 1 Attracteti b>'tiie car's blitlglit, asti craied vilthdink, lia i- n ho- yards the source viseuce tle figisI cameastiandoulti Infalilil>'have beau liitled Il s ot beau fortae tact chat tise enginear ou lhe train sounti- edth 1h iistle anti polutet ot visaI vas the mmtler. SIR PRAMCIS PD41KE ILrA MSVASI !MATE Baverai of théeHairs of Noted Adrýirai Live ln Chicsgo and Oni in Lake Count>'., .Wailg oui>' to e acisiatidb>' te s-lghtfmtl lis a vat fortune, 1250,- («. 000,te astate of lin Prancia Drake, tha great Engliali Admirai vite.career filei pggas o! Great ri' tain'a listas-y. Anus Louis. Siafer, 860 Flourna>' Street, taeil-kuownuChicago tira. mattec s-eder la secretar>'o e taheird. Suie hi makiug evary effort tb locatç ail taedescendants et Uta Captea John Drakte Une a! ch. fautl>'. Ailtough. a large numbes-ofethUose vIe mi>' la>' daim ho a part ofte vast fortune are knowu te lier, mas>' naines are misaslg tram the geneaI<sg- Icai disart. The molIer eZ. Auna Shater la a grand tiaghham of'Captatin.Jobs Drake He commautied tahe lsterical sloop 'Beavam" front 1792 ta 1814 for tise Hudson Bay Campas>'. 1'llough a pecullar combluation, at ciscumtauces. mont ot Captahu Jolis Draka's fiagen -tare dastrayeti. If vas tins lIat ail trace o! mas>' oS Autoug titose -tho vilsitar. lIe Drak'millioue araetaegranticllidret of Captain John Drke, lira.A. 9. (C Sisatar et Chicago, sud Mrs. Bon 'i b>' of Palatne, Ill., W. L. Weaver, marina engineer. asti li, . ERai%, Iv e attgrand cîlidr« esrete oftChicago.b Narrow Eseffl Ci5kig Storm. BuDday evening, 41Mt 11: ")ociock wble drivlng hOmêOfr0i» Antioclidiir- lng the lwaivy st«in. Mr. Eugene Hawkins, of AptiOOlà, lad a narrow ercape tramn belug ilIýured. The horse, belng frightenod of ttbs4e'îri He electri. cal dispiay. irsas'An~d mind. alile turning upst te bezî, thioaixîg him under the vellfl e Fred Bolier of tbls clty was tbr0wn. and alit great dfiacult? Mr; Uawkirls suceed- ed lu freelng blmtWl ftornthe entang- laments. Tii. bosseês.dite bug- gy soime diptanc5t mmashinig It te places. The. animal hinaiiy freed lt- self and darted dg",l iii rond, rmn- âing loto a b~ e4 ir. fence, but othar than a few 505mstchi.theani- mal was mot serlousll: lurt. "Peaeto the Frank Raines, àf W&iikl.gan, was arrested lait Mond*y onî the bath- Ing beach at ion 0111' for liing pro- tanity among smallar bo.i lieh. was ln swmming and ~lhg la gy ine' as the ZMon police s. Joseph Rades, the. Zn Otan who Sunday trled te bana l s nfe mit of a Panham meeting, bocaus h.-aouid flot cook bis meai.'Oas fine d 15 and comte. IMA&A HIOLLA Nas a Number ofOeqsspIaints tai will be Adjuited aI October Termn of Circuit Court. Jutige Wrighit, la Cbfrago. 'rhums- day, granlti tise CltlSg>o & ilua- kes Eleetni. au ujanctioîs agaluat Cunt>' Treasurer Anses reslnaining hlm fs-en selllng 09 tise riglit o! wa>' et' tise Company' for taxas- The reshraling cider h; tampon- as-y anti tce coustl>trensur'2r accapf 5 *entatvel $10,000, as l)ait of the Mme s azoo.untili"àtrs ean b. adi- jugted t 'h lelg octobar. j He viii ln adtitOU atti-mPt tugel an, -Apdiene iti 4. C, Frost anti asd oul the àleximum s>tout a!fbaI tise road 1la vllling te psy bes-re tae tiechion. Ha viii'1 hen tale tliiiasti tae 10,00<,asti pro rata îthe entIre um among tise tuwîîî tbnt are en- tiltidta il, vaitlug for tlie courtu de- Cition tanrbise remaind.-r. Theelectriecad uaintains tb. foi- ioving ponte, the rîerts o! viici viii liethresiatiouiiinluthe. October term ef lise cir-cui court: 1-That Itlah the oui>' surfaceiliue lu thse&it@ o f Illinois net under pro. tectlon of thse law equaliy wlth othsen rot"dseasregards taxation. 2-Tisat ite tax, $30303â3, ixceetis liaI et su>' sesmnroa i LuIake Cour- 8-That the SlaIe Board of Equlil- staien dîseriminated aganet itlnl Ievylng the asemrments-. 1 -4-TisaIttie State Boseti fnaudu- lenl>'faIied te equalize the taxes o! the dîffinent roods of the slate. 5-.-ThtaItilla 1h. cul>' surface line le have a capital stock aue«en levied igainst Il anti one of four lino* ln thseuule ho have ltse Stocka&MIN>- imn, aithougis It caimns It eau Prove the1 oIsons should have thsemime ae- S.-That Trsumer Anses got judo* ment sgaint il, fer aleged non psy. ment of taxe@ u inte ceunI>court, On jue 5, 1907, chat le nuil andi voici for getgain rossOns ipecifiet inlutisebill for- injunction. 'lehe atiteudertheb.$10,000 anti a&bond te meat tiie balance sbouldth Ie court decîde adver."'1y tu Its dlaims, vîlcit ara icusationtit. St1lh Aflar SIot Machines. iBrovu antiw'hite, of Roui dLakte, thil morning plead 7iilt>' 10 iiaviug bat lotutaciines ln thtbir rasarshanast WM, i-flet $100 aud oti 1>' Juatice Van Deusen. Blrown alipeti-et for tae tietesse -ant dnîmited the uoft ilu- peacîment of iaviug bati lte osaeua. chise vhici vas producdtlu evi- doence, taeresuit ef a said made.b>' ses-lU Griffu Ive newelzs ago as rejat- ed excuflsîvel>' lu bies. 111 'le machine vas confseateti. ,Soidierus ad Sailors Miel. Théanuelnaimeeting cf the ILaIe County Soldiers' andi Salir' Résuion Assocation vii le helti ln teGrand Ai-ut> Hall ah Waukegan, Jul>' BIh ln te oeaung. A place forer iaanutî reufflon ,Ii, h. cbpseu. 1h vili probahi>' h. Grays. lake tîs year. Propositions si-swel- cometi for grountis asti pffleges. A BOGUS COLIECTOR AT WORI< A Chicago FirmS-ndi ug ont Lelters of Queuionabie Char- acter, Receiveti by Mas>'. CET A BILL? NO? THEN YOU ARE AN EXCEPTION. Wsukegan People Who Clalm Tise> Owe Nolhlng te the Old Company' Ar. lndign.ant aI lite "SfM~y1 Letters. "le oue Roy'0. Glbart, et Chicago, lu a visolasale plan te scare residenis of Waukegau lte mailing hlm $1 ln order te ascape iteing defandauts ln a Ian suit? "If hl15net vii> sla csanding nutu- berless Peoplell tae cty titraatauing ltter, viiich state taI the racipiaxtt ls lu debt te-tisa Waukagan Dairy & Protitce Company,. uow dafunci. te the amnount et 11, te usoal amotînt, and fiat If such debt la flot pald nithur Ilve days. tuat suiftvii ha besart-ld againatt leut?" Tliah la nliat lhe raciplants ara asit- lug. Thea lettes-s starteti coming about a week ago anti numberlassi- cîtîsOhi aud aveu oua lotige hava recelved lise letters. stating lIat $1 la due the cout- pas>', tisaI Gilbert bas beau appointeti te collach il, andt UtlIf It la net paiti nithîn fOve tiays tisat suit VIIIli e star-ted. Letters Steneotyped. The letlera are ail stereotypeti sud are sigua ti nii lIert's saute viti a misbér stalnp. 'lare le no boand- wrihiug on au>' of Élern. me>' are vs-ibaen on latter heatis et tise P. 0. Gilbsek lan office lu Chiîcago. - Purehaed Claime. Accordlng te a Wsukagan attorney' ail tae aims etUtthietuuct Wauka- gau Dais-> & Produca Company' ae Boiti taGilbas-t bythIe courtvitan tae compan>' veut inta basîruple>'. -Tise attorney' stabedt Uatltes-e vas $2,300 lu claimonanti that Gilbert purchiaef tliem for $17.50. Notlng vas doue until taelttera starteti cemais about a veel ago. Peo- pie vise alvays Palti Vhemýtbe> recaiv- adtir artickets Éot oe.- ,statIng lIe>' onet $1. lieun-tho hat uevar tione a cent's vostiiof business vith tIRe compan>'. recalveti Ideutical lattans ie viii a claimedatâ .t of $I. A proutînant Iodg. raceiveti oue, and l vas telti. Il ee a dellar. Anti 1 l aatedti Uat suit neulti ba startatiotonIal $1, vithils fiva tiys. Has Foilow LIJ- Plan. Ona praunInent buiesiman r.calv- cd ona ofthtis lettars anti laeked- up bis aid recaipîs ah home. -,fHe feunti tat ia titi net oeea teut'anti vrata à husincslettes- to Ôlubet te tahat affect. Toda>' le recelveti anolises-lettes- tram Gilbes-tstatiug lIat iia founti tat $1 vas aveti andt Uat ville tlm vag net a large snm ha neult b. tas-- ed ho suq If uot,paitlI lfve days. Tho bsusesmas dispaîclati aiolt- er lettes- Immetilatll>wviich isVIIpro- babl> asprisa Glbert visen eceivati. ln lit tha business man stabes ltaI vhiie ho a 18netpas-hculari>' poes- ha casuel afford te give a dollar ta a lav- yer te iep hlm bu>' livlbocks, anti tat, tiserafora. ha viii sava il fer tisa Ladies' Homea Journal. Ha aise tells Gilbert ho go aleati ans ue andt Utl'le vii lieip hlm col- lecI évidence, If ise se désires, andi mare lIe case as pleasant for, Uim as possilse. 'ri eaccoudiletter f rom Giubes-t va signati iy a diffaent kinti of rmier staut, but vas obierwisa situlas-lu appearanca ta tefirs-t Muai Not Haul Away Beacht. Abs-am Poole anti chers Tuasla>' nigisl got out au ljunctien Agalual Benjamin Outerisit>'andt UirI> Ottes lucluding tae NorthtiShore Fuel and supply Companuy, enloiIug tae de- fendiants front taklng santi asti grave frointhti beach et Laike Fat-ast ovueti sud beaulifieli by Poole andthle chIer piltiffs. 'Tecase ls simîtas- ote iarooscup litigatlon and vii lavea afulil bearng lu Octobar. Poole lalifistat Sumner- 1.1> aund others tun oves- hie property anti teal sauti andi gravei. Moid Thons. Avoitimutches wviteaheadE e atil> suap off. Scores et deathIi-c trace- aile tot flscause. Green 8S4 Pest. The Most unweicome Sus eln Lake county todsy are th.rnrembers of the grein bug faml>'. ThIe green ibug, tii* geaIt tsat bas causet so lunch consternationlunte aecisanges ofthlie nanti, nevi 0f whlch Ia dreadati iy themChicago Board ot Trade, lah1nov afficlali>' ie- porbei hare. Dr. D*iïleis, of wanl<egan, Sustia>, discoveradtheUt presence of tiie bug on lhe Cannon farma, near Winthrop Har- bor, lu a flelti of coate. Fismers ln Great Fear. Parmers greati>' tear tise peql. for which tbiera ta no kuown -extermnina- tor. Gtting Into the viseat, est, coru sud alter fildts of nortiieru snd north easerti Lake Couuty, It la eatiug ts comtanted va>' througlsacses of val- nable grains-snd rulniug the tarmars. Sean' undar lte microscope, It leaa smsll bug 1k a flea. oui>' amaller, aud Its destroylng pevers ara saidti t ba rapld and sure wnul.lts povars et multiplication are great. Farmars-nettif i oZnu areawaare of the presauca ai the paît. How fsr Ilb las spraad about thea county Io net kn ovn. TRAIN !NGII<dUR B1ADLY INJUR!D Jumped frornb Cab as '-Engine werit Throught Tresile Seing Bdilt sear Ravînia. Ge. Fltxsxsumous, an englneer 00 thse construction train of tae Chicago & Mlwaukee aiactrlc rosi. suffereti tise fracture of' both legs tagetitar vîthI Bverai minor Injuries tisougli tae hraking of a treille -tark sev- aralmiles norhbvet of Ravinia early Tuastia> afterncon. Thea Injureti man vas brougt ta te Telfth streat station visera Dr. Sareusan Vas cailei ta attend hlm, sud later hacvas talon 1 t. tLnke' hospital. Ha le 29 yaasoa u-f lHtm fa,b, Islah ston, vas mtcf a tae acident u arrived ti a iem sa%ad's bedaide late lu the atternSn. The accident lu wwhicî Ptio>ls mous vas lsjured occured vwat cf lacriksvfile. vherea aIong trestle work Ig belisaut over a ravise. fal paslng o*er tiie trestia veork a sec- tion 01ftIlgave va>' ant i rtzsimmous beliavlng thal tta nert section vould holti up, gave hie englua more steaut lu tae hope of reachiag tise solîi por. tlou. He succeeded a tinhuis oui>' ho find tat taesupposed sBaud structure vas llkwise veakenati andi vien bli realized tiiat hie englue vas golng tiowu ha Iurped from thUt.cablan1d- Ing ountaearaundndouete aty feet below, and braaklug bath legs. This fireluan, vlio aise jumpeti, vas un- Injurati. Tha englua fell tismeugis ta treshie work, carrylng a large portion of tae structure wih Il sud faîl to tise bat- tom of the l'vina. LARGE RATTLMSAKÇ lKILLE AT ANITOCI¶ Ratiesnakes l.sed ta b. Quit. Ceure mon ln This Part of the Country>, grpecially Wisîn Corn Julie W.. Chemper, But This le thme Flapt I 11. Ing Reported ln Yser&e Mr. J. 7. McDouasl, cf AutioCIS killati a large ratlesaale ln IhW doo yard lait Frida', aasurlsg letieam Ibreeansd tour teet lal icuIl OnaeofthUta ciiltisen came runnng Into taebouse, sayiug tIat a large suake vas eut iluthe yard. MliM Daugal vent out anti ian tise aIles chaîinatae cal aroun theIlyard., sud succeetieti n killlng tae pae vitit' eut as>' dficuit'. I Years ago sahlesnaes eeiery planut la l tis section, sd it vta coummçsu eccurasca ho -hour et tis belnt klUeti b>' our reitinlmt let c laIe years lIera lava beau but a 1ev seau anti killet lu thlm nelhsorlot. IDMeshs-ToI uc it MM .5 itres montiu mgo I muplls aron Von Halitein vili a ful set o! teelIl Weil, 1 - -teIsotit ey t o coleci the moue>' viu e iaonat Me toi, tisons,asi sot oul i>'tii e refuse tc paysme, but ha isa th ie effrester>' Id gusisea me-vil ut>' tet.- Fiegîstie Blattes'. Jul' lot Wilii8" - f rf -Aý thse Hundr*gdmce taqiepsi " Wnapper. Whie h 9Ms'Uy Ce>' wIIDrngje>' te 0lr*04 QariU r e smu. -d,«*pý 'veloises yOUou tli d 40veil t pateiuu# te deuire supplies before Joliy 1. on liat tatq a nan priceeut dguet ia. Que« at lte potofcandt lispalu t, -vsapper% viii h. lucre&WIefe Cents per 1.M3. This adieac# net mmensmucli otahIls a»s>'"e %en, but If yen visisesl to purcit5, 1,M0,000 vrappera lIe Mlrci voulti be a conusiérable umouat,- Jul>' it viii also b a la> Ut jolcing ftaheisaemployes iaile oilice, fer on liaI date the *SV nise goes Imb effac t bumi or four othe me stthe beglu ho tran bigs ativancas Viii 1 u050$ t@, lentahofetlme riartam avon~ lla Ie 01110145~ ELECTRIC CARS OVER- Chicago Coisacil Pases OMil Rnce Pemittlug C. M. & liée P. te Kan' Over Lo.p AFTER LONG FIGHT 0F FIVÉ VYEARS Cilty Reserves ight te RequieTac k., Elavation with Ne Deprussing of Lawrence Ava.. Ater a âgit of more tlan fivye e t ho north shore reidant. ubO bave been clansorlug for tki iMewI*uttà of lhe Chicago, Mlvan"se&S-W ioad tracks forth et WlUMU vfm' in the Chicago councl lua it' cured the. passage of lIat, OkWCÏ bya vote of 8to 7. Àarb « 170,~t effectuuai liglit vas made te- o - the. Insertion of a clause -whtck WOM make the maximum tare 5 oaice ,1,1: future clty limite, cut the lite of tb.> franchise tram thlrty-sevea gyeara I- tweuty and te give the elty the rIgbdf to demand the e4actlon of 'satnb s~ terminais down lown on accqunt et' the overcrowdlug of the Iop. - This meas loop service ter Cb(4ý caoe and Mlwaukee electrie cas, hereatter. Adrpu Foreman, chairma cfite transportation committee, eflgtu"gWidÀ the passage of thea mea, vile about 800 residants of the, otabore appiauded ies orkilu tIp coM iit 4fr. sptte al the a iYor muId do-to lisP- thora quiet. Wisep Alderman Foremait calsê.. th l dade ha mpvedil. iePesant* of aniendmnatu reqarvila teh»e, eMr tisa rlght te require tracM* yt sud providing that lIere siéb eVt, depresalug cf -lAwreàeéavnn tise> vere passad Vithoust a48à N lsg veice. buildiag0 s t bend" teras ulU W4 of: Klugee streett.gaemtte. crowdiug ofthie IQQ». Aiderk to hoP acoet the Moeaure wltk bis s - vision,- and Aldermap Deveirs sef ment vas killed. Alderman Kunz's plan ta Ualnuit- future clty Dlits Ilsterminaiefe tise 6 cent'fore was le0.hi by e , -4 TIen Alderman tillr Presste4.%,' amnedment ho eut down lte date 4 expiration eothtbmfrnce loe JMmj 8, 1944, ha JueS. 31927 . soIu that hoanmd SqIDn>'o".adtm bd1 sigued pleadgesa Dot te sut. for chines te 051usd over s oty vwws Aldernmn oem, ColleplCt6 WlIlaon mpoeaithlm, 40adwirý Conghàlsshcuted, t«alunesite" 1 the caper, but ldomispeew" the ameudMent faled ÏtOM;"l>- fmancise vas tIen aqte b1W a ý qwf et U te7.