jea ., Asb fr h4 jdes, jým CIfldflg o. Me.!. 25c jspaTue........................... 2k 30cjapaTe ....................... 25c 35c jspaTea........................... Ioc 40C faffmT« ............. ........... 3x 45C japo Tee........... ............ 40e soc lap ea ........................45 55C JapmaTee....................... SO 6Oe iapsTue....................... 55e 40e Qo)lomg T« ...I.......... sse Ooing Tu ,..................... 50 70e Oolong Tee............. ......... 65e 50C Lipton T« ...................... 4C 60e Lipton Te.. AIuke. Ai@saCoffe.............4 15- iqeehRi oe...................15e sa"h'& Devis 20e Choie. Mixture.........1lac $mi* Lê Davis 23c Choie.Mixtur.........20 26e E*. Choice s Mture...............22 28...........,........................25 3.0..27c Me UYa~IU.. ........ ..35 Sic ~ ~ ~ *o neo ~rtoig to glveboegalteooo LOUAI 01 h to ro itReseem s*0wtt ap.~ v~ brSing cü o ysu1 park.for th. fair. Lea~Isla#wu. 4e2 I.Y. OUNG. Mn Khuorattadedlb. ofneai !a John y 99 . i encoe, was ilu G.toi bgs aeted belorothe 3. C. u 01rao,$peut SUn. kitet . A Yoflga." 48.2 day wt*i lm~ MuwoetMark Eliswrth la4confinsd ta A cir o*t o, spent ilunday hitomlitéi qoldskm. sktzl.om2*I, Worth. laAfG~,le Sn l b1$ nsd nu,. f rom dy with lMt. band ls. FOky. chigo W =la mark Ellaworth. Un.. W. L. Blatier, of Chg wa Mi. P. an'Olidén. ' *0 #Mot 01 Mm. D. A., Youl; ~y.W, ao with ber @jeter, Mm. B. A. oung eli l W~bU ~ ~ >' oI agaetlng fortheii bUSh.. u.say N., t ~ndaioaaddition ta the Il.e abi ter, MWs John 1- mnoth nday tM. S.b *leiii les son. 1 lottkie n fheg, Georpg ans, o rvl01.oc. tpont wao a sunda Wth B. WP.a temnaohele ted faualiy Gea. HlJq' iWeukegan.ýham chargeof a its ,th Me Kusbksr addi- Reniember the. lm. cMa OCialnelt tion, duulg e. 4é.eof C. C. Tracey. Tude vonlng ta wldc eryone lair.Lups wol aeFr Thureda,. Pkt" aU.nd1 e Fotcen Marohel Llmb.rry's bird.ecage Wam ehowr givea la homor of a propective mowed into the new ctyoulildiug bride. Wedaoday. tSeveral peope f9dLn Lilwrtyviile were The Lakeside CommtsrY oetY wil et Lake Bluff Tà»Usai night and heard mset Fridai aternSoa t tihe o 1f eV. wiliam A. Quay i.'leture upon Mm. McDonald. "'jean Tai j.aaY, mmn. .DIy of Toronto. Canada, F. C. Omtts, Joe"î.b and Mm.. la the gueet eo! brtbr, J. W. Murray MLaughuslim IMon end Rlev. B. F. oouth of town. - 9 Lawler elt.nded.tko callp meeting at Delinquont suberiers. as Welli s tihe lahlu et Sisda'. now on.. May benefit by Our special The. Ladis' *W gocety of ithe Preeby- aummo ubocrlptlon offer. terian church *11 ct lsoit th.. home o! At a specla meeting 'o! the mmBODI irs. F. J. ALom, Thur-dey, Augut 1. iodge lait Frlday ,venlng, degrees wereAi members urpod to b,-. prewnt. conferred upon two candiates. J. B. Aiieiaa, of Chivego. and John W. L. Racktsy waï in Rockfard Alemanoi 11Mulakee, speunt Sunday Tuedayttndig director'. meeting t tihe Uiomet iIsr brother. 1'.'..J. of the $lquate DalMinlng company. Alman an lmi. lim. E. A. Bihop, whu bas been visit. Tii. Epwortii1 Jdbgu il l give a soiai lng et tihe home o! ber i)ther in Frank. at the homeof o! Mss lia Croker on in, Ind.. rtutns home tmiaWeek. Threday eveulg pgîî1. lScreani Mis. Bei. Bowets, asitant deputy tdck 0.eleyol ecîe connty cierk, tedi ber mather, o! Wauke- Tii. but thla iafftbt'al aN e: to g"n, vibited finonds bereOsturday. vaut bonms e ospebi r wtlîBadeY llany e falthlul end obediont hnihand ;k TrOomnP*n$. ]t wil l at longer was .xnsiag among tdm regular atten- and ho Worth mots. inier troîîî F. B. daa4ta et the bail garce Sonday, a gret ve. many of thum being îick. 'UmseGenevievo Raer'.. oflhun-gu, la Mise 1elIa Schnaeb. returned home th; sunday alter e mont's visit with Mim frIende and relatives et Barrinxton, 1r Paltine sud Long Grave. wt lire. E. J. Murphy and deughter, i. Gerttude, a! Chicago, opent gunnday wth tu, Mir. and Mn. Phl Pfeifer. Missetud e wlll &pend several weeki here. Cý J. C. Johnson, M. Masan, W. J. Pfelfer an and Wnk. Deviin, ail emPifflee Of tih@Tb, Chicago Ilandinavian. were gueuesat T the. home of Phil. Plsiter, tbunday. 1Two bus loads o! Woodmeu' invâded Wheeling tat Friday niht and it i leu gaid thir work wasentirely seti8fac-*P tory s il eh jitlated candidates. ,rO E. Gabriel, of Mliourd, Ohio,bas beun car the guet of Jtsieph Ftiand and fanîily la the p at week. Mr. Gabriel in corres- a pondent of t h.e<>loan at that psace. The sais o! bindere twine tus@ wek in- dicat« es t fermeres are gahng to get h buey soon lu the. harvet fieldS. RYe là langond ohapeand barleyla due in ab(, t bo aweek. m A. F. Shldonpeodnboah.lelo ichool, delivere a ver"ipeaoing eddtus til et the. open air service-Suwaa. The oagngglead by ths, MWn'.choir .was .c11 excellent. me Mm. Louis Protine, of Racino es. an uiited ber parenté bore Frida toi' Freddle, w o ha. been with LindW& P"r.té for ometime returued wtih. iisotb1rUN Um Berthe Magon, mbo for son. I Ime e ha. bun connected mith tIsé hl edtorlaltaff of the lx»crrîsîsew, i & Dwemployed a. book-keepe t thelh, Marehal 1I -burt>' -crted, tma r erneem,from the haillgroundes$un-.t a>.They mer. ln an Idiotic, betuddied codtion Cat inut bave heen braugit ou by th. besC(?). Mr. sud Mr&. Lviii Coli>', Mr. eud Mnr. Clark Bumlick and 'M. and lire.E Frank Gigiten left Satnrday for h. *)ck river, er Beloit, Wlscoul.t Tlsey have a cottage and oxpect ta spndt about ten days' on an ouing tiien. The,.IDeerfitii lgh semIhZas intro- dnced sewingaam Par tstecurricu- lum. Beglnning mîth et flu, the. youug momen of thoe chool iii sand- wihcourSssof Latin ted mathmatics1 Wjih sometbuug their mothers miR ep- preciete. The Lake County ludependent, Tii. Chicago Daliy Inter -OeAl ad--Ce liotropolitan MagazinesMx m-th@ for 81.75 or Che Iudepeudent, th Inter Oea&n for ic mantse nd the Nem Home Lubrer>' Wall Ciart for 02.'00. 8lie dlspley aid for ful particalre. ' ,, Réad the epeial sunisuer dubsenlptlon t peper. Trs la a specla rate tCi.l good for f ont moese only nt tiihe sudof Ct8t tinetenuuelrate wmliih. Cbce foilowed. New subscriber sud b. aOd osies muelim"y profit b>'I i iirate mlehijela amnuet attractive offerad a imuai botter ons thanle usualy made. C' C. Trace>' ha. lust completei a ph..- nominal sale of loto in tise Kuehker sub- division of ibis cit>'. The sale eiooed hs boee extrràneIj' oucoWaefnad ha. hua an education in - rwaty ta Cthoie ltensteit luireal ettat. . lit.Trc pute on a"salInaHenieson, Zy., beeC k and 'Iftiebisup ta date ted methoda Chier. le no dauht Ti AM1FUL4 Shouid kuep cconut FARMXEN o! bis business trans- atosJstaos iuha lylulu Thora la an J;IMted Supply of Good Wat.r andithe Bout le Mons toc o ad'. The wttyotem o! Lb.tyvlli.lea a lnxury that not many tcrWnsof the samn.population euntâot. Tho wai.v la the firt place la te.butinu th land and two peand lowlng wulle fttrnih an affrradmng .upplyî Pire mil.. ai water asalna iako it acceoubleinaay port ofthe oorpomadon ted fityd.lae plage aficird "iel fie. protectloe. Tb* iank hiatthe tower holdo 60,000 galionS of reater while the reservoir ut thse prnnplng station boldo 67,000snor9. Ini cmof o!ire thé puuip,can b. tarted ted tevoral treminskept going wbu &U trouble, and the air ouil preneor, whlch la o.idomui ed, put ot thon la onough pressur, et th. powert plant ta prectically wreck al l t. piusing in towm. Tb@. tank lan opr allowed et any time to, get more th"s on-tird empty and tho pumpe eau DaDahy put In operation every oth.rday. Wbll. lbe syltem in handled in an seilent manner and opte ta Do criticint hatever nevertielu the. tact romains: le there enough water taud from the man. every day ta kesp the wetet wel circuated in ail the. miles of pipe? iEvery tire plug in tIie tamu bas beau tested twic. this yeer ted where pbeoble the mater was used t u sh tbe semer., ted ail put in ahipuhepe worklng order. In nome casen thoeemas a littl. sedxnent ta bu fouaun cii as t, etc., that i.e lwayo found lu new pipe@.. The sprinkluug wagons use eonsiderabie durlng tisenoummer but would it not be btter for aIl concerned if mot. mer. used. Tbe man mith a meter un i. pipe i. Dot gohng ta, use much or let the. water run very long for h. le pauing for every gallon thai goeo tiirough the pipes. It muet b. up to tiie villagi thon ta .oee thet more mater ià; kept circulating, llueb the sewer. uft.ner ted open the ire plugg ted drain off the mater thet bas iieen, stan ing. it la GOd'e awn f rue ater end a bounteous Watches Cl()cks J0we1cry St1verware FINE WATC1I REPAIRING ANDREW HUSS JJ3WILER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. one tblng it wou't cot you to do basine. witl. us- Y«R dont bave to give up any Of Iyen gelf respect. You'Il not b. hustled, nor shouted at, n indhfferently dealt wlth here, if we can help It. if yon corne to buy,-or Just to look ov9r om Èoode, It le ail the arne o>uns. We've the bot goode j5osible here at yoUr price, And w8'11 .ç that 7011 get what yon want If yen don't.get what Ion W&t or Pt vhW yon don't want, or are nôt, treMd as vii Il buylng here as yon are other places, tell! us aboîw it. We want wbat you want. IURMStM!ATS aod VEGETAUS ë$ w& agso ailtineit deg A g-dfrie off Sim Good-=-,ý P4RASÔLS. SUPPtRS. MUSI U WEAR, Etc. A comploe flue'off Geas VrlMsii STRAW BATS. 'O RDS- tt* BELISEtc. Corne lu and se@ wvit l v bave. Phone Ail Tl~F~I4 TMAIN (*UAi1AWXE OPUFZ [Lake ÇwMy INaý Yoor atteatfolï u icalsi ut m u - of KBoavg Berns.,L49 %vtruèu.,Tf Summer Good dat ho ami l lt US" ALL KINDS F miEPIRINI !IWT O mI 0. I.LUÇE ilA RN E SS S MA C riLeI Truýggs BlockI SPECIAL Juet receivoi 2040=1ios Sveluu Vormla TreveBag rneNs mnlow *hea caniml boos. T. tC.-d New York. Thq ea lue. YIo w C b a g........ s....... 1o b. Lade'mgsMd Short Sseid Y l~~n.U" nSit.Mu nonS a s I t g r e e a e t io ui î sh. e d r : t i d i v r a d e r o ! b e c o n s u m e r a s f r e e i i a s, ; p o s s i b l e . 'th iled euyei 1b u y oulrWhie tiere ile nothing particulariy Sunday from .-I tae tri di sstrous in tile ater as It le, Îhc ni r. Autin. the rea"i *Ilginegman.]' lie made btter s) WY no t do it. Th .cas wer. h la negotrtig forU.h cost woudidebsa scailitat tiere woni'! i he so o1 erani He wa very srely lie no o)bjetioli ou that score rorably impteosd w tiithat setioiiTo snttn a odta tcno d thinke is a mac' rosperans o T.buir ed ted thru ou ti crann ie pron.erty la locati u er lielhae*b Prvdadtr w l ertail e., in the Paahandi. untr.v 'bu improvemunt, Iieltlî, weaith ted Iloctoro se Y apt ta lbu mord or jrosperity lu a measure of Chie klnd. 0e typhoid foer attr a very wet ring sncba. tus ha.. been. Thon s a G011619l."Pty.d Bali. et demli a surface weter that rine Tii. Liburtyville Itemblero defeated- tarswt meis te opriuwmieh0ocourse.thse Chicago Bloomer girls liet Sunday irrs it h heinillusmirobe that bysescoreaf15 taS). It rellymsnat 1the hobgobbiin.1 ib tis enlightened e vurv polit. thing for the boys ta dii ge. Typboid iteni ence tatho city but tii.> did uant mm auxiaus ta mmceve sopa i patiriarfori urpriiingiy a d2pbhîng even troin tie illi>'-whte ige numbur of rases are ta ho founla( bandaof the ladiese.Tii. crowd mas m c0uiitiry.e large ou. ted the>' camn fron theb Tb@. Lllertyriii.'rudie trie k wbicbha. f urtermot pat o!the coun4s pl a- man h. bnsieet .pot in Lakeo count>'ft or the novelty o!meeluzth. te>y' eeke paet lias foet îîoat otite -' The daywas e hot one but the labtants and it will bu amplifir year cromd stuck it out ted hsartiiy cbneete il business peuUp main. Lest leek ony meritorione pie>' th girl. happened spcai train liuiled with 10M. grand ta nalke. The>' dldn't maite very maiy =ui hares le.t ta fiII thir engage- but the crowd appreclated it just the muttsnet other t rack@. Tse trainweasa sanie. Theotiret girl ta bat Banised naîtu ng une aid coimpios with al equine and reached firet, ehe was foflamed b wecsities am wéli as a Pullmman coach the three meuon h testa and brougs r tramner@ and horsomon. Iu fat it Iluhtiretiniamnta#thsegainse.h as eonsidered sueh, a notable event Raiuilers went ta the bat ted mai baât a numbur of riemo Vere takeon b>' Cre. us but orme r. an lie anxiou ,A. Beswick. elhe local piotagraphet, sa ni i.soebgnt olu i end wIliilho sent aili ver the, country. It ta two figure. then It iaoked no e»y )a been etinmîteil that theehorsenien thet tho mascat was put lu the box thse bai th e -iu,,,nected witii thent lest inng agnd gave a ..r.omingsexh l lave te piet istu nelghhanhoad o! bitian as a twirler of th. latiser ophere. 10000 in this vilage during the. spring Tii. Iambiere have another me et %id sonmmer ail,-v.ry busine man linhaone Sunde>', Juil> 28, wlt a town bas -issuIli,, or lems bunelted Murray teeni o! Chcga T.ian h tereby. famions "muet nie face ta fae",To1 te ______________the testa i. Raid ta be vr godun. Meofthens mer. farmer enîbr Methodst Services, Mfthe. H13de Park Blue@ma ae Dowi Pr"aliig at 1l() 30on Dthe. 2M.tlîby tie as an. o! the crack Chicago teesîs. Tbe Réev. A. W. >affi od. of lilibum; Sundey following Sunda>'. Augneot 4, the Bamn- schoai at noii l. Ei'-arth Legnelaiioms lîlere go ta Fax Lake. the opeu air iiieotiiig. A cordial invita- tion ta ail of tuiee,' .ervlee. Tii. Fonrth Reading h Bible. Quarterly i n, s,.i a euunnd for Josuphinu IDeekain Bacon publisiies Anguet i- onu of the bet girl stories te e@ver wrt, lu tle .iigutAmerîcan Magazine. Opien Ar Services. Hure i.e aequib frans h that miliibu cor- TIhe rgîa air meeting wiii bu rotîoreted in the experleniu of alinost held on thii%, ii i 'theb.Union churcii ever3'eder: neci $aîday iîitrii0i at ive OClbî.k, *Caistaitia started ta reud the Bible Rov. J. Vani & Erve willllie the preacher. tbrougb; but miien elle divided the nuni- New sang lîîok'. ruii besunued. Plan ta berto! pages lev y ty, ta teed sa nînch attend. Iîriiîg tm every day, it muade sucii a terrible lat thet aie gui. dlmwuungLd. 1 told lier ta go nd guisasmuî doe ase e cold,ir A Suipliur Seitng. chu didn't get tbrougb it ail, but she Guo.Entele inki , ga Wil a, t e gid tliet muuldn't do-lt muet lbu ail or Lake.county gî wlîî lgem li e henoue. BSllecould ha vueaved out a floe macarîoniiVra 't ICut buyand ticb>' skiliping thas. places miiere it ce>'. maaoifa tor3, Ttiefday, truck a 'and szbnebody bugat iomebody' lut »h. llomiug elphur .î>Dg Tubelng mas didn't tliink sho onglet ta do thatet hier. put in Tueda . ad the Weil fumes a Sa she never bu.gan It.' .t y t w" o i I l t u e n. P eo p e W h a tebav iid exîrir' u11%rinking odoriter. TuegBa ma. oa buvrage,s of iis dcription say I Tyuriîoldtuubakward, >tin hat ti It lioii,set water uhey have evur l you shIlt md ujeku ni e a chl Cast ______________ gain, met tor touigiit, wonld my mathier draw eue one mone 'er lber Premiumei LietOat. kuee, and witb ber sliper put ker.bosii The Lake- Couuty Agrleulturai S iety ita mu'!Wonld sue tae tle.fin. come bave ieeiied thi ieifloîît for the. and examIie iii caen tii.old cocue- fioming annualel cint fairtnet the Liber. unt muidh used ta gram hit?. Wonld tvllgrouni Seulý8 4, 5 snd 6. lhe plow iup my @calp and plaw ih for 'fiîeiisteli,'îte an tien evekpe aud if 1 ablecteï ecapmtaiep belon aand chrîuid b out te bet Tutti back ta tihe tinte waon mas Ca that Lake riîunty ea pi'ôuce. capl ut!ta vote td ii ank m.t mihi be mailedl lpois ftquegt ta J.B pu elg that .ty-day note; mIma I Morse, secretery M& an is didu't bave ta hustle ta pay tracrr securedat E. W. Parkhuretesôlut e IDF.-bis, and ni>' littie bornant fillil mltlu iRNENT Office. goliig Iov..thrillis. Takè front my mule- cles this nheumetlc pain; aMd give nie &gIildhood spinu. bave grama, ThiotNstl ceOU . mearv o! duit and deey; meary o! Noticele hen>' 0 ~eowing for othen a rapbut anl 1 tcie tener a i h4l tauhi & need anybody ta rock me ia lsp tville Io natif>' .=UUaa ta sisan up Le maSW oO thoir diticte, liear ralliroada, Lneai t thy ot sdas urie u Catlb.nnitC tc! o h.salro alb e la l ull&Ûi o serve & c la l ct> c apele, é C U O a thu s b ai lai &WI e tât ienafg t , rmo - -« mt, s Libertyvine hl ai hi ti t t W!,gcLwk It over 1