r~~îeg .Pichsres L 4*04*. SPECIAL To oui of Town ordrs And Shippng Trade ? 1- BAKER L OTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS a 'I SI«nmer Uoods, LlghtLareS and Hlorse Sheets suit Camesantd Valises A eychoce. assortmeflt at reasnable prneu ~ vryCHAS. IH. KAISER Illinois1 Pure and Wliolesomie Al materials used at our Fountain are PURE and WIIOLESOME. The ice ie always pure and clean; the water la freeh and gparkllng; the phosphate served in phos- phate drinkB- la th@ puremt quality that can b. made and id eapecially valuable as a refreshing tonic; the syrupe fiavorings and ail, are such as can be heartily recommended to chldren as wêll as to adulte. G3RAVSLAKE PHARMACY P. J. DRUCE., Prop. a dozen for géod - fi'ek Eggs You cao do ail - our trading With us as we have a fulli une of turoceries, a good line of Dry Goods, a good Une of Shoes and Oxfords, and a gSodfoie of Men'9s furnish= G3ooftNew Priceis Rigbt J., DUoE.Edito - -7n Thng )eI aud leard petuluig tb 0&3rlake and ne e Vieinlty Z . * Pia . H. Kuebker and lilas ui. occnpled by KlwabhP & Hoetn Who viii Whitehead tranatsd business iu soon move U tb.ITllofaigoads front the Chicago Tueidai. . bank bulding sai will al8o add a bg Ili"aMahel Wlcks vettd Wbrother ln !gO5f>l~tpeetsok at ithe hoaptl In Chcago Sunday. lir. sud lira. WX1. Rugy are @poudng DrEF Sa&fr bas purchaeas .,& o"ie""dis '0laic.i hiao .nwEvta'd'à cor. la the Beu'lck cor W.. d iof akeatrane. and I cons= & e avery aLiroe. -acted busiohaeRoIuedake l li»Maslae Wilson, of Zends, Wis., la UmM s !C;"~ o ondLb cle sndlng fowfu'dasu'ltbber grand. on W&I dwy motherir. Witehea&'.ughf Frfebl. W. A. (jardinier snd Don Rgginé, ba@ rosigned bis position Cl iertraiactedboiinemSt ai V- ai the Gairdinler llv.ry bari aud Pd keka Wtin.sdsi Cook i.now etnplowsdlu bla place. \ li.a . ia Wm. Mioore etertalued Bornifat Friday, a Duby boy, ai the frieuds from O~iea*O soniday. honte cfilir. antd Mli aJck Magon. INo liraokeR 1of Surne', was the -guent Wonder Jack la u'earlng sncb apleasanto! ber mother, Ils'. Manicoîre Wedie.- amîle theee days. day., Mir. and in. Joseph Poanter and Fred DeltborO mand famuily, of John.. daughter Clara, Of Wonbegf,ont, ug pu U* ihM.Dihr' Sunday uitblira.Wbit.bead. spabren.spuSnq îr.Diona lilas Rmas Sommeriter and tnother, Uli. chai. Crt Ïde.. f1r., ie »pending of Kolze, vlsiied ai lin. Witikles, a feu' deys u'ilt Mn.. Wrîî. ONeil, of Suadal. saugatucb. Jobn Deithora, of ët. PauI, hmin., la Win. John. tranaat-l buineua a the. gueet of is parents and atera boe. Round Lobs Mondai. Perey lloyd. of Wauk egan, th ue Joi FSUO prdnioth gamet of is alter, lira. . ,w,,huiu Former'. Stae»bk t lMgonCity, fil., SThs Women's club took their annual vas ithe g» 01Ustf . Y. Sikes Sunday. outingThurudoy o! iiseek aiFoxLake. 1 E. B. Sherui" m wtroead buinesa ai AF Ilreport a fine. imé.i Waukeganandi (lileao Wednesday. have been gumata ai t e WIlson home for nome tinter. Mrs.r returued to ber home at Bourbon m-ld.. Mondmsy. lla liyers yUl ra>nin for a tint. Henry Allardi, of Cicagfosaent Sun. day wit bi. daster, lMra.E. B Chrman. Mir. Bllard, the mail clenk on the Wl. eonin Central ia enjoying a ten dey'a Several of the ladies be attsnded the. Misionary tea ai lillhburu Wedneday. Tbeeachool hanse la being leoaed and redecorated. J. T. MornilI la doing the dkcoMtng. MieFredrieka MaeLlm on, of Cbcgo pent evral daysa aithe Mac- Leelncottage reeently. iss Eva Dooittie bas r.stgn.d bar position et the Bon Ton. Chicago, were 'seIiIgrelatives ber. the paët tlin veka Frank Clark ci Waokegan, drove out Wedwoedy u'ka larxg load of voter- melons vkbla solS for 30Oc each. Harry. Oeay lasftertaning bi@s ster ibis vesk. Mir. Appel. of Chicago. wbo im building & cottage oanSi.ayalake spent Suuday (ieo. Thomasu Purlmased the Maorshall plama st Holu.svlflthiis week. yay amllar -of Chiago, vimiied hie parents e bae Pada. Wmn. ffsoffliThureday in Chicago. mi"laseMary Taise, of Chitigo, @peut S3undy qstbuh.'parente. lilaas Gra d label Leter. of Mht"vll, eaIlad on f ieuda bor. intýX CONTER%~'4~ lilaryM Wagner returned to her boni. lasi Snnday frein the. lcAIIsier boaptal wbere $hbs had au operation perfornied for appeudil.lcia. MilasRom a nd Henry Hertel @pent Bnnday wltb uheir motber ait th. licAliaten hosfpital ai Wankegac. 0e. P . Wagner la reported on the lir. end lira. John Aliani spent Sunda, wih their danghter, and soninlaw, Mir. and lira. E. V. Orvia. Jake Worts and siater, Ag 0f o Chicago, spent- Tueiday with bou Wagner. lila Lena Petesice, of Lîbertyvîlle, la spldlug o feu' day. wthb lisas Rail. Obenauf. Matar Gffrgle Fredrick la ont iisck liai i The farmers are LnaY cntilg thelr banl. Mimses Tiieresia Wffner and Lucy Siali pent Tiiesday with frienda at (irayakabe. Miss Lucy Stabl retuned to ber bhome ai Long (irove, Tuesday alter apendlng a couple of daya u'ib bher siatera and frlend boe.. dilas. Matha and Rosa Fredrick ara entertainlng company front the city. Mir. and lira. John Wagner vaited at Mir. aud lira. Jacob Fredricka lai sunday. Qut. o feu' of Our Young people attend2d the donc. ai Round Loke SaiuraMyuight and uhey enjoyed lu very nncb., in oecupled by a blaekamlth frosâ Chicago. Give hlm a eali. Mir. and lir@. Oea. Oerrity were Woodatock collera ba8t Thursday. lir. sterena and daugbter Letha, of Wisconsli, are gueste of Mir. and lira. liecarthy.. lir. 1. L. Holme. vlsited over Sudoy with the home folk@. E. C. Voos, 0f Chicago, la viiting .fesse Denrean for a short tixue. lira. Lfbbl. Jamieson Paddftett and dau ter, Holen, of Charleston, flu., are lWg b. homesolk@.. Mise Inn Pollock &pent Several day. in Chicago returnlng lionday. lire. C. A. Matbewnanmd niece will returu Frlday fr0. Kano"ba Mm', C. B. Denuan and James Iollock The towansh un neacholconven- tIon u'll b b et ai e 0Fot iS church Snnday Aug. Il.- ai.Came nd family, of Cbkago, are a.eding afw eu'dysaat GUY Eookes. The bal " eSonday beiu'een te Long o and Fox Lake teama reulted ka00score. Mr&e, i. and Heln and Etith were Round Labe collea Mondai. E. B. Neville Mnd e Book were Long là" viitoras undar. Grandpa Lamb, et Chlos0o, la spend Mu two *eebs etthe am eottage ai Ed arait, of Chicao, colle& on rela- tivee Sonday, who aré stOPPlz9tg thte laite. The Fox Lae cemetry wull ueet wltb lira. Wlter Atwell Tharaday aiternôon Aug. 15. lir. aad lir. Dan Book, of1OraYalabe, visited at Wzn. Caine'as unday. Qut. a crowd atnded th meting Ot te lionaville ohool bouse Snnday evene. More aong booka have been ore and tO h lexpected u'lll arrive ln tie. for the next meeting. RUSSELL. lira.iR. G. Mrnie and eidren vieited ln Gurnee on Tuesday. lir. . R. Corna lan entsraining' ber aunt, lira. Shotieff. of Britol. Voiea and Warren Slver returned home afier a vacation of a couple of weeka in i e *c o u u U y .1 lira. 1. 0. Colby a carnit for ber daught.r, lira. Warren ColbY. Of Foresi GlIen, who i. very .wriously IIu. Rev. Grabame wa"entertalned& at I. . Coîbys aoven Sunday, lire. E. P. Siver entertand coinpany front wauegan Sturday ad Bondai. -Thi. Siver faniily had agreat reunlon Sundai ait(G. A. Siverte. lira. L. M. Sonner, Misa rah Broneg and lira. A. u. Corrnsattiended a mis-. .lonary te& at lilburnWednsdaY aternoon. Mlon Melville bas on. to Souh Dakota. Mollie Cohby retnrned fro. Woubegan las% Wednedy. Rnby Neliia l entaining a Young lady frourWanbegOlt. lioron liurray apent a feu' dais at home recenli. At ROUND ~loti, AT AMANN'S HALL Muic by Hapkes OceoeW Daggge thecdFSd mof Cb TicleW USvi.t4ve Ice Cream udcakee ai Cone aMd Have àa Tb imAmN BROS.. Pt" Round Lake, 19. FARM' Thoroughp AND Dispatch ir r o red to umabe regs co arnlteams ogh1p broken vere of sisal Wk point i mrcsadms.be do» by hls p o TbO WILLILAYC%%1e Mr@. Perey 'Ily" 01 ver. Cnicaoavustrora wedss.y. bar parentTs, M»dTebisses CorneY aa ententslnlng week. Win. gags coason I riend8 ai Libety- W. 0. Barris la ente blahiefoathr Company. IC E: Tiie base hall.1gan. et Long Lakb.l__ ville Bnndar .vsoln. front Chicago aise, lira. Johnson la tbrCarlson entertsin.d o numbar Suaday renlted hle o& Ti@. he vas n L. D.Todid dir Mensof Dundee,, Wtitg lira.H-s o!Ml 1 ber ung friands lant Tburad&Ysta played by Long Lobeenad ýxLake snd ver. gansstaIOver bob a Mondai lira iDr.'Taylor formeriyov Mnarblrthdai Party. - nov of St. Louis, fla calng on friande end viathig W. B. Stewart. 4fhEVL . Lyburu tevat pet bis vocation Chas.wiIi Fied Weetd-d vil -e wt i vif.=,and b0*07 01*> bie vif. 'sudOesa tsd ie pa-aura moter laouifor o feu k' b ty. il d0,Sonda ndltb la. C. E. W al INIV~ I L A ~ J W cure baibhemiafortun. lo be Own ohnemntedk oodofhbalenit uaa AdenOtl.hbaeeonhei bingEOonNbis aboulder s u elst for sonetitie, la nov abe tovimit L O U %ka gtig ong saiolde n d ghl. ashort promenodfeson the streset. 0 TeMulvey 1lidclne 'Co.. of Aurore, 8-ttlug ,vol uielgIot~ PC vîittem show inin n ibuu ibis ve.uroat'trouble, ila u cri"lalCondition:.flOM tSs Bauraynihtle ths lai uighl. Friday He la attendeS by Dr. Clark, 01 Or&ys'TUUGuv TIIE PIAI~4O'1VIAI% ig v in lbe amateur ulghî. lb u r Tbaliialoar .O151' lllhav u elrOonomovoe, Wis. i missionary tea edesay efne E-1 lns progro. la pnepsred. Dr.Roinson, fCa g, pro pepfor several dey onlat 'esb. eleventbT he L adi es' A id have pos poned te m ir aMr . D o a tto, of F o r I II and the score vas O to a tith ee it- WAS1Mmonihlî meeting until An .r. llolt, of RkflI lning. The . .JC.E bs amemSig i. l itira . . Wa estnevisita lira. John zangle anSdlir». John Dei- wthMe etha Whtee ting ' ay i'a. GetM~i arshal m oncaierbu bon rnotdbsns iWuegan UmssEva Herberger and ClardEffinger, u'ib Mi.s. Brh bi,'ua ia e.laealbisl e oa V M taou te ay. at au of Waukegan. visiteS ai P. Luo'thaeveilgeug ndslot of six ocr t e. aO.Tompolon firgt of the week. Ti .E. socleiy. vlmhldolCnIoaleatoE.130 lir. Alliet dayenetlndbr Herberger returued ta Chiago iai ie nte o! Mis. s C E.atern brother, daâter anSdniother, o Chicago, Eina.Fia vnn, u.9 a ns n 2 Sunday adelIo! agospu Mon haMlevj. ei n how vin lbe ln cake. ., ~ a ai~SHORT TALK.S BT Lymtan Aiel 1Ciao Pn -taira next weck. Miss L. M. Jamisson, 01 Kano" L T.taP day viblbisparents br.,came Friday to ePend lier vocation wilbT LO E I A A.Rduo a ISrsdn !Rud lir@. Henry sîlîlIoaser le entettaitlig ber parants, Mr. and lir. Oeo. Jamleon.- 1,Loke sud viiity aud bis vifs and sou . . . The msuy bielda o!flira, Bitai M . pli SIHale, 0f Beloit, Wi., caleS on lir». Mn. nnd Mrs. Frank Clark are rejolctng Lowrence, rbo bhm alvoyes@pontilbermieE d Sadie Meade sud othen relatives and aven the. arn', al of a bounclng baby boy. nommter& vitb os. bas gon. ta viai ber-MiSE friands uiaem(ýgibonhaod. lic. Buon The Lamabert Hayes Co., wIl give a daugbter neon Boston,.lBer daughter les umns hs some peuple bellev" à bai punebased o fruit fart nean show here lanth( oliera bouse. Saturd«y, Margaret bai gone with her. mesleini do. TheY -sa to tbisk HamnLusaa hr ea4bsAugu't . llas..Vivisu anS Mahal Sonner are . , My' proparaîlona fam il i lU m o e lu tI e near future. H ro d lijr a , 0f W aukegan, e t vîitiag fiend in DeK alb ttue week. ellA ns 'GAWin cur lira. Ben Summers and Miss Faur'y the liti-k i th mi hie eter, ro. clshmîendyvllla Uaiouyveegoet of lira. Allie Scheuer. VOLO 'î~:o uoa Kapple Tuesday. Mir. sp,,îenîuirg in building a fine John Schreiner, of llenry, @pent The et frodel 1sU - Armour le. House. esidenee at Giu rite. Mandainl Vola. jt'l. ctbar dsy I Tuea e mcbimrovntntgolg u rs.. J - .1. liluore in on tbe aick liai. Jake Sexton, o! Elgin. haiebeen visiting bar bqtbsmba i e SUJ.la ot the Amour ice plant ot Round Lobe in towvbo tli Wdghia Lille sea&ou. A large addition lanhinq Mrs. M'in. li ientetaitird Mise Siopey relatives intOirt ibs web, te rS bult on tbs hotel 01.0 on ibe tooliau ! ii01 uk Niek Frost, of Kettoaha, is visitiug bige bas Vds 0,-éde(. engin, bouse. A large number of cor- urtLAC parents bere. gs ebi oe petr r nployed sud tbey expeet taI r n r.C iln fWueaCoe eiM Chae o ', orr tbree mntnis vorb ta do. Ed Bru" i and ie afid Iii..EHîma .a pnS irs.C.a lon ai auegllnadhrhb Mt gr rFendersonwvi an ai geofWhite atîculî»l the baIl gante anudonce fanto. isias tscc.. Ws a lam iow tth olotbt plant sayeeverytbîng vîli at Lilly 1 la,i Sîîday.1 bc boverinuled sud ptIn #rat Clansecon- tira. Ili Lry @pent Sunday ands tMis ese (MaIe, o! Etluistesyan arsetbetlviennet ai .T e; dition. lunday îviili rieuSe in Chicago. Ru"s olsf ayfluh a usn aivrosalergaaa baa Tirn Showen. aud Wednesday. New the omly7thiàalalS for C<iope's m Lest SatundaY eveniug ai the bouse Ms l.ilokpn ame ii Ira. Levi aite, of Waukegan, clih eu in vew ar thet It vil> sdt bL pary, iesWinfre CombeanGges Phil Fary aniiifsd. on oit] frieuds ln Vola one day lait mcvi. tota avoka rdr ea'<a paty MssMinfrd omb a àif ibisIdoms, rbmsthamO*adttO. Laie, ggvu-a-tin abower ln botter of the (Oeu. Biai rturued ta bis bhime, in Miss îtîie Cousiausand Mins MunI kldasv sud lAvaitrouble cmaaV ones. announcement Of!h sud lies eg 81)(a atrspnina ekAuna Compton, of Round a-d the #où" dredout -<i- ur-li* Hv lie@ Bcth Thomsn onethe Patytia atCheiag îîîdy fersanndMuianmink= Bye Cboado Ti. lxii littv udfrind îesLaie, gîtent Suuday in Vola. inIIh>e~,I5yb affair vas gotien uOin ua vyen novel sud Mi , ilvstdMssK oiga MiéseFauny Sexton, o! Elgini.ti U in unique style wIl hafonded mahu pleFlortc fN, v stwe .K. Re s~ct of tic Misse.ogiesaand Lucy 5~taevhlW"tsud Moutl m WVf vl surprise and autusemueut. A luncheon ul t<lita wek. mnibl thia veek. sdo <rie sta d ste.. Dii A wa@s eryrdand the youg People joineS it îunu .pnt Suuday with is iainE.Wlohn au no il Mdo toa the o.slbe *yu--. atla a in sîugtog the popular sangs.,Ms aetea Wî~vlk.~aîkegaun, snt at week mi on sorthiIà> do more has bel, .ufl T Frederica liaeLachlal, oeoucfte L ÏIrudVl.CtandouQm" "80iW- h uetas anug "Te Roeary*' and "I Love Auîe doviQhe ine. What'a relatives in and arudol.Cranissmaab1'ieh dsa. lu 0Trulv, 1very eweetly. ltashe ntro 1' ri lsssAnnatMiler aud Maude anSdUihouO iGod la bis viad M«, "M aa Thomeson il evli buovu bovlng spent tr.lenIulranS Lillie calleS 04Elsie'ittun ivere jin Wauconda one day dey lu. us frail bu- &se MiufS R eeveral .uumeraluin yaob "md relatives -lie Nluiuday. hs v.of hovto cure thons. At promet BOOW viclnity. Mr. Totten held ibm position lMieFra"" sRaing .ae alRound Miss Fac, Coupo PsakeBa, yelcta ev dils M wu «.«b. sa v as dugitai the Uaylabe pbammacy Lake caller r,en"tby. Iocaloiu, Pa«M~ Gli.uuiIm e fodvr o s ad igts tm setaihomte tii. mcvi. là market, end peuple w"hs Rt8beit mas edtor -ofte Graysaoe INicopEia. Plhi Flary, Juin Phfonnesiill, Heu sud Mise Ciarity Raugbt la vsitiug lor the common DaMe se " gi leb* DES el. in promut luIteresteil libe Oea. tking at tendeS the bal gaine at relative@lu Cilcago and Wauiegau tuis Win Îho moretissa 8810184 ntan tumens ai Bye, Cola., it o Lily Laie SuîîîîaY. veek. Hemiera a£lttai ran.mas bu tildi brilîlat prospects eo.hm oi u oiSLaelaou il pIS! Miss Dick D liien, of Liiertyville, vas P-<5,;.[ o ~ tpe have ntsny trisuda boie..ithi Joînsbtîrg player. ai Jabneburg the guesi afilber sier, lira. Bsn PRoing vea.us's Thein mamiage îin toire place some Sunday. a. w fflreently. U Ont k aMW0"se 89 M ireti an. .Ske u on iol r 1stop yaur Paln free..To shou' tre. 8. J. Russel, Lloyd, Esther anSdfla<ieW SU le10trr 70e! amdiefoea. MiCriL.fY.Wsdes ay'orne xtne o le-efr o n enny-rs.Nttie ver. gues0ti of relatives lu 1 lu réo nembiftvssk Myib.sb visa 1Man .Ciy. A portion of ubeir viat lny Pink P"ra1-rbleba cn do. 1 Waubegan Jui veek. sebe'ami1bamiiesb55 land, tinte vil h. apent I Petieburg, 111. viln mail Ion ires, &'Trial P- siesada sr. osidin c m. M Th cntatea 'b obit o f o! thent-DI!. Shoop'e Beadacte 'ab eery ay.I s lmaathsbia UsIb Ferar loverlng tbe*m'Kuaer bulding, have jets, Neuttrîl, Beodaclie, Toothache' George CarreS Ston teitnez s. .lsatIbvarmla. i.Jsl completed t4ibrvorkb blbas added Period pains, .10,, ore dite alone ta fa"meNe 8tb veuWe. , s greai dee o ;thé a *neenae 1.blonS congestionl. Dr. Snoop's Rend John Kelly, 0f Ch pet sajolm fftri.- he$tM4* bs bns obncilache Tablets 9111>7 n vlu y iii îî lra. John Snda D u" "WL Md.D " tuth . coç" * a iitUg saa the unngtutrol blond ad M Johbave .l sud 'omri aid Ilpressure."'Thai ljemèË. Addrees Dr. enietalnlng relatives frainCcaugo. tisuseruso bm.~a - ~ Shop, Rcine, WS. li y E. i. Carroll la enertahlbabrothe a 3410b"bep 0wS ut L*f[be 4 la SrsSd WL~~ vilAU VAiLDkiffl. Immfr tchfl<. Sit Md muid blIND! Ol, Bendl Id &pl 4pft for U*1 w 7. -fi ai - f 1