IRIDAy, AUOUST 9, 1907 .dCOPEftCTIOPdER HOILS Ak4D RETAILERIS SUPPLIED WE DELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS -- --- - -- -- SOMETtIING NEW IN STABLE StffET«S I1OS~COVERS INE LIME OI 1IARNESS CfIIAS, He- KAISER Pure and WhoIesoî Ail materWas used at our Fountaitu are PUR] WHOLESOME. The ict isteaIw4ei pure and cleai water ta f resu and eparkling; the phosphate serv'ed in phate drtka is the pureet qualxty tht eau be ma Io especially valuable as a refreshlng tonte; the iý fiavoringe and ail, are ench ae eau be heartlly recomm to ohfidren am WGII as to adulte. GRAVSLAKE PIIARMA F, J. IDRUCIESProp. YoIIr chane osv ne fi ONE WE3EK We wiI SIEL the "BEST FLOUR .s.oo Per B. we wIII PAY I94~Per Doz. po~ Ilas lu Ntim eue te musemoi, of Chicuïgo, lueliii ci32i ein t Suuda. Y ~~4I1hb5VO ~ n ut. m # men ramuated ilim. rngton, in tb. msroew ~,duiug ovsute.& vu'p uit oiWit d farnuin bo.ulint.4mm m. f d. mthtsté 01 ad arui. Ch.t A. W. Broadwba .Oe5 Si rI eaytel Met rive ont. -4 etera1ku aWJ). W. E. blarai,1oldeesuate"< laMM r and wiie h ge Louisé Kitompsur t Reorn,iN, baie bsn at ne, lad., for nomuej Wsdussdare. anug bonms wlth MXi Ur. aid Mms Marshall Asweil arn He"sbsgWo séta for the prusent. psdig cuple of wesabe Paw Psy LkMiIai gueste 01ai nmon, Raràtw.ii aid wtt., of Chicago, Vi ____________ are apndng tbsr vucation their. anJohuuy Gis enMd fanily, Of Chicago, Mrs. Abe&es lr"n fronu Chicago a e I.gue0f Dr. id Nu. E. F. are vlaiug with ULMileu. Oshafer. The doctor entetalned is g= by taklng tiion around lu bis Soin, th Dr. Mud Ens..folley Batur- mn.w aula 1T1%. Binkit." daky, a 4.uglt.r, Wm. Saue spent Sunday and Monday iMrg. W. W. Applsyuiî ' waio n Chicago le CJhcago. viiter Fiday. Round lake bail fans plAyed te Jobuabng eamSunay.The report lee1U r. sud Mn, Dunin ententauned M. fili RundLiA scredtwo runs sud and Mii. McLeeit, of Wattkegan, Satur- thon rion out of paper. 1day andi Bunde._ Frak Marvin aud famly, o! Foi Miss@Rose DBiova, of Waukegan, Lake. celled on frisudu bers Mondai. W"i tih. guselof Miss liuühe Citten- The Woren'@ club beld tbeir aitunalde ud. plcmic lai wesk Tbay teok Farrols areent.etting comPat'y a lplic lunch and Ver. enisrtaiuued on fonu Chicago. Mis. C. C. Morril'. lawn at Foi Lake. They to0k a steamer trip up the Fox Mr. Dlley lu ver! ekH is mauy River te Meery and spent a very fri'nds hope that le" may speedily pesasant day. recover. Wrn. Jaluns, the. tallor, lu dluplaying a Mie AgnusDalule retururd Saturday âne. hue of feu aind winter samples lu bise frmm Dekelb wbem shelie s been attend.à wludow. Tii. predominate colore for ing mitool. fail suit are grey sud browu. Mme Lake wai ID Chcago the latter Carfl .Drue.bai puicbaied a lin. part of lb. week. aintoh te Buikie car and oa stand- ard make. Carlyle enjoya runainglit aid" gWi'ngr bis frieuds nmre gond lime top. L GLK Marshall Atwell, Ir., wbo le now a -amuted poice. on Wabaib Ave. aid Wil HucAS? afteeded the Waukeicen $tate aret spet Suuday witb friendo day olehaios st aIWukegan Moud&y. lu nugla&.Kies May Wilson returned te Zeudaj Net Suuday et12 o'clock wiLlicoeur Sundaal Ur spendlug a week witb ber1 the confirmation of WOlle Isasn, Charile cieter ber. bflat. sud AgatheaStritil. Tii.e sviSe wII la lield nt dis lame of W.. ân& Rev.' E. B. Wbitney, of Remingon, mOPd. II oduiet tan day revival at Ma aie ad Mer, wbo bai bsessxpend- lth. kwt H&E Urc eginunlg Wednes. ing th. putl week with iWm. lma Md day evesulg. AVng.7 iet 8 o'clock. famo elured te lai lame IDn c"go Ma Ch&ae.Tueker, Jr., son of Mn..sMd UMis eý Chue. Tuekenof tlis .plane wl. SscttyMms.Ma-7 Wiibas- b-eviBillng ber moved wuttà bIsfamiy tu Anakaih, mou&Zht1b10 Plan. Okla., ham tarhed a blekunillU @lap aid MUn. Waltr White wus a .ceut0 in .ia prLpero.botone. Ciiengo vister. Quest reVaralos are =angmade for M. aid Mii. Claire. of Chicago, am th. Soldinsagu Saillona' roulon b speadlng nmre- ime et lhe tanton1 ln to tuas plan lun Avg. 22 Mid 23. bouse. LOUIS J, YEOMAlNr THE PIANO MAN' auete i'eyoue .bouid7plan aid have Il phoo. .agood lime. de Mçl Seveauironben.atlsuded Waukeaff Ol7UP, Mr. and Mn.. John Meede aid @on, nenlded Erueqt am .pendiug a f6w dais et Waukegau.. Miese ielle aid Ernma Mller, of I.aAeBluff are psndluge 1w dajsel (' b li home o J. J. liongabaugh. Miss Froid* Panwllu, o! Chicago, ie viclting l t tbliii,. home. M. aid Mn. Robet Morrluey, of Chcago, woe. gueést tbhe borne o! Mr..naid 3mn.. Cai.Tucker ovsr Satur- d and aidSnday. Mnr.. Lewis, o! LilantyvilIs, l. vieting ber daugater, Mm. SprhWug.. Ulm MiAddie Feulon o!fChicio, pn Saturday a»d SuuA.y Wilhb buce soif &unt, M. aid Mns. Way n ovy. Don't forget Soidien' aid SallonaBRe- union AUg. I22nfi 28. Mng.. om Walsb viited bu er t Ring ood uday, whla lever!sic.- UmnGynth isi wan ea t abe home o! Mmn andin «aI. $ , R. B.Godr.y u'as a, wbeàago *1 Wed-edu. MWiss ublud wla bâs beu lslgltà Ber. lhou aid MI at P c Bburn , l07 rethueus hlae.MSarde. 11 Mm .CsavUmtwysd eidrena us gueste or ind",aIliao Ibis VesA. Mn.. Cas. Rock, of- Piua, Oblowa h.fe tmf M.dMr. .. r@John'Week ]eittWak., Ber. C. E.LHsymn.lie »wie getor tbis ciauw hbon mmd areysubon ba maesMry PepA istnumd WedaesGa fum 16rvil t* bfrist laliitVie*'. çqj Mr. WiIc itu lé.sof t Sada S iti P. CI. Wlber &,0 itl liatullIrashb"s tipbWtrouh -wM4.trhip4»d le «o vith'bie I. wt flýtee eldp*a Mm.. age sud daukhter spenlt Sundal at Libertyville. A number froukt tIis viclity were ini Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mms Becky and family vlsitedc at Chas. finyders Sunday. Mfr. and Mmi Fred Wnlgkt are enter. Wuling Mroi. Grant frm Chicugo. Mr#. Phelp and Mné. Merrili and daugbtere of' Rver Forent, are vbinlg Mr. and tirs. Suas Wrght Mr. and Mms Geo. Kapile are enter- taling relatives froni Atioci. Reyu. Lawler and Van de Erre wllb &bout twenty Libertyvllle boys are camping in Battershell'e frove. Look for the sanouflcsmet 0f a lawn socialte la beld in the nam futurs. - G elake Aid Societ.y wil i eet at huee mo01Mn.. FMDak Inalimb dé Thunday afternoon, Aug. 15. A cordial Invitation i. extended 10 a&l visiton. SA. Davis and Ralph wer. la Chicago Ayon business. uè ~ ard anti famfly, of Grant, epuit atC. L. Thpmuon'e; ClalyWat t tnertVtilUuSa friend fr0o ttiCity. isMary 8tenfor nd bote; b George Devin and Mv 1 1 . ~a "hug, spent a part of b p r et,.Davis.. The. Fort iii Clmbevp dahs4 Me Voloie ln a gamne of basebail Uuday on the. Paddock -gnuafef,, fl. purllng, of IR~sma"o a miese 10" Bg 13 of-IolftII vistaethle laméotbe t, Mi.lent *Paddock tblurnontb v Yi Tefort Hbo- bw eft wil a rive an les crue »teinau0 4ir. and Mm er et' niFja" playere. Comme toa Op svenugand1e he t. [J ROUND LAUC à»s Amean d farnlly attenidu cbureb et Volas unday. Ni&- sud Auna Miler aid Auna Rom-. deutesher visiteul at Fred Conv.rWs'sBon- day. Samuel Trrait spont Monday aud -Tnssda la oui barg. Deu Roslng upent Sunda' ID Chicago. Hamu' Neison lue.gendlug Ibis wesk "marn a lw te drive EouWg'.mules, b. niëÎ o runnswayi lot, Round Lako Marnons woe e al agal et Jobnaburg. Score "anough id"li. The. ride on on. of PWMIaBâoDa steimm .proved ton mucb erjlmmy Murris eundallafer helug 0ont boaa wik hoe homme sceland thonla. i. 111 question wbetben the filassewaibiougbt about the action of lhe lake on sous otber caus.. John Tuant aid Miss Elma Whte spent Snnday evenlng ex McHeury. RUSSL Mr». L. M. Sonner lu spendinig a few dayé in Kenoaha with Mn.. A. Murrie. A C. Corris aud faunly aid Mr&. R. G. Mduâ;. aid cildreu and Molly Colby p kucedl et Channel Lake Saturday. GeForris, J. R. Cornus and their famille. picaicked at Lake Michigan Bunday. Mrs. E. P. Suver and children took in Waukea day and ent a te* day. with frenda. Gilbert flsborn and family @pent Sunday et Guruee. A poidlrnany from liere took in Waukegan day and report a fine trne. Mis. A. 0. Cornes and chldren spent the firat of the week wtb MNs. Worthî Mré. H. 0. B. Young and childreu are expected homne Ibis weeki Mr. and hMn. P. L. Noweil i pent Sunday with finonds in Plesant Prairie. Rer. Pillamis wae entertalued over Sunday athi. D. Mrray'.. The Jadis ame pnparnug for a bazaar in the flanfuture. Graadma Faulkner bas been spending a few days at'Iohn Faulkner's. The Ladies' Aid Socety wilniest with Mm. A.C C rrn the limt Thudagy In Auguht on aMount 01 the fair la Sept. A good aumedance la e.rdou as It wll la the ununal meeting. ies Snaaa Krobebach epeait la« Tbnr.dow In Chicago. Chai. Ourler, of DeK.uib, made a buisstrip tu Vole on. dai resentiy. Mise Mande Wallon vlsi*d seUtves ai!ad I inluLIbertyville and Wauke- gea lait we. Mia. Della Kiwai, o! Waucouuda, =pentlwdayewtb Mn.JI. Kiwai George Adame, of Ble River Faits, ini. cadou old friendi lu Volo ans lay Laitwesk. UMsRuth Bacon, o! McHenry, le nlalting ber eun, Mie Jeunie Potter tbis week. Miene Reeie sud Lucy Conul were recent Grayalake visitons. Um Catherine' Dowell, of West Fnemont, epent Sunday In Volo. Mm. Seaa A. Howard, of Grant, epent a few days ID Volo.receutly. MisseLucy and Bes"eDunullmsent lait Thuneday lu Chicago. Mus. Jennie Coremnansd daugbten Muni, of Round Lake, Ver. lu town Saturday. Mr. aid Mn.. George Boer, of Chicago vliied the latter'@ pan"to, Mn. snâ Mm. Babel oven Sunday. 1 Mm. Frank Davis, Jr., and daughter Florence, of (Irsyslnke,, visited relatives in Volo Saturday. Ernory To Ver, qf Chicago, la the gust o! Mn. and Mn.. Ambrose Raugbt s few days tbis Veel. Mm. Nolie William, a! DeeMdoines, Iowa, and Mn. Lon Ruseil, o! Chicago, are gueste o! Ibeir motber, Mns. Leur& Huson. Rer. J. R. Bail, o! Weuconda, will hold service. lu the Volo M. B. chunci oery Sunday aitennoonet 2:30. 1Eveny- on. lu Velcomre. The lad"esof tbe Vola M. E. chuncb wiii bofldai les crean social a et .horne of Mn. and Mm. John Wallon, liedu-, day evening. Augut 14. Evsnyonoe cordiyiy lviled. Corne snd buars a good lime. ANMR~ Frank Shugert, of Rocîkford, 111:, 1le vislling hie tinter, Mn. Albert Barn. stable. Mnm. H. Osmond vislted et Solon Mi le lait Fnlday. Tb@ Rebekabe wil i ve san am Social ou the laVus o! Messis. e aid Crlbb Ibis Friday .vsulng. Ail Odd Fellowesud their erives are invlted te attend. 'Our talion, Mn. Chnisteushubai rn ov.4 bis business tilo the J. N. C#ou building ont ac lt o!0nciais o! rad e. H b &Ibso movsd bis fauniiy lolo on. of Uai E'4Mes a oum. lu Jolanotl's addtion. 1 b*inaD a.sluen quit. i* kwth *" ei.Goebh oncis. om.a bavee.old ibý for a Ioub. Io Mi. ~sn$n ss o illcbte replace hie Mrs. Allant, Boaishi.endmca mr» 'sôomFidegtrou &*Wbl 'l burpan.ts in ocktird,itL TMienn -Ml.Rallie Milor a44hiqi MeMeluon, o! Lake Villa, lle~i B"haBurnusllTusedy. !awis FoRer»a&"fs!uy hi9e-emoyaid inio helnnewbç'là uw,,ol*e i aBelle (tillat, Mn.. Taylor toit for Milwaukee to vW1 ber brother Oaturday. Umse laod, o! Cbcagospsnl Saturday andkya t Mn.. Geo. Straug. Mise lues Pollock vwwledwitb MmnA..UN Jrob Fute, everal dayo la Waksn. nLâmnneAunes .41Tussdayte etay for ome $tus lu Mouais. B cmay fiies wyVIP n o ekbow thalýIÉ ber hatisdéueofelmate. mmn..Dfodm so i MX". Jackson, of Chicago, for ah a. Miss u M. J&mWis0ou sp eslw d=y AT AMANN'S KM la Oicagonerm lug mm~ dy Vhi e mii. A. E. Stewat l in râi*w ber daugbler, Mgr$. Décnnan. Muskd ag.aOai Mnm Josephine Mthewu bt for I3a a C kdFuPm 44 Kenoaba te visil relatives for ai fsw fuiaSm t' weeks. Mns. John., of Elgin, visileil Mm..GOG. k. 0 1=1111Co" sSas Gerity aid Fklday of lait week. Dora, 10 Mr. aud Mrm. John Trotter a _____ daugfiter, Aug. 1. Both doing well. Miss Ruby Gililuge Von the. walch A AII* I< f fronu the Mulvey Cornedy Co., ai the "MANN 5"eW5N W niat popular yonng lady in Milîburn. MAabel Chope Von second. Roa as Quite a number front boe attended Waukfgan day Mondey. Mr. aid Mm. Richard Trotter, of Chicago, have possession o! Mmi C. A. Mlathews boue for a moulu. Mr@ C. A. Mathewe relnnned fronu keuo;iua, Fiday aSorpaiied hy ber niec who will stey e feu' weeks lu Ibis vicinity visiting relatives. Mfr. aud Mm.. Brockway, Mr@. l'ant and Mies Leurs Brockway, of Wauke- gan. cslled on C. E. Deninan, Tburaday. E. C. Vooa retuned te thecityMondav having spent a week with bis frieud. Jee Denrnsn. The' C. E. eucietv will give a lawn social tonaMiss C. E 'Ba ter's lawn, Frlday eveniug. Aug. i. ILe cream and cake will be served. Rernember Ibejdate. Mr. Karwu.e returned te Chicago Monday baving @peut a short tirne wltb A. 0. Selson. HAINESVLU. Mise May Cleveland hbas gone tu Chicago te work. Telephones bave been lsced la the bornes et Mr. aud Mmi. C. 1. Walt and Mr. and Uni. Chas. Hall. , Miss Viola Shanko spent Sondai witb ber saut, Mmi. F. A. Rawling., Mn. T. Gilbert called on Mn.Chas. Hall last week. Last Fridey Mrs. Bsn Surnr gave a Pink Tea lu bonor of ber guese, 1Mr. E. Meier and fsuuily, of Chicago, wbo wll1 rernan Io weeks. P. Brittein bas returusd 6mr Dakota bringlug bis mother and four brothers tu live witbhlm. Mine Jenule Acres Lu visiing MM. Cleveled. -Melville Tapper, of Eidera, Ohio, caIIed on bie grandrnother, Mm. OsTos on. day lait week. Mm. nowles and Mn.. Burton, of Ohio, seut a fsw dayis with Mmi. C. E. Wait cbisweek. Mms. aud Mis@ Hall aud Mms. Fritsch Ver. Chicago vislitons Tussday. Mmi. C. E. Wait neceived a new sury trom ber buaband as a birthday pissent. Sarah Foi called ou Mn.. Cleveland Sunday. l'il stop, your pain free. To show YOD first-before you &pend e pennY- what rny Pink Pain Tablets cam do. i wli mail you free, a Trial Package of them-Dr. BSp'uHeedache Tab- lots, Neuàralgia, Headece, ToothechO, Penfod pains, etc.. are due ulone tu blood congestion. Dr. Onoop's Head- ache Tebletaslrnmply kil pain bY coexlng sway the. unuatural blond pressure. That lu all. AMires. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wl. Sold by Anl Deriers. IORY. TALESBY, iL. T. COOPER. &t!laow TO EMm? *esb m u . ' a ssd FARM MACtiI1 Of ais Kl** Wlth Thoroughn.e AND Lspatch Wear. to -Me m0 5k n euil trou = eehouaiQ broken Ver. offteel. Tbl M appreiat". mutW. gueua. don. by thipcs etoU"glej WILLIA cflAV o". our t<AiTW. Tbe TGm4Iwk e eÇ 1 aglke ' ' Restourlut Meus aend ups CIGARS aMWiÇANI LAUSOUX OPFtIE Phous No. 19. MIS& FMMA UESLAffl, mi ov To oui of Townt Orders And Shlppug Trade ---------u------------- *mo.m:oe::ms:uêoeoeuuusu::S::: ::::. 'I I e. 'til (mel LÉ and ------- - -------- ---------- l y ------------- ý:ý t', 1 î