Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Aug 1907, p. 4

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ÇO1FiM Y PgPE 0F LAKEC OUNTY fT omoee No. 1. Mitosrs igesdehte Taoplsuso No. M4. lbertyvwe Eachenge. Aweeé aatePOUsOMOe t4lbefrsyvlllo 11M. »as eoma cito a aer «Mm5 WOusL. auve5iTUI5a rm m sUiS £501On £PPLIOATIOR. MTIGN PRICE 01.50 PER YCAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE . . ....................................................... £dftos1 eWIAY, ýAUGUST 9. 1907. MIS MXSTERS VOICI- ff Pltcissd o the Fortli Pled- as mucis from tise Rond as frOm thep ,c-~ircuit hua vOn a great deal of GoverumeOnt. It 18 easY to see visom vasory nOttot by hig action lu bce vlU serve thse bet in Congress.. eta~0 Norths Carolina, which Cbsuncey Deprew vos dravlng $10-.i àà estIaiied byT a wrlt ci injunction 000 per year for years froitise Equl- eirngapleerrate table Life Insurance Co, aud nov 0 ji.e f Ivo =d netti cents lier Ciauocey etands lu thse same position Ptcis> hoida thons rate tOo! a man cauht vlth thse gOods. but it6sc r 1 ntwtstnln ts Tis estoed tisem, visen "dîscover- ett **eér laaes are enjoylflg a twoceut ed.1 ~fderate, sud yet uo rattroad bas Pregldent Roosevelt la reported to lon Ito baukruptev on accouint of ho ts9'ing to cali Pritchlard off from 41L runlog amuclc vitis Nortis Carolina, S opse uuknd person bas suggested but niaybe Prtchard tbinks tisat tho _htnot many people kuew, that Bethero Ralway had more to d ýgg Pritchsard vaàoutllrecentlY a vils pttlng hlm on 1the bencis tiss 2,4l si attorney for the Southera Rail- Roosevet dld. an>' sd thit Rond put hita lii the- 'Unitedi Stateii Senate, snd 15er belli- Mr. Rockefeller again shows his qd 4 tout blm on the Fedsral bencb, business acumen by. demanding $92. vlsere lie lt nov handing Out bot 76 due hlm as wtness fee. altisougb declslo"s" vilch, If tey lied be.f tise- information lie gave thse court &Ïwa nb>1the attorueyis for thse Souths- wasstt wrtis '10 cents lu plugged art~ Road, coulA nt 'bave been more nickels. ~m siaconecten,11.mtgst o dt- Apparontl>' thc oly feeling aroused1 it -ho a favorite acheme vîtis b>'tise organisation of!as tfeatrical lin ekeep lis attorneys on trust l îljenervsthrta ,#à»>W-tn1'visn lseY break lotû leave, anytiîng bealde Use alrsilp on-- ,= eOnce, viers tise>' e- ofleu dustry frse front the tentacles of tise1 masters" btter than as octopusa *n ar it vus recety 'es-- 4tht tis.e êu8ylvOIila Rond , If tier ver. any place large1 b"ïu a Oogreasan ef that enougb. thore mlght b. a confereuce 4»Mffl shle be vaw»s& memiler of putobe pubilcan candidates for ,ge.thug gettlug four Urnes thse tates Attorneyoisip. PROI,1111TION IN THE1 SOUTH. SwavO 0 or ibitbou, wjvisiuc i e c.a lairgo majority ofe ouatle eielg os« e uis o«utg laone of thsed&Y. ProUbtt»b buasbOon cousldoeo ~g gplidoal sd ioral igenous 3o Mev Ulgland and bas Iu. *bat tihe douaIT>'ve! dIcateotme tendelicy tu flearisis là ýt*yeers sMe tise préou e ua oo- t"r semmtIeoo but tisat ~IbUGi KW wo vuld go tir>, antU lsoloulti Atisi a poverful p-oWth la 4s8* tirouth effoi dextenti regions , iseeeem m sacretitemli Mker cletsosof tisýe sutslulli* mgooi wdeltl bourbon wilkOy loïxe 5eea conederei a vii la an incrodiltablo as it ln ma11>'en-1 »Mibu thé s 114 tringent omagin*. It la a couilain d not1 1" a ut alopffl b>' 1the a.tisoor>' 1.1101 Uey my "-oanta for 11a4 a slMd a lon Ueth e rwth o prombtion ln tise k*U i& iptlsu udos' bkbh ts. Tise moral Influonce ot Use t"mtises s btle 1.prohib. qrog shope lu eemmnutlos vierea 1 solsp* the ew e ly.coun- largo part of tiie population are nos- XIPO ' leuhlra glaIe, 4Ken tes -lae fi-allshtvh -051011 OvNI dan- 'Tenesee,.Alaispisa 'aant gers -tisaipubiliesentiment la foyiied iUte proseuO dfar lovent a te prohibition as tise ouI>' refuge rblionofUle boue Irat- from unondurable ceudton., SLÔT MACHINES TIR UP PENNIES ,0 ise sfIliei lt la p, ar- - se auter Of tise royal mlit 4lam0. Tiera Ira boc 0k~ nqtrosmati" inn ao8«u vièsics ppi>' ma, .e- mac ea.ciolat. 0"é.,ou Igy' Motsysteni have develo: - twu cene' Titi. ATsut C., bon e !tle. Till e Umtoed "ielTemple Did. WaabqiaiL. t'I. LOuisJ. Qusra;. 8ocy. .W &Mtrde te State Bank o mise ora,36 oe. lu a. W. U 4etai 29, Sheridan Tovnsipi, W. D.. Cfeltt ClerS to W'. B. Smtii. Souths Valer street, bolveen Mrket atteet g<8is1dan RasA, Waukegan, tai 1) Ullardt t Hermnan Gsaman, 9.% Po»U'a gs uis of Norths part ëM 9 g MoKa>" 2 adi, Waukegan, oi Use e t at sove? 60000,000 Peu- nlm, vla t à million sud a Quart- eo- dollars, are eontlo"aly loked up l liee machines5 , .anldti esoquenUlY wtbsirau frein lûtIonOie STise effect o!t tias uay 1e roalled visesi It la remsombered Uat t.111 aumnt oxceeda Use total Issue of penie. dnlpg Use,years 90 93 andti 190.-BlIboard Deaublmen, lot 31, blotti 17, Waukegasi CicaoeTille & TrustI Co.., teJ H X.eiCormlek,. lot 4z, biock I9, Cblea-. go ulgilais, $.MO 83IL A. Cuuiminp and vite to Clar- ecce HIckb, lot 14s Cunmlna & Qas 14orti avenue ad. tatcgu W. D., 1. A. Feloc sud vife to U L b. ItlIeu- 7 acres in, lot 3. Secto 16, 'Warren Towoabîn, W. D_1 676. E. W. Erb aud vIte tW Leosi Van Haeoe. ,lois 2 and,8., 11* 8, Kirk & Povell'a ndd. Waukeg"i, W. D., Obîcage Tille &,Trust f». tu lins, M. P. Wlgglton, lt 17, blo« 9 Obi- cage Hlgllaodst, $810.1 Crftsmons iguilAI.(igbsianiPark) certificats o! Increase e! capital te froni 84,600 10836,000. Igma A. 1fevard snd issbaud tu Xîcholaa Finley, . thM"re-uarteree' lié,. Waaver anti huaband t 1 1, oadjgauel ete ~~~$oe.~~~~ locsSni ieGad rant Tevwnsip, W. 1D., $937.£0 B. uta E i! utenîli t sret,'Mary Darrot te J. H. Nelîseh anSd Mon W. 1., $25. ar lC. M. ltikelselult q, blook'ý1. Mdi e,ý eer and vifete o ohnlot 4, blocS t, Dartetts sui, Waisko- iv# feset lot 7. Dodge's suis, g9n, W. D., $455I" 0'.1 .! r -W. 1),$1.oJohn Gorrit>'n ié oJE 1 8-efpts t. Coss.regtion o Broywn, lot 12, Evas" sui, HigisvepAI Wreae", bout 3SU acres onuiQ. C., $1. MOOt oés et m ver, lu Carolne B. Lyon te tCbas, ,Peersoi, le. ,CuaTeublW. lot 2, block 3, HtointinhCs f subé Waukegan, W. D., $2,460. &yCaxte Xa.114Wiundlvîd- Ce. A. Mullery ta E]mee34. t4l$sen t lot.. 1 te 16, biteS , di. at oslot 6, block ., Utiery'ou, $ 0oIt blt tYu e ti, LaeitsObicamo, 'W. D., 8$M0 mis b - IL Sa>'lorand vil 1étaeel 71551WItL. WEO. Ü 1-t U.blocS 44 Ds'eyor's Bartist i lt, 73; -À" jà iWumo, lis (tilcugo. W. D, $176. li air>' J. Tlemas, $d' Ailce tLuc»e Fe »eiipskanti vf. te G. EvnGtrlsud. 18. S112.block 4. Deyor's Clare iso lrey 4.3lÇp; n ~cloag. W , . ne hemfsma, bI Md Pwitu40 0. a ~ ~ ~ 94~,Csob;- I ~..L Fk#db ieuAitueItmo up WbyIM 5I il,- ut wbis é vo vLàlRnt 4ad fl* 5 9rpl"**o akýue.A . fi - %% n 127 M bjlI1$m9!uuse 1)1,00-vwsot tisa mj sèUnI> iJs dtinsu-'Wie liber w*âail&C o t i)ssaw ll &un vti tisss sv1 ltisuautT 1w Tle non- IsaelMW peho6bvebutgeti lise 8 $ou atlu &4bon4&~u ta borrov 4i,, fÔ oru- pur- pisi'S ekud tmm us onâfrtats solAI ag*ln amd tise 8100,000 usa bonu o m<oseure, ladutu-le its No pay "Y' moie builit autehlnsoo, Kan., Ios making rapld progreos- Irougi tise efforta of a 1ew of it* busines mon A eoIml y 1wu forused tu buiid a'trolley roand dtise entie stock of $80,0W wvswsulid in be plc.Ehî mvaise of rmd havebenu an.tsu t lezWeted itIi111mure wiU be; *11)0,W000 vaigusoubserihl 10 tise %tock o! a large soda. asis facter>', tu eluploy 5,0100 Peuple. Enough tllustratioous bave Ibe e ct to show tIsaI viai le requlred la psit> of effort, overy Citizen of Ibis clty &okiisg bold and dolng wisat le en ai d in a campaigu of publirît>'; »Il amsuuw the roil of bijoster. 81à,dl'ut siow tihe kockers w lirever tbsu may be fqund. MUST se-RMPRTED Fins ef $1 to $100 May ho Imposi for Each Offense and Law* l te Se Enforcoil, Il s DetermIned efforts 10 secure tise en- forcemeut of the law compelling theo prompt sud complote reports of brtit. ara blng maie b>' tise Illnois Blate Board of Healtis. In tise latet ment:s Iy bulletin of tise board, visicislas r.. plt. wUthinteresting matter, atten tion la icaUed 1.0 Use fact that au) pisysiclan la hlable for'fallare ta moite reports. lu oee latanco a tateas attorney caused tise ai-test of a prom- tuent pisyslclan for toiurae1.0 compi> vits Use 1ev. Referriag 1ttotis smatter, tise bosards bulletin s": Tbejshysiclaus of tise tate vise have Miafeatei coualderable Indt- ermae te lise efforts osthspart ô! the. Bte BDard of Realtis god tise vartoum oüanay cierts te secure prompt and coplots reporta ef bîrthsa are awakuslt u te ia rasatioa Usat tise, reortns -of 515155 la net au .«ply fom n vicisthey -sY go t$0rns*hattiseur Ulaoetlon 8Il'attorfeys lnunmre parti or tw.ý%«e amtikins oçualace ox the ropqtod i olatoas of Use law omurouaIi Use ieperting o!t,11111.5 ad deathq o -gun@eue asdoclareAI tisaI 1ho Witteo@sa ht the proviiions of!h Use st aMeceapiel vitis dvep If hoein cmp@elste esspl e>'s et tirasiAImosuirea te acceuspîlaio i 'entis. To guv, a true rigi e! SIncerlI>' te his docklatloa 11e asei tise m,- rest of me 0prouisenin pkplclo.i IWho vu takea u te ecousit> JolIisbytise siserli autiWvisevas coupelaitu te- m1151-a thUe isatle uutl l M helated friends aecured bail. Tise law- proiios o fineoe!f nut loua tMon $1 nor mèeatison $100 for fait-, ure to report binihs, aifd ecocered action on tise pout of sMate'* attor- neys, visereaial vlolalers vooeu ho pitteecteti. vould routier ladfeamSo 10 tila prticulr Iav an excoeinely exputve niattor te maný piyslas. It aboulti hardI>' hoe tecefarI to« tise olicer of tise lav te take action tu a matter of Uhs s Snd. Complote i-oeturne ofbîrtisa and deatbo ara ln- dilpesuble te accurate' vital stalle- tics and vital tatistlci are o! ineati- asablo value lu propor cootrol of tise ipublie 110511. Continuante Granteil. A 'contînuance of s veek, agreed upon b>' tise tates Attorney aud tise atterueYa for tise defeuse, vas Fri- day granted lu tise bearlng o!flira. Roses and Salvatore Mutd, charged vlUs murtier. Tise tva vere brougbt betore Jus- tice Orvîs Iste Frîda>' afternoosi Tisye>' sathIs oid lydlfferance tisrougb tise short proceedioga. Attorney .J. K. Orva of Orvis spd Edvards, thoîr dfendent' appearei for Useili. 4 At Iise ce or Iboe procoelnge. Mms Ros anaked if fu-le svould be allowveto te lt ber - Wtise jail. Il vl »robably hé arrngeI.The lisr- fuir lm $0 be beld et 10 o'clock next Cas e lmîsuil. As tise remuit of a raid où tise Min- anlo IrJ.~t-ex 1.0e, Saturiay, varal éer irved on Meura.lBer- tick antid meGe »Kelti>_444ttiseCaues were tbiss bot-ami dkoansiss e oré Justice Mturl.e es tbe plea e! Orvis anid ]Udvtdit, atiel'aS fetise de. tendnt. tâtis hUe i>nslabsnts, mes ors. Quayle>sud DB'igert SM not put lu ku apbefitante.. Cauda Tbled* NoSUoe. Notie lutaipetouo -specaI A f i~p ~ "aom&.01!Teso Mtenipi PaId to'epilMiý WAUKEGAN, IWNOIS f '-.5.. vwse ie ougu huG»dbroet* 3 ta qiisbol, ai tho air Iu"algT~buaIotteCarefuly 8010C SUP~RQRVALUE le prion w obaue, oompared with what "orage rotailerand wagon men get, grade for gr ARE MCHLOWER ,d wM lgilve se muchmore atactiou to LOVERjS 0F (OOD TJEA 7h. followlng grades comiparaîtdc Perlb.s.eîma. î HRR SIJN.DRI JAPAN ........ 35c 33c MU4 ér old aI SOC) k4CY SUNDhIMDJAPAN.-I........O5c 46c (A SPc grade)> HYLON AmI IDIMT& ..... .c46C (Wagon mon aok 00C te lac) ORMSA OOi..------------60c 58c (An 80c quaffty> EoE TU B st 'Arç mcte Caugfordlt o u h@aacwu et utsCWdWuàd. Uialhibau2i!. Evez>' mua ýso Lam wo àmwî înwWdotuporiony-îb rwooderful ve"u ad d ýf "-oée mnit.q We shw a rmsrk&bL>odiveamy li die" auuboeuci »M"and fabrics we dsplay. X 'le 'le4<"e __________CALL AND iE. US And Soe Simepls Before th e Fair ~O~FOR SALE: «et ail 'yott eau out of your 1dle mouey. 1 eau oferi yen FIVE PER CENT SPZCIAL AS8$SSMBNT', BONDS on ax"d towne as LAKE FOREST, HIGHLAND PARK, EVANSTON and WILMEflTE.j GEORGIE ANDERSON LAKE FOREST,j ILL DR. C, R. GA=LOAY. Os-tIcSOVES LoviLLsDabeu"tsuI. aouss-from 1 ta Sad 6 ta 8 P. M. Llbertyre, DMouis. W. W. DIEDfICtI. OptemetrlsbaLid Optilan'--' EVE SPEÇIALt$T Fridayes ud Sateirdmys Bourm 9 to11:80 a. n., 12:80 t 9 p. su. No charge9matie fr ensslaton Libortyvuil, 1ni. EDV. P., giWNKE UNDERTAKICU and EMBJALMER Raill])&Y, Illinola Telepisone Cents-ut DR. EDWAE2)V. e IT 011e.Sud Residaee oppoulte Ay'aley'e PisOne Ubertyt-ifis 06" Lises-y I se 887 Fui i ai f.' s PAUL MAC OUFFIN AmTRNECT LT LÂw. Lîbertyviq, lilinola DENTIBT. OVES LÂKI OOUIÇT XIATIONÂL BANL noum-4 tu 12 a. .Aaàsd 1 to 5 P. M. DAILI. DGOLDtG DENTIST Rour 8 to 12,a.xn-1to 5 P.M KalierBlock Uibertyvline, I-ilt4is DR. P. StHUspmwL. 'Pispué 471 DL . J.LTAYLOR. OroU ovna J. tu. "" Lno. XOURW-T te 1,0 M. 2 * 4 and 6 t 30 43i LSWORTIi VVILLE, ILL. vues rue brffu - esco=lte Mr 1CS r. etc. & Co Cam" aaillut ... ,Now watch things grow« Will. be lu order »ew,. but 'whlis yoUi artàenjoying the" . Ptgton and 0MI-up your IARD COAL'Bins ...Yon viii wmtItlat;...... m do it i>ow A SMNYan WOkRRY..Iti mIuýply beatilus Inane.f YOU eau radis wote hickeni and gPt more Egp withi IWD CUMOfABE!Mtbaa#*y other; try it-, ý 1 a", !% 1 fflPIE 1-

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